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Nevermind 11.02.2018 11:33 PM

Google Image search: "tony podesta art"


but yeah, none of those images could possibly mean their pedophiles or anything...

The Soup Nazi 11.02.2018 11:43 PM

Yeah, no, Google search results are always accurate like that...

Wait — why haven't I blocked this mook yet? Bye-bye.

Bytor Peltor 11.03.2018 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
“The stench of this will never come off the Republicans.”


Originally Posted by ilduclo
The killer at the heart of Trump's racist ad was set free—by Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio

The real story of the killer at the start of Trump’s ad is that he was deported under Clinton and returned under Bush. And that Joe Arpaio had a chance to deport him, but was too busy making people wear pink jump suits and march around in the sun to deal with a repeat offender.

Is this really what DEMS are pinning their hopes on?


Why should it matter the political persuasion of who was in office when:
A) entered illegally
B) deported
C) entered illegally
D) deported
E) entered illegally and kills two cops

The above is just on example. The fact that Democrats and Republicans NEVER DID ANYTHING ABOUT IT is the very reason Donald Trump is our President.

The stench is from Democrats and Republicans leaving a Southern Boarder unprotected. NO - not the Southern Boarder you see on the news where ICE is fighting the good fight......the holes, gaps and underground tunnel systems that contribute to drug smuggling, sex trafficking and muslims/ISIS members and other terrorist to enter illegally.

That was a huge campaign promise in 2016 and many hope it gets kept!

ilduclo 11.03.2018 12:55 PM

pick up the pieces Tues

Nevermind 11.04.2018 03:19 PM

ilduclo 11.04.2018 03:32 PM

Russian bot fly

The Soup Nazi 11.04.2018 05:43 PM

From The Washington Post:


U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump's call to arms
Local landowners are worried, and U.S. military planners see potential dangers in the armed groups.

The Soup Nazi 11.04.2018 05:55 PM

Fareed Zakaria's latest column, well worth reading even if we already know this stuff:

"Republicans are now squarely the party of McCarthy, and until that cancer is excised, they should not be entrusted with power."



It is commonplace to hear and read about President Trump's takeover of the Republican Party. And certainly there is lots of evidence that the GOP is animated these days by an unquestioning devotion to Trump and whatever his ideas may be at any given moment. But the problem is that Republicans are now becoming the party not of Trump but of Joseph McCarthy, the Wisconsin senator who in the 1950s accused the State Department of treason, called George Marshall — head of the Army during World War II, later secretary of state and defense — a traitor, and implied that the American government was being secretly run by the Kremlin.

The Republican Party today has become a vast repository of conspiracy theories, fake news, false accusations and paranoid fantasies.

Consider the most recent example. Trump has scared much of the country about a small group of Central Americans, fleeing poverty and violence, who are hoping to come to the U.S. border and apply for asylum. It's perfectly reasonable to oppose letting them in, though it is cruel to demonize them constantly. But Republicans have not been content to oppose granting asylum. They have concocted facts out of thin air and invented conspiracies about who is behind this group of impoverished migrants.

Last week, one of the prominent hosts at Fox News, which is now the Pravda of the Republican Party, suggested that more than 100 Islamic State fighters had been caught "trying to use this caravan." Trump, a devoted Fox News viewer, pounced on that claim, declaring that "unknown Middle Easterners" had joined the caravan. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) asked whether Democratic donor George Soros was funding this movement.

None of these claims has an iota of truth to it. But they are repeated and reinforced across the country. The notion that Soros is the dark mastermind behind all kinds of movements is now deeply lodged in the Republican Party — so much so that senior party leaders such as House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) and Sen. Charles E. Grassley of Iowa repeat it almost reflexively. Rep. Steve King (Iowa) has accused Soros of backing a grand scheme to systematically introduce foreigners in order to replace "Americans" — in other words, whites — with "somebody else's babies."

The slurs against Soros are revealing. Let's remember, Soros is one of the most successful businessmen in history, who made his money in as pure a form of capitalism as there is, reading and betting on the market. He has become one of the world's leading philanthropists. His foundation has spent more than $14 billion to date, much of it to support anti-communists and human rights groups, first in Eastern Europe and then around the world. He has funded various liberal ideas as well, from prison reform to the legalization of marijuana, many of which are now in the mainstream.

So why the focus on him? He is not the only big funder of liberal causes and candidates. Soros is not a mysterious figure. He has given countless speeches and interviews and written many books and articles. His Open Society Foundations put all their grants in plain view, on their website. But Soros is a perfect bogeyman for conspiracy theorists. He is rich, powerful, grew up abroad, has a foreign accent and is Jewish.

Republicans are at pains to deny anti-Semitism as a motivation for demonizing Soros, but the problem is it is not just Soros they target. Many Republicans now speak often and openly of the dangers of "globalists" — but for some reason, these "globalists" tend to be Jewish financiers (Lloyd Blankfein, Gary Cohn, Janet Yellen and Soros). Given the ugly historical smears in this regard, one can only conclude that elements of the Republican Party are either clueless about anti-Semitism or actively encouraging it.

It doesn't end there. In his riveting book Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire, Kurt Andersen describes the mountain of conspiracy theories spouted by Republicans these days — about the United Nations, vaccines, gun control and sharia law, among other topics. Based on zero evidence, in an age of science and technology, these ideas are now more widespread than ever before.

America has a history of paranoid politics, infused with the belief that there is some hidden conspiracy to betray the republic. But these forces used to be peripheral, voiced by marginal figures. When they seemed to be growing, as with the John Birch Society in the 1960s, mainstream conservatives such as William F. Buckley publicly and forcefully denounced them. Today senior Republicans emulate them. Trump has given a ringing endorsement to Alex Jones, the country's most influential and extreme conspiracy theorist. "Your reputation is amazing," Trump said in a 2015 interview with Jones. "I will not let you down."

The Republican Party has many good people and good ideas. But none of them matters while it houses and feeds fantasies, conspiracies and paranoia, tinged with racism, bigotry and anti-Semitism. Republicans are now squarely the party of McCarthy, and until that cancer is excised, they should not be entrusted with power.

(c) 2018, Washington Post Writers Group

tw2113 11.04.2018 06:08 PM

I'm doubtful any midterm elections here will affect anything. But I'm a cynic.

ilduclo 11.04.2018 07:09 PM

" ...ignorance is nearly the opposite of naivety in being a kind of cynicism..." Rebecca Solnit.

!@#$%! 11.04.2018 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
I'm doubtful any midterm elections here will affect anything. But I'm a cynic.

massive voter suppression in your state, no?

ilduclo 11.04.2018 07:18 PM

Gab has been back online for a few minutes, and, well:

Gab CEO Andrew Torba posted a new message to users, saying he hoped the users of the site could show the world how wonderful the Gab community is.

“We want to see nothing but positivity, peace and love. It’s time to show the world that we have the best community on the internet,” he said.

The first comment replied: “The jews [sic] will probably be paying for taking this down I’m guessing.”

“It was the jews [sic],” another comment said in the reply.

“Well looks like I’ll have to park the car for a while now that Gab is up. Thanks jews [sic],” said another user with a middle finger emoji.

Kyle, another Gab user, told the community that during the Gab outage he was watching tweets about the site and concluded, “twitter jews [sic] are the scum of the earth and they will never believe in free speech and cant [sic] wait to take it away from all of us.”

The Soup Nazi 11.04.2018 07:54 PM

Very fair and impartial, that Gab thing. All about free speech and shit.


tw2113 11.04.2018 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
massive voter suppression in your state, no?

Never had that issue that I'm aware of, but I'm in South Dakota, and I assume we'll still go red for the foreseeable future.

tw2113 11.04.2018 09:34 PM

Ah the continual, ongoing screwing of native americans.

Skuj 11.04.2018 10:33 PM

(Yeah yeah, I can't fuckin' stay away from this car crash....)

Can someone please explain why Native American organizations are very quick to criticize Elizabeth Warren for her actions regarding her ancestry, but it's complete crickets when it comes to Trump and his Pocahontas slur?

And that fucking idiot "Nevermind" a few posts up is the very epitome of people who believe everything that Fox or Breitbart throw at them.....fuck me. It's hard to fathom when you read about it, but when you see it plain as day in this thread, it shocks. I know I shouldn't be shocked anymore, but I am.

!@#$%! 11.04.2018 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
(Yeah yeah, I can't fuckin' stay away from this car crash....)

Can someone please explain why Native American organizations are very quick to criticize Elizabeth Warren for her actions regarding her ancestry, but it's complete crickets when it comes to Trump and his Pocahontas slur?

“native americans” is a very broad brush. pan-indianism, or whatever one may call it, is a recent phenomenon brought about by common interests. there are many native tribes, each with their own culture, traditions, agendas, etc.

so, the main people who criticized warren were the cherokees. cherokees have money they dont want to spread around, and have marginalized “black cherokees” who are the descendents of the slaves they once owned and fucked (oh yes they did). cherokees were originally from the carolinas...

they recently had to accept them as members. see:

other people also complained mainly on the basis of tribal sovereignty—tribal membership is decided by tribes not dna tests. which, sure. obviously.

some natives did come out in her defense though. as you know natives are not a monolithical entity.

but anyway there was plenty of protest when pocahontas was first uttered

as for the mental one, we will not give it a further platform by discussing it.

Skuj 11.04.2018 11:11 PM

Thanks. Digesting.

(Nevermind seems to have posted 62 times in 12 years. Perhaps 62 times too many?)

!@#$%! 11.04.2018 11:40 PM

yeah. warren never claimed tribal membership, only ancestry, which the dna proves.

the harvard listing is another story and im not clear on that.

back in the day though a drop of indian “blood” made you an indian. same as black. and it was the white people who would then exclude you that determined that identity. not that the tribe would accept you.

these days however tribes are the ones who decide who is a member, gets a casino check, is eligible for ihs coverage, scholarships, etc. there are federally recognized tribes and there are tribes who arent (and often fight for recognition).

indian law is a huuuuge area actually. forget about digesting it.

ilduclo 11.05.2018 11:27 AM


!@#$%! 11.05.2018 12:05 PM


found this pretty good read

evollove 11.05.2018 01:40 PM

Don Delillo: America's fucked

ilduclo 11.05.2018 02:02 PM

oh, we've gotten thru worse, Shrub and Reagan, f'rintance

Skuj 11.05.2018 02:08 PM

So, am I reading this right? Even Fox News pulled the Trump Ad?

tw2113 11.05.2018 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
So, am I reading this right? Even Fox News pulled the Trump Ad?

That's what I heard on social media, as credible as that can be at times.

Skuj 11.05.2018 02:24 PM

I'm very nervous about tomorrow. Maybe the polling is all wrong? (Like in 2016?) And I'm really fucking baffled about how many tight races there are after two years of this nightmare. How can there not be a blue wave?

The Dems need a leader, fast. And hopefully not one in his/her late 70s. Fuck, come on Dems.

Skuj 11.05.2018 02:25 PM

Are young people actually going to vote this time? Really?

!@#$%! 11.05.2018 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Are young people actually going to vote this time? Really?

who knows

but i just reminded some

demonrail666 11.05.2018 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

found this pretty good read

The site won't load for me :(

ilduclo 11.05.2018 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Are young people actually going to vote this time? Really?

This is the increase in early voting among 18-29 year olds over 2014.

Arizona: +217%
Florida: +131%
Georgia: +415%
Kansas: +191%
Michigan: +128%
North Carolina: +170%
Nevada: +364%
Ohio: +134%
Pennsylvania: +397%
Tennessee: +767%
Texas: +448%
Virginia: +351%

Skuj 11.05.2018 05:13 PM

Wow. Come on, America. This last two years is not who you are.

GravitySlips 11.05.2018 05:52 PM

More fake news ads from an embarrassing President.

Good luck America on mitigating the influence of this idiot and the Regressive Party.

Bytor Peltor 11.05.2018 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
This is the increase in early voting among 18-29 year olds over 2014.

Texas: +448%

Ted has this on Cruz Control winning 60/40......surely Beto can garner 40%?

!@#$%! 11.05.2018 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
The site won't load for me :(

very strange.

anyway it discusses classical & egalitarian liberalism, various proponents, and ultimately argues the threat to liberalism does not come from unserious postmodernism (lol) but from, eh, call it “inherent contradictions” or whatever (no it’s not marxist).

please let me know if it still wont work tomorrow. maybe the pc police blocked it? :D

(i hope i dont start to sound like a reactionary...)

anyway the... i thought it’s a good... map

choc e-Claire 11.06.2018 12:06 AM

Why does this thread never register that I've read the posts on it? It thinks the last one I saw was five pages ago :(

Bytor Peltor 11.06.2018 12:44 AM


- "Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia."
- "Hillary Clinton rigged that election.”
- Joe Biden “can’t fill a phone booth” on the campaign trail
- Bill Clinton, Obama envious & jealous of Trump's crowds

Skuj 11.06.2018 12:57 AM

I have no idea why I put tesla on ignore but not Bytor.

Anyway.....while I contemplate that, Bytor, are you worried about tomorrow? #5216 sure looks like you are spraying bullets everywhere instead of taking aim at something. I mean.....what the fuck is your point?

Actually, nevermind. (That reminds me - I put Nevermind on ignore. Nevermind makes tesla and Bytor look like Chelsea.)

I must admit that I am also worried. But hopeful. America is not this!! I have faith. This craziness cannot continue, right?

Skuj 11.06.2018 01:00 AM

Trump making his final pitches with Fox News guy and Huckabitch. That says everything!!

Skuj 11.06.2018 01:12 AM

You might ask, why is some guy in Canada so concerned? Well, The Divider In Chief has moved America towards civil war, and that could have monumental consequences for my country.

No other POTUS has ever completely disregarded a large chunk of America in this way. Trump has never even dreamed of speaking to any group other than the teslas and Bytors and Neverminds. One might have hoped that, shortly after the election, where Clinton won 3,000,000 more votes, he would take the high/Presidential road, and do what is good for the country. But, fuck no!! And he will pay a price for this stupidity. But maybe not tomorrow. Tomorrow could be too soon. Perhaps.

Fuck, this whole thing makes me ill. I've never hated anyone as much as I hate Trump. I know that "hate" is a very strong word. But this man is fucking evil. He has caused incalculable damage. Bannon talks about Trump being in our lives 30 years from now. I think he has a point. It may take that long to turn the corner on this damage.

Bytor Peltor 11.06.2018 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Bytor, are you worried about tomorrow? #5216 sure looks like you are spraying bullets everywhere instead of taking aim at something. I mean.....what the fuck is your point?

Absolutely nothing to be worried about, nothing to focus on!

I wasn’t taking aim, Rush Limbaugh doesn’t equal bullets.

He was funny and I haven’t seen him mentioned in a long time.

If there is a Blue Wave on Tuesday, you will hear no doom and gloom from me!

The sun will come up Wednesday and life will still be grand!

Sadly, if there is a Blue Wave, many here will think they have “won” yet will eventually realize nothing has changed.

A) Donald Trump will still be President
B) Mueller will stil have nothing
C) many here will still be filled with bitterness

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