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!@#$%! 08.13.2018 02:20 PM

After the death of our son and the bewildering attacks on our family and the families of the other victims, we began to hear from the people affected by other mass shootings and tragedies who were suffering similar abuse on Facebook. In response to the overt disregard shown by Facebook, we founded with the mission of providing assistance to those being targeted online by mob hate.

!@#$%! 08.13.2018 02:22 PM

After feeling so much hope following your pledge in the Senate to make Facebook a safer and more hospitable place for social interaction, we are once again feeling let down by your recent comments supporting a safe harbor for Holocaust deniers and hate groups that attack victims of tragedy.

!@#$%! 08.13.2018 02:22 PM

Our son Noah no longer has a voice, nor will he ever get to live out his life. His absence is felt every day. But we are unable to properly grieve for our baby or move on with our lives because you, arguably the most powerful man on the planet, have deemed that the attacks on us are immaterial, that providing assistance in removing threats is too cumbersome, and that our lives are less important than providing a safe haven for hate.


Leonard Pozner & Veronique De La Rosa

Parents of Noah Pozner, Sandy Hook shooting victim

Skuj 08.13.2018 02:29 PM

I cannot believe that some here are basically sorry for that evil hateful twisted fuck Alex Jones being shut down.

!@#$%! 08.13.2018 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I cannot believe that some here are basically sorry for that evil hateful twisted fuck Alex Jones being shut down.

i can believe it


Skuj 08.13.2018 03:05 PM

I don't even know what Pizzagate is, and I am afraid to look it up.

All I know is that Alex Jones deserves a firing squad, and I would be happy to be in it.

Skuj 08.13.2018 03:06 PM

Maybe that was a bit harsh.

Fuck it it wasn't.

ilduclo 08.13.2018 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I cannot believe that some here are basically sorry for that evil hateful twisted fuck Alex Jones being shut down.

yeah, twisted sick fucks hang together. All you gotta do is watch the Newtown documentary, listen to what the parents say and know what Jones did regarding that. Anyone who likes that ass hat has some serious issues that need professional help/

evollove 08.13.2018 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I don't even know what Pizzagate is, and I am afraid to look it up.

It's very simple. Here's a handy chart to explain everything.


Skuj 08.13.2018 03:52 PM


tesla69 08.13.2018 05:12 PM

ilduclo 08.13.2018 05:22 PM

we need contrails and flouride in the water supply on that chart. BTW, lower right side, ms Ild and I are both big on Project Monarch, we had about 100 caterpillers and 80 butterflies from our milkweed patch

!@#$%! 08.13.2018 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69

"Socrates is a man. Therefore all men are Socrates."

(this is what happens when you go to college to do drugs and drop out in you sophomore year)

The Soup Nazi 08.13.2018 08:03 PM

Alexander Graham Bell
Note the name and note it well
Father of the modern age
His inventions are all the rage
Of course there was the telephone
He'd be famous for that alone
But there's 50 other things as well
From Alexander Graham Bell

Edison had cylinders
But Bell made records flat
Which we remember gratefully
When we play our floppy or cd
Of course there was the telephone
He'd be famous for that alone
But there's 50 other things as well
From Alexander Graham Bell

Born in Scotland, moved away
To Canada and the usa
Studied speech, took a wife
Helped the deaf all his life
Came up with a threshing machine
Before he made it to a teen
After years of sweat and toil
He invented the hydrofoil

The respirator was his chance
To save his baby's life
And just like the Brothers Wright
He got heavily into flight
Of course there was the telephone
He'd be famous for that alone
But there's 50 other things as well
From Alexander Graham Bell

Graham Bell, Alexander,
It is tantamount to slander
To call him just a scientist
Why his inventions top the list
Edison, he was a thief
And Tesla nuts beyond belief
But Alexander was a gent
So philanthropic, so well meant

Founded Science Magazine
Wrote a book for kids
Because he was a caring fellow
Gave a hand to Helen Keller
Of course there was the telephone
He'd be famous for that alone
But there's 50 other things as well
From Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Bell, Graham
Modern life would sure be mayhem
Without tetrahedral cells
X-rays, faxes, decibels
I think I'd say, and it's no fiction
Without fear of contradiction
He improved our lot a smidgeon
From the age of carrier pigeon

Television was a thing
That he had all prepared
But he left that to his pupil
John Logie Baird
Of course there was the telephone
He'd be famous for that alone
But there's 50 other things as well
From Alexander Graham Bell

tesla69 08.13.2018 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I don't even know what Pizzagate is, and I am afraid to look it up.

All I know is that Alex Jones deserves a firing squad, and I would be happy to be in it.

Is it Jones' fault people look at him? Are people being forced to his message somehow?

Pizzagate, in part, comes out of the Clinton's involvement in Haiti in getting a child trafficker released from prison - there just doesn't seem to be any reasonable reason why they would get involved in such an ugly topic (woman has previous stateside criminal record) and there is no mistaking that the woman was trying to take children out of Haiti, ostensibly orphans, it was easily determined many of the kids had parents. This was from a wikileaks dump as well as the whole spirit cooking weirdness that they seemed to cultivate in private emails. Is this why you think Alex Jones should be shot?

!@#$%! 08.13.2018 09:54 PM

“69” likes cheese pizza

“69” makes cheese pizza

“69” lives for cheese pizza

This is why “69” moved to New York: for the cheese pizza

Skuj 08.14.2018 12:22 AM

Looks like I'm missing some tesla fun since I put him on ignore? (And no, I am not tempted to unignore and have a look. I saw enough.)

That vindictive small-minded evil fuck purposely did not mention McCain today at the bill signing in front of military personnel. He thanked dozens of people but not McCain, who the bill was named after!! Then, later in the day, he found a way to disparage the man.

Nevermind that McCain is dying.

Trump is not qualified to lick McCain's shoes. McCain shows a degree of class and thoughtfulness that Trump will never come close to matching. (Although, I'll never comprehend Palin.)

Trump thinks the laughter and applause of military people at such gatherings means that they adore him. I think his treatment of McCain today is one big reason why many military people hate him. What was Trump doing when McCain was POW? "I like heroes who aren't captured, ok?"

Trump literally makes me fucking vomit.

I'm 36 years RCAF. You all know how I feel.

ilduclo 08.14.2018 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Looks like I'm missing some tesla fun since I put him on ignore? (And no, I am not tempted to unignore and have a look. I saw enough:(


Skuj 08.14.2018 03:22 PM

So, Trump tweeted that the guy (MarkBurnettTV?) who would know about tapes with Trump saying the N-word confirming they don't exist.

Because, they had to check, I guess.

If he never used the word, he would simply say that!! This tweet is a very different kind of statement. So of course he fuckin' said it.

(How can anybody be surprised, even if the tape does emerge?)

evollove 08.14.2018 03:43 PM

Shit's hitting the fan.

Will his base care? No. But as long as Dems get out the vote and Republican Women switch sides, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, did Trump really know about Wikileaks before the drop? Isn't that the silver bullet? If true, doesn't that mean it's all over?

So much news, my head's swimming.

Bytor Peltor 08.14.2018 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i dont get where you stand on the issues i guess. or what you mean by “collusion.”

Thought I had explained it......even gave the reason why I thought they shut him down!


Originally Posted by Bytor_Peltor
PLEASE UNDERSTAND......a single platform didn’t shut Alex Jones down because of something he said and then after some backlash and bad press, the other platforms decided to flex their self righteousness.

So why was Alex Jones shut down?

The elections are coming up and the left is desperate.

This December will be six years since Sandy Hook occurred.

The Comet Pizzagate Conspiracy occurred two years ago.

I’m not a listener of the Alex Jones Show, but I’m willing to wager he hasn’t broached the topic of those incidents recently on his show.

It’s very clear FB, YouTube, iTunes and Spotify didn’t shut Alex Jones down back when he was actually pushing his conspiracy theories.

NO NO NO - they shut him down now, months before the election????

Collusion = the social media platforms came together and shut him down at the same time!!!

If the above Social media platforms would’ve shut him down two and six years ago when he was actually screaming these things, Hillary Clinton very well could be our President today!!!

For those who think Alex Jones doesn’t have many listeners or in no way could influence an election, according to the Megyn Kelly Interview, Alex Jones was averaging 83 million viewers to his website in the months leading up to the 2016 election.

Many say Alex Jones is no different than Art Bell or Rush Limbaugh. All three taking on a persona that best promotes their radio shows.

The Soup Nazi 08.14.2018 04:20 PM

My post was awesome. Where the fuck are the Richard Thompson fans here?

!@#$%! 08.14.2018 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Thought I had explained it......even gave the reason why I thought they shut him down!

that is not the definition of collusion. collusion refers to illegal activities. shutting down a troll who does not abide by terms of service is not illegal. even coordinating to do so would not be illegal.

so fyi wrong use of the term.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
This December will be six years since Sandy Hook occurred.

The Comet Pizzagate Conspiracy occurred two years ago.

I’m not a listener of the Alex Jones Show, but I’m willing to wager he hasn’t broached the topic of those incidents recently on his show.

he in fact had to go last year and publicly apologize for promoting pizzagate after a deranged idiot went i to a ping-pong place with a rifle

as for sandy hook, he’s i the middle of a lawsuit for defamation and directing mobs against his opponents


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
It’s very clear FB, YouTube, iTunes and Spotify didn’t shut Alex Jones down back when he was actually pushing his conspiracy theories.

NO NO NO - they shut him down now, months before the election????

guess you have not been following the news on senate hearings re: russian interference, disinformation, etc

this has been an ongoing thing for a long time

it came to a head when russian influence was revealed. everybody has been taking misinformation seriously since then. this did not suddenly happen out of nowhere.

and you realize in this country it’s always “months” before one election or another, right?


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Collusion = the social media platforms came together and shut him down at the same time!!!

like i said, even if they collaborate/coordinate or follow the herd, that’s not collusion because IT’S NOT A CRIME

if you and i agree to buy a lawnmower together and you use it half week i use it half week thats cooperation not collusion

if you and i issue each other false receipts for lawnmower services to claim deductions and dodge taxes, that’s collusion

i hope that explains that word


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Many say Alex Jones is no different than Art Bell or Rush Limbaugh. All three taking on a persona that best promotes their radio shows.

many say he’s a professional shitbag who peddles known lies to an ignorant public

evollove 08.14.2018 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
My post was awesome. Where the fuck are the Richard Thompson fans here?

You're right.


The Soup Nazi 08.14.2018 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
You're right.




The Soup Nazi 08.14.2018 06:23 PM

Sarah Huckabee Sanders "can't guarantee" no tapes of Trump saying N-word

She also won't say whether she signed White House confidentiality agreement.


tesla69 08.14.2018 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Shit's hitting the fan.

you are right about that!

Comey fired
McCabe fired
Strozk fired

did I skip over anyone?

The Soup Nazi 08.14.2018 08:53 PM

The Best People, Episode MMMCMLXXIV or so:

Pentagon spokeswoman under investigation for misusing staff, retaliating against complaints

Skuj 08.15.2018 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
the electoral college in particular is what dooms Trump.

I have no idea why I suddenly have this deranged desire to bump old (pre-election) posts again. I swear I'm not trying to ridicule the poster. I'm just completely fascinated / baffled at where we are compared to what we perceived before.

Skuj 08.15.2018 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

I think at this point even the Trumpists have to chuckle at "The Best People" gag.

Goddammit, if I was in a band just starting out, "The Best People" would be our name. It's so punk, so alternative, so funny and catchy.

tesla69 08.15.2018 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I think at this point even the Trumpists have to chuckle at "The Best People" gag.

Your problem is you think everything is a joke and funny.

Meanwhile a democrat judge in NM releases muslim men who were training children for school massacres. The US is under attack from within and from without.

You can always move to Mexico if you are so traumatized here.

Bytor Peltor 08.15.2018 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

so fyi wrong use of the term.

guess you have not been following the news on senate hearings re: russian interference, disinformation, etc

I never meant to imply what the social media platforms did was illegal. So perhaps saying “concerted effort” instead of “collusion” will suffice?

With the firing of Peter Strzok, I’m more convinced than ever there is absolutely no proof of collusion or interference between Russia and the Donald Trump campaign!


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Actually, it will be the Democrats who end up doing this!

Not only will Muller come out and say that the Donald Trump campaign is no longer the focus of the investigation......because of Peter Strzok and his testimony before Congress and 100% part of the reason Muller fired Strzok......Robert Muller will be forced to reveal that all his evidence indicates that it was Hillary Clinton with assistance from President Obama who colluded with Russia......and get ready for it, exchanged payments with Russia all in an effort to keep Donal Trump from being President.

Also, Court Marshall’s are coming in the near future!!!

The investigative winds are starting to blow from Salt Lake City, skuj, Better pop some more popcorn!!!

tesla69 08.15.2018 07:05 AM

Once the Russia shit is out to bed, the snowflakes will be back with some new Identity Politics bullshit. In the 60's both the CIA and the KGB were funding parts of the New Left. I wonder how the pseudo-left is being funded today?

!@#$%! 08.15.2018 07:28 AM

looks like kellyanne’s husband finally had it.retweeting + adding comments as seen


George Conway
Interesting analogy. Likewise, what if a CEO routinely made false and misleading statements about himself, the company, and results, and publicly attacked business partners, company “divisions” (w/ scare quotes!), employees, and analysts, and kowtowed to a dangerous competitor?
Philip Bump

How would the board of a company react if the CEO told them that he hadn't fired an unqualified employee who was disliked by coworkers because the employee constantly praised him?

Rob Instigator 08.15.2018 07:53 AM

Imagine the horror of having that fat orange baby slippin and slidin his cheeto pecker into you, sweating and grunting as if he had sex apnea.

h8kurdt 08.15.2018 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Once the Russia shit is out to bed, the snowflakes will be back with some new Identity Politics bullshit. In the 60's both the CIA and the KGB were funding parts of the New Left. I wonder how the pseudo-left is being funded today?

Think you need to read up about Vladislav Surkov and realise that no political group is safe and cleaner than clean. The idea that only the "psedo-left" is being funded by government is ridiculous. In fact let me do the leg work for you.


efeatist response has become a central part of a new system of political control. And to understand how this is happening, you have to look to Russia, to a man called Vladislav Surkov, who is a hero of our time.

Surkov is one of President Putin's advisers, and has helped him maintain his power for 15 years, but he has done it in a very new way.

He came originally from the avant-garde art world, and those who have studied his career, say that what Surkov has done, is to import ideas from conceptual art into the very heart of politics.

His aim is to undermine peoples' perceptions of the world, so they never know what is really happening.

Surkov turned Russian politics into a bewildering, constantly changing piece of theater. He sponsored all kinds of groups, from neo-Nazi skinheads to liberal human rights groups. He even backed parties that were opposed to President Putin.

But the key thing was, that Surkov then let it be known that this was what he was doing, which meant that no one was sure what was real or fake. As one journalist put it: "It is a strategy of power that keeps any opposition constantly confused."

Don't fall for the idea that Alex Jones, Infowars or any of the other sites, bloggers etc are freer than anyone on the left. You're caught up in your own biases just like anyone on the left is.

You're stuck in what-aboutisms towards Hilary Clinton. This doesn't absolve anything Trump has done (and there can be no doubt that he's as corrupt as anyone on the left you blatantly despise). You're no more in the know than the rest of u,s and the sooner you realise that the sooner you can get rid of the idea that it's YOUR party who are being persecuted and that it's YOUR beliefs that are being tested.

Rob Instigator 08.15.2018 08:16 AM

in the 60's the CIA and FBI were INFILTRATING the "new left."

Skuj 08.15.2018 01:57 PM

I'm worried about what is infiltrating this thread.

If anybody ever needed an illustration of the crazy world we live in, see this thread!! (At a Sonic Youth site!!!)

ilduclo 08.15.2018 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Imagine the horror of having that fat orange baby (snip)

he's not doing that at all. 72 years old and 75 pounds overweight? :rolleyes:

Bytor Peltor 08.16.2018 08:40 AM

Hot Damn Rand!!!

“John Brennan started out his adulthood by voting for the communist party presidential candidate. He is now ending his career by showing himself to be the most biased, bigoted, over the top, hyperbolic, and unhinged Director of the CIA we have ever had." - RandPaul

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