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GeneticKiss 07.25.2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
^ That's a game I could slap myself for still not having played yet.

Me too. Unfortunately my PlayStation broke a few years ago and I have yet to get a 360...

krastian 07.25.2011 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson


(on O.G. '89 GameBoy)

I just pulled up a video of the original arcade game sometime last week. It blew my 7 year old mind when his gun popped out from his leg. Fuuuuck, so sick.

EVOLghost 07.26.2011 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Me too. Unfortunately my PlayStation broke a few years ago and I have yet to get a 360...

it's also on the ps3...

GeneticKiss 07.26.2011 11:30 AM

Nah, Sony kinda lost me as a gaming customer when my PS1 broke. I've NEVER had a console break on me before or since.

Plus I'm not a fan of how they cheated their way to being top dog in the sixth generation by marketing the PS2 to nongamers as a cheap DVD player, or the exorbitant original list price of the PS3.

noisereductions 07.26.2011 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Nah, Sony kinda lost me as a gaming customer when my PS1 broke. I've NEVER had a console break on me before or since.

Plus I'm not a fan of how they cheated their way to being top dog in the sixth generation by marketing the PS2 to nongamers as a cheap DVD player, or the exorbitant original list price of the PS3.

how was that a cheat? I just moved into my first apartment at that time. I was like "hmm do I buy a console AND a DVD player? Or just a PS2 that will play PS1 games I already own PLUS be a new console PLUS be a DVD player?"

that's not really cheating. It's fucking smart. BTW have fun switching around 3 dvd's on yr 360 since it isn't a Blu-Ray player. :)

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.26.2011 03:15 PM



Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
I'm not a fan of how they cheated their way to being top dog in the sixth generation by marketing the PS2 to nongamers as a cheap DVD player, or the exorbitant original list price of the PS3.

I think it was actually quite a clever business strategy. Gamers like DVDs too, you know. There's a reason this tactic also worked extremely well in Japan - completely leaving SEGA in the dust. Actually, if there's any reason to hate Sony, it's because they killed the Dreamcast. Those bastards.

I'm curious though, would you consider Nintendo's recent strategy of marketing to non-gamers with the Wii to be cheating as well?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.26.2011 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by krastian
I just pulled up a video of the original arcade game sometime last week. It blew my 7 year old mind when his gun popped out from his leg. Fuuuuck, so sick.

Have you ever played Robocop Vs. The Terminator for GENESIS?


EVOLghost 07.26.2011 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Nah, Sony kinda lost me as a gaming customer when my PS1 broke. I've NEVER had a console break on me before or since.

Plus I'm not a fan of how they cheated their way to being top dog in the sixth generation by marketing the PS2 to nongamers as a cheap DVD player, or the exorbitant original list price of the PS3.

Yeah....NR's got it. ANd the Ps3 prics is now low as fuck. so....yeh.

GeneticKiss 07.26.2011 11:29 PM

I still the the 360's controller is more comfortable.

@ Dr. Felikson: I don't see Nintendo as cheaters because their strategy is to market video games to nongamers by making them simpler. Sony's strategy was to market their console as an all-in-on entertainment machine. The difference is Nintendo's strategy is still based around video games, whereas Sony could sell PS2s to people who never played games. More sales for the PS2 equaled better 3rd party support than either the Xbox or Gamecube, both of whcih were more powerful under the hood. So in essesnce, they were making up for lesser hardware by throwing in a feature that gets them more customers. That, to me, is cheating.

I used to hate on them for killing the Dreamcast, but in all honesty SEGA sealed their own fate by putting more emphasis on hardware than software, costing them customers. I remember being a SEGA fanboy in the 90s...sure I loved Sonic 1-Knuckles, the Streets of Rage games, Revenge of Shinobi, and all the other greats, but I just couldn't get as excited about the Saturn as I could about the Sony PlayStation or Nintendo 64. Plus, the 32X and Sega CD were still pretty fresh in most people's minds, giving a lot of people doubts whether or not SEGA would support the system properly or just up and say, "oh no, the Dreamcast isn't powerful enough, so shell out $300 for our new and improved console" within 3 years. Sony didn't kill the Dreamcast; it's more like they pulled the plug after the Dreamcast wound up brain dead after it was in a horrible car accident with SEGA behind the wheel after they were binge drinking (and the Dreamcast was sober).

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.27.2011 04:10 AM

GeneticK: Thanks for clearing that up. You can't really blame Sony though, seeing as how Nintendo screwed them over on the SNES-PLAYSTATION deal way back when. I may be biased - I use my PS2 mainly as a DVD player.

I'd also like to add that the only console of that gen to not have a DVD drive (other than the DC, of course) was the Gamecube. I never really thought about it, but that could be a big reason why that system struggled so much.

I couldn't agree more about SEGA being too overbearing with the amount of hardware they put out. In an article I read online (an old EGM I believe) from just before the release of the Saturn, the SoA president was explaining how having more consoles on the market would give them an opportunity to appeal to gamers of all economic backgrounds. Don't quote me on that though - my memory is iffy.

What's even funnier is in a "Letters to the Editor" there was an arcade owner bitching about the frequency with which SEGA would put out new arcade machines; complaining that they couldn't keep up. Funny how you can never teach an old dog new tricks.

u SEGA :o

EVOLghost 07.27.2011 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
I still the the 360's controller is more comfortable.

comfortable for a few games. I think PS3 has got the best controller. I hate using the joystick when I don't need to and the d-pad is much much better than that of the 360's. And it wasn't hard getting used to playing fps and games with similar movement controls with the ps4 remote. But the 360 controller feels too giant for rpgs and fighting games.

EVOLghost 07.27.2011 06:22 AM

seriously has anyones tried stret fighter on 360? wow.

Keeping It Simple 07.27.2011 07:31 AM

Dead Space 2. It's very good.

noisereductions 07.27.2011 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
I still the the 360's controller is more comfortable.

@ Dr. Felikson: I don't see Nintendo as cheaters because their strategy is to market video games to nongamers by making them simpler. Sony's strategy was to market their console as an all-in-on entertainment machine. The difference is Nintendo's strategy is still based around video games, whereas Sony could sell PS2s to people who never played games. More sales for the PS2 equaled better 3rd party support than either the Xbox or Gamecube, both of whcih were more powerful under the hood. So in essesnce, they were making up for lesser hardware by throwing in a feature that gets them more customers. That, to me, is cheating.

I used to hate on them for killing the Dreamcast, but in all honesty SEGA sealed their own fate by putting more emphasis on hardware than software, costing them customers. I remember being a SEGA fanboy in the 90s...sure I loved Sonic 1-Knuckles, the Streets of Rage games, Revenge of Shinobi, and all the other greats, but I just couldn't get as excited about the Saturn as I could about the Sony PlayStation or Nintendo 64. Plus, the 32X and Sega CD were still pretty fresh in most people's minds, giving a lot of people doubts whether or not SEGA would support the system properly or just up and say, "oh no, the Dreamcast isn't powerful enough, so shell out $300 for our new and improved console" within 3 years. Sony didn't kill the Dreamcast; it's more like they pulled the plug after the Dreamcast wound up brain dead after it was in a horrible car accident with SEGA behind the wheel after they were binge drinking (and the Dreamcast was sober).

the DVD player on PS2 wasnt just there to play movies though. It was a storage thing. A dvd holds more info than a CD. Thus a single PS2 game disc (DVD) could hold tons more data than PS1 before it (or DC's GD-ROM format... or GCN's little tiny mini-DVD's.) Once they decided to use that storage for their games, it just seemed obvious to allow for DVD MOVIE playback as well. If they didn't, you'd be calling Sony dicks for including the technology but not offering it.

it's the same thing with Blu-Ray on PS3. As a storage medium, it holds a ridiculous amount of data. FFXIII is a single Blu-Ray disc, but it's what? THREE FUCKING dvd's on 360? As a side note, I've yet to buy a single BR movie, but it's kind of nice that I have the option now. I wouldn't have bought a BR player ,but I kind of got one "for free" because I bought a PS3.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.27.2011 12:55 PM


I love this game. :)

atsonicpark 07.27.2011 02:33 PM


atsonicpark 07.27.2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson


I've put 75 hours into this game, according to my memory card.

atsonicpark 07.27.2011 02:34 PM

currently playing shenmue

I am going to buy a saturn. Finally figured out how to play burns/imports on it so yeah.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.27.2011 02:49 PM

It's really addictive. I actually had a really toned-down version of it on my old phone.

Also, let me know how you like your Saturn. I've been thinking about picking one up, myself. The only game I'm dying to play however, is NiGHTs

atsonicpark 07.27.2011 07:02 PM

Don't you have a wii? I actually almost bought wii nights yesterday.

I actually own CHRISTMAS NIGHTS which I guess is pretty rare. Cool game.

noisereductions 07.27.2011 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I've put 75 hours into this game, according to my memory card.

I actually have Lumines on PSP, Lumines Plus on PS2 and the new PS3 version as well for online play. I'm certainly hooked, thanks to yr (constant) suggestion! :)

deflinus 07.28.2011 02:18 AM


deflinus 07.28.2011 11:20 AM

insert continue to "childeren"
continue to insert "childeren"
to insert, continue "children"
"childeren" insert to continue

noisereductions 07.28.2011 06:57 PM

why do I even bother?

noisereductions 07.28.2011 07:58 PM


Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.28.2011 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Don't you have a wii? I actually almost bought wii nights yesterday.

I actually own CHRISTMAS NIGHTS which I guess is pretty rare. Cool game.

Yeah, but isn't the Wii version a sequel? I kinda wanted to see what else Saturn had going for it. Lots of shooters, I figure.


Originally Posted by deflinus

Awesome! :D

atsonicpark 07.28.2011 09:43 PM

back to LACK OF LOVE. god this game kills me.

it gives you no real indication of what to do. you just kinda do things and you evolve. it's almost like METROID meets SPORE meets E.V.O. or something. you can only access certain areas once you "become" something, accomplish specific tasks. it starts off bizarre and dark, almost like OUT OF THIS WORLD/ANOTHER WORLD -- atmospheric and non-handholding. just.. here ya go. do some shit. And once you do, once you fuck around, and you become new.. things.. it's so fucking rewarding. I love it so much.

atsonicpark 07.28.2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Yeah, but isn't the Wii version a sequel? I kinda wanted to see what else Saturn had going for it. Lots of shooters, I figure.

Awesome! :D

gonna go ahead and let you know the u.s. selection of saturn games SUCKS ASS.

however, the japanese version is incredible and why i got a saturn, to play burns on.

just to get PANZER DRAGOON SAGA and PRINCESS CROWN (Odin Sphere prequel) is worth it. also, the BEYOND OASIS sequel, LEGEND OF OASIS (beyond oasis is pretty much by far my favorite Genesis game, if not my favorite game of the 16-bit era, period, aside from Super Metroid and Super Turrican 2 and R2: Rendering Ranger... all incredible experiences... can't forget Gunstar Heroes!).

I just made it through RETROGAMER COLLECTION VOLUME 5. 300 pages of classic games. So awesome. I never knew for sure, but the Genesis did, in fact, "Beat" the SNES, barely, in sales. I've always thought Genesis was cooler, had MORE great games, but the SNES had 5 of the best games ever:

and the aformentioned turricans/r2 obviously but also: TETRIS ATTACK

and my favorite game of all time (next to XENOGEARS) SUPER METROID.

So it's really hard for me to choose. I would edge out the Genesis as a better system for me since it has like 100 -- literally -- shmups, I jerk off to Sega, and it has the best game music ever. Streets of Rage 3 sountrack, I mean come on, it's STILL ahead of its time. Also, CONTRA HARD CORPS is the best Contra game ever. BLOODLINES is the best Castlevania game (NOT including Metroidvania style games btw). VECTORMAN, PULSEMAN, etc etc. So many clasics. Fuck.

16-bit really was the golden age of gaming.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.29.2011 01:08 AM

LACK OF LOVE - Yeah, I've been really interested in this... I could've sworn I mentioned it to you way back when, after seeing some videos online, but still haven't played it myself. My CD drive is busted so I can't burn more games, but I most definitely plan on importing this soon.

SATURN - Ah yes, Panzer Dragoon. I've only played the one on XBOX (Panzer Dragoon Orta)... but MAAAANN, DID I LOVE THAT GAME TO DEATH.

I actually have an O.G. XBOX, to replace my broken one, that I traded some dude my spare NES toploader for online, but lucky for me (sarcasm) USPS lost it transferring it between sorting facilities. Just my luck. I don't know if I'll ever see it.

I just wanna play GUNVALKYRIE that's a fun SEGA game. :D I'd hoard original XBOX units just to ensure that game never left my life again. It's incredible.

Also, now I need to look into...

Beyond Oasis
Demon's Crest
Run Saber
and Skyblazer

Hell, I haven't even played Tetris Attack yet.


Thank you, and good night.

atsonicpark 07.29.2011 01:41 AM

ebay, $38 us. but that's vol 5. 1-4 go for like $400 a piece now or some shit.

Tetris Attack is one of the best. All those games mentioned are incredible. But if you can find someone to play Tetris Attack with.. it's BY FAR the best 2-player experience you'll ever have, my friend.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.29.2011 04:17 AM



Originally Posted by atsonicpark
1-4 go for like $400 a piece now or some shit.



EVOLghost 07.29.2011 04:21 AM

Got home from work early. So now I"m gonna jump on SVC Chaos.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.29.2011 04:28 AM




Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.01.2011 04:27 PM


Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.01.2011 05:42 PM


EVOLghost 08.02.2011 02:51 AM

Beat Metal Slug 2 today.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.02.2011 09:55 PM





noisereductions 08.03.2011 04:22 PM

^Battle Colleseum is pretty good. Yeah.

the ikara cult 08.03.2011 04:29 PM

The Mr Freeze Ice-Lolly surfing game

Pax Americana 08.03.2011 06:22 PM


Just started this the other day. I haven't gotten promoted past patrolman yet, so I haven't really seen much of the investigating/interrogating shit I guess you get to do later on. Seems cool though. I like the setting a lot; seedy underbelly of post-WWII LA.

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