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h8kurdt 12.28.2018 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69

You people should all move to fucking Guinea Bissau and you might realize what we are trying to protect here.

And what's that?

choc e-Claire 12.28.2018 09:20 PM

Now, now. Give Tesla credit. He at least knows Guinea-Bissau exists, which probably means he's one up on the President.

tw2113 12.28.2018 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
as examples of Deep State press

Washington Post
New York Times

" praying that the end of the world comes soon and takes out humankind"
UH-HUH. And I'm the crazy person. right.

You people should all move to fucking Guinea Bissau and you might realize what we are trying to protect here.

Can't say I regularly read any of those.

I don't know if you're officially crazy or not. I just have my moments where I feel that humans are germs on earth, and the earth needs a vaccination to eradicate.

!@#$%! 12.28.2018 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
Can't say I regularly read any of those.

I don't know if you're officially crazy or not. I just have my moments where I feel that humans are germs on earth, and the earth needs a vaccination to eradicate.

the difference between you and tessie is that you take a metaphor as a metaphor whereas she takes everything literally and thus s.o.r.o.s.-I reptilian aliens is real

thus you have a poetic imagination whereas tessie... she cray!

tw2113 12.28.2018 11:13 PM

Sonic Musk? :D

ilduclo 12.29.2018 02:49 PM

how does one maintain power while not serving anyone except a small rich portion of the population?

Timothy Snyder Speaks, ep. 4: Sadopopulism

ilduclo 01.03.2019 04:13 PM

Dow Jones Industrial Average

22,724.43Price decrease621.81 (2.66%)

America hasn’t won this much since 1929, I tells ya. It was GREAT. A GREAT DEPRESSION. That’s what he promised, isn’t it? Making America Great Again? A smart fella should brush up on his hobo signs and learn to hop the rails.


!@#$%! 01.03.2019 05:34 PM


!@#$%! 01.04.2019 09:45 AM

strong december jobs report this morning (no, this is not a “thanks, trump” post)

brace for this rollercoaster

ilduclo 01.04.2019 10:48 AM

shunk in the trunk!


!@#$%! 01.04.2019 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
You could've fooled me! :D

well, you’re easily fooled

Skuj 01.04.2019 03:28 PM

So, I was away from this thread for 2 weeks. Anything happen in Trumpworld?

!@#$%! 01.04.2019 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
So, I was away from this thread for 2 weeks. Anything happen in Trumpworld?


Skuj 01.04.2019 03:38 PM

Wait.....I thought Mexico was paying? Did tesla/Bytor clarify that?

The Soup Nazi 01.04.2019 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

Love this movie, love the original Steinbeck book, love Springsteen's The Ghost Of Tom Joad. Kinda feel a little bit guilty about it, considering what they're based on, but they're all great works.

The Soup Nazi 01.06.2019 10:29 PM

"It is unsurprising to me that Republicans would think having fun should be disqualifying or illegal." —Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

OK, I have to quote the following opinion piece in its entirety:


The Economics of Soaking the Rich
What does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know about tax policy? A lot.
by Paul Krugman

I have no idea how well Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will perform as a member of Congress. But her election is already serving a valuable purpose. You see, the mere thought of having a young, articulate, telegenic nonwhite woman serve is driving many on the right mad — and in their madness they're inadvertently revealing their true selves.

Some of the revelations are cultural: The hysteria over a video of AOC dancing in college says volumes, not about her, but about the hysterics. But in some ways the more important revelations are intellectual: The right's denunciation of AOC's "insane" policy ideas serves as a very good reminder of who is actually insane.

The controversy of the moment involves AOC's advocacy of a tax rate of 70-80 percent on very high incomes, which is obviously crazy, right? I mean, who thinks that makes sense? Only ignorant people like … um, Peter Diamond, Nobel laureate in economics and arguably the world's leading expert on public finance. (Although Republicans blocked him from an appointment to the Federal Reserve Board with claims that he was unqualified. Really.) And it's a policy nobody has ever implemented, aside from … the United States, for 35 years after World War II — including the most successful period of economic growth in our history.

To be more specific, Diamond, in work with Emmanuel Sáez — one of our leading experts on inequality — estimated the optimal top tax rate to be 73 percent. Some put it higher: Christina Romer, top macroeconomist and former head of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, estimates it at more than 80 percent.

Where do these numbers come from? Underlying the Diamond-Sáez analysis are two propositions: Diminishing marginal utility and competitive markets.

Diminishing marginal utility is the common-sense notion that an extra dollar is worth a lot less in satisfaction to people with very high incomes than to those with low incomes. Give a family with an annual income of $20,000 an extra $1,000 and it will make a big difference to their lives. Give a guy who makes $1 million an extra thousand and he'll barely notice it.

What this implies for economic policy is that we shouldn't care what a policy does to the incomes of the very rich. A policy that makes the rich a bit poorer will affect only a handful of people, and will barely affect their life satisfaction, since they will still be able to buy whatever they want.

So why not tax them at 100 percent? The answer is that this would eliminate any incentive to do whatever it is they do to earn that much money, which would hurt the economy. In other words, tax policy toward the rich should have nothing to do with the interests of the rich, per se, but should only be concerned with how incentive effects change the behavior of the rich, and how this affects the rest of the population.

But here's where competitive markets come in. In a perfectly competitive economy, with no monopoly power or other distortions — which is the kind of economy conservatives want us to believe we have — everyone gets paid his or her marginal product. That is, if you get paid $1000 an hour, it's because each extra hour you work adds $1000 worth to the economy's output.

In that case, however, why do we care how hard the rich work? If a rich man works an extra hour, adding $1000 to the economy, but gets paid $1000 for his efforts, the combined income of everyone else doesn't change, does it? Ah, but it does — because he pays taxes on that extra $1000. So the social benefit from getting high-income individuals to work a bit harder is the tax revenue generated by that extra effort — and conversely the cost of their working less is the reduction in the taxes they pay.

Or to put it a bit more succinctly, when taxing the rich, all we should care about is how much revenue we raise. The optimal tax rate on people with very high incomes is the rate that raises the maximum possible revenue.

And that's something we can estimate, given evidence on how responsive the pre-tax income of the wealthy actually is to tax rates. As I said, Diamond and Sáez put the optimal rate at 73 percent, Romer at over 80 percent — which is consistent with what AOC said.

An aside: What if we take into account the reality that markets aren’t perfectly competitive, that there's a lot of monopoly power out there? The answer is that this almost surely makes the case for even higher tax rates, since high-income people presumably get a lot of those monopoly rents.

So AOC, far from showing her craziness, is fully in line with serious economic research. (I hear that she's been talking to some very good economists.) Her critics, on the other hand, do indeed have crazy policy ideas — and tax policy is at the heart of the crazy.

You see, Republicans almost universally advocate low taxes on the wealthy, based on the claim that tax cuts at the top will have huge beneficial effects on the economy. This claim rests on research by … well, nobody. There isn't any body of serious work supporting G.O.P. tax ideas, because the evidence is overwhelmingly against those ideas.

Look at the history of top marginal income tax rates (left) versus growth in real GDP per capita (right, measured over 10 years, to smooth out short-run fluctuations.):


What we see is that America used to have very high tax rates on the rich — higher even than those AOC is proposing — and did just fine. Since then tax rates have come way down, and if anything the economy has done less well.

Why do Republicans adhere to a tax theory that has no support from nonpartisan economists and is refuted by all available data? Well, ask who benefits from low taxes on the rich, and it's obvious.

And because the party's coffers demand adherence to nonsense economics, the party prefers "economists" who are obvious frauds and can't even fake their numbers effectively.

Which brings me back to AOC, and the constant effort to portray her as flaky and ignorant. Well, on the tax issue she's just saying what good economists say; and she definitely knows more economics than almost everyone in the G.O.P. caucus, not least because she doesn't "know" things that aren't true.

Bytor Peltor 01.06.2019 11:34 PM

Mexican Psychic Foretells


Originally Posted by Skuj
Wait.....I thought Mexico was paying? Did tesla/Bytor clarify that?

Skuj 01.07.2019 10:43 AM

Ginsberg absent this morning. BOHICA. Perhaps 2019?

Skuj 01.07.2019 07:10 PM

So, how high will the lie-o-meter go tomorrow when Trump addresses the nation? He's clearly going to do that national emergency declaration thing, isn't he?

Bytor Peltor 01.08.2019 10:47 AM

What is there to lie about?

President Trump will address the Nation and explain how bad the situation along the border has become. I’m guessing he will give Nancy & Chuck a deadline (Friday 5pm?) and if they haven’t voted for $5 Billion for the wall......look for the President to declare a National State of Emergency.

Just this past weekend House Armed Services Committee chairman, under the Democrats, Rep. Adam Smith CONFIRMED that the President had the authority to declare such an emergency.


Originally Posted by Skuj
So, how high will the lie-o-meter go tomorrow when Trump addresses the nation? He's clearly going to do that national emergency declaration thing, isn't he?

tw2113 01.08.2019 11:58 AM

For whatever value y'all put on something like Twitter, i saw a bunch of people talking about boycotting the State of the Union. I chimed in saying i never watch any of them, so i'm pre-signed up there.

ilduclo 01.08.2019 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
For whatever value y'all put on something like Twitter, i saw a bunch of people talking about boycotting the State of the Union. I chimed in saying i never watch any of them, so i'm pre-signed up there.

definitely not watching, I value my tv too much to


Skuj 01.08.2019 04:26 PM

I'm betting on 10 lies tonight. We can paste the full text here, then hilight the lies.

Bush Jr must love Trump. Jr looks so good now.

tw2113 01.08.2019 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Bush Jr must love Trump. Jr looks so good now.

Those were the days.

Bytor Peltor 01.08.2019 06:03 PM

Again with the lies?

Once the President highlights the lack of border security and humanitarian crisis that has developed, what is there to lie about?

Should he play the videos (I shared them a few pages back) of Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama clamoring there was a problem along the Southern Border and action needed to be taken? How about showing the vote where the Senate voted for $40 Billion for border security while Obama was in office??

Guess what, the TRUTH is......there was no caravan camped out at our border when the Presidents were clamoring and the Senate voted......but now there is.

If the President declares a National State Of Emergency, the Pentagon has $20 Billion set aside to use at his discretion. So President Donald Trump could end up having the Military build the wall.

I’m sure Nancy & Chuck, left to their own devices of desperation......they will dig in further by challenging the Presidents decision in court. I’m guessing it would go to the 9th Circuit and they (Democrats) would hope for a Judges determination (IF) there was a National State Of Emergency over that of a sitting President.

The next step......hello Judge Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court!!! As they have ruled in the past, there is a Seperation Of Powers and it’s not the Supreme Courts responsibility to declare War or National State Of’s the Presidents responsibility!!!

So why lie???


Originally Posted by Skuj
I'm betting on 10 lies tonight. We can paste the full text here, then hilight the lies.

evollove 01.08.2019 06:20 PM

1- Democrats want open borders.
2- Democrats have supported a wall

Which is it? I hear both statements with about equal frequency.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
How about showing the vote where the Senate voted for $40 Billion for boarder security while Obama was in office??

"Border security" doesn't automatically mean a concrete wall.

"Open borders, @realDonaldTrump? The bipartisan immigration bill I authored had $40 billion for border security and would have been far more effective than the wall." -Chuck Schumer

The "wall" is base bait.

Skuj 01.08.2019 06:56 PM

Base bait indeed. Has tesla/Bytor mentioned Mexico paying yet?

In fact, is Trump addressing The Nation tonight, or His Base, as he does?

!@#$%! 01.08.2019 07:00 PM

chump bait you mean?

trump’s chump

The Soup Nazi 01.08.2019 07:18 PM

Golden Globes: Christian Bale thanked Satan for his portrayal of Dick Cheney. The Church of Satan approves.
"What do you think, Mitch McConnell next? That could be good."

(ETA: Incidentally, I can't believe Amy Adams didn't win for Sharp Objects. What in all that is FUCK.)

Bytor Peltor 01.08.2019 11:16 PM

In 2006, Sen. Chucky Chuck voted for $1.4 bil in initial spending to build 700 miles of double-layered fencing along US-Mexico border.....???

I guess the Democrats are acting this way just to spite President Trump?

Possibly Nancy’s double eyebrows are pulled so tight it keeps her from hearing the question?



Originally Posted by evollove
1- Democrats want open borders.
2- Democrats have supported a wall

Which is it? I hear both statements with about equal frequency

Skuj 01.08.2019 11:47 PM

Savage Clone, who the fuck are you talking to? (I agree with your Trump stance though.)

So.....lots of lies tonight!! Thankfully, others are tallying for me.

choc e-Claire 01.08.2019 11:58 PM

Bytor had about a dozen chances to use the right form of border/boarder and he never did.

Skuj 01.09.2019 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Talking to Bytor. A person I honestly Love. This is awful. This whole period In history is awful.

Oh. I see. My putting certain people on ignore confuses things for me. But I'll keep them on ignore.

Ann Coulter loved Trump's speech. That says it all.

Can we start talking about the lies now? I don't know where to begin. Here's a start:

He asserted that it can be a steel wall, at the request of Dems. But Dems have not asked for a steel wall.

Skuj 01.09.2019 12:33 AM

Even Fucks "News" is aggressively fact checking that 9min lie-a-thon. Are cracks beginning to appear?

Bytor Peltor 01.09.2019 06:44 AM

McConnell: The past eighteen days have shown that Democrats’ refusal to negotiate is not due to any principled objection, but simply due to partisan spite for the president.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I guess the Democrats are acting this way just to spite President Trump?

h8kurdt 01.09.2019 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
McConnell: The past eighteen days have shown that Democrats’ refusal to negotiate is not due to any principled objection, but simply due to partisan spite for the president.

Lol this is from a guy who bragged about having shutdown during the Obama administration? He is just as much a cause of this right in partisan politics as much as the worst in the Democrats side.

Bytor Peltor 01.09.2019 07:33 AM

As I Agreed To Before


Originally Posted by operator
i believe you are right bytor. however as you’d certainly agree, donald trump is trash as a human being (not that hillary is any better) so please accept my lack of commiseration.

!@#$%! 01.09.2019 08:05 AM

lmao look at your own eyebrows man


ilduclo 01.09.2019 09:45 AM

Erdogan reveals his intentions regarding the Kurds....spoiler’s not what Trimp thought...

ilduclo 01.09.2019 04:23 PM

So when will Fox News finally let Donald Trump's shutdown end?

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