View Poll Results: You were dumped because...
Your dick was too big length wise
2 |
7.69% |
Your dick was too big girth wise
2 |
7.69% |
Your dick was too small length wise
1 |
3.85% |
Your dick was too small girth wise
1 |
3.85% |
Your dick was totally cool, chick's insane
!@#$%!, atsonicpark, floatingslowly, gmku, jon boy, lechaoscestmoi, samuel, Sonic Youth 37, TheDom, Toilet & Bowels, Trasher02
11 |
42.31% |
Your dick was the USS Enterprise
3 |
11.54% |
Your dick was the Millenium Falcon
5 |
19.23% |
Your dick was Suchfriends
3 |
11.54% |
Your dick was Bali
2 |
7.69% |
Your dick was a vagina
5 |
19.23% |