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The Soup Nazi 12.07.2018 11:25 PM

I gotta say, though, that when I checked Google News a couple of minutes ago this seemed far more enticing:

I mean, fuck Trump, man, just... just... FUCK HIM, ain't gonna let him get in the way of my Saoirse Ronan news, you dig.

Skuj 12.07.2018 11:26 PM


This was the biggest day so far, Mueller-wise. Trump knows it. He is tweeting like a madman.

I still cannot believe that this immoral idiot is POTUS.

Skuj 12.07.2018 11:30 PM

***looks up Saoirse Ronan and additional images***

The Soup Nazi 12.08.2018 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
***looks up Saoirse Ronan and additional images***

Brian Dennehy worked with Ronan on the most recent film adaptation of Chekhov's The Seagull and in a subsequent interview he went APE GUANO (in the best, and I mean BEST, possible sense) about her:


Legendary actor Brian Dennehy has heaped huge praise on his The Seagull co-star Saoirse Ronan.

The 80-year-old actor, who has starred in films including Gorky Park, Cocoon, To Catch a Killer, and Romeo + Juliet, and opposite actors including Leonardo DiCaprio and Cate Blanchett, singled out the 24-year-old Carlow star in an interview with AV Club.

"That kid is on her way to being maybe the biggest star ever in the history of the movies. She is amazing," he said.

He added, "She is easily, easily the most talented actor I have ever worked with, and that's saying something. She is the most brilliantly talented actor I have ever worked with. She has a gift that is immeasurable. And every time she works, it knocks people out."

The actors star opposite Annette Bening and Elizabeth Moss in The Seagull, which is Michael Mayer's big screen adaptation of Chekhov's stage play. It was filmed in the summer of 2015 and released earlier this year.

Speaking about her role in Atonement, which she filmed when she was just 11, and which earned her a Best Supporting Actress nomination, Dennehy said she was "mind-boggling" and that as an actor standing opposite her in a scene "you forget your lines because she is so extraordinary".

Dennehy praised her role choices and the fact that she films the movie, does the awards ceremonies, but then "disappears". Saoirse was nominated for the Best Actress Oscar this year for role in Lady Bird. It was her third nomination after a Best Actress nod for Brooklyn in 2016, and Atonement.

"She never has to worry about the kind of material she's going to be given. She never has to worry about how her career is going, because she's astounding. Astounding," he continued.

"And also terrific to be around, fun. She's a nice girl. She's respectful and friendly. She's not one of these people who is just, 'I can't stand the atmosphere. I've got to go to the place and be by myself. I'll be ready when I'm ready.' She doesn't do any of that shit. She's normal and natural and sweet. And then, all of the sudden, she gets in front of a camera and - bing! - she blows the fuckin' wheels off."

He continued, "She's the only actor - male, female, grown-up, adult - the only one, by a mile, who just dazzles you. The simplicity. Her simplicity. The fact that she always plays against the grain of the scene. I mean, she can be very big. She can be very dramatic and very funny, but whatever she does - whatever she fuckin' does - surprises you."

Dennehy also hailed Saoirse as an "incredible talent", adding, "She's the greatest acting talent I've ever worked with, and I have worked with EVERYBODY. I've worked with great actors. And she's a great actor, but there's something else there. There's something else going on with her. I don't know what it is, but she's got these eyes that look like they're 10,000 years old and have seen everything."

He clarified that he did not mean she looks old but that she "understands things" and concluded by saying, "As far as I'm concerned, there's her, and then there's other people. She's in a class by herself, literally."

And yet, Saoirse Ronan Would Rather Be Knitting. The woman's fuckin' perfect.

I realize this is off-topic as fuck, but fuck it, even on this thread you gotta take a good classy break from President Tiny sometimes.

Skuj 12.08.2018 12:29 AM

I like this break.

I like it a lot.

The Soup Nazi 12.08.2018 12:31 AM

I for one must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Skuj again.

h8kurdt 12.08.2018 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Oh, I get it: "Individual-1" LOL.

I'll quote CNN and repeat that today was a very bad day for Trump, and he can tweet "totally cleared" or whatever BS all he wants. How can anyone connects these dots that Cohen and Manafort have accumulated and not see that things are getting bad for The Divider In Chief?

I'd love to see what the teslas and the Bytors are saying about all this.

No I wouldn't. That's why I deleted them.

It's all Fake News, right? Mueller is part of The Deep Somethingorother.

They won't message about it. They'll wait for some other ridiculous news comes up.

However! If they do don't worry I'll be sure to let you know what they say ;)

!@#$%! 12.08.2018 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by operator
yes, trump is finished!

i really do not believe media hysterics help your cause.



posted it before, but anyone serious should be reading this

it’s better to get vaccinated than to engage in wishful thinking. while the results were better than initially shown there is still a lot of left work to be done

and note how the commenters all scream in denial. “he is no reagan” etc while glossing over the fact that results were, still, average

anyway re:russia, even in the case of impeachment the senate would have to convict and i dont see mcconnell doing that with his wife so advantageously posted as secretary of transportation doing who knows what for her family’s shipping empire. ( please someone tell tesla.)

Skuj 12.08.2018 12:41 PM

There's no doubt that millions upon millions still support Trump in spite of all the things that emerge about him and his most excellent team.

That is the real tragedy here.

!@#$%! 12.08.2018 01:27 PM

it’s not just the millions and millions (though they count)

it’s that the senate is never gonna convict him

that problem is compounded by liberal wishful thinking as pointed in that hilarious video

well maybe that’s not what the video intended to point out but pokémon definitely did and i happen to agree there

Skuj 12.08.2018 03:44 PM

We've reached a point where Trump can stand beside Putin and agree with him while throwing his own Intelligence agencies under the bus, and half the country does not care.

That's absolutely mortifying.

!@#$%! 12.08.2018 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
We've reached a point where Trump can stand beside Putin and agree with him while throwing his own Intelligence agencies under the bus, and half the country does not care.

That's absolutely mortifying.

i agree with you

but living in a confirmation-bias bubble does nothing to solve this or identify actual solutions to the problems he embodies

i really recommend that musa al-gharbi dude. he's lucid as fuck


and more relevant to your point:

fyi, if you do that, ilducio will add you to his ignore list :D

ilduclo 12.08.2018 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

my Saoirse Ronan news, you dig.

she was great in Brooklyn;)

ilduclo 12.08.2018 07:03 PM

Trump names Miley to be new Joint Chiefs chairman


Bytor Peltor 12.09.2018 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the senate is never gonna convict him

Not going to convict do you convict anyone when charges haven’t been filed? Where do you anticipate charges are coming from?

In his memo recommending sentencing for Michael Cohen, Special Counsel Mueller acknowledged that President Trump’s personal lawyer never made contact with Putin or Putin's press secretary in the Trump Tower/Moscow real estate project.

James Comey: “Today wasn’t a search for truth, but a desperate attempt to find anything that can be used to attack the institutions of justice investigating this president. They came up empty today but will try again. In the long run, it'll make no difference because facts are stubborn things.”

We did learn from Comey’s House testimony that the FBI did, in fact, compensate/reimbursed Steele for expenses connected to the dossier. Comey was hammered on the FISA he signed based on unverified dossier.

We also learned from James Baker’s private testimony that as Comey’s general counsel, Baker believed it was appropriate to charge Hillary Clinton with mishandling classified information, but he said it was Comey who persuaded him that Clinton should not be charged.

Comey’s House testimony revealed he opened investigations on 4 Americans tied to Trump in July 2016 to see if they were involved in Russian interference in the election, yet he couldn't say if he had any evidence in July 2016 that anyone on Trump campaign conspired to hack DNC servers......does the FBI still expect us to believe that it was a foreign tip on Papadopoulos that triggered the probe???

Does anyone else find it odd that Comey’s House testimony revealed that as director, he couldn’t remember seeing the memos Strzok drafted to initiate the politically sensitive investigation of Trump campaign associates, yet Comey somehow knows there were four cases opened on 4 Americans looking for Russian interference (July 2016)?

Per his House testimony, Comey claimed he doesn't remember his general counsel James Baker ever telling him that a lawyer...from the same DC firm retained by the Clinton campaign to commission the dossier...came to him in the Summer of 2016 & gave him a thumb drive full of dirt on Trump & Russia.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, Comey testified the FBI could not independently corroborate the Russian "source information" in the Steele dossier before using it to swear out a FISA wiretap on Carter Page......and they still couldn't corroborate Steele's sources "by the time I left in May of 2017."

Also, Comey swore under oath that he had no idea lawyers for the DNC/Clinton campaign financed the dossier......even though he was briefed in detail about the dossier before signing the initial FISA warrant application that relies heavily on the dossier & omits that material fact.

GOWDY: while you were FBI director, you never knew that the DNC hired a law firm that hired an oppo research firm that hired Christopher Steele?
COMEY: No, I don't think so. I don't have any recollection of being told that or reading that or learning that while I was Director.

Comey swore under oath he had no idea dossier author Steele was terminated by FBI for violating confidential source rules...

(think about it)

...even tho Comey knew Steele had been compensated by FBI & he'd read the April FISA app in which FBI first disclosed Steele had been closed as source??????

Does anyone remember the Lisa Page — Peter Strzok text messages??

Let us remember those who have been convicted or pleaded guilty since Trump became POTUS:
-- Trump's personal attorney
-- Trump's former campaign chairman
-- Trump's former WH national security adviser
-- Trump's former campaign adviser
-- Trump's former deputy campaign chairman

And after all of this, NOT ONE thing connecting any of them to collusion, hacking or anything else Muller has been fishing for!

2015: No Collusion
2016: No Collusion
2017: No Collusion
2018: No Collusion

Muller, Team Hillary and most Democrats went from:
1) Trump committed treason!
2) Trump colluded with Russia!
3) Trump may have colluded with Russia
4) Trump obstructed justice!
5) Trump thought about obstructing justice
6) Trump committed a campaign finance violation
7) ......synergy

Let us not forget......Special Counsel Mueller acknowledged that President Trump’s personal lawyer never made contact with Putin or Putin's press secretary in the Trump Tower/Moscow real estate project!!!!!!

Collusion Hoax = Mueller has conducted the first COLLUSION investigation in American history that has failed to successfully charge ANYONE with criminal activity related to COLLUSION!!!

!@#$%! 12.09.2018 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Not going to convict do you convict anyone when charges haven’t been filed? Where do you anticipate charges are coming from?_

it doesnt matter. im not talking about any specific charges. im talking about the democrat hopes (watch the video to see what im talking about) that trump is gonna be impeached and not finish his term,russia, bla bla, etc.

even if the house found something to hang on to dear leader (likely, as he sees the law and “so-called judges” as a continuous impediment to his caprices) it’s a huge load of wishful thinking to assume the senate would do anything other than protect trump. we already saw that same scenario with clinton. we already saw the senate close ranks for kavanope. the “truth” will break along party lines, regardless of ifs ands or buts.

what im saying is that unless he croaks from too many a cheeseburger, the orange blob will finish his term and stand for reelection in 2020, and if russia is all the democrats have to offer, he’ll win, regardless of what people repeat to each other in this thread

!@#$%! 12.09.2018 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I must say that, if the Democrats want to win in 2020, they must:

1) nominate Hillary Clinton as their Presidential candidate, as she won the popular vote in 2016, she'll no doubt win the popular vote by an even larger margin in 2020 now that Trump's transgressions have been made public;

2) the new Democratic House of Representatives must entirely concentrate their efforts on investigating Trump and all matters relating to him, in order to assure the minorities who support the Democratic Party that the humiliation of White Liberaldom which occurred in 2016 will be avenged, and that it is the positive duty of minority Democrats to sacrifice their own material interests towards this end;

3). all opposition to the new Democratic House of Representatives MUST be fiercely denounced as emanating from the utterly contemptible ignorance and wickedness of the White workers and farmers who are of no use to a country so advanced as to prevent our bicoastal urban moral leaders being further embarrassed in front of their European friends.


ok, that was funny, yeah

Bytor Peltor 12.09.2018 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
im talking about the democrat hopes (watch the video to see what im talking about) that trump is gonna be impeached and not finish his term,russia, bla bla bla

and if russia is all the democrats have to offer, he’ll win, regardless of what people repeat to each other in this thread

Over & Done—The Beginning Of The End—Tipping Point—Walls Are Closing In—BOMBSHELL— this the video you are referring to? A fantastic job of editing, hard to believe so many hang-hung their hopes on impeachment. I’m 50 years old and I guess I will never understand where such vile hatred comes from regrading political individuals and issues???

(but her emails)

h8kurdt 12.09.2018 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Over & Done—The Beginning Of The End—Tipping Point—Walls Are Closing In—BOMBSHELL— this the video you are referring to? A fantastic job of editing, hard to believe so many hang-hung their hopes on impeachment. I’m 50 years old and I guess I will never understand where such vile hatred comes from regrading political individuals and issues???

(but her emails)

And I'll never understand how you can say that with a straight face whilst still supporting Trump. The guy whose whole political movement is based on hatred and dividing people. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Skuj 12.09.2018 03:18 PM

It's clear to me that on Friday there was very strong hints of evidence that actually points to Trump. This was a big turning point in the revelations from Mueller.

Am I wrong?

Bytor Peltor 12.09.2018 03:19 PM

Because I haven’t done anything to support Trump!

Go back to the beginning of this thread and you won’t find any post -by me- supporting Trump. It wasn’t until March or April of this year that I started posting in this thread......because of the hypocrisy and lies......because the things being said -like in the video- simply WERE NOT TRUE!

Or better yet -like the video- just because you say it DOESN’T MAKE IT TRUE!

Not once have I tried to make things personal and I haven’t cursed or attacked anyone. There is nothing hateful about wanting a secured border, they need to start building the wall today! Matter of fact, Democrats Voted To Do That In 2006. Obama and Clinton gave lip service to the need of a secured border/building a wall......but they just dangled the carrot.

Sure, there are things I don’t like about Trump, but the same is probably true about a great deal of our politicians......they just don’t have the media banging the drum against them 24 hours a day.


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
And I'll never understand how you can say that with a straight face whilst still supporting Trump. The guy whose whole political movement is based on hatred and dividing people. The hypocrisy is astounding.

!@#$%! 12.09.2018 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
It's clear to me that on Friday there was very strong hints of evidence that actually points to Trump. This was a big turning point in the revelations from Mueller.

Am I wrong?

there is always a turning point but trump is not going to be removed from office

remember how in the blasey testimony repuke senators would say shit like “i believe her! i believe that something happened to her... but i think it was with a different person”


look, kellyanne is gonna write everyone’s script and even if impeachment happens there will be no removal from office in the senate. big if.

sure tactics are tactics and obstructing evil is good but this can’t be all that democrats have to offer the nation

Skuj 12.09.2018 04:08 PM

I agree with you to a certain extent, and these revelations do mostly center on him directing hush money payments, which most people won't care very much about.

We'll hear much more about Russia/collusion in due course.....and maybe nobody will give a fuck then either, because who really cared about that disaster known as the Helsinki Summit?

If he can get away with Helsinki, he can get away with anything.

!@#$%! 12.09.2018 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I agree with you to a certain extent, and these revelations do mostly center on him directing hush money payments, which most people won't care very much about.

We'll hear much more about Russia/collusion in due course.....and maybe nobody will give a fuck then either, because who really cared about that disaster known as the Helsinki Summit?

If he can get away with Helsinki, he can get away with anything.

yes he can get away with anything and he knows it

he’s known it since before—since he said he could shoot someone in the middle of fifth avenue and not lose voters

just the other day tillerson was saying how trumpet ignora the law is impulsive and doesnt like to read. he turns the news into “tillerson lazy and dumb as a rock”. the media plays along, and as far as his base goes, he’s made of teflon.

sure, reducing his supporters to just the base is part of the whole of defeating him. but it’s not enough.

energizing the democratic base is okay, but as the latest election showed, it’s not enough because the opposition also gets energized (thanks, hilary... jeez... guess she learned from comey)

you have to peel away his base and offer a compelling proposition without the hatemongering and division—democrats have to be FOR something, not just against trump.

this has been the case on & on & on & on. today is no different. if pictures of trump sucking putin’s engorged cock were to surface, it would still be no different—the media enemy of the people etc etc. bytor would say they are clearly photoshopped.

people at this point will believe whatever they want to believe.

and yes many still believe the carnival barker

democrats need to make a better more compelling offer with a better more compelling person

it boils down to that

going on and on about russia... is ultimately a waste of time

Skuj 12.09.2018 05:54 PM

Except that Putin is having a field day while Trump does nothing about it. There's a real danger in that. I bet most Trumpists think that Putin is a great guy who means no harm to USA. "What's wrong with collusion anyway?"

!@#$%! 12.09.2018 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Except that Putin is having a field day while Trump does nothing about it. There's a real danger in that. I bet most Trumpists think that Putin is a great guy who means no harm to USA. "What's wrong with collusion anyway?"

i agree that putin is a shit, but if you read the link i posted you above (worth a read i swear) you'll see that clinton had similar appearance of improprieties with china, and now we don't even talk about it, but we talk about monica's cumstained dress instead as the real historic derailer. which it was.

please understand that we're on the same side of the issue, so i don't need to be told that putin manipulating our elections is a disgrace (it is), but please also understand that i'm trying to advance the notion that focusing on this is as a way to salvation is just gonna give us 4 more years of trumpism

show me that im wrong and i'll join the chorus, but right now it seems to me a waste of time and energy and a dead end doomed to die in the senate. but yeah, the investigation needs to continue, sure.


ilduclo 12.09.2018 06:53 PM


!@#$%! 12.09.2018 06:57 PM

and skuj, here's the link i meant. take a look it's a smart guy with good analysis

post-election his points are still valid

Skuj 12.09.2018 07:06 PM

I trust you, and I generally respect your opinion here.....but.....

The very first line of that linked piece starts with the Bytor/tesla tag-line "There is no proof of collusion" or words to that effect, to which you and I and others often counter with "but he hasn't released his report yet, so how do we know?"

Please convince me to read past the first line.

!@#$%! 12.09.2018 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I trust you, and I generally respect your opinion here.....but.....

The very first line of that linked piece starts with the Bytor/tesla tag-line "There is no proof of collusion" or words to that effect, to which you and I and others often counter with "but he hasn't released his report yet, so how do we know?"

Please convince me to read past the first line.

come on. this is not the kindergarten. not gonna bribe you with cookies.

well, it is the kindergarten in a way, full of screaming children, but i am trying to move on from that nonsense into more interesting conversations that might have actual value.

here's something to consider: it's not just bytor

alright! i have hope for you man.

also, the first line is a quote from hegel. eta i mean from marx lol. ok

Skuj 12.09.2018 07:29 PM

I get it: The Dem mission cannot simply be "impeach Trump", and hanging everything on Mueller. They have to have a vision for the country post-Trump (and the only thing that keeps me sane these days is that there will actually be a post-Trump era, one day), and I don't know wtf that is yet.

(I hope O'Rourke runs.)

!@#$%! 12.09.2018 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I get it: The Dem mission cannot simply be "impeach Trump", and hanging everything on Mueller. They have to have a vision for the country post-Trump (and the only thing that keeps me sane these days is that there will actually be a post-Trump era, one day), and I don't know wtf that is yet.

yessir! that is the thing that can win 2020


Originally Posted by Skuj
(I hope O'Rourke runs.)

tbh i don't know much about him but i hope he's not some feckless snowflake. we need a brawler, but not an angry one. a happy warrior. someone who will run circles around trompetta.

i had my hopes pinned on lizzie warren but with those new parameters in mind i realize she lacks the charisma to take it all. it's okay, she's a professor. as long as she's busily setting policy in the background i hope the dems can present a compelling package of exciting ideas that will mobilize the workers without alienating business. tall order lololol. but yeah. it's gotta be that. i do not want socialismo... prefiero muerte XD

(but seriously, social democracy is great, government ownership of the means of production is not. i like a public option for health care, medicare for all might be too much and we're not there yet)

okay. thanks for listening man. not asking that we agree on all points, but it's good to have lucid allies in this mess.

Skuj 12.09.2018 08:44 PM

A slight aside: Is Melania still doing that internet bullying thing?


"Mike Pompeo is doing a great job, I am very proud of him," Trump wrote on Twitter. "His predecessor, Rex Tillerson, didn't have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and I couldn't get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell. Now it is a whole new ballgame, great spirit at State!"

!@#$%! 12.09.2018 08:48 PM

lol, those schoolyard insults, yeah

for me, tillerson landed the real punches

!@#$%! 12.10.2018 10:21 AM



“does not read”


ilduclo 12.10.2018 11:23 AM

I'm at the grocery store (with my ID in hand), looking for the smocked gouda. I can't find it. WTF? HOW am I supposed to prepare for a full day of forest raking if I can't have a proper meal to get me started?

evollove 12.10.2018 11:41 AM

I'm generous enough to allow for a typo. But he fucks it up twice in the same tweet.

!@#$%! 12.10.2018 11:57 AM

machiavellian spin: he did it on purpose to rally his illiterate base against the smug college-educated liberal elites

(kellyann’s work)

h8kurdt 12.10.2018 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
machiavellian spin: he did it on purpose to rally his illiterate base against the smug college-educated liberal elites

(kellyann’s work)

You know what? I can actually believe that.

!@#$%! 12.10.2018 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
You know what? I can actually believe that.


hillaria won in the most educated districts, trumpet in the most uneducated

this is how democrats snatch defeat from the jaws of victory: they focus on irrelevant bullshit and alienate supporters

see for example:

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