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demonrail666 03.21.2019 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Derek

It happened when Corbyn decimated May's majority at the snap election.

My honest view of that election is that May committed political suicide in the run up to it, effectively handing Labour an open goal that almost any leader but Corbyn would've tucked away comfortably. The country was absolutely sick and tired of the Tories at that point but too many people saw Corbyn and his cabinet (most obviously the prospect of Diane Abbott as Home Secretary and John McDonnell as Chancellor) as simply unelectable.

I know polls aren't everything but you could say the same thing's happening now. The Tories are in meltdown, with a lame duck leader and no credible replacement in the wings, and yet yougov still puts them ahead of Labour in the polls. Corbyn may have galvanised the youth vote but Labour should be miles ahead nationwide in the current situation.

Latest aggregate figures from YouGov 19th March: CON 35%, LAB 31%, LDEM 12%, UKIP 6%.

Corbyn has turned Labour into a party for activists in the same way that I see the Democrats becoming a party for activists so long as people like AOC, Ilhan Omar and Bernie Sanders are increasingly able to set the party agenda. The only difference is that they're facing another non-mainstream/anti-Establishment leader in Trump.

Derek 03.21.2019 08:44 AM

Bear in mind that Labour were like 24 points behind the Tories before the last election. Anything happens when Corbyn actually gets to put forth his ideas in a fair manner, which we saw last time. They are clearly not unelectable.

I don't believe at all that someone else would have won that election for them. Do you have any sort of evidence or study that shows this? It would have just been further apathy towards Labour since Ed Miliband's poor showing. No one is excited by centrism or liberalism and clearly its the unelectable thing in 2019 if Hillary Clinton can't take an easy victory over Donald Trump.

He hasn't turned it into a party of activists, he's helping give voice to people who have been shut out of politics for a long time or young people who never found a reason to care until his ideas spoke to them.

Rob Instigator 03.21.2019 09:42 AM

The USA is ever more full of people age 65 and over, and all of them vote, and the demographics of those 65 and up is FAR different from the demographics of those 18-45.

!@#$%! 03.21.2019 09:48 AM

Right Derek but you gotta understand the notion of...hedging, I guess? Meaning things never go too far.

Neither me nor Demonyo are “naive”.

Given the general political tendency of a society, there is always a counterbalance for any sort of movement to return it to... yes, the status quo.

For every excited person on one end, there is a scared person on the other.

Right or wrong, societies like their status quo. Just like you like your NHS and our seniors like their Social Security and Medicare.

There is aways a seesaw, a pendulum, that moves things back to some sort of center.

This center may shift over time, but for every revolution there is a counterrevolution.

Obama got everyone excited for change. Then bailed the auto industry and brought on a fair attempt at universal health care, the most successful in American history. Result? The Tea Party was born.

The Tea Partiers were activists and eventually took over Congress and blocked Obama at every step.

Yet for all of the Tea Party’s revolutionary or counterrevolutionary force (depends on your perspective), Paul Ryan was never gonna dismantle social security. Old people would never let him.

I get where you’re coming from, but you have to account for the equal and opposite reaction to every action and see how history operates.

The hippies begat Nixon, Carter begat Reagan, Obama begat the TP, globalization begat Trump, etc etc.

Rob Instigator 03.21.2019 09:51 AM

"the status quo" changes, but not too much..

The status quo in 1820 was that rich white MALES decided everyone's lives for them, and everyone else could go fuck themselves.

The status quo in 2019 is that rich white PEOPLE decide everyone's lives for them, and everyone else could go fuck themselves.


!@#$%! 03.21.2019 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

lmao yes


we’re apes!

i have to say though, as an ape, i like a stable currency.

hyperinflation = DO NOT WANT

demonrail666 03.21.2019 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Bear in mind that Labour were like 24 points behind the Tories before the last election. Anything happens when Corbyn actually gets to put forth his ideas in a fair manner, which we saw last time. They are clearly not unelectable.

I don't believe at all that someone else would have won that election for them. Do you have any sort of evidence or study that shows this? It would have just been further apathy towards Labour since Ed Miliband's poor showing. No one is excited by centrism or liberalism and clearly its the unelectable thing in 2019 if Hillary Clinton can't take an easy victory over Donald Trump.

He hasn't turned it into a party of activists, he's helping give voice to people who have been shut out of politics for a long time or young people who never found a reason to care until his ideas spoke to them.

My point is that although Corbyn did a great job of attracting young and first time voters he did nothing to attract disenfranchised Tories. That's the big difference between him and Trump. Almost 10% of voters who backed Obama in 2012 switched to Trump in 2016. But I seriously doubt if anything like that number of voters who'd previously identified as Conservatives were tempted by Corbyn.

!@#$%! 03.21.2019 10:44 AM

so corbyn led the children’s crusade?


demonrail666 03.21.2019 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
How will he unite the opposition? He is an establishment liberal with a shoddy record and will most likely get metoo'd to hell. The idea of "crazy uncle joe who eats ice cream and pretends he's the hypeman to lovable Obama" will disappear with his candidacy once his ideology is put in full view.

If the candidates remain as it stands, I can see Biden getting the nomination just because the progressive wing of the party will all be taking votes from one another while Biden will be the sole beneficiary of the party's more mainstream support. And I don't think Biden will have a chance in hell of beating Trump.

!@#$%! 03.21.2019 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
If the candidates remain as it stands, I can see Biden getting the nomination just because the progressive wing of the party will all be taking votes from one another while Biden will be the sole beneficiary of the party's more mainstream support. And I don't think Biden will have a chance in hell of beating Trump.

on the grounds of basic decency maybe he could.

i mean... lol... i don’t know what to make of the presidential circus anymore


many republicans are superfedup with trumpetta and biden has a history of bipartisanship

his embarrassing anita hill history to wit xD

demonrail666 03.21.2019 11:00 AM

All I know is if the #MeToo movement had its work cut out with Trump, it's gonna be working around the clock with Ol' Creepy-Joe

!@#$%! 03.21.2019 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
All I know is if the #MeToo movement had its work cut out with Trump, it's gonna be working around the clock with Ol' Creepy-Joe


those pics

i dont know what to tell you

he’s an affectionate guy

im laughing so hard

part is despair!

but bernie is not even a democrat

if he becomes the nominee im quittin’

bernie leading the children’s crusade


if a decent candidate can’t survive the primaries maybe i’ll take a good look at howard schultz as an independent. i don’t know...

fucking catch 22 lmao

thank fuck i have a sense of humor... and gin!

that will see me through...

Derek 03.21.2019 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
My point is that although Corbyn did a great job of attracting young and first time voters he did nothing to attract disenfranchised Tories. That's the big difference between him and Trump. Almost 10% of voters who backed Obama in 2012 switched to Trump in 2016. But I seriously doubt if anything like that number of voters who'd previously identified as Conservatives were tempted by Corbyn.

Why would a left wing Labour want to attract Tory voters? The small amount of potential swing voters versus the massive amount of non-voters makes the latter a better and more achievable strategy (it's also more honourable trying to get more people into the political process and told that they have a voice).

!@#$%! 03.21.2019 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Why would a left wing Labour want to attract Tory voters?


demonrail666 03.21.2019 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Why would a left wing Labour want to attract Tory voters?

To win an election so it can actually change things rather than complain about them.

!@#$%! 03.21.2019 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
To win an election so it can actually change things rather than complain about them.

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

h8kurdt 03.21.2019 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
All I know is if the #MeToo movement had its work cut out with Trump, it's gonna be working around the clock with Ol' Creepy-Joe

The one where he tries to kiss the kid and she visibly moves away still makes me cringe all these years after.

!@#$%! 03.21.2019 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
The one where he tries to kiss the kid and she visibly moves away still makes me cringe all these years after.

i was that kid many times growing up

it’s not what you puritans think though


!@#$%! 03.22.2019 06:13 AM

“don’t make health care a purity test”

paul krugman on the many paths to universal health care and what is likely to pass in ‘merica:

!@#$%! 03.22.2019 06:22 AM

krugman’s critique of “fanatical centrism”

ouch! ok, ok... lol

!@#$%! 03.22.2019 06:25 AM

warren’s child care proposal (first i hear of it)

“And while this isn’t a horse-race column — I’m not arguing that Warren necessarily will or even should be the Democratic presidential nominee — the field needs more policy ideas like this: medium-size, medium-priced proposals that could deliver major benefits without requiring a political miracle.”

demonrail666 03.22.2019 09:08 AM

All NY Times links have a paywall

Derek 03.22.2019 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!


Originally Posted by demonrail666
To win an election so it can actually change things rather than complain about them.

Yeeeah you guys ignored the rest of my post there didn't ya. It's not worth losing the newfound support in the left and the youth vote to gain some disenfranchised Tory voters. How many of them do you honestly think there are? Tory to Labour voters and vice versa aren't deciding factors in elections, the evidence shows that turnout is more important. The vast majority of people pick a side and stick to it!! The idea of changing strategy to entice the other side leads to the same centrist milieu where both major parties become similar and don't really stand for anything which has been the state of Western politics for the past several decades. Why would you want that?? That's not changing anything!!

!@#$%! 03.22.2019 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Yeeeah you guys ignored the rest of my post there didn't ya. It's not worth losing the newfound support in the left and the youth vote to gain some disenfranchised Tory voters. How many of them do you honestly think there are? Tory to Labour voters and vice versa aren't deciding factors in elections, the evidence shows that turnout is more important. The vast majority of people pick a side and stick to it!! The idea of changing strategy to entice the other side leads to the same centrist milieu where both major parties become similar and don't really stand for anything which has been the state of Western politics for the past several decades. Why would you want that?? That's not changing anything!!

is your country so aligned by parties?

here in the US the independent block is highly important, about 30%

there have been reagan democrats, obama and hillary (clinton) republicans, trump democrats, etc.

see, here: another article! xD

with big tent parties like we have, voters don’t fit into neat little boxes. they care about issues and weigh them against each other: environment, labor, trade, taxes and fiscal policy, abortion & culture wars, etc.... then they vote.

not a lot of people tow party lines as a matter of conviction. this is why you’ll also see splinter parties like greens and libertarians siphoning off the edges of repukes and democrats even if they can’t win.

also voters will often vote cross-party for executive and legislative. this is how we regularly end with a president on one side and congress on the other. ‘merica enjoys a divided government,

and yes, also often happens that politicians elected or not will switch parties.

another article! (some of the most recent you might have read about in the news)

i reliably support a democratic ballot all the way, but if bernie ends up taking the nomination i’ll ditch the fucker. local elections/ballot issues are another matter, but unproven modern monetary policy fictions are too fucking risky, and his prescriptions too authoritarian and statist for my taste, the 30% independent voters, blue dog democrats, the suburban middle class, and many others.

!@#$%! 03.22.2019 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
All NY Times links have a paywall

probably exceeded free quota. try clearing your browser cookies or click on a different device and you should have fresh access.

if not i can post some short summaries later.

Derek 03.22.2019 10:27 AM

It's so sad that the only reason you wouldn't support the dem nomination is if its Sanders lol

Derek 03.22.2019 10:28 AM

Just got back from the centrist rally. Amazing turnout. Thousands of people holding hands and chanting “Better things aren’t possible”

!@#$%! 03.22.2019 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
It's so sad that the only reason you wouldn't support the dem nomination is if its Sanders lol

what’s so sad is to see you arguing things like suchfriends, from a place of cognitive closure

if something doesn’t fit your point of view you dismiss or ignore it or mock it

who needs facts when you have strong opinions? who needs reasoning when a slogan will suffice? who needs to read when you have moral certitude? reality, if utopia? knowledge, if faith?

you’re a true believer my friend

your politics has achieved religion

may you reach your holy land, crusader!


Derek 03.22.2019 10:37 AM

Awww thank you. Fully automated luxury communism NOW!!!!

Derek 03.22.2019 10:38 AM

Also don't compare my political beliefs to suchfriends jah man smoke da weed n praise jesus shit!! I'M OFFENDED!

!@#$%! 03.22.2019 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Also don't compare my political beliefs to suchfriends jah man smoke da weed n praise jesus shit!! I'M OFFENDED!

good! ye faithful

Derek 03.22.2019 10:40 AM

Suchfriends (a white man) once referred to the impoverished young people who lived near him as "the lil homies"

!@#$%! 03.22.2019 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Suchfriends (a white man) once referred to the improverished young people who lived near him as "the lil homies"

well, at least he recognized his religion as religion, and in this he was more honest than your credo

go read that krugman piece if your religion allows it. he’s got some brilliant critiques of centrism that utilize detailed knowledge and the faculty of reason to persuade with nuanced argument. what a heretic!

ps- there are good counterarguments in the comments. oh mama! dissension! i’m scareded...

demonrail666 03.22.2019 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Yeeeah you guys ignored the rest of my post there didn't ya. It's not worth losing the newfound support in the left and the youth vote to gain some disenfranchised Tory voters. How many of them do you honestly think there are? Tory to Labour voters and vice versa aren't deciding factors in elections, the evidence shows that turnout is more important. The vast majority of people pick a side and stick to it!! The idea of changing strategy to entice the other side leads to the same centrist milieu where both major parties become similar and don't really stand for anything which has been the state of Western politics for the past several decades. Why would you want that?? That's not changing anything!!

I understand your point but I do still think that while there is a need for more distance between the main parties, Corbyn has taken Labour in a direction that alienates more people than it attracts. I may well be wrong. Certainly a younger generation of voters aren't turned off by him, and if that generation bucks historical trends and votes perhaps he does have a chance. The other issue for me, though, is that I'm one of the people he's alienated. So even if he is capable of becoming Prime Minister, I wouldn't want him to be.

Bytor Peltor 03.22.2019 04:21 PM

Took Long Enough

!@#$%! 03.22.2019 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

trumpetto and giuliana had a baby at last

it all started here...


!@#$%! 03.22.2019 04:57 PM

well, according to mueller, there was no “collission” after all, because he recommends “no further indictments” haaahaaahaaa

goddamn, i fear for skuj, he was really committed to the results

looks like the buck stops with roger stone

and im really grateful for my agnosticism and extensive psychotheraphy :D :D :D [paid by insurance, oh yeah]

Skuj 03.22.2019 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
well, according to mueller, there was no “collission” after all, because he recommends “no further indictments” haaahaaahaaa

goddamn, i fear for skuj, he was really committed to the results

looks like the buck stops with roger stone

and im really grateful for my agnosticism and extensive psychotheraphy :D :D :D [paid by insurance, oh yeah] know this how? No more indictments = no collision? Please explain.

!@#$%! 03.22.2019 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj know this how? No more indictments = no collision? Please explain.

well whatever roger stone did it ends with him no?

nobody is gonna charge el presidente, ivankatron, juniorjuniorjunior, purple kushner, etc.

meanwhile, read this for more headaches. was cleaning out my email and found it in a newsletter

!@#$%! 03.22.2019 07:20 PM

anyway we can all dry our tears with a little klobuchar

it's old, but again-- was cleaning my mailbox

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