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!@#$%! 03.29.2019 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
This is because those who understand the law have known the outcome all along. It’s the narrative I’ve been repeating here for the past year.

so you're a expert in the law and have known the future all along, or did you just gamble and win?

i think the second... but ok

Bytor Peltor 03.29.2019 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so you're a expert in the law and have known the future all along, or did you just gamble and win?

i think the second... but ok

In the world of: “put your money where your mouth is,” I’ll gladly let my SYG post speak for themselves!!!

March 28, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Russia might be smarter than anyone thought!!!

A) NO evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump campaign.

B) IF collusion did occur, IT’s NOT ILLEGAL

C) Special Counsels are appointed to persu KNOWN CRIMES and NOT to go seeking after “possible” crimes......technically, seeking crimes is a violation of Special Counsel laws. much freaking wasted time!

March 22, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
AA) thank you, Skuj, for confirming my A). My first two words were, “No Evidence.” After all this time and money, Mueller has produced NOTHING. It sounds like you think he eventually will......better grab some popcorn while you wait.

BB) ummmm, now you are confusing me......where did I say I didn’t have a problem with colluding? Not once have I said I’m in favor of, agree with or recommend it. However, collusion isn’t illegal and that’s the truth! Also, if collusion was illegal......why would Muller need to keep investigating???

CC) I totally agree and I believe that is what will end up happening!

May 5, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Two years and millions of dollars later....NOTHING has been proven or charges filed because of phraseology? about the term: criminality? Can we agree on this term??

This isn’t the same as Attorney General Loretta Lynch directing the FBI's investigation to say “matter," rather than “investigation.”

I believe this is only my 5th post in this entire thread. I’m not trying to debate or convince anyone to see things my way. I find it laughable that someone (maybe many) put me on their ignore list simply because I have a different point of view.

I believe Trump will have easily won his second term and collusion/conspiracy/criminality or anything else will NOT have been proven. I’ve got my popcorn and I’m watching the investigation......and waiting for NOTHING to happen!

May 18, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Not once did I say or imply or say that Trump is above the law.

After the


wire tapping

report the Clinton’s created and gave to the FBI

There is Nothing-ZERO-No evidence that the Trump campaign
colluded with the Russians.

We have a Judge in Virginia cracking the judicial whip at the Department Of Justice demanding to know what the DOJ is up to because they are soooooo outside the scope of what they are authorized to, myself and I consider what they are doing a Witch Hunt.

So two plus years and millions later and Muller is growing tired of being worked over by the judicial whip......the investigation is dead in the water and Muller is so desperate, his team makes contact with Rudy Giuliani to confirm that a sitting President cannot be indicted.

Didn’t Bill Clinton teach us that 20 years ago?

I could be 100% wrong, but I believe President Donald Trump will not be impeached and he will easily win re-election.

While I understand some in Congress are saying they have evidence that Russia wanted Trump to win over Hillary......and possibly Russia colluded with someone to help this happen:

A) you haven’t seen this evidence.

B) as I stated above, Nothing-ZERO-No evidence that the Trump campaign colluded.

May 18, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Symbols, I admire your willingness to wait, it’s all we can do.

All I’m pointing out is so far there is no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded.

Evidently Congress has information that Russia colluded with someone?? Guess what, they probably did.

The question is, who???

President Obama

Hillary Clinton or her campaign

Anyone else??????

All we know so far is there is not one single shred of evidence linking President Trump or his campaign.


Once Congress reveals who colluded—GUESS WHAT—there is no evidence that it had any impact on the election or that Donald Trump won because of it.

Last but not least, as I’ve stated previously in this thread......from my meager understanding of the law......colluding isn’t a crime.

Everyone have a great weekend!

June 5, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
ZERO GUILTY PLEADS for colluding with the Russians or rigging an election!!!

************************************************** *************

For those of you who live outside this country and for the rest who are American citizens and have evidently forgotten what you should’ve learned in Jr. High, let’s look at how our government works.

President Donald Trump: “i’ve done no wrongdoing, but I have the power to pardon myself if I so choose.”

President Donald Trump‘s lawyers notified Robert Muller......under the constitution, there is no way a sitting President could obstruct any investigation.


President Of The United States
Executive Branch
Justice Department

The Justice Department appointed Robert Muller to head up the investigation. Because any sitting President is “Boss” over the Executive Branch, the President can shut down Justice Department & FBI investigations. President Donald Trump could fire Robert Muller today and there is nothing illegal or impeachable for doing so. This is also true if the President chose to cut off funding to an investigation. The Boss has final say!

Soooo......what does our Government have in place to investigate a sitting President?

***Legislative Branch***

The legislative branch has the power and authority to appoint their own special counsel. Under The Constitution, the President has NO AUTHORITY over this special counsel. If any President attempted to stop or influence the Legislative investigation......that would be an impeachable offense!

NEWSFLASH: The United States legislature HAS NOT appointed a special prosecutor. The legislature isn’t investigating ANYTHING!!!

Typically, when the FBI has, ZERO-Nothing-NADA evidence against you, they’re only option is to try and find where you may have somehow obstructed justice...... but as I explained above, the United States Constitution clearly states that a President cannot obstruct any investigation under the legislative branch.

Class is dismissed!

July 4, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
As we all spend the 4th of July living in the Promise Land, I figured it would a perfect time for a recap of the Muller investigation.

There was NEVER any plausible or credible evidence that President Donald Trump or his campaign EVER colaberated or colluded with Russia to help win the Presidency:


With NO evidence of crime to justify a criminal investigation (which is the most basic requirement for an investigation)......the FBI NEVER had anyone connecting President Donald Trump to anything!!!

Why is it we never heard a reporter ask:

“How Is Colussion A Crime?”

“Where Is It Written In The Criminal Codes?”


Talking with Russia or ANY OTHER COUNTRY during a campaign is NOT ILLEGAL!!!


making payments to foreigne Nationals IS ILLEGAL!!!
So is keeping a server in a closet with top secret information on it.

Hillbilly Clinton did these things!!!

Muller has lost all credibility and will soon lose his job and his investigation.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Skuj, my is it that you can be absolutely convinced that Muller will be really bad for Trump when you have absolutely nothing to base it on?

There is ZERO evidence and as you said, Muller hasn’t muttered a word or released a where-O-where does absolutely convinced come from?

Why is your distain toward our President consume you so?

Can you taste your bitterness?


Originally Posted by Skuj
There have been very strong and clear hints! The charges, the leaks, etc. I don't know how anybody can look at that and conclude what you are concluding.

My disdain for Trump comes from the fact that he is an ignorant, racist, misogynist, vindictive, narcissist, lying fucking asshole.

Bytor Peltor 03.29.2019 07:21 AM

July 14, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Note to self: please bump when appropriate!

Note to h8kurdt:

do you realize President Donald Trump is a Republican?

do you realize Russians were indicted for hacking and leaking Democratic emails?

do you realize Paragraph 4 - - - Lines 3 & 4 of the story you linked mention “possible collusion?”

General Principles Of Ethical Conduct
Section 14 - - Item 14

“Employees should endeavor to avoid any actions creating the appearance that they are violating the law or ethical standards set forth in this part.

Weather particular circumstances create the appearance that the law or these standards have been violated shall be determined in the perspective of a reasonable person with knowledge of relevant facts.”

do you realize the Inspector General concluded that FBI Agent Peter Strzok created the “appearance of conflict.”

do you realize Strzok created the “appearance of conflict” by using FBI issued equipment (laptop/cellphone) to convey personal feelings.

You want to know why the above statement by Skuj is so important?

It’s because he reached an HONEST conclusion from the story h8kurdt shared and expressed it!

Why do I appreciate it so much???

Because NOT ONE Democrat who was in attendance during Peter Strzok hearing agreed that Strzok did anything wrong. Instead, they all applauded and backed Peter Strzok......and they looked foolish doing so!

I believe Skuj and others reading this are now realizing just how lost the Democratic Party is and how no apparent leader is on the horizon.

Russian Military Charged With Hacking DNC, Hillary Campaign,State Elections

July 21, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I think President Donald Trump did an amazing job over in Helsinki and I applaud what he had to say! All the hatred and bitterness being spewed by so many is hard to comprehend. You can see them on the TV news 24 hours a day.

Of course, crappy Fox or Pathetic CNN aren’t in business to report the news......THEY ARE BROADCASTING OPINIONS!!!

ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX rarely practice investigative journalism. Anyone reading this chooses FOX or CNN because they want to hear their opinions validated!

Validation is what has led to such an outcry concerning President Donald Trump’s comments at the Summit.

Sooo......let’s take a look at what our Dear President said to the following two part question: every security branch we have (CIA. Director of National Intelligence) all say Russia sought to manipulate the election for a specific outcome, do you lay any responsibility at the feet of Russia?

President Donald Trump: “I hold both countries responsible. I think the United States has been foolish, I think we have all been foolish, we should have had this dialogue a long time ago......A long time before I got into office, and I think we are all to blame. I think the United States has now stepped forward along with Russia and we’re getting together and we have a chance to do some great things, whether it’s nuclear proliferation in terms of stopping, we have to do it!! I believe it’s the most important thing we can be working on. But I do feel that we both have made some mistakes, the probe is a disaster for our country. The main thing, and we discussed this also, ZERO COLLUSION!!! It has had a negative impact on the relationship of the two greatest nuclear powers in the world.”

John Brennan, the CIA Director under Obama, said the following: “President Donald Trump’s press conference in Helsinki rises and exceeds the threshold of high crimes and’s nothing short of treasonous.”

Do what? Who is John Brennan to make this claim and more importantly, where-o-where is ANY proof?

I don’t see any “high crimes” in President Donald Trump’s words??? All I hear is TRUTH!!!


One thing we can probably agree on......where goods cross boarders, armies do not!

Is Putin considered more vile and harmful than Kim Jong Un?

I’m guessing they are close to equal, but I could be wrong??

At any rate, how do you have such an easy going Summit with Kim Jong Un last month and dont at least attempt the same with Putin this month? The United States and Russia have had a contentious relationship for many years and Presidents......what happened in Helsinki has the potential to change the world.


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
It's actually not even worth arguing with you. People, when Trump said he could shoot someone on the street and not lose any voters, this is the very sort of person he was talking about.

August 15, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I never meant to imply what the social media platforms did was illegal. So perhaps saying “concerted effort” instead of “collusion” will suffice?

With the firing of Peter Strzok, I’m more convinced than ever there is absolutely no proof of collusion or interference between Russia and the Donald Trump campaign!

Not only will Muller come out and say that the Donald Trump campaign is no longer the focus of the investigation......because of Peter Strzok and his testimony before Congress and 100% part of the reason Muller fired Strzok......Robert Muller will be forced to reveal that all his evidence indicates that it was Hillary Clinton with assistance from President Obama who colluded with Russia......and get ready for it, exchanged payments with Russia all in an effort to keep Donal Trump from being President.

Also, Court Marshall’s are coming in the near future!!!

The investigative winds are starting to blow from Salt Lake City, skuj, Better pop some more popcorn!!!

August 17, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Skuj, my Sonic Friend......staying away for a period of time just might be the answer. Truth is a powerful thing and like Jack Nicholson said, “you can’t handle the truth.”

The bitterness in this thread is becoming extra thick and bitterness can slowly destroy a person from the inside. Also, it could be from eating too much popcorn.

One suggestion would be to visit one of the other three rooms here at SYG. Post about what music you’ve been listening to......and if you haven’t been listening to any, that could be part of your problem. Also, in Non-Sonic Sounds I started a thread about the new SWANS book. Did you even know about the book? I included a link of a review.

But truly stay away from this thread because it’s not going to get any better. The Muller investigation is slowly imploding while the Salt Lake City investigation into Hillary Clinton is building momentum.

You see, it was Peter Strzok who quickly cleared Hillary Clinton from any wrong doing, when she set up a server that contained highly classified information in a janitors closet......simply because she wanted to operate and control things without the Government knowing. There is 100% proof that payments were exchanged between Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and RUSSIA!!!

And that JACK-ASS John Brennan, who was Director of the CIA when this was happening opened his mouth and vomited stupidity saying President Donald Trumps “words” at a Summit with Putin equaled “High Crimes and Treason.”
Another thing that happened under Brennan’s watch......Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia.

And Skuj, if you’re sick and full of bitterness now, just wait until you start hearing terms like, “fruit of the poisonous tree” concerning Peter Strzok and everything he pissed on. So inept that Robert Muller fired him and so pathetic before his Congressional Hearing that the FBI fires him for cause.

You see, even if Robert Muller has anything of substance regarding Donald Trumps campaign and Russia meddling or collusion (must be careful when I use the word -collusion- because symbols will jump my azz), and I’ll say it again, I don’t believe Muller has anything at all, it’s hard to imagine any court allowing that evidence to be used because of “fruit from the poisonous tree.”

And it will be Peter Strzok’s testimony that the Salt Lake City / soon to be a full on probe into Hillary Clinton that will have Strzok pointing to then President Obama as why Strzok did the things he did......not only was he being directed by Obama, President Obama dismissed it all.

YES - the TRUTH is coming and I’m afraid, Skuj, you can handle the TRUTH!!!

October 4, 2018

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
YES - I did forget......was that really in 2015?

Such hatred for Ted Cruz??
I’ll be voting for him next month!

NO - you show me!

Because you can go back to the beginning of this thread and you won’t find me banging the drum for anyone.

Matter of fact, I was 99% absent from this thread until March/April of this year and it’s mostly been about procedure, evidence and the process in general.

I shared my opinions which are generally conservative.

You’ll see where many here have cursed me and called me an idiot, but you won’t find where I’ve attacked anyone or made it personal.

!@#$%! 03.29.2019 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
In the world of: “put your money where your mouth is,” I’ll gladly let my SYG post speak for themselves!!!

March 28, 2018

March 22, 2018

May 5, 2018

May 18, 2018

May 18, 2018

June 5, 2018

July 4, 2018

i concur with you that skuj was superguilty of wishful thinking and emotionally attached to outcomes he wanted

but while you had a cooler disposition, you were also prophesizing outcomes and claimed knowledge of facts nobody but the investigators had at the time

the fact that your prediction was more correct than skuj’s does not make your wishful thinking less wishful or your reasoning less flawed. it was just a better guess.


anywyay i see it that way, as *only now we know.* not that it matters one iota, lol. it’s not like i’m handing out prizes.

ps- but i recall there was the matter of a bet...

Bytor Peltor 03.29.2019 08:52 AM

I guess it all depends if you know what to look for? I started “prophesing” / asking questions two years into the investigation......not at the beginning!

“If collusion was illegal......why would Muller need to keep investigating???”

Me understanding and explaining the scope and responsibilities that Mueller held and the fact he was acting outside that scope.

Mueller not producing evidence requested by a Judge when Russian companies demanded to see the evidence against them.

Understanding the difference between collusion (not a crime) and conspiracy (impeachable).

The basic understanding that an innocent man proclaiming his innocence is in no way an obstruction of justice.

I could go on, but it doesn’t matter. Sure, I made a few assumptions, but those assumptions were based on my limited knowledge of Investigations and how the judicial process works. Multiple times I said I might be wrong and it would all be okay if I was because my statements / assumptions were based on a process and not wishful thinking.

You will continue to see things the way you want, which has been clear in all of your replies......but like I said, I was never trying to change your mind!

That’s all for now, packing up the van and headed to Houston to pick up my wife, then to far North Texas to see “Sweet Eileen In Abilene”

......everyone have a great weekend!!!


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i concur with you that skuj was superguilty of wishful thinking and emotionally attached to outcomes he wanted

but while you had a cooler disposition, you were also prophesizing outcomes and claimed knowledge of facts nobody but the investigators had at the time

the fact that your prediction was more correct than skuj’s does not make your wishful thinking less wishful or your reasoning less flawed. it was just a better guess.


anywyay i see it that way, as *only now we know.* not that it matters one iota, lol. it’s not like i’m handing out prizes.

ps- but i recall there was the matter of a bet...

Derek 03.29.2019 04:09 PM


Are you guys ready for a new article like this every week if he announces he's running? There's no way he won't have to answer for it.

!@#$%! 03.29.2019 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Derek

Are you guys ready for a new article like this every week if he announces he's running? There's no way he won't have to answer for it.


the democratic circular firing squad continues

“trump 2020” i guess... :(

!@#$%! 03.29.2019 04:13 PM

wasn’t that how may got to be PM? her opponents killed each other? lololo

Derek 03.29.2019 04:20 PM

Feel the Bern bro

Bernie wouldn't kiss and touch little girls, he would put his hand on their shoulder in a patronly manner and help them dream of not getting shot at school and then bankrupting their family through the subsequent medical costs!

tesla69 03.29.2019 04:45 PM

BREAKING: A high-level source tells me it was Brennan who insisted that the unverified and fake Steele dossier be included in the Intelligence Report... Brennan should be asked to testify under oath in Congress ASAP.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 27, 2019

Derek 03.29.2019 04:53 PM

I hope Rand Paul's neighbour doesn't regret socking him in the face

tesla69 03.29.2019 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
Yeah free him for the breaching bail thing and lock him up for the raping thing instead.

right. state press = truthful. I forget! He should have stuck around in order to be tortured by the Brits and US.

WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange said on Friday that text messages in the possession of the Swedish government prove that rape allegations against him are a set up.
“There are intercepted SMS messages between the women and each other and their friends that I'm told represents a set up,” Assange, who spoke from Suffolk, UK, said on ABC's Good Morning America. “Those SMS messages the Swedish prosecutor has refused to release and in fact stated that my lawyer, who was shown the messages by the police, is gagged from speaking about them.”

I guess Chelsea Manning is still locked up?

Derek 03.29.2019 05:11 PM

And free my angel Chelsea Manning yes

tesla69 03.29.2019 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
I hope Rand Paul's neighbour doesn't regret socking him in the face

it was an expensive sucker punch!
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul was awarded more than $580,000 in damages and medical expenses on Wednesday in his lawsuit against the neighbor who tackled him and broke several of his ribs in a dispute over lawn maintenance.

I was curious to find out why - it sounds like crazy neighbor syndrome to me.

Boucher told the jury that he attacked Paul after watching the senator begin forming a brush pile near their property line.
The day before the attack, Boucher said, he [Boucher] had burned another brush pile that Paul had created near the boundary. He[Boucher] doused that pile with gasoline and set it on fire, Boucher said. An explosion burned his face, neck and arms, and Boucher said he was still in severe pain when he attacked Paul the next day. Boucher testified he had hauled away previous brush piles accumulated by Paul without asking the senator.
Boucher testified that he tried to talk to Paul about his lawn maintenance concerns, but was rebuffed. Paul maintained in his testimony that he kept any brush pile on his own property.

Skuj 03.30.2019 12:41 AM

IDK WTF is happening, but I keep seeing my name. I suspect tesla and Bytor are having a field day post Mueller. (I don't blame them!! I'll keep them on ignore.)

I'll say it: I am completely baffled and extremely disappointed that Mueller had "no opinion" on Obstruction Of Justice. Wasn't it his fucking job to form an opinion, one way or the other?

I also will never understand the Collusion conclusion, given everything that we know.

But one thing is clear to me: Mueller must speak, and that report must be made public. I don't trust Barr to tell us everything that we should know.

Carry on with your celebrations!!

ilduclo 03.30.2019 02:34 PM

Don Trimp's nominee for the Federal Reserve Board


“He does not have the intellectual gravitas for this important job,” Greg Mankiw, a Harvard professor who was chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush wrote. “It is time for senators to do their job. Mr. Moore should not be confirmed.”

.... owes 75K$ back taxes

.......held in contempt of court over 300k$ debt to ex wife

"we only hire the BEST people"

Bytor Peltor 03.31.2019 09:23 PM

A field day?

We already knew the outcome!!!

Regarding Mueller: it was NEVER his job or responsibility to exonerate President Trump. Mueller is a Prosecutor and his job and sole responsibility is to examine evidence to see if Federal Laws were broken.

PERIOD - end of story!!!


Originally Posted by Skuj
IDK WTF is happening, but I keep seeing my name. I suspect tesla and Bytor are having a field day post Mueller. (I don't blame them!! I'll keep them on ignore.)

I'll say it: I am completely baffled and extremely disappointed that Mueller had "no opinion" on Obstruction Of Justice. Wasn't it his fucking job to form an opinion, one way or the other?

I also will never understand the Collusion conclusion, given everything that we know.

But one thing is clear to me: Mueller must speak, and that report must be made public. I don't trust Barr to tell us everything that we should know.

Carry on with your celebrations!!

Bytor Peltor 04.01.2019 09:40 AM


“Now that the long awaited Mueller Report conclusions have been released, most Democrats and others have gone back to the pre-Witch Hunt phase of their lives before Collusion Delusion took over. Others are pretending that their former hero, Bob Mueller, no longer exists!”

!@#$%! 04.01.2019 09:42 AM

reality tv clown

!@#$%! 04.01.2019 09:49 AM

White House whistleblower says 25 security clearance denials were reversed during Trump administration

A White House whistleblower told lawmakers that more than two dozen denials for security clearances have been overturned during the Trump administration, calling Congress her “last hope” for addressing what she considers improper conduct that has left the nation’s secrets exposed.

Tricia Newbold, a longtime White House security adviser, told the House Oversight and Reform Committee that she and her colleagues issued “dozens” of denials for security clearance applications that were later approved despite their concerns about blackmail, foreign influence or other red flags, according to panel documents released Monday.

Newbold, an 18-year veteran of the security clearance process who has served under both Republican and Democratic presidents, said she warned her superiors that clearances “were not always adjudicated in the best interest of national security” — and was retaliated against for doing so.

“I would not be doing a service to myself, my country, or my children if I sat back knowing that the issues that we have could impact national security,” Newbold told the committee, according to a panel document summarizing her allegations.

Newbold added: “I feel that right now this is my last hope to really bring the integrity back into our office.”


ilduclo 04.01.2019 12:12 PM

Mitch gonna change the rules to shove thru Trimp judges

Skuj 04.01.2019 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
White House whistleblower says 25 security clearance denials were reversed during Trump administration

A White House whistleblower told lawmakers that more than two dozen denials for security clearances have been overturned during the Trump administration, calling Congress her “last hope” for addressing what she considers improper conduct that has left the nation’s secrets exposed.

Tricia Newbold, a longtime White House security adviser, told the House Oversight and Reform Committee that she and her colleagues issued “dozens” of denials for security clearance applications that were later approved despite their concerns about blackmail, foreign influence or other red flags, according to panel documents released Monday.

Newbold, an 18-year veteran of the security clearance process who has served under both Republican and Democratic presidents, said she warned her superiors that clearances “were not always adjudicated in the best interest of national security” — and was retaliated against for doing so.

“I would not be doing a service to myself, my country, or my children if I sat back knowing that the issues that we have could impact national security,” Newbold told the committee, according to a panel document summarizing her allegations.

Newbold added: “I feel that right now this is my last hope to really bring the integrity back into our office.”


"She's an Obama appointee" in 3......2......1.....

Skuj 04.01.2019 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Mitch gonna change the rules to shove thru Trimp judges

I still think McConnell is one of the worst human beings ever.

And Ruth ain't gonna make it to 2021. We'll be doing that again.

ilduclo 04.01.2019 06:12 PM

yeah, WTF was she thinking, she's hardly invincible. If she'd retired midterm O 1 or O2, I don't think Republans would have been able to stop a Merrick or other.

Bytor Peltor 04.02.2019 04:19 AM


ilduclo 04.02.2019 05:47 PM


"They super didn’t.
91 Billion was the estimated DAMAGE.
Puerto Rico is still WAITING for most of their allocated relief funds, while our president lies to himself and lies to you."

--LM Miranda

ilduclo 04.03.2019 12:47 PM


“The progressive wing, the far-left wing of the Democratic Party, doesn’t want any part of Joe Biden, for a number of reasons. Number one, he’s white. They don’t want a white candidate if they can get a person of color. Number two, he’s a capitalist. Whoa! They don’t want that. This is the far-left progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Number three, he’s not politically correct. He says stuff like, ‘Oh, Vice President Pence is a good guy,’ and they went wild because Pence is a very religious man who doesn’t believe in gay marriage,” O’Reilly said.

He continued, “So you had to derail Joe Biden, now how could you derail him? He’s got a pretty good reputation within the Democratic Party. President Obama likes him. Well, you’ve got to bring out the playbook. And what does the playbook say? You want to attack somebody and destroy them? ‘MeToo, MeToo.’”

Skuj 04.03.2019 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

"They super didn’t.
91 Billion was the estimated DAMAGE.
Puerto Rico is still WAITING for most of their allocated relief funds, while our president lies to himself and lies to you."

--LM Miranda

Even after all we have been through since Jan 2017, I had to wonder if that was actually fake. He cannot be that stupid and ignorant, can he? (And wtf is a "pol"?)

Skuj 04.03.2019 04:54 PM

"That country....."

"Take from the USA....."

Fucking mind boggling!! I'd like to think that all this will cause Florida to not go Trump's way. But, I will never comprehend Florida.

!@#$%! 04.03.2019 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Even after all we have been through since Jan 2017, I had to wonder if that was actually fake. He cannot be that stupid and ignorant, can he? (And wtf is a "pol"?)

he’s stupid and ignorant, but a pol is a pol

Bytor Peltor 04.03.2019 06:22 PM

And So It Begins


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
If they haven’t already done so, over the next 7-10 days we all have a front row seat to the Democrats blowing any shot at 2020......transparency???

Bytor Peltor 04.04.2019 04:38 AM

Vice President Joe Biden: "I said, 'You're not getting the billion.' I'm going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money,'" Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.

Bank records show that Hunter Biden's American company Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC regularly received money in its account (usually more than 166 000 dollars per month) from Burisma from spring 2014 to autumn 2015 of the year - exactly during the period when Vice President Biden was chief US official involved in Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

Is it coincidence or collusion that Vice President Joe Biden spent 36 Hours In Ukraine in April 2014?

Before you answer that question......just a reminder that “The Black Ledger” was the beginning of the Steele Dossier:

A member of the Ukrainian parliament accused in his home country of interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election was identified in congressional testimony in October as a source for opposition research firm Fusion GPS.

!@#$%! 04.04.2019 07:27 AM

blah blah gibberish

just show us porn don’s tax returns

Skuj 04.04.2019 04:32 PM

Show us the fucking Mueller report!!! It seems that some on Team Mueller do not think that Barr's summary painted a very accurate picture.

Skuj 04.04.2019 06:11 PM

Did you guys see what Trump said about wind energy / noise?

It's so fucking moronic that I cannot post it here.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.04.2019 07:38 PM

^ It's insane. He thinks wind power causes cancer but is fully in support of reviving the coal industry to its former glory. Don't forget how us damaging our earth and ridding it of our natural resources is all just a big hoax either. I could kill him.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.04.2019 07:40 PM

Also apparently he's turning over the inspections of pork products over to the pork industry and taking it out of government regulation. 6d74952583

This dude can get fucked. I hate this Libertarian "let the free market" take care of it nonsense. There are government regulations in place to keep us safe and he wants to rid them all so he can build his dumb wall, line his pockets, line his friends' pockets, and take a crap in a golden toilet on the moon.

Get fucked, dump.

Skuj 04.04.2019 07:43 PM

You guys gonna vote next time?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.04.2019 07:51 PM

Oh also also, Chelsea Manning just got out of solitary confinement

Fuck yes

EDIT: I've voted in every election since I was 18. Democrat always.

choc e-Claire 04.04.2019 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
You guys gonna vote next time?

I can't vote in your elections, or my own - there's one next month, but I'm only 17, so unfortunately I won't be able to vote our government out.

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