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Severian 12.30.2022 06:38 AM

Point Break: Ridiculously stupid film but surprisingly quite fun. Big production value upgrade compared to previous Swayze joints like Roadhouse (which has aged like milk in the sun and was a shit movie to begin with). At least Point Break is fun. Roadhouse is just an unintentional comedy.

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery: Loved the original and this was quite good as well. Bit less Agatha Christie, more Among Us, but whatever, good times, good movie. Seems to have been filmed with a lot of individual scenes edited to seem like people are together — probably because of that big dumb pandemic.

It’s a Wonderful Life: This holds up, even though the movie is like 80% setup for its last 15 minutes or so. Never really noticed that before. It’s really just a good-old-boy life story that turns into a supernatural fantasy film 1.5 hours in. Lmao.

Emily the Criminal: Good but not as good as some would have you believe. A fine film with fine performances, but nothing super special. Spoiler alert, Emily becomes a criminal!

_tunic_ 12.30.2022 08:11 AM

I have one movie left to watch in the "American" theme (American History X), but didn't feel like watching it last night so I might watch it tonight still.
So instead I found this one on Netflix:


it's one of the most horrible films ever! But other people may still enjoy.
At various points I thought about stopping it, but I endured and now still wonder why.

Then I needed a more serious and factual movie, and there was only one option:


didn't expect much of it, and it actually is truly terrible but I enjoyed it a lot. (spoiler alert) it has both Christopher Lloyd (famous for the professor in Back To The Future) and David Hasselhoff as supporting actors.
it always bothers me in these types of movies, that everyone is running around naked except for the main character :(

After that I finished watching a movie that I found while channel hopping, and I entered it midway or so.


!@#$%! 12.30.2022 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Point Break: Ridiculously stupid film but surprisingly quite fun. Big production value upgrade compared to previous Swayze joints like Roadhouse (which has aged like milk in the sun and was a shit movie to begin with). At least Point Break is fun. Roadhouse is just an unintentional comedy.

i watched roadhouse not too long ago (is everyone else on a $1.99 starz kick now?) i laughed my ass off--especially the ending! of course it was terrible, but that is besides the point. watching a monster truck drive over a car dealer's lot for no reason whatsoever while everyone stares with a stupid mouth open and does nothing about it... fuck, that is funny. everything about roadhouse is ridiculous and funny.

on the other hand i was unable to finish point break due to boredom and predictability. i could see that big wave coming from around the globe. so i turned it off.


Originally Posted by tw2113

ah, i love that thing. it's almost endlessly rewatchable. dated for sure, but still... it's got something. is there any other movie like it? maybe parts of fellini's "roma" but it's a much different anthropology and aesthetic. eta: or even dziga vertov's "man with the movie camera" which is even more distant but also wanders.


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Then I needed a more serious and factual movie, and there was only one option:


didn't expect much of it, and it actually is truly terrible but I enjoyed it a lot. (spoiler alert) it has both Christopher Lloyd (famous for the professor in Back To The Future) and David Hasselhoff as supporting actors.
it always bothers me in these types of movies, that everyone is running around naked except for the main character :(

THAT is the suspense that keeps you glued to the screen! waiting for the main character's top to fall off.

gotta respect a movie that knows what it stands for.

tw2113 12.30.2022 10:09 PM

Piranha 3D and Piranha 3DD are good dumb fun. I support.

My last 2 movies are Mixed Nuts and Leprechaun.

Severian 12.31.2022 09:09 AM


I didn’t love this actually

!@#$%! 12.31.2022 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Severian

I didn’t love this actually

wwwwwwait wait wait.... is this based on the don de lillo novel?

Severian 01.02.2023 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
wwwwwwait wait wait.... is this based on the don de lillo novel?


!@#$%! 01.02.2023 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Severian

oh, i love that book, but i think it would probably be best adapted as a tv series.

also as i recall you're not a fan of don cheadle hahahahaha


on a different subject, that i almost forgot, i saw bill and ted face the music, which was, gooddamn, so terrible, hahahahaha.

Severian 01.03.2023 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh, i love that book, but i think it would probably be best adapted as a tv series.

also as i recall you're not a fan of don cheadle hahahahaha


on a different subject, that i almost forgot, i saw bill and ted face the music, which was, gooddamn, so terrible, hahahahaha.

I have nothing against Don Cheadle. And I quite like Adam Driver. Both were excellent in the movie but the movie itself was meh.
I haven’t read the book, though, so maybe it was a perfect adaptation. Either way, not for me really.

Re: Bill & Ted: Watched that with the girlfriend a few months ago and yes it was abysmal, but sometimes humorous. Kid Cudi was just ACTING his ass off in the background, giving these big goofy reactions like the worst kid in a high school play. Just gnawing scenery like it was his job. Hilarious and dumb.

finding nobody 01.03.2023 12:31 PM

Night of the Comet (1984). It was a fun film, but nothing that will blow your mind.

!@#$%! 01.03.2023 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
Night of the Comet (1984). It was a fun film, but nothing that will blow your mind.

oh, i think tw2113 might just love that one!


Originally Posted by Severian
I have nothing against Don Cheadle. And I quite like Adam Driver. Both were excellent in the movie but the movie itself was meh.
I haven’t read the book, though, so maybe it was a perfect adaptation. Either way, not for me really.

Re: Bill & Ted: Watched that with the girlfriend a few months ago and yes it was abysmal, but sometimes humorous. Kid Cudi was just ACTING his ass off in the background, giving these big goofy reactions like the worst kid in a high school play. Just gnawing scenery like it was his job. Hilarious and dumb.

oh, there is just be too much material in the book to cram into a film format, which is more suited to the short story or the novella. this would be more lik chernobyl. hm, i wonder if the novel was inspired by actual chernobyl... nope, it was just prescient hahahahaha. published 1985.

i thought you didn't like don cheadle! maybe it was on a certain role or something like the marvel stuff. to me he was great in "house of lies". hahahahahahahahah the fucking hilarious rascal....

anyway yes b&t was humorous in a "so bad it's good " kind of way. i chuckled a few times, no regrets.

tw2113 01.03.2023 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh, i think tw2113 might just love that one!

Can confirm that I indeed do.

!@#$%! 01.03.2023 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
Can confirm that I indeed do.


tw2113 01.04.2023 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

I'll be taking requests from all you teenage comet zombies

!@#$%! 01.09.2023 10:45 AM

hideous kinky (kate winslet, 1998, lol)

i'm not sure how much of a "movie" this was but i liked it.

first because kate winslet was in it, and like that review about mare of easttown said she will carry anything that she's in (ok, i will probably never see "titanic", so i can't confirm there, but the other stuff hell yes).

second, because when i could not figure out wtf this movie/non-movie was about, i ended up googling it and i found out this was about one babymama and a couple of the many scattered children of lucian freud (did he really have 40? lol).

it's a thin veil, as some names and occupations have been barely obscured or altered, but yeah, it's based on an autobiographical novel. so, twice removed from memory, but not by much. and i've been entertained reading a little bit of the gossip and one thing leads to another.

the title is from words the children like to scream at random. what they actually mean in their context and why they say them is never explained in the movie. don't know if it was in the book. but it's funny to see the kids running around screaming in their private language.

anyway this is not any kind of great movie or anything, and i feel like it needed explanatory footnotes, or prior acquaintance with the subject matter and the future celebrities featured in the story. but hey! kate winslet! and art history gossip! so... another title successfully removed from the old watchlist.

eta: apparently the source book might be even more opaque, judging from this review, because it features an actual child narrator:

_tunic_ 01.11.2023 03:37 AM


Cleopatra (1963) starring Liz Taylor
it's a long one, nearly four hours, and that is still a heavily edited version.
The set and all looks great, and her dresses too. Storywise and actingwise, I didn't like it as much, it's too long winded perhaps.

One guy (Roddy McDowall) was supposed to be running for an Oscar as supporting actor but the movie company accidentally nominated him for the Oscar for main actor which is why he didn't win it. He is really good though.

Interestingly there are currently two movies in production about Cleopatra, one is directed by Denis Villeneuve, the other one is starring and co-written by Gal Gadot

Severian 01.11.2023 07:40 AM

I watched a bunch with the girlfriend during the weekend.

• The Pale Blue Eye: Pretty good, not great, but the cinematography is really something and Christian Bale is always a delight.

• The Menu: Very good. Had no idea what to expect and was definitely invested as soon as things got going. Weird movie but very well done.

• Gremlins: Doesn’t really hold up. Pretty racist at times too, or at the very least xenophobic. They include a little “When will you learn” line about the environment or whatever at the end, but it still feels like it’s about non-western cultures being bad.
ALSO, so they give birth when they touch even a single drop of water but not when they drink beer or touch snow? Makes no goddamn sense!
ALSO ALSO, the main guy, Billy, sucks. Phoebe Cates’ character tells him this horrifying story about her dad’s tragic death and Billy literally says nothing, not a word in response.

• The Burbs: I’m sorry but this sucked. Felt 3 hours long, was only 1.5 hours of non-jokes and bad slapstick and misunderstandings followed by a twistaroo ending kind of. Tom Hanks and Carrie Fisher are great but the movie is a snoozer. Also there’s a Gremlins cereal in the background, which means Joe Dante created a universe in which he, Joe Dante, made the same movie the real Joe Dante did in real life, and that there are doppelgängers of Corey Feldman and other actors who overlap in both movies. Lmao.
I saw like half of this when I was just a wee child and my mom made me stop. Can’t remember why but I finally finished it 30 years later and I guess that’s something?

!@#$%! 01.11.2023 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
• Gremlins: Doesn’t really hold up.

yeah, it never did--it's always been shit.


Originally Posted by _tunic_
One guy (Roddy McDowall) was supposed to be running for an Oscar as supporting actor but the movie company accidentally nominated him for the Oscar for main actor which is why he didn't win it. He is really good though.


Interestingly there are currently two movies in production about Cleopatra, one is directed by Denis Villeneuve, the other one is starring and co-written by Gal Gadot

roddy mcdowall was the main monkey in the original planet of the apes.

i'd love to see gal gadot in seductress costume lol, but not really interested in her writing. i've seen her public declarations, etc--so basic, don't wanna. i know this sounds terrible but it's true for me. but maybe she's some secret patricia highsmith and nobody it knows yet.

the villeneuve version i expect to be great. never heard the man speak a word but he tends to stick close to his sources and puts together some glorious visuals.

_tunic_ 01.15.2023 07:27 AM


This movie is truly amazing! It's not often that I want to see a movie again immediately after watching it. This one I want to see again!
The only "flaw"and where story-wise it looks very dated is the ending.
But even the special effects are amazing, for a movie made in 1948!

Thinking about buying it on Bluray or DVD ...


Loved this one too, it very much has the same vibe as Lost In Translation.

Probably going to watch Spinal Tap later today :D

Severian 01.15.2023 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_

Loved this one too, it very much has the same vibe as Lost In Translation.

No offense but I absolutely hated this bleak depressing sonofabitch of a movie. Just sad bastard city. And the main character annoyed me.

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