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Everyneurotic 02.25.2008 10:48 PM

i usually just download an album whenever i feel like listening to something old like deep purple or alice cooper or such.

i'll rip and upload tomorrow.

Everyneurotic 02.26.2008 09:36 AM

krastian: i listened to your mix and it's great, really liked it. love the nintendo interludes, totally fit with the flow and you really made me want to listen to more synthpop.

A Thousand Threads 02.26.2008 11:15 AM

Here's my current car tape:

1. Cancer Barrack - Sog nit kejnmal
2. Vibracathedral Orchestra - Wearing Quit Frock
3. Vibracathedral Orchestra - The Least Painful Earrings
4. Gang Gang Dance - Nomad For Love
5. Current 93 + Marc Almond - Idumaea
6. Alasehir - Jinn
7. Death In June - Nirvana
8. Ashtray Navigations - Cointelpro Electrique
9. Signorina Alos - Profumo 1994
10. The Residents - The Weaver
11. Musterhaus (Einstuerzende Neubauten) - Filmkuss
12. Xenis Emputae Travelling Band - Black Moon Mother
13. Tigrova Mast - Intermezzo IV

Don't understand a word of that poem at the beginning but Dutch is so fucking funny, never fails to crack me up.

sarramkrop 02.26.2008 11:38 AM

I still have to listen to krastian's mix, which I'll do soon. You are all mixmesiters!

krastian 02.26.2008 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
krastian: i listened to your mix and it's great, really liked it. love the nintendo interludes, totally fit with the flow and you really made me want to listen to more synthpop.

Great, glad you enjoyed it!!

krastian 03.03.2008 10:11 PM

Hey pork, have you had a chance to listen to my mix??

Everyneurotic 03.04.2008 12:00 AM

i haven't forgotten to upload mine...

Inhuman 03.04.2008 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by A Thousand Threads
Here's my current car tape:

1. Cancer Barrack - Sog nit kejnmal
2. Vibracathedral Orchestra - Wearing Quit Frock
3. Vibracathedral Orchestra - The Least Painful Earrings
4. Gang Gang Dance - Nomad For Love
5. Current 93 + Marc Almond - Idumaea
6. Alasehir - Jinn
7. Death In June - Nirvana
8. Ashtray Navigations - Cointelpro Electrique
9. Signorina Alos - Profumo 1994
10. The Residents - The Weaver
11. Musterhaus (Einstuerzende Neubauten) - Filmkuss
12. Xenis Emputae Travelling Band - Black Moon Mother
13. Tigrova Mast - Intermezzo IV

Don't understand a word of that poem at the beginning but Dutch is so fucking funny, never fails to crack me up.

Thanks, going to listen to it in a few minutes. Tracklist looks excellent and my brother's been reccommending Vibracathedral Orchestra to me.

sarramkrop 03.06.2008 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by krastian
Hey pork, have you had a chance to listen to my mix??

Yes, and I liked it a lot. Thanks again for posting it.

krastian 03.06.2008 12:55 PM


floatingslowly 03.06.2008 01:01 PM

do these have to be mp3 or is aac ok?

most of my "mixes" are made on myPod and through iTunes now.

burning to cd then ripping it again pushes me over the hassle-factor threshold..

Glice 03.06.2008 01:02 PM

I may partake soon. Someone tell me how to do it with minimum faff and I shall do so.

sarramkrop 03.06.2008 04:19 PM

Any software that allows you to mix etc etc should also allow you to convert to mp3, which is a format that is quicker to upload and share. Glice, pm if you are having trouble and I'll try to explain, time permitting. Or else just keep on staring at your own face, 'cause it's a sure sign that you really are a complete prick.

krastian 03.07.2008 02:52 PM

All I did was copy the mp3's for the mix to a new folder, used "Stamp" (a free program you can get on to label the mp3's numerically for the order for the tracklist I wanted, zipped the folder using Win Zip, and then uploaded it on sendpace. Labeling the mp3's takes a few minutes, but it's not THAT big of a deal.

sarramkrop 03.07.2008 03:12 PM

Sound Forge is my favourite program to make a mix. I am sure there is a free version of it online.

pokkeherrie 03.13.2008 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by A Thousand Threads
Don't understand a word of that poem at the beginning but Dutch is so fucking funny, never fails to crack me up.

i just downloaded yours and i can't understand it either, which means it's not dutch. i'm not 100% sure what else it is though, but i reckon yiddish. it has some vaguely familiar german sounds, but not like swiss or luxembourgoise.

pokkeherrie 03.13.2008 10:29 AM

google says it's yiddish indeed

Sog nit kejnmol as du gejsst dem letstn weg,
chotsch himlen blajene farshteln bloje teg, -
kumen wet noch undser ojsgebenkte scho,
'ss wet a pojk ton undser trot - mir sajnen do!

Fun grinem palmenland bis wajtn land fun schnej,
mir kumen on mit undser pajn, mit undser wej,
un wu gefaln is a schpriz fun undser blut,
schprozn wet dort undser gwure, undser mut.

'Ss wet di morgensun bagildn unds dem hajnt,
un der nechtn wet farschwindn mitn fajnt.
Nor ojb farsamen wet die sun un der kajor,
wi a parol sol gajn doss lid fun dor tsu dor.

Doss lid geschribn is mit blut un nit mit blaj,
'ss is nit kejn lid fun a fojgl ojf der fraj;
ess hot a folk tswischn falndike went
doss lid gesungen mit naganess in di hent.

To sog nit kejnmol, as du gejsst dem leztn weg,
chotsch himlen blajene farschteln bloje teg, -
kumen wet noch undser ojssgebenkte scho,
'ss wet a pojk ton undser trot - mir zajnen do!

Text: Hirsh Glik, Melody: Dmitry and Daniel Pokrass

Never say that there is only death for you
Though leaden skies may be concealing days of blue -
Because the hour that we have hungered for is near;
Beneath our tread the earth shall tremble: We are here!

From land of palm-tree to the far-off land of snow
We shall be coming with our torment and our woe,
And everywhere our blood has sunk into the earth
Shall our bravery, our vigour blossom forth!

We'll have the morning sun to set our day aglow,
And all our yesterdays shall vanish with the foe,
And if the time is long before the sun appears,
Then let this song go like a signal through the years.

This song was written with our blood and not with lead;
It's not a song that summer birds sing overhead.
It was a people, among toppling barricades,
That sang this song of ours with pistols and grenades.

So never say that there is only death for you.
Leaden skies may be concealing days of blue -
Yet the hour that we have hungered for is near;
Beneath our tread the earth shall tremble: We are here!

זאָג ניט קיינמאָל אַז דו גייסט דעם לעצטן װעג,
ווען (/כאָטש) הימעלן בלייענע פֿאַרשטעלן בלױע טעג;
(ווייל) קומען װעט נאָך אונדזער אױסגעבענקטע שעה,
ס’װעט אַ פּױק טאָן אונדזער טראָט – מיר זיינען דאָ!

פֿון גרינעם פּאַלמענלאַנד ביז װייסן לאַנד פֿון שניי,
(פֿון גרינעם פּאַלמענלאַנד ביז לאַנד פֿון װייסן שניי,)
מיר קומען אָן מיט אונדזער פּיין, מיט אונדזער װיי,
און װאו געפֿאַלן איז אַ שפּריץ פֿון אונדזער בּלוט,
שפּראָצן װעט דאָרט אונדזער גבֿורה, אונדזער מוט.

ס’װעט די מאָרגנזון באַגילדן אונדז דעם היינט,
און דער נעכטן װעט פֿאַרשװינדן מיטן פֿיינד;
נאָר אױב פֿאַרזאַמען װע די זון אין דעם קאַיאָר –
װי אַ פּאַראָל זאָל גיין דאָס ליד פֿון דוֹר צו דוֹר.

דאָס ליד געשריבן איז מיט בלוט און ניט מיט בליי,
ס’איז ניט קיין לידל פֿון אַ פֿױגל אַף דער פֿריי,
דאָס האָט אַ פֿאָלק צווישן פֿאַלנדיקע װענט
דאָס ליד געזונגען מיט נאַגאַנעס אין די הענט!

טאָ זאָג ניט קיינמאָל אַז דו גייסט דעם לעצטן װעג,
ווען (/כאָטש) הימעלן בלייענע פֿאַרשטעלן בלױע טעג,
(ווייל) קומען װעט נאָך אונדזער אױסגעבענקטע שעה,
ס’װעט אַ פּױק טאָן אונדזער טראָט – מיר זיינען דאָ!


Originally Posted by Nefeli
i liked very much that intro spoken words track. didnt seem dutch to me whatsoever..(dont take this the wrong way please).

I'd like to think it's all greek to you!

oh, hilarious joke.

krastian 03.13.2008 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
your teeth looked shinny to me. thank you for the mix, especially for this track. i want to listen to the soundtrack now..

You're very welcome!!

✌➬ 03.13.2008 02:00 PM

Does anyone know how to do this with macs?

A Thousand Threads 03.13.2008 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
google says it's yiddish indeed

Sog nit kejnmol as du gejsst dem letstn weg,
chotsch himlen blajene farshteln bloje teg, -
kumen wet noch undser ojsgebenkte scho,
'ss wet a pojk ton undser trot - mir sajnen do!

Fun grinem palmenland bis wajtn land fun schnej,
mir kumen on mit undser pajn, mit undser wej,
un wu gefaln is a schpriz fun undser blut,
schprozn wet dort undser gwure, undser mut.

'Ss wet di morgensun bagildn unds dem hajnt,
un der nechtn wet farschwindn mitn fajnt.
Nor ojb farsamen wet die sun un der kajor,
wi a parol sol gajn doss lid fun dor tsu dor.

Doss lid geschribn is mit blut un nit mit blaj,
'ss is nit kejn lid fun a fojgl ojf der fraj;
ess hot a folk tswischn falndike went
doss lid gesungen mit naganess in di hent.

To sog nit kejnmol, as du gejsst dem leztn weg,
chotsch himlen blajene farschteln bloje teg, -
kumen wet noch undser ojssgebenkte scho,
'ss wet a pojk ton undser trot - mir zajnen do!

Text: Hirsh Glik, Melody: Dmitry and Daniel Pokrass

Never say that there is only death for you
Though leaden skies may be concealing days of blue -
Because the hour that we have hungered for is near;
Beneath our tread the earth shall tremble: We are here!

From land of palm-tree to the far-off land of snow
We shall be coming with our torment and our woe,
And everywhere our blood has sunk into the earth
Shall our bravery, our vigour blossom forth!

We'll have the morning sun to set our day aglow,
And all our yesterdays shall vanish with the foe,
And if the time is long before the sun appears,
Then let this song go like a signal through the years.

This song was written with our blood and not with lead;
It's not a song that summer birds sing overhead.
It was a people, among toppling barricades,
That sang this song of ours with pistols and grenades.

So never say that there is only death for you.
Leaden skies may be concealing days of blue -
Yet the hour that we have hungered for is near;
Beneath our tread the earth shall tremble: We are here!

זאָג ניט קיינמאָל אַז דו גייסט דעם לעצטן װעג,
ווען (/כאָטש) הימעלן בלייענע פֿאַרשטעלן בלױע טעג;
(ווייל) קומען װעט נאָך אונדזער אױסגעבענקטע שעה,
ס’װעט אַ פּױק טאָן אונדזער טראָט – מיר זיינען דאָ!

פֿון גרינעם פּאַלמענלאַנד ביז װייסן לאַנד פֿון שניי,
(פֿון גרינעם פּאַלמענלאַנד ביז לאַנד פֿון װייסן שניי,)
מיר קומען אָן מיט אונדזער פּיין, מיט אונדזער װיי,
און װאו געפֿאַלן איז אַ שפּריץ פֿון אונדזער בּלוט,
שפּראָצן װעט דאָרט אונדזער גבֿורה, אונדזער מוט.

ס’װעט די מאָרגנזון באַגילדן אונדז דעם היינט,
און דער נעכטן װעט פֿאַרשװינדן מיטן פֿיינד;
נאָר אױב פֿאַרזאַמען װע די זון אין דעם קאַיאָר –
װי אַ פּאַראָל זאָל גיין דאָס ליד פֿון דוֹר צו דוֹר.

דאָס ליד געשריבן איז מיט בלוט און ניט מיט בליי,
ס’איז ניט קיין לידל פֿון אַ פֿױגל אַף דער פֿריי,
דאָס האָט אַ פֿאָלק צווישן פֿאַלנדיקע װענט
דאָס ליד געזונגען מיט נאַגאַנעס אין די הענט!

טאָ זאָג ניט קיינמאָל אַז דו גייסט דעם לעצטן װעג,
ווען (/כאָטש) הימעלן בלייענע פֿאַרשטעלן בלױע טעג,
(ווייל) קומען װעט נאָך אונדזער אױסגעבענקטע שעה,
ס’װעט אַ פּױק טאָן אונדזער טראָט – מיר זיינען דאָ!

I'd like to think it's all greek to you!

oh, hilarious joke.

Thanks for this. Yeah, i also recognized a few "german sounding" words , so i thought it would be Dutch.

I just realized that i uploaded the wrong file, that's not the actual MIX.
But you'll get the idea.

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