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!@#$%! 11.01.2018 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yes,they always have and always will. Part of why I was originally drawn to the Left was precisely because it didn't - or at least aspired not to. Now I feel essentially homeless, from a political pov.


so kept thinking about this and did a search and ran into this very smart guy s/

unfortunately nobody is listening to him ha ha ha ha
(or maybe only the right is)

i looked at other articles by him and there are truly some sobering ones. will post links.

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 09:23 AM

but first, some choice quotes from the link above

Is this racist? Of course. But it’s easy to misunderstand what this means. At its core, racism is not about xenophobic reactions to difference, stereotyping people from other groups, or a sense of intrinsic superiority. Racism is about preserving a socio-economic order which privileges the majority group (in this case, whites) at the expense of minorities. And while hate can (and typically does) play an important role in justifying this cause, strictly speaking, it is not necessary: there are plenty of racists who do not hate black people, per se. Many may even have black friends and colleagues whom they hold in great esteem. But this does little to alleviate the gnawing, pervasive and persistent fear that the empowerment of minorities will ultimately come at the expense of whites. For those many white Americans already struggling (or failing) to keep their head above water or support their families, this prospect doesn’t just induce dread—it motivates resistance.

in other words, it’s a case of crabs in a bucket. this corresponds well to the analysis of dog whistle politics from the lópez guy i quoted above. only the phrasing is a little different. i’ll show...

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 09:36 AM

he goes on later

For contemporary racist movements, keeping down minorities is a means towards the end of preserving white dominance over society; it is rarely an end unto itself. Groups typically recruit people, not with hate,
but by evoking love for one’s family, community and way of life, or else appealing to pride in one’s history, heritage and culture. The call is for white people to band together against the forces which threaten these—a mandate through which many find comradery and purpose. It’s counterintuitive perhaps, but the sales pitch for racism relies heavily on positive messaging. This is why so many who participate in ethnic nationalist and separatist groups are so sincerely convinced that they are not racist.

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 09:39 AM

he goes on to describe the teslas and their identity politics, but begins to points towards a solution...

Because the literature from these groups is rife with revisionist history, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, and problematic (or outright false and falsified) empirical claims, it is tempting to dismiss members as whackos or fools—but this would be a mistake. These elements cohere into a mythology which substantiates and reinforces the white identity that so many Americans believe is under siege—and in turn produces a community to protect it. Outsiders sniping at parts of this belief system merely reinforces this siege mentality and further polarizes adherents. The only way to really undermine these groups is to eliminate their raison d’etre.

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 09:42 AM

and here he follows with the core of his argument and a criticism that i think you also share:

And so the task of social justice advocates should be obvious: to convincingly argue and demonstrate to poor white Americans that it is possible to preserve or even improve their condition and at the same time raise up marginalized groups. Not only have activists miserably failed at this task, their message and tactics regularly alienate impoverished whites while confirming racist narratives. It should be no surprise then that ethnic nationalist and separatist movements have been rapidly expanding in America (and across Western democracies), while their ideology and methods are growing increasingly extreme, and increasingly effective. If the current dynamics continue unchecked, we should expect the problem to grow worse.

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 09:46 AM


America’s demographics, economy and culture are evolving rapidly—and as the primary stakeholders in the current socio-economic order, white Americans believe they have the most to lose from these changes. As white privilege is increasingly critiqued and challenged, many have come to fear that minorities have become racist against them, that they are increasingly the victims of reverse-discrimination, and that whites will be increasingly marginalized and persecuted in the future as minorities continue to rise (often resting on the premise that these groups will act as a monolith).

When they express these fears, adherents are immediately denounced as ignorant, bigoted or intolerant. Meanwhile, their own culture is mocked and derided with total impunity: It is perfectly acceptable to denigrate impoverished whites as rednecks, hillbillies, trailer trash, white trash, and so on—to mock their religion, traditions, and even their suffering.

this is clear and evident and nowhere better illustrated for us than in this very thread

we are all trapped in a racialized struggle, while the rich laugh nonstop

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 09:52 AM

The antipathy impoverished whites often get from minority groups and their liberal white advocates is perhaps the single greatest cause for their resentment of “other” poor people. Because progressives typically look down on this constituency as ignorant, stupid or crazy, they tend to believe that right-wing politicians are duping poor white people into voting against their best interests—and accordingly, that they can “help” these lost souls “see the light” by presenting them with the relevant “facts” about racial inequality—oblivious that this kind of condescension is precisely the problem:

White voters know that GOP candidates will target the poor and bolster the wealthy; this is precisely what they are electing them to do. It is clear that some already-disadvantaged whites may become worse off in some respects (although the policies are often tailored to minimize this), but white voters are confident that “others” will be harmed far more. As a result, the position of white people, even poor white people, may be enhanced relative to the minorities who bear the brunt of these actions. In other words, this voting pattern is not illogical--it is a war of attrition to preserve the status quo.

so while lópez sez they are convinced to vote agains their own interests, this guys see the logic of *a war of attrition*

i agree with this now over the previous explanation

this is very good

this guy is very good

he’s got more articles in salon that came after this 2015 piece. in a recent one he predicts trump getting reelected in 2020. and he makes perfect sense. shudder!

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 10:01 AM

ps- his twitter feed is a gold mine

demonrail666 11.01.2018 11:15 AM

The only bit I disagree with, and to be fair this is solely from my perspective, as someone brought up in a very ethnically diverse part of London, so it may not apply to the country as a whole, let alone the US, is the bit about resentment towards other poor groups.

My experience is that the resentment is overwhelmingly aimed at liberal whites (traditionally dismissed as 'do-gooders') more than it is to other ethnicities. Equally, I feel the racism towards poor white sections of society is far more prevalent within liberal white society than from black or asian communities. Within the kind of diverse communities I know, social-mixing between ethnic groups has been a simple fact of life for decades and for the most part the different groups get along. It's an extremely poor area so there are huge tensions there and there'll always be those who scapegoat other races as a reason for their own plight, from both sides, but on the whole I'd say people of my generation and below (I'm almost 50) for whom diversity has always been a norm are pretty cool with it. Yes there was a lot of racism in the 70s and 80s when traditionally white working class areas first encountered the large-scale arrival of different ethnic groups into their communities but on the whole I'd say those tensions were fairly quickly resolved. Never completely obviously but I'd say those communities have done pretty well on their own trying to work things out.

What I can't stand is when white liberals who have either next to know experience of diversity or else sample it for a little while as something exotic, tproject their own racism onto those who are actually (in my experience) far less racist in their everyday life than they are.

My point is, I'd say the bulk of white working class people I know hate (and I really mean hate) liberals (usually white but not always) far more than they do black or asian people from their own community. (I mention asian in the british sense, meaning people from India., Pakistan, etc, rather than China, etc, which I know is what it tends to mean in the US).

But I'm not speaking for anyone. I'm only talking about my experience.

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 11:57 AM

here in the u.s ive lived in different places and find that those ethnic struggles do exist in various degrees in various communities, as well as in the media.

but i agree with you that liberals can be overbearingly preachy, self-righteous, and close-minded. i tend to fall into those patterns at times because often they have offered ready explanations for apparent absurdities i can’t figure out. readymade answers. but i’m always for reason and rationality in the end.

for example, when i was trying to figure out if i should buy a home defense weapon, and discussed it with people, my liberal acquaintances chastised me as a repugnant heretic and an idiot, whereas the conservative ones actually discussed pros and cons and offered useful suggestions.

guess what i ended up doing...

so here we have for example ildouche’s debating style, which i find highly repugnant and know to be a turnoff. agree or get ignored, chastise rather than argue, etc. liberals eat their own.

on the other side, however, is loco tesla!

and so i must choose sides

in spite of many issues i find problematic among liberals, ultimately i must go with whoever is closer to my political ideals. especially in a big tent party system.

so i will vote with ildouche 9 times out of 10.

it’s just what it is.

so i think you still belong on the left. you might be disgruntled, looking for answers, feeling betrayed , fighting for a niche... but ultimately probably just are having a family argument rather than being truly homeless.

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I sure hate to butt into the interesting and enjoyable conversation between !@#$%! and demonrail666, but much of what al Gharbi says is pretty much the same as what I've been saying all along!

no, sorry, not quite

you illustrate what he’s saying, but you’re not saying the same thing

you have spoken of white working class pain, but from an already racialized anti immigrant perspective

i still remember also when the paris terror attacks happened you had the poor sense to post a link to a medieval crusader chant about killing muslims

i mean, you’re not exactly the model spokesperson for supraethnic rationality

but you do illustrate one of the polarities that al gharbi describes, yes, i will concede that, and the response to you has come from the opposite polarity, yes

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I've already pointed out the fact that my opinion on immigration is the traditional labor perspective on that issue, thus also indicating the alien class origin of the liberals' position on that issue. I've also explained that the reason for my having posted that song (which I dedicated to the French Air Force), was due to the fact that they were attacking ISIS, which the US was still refusing to attack in any serious way at that time (which, you may recall, was while Obama was still in office).

yeah the guy is not asking for the “traditional” anything, but a new thing, and in fact acknowledges that racism is this country’s tradition. so you have not been saying what he’s saying. at all.

(and i should add, labor has been traditionally racist).

what he is saying is that minorities have more to gain from an alliance with poor whites than by pursuing a purely antiracist policy where they are left fighting for scraps against poor whites

again, not what you have been saying.

you keep discounting racism altogether, or pretending it doesn’t exist, or that it doesn’t matter. this is not what he says, at all.


and asking for the use of force by appealing to the spirit of the crusades is... well... where should i begin...

...just so fucking medieval :D

!@#$%! 11.01.2018 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
One of my posts explaining my position on immigration included a quote on the subject by African-American labor leader A. Phillip Randolf, who pointedly called for the exclusion of "Negroes from the West Indies" among many other groups, apparently in reaction to having his strong anti-immigrant position being labeled as anti-white. And I've NEVER denied the centrality of the struggle for racial equality in the course of American history. I've simply said that labeling opposition to illegal immigration as inherently racist constitutes the racializing of an essentially class issue.

lol “negroes”

i have to get on the road soon so i can’t reply to this old-timey west indies business, but let me repeat: you are not saying what musa al gharbi is saying

stop giving yourself credit for intellectual achievements that are not yours, ideas you haven’t articulated, credentials you don’t have, etc.



demonrail666 11.01.2018 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I've already pointed out the fact that my opinion on immigration is the traditional labor perspective on that issue, thus also indicating the alien class origin of the liberals' position on that issue.

It's two Lefts. Where I disagree with Symbols is that I see no way of reconciling them. If anything, they're almost diametrically opposed.

Unless someone can find a way of connecting this lot:


with this lot:


demonrail666 11.01.2018 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
labor has been traditionally racist.

Labour has been traditionally suspicious of anything that threatens its livelihood, be it foreigners or technology.

!@#$%! 11.02.2018 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
It's two Lefts. Where I disagree with Symbols is that I see no way of reconciling them. If anything, they're almost diametrically opposed.

Unless someone can find a way of connecting this lot:


with this lot:


a bit too manipulative and i don’t know who those are (“snowflakes” sez the pic name)

let’s take it step by step

can you connect these two?



or no?

!@#$%! 11.02.2018 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Labour has been traditionally suspicious of anything that threatens its livelihood, be it foreigners or technology.



!@#$%! 11.02.2018 05:54 AM

beatnik = snowflake?


not sure it translates...

demonrail666 11.02.2018 06:31 AM

I wasn't being altogether serious. Yes, when you replace the picture, of course they can be connected, or at least seriously compared. They both fought for their rights, although the Labour movement had no genuine interest in egalitarianism (and therefore had the capacity to switch between communism and fascism) whereas the civil rights movement, reflected in the picture of black protesters, was fundamentally tied to classical liberalism (taking the fascist, and arguably even communist, options off the table altogether). Meanwhile the snowflakes in the picture I posted don't seem to know what they really believe. Hence why they're invariably so crap at debating.

Although as a vehicle for memes, they're the .gif that never stops giving


!@#$%! 11.02.2018 06:34 AM

i 1000x prefer to laugh at the crying neonazi


you’re picking your targets wrong

demonrail666 11.02.2018 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!


In theory at least, they could've been a part of the labour movement, like the Dockers unions in the 60s that supported Enoch Powell.


The people protesting about black people on religious grounds are their own thing altogether - and I imagine in reality the people in the 'Fire Nigger Workers' photo probably had more in common with them than the ones in the Dockers photo.

I'd never thought of it before but I'm sure some Beatniks would now be considered snowflakes. Although I'd probably put the more interesting examples like Bukowski or Burroughs in the Libertarian camp. (Although were they really even Beatniks to begin with?)

That crying neo-nazi was snowflake as fuck

!@#$%! 11.02.2018 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I Meanwhile the snowflakes in the picture I posted don't seem to know what they really believe. Hence why they're invariably so crap at debating.

i dont know what they believe, i’d have to ask them

but why don’t you take them by the hand and help them find out what they believe in anyway?

yes i get that polemics and rigor have been de-emphasized in academia in favor of “everyone is entitled to their feelings and opinions,” but in the real world the skill is still required.

you’d be doing them a huge favor...

the other thing is that i can’t support or fight people based on their machismo or apparent toughness. i mean, with the nazi, any reason to make fun of him is a plus, but i’m not going to kick my allies in the head because they’re pudgy or gender ambiguous and don’t look like cage fighters or amazons or whatever. yes, i’m sorry that some of them can’t find their ass with both hands, but they are much closer to me than their opponents.

take the ows kids from a few years ago—i knew from the start they were doomed to fail. they were just kids! they wanted 1000 contradictory things. but now some are growing up to do some interesting things. so i’ll take the snowflakes and their confusion over the simplemidedness of young republicans or the hitler youth or whatever alternatives are out there.

ilduclo 11.02.2018 09:26 AM

In other news


ilduclo 11.02.2018 09:30 AM

“The stench of this will never come off the Republicans.”

Bytor Peltor 11.02.2018 10:25 AM

With just FOUR DAYS until the Midterms, lets look at the week that was:

Nancy Pelosi Doubles Down With Blue Wave Prediction

Hillary Clinton: “they all look alike”......notice how you see Oprah and not Hillary stumping for candidates.

In The Poker Game Of Life, You Must Have A Strong Poker Face

Four Most Dangerous Americans Not On Death Row

The New York Times Just Made A STUNNING Admission About Why Leftists Often Refuse To Call Out Anti-Semitism


15,000 Troops On The Boarder

Wages Rise at Fastest Rate in Nearly a Decade as Hiring Jumps

Jobs smash estimates with gain of 250,000, wage gains pass 3% for first time since recession


Judicial Watch Files House Ethics Complaint Against Maxine Waters For Inciting Violence and Assaults on Trump Cabinet’s going to be a great weekend!!!

ilduclo 11.02.2018 10:57 AM

stenchy here, too

ilduclo 11.02.2018 11:02 AM

The killer at the heart of Trump's racist ad was set free—by Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio

The real story of the killer at the start of Trump’s ad is that he was deported under Clinton and returned under Bush. And that Joe Arpaio had a chance to deport him, but was too busy making people wear pink jump suits and march around in the sun to deal with a repeat offender.

!@#$%! 11.02.2018 03:05 PM


no snowflake either

demonrail666 11.02.2018 03:59 PM

I'd never say he was.

I don't know where you're going with that. All I was saying was there's a coherent (but problematic) Leftism, associated with sections of the Labour movement, that wasn't interested in, and actively opposed, egalitarianism. To highlight the existence of something isn't to endorse it. Although I do find their position interesting, from a purely intellectual point of view. I compared it with a picture of what I consider ideologically incoherent modern-day campus protestors that, for the most part, I consider expressing little more than a lifestyle choice, rather than offering any kind of interesting political position. I haven't, nor would I ever, say the same thing about the civil rights movement.

ilduclo 11.02.2018 04:28 PM

rump's Chief Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow doesn't know that there is, in fact, a Federal Minimum Wage (it's all of $7.25/hr), and he's against it as a general idea...

!@#$%! 11.02.2018 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'd never say he was.

no, i mean, no vietnamese, no snowflake either. “no snowflake ever called me a...” etc

by which i mean—deficiencies aside, snowflakes are my people


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I don't know where you're going with that. All I was saying was there's a coherent (but problematic) Leftism, associated with sections of the Labour movement, that wasn't interested in, and actively opposed, egalitarianism. To highlight the existence of something isn't to endorse it. Although I do find their position interesting, from a purely intellectual point of view. I compared it with a picture of what I consider ideologically incoherent modern-day campus protestors that, for the most part, I consider expressing little more than a lifestyle choice, rather than offering any kind of interesting political position. I haven't, nor would I ever, say the same thing about the civil rights movement.


i was just illustrating what i said above—

that the snowflakes are my people.

the left also has always disappointed me. failed promises, ineffectual tactics, irrelevant tangents, unwinnable battles... . but in the end, i just can’t relate to the wingnuts. i’m with the losers. it’s my fate.

was at the barbershop the other day, listening to a bunch of old white men, their jokes, comments, observations, etc... i can relate to them as human beings, but culturally, they say so many cringeworthy things..., ayayay... not worth arguing, might lose an ear in the process.

yep. i’d rather listen to snowflakes whine all day. grates less than wingnut laughter.

Nevermind 11.02.2018 08:04 PM

Hillary is much more likely a pedocidal Satanist than Trump

The Soup Nazi 11.02.2018 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Nevermind
Hillary is much more likely a pedocidal Satanist than Trump

^ Unfunny moron.


Keep 'em coming, what the hell, I've heard it all...

Nevermind 11.02.2018 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
sure, pizzagate, sure

if you repeat it enough times it will be all true


!@#$%! 11.02.2018 08:26 PM

the mentals go on ignore & wont be argued with

The Soup Nazi 11.02.2018 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the mentals go on ignore & wont be argued with

It took about two minutes for the guy to go from "kicks all y'all's asses" to "cold hard sucka". :D

The Soup Nazi 11.02.2018 09:00 PM

This is fuckin' priceless. From Joyful Noise:


ANAL TRUMP - The First 100 Songs


Greetings. Just in time for Election Day, we would like to present to you the debut LP from the notorious grind-duo, Anal Trump.

Who is Anal Trump? The true identities of Rob and Travis Trump remain shrouded in mystery. Are they the unwanted bastard children of the Philanderer-in-Chief? Regular citizens transformed into angry mutants by the deluge of toxic waste spewing from the 45th President’s mouth? Or simply two dudes from high-profile San Diego musical acts who decided to pay tribute to grindcore pioneers Anal Cunt through the words of a man who embodies that band’s name? Whatever the origin of these mystery men, they found only one way to deal with the insanity happening in the political world: they became Anal Trump.

Anal Trump come from a rich tradition of politically-motivated extreme music. Anal Cunt (commonly known as A.C. and AxCx), formed by the late Seth Putnam in 1988, pushed the boundaries of good taste and succeeded in horrifying parents everywhere with song titles like "Hitler was a Sensitive Man," "I Lit Your Baby on Fire," and "Recycling is Gay." But Anal Trump have one distinct advantage over Seth Putnam’s trailblazing act: whereas Putnam and his collaborators had to come up with their own sleazy subject matter, Rob and Travis have a ready-made supply of parent-offending quotes straight from the Oval Office.

The First 100 Songs is Anal Trump's entire recorded output to date, which includes eight distinct EPs (three are yet unreleased), and features songs such as "Harriet Tubman Is, Like, A 3", "Poor People Are Too Stupid To Get A Loan From Their Parents", and "Rational Discourse is Gay".

Rob and Travis Trump aren’t gonna fill your ears with talk of universal healthcare or equal voting rights or any of that socialist stuff -- although they donated 100% of the proceeds from their EPs to non-profit organizations like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood. They just want to point out that the most powerful man in the world is a hate-mongering clown, using shrieks and micro-riffs as their chosen vehicle.

Pressed on Screen-Printed "Drain The Swamp" Green Vinyl, CD, and Digital; 'The First 100 Songs' is out on Election Day (Nov 6), and is now available for pre-order.



1. You Gotta Treat Em Like Shit
2. PTSD Is Gay
3. Some Mexicans Aren't Rapists
4. I Like The Soldiers Who DON'T Get Captured
5. My Daughter Is A Piece Of Ass
6. Poor People Are Too Stupid To Get A Loan From Their Parents
7. There's My African American!
8. Blood Coming Out Of Her Wherever
9. Mexican Judges Don't Count
10. Journalism Is Gay
11. I'd Date My Daughter
12. Grab Em By The Pussy
13. Take His Coat
14. Breast Feeding Is Gay
15. Ted Nugent Is Cool
16. Dave Mustaine Is Cool
17. Trump Tower Has The Best Taco Bowl
18. Poll Watcher
19. Some Things Saddam Hussein Did Well
20. Changing Diapers Is Gay
21. Build That Wall
22. Alex Jones Is Smart
23. I'm In Astonishingly Excellent Health
24. Stay In Your Pens
25. 911 Was Inconvenient For Me, Personally
26. Make America Great Again
27. Nobody Respects Women More Than Me
28. Harriet Tubman Is, Like, A 3
29. I Demand An Apology!
30. That Makes Me Smart!
31. Mammograms Are Gay
32. Nasty Woman
33. Before I Proceed, I'd Like To Hear The Other Side Of The Argument Against Cervical Cancer
34. Flip Your Panties
35. The Fat Picture
36. If I Don't Respect Women, Then How Come I Own A Beauty Pageant?
37. Some Of My Best Friends Know Some Woman That They Still Have Yet To Sexualize
38. The Trump Rule
39. Working Wives
40. Whom I'd Sleep With 2000 (In Order)
41. Take The Hebe Outta Holocaust
42. The Old State Department Library
43. Christian Discount
44. Race Detector
45. Anne Frank Memorial Bagel Chips
46. Let's See Some I.D.
47. If It's Alright With Putin
48. The ACLU Is Gay!
49. Nuclear Football Photo-Op
50. Does This Cross Make Me Look Fat?
51. Sick People Are Gay
52. For All My Friends!!!
53. Asking For It?
54. Victory Lap
55. Old People Are Gay
56. The Jobs You'll Get
57. It's My Hat Now!
58. Can You Believe It?
59. Riot Receipt
60. Kill The Poor, Then Fuck The Poor, Then Bill Their Families
61. Make America Say Merry Christmas Again!
62. Baby, It's Cold Outside
63. Jingle Pence
64. It's Always A White Christmas For Jeff Sessions
65. The Bible Is My Favorite Book
66. Santa Is Real, But Climate Change Is A Hoax
67. Is Alex Jones Doing Sandy Hook Clause Again This Year?
68. Where's My Parade?
69. Tic Tacs And Mistletoe
70. Carol Of The Pence
71. My Cabinet Is Nuanced As Shit
72. Normalize It!
73. I Only Like The Prequels
74. Where's My Apology?
75. What's A Few Dead Kids Between Business Partners?
76. I Alone Can Fix It
77. The "Southern White House" IS Totally A Thing!
78. Can't Get To Heaven Fast Enough
79. Melanie (A Love Song)
80. Droppin' Bombs While Droppin' Bombs While Droppin' Bombs
81. Faith Initiative
82. Biblically Qualified
83. A Soft Sensuality
84. Potty Law!
85. A Widow's Applause (Delicious)
86. Checks/Balances/Gay
87. It's Just Business
88. Can A Brother Get An RT?
89. The Hand Shake
90. See Sex Tape
91. Autocorrect Is Gay
92. Unpresidented
93. Renewable Resources Are Gay
94. "Experts"
95. Computers Are Stupid
96. Rational Discourse Is Gay
97. Last Night In Sweden
98. Human Checkers
99. The President Of Australia Is Gay
100. I'm Like A Smart Person

ilduclo 11.02.2018 09:18 PM


Nevermind 11.02.2018 11:10 PM

you saying any of those things are worse than Podesta's pedophilia?

The Soup Nazi 11.02.2018 11:25 PM



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