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ilduclo 11.09.2018 10:23 AM

New AG patent scam company threatened dissatisfied clients with Israeli beat down crew....

!@#$%! 11.09.2018 10:34 AM


!@#$%! 11.09.2018 10:38 AM



ilduclo 11.09.2018 10:56 AM

new AG in conflict over Muller witness

hmm, you ever see 2 more republican guys than this?


ilduclo 11.09.2018 10:57 AM

New AG’s patent scam company threatened dissatisfied clients with Israeli beat down crew....

These are real foul businesses, they purport to assist in getting patents and marketing new inventions, but they’re just in business to get whatever funds they can get from the clients before they wise up.

ilduclo 11.09.2018 10:58 AM

"we only hire the BEST people"

ilduclo 11.09.2018 11:25 AM

here's an interesting article about the midterms by Oregon Wild

!@#$%! 11.09.2018 03:39 PM

arizona senate seat still undecided, and now sinema on the lead???


Skuj 11.09.2018 05:09 PM

Forgive my pessimism, but at the end of the day, if/when the Dems win these squeakers, it don't really mean shit, right?

ilduclo 11.09.2018 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Forgive my pessimism, but at the end of the day, if/when the Dems win these squeakers, it don't really mean shit, right?

read this one Skuj, not at ALL minor improvements

Skuj 11.09.2018 06:47 PM

Yeah, I get that Dems winning House gives them a certain amount of power over some things now. But they have to be the party that advances things, right? Instead of the party that will do investigations upon investigations. Because at the end of the day, as evidenced by the midterms, Trump still has shitloads of support. (It's so hard to type that. How can millions not see what an incompetent asshole Trump is? Wasn't Helsinki alone enough?)

ilduclo 11.09.2018 06:51 PM

Let’s Check In and See What the Leader of the Free World Was Up to Today

"I lack the words to describe #Kristallnacht," says German Chancellor Merkel on the 80th anniversary of the Nazi pogrom.

The state must "resolutely and consistently" fight against anti-Semitism, racism and exclusion, she added.

Skuj 11.09.2018 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Let’s Check In and See What the Leader of the Free World Was Up to Today

"I lack the words to describe #Kristallnacht," says German Chancellor Merkel on the 80th anniversary of the Nazi pogrom.

The state must "resolutely and consistently" fight against anti-Semitism, racism and exclusion, she added.

And she'll be gone soonish. Trump might do 8 years though.

Fuck me!!

tw2113 11.09.2018 10:55 PM

I have a feeling a lot of his supporters like and support him because he's such and outgoing/showing asshole. They're not wanting a pushover. They want someone who they feel and see "will get things done"

!@#$%! 11.10.2018 11:17 PM

ilduclo 11.11.2018 03:00 PM

So, a conservatard on another BBS said:

" So in the kind of election that is already stacked against a first term president, all the Dems had to do was achieve the bare minimum to avoid another humiliating rout. This is called defining victory downward."

my respondo:

"with that kind of spinning, 'Is your name perhaps Rumpelstiltskin?' "


The Soup Nazi 11.11.2018 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
If I ever get a band off the ground I'm going to record an EP called 'The Jeff Sessions'.

Pretty close:


!@#$%! 11.11.2018 11:00 PM

Sinema widens lead over McSally in Arizona Senate race

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D) widened her lead over Rep. Martha McSally (R) in the heated Arizona Senate race after a new round of ballots were tallied in the Democrat's favor late Friday.

Sinema more than doubled her lead over McSally with Friday evening's latest tranche of results. The Democrat now leads her GOP challenger by 20,203 votes.

Earlier Friday, Sinema led McSally by just 9,163 votes out of nearly 2 million cast — a 0.48 percentage point lead. She now leads her opponent by just over 1 percentage point.

The vast majority of the votes tallied Friday came from Maricopa County, the state's largest county by population, where there were an estimated 345,000 uncounted votes prior to Friday's evenings results.


ilduclo 11.13.2018 11:03 AM

Macron: "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By saying our interests first, who cares about the others, we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great and what is essential: its moral values."

!@#$%! 11.13.2018 11:12 AM

while the dotard tries to destroy democracy....

Jeff Flake

There is no evidence of "electoral corruption" in Arizona, Mr. President. Thousands of dedicated Arizonans work in a non-partisan fashion every election cycle to ensure that every vote is counted. We appreciate their service.

Donald J. Trump

Just out — in Arizona, SIGNATURES DON’T MATCH. Electoral corruption - Call for a new Election? We must protect our Democracy!

8:46 PM - Nov 9, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

21.5K people are talking about this


the fucking dotard will be our undoing

ilduclo 11.14.2018 09:53 AM

Botched kidnapping raid in Gaza yields dissension in Israeli government. Lieberman out, probably going to run against Binyamin from, get this, the right

Skuj 11.14.2018 03:22 PM

It really is quite surreal that, a week or so after Hannity was at the podium during a Trump rally, Trump is fighting to keep Acosta out of the press room.

They say that Hannity crossed the Journalistic Rubicon when he did his thing, but I thought that Fox stopped pretending to be journalism many years ago.

These events are really magnifying the whole Trump vs Free Speech debate, and that makes me very happy.

!@#$%! 11.14.2018 04:15 PM

kelly and nielsen on the way out looks like...

so, skuj, what are your thoughts on the florida recount clusterfuck?

i mean el trumpo and rick scott claiming fraud when there is none

Skuj 11.14.2018 05:43 PM

Oh it's a fucking disgrace when Trump floats fraud like this, like he did before/after the 2016 election. The guy at the top telling unsubstantiated shit like this causes all kinds of damage, and is a complete slap in the face to all the hard working election people.

I have to say I rolled my eyes when I saw all the Florida headlines, because Florida is always a clusterfuck, for some strange reason. I have to say that I did not even dig into the details, but Trump and Scott will of course show their true colours in all of this. They will continue to flaunt their BS if the Dems win, and incalculable damage comes from that.

National Institutions be damned!! (It's a fucking nightmare. Does it end in 2020? Come on Dems, pick a leader who is not 78. FAST!!)

!@#$%! 11.14.2018 06:00 PM

it’s an international shame huh?

the countries leaders proclaiming unrealiable elections lol

trumpetta aspires to be the american mugabe


tesla69 11.14.2018 06:59 PM

Anti-Trump attorney Michael Avenatti was reportedly arrested on charges of felony domestic violence that seriously injured his estranged wife.

The Soup Nazi 11.14.2018 07:10 PM

Meghan McCain encourages first lady Mélanie Antoinette to listen to advisers who do not like her clothes
(OK, the colorful tweak is mine, but still.)

tesla69 11.14.2018 10:20 PM

the resistance is even sicker than I ever thought possible. Maybe its Russian disinfo.

A Florida school district allowed a self-described transgender female student regular access to the boys’ locker room, with no advance warning to the boys or their parents. The first time she walked in, she caught “boys (literally) with their pants down, causing them embarrassment and concern by the fact that they had been observed changing by an obvious girl,” says a complaint letter to Pasco County School District from Liberty Counsel, a pro-bono constitutional law firm.
With a “gag order,” school administrators forbade teachers from talking about the change, and ordered a male P.E. teacher to supervise the potentially undressed girl in the Chasco Middle School locker room, the letter says. When he refused to “knowingly place himself in a position to observe a minor female in the nude or otherwise in a state of undress,” administrators told him “he will be transferred to another school as discipline for ‘not doing your job in the locker room.'”

choc e-Claire 11.14.2018 10:32 PM

FTFY, changes marked in red


Originally Posted by tesla69
A Florida school district allowed a trans boy regular access to the boys’ locker room without making a fuss out of it. The first time he walked in, he caught “boys (literally) with their pants down, causing them embarrassment and concern by the fact that they had been observed changing by someone with a feminine body,” says a complaint letter to Pasco County School District from Liberty Counsel, a pro-bono constitutional law firm.
With a “gag order,” school administrators forbade teachers from talking about the change, and ordered a male P.E. teacher to supervise the potentially undressed trans boy in the Chasco Middle School locker room, the letter says. When he refused to “knowingly place himself in a position to observe a minor female in the nude or otherwise in a state of undress,” administrators told him “he will be transferred to another school as discipline for ‘not doing your job in the locker room.'”

What are you trying to say here? That this boy's a pervert and he's faking being trans? I'm not blaming the PE teacher for not wanting to do this, and it probably would have been for the best for the other kids to be aware. But letting a trans kid use the locker room he wants to seems fine.

(Also, it'd be nice for you to credit your sources, unless you're embarrassed to admit you get all your news off Breitbart.)

The Soup Nazi 11.14.2018 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
What are you trying to say here? That this boy's a pervert and he's faking being trans? I'm not blaming the PE teacher for not wanting to do this, and it probably would have been for the best for the other kids to be aware. But letting a trans kid use the locker room he wants to seems fine.

(Also, it'd be nice for you to credit your sources, unless you're embarrassed to admit you get all your news off Breitbart.)

I must spread some Reputation around before giving it to choc e-Claire again.

choc e-Claire 11.14.2018 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
I must spread some Reputation around before giving it to choc e-Claire again.

Love you too Soup Nazi :p

Skuj 11.15.2018 12:39 AM

Oh fuck what is tesla doing now? Is it getting worse? (I have him/her on ignore.)

Not gonna lie. Tesla actually scared the fuck out of me a few weeks ago, and I do not see a huge gap between his/her thinking and those who have made the news recently in a really bad way.

I had to say it.

choc e-Claire 11.15.2018 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Oh fuck what is tesla doing now? Is it getting worse? (I have him/her on ignore.)

*them :p

Basically copy-pasted transphobia and generic 'won't somebody please think of the children!' pleading.

I would ignore them, but because I'm neurotic and have to be on top of everything, I'd still end up reading it anyway :

ilduclo 11.15.2018 10:31 AM

Ignore list for me is getting pretty long!

This from Wonkette today:

“Instead of "You're Fired"-ing Mira Ricardel, National Security mustache John Bolton seems to have convinced Trump to stick her in an empty hole somewhere far away from Melon Trump and her infinite sadness. “

!@#$%! 11.15.2018 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
*them :p

Basically copy-pasted transphobia and generic 'won't somebody please think of the children!' pleading.

I would ignore them, but because I'm neurotic and have to be on top of everything, I'd still end up reading it anyway :

i can’t keep my eyes off the trainwreck that is tessie’s mind

the gender panics, the racism, the xenophobia, the technophobia, islamophobia, etc., the rabid demands for an ever-static world, and “a moat around the castle” mentality. and of course the paranoia of alien invasion reptilian soros agents everywhere!

often repugnant, but makes for a good laugh when i’m in need of a little dark comedy.

but you are nice, and you try to educate him. this is good! at least while you have patience.

just... once he lashes out at you and you run out of patience please don’t yell at him. this makes it worse because he posts more, haaa haaa haaa.


choc e-Claire 11.15.2018 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
but you are nice, and you try to educate him. this is good! at least while you have patience.

Most things I'll just ignore, but trans and other queer issues I'm going to get worked up about. A lot of my friends are gender-diverse, so I've seen how frustrating it can be. I'll try and keep it all in good taste.

Skuj 11.16.2018 01:26 PM

I'm desperately trying to comprehend in which Universe is it "news" that Assange will face charges. You mean, he hasn't been charged yet?

Great news regarding Acosta. Fuck you, Trump.

!@#$%! 11.16.2018 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I'm desperately trying to comprehend in which Universe is it "news" that Assange will face charges. You mean, he hasn't been charged yet?

Great news regarding Acosta. Fuck you, Trump.

just wait, he's gonna come up with some other shitty equivalent of "so-called judge" and make a complete ass of himself yet again

i don't have time to read the articles right now but thanks for the feel-good reminder that civilization can resist the little tyrant

and now back to work...

ilduclo 11.16.2018 02:37 PM


“If there’s an outrageous and ill-founded lawsuit happening against trans people, it’s usually the ADF,” Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality told NBC News.

!@#$%! 11.16.2018 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

“If there’s an outrageous and ill-founded lawsuit happening against trans people, it’s usually the ADF,” Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality told NBC News.

that's tesla's group, isn't it?

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