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choc e-Claire 05.22.2019 03:52 PM

Who on earth is Andrea Leadsom? I've literally never heard of her

!@#$%! 05.22.2019 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Who on earth is Andrea Leadsom? I've literally never heard of her

follow the thrilling and ongoing soap opera

better than the golden days of venevisión

!@#$%! 05.23.2019 06:41 AM

this is the live thread for today

“she’s being hounded out of office”

eta: television for most things

demonrail666 05.23.2019 07:21 AM

If you're enjoying this soap opera, just wait until the real fun starts, when the Leave and Remain sides of the party go toe-to-toe trying to find a replacement. Everyone said the EU question would eventually destroy the Tories and it looks like that's precisely what'll happen.

More surprising is the chaos it's causing in Labour but I ultimately see it finishing them, too.

I'll be glad to see the back of both of them.

!@#$%! 05.23.2019 07:26 AM

was gonna reply but instant reshuffle, look


demonrail666 05.23.2019 07:40 AM

Haha. Hard not to find equivalence with the old 'rearranging the deck-chairs on the Titanic' quote. She'll be ordering a new settee for No. 10 next.

!@#$%! 05.23.2019 09:38 AM

i don’t understand why she doesn’t quit already. enduring pain for a cause i understand. enduring it for sheer ego is silly.

now they just milkshaked a little old man


i’d feel more sorry for him if it weren’t for piers morgan talking about him (glad you guys took morgan back, here he was a pestilence)

demonrail666 05.23.2019 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i don’t understand why she doesn’t quit already. enduring pain for a cause i understand. enduring it for sheer ego is silly.

I don't think it's as simple as ego. I think she's genuinely committed to respecting the referendum result and delivering Brexit, regardless of the cost to her own reputation. It's a question of political competence for me. Even if you ignore her mismanagement of Brexit, her period as PM has been nothing more than a string of bad decisions. And the consequence of some of those decisions are precisely why she's so weak within her own party - sections of which wanted her out the moment she blew their overall majority in the last General Election. That was in 2017 and she's been on the back-foot ever since.

!@#$%! 05.23.2019 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I don't think it's as simple as ego. I think she's genuinely committed to respecting the referendum result and delivering Brexit, regardless of the cost to her own reputation. It's a question of political competence for me. Even if you ignore her mismanagement of Brexit, her period as PM has been nothing more than a string of bad decisions. And the consequence of some of those decisions are precisely why she's so weak within her own party - sections of which wanted her out the moment she blew their overall majority in the last General Election. That was in 2017 and she's been on the back-foot ever since.

right, which is why i mean ego, see.

i heard her speech. i understand what she sees as the upsides of a good deal and the downsides of no deal.

i see also the potential upsides of the brexit as allowing trade opportunities beyond europe.

and i understand how important the issue is for her. she’s very serious and committed indeed.

where i see ego coming in is in her inability to see that she cannot deliver what she wants. i understand trying. i understand trying hard. i understand never giving up.

but she’s giving up on her stated goals by insisting that she’s the one and only moses who can deliver the people to the promised land.

i mean, there might be no agreement possible at all, but if there were a viable solution it’s clear she’s not the person to deliver it anymore, and it’s time to voluntarily walk if she cares about national outcomes more than personal triumphs.


demonrail666 05.23.2019 12:28 PM

Yeah, I can see that. Although I still see her as being driven by something more than that. People close to her have talked about her being deeply Christian and, while she's actually very private about it, I've heard it said that her faith has played a significant role in forming her character (more than her policies, as is usually the case with politicians with strong links to a religion).

!@#$%! 05.23.2019 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yeah, I can see that. Although I still see her as being driven by something more than that. People close to her have talked about her being deeply Christian and, while she's actually very private about it, I've heard it said that her faith has played a significant role in forming her character (more than her policies, as is usually the case with politicians with strong links to a religion).

oh yeah i don’t for one second doubt her earnestness and good intentions, but maybe those religious paradigms are framing her choices as matters of personal sacrifice and enduring suffering, when good practical judgment is actually what was needed of her.

she can fight this one on the beaches and the landing grounds and the fields and the streets—but she can’t win, because it seems to me she herself is the problem.

or no? if she’s not the problem, then what is?

or i should ask in a different way: who is she trying to block by staying? boris?

demonrail666 05.23.2019 01:45 PM

She's part of the problem definitely but the fact her own party is split so fundamentally isn't helping her.

I don't think she's actively looking to block anyone specifically. She obviously thinks she's the best person for the job, otherwise she would've never stood as leader to begin with. And I don't think she's that Machiavellian, which, when it comes to negotiating (whether it's with the EU or Parliament or her own party) might be part of her problem. She certainly wouldn't have made it past season 1 in GoT.

There are people in politics who I don't agree with, in terms of policy or how they operate but who I can't help liking. Theresa May's one of those. The most incompetent PM in my lifetime and I disagree with her position on almost everything, but she's always struck me as a fundamentally decent person. I felt the same about John Major - although in fairness he was a far more competent PM than Theresa May.

!@#$%! 05.23.2019 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
She's part of the problem definitely but the fact her own party is split so fundamentally isn't helping her.

I don't think she's actively looking to block anyone specifically. She obviously thinks she's the best person for the job, otherwise she would've never stood as leader to begin with. And I don't think she's that Machiavellian, which, when it comes to negotiating (whether it's with the EU or Parliament or her own party) might be part of her problem. She certainly wouldn't have made it past season 1 in GoT.

There are people in politics who I don't agree with, in terms of policy or how they operate but who I can't help liking. Theresa May's one of those. The most incompetent PM in my lifetime and I disagree with her position on almost everything, but she's always struck me as a fundamentally decent person. I felt the same about John Major - although in fairness he was a far more competent PM than Theresa May.

ok so i gamed this scenario in my head anyway. i think she wants to prevent a no-deal brexit and she’s the stop against that. she thinks it would be a disaster.

boris is a hard brexiter yes? he could just sit on his ass and do nothing and blam, you’re gone on halloween. no need to do anything in particular.

so as long as she’ there no-dealers are blocked.

but if you want to exit with a deal—who is a good alternative to may?

not 2 years ago, but today... who is the true messiah who can deliver a deal?

she seems to be holding their place.

demonrail666 05.23.2019 04:22 PM

Yeah, everything you say about her wanting to block a no-deal Brexit is a given. But that's true of a majority of MPs within her Party. A majority of MPs within Parliament full stop. But those are the very ones the electorate are turning their back on. Not that I think it even matters if a hard-Brexiter replaces her. I'd say most Leave supporters would now sooner vote for Farage than anyone within the conservative party, or any of the mainstream parties for that matter, just as I can ultimately see the more progressive wing of the electorate looking beyond Corbyn for their own Farage.

!@#$%! 05.23.2019 04:28 PM

sssssso..... you’re saying a majority of the electorate is already in favor of a no-deal, hard brexit?

demonrail666 05.23.2019 05:25 PM

No, I'm saying that Theresa May is dying on a hill fighting for something that neither the Leave or the Remain side are ever gonna consider a victory. At best the remainers will see a soft Brexit as preferable to a hard Brexit while the Leavers will at best see it as preferable to no Brexit at all - although in the case of May's actual proposals, they're worse.

!@#$%! 05.23.2019 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
No, I'm saying that Theresa May is dying on a hill fighting for something that neither the Leave or the Remain side are ever gonna consider a victory. At best the remainers will see a soft Brexit as preferable to a hard Brexit while the Leavers will at best see it as preferable to no Brexit at all - although in the case of May's actual proposals, they're worse.

but can she propose *anything* that a majority will agree upon?

the last round of indicative votes i recall “no hard brexit” had an overwhelming majority

but when it came time to agree on a positive proposal, i think customs union had the most votes but not enough to win. yes?

i think it’s gonna be hard brexit by default... especially if boris takes over. no?

since nobody can agree on anything... that... or revocation?

demonrail666 05.23.2019 11:43 PM

The EU are predicting we'll ask for another extension in October.

I just don't know.

demonrail666 05.24.2019 04:09 AM

Anyway, she's just now announced her resignation.

!@#$%! 05.24.2019 06:56 AM

ah yes i wasnt awake for that but saw first thing.

funny story the pound rose upon news of her resignation but then fell back again because evidently nobody else can do shit.

or at least that’s my interpretation of the charts, lol. google gbp/usd or eur/gbp for example

and im no prophet but i disagree with the october prediction. if you get boris i believe you’re gone.

[failed boris photo]

!@#$%! 05.24.2019 08:05 AM



and now to wait for sunday’s results

h8kurdt 05.24.2019 10:06 AM

People have been saying that she doesn't deserve any sympathy for the tears she started on today. I disagree. Whilst she has helped oversee some of the worst government policies in a long time she's still a person. This all came down to Brexit. Something that not a single politician would be able have come out unscuppered. As we've said on here before I'm sure she was trying to get a deal that would help everyone and this is all she has to show for it. Shame.

Worst thing is knowing whoever takes over is going to be, if not worse, then certainly as lame as May has been in all this.

!@#$%! 05.24.2019 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
People have been saying that she doesn't deserve any sympathy for the tears she started on today. I disagree. Whilst she has helped oversee some of the worst government policies in a long time she's still a person. This all came down to Brexit. Something that not a single politician would be able have come out unscuppered. As we've said on here before I'm sure she was trying to get a deal that would help everyone and this is all she has to show for it. Shame.

Worst thing is knowing whoever takes over is going to be, if not worse, then certainly as lame as May has been in all this.

yeah, i don’t think she’s evil, she comes across as super-earnest, but just has had a record of incompetence on brexit.

according to an economist article i just heard on audio version, things were not so polarized 3 years ago, and various compromises that are now unacceptable seemed way more palatable. they’re saying it’s various decisions she made that increased polarization. i could copypaste the text later if you’re curious.

demonrail666 05.24.2019 02:28 PM

I'm not gonna hate on her but it was more than just Brexit. Her general election campaign, her handling of Windrush and Grenfell. The list goes on. She was a decent person but let's not fool ourselves into thinking she was anything other than a terrible PM.

!@#$%! 05.24.2019 02:42 PM

you have me googling “windrush and grenfall” now

sounds like titles for james bond movies



holy fuckin shit!!

h8kurdt 05.24.2019 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you have me googling “windrush and grenfall” now

sounds like titles for james bond movies



holy fuckin shit!!

Exactly. Her legacy comes down to Brexit but there's all the rest of the shit that happened under her tenure that go against her too.

!@#$%! 05.24.2019 03:03 PM

im changing my line here



i dont yet have the info re: her culpability on the building fire, but the deportation of your own citizens on purely racial bias to get murdered in jamaica, being denied health care, etc, WITLF

now i wanna see more of her tears. jeezus fuckin christ.


!@#$%! 05.24.2019 03:15 PM

demonrail666 05.24.2019 03:35 PM

She can't be held responsible for Grenfell but her handling of the enquiry was not good.

!@#$%! 05.24.2019 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
She can't be held responsible for Grenfell but her handling of the enquiry was not good.

wow. wtf.

here some letters

demonrail666 05.24.2019 04:23 PM

OK, everything here is true but (you won't be expected to know this) newspapers like The Independent (like The Guardian) are essentially anti-Conservative propaganda. So referencing it in relation to TM is gonna be as balanced as me referencing Fox News in relation to a Democrat. The problem is they're the only two broadsheets that are accessible without a paywall, so they're always the two that come up when anyone googles anything. That's not to say that those with a paywall aren't also heavily biased in their own way, but the Guardian is pretty much the official newspaper of the Left in the UK, and if anything the Independent has moved to occupy a similar position.

!@#$%! 05.24.2019 04:57 PM

yes i am aware haha

but still, you remove the noise, the fact that she deported black british citizens to their deaths still stands. so unbelievably fucked up.

ps i wanna add a subscription to the financial times next

demonrail666 05.24.2019 05:07 PM

Yeah cool. Why I said everything there is true. Just didn't know if you was aware how those newspapers view things. It's difficult linking any uk paper when it comes to politics because they're openly biased. Although I'd rather that transparency than the supposed neutrality of the BBC when it's anything but.

!@#$%! 05.24.2019 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yeah cool. Why I said everything there is true. Just didn't know if you was aware how those newspapers view things. It's difficult linking any uk paper when it comes to politics because they're openly biased. Although I'd rather that transparency than the supposed neutrality of the BBC when it's anything but.

true, the daily mail and the telegraph paywall the shit out of their articles. not that im a fan of them but sometimes they have info i want.

but after learning about windrush i saw the full video of her goodbye speech, and when she started crying, i just spontaneously laughed.

anyway i like that the guardian has a lot of instant info for brexit that looks a lot like their sports coverage. and their youtube news channel will have direct feeds from ongoing events. their opinion columnists ... different story.

i think i remember you liked the independent for the world cup...

demonrail666 05.24.2019 07:10 PM

This about sums it all up

!@#$%! 05.24.2019 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666


loved it

also the cut that follows is even more hilarious

because it’s a minute longer and it includes “the sun” :D

i need to start watching this show

i read that someone famous (current ceo of the swiss bank maybe it was?) learnd english by watching yes minister

maybe it was someone else, but either way, excellent. thanks.

demonrail666 05.24.2019 08:30 PM

Put Sir Humphrey (or better still Sir Arnold) in Westeros and he'd have wiped the floor with the lot of them.

!@#$%! 05.24.2019 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Put Sir Humphrey (or better still Sir Arnold) in Westeros and he'd have wiped the floor with the lot of them.


this should have been varys!

and holy fuck, this is even better than “the wire”

btw my wife caught me watching that first clip, got curious on her own, found it on dailymotion, and tldr; we’re about to get on with episode 2 lolololol

again thanks for the reminder & pointing me to this thing. i remember the first time i caught it i thought it was “too cynical,” but after a year of marinating it has become the funniest thing.

demonrail666 05.25.2019 03:03 AM

I love it. The 1st series takes a while to really settle into its winning formula but after that it's pure gold.

Anyway, Boris enters the leadership race saying he'll take Britain out on October 31st with or without a deal. That'd almost certainly mean a Gen. Election being called before then.

!@#$%! 05.25.2019 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I love it. The 1st series takes a while to really settle into its winning formula but after that it's pure gold.

well it’s not making me not laugh right now


Originally Posted by demonrail666
IAnyway, Boris enters the leadership race saying he'll take Britain out on October 31st with or without a deal.

yep... as expected

jp morgan had (publicly anyway) said they rated the likelihood of a no deal brexit 25% up from 15% when may stepped down, but some other banks/investors/gambler (forget the names) had it at 50%.

plus there’s always the chance of macron saying “not no more”, and blam.


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I That'd almost certainly mean a Gen. Election being called before then.

ok, the “upcoming general election” is the part i do not understand. can you please help me out here?

when is it regularly due and why would it happen sooner?

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