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Rob Instigator 06.17.2015 09:36 AM

I cannot believe ANYONE who is not sucking on Nike's tit would vote LeBron as the MVP. fucking horrible. The MVP is NOT most valuable if he did not help his team WIN.

what a fucking joke. the assholes from, B leacher Report, and the two from ESPN, all big BronBron apologists and sycophants, voted him MVP? what a fucking insult to the amazng play of Curry and Iguidola (sp?)

Rob Instigator 06.17.2015 09:38 AM

I knew from the GET that Iverson would never win. no one of any consequence wants to play with a fucking ball-hog that insults the coaches, demeans fellow players, and carries himself like the second coming of Jeebus himself. Fuck AI. I HATE that people list him as a top 10 player all time. what a fucking joke.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.17.2015 12:35 PM

Hey bytor, how does James Harden or Dwight Howard's legacy stack up to Lebron? Me i ve come to terms with losing big Lebron, that nobody respects the dude just makes him all the more likeable to me. Its punk now. Also and again, respect to the Warriors, they handled their biz and yes, the media attention should be on them. However what all you haters don't realize is the sports media is only focusing on Lebron because all the haters wanna soak in his loss more so than celebrate the warriors. Same thing when the rockets won, people wanted to laugh at the Knicks..

Bytor Peltor 06.17.2015 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I knew from the GET that Iverson would never win. no one of any consequence wants to play with a fucking ball-hog that insults the coaches, demeans fellow players, and carries himself like the second coming of Jeebus himself. Fuck AI. I HATE that people list him as a top 10 player all time. what a fucking joke.

Same here......the ONLY thing AI is top ten is number of shots taken, one of the worst shooting percentages in league history.

Speaking of shooting percentages......Stephen Curry's worst season is equal to the best seasons by Ray Allen and Reggie Miller.


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Hey bytor, how does James Harden or Dwight Howard's legacy stack up to Lebron? Me i ve come to terms with losing big Lebron, that nobody respects the dude just makes him all the more likeable to me. Its punk now. Also and again, respect to the Warriors, they handled their biz and yes, the media attention should be on them. However what all you haters don't realize is the sports media is only focusing on Lebron because all the haters wanna soak in his loss more so than celebrate the warriors. Same thing when the rockets won, people wanted to laugh at the Knicks..

Again......just how juvenile are you?

No hate here, ever!

Just stacking up trophies......believe it was you comparing him to, The Mailman.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.17.2015 05:29 PM

Bytor, kindly refrain from personally attacking me ok? Its fine to talk bball, its fine to trash talk about bball, but to make it about my personal character is just bullshit.

Bytor Peltor 06.18.2015 04:15 AM

Steph Cury helped eliminat the 2015 All-NBA Team from the post-season:

Round 1 - New Ofleans Anthiny Davis
Round 2 - Mrmphis Marc Gasol
Round 3 - Houston Jsmes Hardin
Round 4 - Cleveland LeBron James

Golden State NEVER faced elimination in the 2015 postseason.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.18.2015 01:22 PM

Round 1 - New Ofleans Anthiny Davis (rookie team)
Round 2 - Mrmphis Marc Gasol (tony allen got hurt)
Round 3 - Houston Jsmes Hardin (no pat beverly)
Round 4 - Cleveland LeBron James (klay thompson broke all nba Kyrie Irving knee cap in game 1)

Bytor Peltor 07.01.2015 12:39 AM

Worth Every Penny

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.01.2015 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Heard dat

Rob Instigator 07.08.2015 03:10 PM

My man James Harden is gonna rock the world now that he's hooked up with the tallest and most statuesque Kardashian! Long live Armenians.



Rob Instigator 07.08.2015 03:10 PM

A happy Harden makes for Happy Rockets and makes for happy Houstonians....

Bytor Peltor 07.08.2015 11:20 PM

^^^the post Kardashian carriers of previous relationships begs to differ.

Glyde sums it up!
@clydedrexler22: Why are you playing with people's time and money? your word is as valuable as your free throw shooting #DeAndreJordan #clippers #Mavericks

To be honest, I'm not surprised that a LA Clipper found a way to flop during the off season.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.09.2015 12:40 AM

Hahaha why everybody so burned? Clyde Drexler just talking shit.

Loud mouthed ass Mark Cuban gonna have to accept rebuilding reality


Bytor Peltor 07.09.2015 03:47 AM

Remember when ESPN reporter, Chris Broussard got everything wrong when reporting about Dwight Howard going to Dallas? The jackass still can't get reports straight:

@Chris_Broussard: Sources: Cuban is beside himself. Driving around downtown Dallas begging (thru texts) Jordan's family for address to DeAndre's home

over an hour later
@Chris_Broussard: CORRECTION: Sources: Cuban beside himself. Driving around downtown HOUSTON begging (thru texts) Jordan's family 4 address to DeAndre's home

Cuban riding around H-town asking people where DeAndre lives is funny!

Barkley on DeAndre Jordan: "If you locked him in a gym by himself overnight & told him he couldn't dunk, he'd have 6 points in the morning."

Rob Instigator 07.09.2015 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
^^^the post Kardashian carriers of previous relationships begs to differ.

Dwayne Wade won championships! Blake Griffin is playing deep into the playoffs!

The Beard is clever. He has hooked up with the smart one with the least pretensions of grandeur. She stuck by crackhead Lamar for years. She is the only one in that whole family that has an actual sense of humor.

Rob Instigator 07.09.2015 11:58 AM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.09.2015 02:40 PM

Blake Griffin officially won the internet yesterday, shut it down yo

Bytor Peltor 07.09.2015 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Dwayne Wade won championships! Blake Griffin is playing deep into the playoffs!

The Beard is clever. He has hooked up with the smart one with the least pretensions of grandeur. She stuck by crackhead Lamar for years. She is the only one in that whole family that has an actual sense of humor.

WOW - I had no clue as I really don't keep up with who is dating / has dated who. I was only aware of Odom and Humphries......hope you're right!

Looks like Chris Broussard is more of an ass wipe than I realized:

‏@mcuban @Chris_Broussard how about this. You post any proof I was calling/texting his friends asking anything I give 100k to charity of yr choice.

‏@mcuban @Chris_Broussard that's is the dumbest shit Ive ever heard. If you had any ethics u would msg me and I will give u his address

Mavs Fan Is Pissed

Bytor Peltor 07.12.2015 10:17 PM

Boom goes the dynamite!

@Chris_Broussard Regarding my Wednesday report: I should have attempted to contact Mark Cuban before reporting what my sources were telling me. I always try to carry myself with honesty and integrity both personally and professionally. I recognize that I tweeted hastily, I’m sorry for it, and I will learn from my mistake.


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.15.2015 11:14 AM

So Silver says next season probably no more "top4" division winners.. ranking seeds by 1-8... but DUH they already give homecourt to the highest seed regardless of ranking so this is just optics... sure Blazers had "fourth seed" but they DIDN'T have homecourt the way NFL gives homefield to the division winner regardless.

The only reason i care about this otherwise meaningless gesture is that its more than likely the first step toward scrapping the Conference system altogether and moving towards a table system like a handful of fans mistakenly believe they want. I LIKE Conference and division rivalriea.. FUCK conference realignment FUCK tables

Rob Instigator 07.15.2015 11:28 AM

the only "fans" that ask for a change are the ones that love to gamble and that are not actually fans of a specific team.

what is the point of winning a tightly contested conference when 7 other teams in your division have a greater record win-wise and would be seeded ahead of you? Pathetic.

One of the single worst thing I hate about the NFL is that after every single season they have to fuck with the rules,a nd make changes, as if it betters anything other than the casual fan. fuck that shit. I want DB's to be able to smack a receiver whenevr they feel like. No receiver should have the "right" to run around on the field unopposed! no basketball player has the "right" to go up for a layup uncontested. That makes both games so fucking lame.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.15.2015 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the only "fans" that ask for a change are the ones that love to gamble and that are not actually fans of a specific team.

what is the point of winning a tightly contested conference when 7 other teams in your division have a greater record win-wise and would be seeded ahead of you? Pathetic.

EXACTLY. Its not just fans, several team executives (mostly from West teams that didn't make the playoffs but could have in the East) are whining about this... and Silver several times has expressed interest. I will probably stop watching NBA if they do..

Its not just about mixing up the Conferences, table system reseeds the entire playoffs.. our entire NBA history of Conference rivals in the playoffs will end and be replaced by unpredictable interconference matchups.. LAME

Bytor Peltor 07.21.2015 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I LIKE Conference and division rivalriea.. FUCK conference realignment FUCK tables

I believe this is mostly media driven as BIG Media is in the East. There is no longer anything special about playing in New York and I believe the same can soon be said about LA (lakers) as players are choosing to go elsewhere and stay away from these organizations.

Back when the likes of Magic Johnson were making $10 million over four years, the ability to make at least half in endorsements was a huge draw to those cities. However, now that bench players are making $30-50 million over the same time period, cities such as Milwaukee are proving to be much more attractive.

Conference rivalries and Conference championships are what make the NBA so great!


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.21.2015 10:04 AM

But realignment would actually hurt the big market teams even more? And yes, while at this stage it is predominantly media led however there are more and more "fans" whining about this on comments sections and yes, even several NBA execs have mentioned it. Personally uuo don't think it will ever happen because it would hurt the bottom seeds by making it even harder to compete. It would also be so boring because NBA playoffs are built around historical conference rivalries that a non-conference format 16 seed table would eliminate. Further i think we' ve all become thoroughly accustomed to playoffs being about one division at a time until Finals, tables would put east and west teams against each other at every round of playoffs..

Rob Instigator 07.21.2015 10:34 AM

I also think that the idea of a final record being a huge determinant is a crock of shit.

having a 55 win record in the Eastern Conference, which currently sucks ass, does not mean the same as a 55 win record in the Western Conference where so many teams are stacked with talent and great coaching and SKILLZ. To make everything based on final records insults the teams that win in the challenging conference or division.

Bytor Peltor 07.21.2015 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
having a 55 win record in the Eastern Conference, which currently sucks ass, does not mean the same as a 55 win record in the Western Conference where so many teams are stacked with talent and great coaching and SKILLZ. To make everything based on final records insults the teams that win in the challenging conference or division.


A week or so ago, Marc Cuban was clamoring about adding four more teams to the playoffs (two per conference). Just this past season the East had playoff teams with losing records......the NBA doesn't need more of this.

Pubes sees the writing on the wall and knows the Maverick's chances at staying relevant will soon dry up when Dirk retires. Some may say it's this way now, but Marc has something to promote long as Dirk in donning a Mavs uniform.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.21.2015 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I also think that the idea of a final record being a huge determinant is a crock of shit.

having a 55 win record in the Eastern Conference, which currently sucks ass, does not mean the same as a 55 win record in the Western Conference where so many teams are stacked with talent and great coaching and SKILLZ. To make everything based on final records insults the teams that win in the challenging conference or division.

But see this is precisely the argument from Western team execs as to why they WANT to get rid of the Conference system and from my perspective, I think it insults the East teams. The East teams play BETTER DEFENSE than the West teams, even in head to head match ups between East-West teams.. teams like Chicago and Milwaukee this year, and in the recent past Chicago, Miami, and Indiana all had some of the best overall defense in the NBA!

So its totally disrespectful to the East teams who also play in their own divisions, and play against tougher defenses. There is a lot of noise about the West being better than the East, and while win records may look like that a deeper analysis of stats, whether inter-conference matchups, head-to-head winning percentages, etc etc do not necessarily suggest this. The top-4 East teams were competitive with West teams..

In my opinion, win your division, win your conference, or shut up. Each team knows EXACTLY how to scout to win. Take that away? So we can go back to the 80s where all the teams played shit defense and scored 115 a game? Because THAT is what the top-4 teams in the West play like these days...

Rob Instigator 07.21.2015 01:11 PM

I just like how the goals are set currently. In the NFL the first thing a coach does is try and figure out how to win the Division, THEN, how to try and win the Conference. The same should go for the NBA.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.21.2015 01:21 PM

I agree completely and I was also going to compare with NFL. In NBA you KNOW YOUR division, you know how to scout, and you play accordingly. In the playoffs its even MORE intense scouting, I mean, we all probably during pre-season even begin to make our playoff predictions and NBA teams and scouts surely do the same thing during the season. If you take that away, you take away the kind of detailed scouting that makes the NBA playoffs so intense!

Bytor Peltor 10.15.2015 06:55 AM

Sad news about Lamar Odom being on a ventilator, fighting for his life in a Las Vegas hospital. For those who didn't see it, Scott Van Pelt set the record straight about how we relate to Lamar.

Bytor Peltor 10.29.2015 10:16 AM

Hell's Bells - last night, the boys in Vegas had the Rockets -11 hosting the Denver Nuggets......Denver blew out the Rockets winning by 20.

The word around twitter last night was Khloe Kardashian was in the bowels of Toyota Center waiting for Harden when the game was over.

Khole is going to KILL the Rockets season......


Rob Instigator 10.29.2015 10:29 AM


sometimes the beard does make the man....

Bytor Peltor 11.03.2015 11:25 AM


The Kardashian Curse of Evol JuJu led to the Rockets losing each of their first three games by exactly 20 points......BIG win against OKC last night!

Speaking of last night......Golden State beat Memphis by 50 points. In the 2nd & 3rd Quarters, GS outscored Memphis 72-27 (not a typo)......seriously, who goes on a 72-27 run?

NBA notables yet to score 20 points in a game (four games played):

Paul George
Chris Paul
Derrick Rose
Tim Duncan

Stephen Curry has three 20 point Quarters.

45 NBA players have played more minutes then Curry, yet he leads the league in 3 pointers made.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.03.2015 05:21 PM

Someone just needs to give Curry an old school 90s hard foul, im sick of this guy

Bytor Peltor 11.04.2015 12:25 AM

Curry sure is making it look easy......and for him, it is!

Watched parts of several games tonight:

Kobe looks chunky
Anthony Davis isn't playing hard
Toronto might have their way in the East

LA Clippers at Golden State on Wednesday in the battle of undefeateds.

Bytor Peltor 11.05.2015 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Toronto might have their way in the East

LA Clippers at Golden State on Wednesday in the battle of undefeateds.

Toronto (5-0) just won on back-to-back nights at Dallas & OKC. It's still VERY early in the season, but most teams from the East won't be able to do that.

The Golden State Warriors are the first defending Champion to start a season 5-0 since 2010 LA Lakers......Luke Walton was a member of that team too!

With the 27 points against the Clippers, Stephen Curry has now scored 179 points in the first five games of the season......the most since Michael Jordan scored 182 points through 5 games in 1991-92. Most impressive about Curry's 179 is how few minutes he is playing.

Report: Steve Kerr Could Be Out Until All-Star Break.
If my understanding is correct, all of these Golden State victories with Luke Walton as Coach are stacking up on Kerr's win/loss total.

Chris Paul broke into old habits, yo-yo-ing the ball at the top of the key as the clock clicked down......ended the night on the bench with a groin pull.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.05.2015 11:05 AM

Oh how i wish the 2012 peak Heat still existed their hyper trap defense would smother cupcakes like Curry and Klay Thompson. Also, are Warriors the skinniest and most twirpy championship team ever? Dudes are all bunch of skinny legs Peyton Manning has cable azz dudez

Bytor Peltor 11.06.2015 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Dudes are all bunch of skinny legs Peyton Manning has cable azz dudez

And cable never looked so good!

Curry has made 28 of 54 3 pointers this season.
James Harden is 9 of 55 from behind the arc.
Harden has attempted double digit 3 pointers in each of the first 5 games.
By comparison, Curry could miss his next 117 3 point attempts and Curry's average would still be higher than Harden's.

Nowitzki became the 16th player in NBA history to surpass the 45,000 mark in regular season minutes played.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.06.2015 11:30 AM

But bytor THAT is precisely what is soooooooo boooooooooring about Curry. Guy is quite literally a one trick pony, gets old fast. Its like, he ONLY made 3s in that Clippers game, sure he made 7 of them, and its impressive but even Ray Allen was more than just 3s.

Bytor Peltor 11.07.2015 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
THAT is precisely what is soooooooo boooooooooring about Curry. Guy is quite literally a one trick pony

Boring to some is the GOAT to others.

Curry is the GREATEST shooter the league has ever seen!

No player has / had a faster shot off the dribble.

Last night, Golden State had 28 assist in the first Half.

Curry would have made 13 3 pointers......if he had played the 4th quarter.

So far, Ray Allens best shooting percentage season doesn't equal Stephen Currys worst......same for Reggie Miller.

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