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demonrail666 10.22.2010 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
no, i really didn't mean or intend to imply it was just people from syg. i don't get why you say that, it can apply to any number of massively hyped musicians now. it's more of an attitude within music that i don't like.

and the maoist thing was more of a joke.

i don't know who these people that have "actual influence" are. and my point is that it wasn't a golden age. i don't see things as made up of people who have actual influence and those that don't. what i was trying to criticise is how people are happy to settle for these stale aesthetics and how indie now is like an industry of people trying to pretend the past few decades never happened and we should all still be trying to take a page from nirvanas book. its retro at its worst, and its regressive and boring an ultimately just the revitalisation of yesterdays dead end.

I absolutely agree that indie now (as a kind of genre) is a stale, backward looking aesthetic. All I'm saying is that in the big scheme of what's going on musically it's of no importance. There's enough really interesting things going on outside that world for me to not care at all what the average Wavves fan thinks or listens to. I rarely post in the Non-Sonic Sounds section for that very reason. I like some individuals here but primarily for their interests outside of music.

What I mean is Nirvana obsessives or whatever are no different from Morris Dancers. They exist but, thankfully, the world moves on regardless. I have issues and opinions but those are aimed at things that I think really are having a negative impact. Seriously, start a band the way you think a band should be, write a book, do something, anything besides wasting your energy and ideas on people who, to my mind, really aren't worth worrying about.

hevusa 10.22.2010 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k

Exactly my perception of her too.

Genteel Death 10.23.2010 02:10 AM

Vivian Girls are a good band, certainly not the best, but there are much worse out there for sure. To single them out as the worst thing ever with such fervent hatred strikes me as reserving your anger for easy targets, when you could pick much more deserving ones. Or really, you could just shut up and do something productive with yourself. Not that many people out there can be identified as Vivian Girls fans, so you might be sitting right next to one while you type this on your laptop on a train, and they'd politely offer you their handkerchief because they spotted some blood coming out of your nose.
Vivian Girls fans are all around you, in the bank, at school, behind the meat counter at Tesco, waiting for the bus, doing your laundry, hell, even your parents might wait for you go out and then throw Vivian Girls on the turntable and shake a leg.

Satan 10.23.2010 02:14 AM

i really like them. they don't strike much of an emotional chord with me, but i like listening to their records, they sound cool.

EVOLghost 10.23.2010 03:53 AM

^ yep...and I'm in love with Cassie.

loubarret 10.23.2010 05:38 AM

Vivian girls are ok. Nothing to big, just nice girl kind of trashy lo-fi rock&roll like a million other bands. They might look great but their music is far from brilliant, entertaining it is.

atsonicpark 11.23.2010 09:07 AM

This excellent band has a new album coming out this spring called SHARE THE JOY.

I love this band, I love how sloppy and off they usually are, but their great simple melodies hold it together. They just have a cool sound, not much beyond that, nothing groundbreaking, but at least it's not slick overproduced glossy stuff, there's an energy in their off key singing and out of tune guitar playing that appeals to me, as well as some genuinely good melodies and songwriting. I also enjoy how they're named after Darger! No, but really.. they just offer me simple joys, there may not be much depth to it, but it's certainly more interesting and listenable than most of the other blogcore bands. I think "Tell the World" is an exceptionally interesting and well-made song, also.

Here's a cool live 27 minute performance

atsonicpark 11.23.2010 09:22 AM

oh neat, the new album is produced by the guy who produced MENEGUAR's stuff, he's excellent.

narlus 11.23.2010 10:19 PM

photos from ATP


atsonicpark 11.23.2010 10:26 PM



atsonicpark 11.24.2010 02:40 PM

great new cover of JOHN I'M ONLY DANCING (david bowie) by vivian girls

keep poppin pimples 12.01.2010 09:51 PM

i quite like the bowie cover, i actually frequently enjoy bowie covers eventhough i find him offensively boring

Count Mecha 12.02.2010 10:45 PM

Perfectly fine band I think. Them and Dum Dum Girls both. Though they're enough to have in terms of these kinds of bands. They don't pretend to be anything amazing, or claim to be. They just write really fun simple tunes. Like that one part in Vivian Girls' Second Date, that's just three notes, love it.

Though I do think both bands come up with some really exciting vocal melodies.

I just started listening to the second Vivian Girls album yesterday. At first I didn't think it was as good as the first one, but it's slowly creeping to par now I think. Can't wait for the new one.

Hey ni'k, what do you think of a band like this?

Obviously they were trying to be good and ended up being really awful. But imagine briefly that they were deliberately mutilating Pink Floyd. Good step toward shaking off and swearing off the past and moving on? Or just stupid maybe? I dunno, I think I'd be intrigued by a band that deliberately did really awful covers of famous tunes. The idea can't be too new, but I can't think of any obvious examples. I just enjoy the idea of destroyed versions of these really elevated to godhood tracks.

kinn 12.02.2010 11:17 PM

In my world, any band that "just wrote simplistic fun tunes and didn't pretend to be anything they aren't" wouldn't exist, or if they did it would only for the purpose of publicly displaying instruments to steal.

or maybe they would exist, but as the parts of a performance piece that involved feeding them into a blender. it would be called "like, it's just fun dude, don't take it so seriously. why r u so angar al the time? fuck sake dude chil out, SOMEBODY enjoys it and thats all that matters, why do you have to have such a problem with everything? do you even ENJOY music anyway?".

anyone that showed up to the performance and had ever uttered any variation of the words in the title would find the entire audience suddenly turning around and staring at them, their eyes gleaming like digitised red rubies, and they would start floating into the air until they were suspended over the massive blender. and they would be held there to build suspense, but once their screams got too loud they would be released and would fall into the whirling sluices were they would meet their quick demise.

once the performance was over the audience would leave through the portal in the doorway and find themselves waking up the next morning with only a dim and confused memory of some violent dream. it would be a thing never spoken of directly by the townfolk, perhaps alluded to in heavily coded and conspiratorial language in the darker corners of some bar once in a while. But all assembled would barely be conciously aware of what they were talking about, and if pressed or pestered by some stranger would fly into a defensive rage at such impolite noseying.

Over time, the amount of morons would be whittled down substantially, and when these self concious idiots were out of our way, the rest of us would set about our rituals and festivals of forbidden magick and sounde unperturbed.

And in regards to that pink floyd track. i dont care. you dont need to mutilate the past in order to move on. you just ignore it in the first place. theres no need to pay attention to such crap. i've never heard the original song in question and dont want to. i have unfortunately heard a pink floyd track but not because i wanted to. who is this person who deems this music elevated to godhood in the first place? he doesn't exist, why do we need to pay any attention to him. why do we need to care. we don't. i am only concerned with what i am listening to and others whose listenings interest me.

it's like some episode of family guy that pretends to be "parodying" all these cliches, when in fact it is just reproducing them over and over again. i don't care about that kind of behaviour.

Torn Curtain 12.04.2010 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

great new cover of JOHN I'M ONLY DANCING (david bowie) by vivian girls

I don't like this cover because I think it's played much too fast and as a result it loses what I like in the original (but maybe I'm biased because it's one of my Bowie favourites - I haven't heard Vivian Girls' music yet).

atsonicpark 02.26.2011 09:00 PM

new album leaked, get on slsk if you want it, a million people have it. it actually sounds pretty different so far.

atsonicpark 02.27.2011 07:23 AM

yeah new album has some of their absolute best material. Also some of their dullest. Real weird. I'd say it's their weakest album to date, with some of their best songs. New drummer is by far their best drummer so far. LOVE the keyboard on "LIGHT IN YOUR EYES" (which also has the absolute best -- and strangest -- guitar solo Vivian Girls have ever layed to tape); strange that a keyboard makes an appearance there as well as their last single "my love will follow me around", released last April... but those are the onlytwo keyboard appearances in any VG songs. I was for some reason expecting the new album to have a lot more keyboards.

All in all, this album shows a LOT of growth, not just because two songs are 6 minutes long (!); there is a new maturity and complexity, structurally and melodically to the new stuff. Still, the two best songs besides the last track are "Death" and "Lake House", two old songs... some of the newer stuff like "dance if you wanna" and "i heard you say" retread the same ground they already treaded before, reusing the exact same beats and similiar riffs, extending the length of the songs but actally being downright boring.

So, all in all, some of their best material ever, next to some of their worst. Probably would've been wiser to release an ep of their best stuff, I have a feeling their next album will be amazing though, since there is some real amazing stuff on here...

Sonic Youth 37 02.27.2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
yeah new album has some of their absolute best material. Also some of their dullest. Real weird. I'd say it's their weakest album to date, with some of their best songs. New drummer is by far their best drummer so far. LOVE the keyboard on "LIGHT IN YOUR EYES" (which also has the absolute best -- and strangest -- guitar solo Vivian Girls have ever layed to tape); strange that a keyboard makes an appearance there as well as their last single "my love will follow me around", released last April... but those are the onlytwo keyboard appearances in any VG songs. I was for some reason expecting the new album to have a lot more keyboards.

All in all, this album shows a LOT of growth, not just because two songs are 6 minutes long (!); there is a new maturity and complexity, structurally and melodically to the new stuff. Still, the two best songs besides the last track are "Death" and "Lake House", two old songs... some of the newer stuff like "dance if you wanna" and "i heard you say" retread the same ground they already treaded before, reusing the exact same beats and similiar riffs, extending the length of the songs but actally being downright boring.

So, all in all, some of their best material ever, next to some of their worst. Probably would've been wiser to release an ep of their best stuff, I have a feeling their next album will be amazing though, since there is some real amazing stuff on here...

I pretty much agree with this 98%. They seemed to have embraced the '60s girl group stuff fully on this one. Some great songs, some that weren't fully baked.

PAULYBEE2656 02.27.2011 03:42 PM

their new album is kind of a dissappointment for me to be honest... amazebox in places and just forgettable in others...... go back to simply sounding like talulah gosh and everything will be ok.

sorry, i didnt mean to come over all muso :-)

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