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!@#$%! 06.08.2018 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
A new charge against Manafort.

I would love the Trumpists in this thread to carefully read this, and then tell me (again) that the Mueller Investigation is going nowhere.

“as a man of faith, i put belief before fact, therefore the mueller investigation is going nowhere”

like that? :confused:

tesla69 06.09.2018 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I would love the Trumpists in this thread to carefully read this,

is it ok for people who aren't Trumpists to read this too? It is dry reading but the gist is he got caught money laundering income earned helping Ukrainian politicians linked to Russia, and not the Nazis like the US-backed regime now in power (e.g.,

!@#$%! 06.09.2018 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
It's called reindustrializing the United States. The same thing was done over 100 years ago when the USS Maine was built with the design and every last screw being entirely American made to force the development of a modern shipbuilding industry. Reinvigorating the economy is the goal.

make the horse and buggy great again!

Skuj 06.09.2018 02:11 PM

This just in: Russia's annexation of Crimea was Obama's fault.

!@#$%! 06.09.2018 03:27 PM

jeezus fuckin christ

the “genius dealmaker” would have would have would have

he would have...

like he would not have been captured in vietnam, like mccain, but bone spurs got in the way

if only!

he would have

he would not have gone bankrupt six times no no

Skuj 06.10.2018 01:35 AM

Well President Trump, that was an absolutely fabulous first visit to Canada. Your twitter tirade as you departed made us all proud. Bravo, Sir. Bravo. I trust that the Kim summit will be just as fruitful.

(In case you cannot tell, I'm being sarcastic. I'm Canadian, and I am proud of my PM's conduct with regard to Trump. What a fucking disgrace.)

!@#$%! 06.10.2018 11:48 AM

The “art of the deal,” according to the supposed Rembrandt of this art (a six-time bankrupt), seems to be this: Ask for the universe, settle for one of Jupiter’s minor moons, claim that the moon is actually the center of the universe and was the real goal all along, and that only he — not Metternich, not Kissinger — could have plucked this flower, safety, from the nettle, danger.

!@#$%! 06.10.2018 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Won't you at least hope for the best from this summit?

“hope for the best” = “believe the huckster”


Skuj 06.10.2018 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
But see: Larry Kudlow on Justin Trudeau: 'It was a betrayal'

Additionally, you must admit it's burnished his tough negotiator image leading up to the Singapore summit. :cool:

Trump sent out his inexplicable tweets (Trudeau said nothing that he hadn't said before) and, as usual, Team Trump was dispatched to do backup duty.

It's mind boggling. Trump accusing Trudeau of being two-faced. You saw Trump prior to, during, and after the summit, and during the summit I couldn't figure out what calming drugs he had taken. Kim is going to notice this, surely. I honestly do hope for the best regarding the Kim summit. But how can you trust this fucking idiot Trump?

Skuj 06.10.2018 09:41 PM

Putin is a wonderful guy though!!

Fucking mind boggling. I'm living a bad dream.

evollove 06.10.2018 10:23 PM

I have no idea what sort of president would have to come after Trump to undo the damage done on the world stage. Ghandi times ten or something.

I am glad some people recognize Trump isn't America. It's easy to equate a leader with a nation, and I appreciate those who can make the distinction.

!@#$%! 06.10.2018 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I have no idea what sort of president would have to come after Trump to undo the damage done on the world stage. Ghandi times ten or something.

I am glad some people recognize Trump isn't America. It's easy to equate a leader with a nation, and I appreciate those who can make the distinction.

he’s a big portion of it though

the worst portion

Skuj 06.10.2018 11:07 PM

Some in GOP are fighting back, but most aren't.

But it's not the fucking GOP anymore. It's The Trump Party. It's fantastic (in a terrible way) what we are seeing.

Sara Huckabee is going to knife Trudeau tomorrow also, isn't she?

!@#$%! 06.10.2018 11:08 PM

was just watching a tv documentary “the price of empire”

the mob does love a dictator

Skuj 06.10.2018 11:08 PM

And....once again....where are the fucking Dems? I suppose I'm reading the wrong web pages yet again.

!@#$%! 06.10.2018 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
And....once again....where are the fucking Dems? I suppose I'm reading the wrong web pages yet again.


Skuj 06.11.2018 01:11 AM

Yeah.....fuck. Schumer basically wants to just let Trump be Trump. Hey Chuck....that's not enough. Do your fucking job.

I keep trying to figure out how this happened, and the I remember that Obama and Trudeau had a bit of a bromance going on. That alone might explain Trump's actions.

I find it very interesting that Trump waited until he was flying off to do this, rather than face to face. Trudeau didn't change his tune one iota when that final conference was going on. Why was Trump so "nice" face to face? It speaks volumes, and Kim will understand this.

ilduclo 06.11.2018 11:17 AM

lookin good


The Soup Nazi 06.11.2018 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
lookin good




Skuj 06.11.2018 05:24 PM

It really is amazing how Trump has unified Canada on this.

As an aside, did you guys see the video of Trump arriving late for that G7 meeting?

!@#$%! 06.11.2018 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
It really is amazing how Trump has unified Canada on this.

he’s a uniter not a divider lmao


Originally Posted by Skuj
As an aside, did you guys see the video of Trump arriving late for that G7 meeting?

i try to avoid seeing depictions of the archdemon

i break out in hives when i do

ps- i come to this thread to suffer

!@#$%! 06.11.2018 07:53 PM

okay, and now for some chuckles. times like these, we need humor.

Skuj 06.12.2018 12:15 AM

I'm so conflicted on this whole Kim summit thing.

One the one hand, I believe that actually meeting and talking can lead to progress and a better world.

On the other hand, Kim leads the most repressive regime in the world. Why does he get royal treatment, while allies get the shaft?

If Trump can make progress towards getting NK into the world community, I'll gladly congratulate him, and admit that he is calable of doing something worthwhile and good.

h8kurdt 06.12.2018 04:03 AM

Problem for me is that he wanted and raced about how Obama was cosying up to Iran and blah blah blah, when the North Korean regieme is worse than any of them.

It is totally bizzare how here he's showing some diplomacy that has been sorely lacking.

!@#$%! 06.12.2018 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I'm so conflicted on this whole Kim summit thing.

One the one hand, I believe that actually meeting and talking can lead to progress and a better world.

On the other hand, Kim leads the most repressive regime in the world. Why does he get royal treatment, while allies get the shaft?

trumpo loves a tyrant. democracy, law, and institutions are laughable to him.


Originally Posted by Skuj
If Trump can make progress towards getting NK into the world community, I'll gladly congratulate him, and admit that he is calable of doing something worthwhile and good.

if my trump university diploma can make me a millionaire i’ll do the same

so now trumpo in offering to renounce military cooperation with south korea lmao.

another ally getting she shaft.


then again he might just be suckering kim

Skuj 06.12.2018 02:41 PM

Yeah, I'm basically reading (the non-fake news places) that SK is surprised by this talk of ending the military exercises, and the military presence in the region. Amazing.

Kim must be pissing himself with glee. He scored 11/10 on this.

tesla69 06.12.2018 04:21 PM

It is a lot of talk, wait to see...if Dennis Rodman is crying about it, you really have to wonder.

Reducing the US military assprint in Korea and Japan would result in billions in savings a year, billions in savings that can be given back to the most important taxpayer: me! Opening up the N Korean labor force to the world is an oligarch's dream - lower pay than Haiti! It will be a great place for Americans to retire cheaply. I'm buying oceanfront property there with authentic ocean views!

I really haven't looked at this site in months but this made me laugh...

evollove 06.12.2018 05:04 PM

So N Korea isn't really a country. It's underdeveloped property. Holy shit that explains a lot.

Skuj 06.12.2018 05:06 PM

I saw the Rodman thing, and all I can think is....."you don't really know what is going on in NK if you think Kim is such a wonderful guy."

I think that part is what leaves a very sour taste in my mouth about this summit. I believe in meeting and talking, but do we have to lavish praise and ignore human rights issues? Can't this thing take place with a goal towards movement on those things, instead of ignoring them?

An American came home from NK in a coma last year, then died. No nasty tweets about that, but lots of tweets attacking my PM?

Skuj 06.12.2018 05:44 PM

Did you guys see the video that the WH produced for this?

Kim must secretly think that they are all fucking idiots if they think he will fall for such schtick.

tesla69 06.12.2018 08:10 PM

I could never pretend to have any idea whatsoever what or how Kim thinks -

meanwhile, old Mueller plays the classic Deep State 'trump card - national security. He indicted Concord Management and now claims he can't show them the evidence against them due to national security. Classic!

!@#$%! 06.12.2018 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Did you guys see the video that the WH produced for this?

Kim must secretly think that they are all fucking idiots if they think he will fall for such schtick.

well it makes sense to lick your enemy’s asshole before you stab him in the back

i’m only saying this because trump stabs everyone in the back

so this asskissing is obviously temporary

not saying this is “strategy” btw—it’s just the way the demon operates

did you ever watch... “britannia”? it’s a newish english show about the roman invasion of britain during claudius’ reign.

i love it in that it gives a very different rationale for history.

watch it and laugh at our dark times. what else is there to do? i don’t know. i just don’t fucking know.

Skuj 06.13.2018 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69

meanwhile, old Mueller plays the classic Deep State 'trump card - national security. He indicted Concord Management and now claims he can't show them the evidence against them due to national security. Classic!

I am going to look this up to see how "true" it is. Can you blame me for being skeptical?

Skuj 06.13.2018 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
well it makes sense to lick your enemy’s asshole before you stab him in the back

i’m only saying this because trump stabs everyone in the back

so this asskissing is obviously temporary

not saying this is “strategy” btw—it’s just the way the demon operates

did you ever watch... “britannia”? it’s a newish english show about the roman invasion of britain during claudius’ reign.

i love it in that it gives a very different rationale for history.

watch it and laugh at our dark times. what else is there to do? i don’t know. i just don’t fucking know.

I'll check that out. My favourite period of history to study is Roman Britain to 1066 And All That. Thanks.

!@#$%! 06.13.2018 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I'll check that out. My favourite period of history to study is Roman Britain to 1066 And All That. Thanks.

a warning, a lot of sillies complain that it's not "historically accurate" etc.

which is besides the point--this one is an entertainment not documentary. and it's about imagination! not archaeology.

but it's great! it's slightly bananas. yeah. hmmm. also kelly reilly defies convention and gets more beautiful with age i swear.

also there is a season 2 on the way. i found it on amazon and it's coproduced with SKY. not sure about your area.

Skuj 06.13.2018 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I am going to look this up to see how "true" it is. Can you blame me for being skeptical?

Wow!! That was easy!! Telsa's view of this is not exactly in line with the view of many other news organizations. (I bet Fox has a similar view to Tesla, right?)

I will beg for crucifixion by supplying the CNN report first:

The Soup Nazi 06.13.2018 05:59 PM

Posting this just to show that in some countries (shitholes, I suppose) certain key things still fuckin' MATTER:

Spain minister resigns over tax record after days in office
MADRID (AP) — Spain's minister of culture resigned Wednesday after just under a week in office after news reports revealed he was fined a decade ago for evading thousands of euros in taxes. Maxim Huerta, a former television presenter and writer, said he did nothing illegal, but chose to step down to shield the new government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez from criticism.

Skuj 06.13.2018 06:29 PM

I'm old enough to remember a time whenever the POTUS said something non-factual, he was held to account. It was actually shocking if POTUS said something that was easily disproved.

I know, right?

!@#$%! 06.13.2018 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I'm old enough to remember a time whenever the POTUS said something non-factual, he was held to account. It was actually shocking if POTUS said something that was easily disproved.

I know, right?


just finished a 13-episode series on ww2 and even until the end fucking hitler was blaming "the jews" for germany's defeat lmao.

but look. there is nothing i can do at the moment. so im going to take a month off politics to watch the world cup and ESCAPE this shitfest we call reality ha ha ha ha.

if the world is still here at the end of the world cup then i'll catch up.

stay well sonic brother! and enjoy your summer against all odds. and read the epicureans or the stoics, whichever you prefer.

(ima be an epicurian this month lmao. HORTUS CONCLUSUS :D )

Skuj 06.13.2018 07:23 PM

Sometimes I have to remind myself that I live in Canada and thank fuck I don't live in America. (Sorry if that offends. I don't mean to.)


Thanks. Enjoy your time away.

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