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Skuj 12.21.2018 02:29 AM

I'm trying to figure out how these withdrawals happened. Who convinced Trump to do this? Not Mattis. Not The GOP In General. Who?

I know this sounds lazy, and it looks like I want others to do my research for me.

But I'm genuinely baffled.

(Turns out Graham is not a complete Trumpbot yet. I was wrong.)

Skuj 12.21.2018 02:32 AM's Putin, right?

Bytor Peltor 12.21.2018 08:03 AM

Today Is The Day

Donald set the tone in his Oval Office meeting by bitch slapping Nancy & Chuck last week. Either fund $5 Billion for the WALL or your failure to do so will result in the Government shutting down.

The House did their part yesterday adding $5 Billion to the spending bill. All of the pressure and responsibility is on the Senate.

A) Bill, Hillary & Barrak all declared a serious need for a WALL.

B) Donald campaigned and won on what Chucky Chuck said 9 years ago......and guess what, the immigrant crisis is much worse today than nine years ago.

C) the Senate is ready to jump on their private jets and fly home for Christmas

In the great poker game of life, President Donald Trump is holding the winning hand and the only way he loses is by folding his hand.

Folding = compromising by signing off on Nancy & Chuck’s $1.5 Billion


Originally Posted by Skuj

Trump played hardball for his $5B wall funding and.....won!? I thought this was not possible, with many in GOP opposed??

I don't understaaaaaand......

!@#$%! and Skuj......this isn’t about winning and losing! It’s about President Donald Trump finally accomplishing what’s needed to be done since Ronald Reagan was President......what so many Republicans and Democrats have cried about and campaigned for over the years......and FAILED!!!

Today is TRUMP’S “Read My Lips” Moment


Regarding Government shutdown of nonessential Employees. President Donald Trump should take $500k of his personal money and start a GoFundMe for the nonessentials......the American People who voted for Boarder Security would add millions and the nonessentials could make more during the shutdown = MAGA!

It needs to be repeated


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
President Trump is successfuly doing what

Bill (1995) and Hillary (2006) campaigned on = DEPORT them!!!

Obama = Congress needs to act and that moment is NOW......and Donald is only asking for $5 Billion, not the $6 Billion Obama was asking for!

Bytor Peltor 12.21.2018 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I do thank you so much for your post on this issue.



Trump tweet from this morning:

“Shutdown today if Democrats do not vote for Border Security!”

All Donald needs to do is hold firm!

ilduclo 12.21.2018 09:20 AM

3ple amputee working on wall funding, go get em, war hero!


Bytor Peltor 12.21.2018 09:58 AM

Who do you think Nancy was grandstanding for with her repeated claims that the House didn’t have the votes to fund the Spending Bill......or is it possible Nancy understood the House easily had the votes and was doing her best grandstanding to try and placate individuals like !@#$%! and Skuj?

As I said a few pages back, Nancy & Chuck should push for the $5 Billion. Hell, they should give Trump $10 the pressure back on Trump to get the wall completed. Most importantly, don’t give Trump anything WALL related to campaign on in 2020.

Truth is, they could Secure the boarder by paying the full $25 Billion which is equivalent to 1% of our yearly for the entire WALL in 2019 and pull that rug out from under Trumps feet. Of course, a WALL will prevent illegal immigrants and illegal drugs from flowing in and who would be left to vote for Democrats in the future?

Bytor Peltor 12.21.2018 10:16 AM

Trump tweet just now:

“The Democrats now own the shutdown!”

!@#$%! 12.21.2018 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Trump tweet from this morning:

“Shutdown today if Democrats do not vote for Border Security!”

All Donald needs to do is hold firm!

it’s amazing how trumpet manipulates the simples with simplicities

like “wall =border security” without examination

this is something i should learn if i ever wanted to start a cult or an unethical for-profit university

thanks for the example!

tw2113 12.21.2018 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
this is something i should learn if i ever wanted to start a cult or an unethical for-profit university

thanks for the example!

"Sonic Cult"

h8kurdt 12.21.2018 11:40 AM

Trump: If we don't get what we want, one way or the other... I will shut down the government ... So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.

And he quickly forgot he repeatedly said he'd get Mexico to pay for the wall. You say Dems are blinkered Bytor, but you're the worst of all here. Trump has back tracked, lied, twisted the truth over and over again and yet to you he seems to be a hero.

h8kurdt 12.21.2018 11:51 AM

Donald J. Trump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

bazzik 12.21.2018 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Donald J. Trump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

Sounds really good! :)

bazzik 12.21.2018 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
It's amazing: when all the Trump chaos happens today, you suddenly forget all the different chaos of yesterday.

It's just waves upon waves of chaos.

I can call it Chaos all year long

_tunic_ 12.21.2018 01:26 PM

I've kissed mermaids, rode the El Niño
Walked the sand with the crustaceans
Could find my way to Mariana
On a wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation

ilduclo 12.21.2018 01:39 PM

Looks like a Turk-Kurd war gonna happen. Trimp called Erdogan, got his input, then pulled the plug without talking to anyone else (well maybe mustache and pompey)

Skuj 12.21.2018 02:25 PM

Oh Man, this must be a really big Bytor/tesla But Her Emails day, right?

Roll the tape of Trump saying how he will gladly own the shutdown. ROLL IT!!

evollove 12.21.2018 02:32 PM

This morning I overheard a group of very angry (and either retired or unemployed) men talk about how great Syria withdraw was and how the "do-gooders" (that's an insult?) just "don't get it."

You and I and everyone knows that if Trump was sending 10,000 troops to Syria, they'd praise the move.

(But to be fair, the other side would probably instantly criticize it.)


Here's a great tweet from @Amy_Siskind:

Our country is so crazy now the Trump Shutdown is distracting from Jim Mattis resigning and his letter is distracting from our stock market hitting bear territory is distracting from 7,000 troops pulled from Syria is distracting from the Mueller probe and other investigations.

Skuj 12.21.2018 02:36 PM


Trump is now tweeting that the Dems own the shutdown.

He really is losing it. Omarosa was right.

Skuj 12.21.2018 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it’s amazing how trumpet manipulates the simples with simplicities

like “wall =border security” without examination

this is something i should learn if i ever wanted to start a cult or an unethical for-profit university

thanks for the example!

That wall is the dumbest fucking idea ever. I actually hope it gets built, then we can ALL see how dumb it is.

Skuj 12.21.2018 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Trump: If we don't get what we want, one way or the other... I will shut down the government ... So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.

And he quickly forgot he repeatedly said he'd get Mexico to pay for the wall. You say Dems are blinkered Bytor, but you're the worst of all here. Trump has back tracked, lied, twisted the truth over and over again and yet to you he seems to be a hero.


I'd love to hear what tesla/Bytor think about "Mexico will pay" now.

Actually, no I wouldn't.

Skuj 12.21.2018 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
This morning I overheard a group of very angry (and either retired or unemployed) men talk about how great Syria withdraw was and how the "do-gooders" (that's an insult?) just "don't get it."

You and I and everyone knows that if Trump was sending 10,000 troops to Syria, they'd praise the move.

(But to be fair, the other side would probably instantly criticize it.)


Here's a great tweet from @Amy_Siskind:

Our country is so crazy now the Trump Shutdown is distracting from Jim Mattis resigning and his letter is distracting from our stock market hitting bear territory is distracting from 7,000 troops pulled from Syria is distracting from the Mueller probe and other investigations.

And Ginsberg had cancer surgery. Trump will get another SCOTUS pick in there before late 2020, I know it. Brace yourselves. Adopt the position.

Bytor Peltor 12.21.2018 02:54 PM

It’s over the hill and through the woods to grandmothers house we go......headed to Waco, Texas.

All three daughters and I will be at Jerry’s World tomorrow for the Super 6A Stare High School Football Championship.

Christmas with my wife’s side of the family tomorrow night.

Everyone have a great weekend!!!

evollove 12.21.2018 04:12 PM

I think First Step Act (prison reform bill) is fine bit of legislation, and signing it is the best thing Trump has done since taking office.

There. I said something nice about Cheeto.

Merry Christmas.

Skuj 12.21.2018 06:32 PM

A bipartisan bill!! Isn't it wonderful?

Fuck it, I promise not to post here for 2 weeks after this post.

I mean....what could happen in 2 weeks anyway?

HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! (That's a fuck-you to Trump.)

ilduclo 12.22.2018 07:24 PM

Trimp “signs” blank pieces of paper...

The Soup Nazi 12.23.2018 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Trimp “signs” blank pieces of paper...

Color me impressed... ;):)

Trump, Angry Over Mattis's Rebuke, Removes Him 2 Months Early

And of course "kudos" on betraying the Kurds for the Nth time:
Trump told Turkey's Erdogan in Dec. 14 call about Syria, 'it's all yours. We are done'

Real nice motherfucking country you guys got over there. Commited to human rights and freedom and shit.

!@#$%! 12.24.2018 08:34 AM

bibi is going down...

ilduclo 12.24.2018 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
And of course "kudos" on betraying the Kurds for the Nth time:

That’s following the George “Hacky-Wacky” Bush play list...

Certainly don’t want any girls in the club house


!@#$%! 12.24.2018 11:44 AM





evollove 12.24.2018 11:58 AM

That "The Modern World" is fantastic.

I haven't seen any "Year in Review" clip thingies yet. A little scared to watch.

I think the experience will just be me saying "Oh, right. That unbelievably fucked up thing happened. I FORGOT" over and over.

ilduclo 12.24.2018 12:11 PM

Sec'y from Boeing

Trump’s Incoming Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan Pushed Military to Buy Weapons It Didn't Want
Patrick Shanahan’s corporate allies have thrived under Trump. Now he’s going to be Secretary of Defense.

The Soup Nazi 12.24.2018 02:15 PM

Trump tweets he's "all alone (poor me)" on Christmas Eve as he spends the day attacking everyone from Democrats and the Fed to James Mattis
From Sunday morning to 1 p.m. ET on Monday, the president tweeted 23 times.

Message to the next administration official who will resign or be forced out: stand on the White House lawn and say to the cameras, "I desperately urge everyone watching this to bum rush this joint because EVEN WE CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE".

tw2113 12.24.2018 03:39 PM

I wonder how much Trump is actually enjoying this all, or if he's getting lost trying to count on his fingers how many days he could have left.

ilduclo 12.24.2018 04:29 PM

WASHINGTON — A former Blackwater Worldwide contractor accused of firing the first rounds in a mass shooting that killed more than a dozen unarmed civilians in a Baghdad traffic circle in 2007 was found guilty of one count of murder Wednesday.

Nicholas Slatten was found guilty of first-degree murder by a unanimous federal jury in the death of Ahmed Haithem Ahmed Al Rubia’y.

!@#$%! 12.25.2018 08:30 AM

as of this morning ive started to read the trump twitter feed for lols

it’s gotten to the point where it’s just comedy

!@#$%! 12.25.2018 10:44 AM

look at the body language


away from each other lololo

The Soup Nazi 12.25.2018 06:23 PM

Guatemalan boy, 8, dies in US custody on Christmas

ilduclo 12.26.2018 03:21 PM

Donald J. Trump: ‏

"Saudi Arabia has now agreed to spend the necessary money needed to help rebuild Syria, instead of the United States. See? Isn’t it nice when immensely wealthy countries help rebuild their neighbors rather than a Great Country, the U.S., that is 5000 miles away. Thanks to Saudi A!"

Saudi Arabia clarifies Trump tweet: No new Saudi pledges to rebuild Syria

ilduclo 12.26.2018 03:42 PM

The Saudi Air Force is armed and trained by us, and Boeing has “a $480 million contract for service repairs to the fleet.” The new acting Secretary of Defense Patrick M. Shanahan is a 30-year veteran of Boeing who, until now, has been recusing himself for decisions related to the defense contractor. It won’t be long before Boeing finds itself in a public relations disaster.

!@#$%! 12.26.2018 05:43 PM

cadet bonespurs first combat zone

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