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!@#$%! 03.25.2019 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
I've already spoken about the Tories cutting the NHS budget and selling it off bit by bit to privatised companies, in effect starting to emulate the American model.. but you want to just keep making me repeat myself eh!!

no, but see, that points to the problem of a lack of choice

basically if you don't like your health care provider you're stuck with it for x years till the government changes


i only need to wait for the next open enrollment in october and new policy activates when the new year rings

Derek 03.25.2019 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
important to not confuse the current crop of identity politics as leftist or liberal - they are neither.

Hot take (on here for some reason at least): Identity politics is a good thing that has revitalised the left and helped to link classism to issues of other marginalised groups, effectively strengthening it and broadening its appeal. The minority "I post on tumblr and I'm a transracial bigender otherkin polyamorous weirdo" faction are obviously all about showboating their forced uniqueness but people don't seem to like separating the two all that much.

!@#$%! 03.25.2019 08:22 PM

e.g. i used to have an HMO and it was shit. it's like government health care but privately managed. some are even nonprofits so there's no "profit motive!" to blame.

i didn't like it and changed to a PPO. i like it a lot.

Derek 03.25.2019 08:25 PM

I don't even know how to reply to that stuff anymore, it all just misses the point. I'm glad you enjoy your health insurance man, if you believe it to be good then who am I to say otherwise

!@#$%! 03.25.2019 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
I don't even know how to reply to that stuff anymore, it all just misses the point. I'm glad you enjoy your health insurance man, if you believe it to be good then who am I to say otherwise

i'm not missing the point. i have a different perspective.

i would not wanna be stuck for 12 years with torycare *shudder*

(12 years and counting...)

Derek 03.25.2019 08:42 PM

I don't either, and it illustrates the problem of leaving a national health service underfunded, not that the model as a whole is bad.

The Gazpacho Gestapo 03.25.2019 08:48 PM

i fart on your health care

hows that for medical attention?>

!@#$%! 03.25.2019 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
I don't either, and it illustrates the problem of leaving a national health service underfunded, not that the model as a whole is bad.

well, in a perfect world, we wouldn't even need health care

but in the real world... having your health care at the mercy of politicians can literally become a death trap

my health insurance is actually a product of a local non-profit healthcare system that developed around a large hospital. no politicians involved. just doctors, administrators, a board of directors...

their insurance covers services with that hospital, various associated clinics, specialized heart and cancer centers, plus a network of authorized providers all over the state.

there's a deductible that keeps me cost conscious and a maximum out of pocket that keeps me from going bankrupt.

they also have associated networks out of state so if i'm traveling i can go there. works kinda like a co-op. it's really pretty good.

now they have video visits which are free of charge. i can basically get a nurse practitioner over video chat in less than 15 minutes, then be issued a prescription or referred to urgent care, etc. not as nice as having a doctor do home visits but it's quick and at my fingertips.

!@#$%! 03.25.2019 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by The Gazpacho Gestapo
i fart on your health care

hows that for medical attention?>

oh! gazpacho! i didn't realize it was you for a moment lmao

tesla69 03.26.2019 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
One more point: I haven't yet heard anyone in the media discussing the massive loss of credibility they've undergone as a result of their slavish devotion to the DNC throughout the Mueller investigation.

For anyone with their eyes open, Chomsky removed any legitimacy they had in the 1980's. The millenials seem to think they know everything because they get their propaganda so fast. We have video pods going uip and down the avenues here in NYC broadcasting a constant stream of propaganda.

I think Streisand exemplifies the Resistance, they scream inanities about Trump but are soft on child rape. This is why the "dems" were so upset when Trump shut down the border, their crop of fresh meat was interrupted.

~His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has,” she told the Times.

“You can say ‘molested,’ but those children, as you heard them say [the grown-up Robson and Safechuk], they were thrilled to be there. They both married and they both have children, so it didn’t kill them.”

!@#$%! 03.26.2019 07:16 AM

haldol alert

!@#$%! 03.26.2019 07:18 AM

anyway, speaking of healthcare, the ghouls are ready to dismantle obamacare again, without offering any alternative.

Bytor Peltor 03.26.2019 08:27 AM

The Post never disappoints: )

!@#$%! 03.26.2019 09:26 AM

ok, looking behind the circus into the actual shit hitting the fan:

with gorsuch and kavanope on the bench, barr as ag, satan himself wants to strike down obamacare completely

get ready for a health care tsunami

Rob Instigator 03.26.2019 11:10 AM

If you feel that Barr's 5 page summary of the Mueller report was a joke, imagine the 3 sentence summary they had to craft to read to Preznit Trumpo! That bitch can't read!!!!!

Skuj 03.26.2019 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ok, looking behind the circus into the actual shit hitting the fan:

with gorsuch and kavanope on the bench, barr as ag, satan himself wants to strike down obamacare completely

get ready for a health care tsunami

Trump had a really great week so far. And now he is going to nuke Obamacare and set the stage for 2020?

Skuj 03.26.2019 04:19 PM

Or, to put it another way:

Dems are having a really bad week, but now this golden egg will land on their laps?

!@#$%! 03.26.2019 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Trump had a really great week so far. And now he is going to nuke Obamacare and set the stage for 2020?


Originally Posted by Skuj
Trump had a really great week so far. And now he is going to nuke Obamacare and set the stage for 2020?

not so much worried about trumpetta as about the casualties

im lucky to have employee provided insurance through my wife, but im thinking about not just the obvious poor, but also all the self-employed, entrepreneurial, early retired, small business people, students, etc, who rely on this program for their safety and/or economic independence, they’re about to get fucked by this animal just out of spite for obama.

i think if the shit hits the fan my state should be politically equipped to respond, but without the support of federal funds, maintaining the level of coverage is really a long shot. i think half of the population here relies on expanded medicaid.

worst of all is that the party of no proposed exactly zilch while they were in control of congress, so it’s not like they have some spiffy solution to offer. it’s just right back to the abyss for many.

that mother fucker... i’d wish he’d burn in hell, but he rules over the place so no use in that.

2020.... and a 2021 inauguration... well i hope it’s a long-ass lawsuit. if i’m not mistaken the supreme court works just wothin a period of a few months so if they take it up... catastrophe could arrive sooner than expected

Skuj 03.26.2019 11:19 PM

The fact that we are even talking about Obamacare now, and that it is in the headlines right after Mueller's great gift to Trump, speaks volumes about Team Trump's organizational skills.

Thank you Mr Trump!!

Skuj 03.26.2019 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

worst of all is that the party of no proposed exactly zilch while they were in control of congress, so it’s not like they have some spiffy solution to offer. it’s just right back to the abyss for many.

This is the part that cracks me up the most. The GOP had control of EVERTHING for two years, and what did they offer in the place of big bad evil horrible Obamacare? "We are going to have great health care. Hugely."

A 5 year old must recognize that having zero alternative/plan/vision is absolutely laughable.

Only in Trumpworld can such a scenario occur.

I thank the political gods for this gift right after Mueller.

!@#$%! 03.27.2019 05:30 AM

look at the atrocious numbers

!@#$%! 03.27.2019 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
This is the part that cracks me up the most. The GOP had control of EVERTHING for two years, and what did they offer in the place of big bad evil horrible Obamacare? "We are going to have great health care. Hugely."

A 5 year old must recognize that having zero alternative/plan/vision is absolutely laughable.

Only in Trumpworld can such a scenario occur.

I thank the political gods for this gift right after Mueller.

it is a mistake to think of this in terms of political horse races or to think of them as an upside to this catastrophe

it's like saying katrina was good cuz it was bad for bush. no. well yes but no.

unless you believe in human sacrifices to quell infernal forces

h8kurdt 03.27.2019 05:38 AM

[quote=!@#$%!]it is a mistake to think of this in terms of political horse races or to think of them as an upside to this catastrophe

it's like saying katrina was good cuz it was bad for bush. no. well yes but no.

unless you believe in human sacrifices to quell infernal forces[

As a man who identifies as a Mayan I say that this is what's needed in today's chaotic world.

!@#$%! 03.27.2019 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt

As a man who identifies as a Mayan I say that this is what's needed in today's chaotic world.

Junajpu, 70s movies saw this coming


Skuj 03.27.2019 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it is a mistake to think of this in terms of political horse races or to think of them as an upside to this catastrophe

it's like saying katrina was good cuz it was bad for bush. no. well yes but no.

unless you believe in human sacrifices to quell infernal forces

I don't take any joy in anything Trump does. The world is a much worse place with him as POTUS. But if he is going to trip himself up, and maybe not be the POTUS for 8 years, then I can at least be happy about that aspect of things.

!@#$%! 03.27.2019 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I don't take any joy in anything Trump does. The world is a much worse place with him as POTUS. But if he is going to trip himself up, and maybe not be the POTUS for 8 years, then I can at least be happy about that aspect of things.

i understand what you mean, but at least domestically, this is about the maximum damage he can inflict, so 4 or 8 years sort of doesn't matter once he drops his nukes on our health care.

i mean this was the greatest achievement of the obama administration. sure it is far from perfect but it was a huge improvement from our previous situation. it gets us closer to universal health care and for many practical purposes it still does, with some exceptions that could have been fixed with relative ease.

to start again... i don't know if it will be possible. this country has attempted universal health coverage since i think teddy roosevelt (who was defeated by woodrow wilson that time).

so, took a century... and he's about to burn it to ashes.

this is exactly what was dangerous about him. if he wins now, beating him in 2020 is LESS that a pyrrhic victory. the nuke will have already razed us.

!@#$%! 03.27.2019 11:56 AM

sort of like "if he kills us, he'll go to jail!"

not much use for the dead frankly...

!@#$%! 03.27.2019 01:24 PM

more trumpism sadism

Skuj 03.27.2019 01:28 PM

Undoing the damage that Trump has/will cause will be an enormous task, even if he doesn't kill Obamacare.

He clearly hates Obama, and is willing to do anything to get rid of Obama's legacy......even if it means having no plan B. He has blinders on, and the Grand Old Party doesn't seem to give a fuck.

But whatever mistakes that Trump can make that will actually shorten is Presidency? Bring 'em on, because maybe the total damage will be lessened.

Skuj 03.27.2019 01:29 PM

Hardly anyone talking about Mueller now. Isn't it great? :) As a "Dem" I couldn't be happier.

!@#$%! 03.27.2019 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Undoing the damage that Trump has/will cause will be an enormous task, even if he doesn't kill Obamacare.

He clearly hates Obama, and is willing to do anything to get rid of Obama's legacy......even if it means having no plan B. He has blinders on, and the Grand Old Party doesn't seem to give a fuck.

But whatever mistakes that Trump can make that will actually shorten is Presidency? Bring 'em on, because maybe the total damage will be lessened.

i'd actually prefer if he were stuck in the mud forever. i'll take 2 terms of paralysis over 1 term of destruction.

but now he's unleashed. or at least feels that way.

ilduclo 03.27.2019 01:48 PM

both sides can agree

what we thought would happen with Mueller proved wrong. Just reverse the good vs evil argument and we can all get happy with a singalong at the dumpster fire

tesla69 03.27.2019 04:32 PM

Free Julian Assange!

Derek 03.27.2019 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Free Julian Assange!

Yeah free him for the breaching bail thing and lock him up for the raping thing instead.

ilduclo 03.28.2019 08:15 AM

Thank God that Trimp is FINALLY getting the OUTRaGEOUs costs of the Special Olympics under control!

I mean, isn’t that money needed for Juan Gaiudo and Binyamin Netanyoohoo?

“Mommy, can’t I play with my friends anymore?” “No, dear, the president needs that money for Saudi air support”.


ilduclo 03.28.2019 01:30 PM





!@#$%! 03.28.2019 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo


damn dude, guinea pig is tasty as fuck, you picked the wrong photo

granted, looks scary, but... travel a little though the andes hmmmmm....

trump has nothing. he's an empty plate.


demonrail666 03.28.2019 04:48 PM

I don't know who Mike Lee is, and I don't really care, but this is final boss level trolling

"Taun Tauns, Mr President"

!@#$%! 03.28.2019 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I don't know who Mike Lee is, and I don't really care, but this is final boss level trolling

"Taun Tauns, Mr President"

it was hilarious but i wasnt so hot about his hollywood ending

(yes i ended up watching all 13 minutes of it)

Bytor Peltor 03.29.2019 12:04 AM


This is because those who understand the law have known the outcome all along. It’s the narrative I’ve been repeating here for the past year. Only those who were easily duped by the fake news hype are left with emptiness......and empty people usually don’t have much to say!

All of that being said, how happy I am that we have a President that did not scheme with a foreign entity to sway the outcome of an election......and as the Mueller Report indicates, turned over every document (thousands of them) that was requested by the investigators.

The reality that there would be no Mueller Investigation if not for the Steele Dossier that was financed by Hillary Clinton. Does anyone remember what happened when investigators asked the Clinton Campaign for (But Her Emails) and cell phones......does anyone remember, BleachBit?

Too many people busy eating Crowe to say anything, Skuj!!!


Originally Posted by Skuj
Hardly anyone talking about Mueller now. Isn't it great? :) As a "Dem" I couldn't be happier.

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