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h8kurdt 10.28.2018 05:14 AM

How many deaths have been attributed to the antifa?

!@#$%! 10.28.2018 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Why are you so angry?.

that’s a great question i’m asking myself right now

the answer is: because i realized you’re absolutely full of shit and i’ve run out of patience with you.

halloween costumes... smh

i can’t even... not gonna waste my time trying to discuss your distraction



Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Feel free to continue down your political hell hole......just feel good about it!

“just feel good about it”


sick plastic smile & full of shit

fuck you bytor

(wow, that felt good actually)

!@#$%! 10.28.2018 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
How many deaths have been attributed to the antifa?

why bother asking. he’s gonna evade and change the subject to another fake outrage.

likely about college or “the gays” and why it can’t be 1950 again

& his inalienable right to wear blackface

& apologias of the alt right


oh and how you should feel the way he tells you (creepy af or what)

he doesn’t argue in good faith

tw2113 10.28.2018 04:15 PM

Just checking in. We're still fucked in more ways than the kama sutra offers, right?

choc e-Claire 10.28.2018 05:13 PM

Dear lord, the anti-trans memo stuff was literally just a week ago.

Maybe that's Trump's strategy? You can't have the media hound you over a controversy if you have a new one every week :rolleyes:

!@#$%! 10.28.2018 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Dear lord, the anti-trans memo stuff was literally just a week ago.

Maybe that's Trump's strategy? You can't have the media hound you over a controversy if you have a new one every week :rolleyes:

yes! and his followers learn from this

now the fake outrage over “the war on halloween” :rolleyes: is to distract us from wingnuts on killing rampages


it’s been a year and a half since that was published so by now they’ve not only perfected their technique, they have rebroadcasters all over.

“but the 3 amigos...”

Skuj 10.28.2018 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
Just checking in. We're still fucked in more ways than the kama sutra offers, right?

I do a drive-by once a week or so, and.....yep.

This thread is pretty much as useful as a kickstand on a bus. The Trumpists will not see it any other way, and the others will continue to necro-hippo-flagelate.

Carry on!!!

h8kurdt 10.28.2018 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
will continue to necro-hippo-flagelate.

Carry on!!!

Oh keep talking, you dirty bitch, that's my favourite kind of masturbation.

!@#$%! 10.28.2018 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Oh keep talking, you dirty bitch, that's my favourite kind of masturbation.

haaa haaaa haaaaa

(this forum needs better emojis)

Skuj 10.29.2018 01:23 PM

Jesus Christ!!!

Am I about to lose a bet I made many pages ago?

!@#$%! 10.29.2018 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Jesus Christ!!!

Am I about to lose a bet I made many pages ago?

oh lololol

maybe she thinks the third time’s the charmed...

sorry hillary, but kindly fuck off :D

but seriously. done with the clintons. they’re radioactive at this point. goodbye 20th century!

demonrail666 10.29.2018 02:43 PM

Who'd be your preferred candidate?

I see the list of potential runners and the only ones I know anything about are Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.

!@#$%! 10.29.2018 02:57 PM

i like elizabeth warren because she believes in markets, but in markets that aren’t rigged by the powerful against the little guy

that to me is the sweet spot of the economic center, if there is one


let’s see...

Bytor Peltor 10.29.2018 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yes it’s true, you havent attacked anyone personally. [eta: but you sound like you’re threatening the potheads, which is kinda creepy]


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
fuck you bytor

Well you sure went and made it personal.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
halloween costumes... smh

Because I mentioned Halloween costumes?

For those who bothered to read the article, this should have jumped out at you:

“Halloween has also become known for more DANGEROUS and DAMAGING TRADITIONS like BINGE DRINKING, sexualized or culturally inappropriate costumes and VANDALISM.”


Didn’t Sesame Street teach us One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other?


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
likely about college or “the gays” and why it can’t be 1950 again

& his inalienable right to wear blackface

& apologias of the alt right


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
he doesn’t argue in good faith

What Are You Talking About

I won’t be baited and I’m not trying to bait and switch......not even really trying to argue. I deal in truth and apparently some can’t handle the truth!

Bytor Peltor 10.29.2018 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
How many deaths have been attributed to the antifa?

Zero that I’m aware of, but NPR Says It Won’t Be Long......and this story is from last Summer......”why does Antifa carry sticks?” (some with protruding nails)


Originally Posted by tesla69
The way women are treated is against everything I believe in, but for some reason the pseudoleft thinks it is racist to say so.

This Explains It Better Than I Could

Bytor Peltor 10.29.2018 03:49 PM

If the DEMS don’t gain control next Tuesday, who else do they have to turn to in 2020? Who else has the ability to raise a billion plus in two years?

Believe it was the Drudge Report who recently posted a story about a Nancy Pelosi bid for 2020?

HAPPY to see you back, Skuj!


Originally Posted by Skuj
Jesus Christ!!!

Am I about to lose a bet I made many pages ago?

!@#$%! 10.29.2018 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Who'd be your preferred candidate?

I see the list of potential runners and the only ones I know anything about are Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.

here’s another

!@#$%! 10.29.2018 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Well you sure went and made it personal.

i just made your plastic smile obvious.

you should feel good about it


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

I won’t be baited and I’m not trying to bait and switch......not even really trying to argue. I deal in truth and apparently some can’t handle the truth!

you can’t handle the truth of the maga terrorists so you peddle bullshit three amigos panic

what does that even have to do with anything lol

pure distraction

let’s get back to your colleagues


now you will spew some bullcaca about how that is not terrorism bla bla bla



ilduclo 10.29.2018 05:18 PM

In just three days, we’ve seen:

1) A hate crime against black people in Louisville
2) The arrest of the #MAGABomber, who targeted prominent Democrats
3) A mass shooting at a synagogue

And the media talks about “both sides” because some Republicans got yelled at in a restaurant

choc e-Claire 10.29.2018 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
1) A hate crime against black people in Louisville

When did this happen?! First I've heard of it

ilduclo 10.29.2018 05:33 PM

Skuj 10.29.2018 05:45 PM

I think I will not have to cough up:

Anyway, nice to step in for a bit. I'll fuck off now. :)


!@#$%! 10.29.2018 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
When did this happen?! First I've heard of it

!@#$%! 10.29.2018 08:29 PM


!@#$%! 10.29.2018 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Who'd be your preferred candidate?

here’s link #3 (2 more above)

this is a better conversation:

another, from the source:

demonrail666 10.30.2018 03:06 AM

Interesting stuff.

I like that she's mainly focused on the economy and infrastructure. Beyond that I suppose it's just a case of whether her concept of 'accountable capitalism' convinces enough so-called 'Trump Democrats' to switch back. It'd be pointless her targeting Trump's character at this point as those who voted for him last time were fully aware of it then and he hasn't exactly changed since then. To keep up the misogyny line, the racist line would no doubt please her Liberal base but they were never gonna switch to Trump in the 1st place. And I know from other articles that sections of the GOP absolutely relish the thought of Trump going up against her. Even some Democrats admit she has an image problem when it comes to trying to win back working class voters:

'Not all Democrats believe Warren can appeal to working-class voters outside of true-blue coastal bastions and among urban and campus elites. Former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell, a Democrat, said Warren’s words on their own would resonate with Trump Democrats, but she herself is seen as too liberal and too associated with the type of identity politics that turns off white, working-class voters.“Her message is a good one, there’s no question about it, she’s very good at attacking and stripping back the hypocrisy,” he said. “I’m not sure she’s the best messenger for that type of voter.” ' - Boston Globe article. (Full article:

Admittedly, that article's over a year old now.

!@#$%! 10.30.2018 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Interesting stuff.


i’m a bit overloaded today, and your post is packed with questions (good ones), so i’m gonna have to break down the responses if you don’t mind.

please be patient and i hope we don’t get sidetracked by trolls or dumbfuckery (hard to tell which is which sometimes in this thread)

gonna have to start by reading that article and will come back after.

eta: i cant open the damn thing. apparently i already enjoyed “a free article” from these ppl. hahahahaha. k... will sort

!@#$%! 10.30.2018 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666

'Not all Democrats believe Warren can appeal to working-class voters outside of true-blue coastal bastions and among urban and campus elites. Former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell, a Democrat, said Warren’s words on their own would resonate with Trump Democrats, but she herself is seen as too liberal and too associated with the type of identity politics that turns off white, working-class voters.“Her message is a good one, there’s no question about it, she’s very good at attacking and stripping back the hypocrisy,” he said. “I’m not sure she’s the best messenger for that type of voter.” ' -

first thing is let’s get ed rendell out of the way. looks like he and warren have a history, and i am not sure when it started, but rendell is a clintonista who supported hillary in 2008 against obama, and in 2016 said warren was “not ready” to be commander in chief. not sure if he wanted the job or what.
maybe he didnt and he was shilling for someone else

but if he had anything to do with picking hillary’s running mate... what was his name lol... i’d say he needs to go away with the clintons

here he was undercutting her potential primary run a year earlier

!@#$%! 10.30.2018 01:05 PM

i cleared cookies and read the article, but i gotta repeat quoting this part cuz i have something else to unpack here:


Originally Posted by demonrail666
'Not all Democrats believe Warren can appeal to working-class voters outside of true-blue coastal bastions and among urban and campus elites. Former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell, a Democrat, said Warren’s words on their own would resonate with Trump Democrats, but she herself is seen as too liberal and too associated with the type of identity politics that turns off white, working-class voters.“Her message is a good one, there’s no question about it, she’s very good at attacking and stripping back the hypocrisy,” he said. “I’m not sure she’s the best messenger for that type of voter.” ' - .

again i just want to clarify the notion of “identity politics” that irks working class whites per rendell’s analysis.

i’m afraid that label is an unfair one, but it’s also revealing. white supremacy or dog-whistle politics are also identity politics, they are just not recognized as such because they have been practiced by a demographic majority. to cater to the white working class is also identity politics. it’s not just class politics.

see here article on dog whistle politics. some illuminating discussion by that evil mastermind, lee atwater, best remembered for his “willie horton” campaign

the interesting bit i that article comes after the atwater quote though:

However, others like U.S. law professor and author of the 2014 book Dog Whistle Politics Ian Haney-López described Reagan as "blowing a dog whistle" when the candidate told stories about "Cadillac-driving 'welfare queens' and 'strapping young bucks' buying T-bone steaks with food stamps" while he was campaigning for the presidency.[27][28][29] He argues that such rhetoric pushes middle-class white Americans to vote against their economic self-interest in order to punish "undeserving minorities" who, they believe, are receiving too much public assistance at their expense. According to López, conservative middle-class whites, convinced by powerful economic interests that minorities are the enemy, supported politicians who promised to curb illegal immigration and crack down on crime but inadvertently also voted for policies that favor the extremely rich, such as slashing taxes for top income brackets, giving corporations more regulatory control over industry and financial markets, union busting, cutting pensions for future public employees, reducing funding for public schools, and retrenching the social welfare state. He argues that these same voters cannot link rising inequality which has impacted their lives to the policy agendas they support, which resulted in a massive transfer of wealth to the top 1% of the population since the 1980s.[30]

anyway, not saying one can’t cater to that particular ethnic group, just a reminder that “white working class” is an ethnic group here in contemporary america, and that today everyone is doing identity politics in one way or another. white supremacists, black lives matter, feminists, “working class whites”, nativists, nationalists, separatists, evangelicals, black baptists, hockey moms, gun righters, all politics has become identity politics with the loss of 20th century utopianism. everyone wants their identity and is fighting for it, ESPECIALLY those who pretend they are not.

not trying to go off on a theoretical tangent, but the rendell’s point of view is... well, very privileged, ha ha ha ha. or realpolitik. either way. he’s also pushing identity politics.

and yeah warren right now has an image problem but more about that in another post later.

!@#$%! 10.30.2018 02:33 PM

so, briefly, i don’t believe that warren acts in the service of ethnicity but of equality. however that drive towards equality, whichh must address racial and gender disparities, is being cast as “identity politics” by those who would oppose her

does it count as “identity politics” to oppose jeff sessions as attorney general based on his atrocious civil rights record?

only if it’s convenient to your cause to call it so

who really hates her and wants her head on a pike is wall street. she wants to muzzle them, and they don’t like it.

the rest of the haters are just white voters heeding the dog whistle to act (again and again and again) against their own economic interests

e.g., the antiintellectuals and uneducated will resent her for being a harvard professor.

the misogynists, for being a woman

the evangelicals, for her defense of reproductive freedom

the gun righters, for her wanting to limit magazine capacities to 10

the racist goobers, for her daring to read a letter about jeff sessions in the senate

other racists because she said (correctly) that the american justice system is racist front to back


see. the right also practices intersectional politics

they just call it something else

Rob Instigator 10.30.2018 02:40 PM

I live how republicans attack democrats for being too rich, too elitist, too much of a washington insider, or too beholden to special interests. Pot Kettle.

To quote FRank Reynolds - "It takes a real piece of shit to go into politics."


!@#$%! 10.30.2018 03:15 PM

haha frank reynolds. yes

to finish my answer to demonyo & illustrate what roberto said

warren’s harvard salary questioned by a group paid by billionaire robert mercer. lol! the gumption...

anyway yeah that is all from me for now

ilduclo 10.30.2018 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

To quote FRank Reynolds - "It takes a real piece of shit to go into politics."

not the ones I know, they're actually in it to help people

Rob Instigator 10.30.2018 04:17 PM

some are, some are in it for thjeir own agendas, but once in, the shit covers EVERYONE.

It is like joining a party fraternity, you may look away while they gang rape drunk freshmen, but you are stained by the association, and by the need to join such a repulsive group.

!@#$%! 10.30.2018 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
some are, some are in it for thjeir own agendas, but once in, the shit covers EVERYONE.

It is like joining a party fraternity, you may look away while they gang rape drunk freshmen, but you are stained by the association, and by the need to join such a repulsive group.

this is not the time for cynicisms and relativisms though

sure democrats have their rotten apples but nowhere near like the repukes who are an orgy of ignorance, science denial, hate, racism, and sheer rapacity

worry about purges AFTER the election

fuck ted cruz. the worst creeper. vote him out of office NOW. eh? ;)


ilduclo 10.30.2018 04:42 PM

" ...ignorance is nearly the opposite of naivety in being a kind of cynicism..." Rebecca Solnit.

demonrail666 10.31.2018 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

see. the right also practices intersectional politics

they just call it something else

Yes,they always have and always will. Part of why I was originally drawn to the Left was precisely because it didn't - or at least aspired not to. Now I feel essentially homeless, from a political pov.

!@#$%! 10.31.2018 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yes,they always have and always will. Part of why I was originally drawn to the Left was precisely because it didn't - or at least aspired not to. Now I feel essentially homeless, from a political pov.

your home is still the left, white man :D :D :D

as an “ethnic” who is no friend of ethnic struggles and sees both sides of the divide i can tell you with some measure of confidence that the cultural bantustans will slowly melt away into new identities because that is what always happens. i am a happy mongrel and i laugh at racial checkboxes.

there is a funny video of mohammed ali saying how he does not want intermarriage, that he loves his black american wife, bla bla, etc. but what he does not realize is that in africa his tribe and his wifes tribe were probably at war. ha ha ha ha. there is more genetic diversity in africa than in the whole rest of the world.

these ethnicities are all fictions.

and maybe history is a bit hegelian after all, synthesizin’...

anyway, i understand your frustrations with the current state of things, but you gotta relax and understand there is more to oppression than class of oppression, and maybe itks just more class oppression after all, but when class and race become conflated (as it is in america for example) then weird things happen and things can’t be so neatly organized. yes it will be like the life of brian, at least for a while. better than stalinism, no?

anyway, you have taken the red pill, there is no home to go back to, relax and enjoy the ride, or, what was it? DON’T PANIC, lolololol.


i have to be at the mechanic shop so please tell rob if you see him to FIRE TED CRUZ, a true insufferable scoundrel. yeah....

tesla69 10.31.2018 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Now I feel essentially homeless, from a political pov.

the corporate internet is sanitizing its user content to accord with secret standards so there will be even less room for dissent or discussion.

I would like the media to be accurate and stop calling identity politics "Left". "Left" is about a economic struggle, not a struggle for identity. WNYC public radio here in NYC has gone 100% Identity Politics, without even a pretense of evenhandedness anymore. There is an official line the media must not cross, nor allow anyone who wants to art of this special internet-corporate media-govt-complex.

Bytor Peltor 10.31.2018 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you can’t handle the truth of the maga terrorists so you peddle bullshit three amigos panic

what does that even have to do with anything lol

pure distraction

now you will spew some bullcaca about how that is not terrorism bla bla bla

My Three Amigos / YMCA references served two purposes:

A) my attempt to lighten the mood. After the tone of your previous post, I felt some laughter was in order.

B) drawing reference to the point of my post. Showing that if three college guys wanted to rent three mariachi outfits to wear on Halloween night for fun, how sad that universities were going out of the way to compare that to benge drinking and vandalism......while at the same time saying ANTIFA is good.

If you listened to the audio NPR clip, ANTIFA groups were protesting against students on college campuses. The ANTIFA side threw a can and hit someone in the head......some of the ANTIFA’s were carrying clubs.

There is no dodging maga donnies on my end. Nothing I need to account for or handle......handle what? Pathetic people do stupid things all the time. I condemn their behavior, what else would you have me say? on October 26th


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
To be clear, you don’t need detonation for the act to be terrorism......IT WAS TERRORISM!!!

Evaluating buildings and causing panic = TERRORISM!!!

You even complained about the dots:


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
.............were you in denial about deadbeat donnie’s rhetoric and its effects?
ok enough with the dots

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