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The Gazpacho Gestapo 04.17.2019 12:19 AM

Bernie leading over Trump by 7% in Fox News polls is always great for a laugh

Skuj 04.17.2019 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by The Gazpacho Gestapo
Bernie leading over Trump by 7% in Fox News polls is always great for a laugh In what Universe can this happen? Really?

The Gazpacho Gestapo 04.17.2019 12:53 AM


he leading Dems too


homeboy slayed on fox news town hall the other night also:

Derek 04.17.2019 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj In what Universe can this happen? Really?

Cause he is a viable frontrunner and his policies mean he can grab the rust belt vote with some imagination. He killed a town hall on Fox News and I'm all for the right-wing completely underestimating his chances like liberals did with Trump.

Derek 04.17.2019 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ok that was enough trolling for the evening lmao thanks for playing cya

Leave the trolling to the young'uns sirrrrrr

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Leave the trolling to the young'uns sirrrrrr

greta thunberg sez your geezer beard scratched her when you tried to smell her hair


ilduclo 04.17.2019 07:57 AM

My comments about Sanders history.....he’s unelectable

Derek 04.17.2019 09:04 AM

My comments about Trump history.....he's unelectable

Derek 04.17.2019 09:05 AM

Imagine looking at America right now and thinking someone like Sanders is unelectable.

Derek 04.17.2019 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
greta thunberg sez your geezer beard scratched her when you tried to smell her hair


I was just tryna get my Biden on bro

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Leave the trolling to the young'uns sirrrrrr

that’s no way to campaign for bernie!

Derek 04.17.2019 09:11 AM

The fact that Bernie has no interest in trolling back makes him perfect to defeat Trump!

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
The fact that Bernie has no interest in trolling back makes him perfect to defeat Trump!

the fallacy of good intentions lmao

Derek 04.17.2019 10:42 AM

Well not really, Trump has zero shame in attacking people and you need someone who won't take the bait. None of these people can attack Trump on his level nor should they.

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Well not really, Trump has zero shame in attacking people and you need someone who won't take the bait. None of these people can attack Trump on his level nor should they.

oh you’re in serious mode now?


so, i don’t know who will/won’t take the bait yet. too soon to call. waaay too soon.

we’ll know probably once we have debates. i mean the primary debates.

there is a lot of weeding out that will happen in the next year. of course we all want someone competent to oust the monster. but this electoral cycle has started so early i don’t think we know how things will shape.


eta: just look how fucking crowded it is today

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by The Gazpacho Gestapo
homeboy slayed on fox news town hall the other night also:

lmfao that video

why did they chop it up like that?

i totally wanted to keep hearing what was up because he made good clear points


oh the followup appears complete


bernie looks pretty spry ha ha ha ha


damn, he starts great, ha ha ha ha


wtf is a "speculation tax"


he starts arguing with that woman about his taxes and goes down in flames


"one person one vote" gets my vote...


they come back to his taxes, let's see...


bootechech on age. he replies "it is what you believe in". nice...


"get over the fox thing" haaa haaa haaaa


question on overreaching like the tea party. "a president who is a pathological liar". haaa haaaa haaaa. haaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa.

"if we spend all our time attacking trump democrats are gonna lose". a+++

minimum wage
"the needs of workers": win big

good points with the audience


superdelegate process has been changed. ok. rules etc bla bla.


oh, jordan wolman good health care question! here we go. this i wanna know too.

good explanation bernardito... he clears the difference between government run and government insurance.

undersured/underinsured. good!

ok here he goes... good point in the per capita cost.

haaa haaa haaaa good show of hands


that martha there is the poison pill.


aetna cvs 500 million dollar bonus

martha taxes bla bla




ok bernie's reply was not the best but it answers some. oh her he goes back. "premiums, copayments and deductibles."

he forgets to speak on the burden on businesses to provide health insurance for employees.


jobs in industry, trade deals question.

nafta & the tpp.

does not want a race to the bottom.

BUT no specific proposal. meh on this.


the entire global economy has low unemployment he sez. it's not trump. that's correct. look at yesterday's uk unemployment lololol.

workers still struggling he sez.


martha asks about taxes and unemployment. he brings up amazon and "the wealthiest people"/


green new deal lolol here it comes.
medicare college infrastructure national debt clock....

"you're asking the wrong guy" haaa haa haa. correct.

again he goes with "tax on wall street speculation". wtf is that.



ha ha ha "the military industrial complex" gets a big clap


immigration + the border...

need new judges...

comprehensive immigration reform, not demonizing immigrants.

more facilities in the border...

this is a political question he sez. i hear no concrete proposal. changed the subject to dreamers.

"of course we need border security, who argues with that"


real estate syrian dude

get out of the war in yemen. "trump, sign that resolution".

has he?


which country is the biggest threat to the US?

lol he refuses to engage in rhetoric. good.

example of china as "threat" and putting money in their economy.

national security issue: CLIMATE CHANGE. haaa haa haaa haaa! good.


nuclear - reducing emissions.

he's antinuclear (boo)

all energy in burlington is now renewable he sez. hmmm

climate change as a national security issue


cuts in defense.

we spend more than the 10 next nations combined (known fact).

the pentagon is the only major agency that has not had a major audit. no waste or profiteering he sez.


lightning round:

abortion: the woman and the physician
jewish: ilhan (lmao): dont attack the muslim with outrageous racist. ilhan has to do a better job. it's not antisemitic to be critical of bibi
"child molesters" voting from prison: the right to vote he sez and why. *cowardly vote suppression.*

kill martha now lmao. so annoying. but that's okay. she represents the annoyers.

joe biden. have a debate about the issues and not about personalities. "you see you're trying to do that..." GOOD JOB BERNIE.

now a closing statement...

common: living wage, infrastructure, veterans, social network, billionaire tax breaks.

looks forward to a good campaign. have the highest voter turnout.

damn, that was very nice. props to the geezer.


and thanks for the link! was a great lunchtime video.

h8kurdt 04.17.2019 01:02 PM

So after all that what's your opinion on Bernie now?

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
So after all that what's your opinion on Bernie now?

overall pretty good! he is a much better communicator than warren. he also makes a lot more sense than his chanting followers, who had led me astray with misrepresentations.

as for the age thing, he might be old, but has enough wit to hold his own against anyone on a debate i believe. so, not an issue. esp. vs the dotard.

here's the link to the actual town hall:

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 01:28 PM

i just finished reading


if you can't access the article, just watch the video.

oh, the one gazpacho posted actually shows that very moment, before clowning interruptions by the red army choir lmao

ilduclo 04.17.2019 01:28 PM


Bytor Peltor 04.17.2019 02:20 PM

Judicial Watch Sues FBI for Records of Communications and Payments to Anti-Trump Dossier Author Steele

The former British agent who Democrats paid to compile the dossier that got the collusion narrative rolling reportedly received 11 payments from the FBI in 2016.

Just connecting some dots —11 Payments — by Crooked Hillary and the DNC while President Hussein Obama was going outside the chain of command using GCHQ to spy on the TRUMP campaign.

Again I ask......coincidence or collusion?

Anyone care to guess why ELEVEN payments were made or where the money came from?


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Soooooo, word is an investigation may soon be focusing on then President Obama NOT USING our spy agencies: NSA, CIA, FBI or the DOJ and went outside the chain of command to use the British spy agency......GCHQ


For surveillance on Candidate Trump and President Elect Trump.

Evidently President Obama did so as to be undetected......the same reason Hillary Clinton set up a server in a janitors closet.

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 02:29 PM

alex jones quoting himself hi!

Skuj 04.17.2019 03:37 PM

Well, tomorrow we get to find out if Barr is a complete or partial stooge. I'd say that the redacted release of the Mueller report is more a referendum on Barr than Trump. I will bet on one thing: It's going to be a shitshow!! Some in Team Mueller privately telling sources that Barr's summary is bullshit does not foreshadow the end of this. I don't trust Barr at all, because he side-stepped some important questions a couple of weeks ago. No wonder Trump has completely flown off the handle this week.

Skuj 04.17.2019 04:40 PM

Can I foreshadow a bullshit tweet 18 hours in advance?


Bets? :)

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Can I foreshadow a bullshit tweet 18 hours in advance?


Bets? :)


i won't bet against the inevitable

Derek 04.17.2019 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
overall pretty good! he is a much better communicator than warren. he also makes a lot more sense than his chanting followers, who had led me astray with misrepresentations.

as for the age thing, he might be old, but has enough wit to hold his own against anyone on a debate i believe. so, not an issue. esp. vs the dotard.

It actually makes me happy to see this and that you're not just being ignorant cause some Bernie supporters annoy you! Tone: sincere

No arguing from me tonight, feel too shitty from work :cool: I love having an unstable job where I make £7.80 an hour.

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
It actually makes me happy to see this and that you're not just being ignorant cause some Bernie supporters annoy you! Tone: sincere

No arguing from me tonight, feel too shitty from work :cool: I love having an unstable job where I make £7.80 an hour.

yeah, if i may, i can explain one big why

he never uttered the words “free healthcare”

he said very clearly “healthcare costs money” and he said how much we pay (double, per capita)

he said “ you pay more taxes but you don’t pay premiums, deductibles or copays”

refreshing! he owned his tax. brave.

for me, he missed a big opportunity to sell to small businesses who would not need carry the burden of being (subpar) health care providers for employees. there is a huge pro-enterprise argument there he should not waste. businesses would love the savings.

but anyway, that sort of thing was good and clearheaded. one may agree or disagree but it’s not hucksterism or empty promises. it’s an actual plan.

also he clarified his plan is not government provided healthcare bur government health insurance. so it’s not the nhs. it’s single payer health insurance.

he’s not perfect, but he was very good here.

anyway, catch some rest dude!

Skuj 04.18.2019 12:08 AM

So, DOJ (ie Barr) has already had several meetings with the WH regarding the Mueller report. (This is something that Barr side-stepped recently.)

Congress will not see the report until tomorrow, after Barr's press conference.

Team Trump has had some time now to prepare for the release.

Serious Question: Do these steps qualify as normal for an AG, or does it prove that Barr is a Trump stooge?

I am convinced that these steps show that he is doing his best to protect Trump. (Nevermind the oped he wrote regarding the Mueller report and Presidential powers prior to becoming AG.)

Convince me otherwise. your best.

(Oh wait.....have I blocked them all?)

Derek 04.18.2019 12:24 AM

Skuj, how many people have you blocked dude? There's not really that many people here... Wait, I'm blocked too never mind haha

ilduclo 04.18.2019 07:07 AM

Roseanne Barr and Trimp obviously colluding on redactions...sounds like another obstruction of justice to me.

Bytor Peltor 04.18.2019 07:42 AM

Nadler (2019) vs. Nadler (1998)

h8kurdt 04.18.2019 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Skuj, how many people have you blocked dude? There's not really that many people here... Wait, I'm blocked too never mind haha

He's actually only talking to himself. We're all blocked!

Joys of living in an echo-chamber, right?

!@#$%! 04.18.2019 10:26 AM

ah, thank fuck for boy scout mueller

Skuj 04.18.2019 12:55 PM

So, I'm trying to digest this as it hits like a hurricane. There's a lot in there that is bad for Trump, right? Even though he is not fully guilty of collision or obstruction? Remember what brought Nixon down? Oh, those were the days.

Skuj 04.18.2019 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
He's actually only talking to himself. We're all blocked!

Joys of living in an echo-chamber, right?

LOL. Only 3 so far. Fake News Bytor, Crazy tesla and this new Homophobic guy...Derek.

Skuj 04.18.2019 01:20 PM

The more I read, the more I feel that Barr must be the worst AG in history. There are stark differences in what he reported in his summary, and what he said this morning, versus what is actually detailed in the report.

His morning press conference today was particularly troubling. He basically laid out excuses for Trump.

There is a lot in here that is very troubling for Trump, but of course the tweets are out now, right?

!@#$%! 04.18.2019 02:06 PM


Peterpuff 04.18.2019 03:55 PM


Can't wait to see how poppin' this thread gets today!

Skuj 04.18.2019 04:15 PM

Barr must resign! This press conference this morning might as well have been Giuliani. The AG is not supposed to make excuses and explanations for what Trump did. Fuck me.

Skuj 04.18.2019 04:55 PM

To me this report is basically "Here's some Obstruction, and here's some other Obstruction, and here's even more Obstruction, but we cannot say that he Obstructed."

There are many reasons why I am not a lawyer.

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