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Skuj 11.23.2018 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Climate change will shrink US economy and kill thousands, government report warns

The report:
Volume II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States

The National Climate Assessment (NCA) assesses the science of climate change and variability and its impacts across the United States, now and throughout this century.

More: laXzE0dG9JLWhDRWpaVWNuVnRjQ0JoWkcxcGJtbHpkSEpoZEds dmJpQnlaV3hsWVhObGN5QnlaWEJ2Y25RZ2IyNGdZMnhwYldGMF pTQmphR0Z1WjJVb0FBUAE?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

By the way, this is what Tiny said when a reporter asked him if the California fires had changed his view on climate change:

"No. I have a very strong opinion about it. We're going to have great climate."

You really can't make this shit up.

Seriously though, how will Team Trump spin this? Was this written by Obama appointees? What does Pence think? Oh nevermind....he thinks Earth is 6000 years old.

!@#$%! 11.24.2018 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
It's getting to the point where you cannot make shit up about the shit you cannot make up.

Is this what America is? There wasn't a blue wave in 2018. Won't America be sick of Trumpism in 2020?

Complete clowns are in charge now.

yeah. be very afraid

Skuj 11.25.2018 03:12 PM

Russia-Ukraine. Grabbing my popcorn now. I bet there is going to be bad people on both sides.

afreespirit 11.25.2018 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
If, a few years ago, you told me that POTUS was openly criticizing a judge, I would have fainted.

Commence fainting.

Justice Grimaces As Obama Criticizes Court

Skuj 11.25.2018 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by afreespirit

Nice try.

1) He did not criticize a judge in a personal-attack way. He expressed his opinion about a Supreme Court ruling. There is a big, classy, intelligent difference.

2) He was right. I challenge you to explain how he was wrong.

afreespirit 11.25.2018 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Climate change will shrink US economy and kill thousands, government report warns

The report:
Volume II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States

The National Climate Assessment (NCA) assesses the science of climate change and variability and its impacts across the United States, now and throughout this century.

More: laXzE0dG9JLWhDRWpaVWNuVnRjQ0JoWkcxcGJtbHpkSEpoZEds dmJpQnlaV3hsWVhObGN5QnlaWEJ2Y25RZ2IyNGdZMnhwYldGMF pTQmphR0Z1WjJVb0FBUAE?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

By the way, this is what Tiny said when a reporter asked him if the California fires had changed his view on climate change:

"No. I have a very strong opinion about it. We're going to have great climate."

You really can't make this shit up.

I don't blame him. That report is pseudoscientific bullshit. Climate cannot be predicted.

This statement is not controversial;

"The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible."

Long-term is generally considered to be 10 years and more. Beyond that it's just wild guesses.

afreespirit 11.25.2018 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Nice try.

1) He did not criticize a judge in a personal-attack way. He expressed his opinion about a Supreme Court ruling. There is a big, classy, intelligent difference.

2) He was right. I challenge you to explain how he was wrong.

1) He criticized their decision in front of the nation while they were a captive audience. Totally classless.

2) The SC is the final arbiter on Constitutional interpretation of law. Not the President, no matter how strongly he may feel about it.

3) Presidents are certainly free to criticize court decisions. Neither Obama nor Trump are the first to do so.

!@#$%! 11.25.2018 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by afreespirit
I don't blame him. That report is pseudoscientific bullshit. Climate cannot be predicted.

This statement is not controversial;

"The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible."

Long-term is generally considered to be 10 years and more. Beyond that it's just wild guesses.

if you were honestly criticizing prediction you’d criticize the orange blob’s prediction that “we’re going to have a great climate” (do you need a link?)

also that statement you quote is not controversial when it’s not cherrypicked and presented out of context. the text that immediately follows the sentence you quote is:

Rather the focus must be upon the prediction of the probability distribution of the system�s future possible states by the generation of ensembles of model solutions. Addressing adequately the statistical nature of climate is computationally intensive and requires the application of new methods of model diagnosis, but such statistical information is essential.

i don’t know if you understand math, but there is a difference between predicting states and predicting probability distributions of such possible states


are you that dishonest? or just an idiot parroting someone else’s scam?

i can’t tell which one with certainty, but the probability that it’s either one of those is *quite high.*

choc e-Claire 11.25.2018 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
Rather the focus must be upon the prediction of the probability distribution of the system�s future possible states by the generation of ensembles of model solutions. Addressing adequately the statistical nature of climate is computationally intensive and requires the application of new methods of model diagnosis, but such statistical information is essential.

This, so much.

Rather than saying 'this one thing is definitely going to happen, and it's bad', it's saying 'there's a lot of things that could happen, and some of them are bad'.

There's several things that could happen with the climate. We're just trying to work out whether it's more likely that a bad thing happens than a good thing. (Spoiler: it's probably going to be a bad thing.)

!@#$%! 11.25.2018 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Rather than saying 'this one thing is definitely going to happen, and it's bad', it's saying 'there's a lot of things that could happen, and some of them are bad'.

yes but it’s not as neutral. this way of stating probabilities leaves further openings to dishonest operators or misinterpretation by idiots, or both. which is not what you intend.

yes, all we have is probabilities. but the probability of bad things happening with the climate keeps continually increasing.

quantum mechanics is also probabilities from few observable states. still we got enough of a handle on those probabilities that we can make laser pointers for cats to play with.

a bit like the old joke about the mathematician and the engineer.

they both are thinking about kissing an attractive person.

the mathematician thinks they first have to travel halfway there. then halfway the remaining distance. then half again, and half again, and so forth. since space is infinitely divisible, the mathematician gives up on ever getting there.

the engineer just needs to get close enough for all practical purposes.

Skuj 11.26.2018 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by afreespirit
1) He criticized their decision in front of the nation while they were a captive audience. Totally classless.

2) The SC is the final arbiter on Constitutional interpretation of law. Not the President, no matter how strongly he may feel about it.

3) Presidents are certainly free to criticize court decisions. Neither Obama nor Trump are the first to do so.

1) Again, I contend that Obama's opinion is correct. Argue otherwise. This is very different from a personal attack on a particular judge. It is NOT classless, unlike Trump.

2) I agree with you on this.

3) I agree with you on this. But Trump is the first to attack individual judges personally. Prove me wrong.

ilduclo 11.26.2018 12:14 PM

Roberts has not been a good justice. Among his worst decisions:

Bush vs Gore, stopping a legitimate vote counting procedure, supposedly controlled by the States (until otherwise inconvenient)

Citizens United, money equals speech in political campaigns

Shelby Cty vs Holder, invalidating voter protection rules in seg states ( suddenly NOW the states get to control their elections)

ATT vs Conception, again limiting States rights, again no states rights unless they are slanted towards republicans or corpos.

DC vs Heller, again, no states rights if it goes against the overlords...

Roberts is a bought and sold repube asset. Any anti trumpie shit he is spewing is just so much shopping out ideas for his retirement books and speeches. He ‘ll be lionized in the same fashion as the equally slimy Scalia and O’Conner.

ilduclo 11.26.2018 12:23 PM

Trump told former Economic Council head Gary Cohn to print more money. "Run the presses, run the presses!" When Cohn's staff prepared a mandatory report about the new 2 trillion$ deficit increase due to his tax cuts, Cohn said not to bother. "The president does not care about deficits."

Skuj 11.26.2018 12:47 PM

The Dems need to start shouting about this in a big way. The fucking deficit!! (But I guess as long as we have a tax cut NOW, fuck the future, right?)

The Soup Nazi 11.26.2018 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by afreespirit
I don't blame him. That report is pseudoscientific bullshit. Climate cannot be predicted.

^ Who the fuck is this guy?


!@#$%! 11.26.2018 05:13 PM

so general motors cutting back hard this morning

smells like the business cycle coming to a close...

ilduclo 11.26.2018 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
^ Who the fuck is this guy?


Another botfly:fuckyou:

ilduclo 11.26.2018 06:28 PM

Melanoma's new Xmas Decorations

last years


this year even better


The Soup Nazi 11.26.2018 08:15 PM B1ZmpZQU1FWE9GVldZa3lBaFNFaWcyT1NCdGFXZHlZVzUwY3lC aGNuSmxjM1JsWkNCaGRDQlZVeTFOWlhocFkyOGdZbTl5WkdWeU tBQVAB?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

This isn't an example of "polarized politics". This isn't "we're not enemies, we should get along, we're all Americans" HORSESHIT. This is CRUELTY BEYOND WORDS BY DOWNRIGHT EVIL MOTHERFUCKERS WHO SHOULD GET ASS CANCER — and I'm including both the administration and the jizzbuckets who said that you can put teargas on your nachos and that this was the highlight of their Thanksgiving.


Skuj 11.26.2018 09:57 PM

But her emails.

Bytor Peltor 11.27.2018 05:37 AM

REALITY From The Caravan

Truth From The Caravan......The Russians Are Coming

Skuj 11.27.2018 12:32 PM

Bytor shows up at the most interesting moments. Manafort met with Assange!! And today Trump is attacking Mueller. Coincidence?

I must get more popcorn.

!@#$%! 11.27.2018 12:54 PM

the first video was interesting. and yeah, of course it's going to be manipulated by political entities. anybody here ever watched "citizen ruth"? hilarious movie.

of course they want jobs.

the interviewer lies though: the us does not have benefits for illegals. not even for permanent residents. only for citizens. of course the poor peasants say "yes".

the second is some slow talking dude in his car. wtf lololol. who has time for this? read a book.

anyway, yeah, mueller is a republican btw ha ha ha. one of the few left.

ok! happy tuesday.

_tunic_ 11.27.2018 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

this year even better


ha!ha! they look like a grobbebol!
don't tell me you've never heard of them
just don't feed them after midnight, and no water

h8kurdt 11.27.2018 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

this year even better


Straight outta Suspiria

Skuj 11.27.2018 04:20 PM

So, a couple of questions for you all if I may:

1) Does anyone think that Trump had no idea that Manafort met with Assange?

2) Does anyone think that the Mueller report will not be devastating for Trump?

!@#$%! 11.27.2018 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
So, a couple of questions for you all if I may:

1) Does anyone think that Trump had no idea that Manafort met with Assange?

2) Does anyone think that the Mueller report will not be devastating for Trump?

wishful thinking makes for bad science

so i’m agnostic

tesla69 11.27.2018 08:20 PM

I'm still kind of fixated on the tens of millions of dollars the Clinton Foundation took from the Russians before the election.

The Soup Nazi 11.27.2018 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Sorry guys:

WikiLeaks, Manafort reject Guardian report alleging meeting with Assange in 2016

Sorry for what? For believing a criminal like Manafort? For quoting Fox News, of all places? YAH NO SHIT, you SHOULD be sorry for that. See, this is the problem that undercuts each and every bullshit argument you've made in this thread: they all stem from the fact that you took Trump at his word in the first place — guy promised
, and you simply trusted him because you liked those "ideas" even though he OBVIOUSLY was and is a deabeat pathological liar.

Delete your signature. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Skuj 11.27.2018 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Sorry guys:

WikiLeaks, Manafort reject Guardian report alleging meeting with Assange in 2016's fake news? Fuck me!!!

Because these two always tell the truth, don't they?

Skuj 11.27.2018 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk

Border Patrol also used tear gas and pepper spray at US-Mexico border during Obama administration

Report: Taliban Members, ISIS Sneak in With Migrants

DHS Releases Bombshell Report on Asylum Fraud

Americanactionnews? Trumptrainnews?

You are not even trying anymore, are you?

Skuj 11.27.2018 09:14 PM

So anyway, ending subsidies to GM will help this

(Serious question!! "answers" from trumptrainnews.)

!@#$%! 11.27.2018 09:26 PM

the six-time bankrupt thinks he's equipped to run GM. lol!

stock prices rose after the announcement...

and it's a shitty deal for workers, but there is not enough demand for what they're producing there right now and if they don't downsize it the whole company goes down the hole and we're back to 2008.

of course the union will have its say and the understanding is that workers will be placed in other plants when possible. lot has to be worked out, but preferably by grownups who know how to run a business and represent workers.

the subsidies are not in the orange blob's hands, they're an act of congress, but as usual he doesn't have a clue. they're tax credits for buyers of electric cars. cutting them would hurt more workers. but as usual, idiots suck on his lies...

this downsizing in part relates to the fucking dotard's tariffs on metal. here, from the same market watch:

it's not central to the downsize, which is about reduced demand, but it does not help.

(i test drove a chevy cruze recently. it was a bit shit.)

low fuel price is increasing demand for trucks and suvs.

but hey, next thing dotard will give us coal powered cars!

funny thing, the whole competitiveness measure is the opposite of the orange baby trying to run a company that he's not qualified to run. please stick to selling trump steaks and fake university diplomas and reality shows.

re: the fires, trump train forgets that more federal land burned than state land? and while california increased its forest management budget, commander bonespurs cut it. total bullshit website for those who suck off the cock of trump lies.

carnival barker in chief. i have no patience for these fuckers anymore. fuckem.

!@#$%! 11.27.2018 09:52 PM

eta also ford was slammed by tariffs and is ceasing sedan production in the u.s. say bye to ford focus and fusion.

choc e-Claire 11.27.2018 09:55 PM

In my naïve adolescent opinion: Trump shows that there's a bit of a problem with your system, in that an (in)famous celebrity with more money that brains, whose political viewpoints lie with no one but himself, can fairly easily become the most powerful person in the country.

Parliamentary democracy FTW.

The Soup Nazi 11.27.2018 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
please stick to selling trump steaks

From Gourmet magazine, 2007:


We have no doubt that you've heard of Trump Steaks, the Donald Trump-branded frozen beef that's being sold at The Sharper Image (yes, that Sharper Image). We have no doubt that you think the concept is as stupid as we do (which is to say, seriously stupid). But, when an idea is this inane, doesn't it deserve a second look? Some of our colleagues are happy to pass judgment without giving them a try, but we're happy to report that we braved these beefy waters. First, let's get to the business of money (this is Donald Trump we're talking about, after all). The Sharper Image seems to be under the impression that if they can charge America $500 for an ionic breeze air purifier, they can charge a similar amount for frozen steak. After all, according to The Donald (and the packaging), this is THE WORLD'S GREATEST STEAK. We would certainly be willing to pay a premium for the world's greatest steak. Is $200 really too much to pay for two filets, two rib eyes, and a dozen burgers when they'll be the best two filets, two rib eyes, and dozen burgers you've ever eaten? Wouldn't you be willing to drop a grand on 16 of the greatest steaks in the world (plus two dozen burgers)? Because these prices wouldn't be so completely outrageous if this really was the world's greatest steak. After all, real Kobe beef can run over a thousand dollars a pound. But the truth is that these steaks are wholly mediocre.

The Donald is happy to point out that these are USDA Prime beef, and that less than 1% of all beef is Prime. He is so confident in the quality of his steaks that he doesn't even mention the multitude of other (usually important) factors—how they're aged, what the cows were fed, how long they're frozen before they get to you—that would normally affect the taste of the steaks. They're USDA PRIME, you idiot. That means that even the government knows these are, to reiterate, THE WORLD'S GREATEST STEAKS. One taste, though, and you'll probably be tempted to disagree. With a dry, grainy texture and a complete lack of any of the sorts of wonderful herby, tangy notes that the best steaks have, these are exactly what you'd expect: reminiscent of a steak you might get at a country club—edible, but not particularly good. This isn't too surprising, given that these steaks are simply licensed from SYSCO, the mighty industrial-strength purveyor that makes a mint selling things such as ketchup, chocolate syrup, and steaks to, like, every country club in the world. Even the commemorative box in which they come—it's black and gold and signed by Mr. Trump!—can't mask the fact that these are the same steaks you can get pretty much anywhere. Though, to The Donald's credit, his PR agents can actually get the steaks to us. This is evidently harder than it sounds because when we were contacted by fellow celeb-cum-steak-mogul Greg Norman's PR team regarding his line of steaks, we were assured that samples could be sent. Weeks later, we're still waiting for the Greg Norman steaks. Perhaps The Shark knows as well as we do that we're all just living in The Donald's world, so we might as well eat his meat, too.

!@#$%! 11.27.2018 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
In my naïve adolescent opinion: Trump shows that there's a bit of a problem with your system, in that an (in)famous celebrity with more money that brains, whose political viewpoints lie with no one but himself, can fairly easily become the most powerful person in the country.

Parliamentary democracy FTW.

well... furniture salesman bibi netanyahu has been running israel for years in a parliamentary democracy

but okay yes. he might has more money than brains— but he has not nearly as much money as he pretends to have. which is why he keeps hiding his tax returns.

he also inherited a lot more than he pretends

i bet if he put his inheritance in a mutual fund he’d be richer by now. sucky businessman only good at propaganda.

choc e-Claire 11.27.2018 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
well... furniture salesman bibi netanyahu has been running israel for years in a parliamentary democracy

Based on a few minutes of Wikipedia, and the assumption that their government is similar to mine, he's still had to become the leader of a party which has formed a coalition. That requires some fairly clever diplomatic skills, and if it had been clear that he wasn't capable of the job, something would have stopped him along the way (probably).

Oversights are something that don't really seem to happen in the United States.

!@#$%! 11.27.2018 11:09 PM

big tent parties are not terribly different from coalitions, but the differences are negotiated internally

watch for example the current democrat battles for picking speaker of the house. pelosi, centrists progressives, the different caucuses...

trumpo beat everyone at the primaries and has been using this demonic powers to bend the republicans to his will. everyone from the evangelicals to the tea partiers folded, and those who didnt either quit (paul ryan) or died (mccain).

this is some nostradamus level shit ha ha ha


but hey, before that was dubya with his phony weapons of mass destruction, and before that newt gingrich destroying bipartisanship forever, and before that bush 1 and ronnie raygun, and before that nixon... ayayay

The Soup Nazi 11.27.2018 11:56 PM

Now The Dub (retarded war criminal) looks presidential, McCain (W lite, even if he showed sparks of decency) has been canonized, and Reagan (thank you for the ultimate triumph of savagely laissez-faire capitalism coupled with brutal Evangelicalpolitik) is GOD, while Jeff "the KKK was OK until I found out they smoked pot" Sessions, Don fuck-you-Sally-Yates McGahn and John the united free$peech citizen are paragons of the defense of democracy.

All of the above in comparison to President Tiny. Yes, "Every generation thinks it's the last / Thinks it's the end of the world", but fuck it, this is rock bottom.

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