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Rob Instigator 08.01.2013 12:56 PM

Bunny Wailer told Snoop to go fuck off after snoop admitted keeping whores on a tour bus which followed his tour bus, and pimping the girls out to people on the tour.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.01.2013 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Bunny Wailer told Snoop to go fuck off after snoop admitted keeping whores on a tour bus which followed his tour bus, and pimping the girls out to people on the tour.

Now see, that part of the story I unfortunately didn't here : /

After further investigating, I see I can't in anyway support Snoop Lion for running his mouth against the Emperor of Reggae Music, JAH B Bunny Wailer. Dudes in JA would kill Snoop for comments less dissing than this!


”It's like, people take my kindness for weakness,” he told Rolling Stone. “In the 90s, he could have never tried that because I'd have slapped the dog s*** out of his old ass. How dare you? After all I've done for you? How dare you? You wasn't the s*** in the Wailers. You was just one of them: Bob, Peter Tosh, [and] then you. They dead mean more than you do alive. You get the energy? When it should have been, 'Hey, this brother is putting me back in the light; I could possibly get on the road with him, be on his album, eat again. Let me get in line. This is Snoop Dogg; he's already a star.' It should have been, play along with me as opposed to stick me up. I'm gonna give you what you worth, but you not gonna stick me up.”

Snoop doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. Peter and Bunny were best of friends, and made several albums together after the Wailers broke up. Bunny was an integral part of those first Wailers albums, both writing the music and the lyrics. Further, Peter married Bunny's sister, and Bunny married Bob's cousin, so they literally were all family for many years after the music thing. Also, Bunny doesn't need Snoop to eat, Bunny could sell out arena's across the country headlining big reggae festivals. No, he is not the most popular or drawing name in reggae music, but on a big line-up show Bunny caries enough respect with promoters to get his money.

at least here Snoop reveals what is really going on..


To me, it's a test, to see if I'm really made for this,” he said. “Who else would it come from to make this amount of noise? But guess who stood up in my defense? Rohan, Rita, Stephen, Damian Marley. Rohan went public. He called him Phony Wailer, or whatever he called him. I can't call him that; I don't know him like that. But they do. They know what he after and they love me. If Bob's kids and his wife welcome they arms and say, "You one of the Marleys," then who is Bunny Wailer to say anything?”

This is some Rita bullshit. Rita Marley is the Yoko of the Wailers. After Bob died, she went crazy about all the money. She has had lawyers suing Bunny and Peter (before he died) for years and years, decades now, over rights to mutually owned Wailers music. She has been trying to rob Bunny for so many years, and its gotten needlessly ugly. Some of the Marley children, were unfortunately too young to know the real or even their father, and so they blindly trust their mother's judgment even when she is so in the wrong on this. NOW I see what up, Snoop got buddy-buddy with those Marley brothers, THEY helped convince him to do this Rasta thing (maybe Damien was trying to build on that Nas shit?) and Bunny just wasn't interested in the long run. If Bunny was suing Snoop over the video footage, its in the same vein as his legal issues with Rita, a matter of principle. Bunny knows when he is being exploited commercially, and he ain't not bitch ninja either ;)

Rob Instigator 08.01.2013 01:06 PM

Snoop Lion has always been candid about his love for women and weed, and now, the rapper reveals that he was more than happy to share that love with athletes and entertainers on the road, because in a past life, he was, indeed, a pimp.
"I put an organization together," the Reincarnated rapper tells Rolling Stone's contributing editor Jonah Weiner in the new issue of Rolling Stone. "I did a Playboy tour, and I had a bus follow me with ten bitches on it. I could fire a bitch, f--k a bitch, get a new ho: It was my program. City to city, titty to titty, hotel room to hotel room, athlete to athlete, entertainer to entertainer."

Snoop Lion (previously known to the public as Snoop Dogg), 41, said that his decision to get involved in the scene came from a "fascination," not a desire to make money.
"I'd act like I'd take the money from the bitch, but I'd let her have it," he said of how he ran his organization. "It was never about the money; it was about the fascination of being a pimp … As a kid I dreamed of being a pimp, I dreamed of having cars and clothes and bitches to match. I said, 'F--k it -- I'm finna do it."

The "Ashtrays and Heartbreaks" rapper said his clientele consisted of a number of high-profile athletes (whom he declined to name), who would "come hang out, pick and choose, and whichever [woman] you like comes with a number."
"A lot of athletes bought p---y from me," he adde

Rob Instigator 08.01.2013 01:07 PM

Bunny is the man, and has done more to keep the original spirit of the Wailers alive than anyone else...

h8kurdt 08.01.2013 01:15 PM

What a total douche bag. (Snoop that is)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.01.2013 01:18 PM

Alright, wait. Those quotes I posted while, bad, were a bit out of context. When I read the entire interview, Snoop still comes across as a prick, but less so then in just those quotes.

louder 08.02.2013 02:05 AM

new Gaga artwork for the first single off ARTPOP:


oddly, reminds me of:


am i the only one??

Severian 08.02.2013 06:21 AM

Wow, Snoop Puddy Tatt Is really gonna run his mouth about a music legend like that? I'm disappointed, but not at all surprised.

All that shit about being a star. That's how diva bitches talk. Bunny has always been on the relative belly side of fame; a cult artist from a genre that has never really been popularized. Still, people know who the fuck He is, and when he plays music, people listen.

Half the Snoop fans, or former Snoop fans, in the world have no idea that he's made a reggae record. Why? Because he's a casino headliner at best. He has money because he used to be a famous musician, but if anyone needs help being notified, it's him. His fans have all either grown up, are serious rap conoisseurs, or love weed, and are "Snoop fans" only insofar as they are "Weed fans"... The kind who make sure everyone knows they love weed by wearing shirts with pictures of weed or weed-relevant people/things/pop culture phenomena on them.

I'd compare him to Woody Harrelson, but Woody still makes movies that are great, and has a following from outside the "weed fan" demographic. I'm talkin loner ass bitches here. Dumb, dumb, adolescent motherfuckers, who think working at Webdy's is just fine as long as it brings in the green, and buys them a ticket to burning man, where they don't listen to music, and just do tons of drugs, only to return acting superior about their experience... In some dude's van, smoking SERIOUS chron (no, I mean like serious serious chron. You don't know man, you weren't at Burning Man).

Fuck that shit. What a fucking tool.

louder 08.02.2013 06:32 AM

yeah, i don't give a fuck about Snoop. The Blue Carpet Treatment was his last good album, and he'll never make another one.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.02.2013 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Wow, Snoop Puddy Tatt Is really gonna run his mouth about a music legend like that? I'm disappointed, but not at all surprised.

All that shit about being a star. That's how diva bitches talk. Bunny has always been on the relative belly side of fame; a cult artist from a genre that has never really been popularized. Still, people know who the fuck He is, and when he plays music, people listen.

EXACTLY. Plus, Bunny is a man of principle, he had some lawsuits in 2004 with some shady promoters who dissed him and didn't pay what they signed, so he cancelled the shows, and the promoters tried to smear him. He responded from his website like he did on his facebook with a lengthy (several pages) letter explaining the crooked set up and why he had to back out of those shows. This situation is similar. It seems Bunny and a promoter in Jamaica had an arrangement with Snoop for a show in Jamaica, but then Snoop reneged on the signed aspects of the deal, so Bunny got in his ear. When Snoop didn't readjust, Bunny felt that Snoop was just purely exploiting Rastafari with this whole Snoop Lion thing. The fact the Snoop is now close with Rita Marley, who has had many legal issues with Bunny in the past, probably all the more fueled the fire. Bunny Wailer is quiet, peaceful, yet calculated man. If he speaks out, its for good reason. Me? I think Snoop is genuine in trying to become a Rasta, but he will always be Snoop, and Snoop is a commodity, so his Snoop Lion will inherently become a commodity too. Plus, I've known a lot of long-time Rastas whose attitude was about as shitty and condescending as Snoop ever could be, so these set a bad example for Snoop in his process of conversion. If he is hanging out with bad-attitude Rastas, he will not reform his old gangsta ways. HOWEVER, and again, the quotes I posted were from a website that put them a bit out of context, when you read the ENTIRETY of that Rolling Stone interview, Snoop comes across a bit less of an asshole. He comes across more like a low-life gangsta kind of muthafucker that is trying to reform, but old habits, ways of speaking and reacting die slow.

Rob Instigator 08.02.2013 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by louder
new Gaga artwork for the first single off ARTPOP:


oddly, reminds me of:


am i the only one??

good call. Maybe Gaga is making a prog-rock album?

h8kurdt 08.02.2013 02:40 PM

And the font and border is straight from their Abacab album.

Rob Instigator 08.02.2013 02:44 PM

what's more gaga and tongue in cheek than prog?

Severian 08.02.2013 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
what's more gaga and tongue in cheek than prog?

I think far too many people assume that prog must be tongue in cheek because of the sheer ridiculousness of it. Sadly, I think there are few who take themselves more seriously than prog rock dudes. They are closer to to tongue-in-asshole.

Prog became tongue in cheek, after a fashion, due to people taking the "ironic cool" approach (think Hella fans in Rush shirts and comedy rockers like Dave Ghrohl and Tenacious D using prog-metal as a backdrop for stupid theme nysic videos and over-the-top dumbassery). But there are some kids out there who evidently missed the joke and started to rub their little pube goatees and sincerely draw connections between YES and the math rock that they desperately wanted to be identified with.

I know you guys know some of these folks. The forced intellectuals who evaluate YES and Rodan by the same criteria. That's bullshit of course. Slint and Rodan were clearly born out of hardcore, plain and simple. Slint has nothing to do with concept albums or maximalism. It's guttural, violent, piercing punk rock, only it's informed by the forward thinking work of Sonic Youth and Fugazi in the late 80s.
Slint is just like Sonic Youth really, and there's nothing prog about it. It's just smarter, more contemplative and musically challenging variations on punk. In a way it's far more stripped down. Even the work of GY!BE and Don Caballero are more punk than prog. The connection to wailing synths and long winded classical guitar ejaculations was never there. GY!BE just play punk rock really slowly and inevitably build to a climax that touches on black metal at times... Which does have a connection to prog, which is why most black metal is fucking terrible.

I really have nothing against YES or Peter Gabriel era genesis, but prog rock as a whole is an objectively absurd, and really really dumb thing that British band geeks threw together after discovering acid and having sex way too late in life, leaving them with the self importance of a trained classical artist, and the naïveté of... Well... The rest of us before we lost our virginities at the normative and totally appropriate age of 14 (+/- 2 years for the outliers).


Wow, I'm sorry. Why the hell am I still talking about prog in the hip hop cafe? Jesus. That was not at all my intention when I started typing, but I managed to bring back some really awful memories of friends I met at Don Cab or Russian Circles shows, luring me into their basement lairs and playing Yes albums for my stupefied drunken ass, to show me the "mathiest track ever" ... The memory of their scorn as my laughter at what I took to be a drunken joke slowed to an apologetic grimace as I realized that I was pissing my pants while they were bearing their goateed souls to me. Unfortunately this kind of thing happened happened on multiple, increasingly awkward occasions, and I was eventually written off as a mean and judgmental person by people who had NO FICKING SENSE OF HUMOR TO SPEAK OF.

I wasn't laughing at them for their taste in music... But I sure as hell was laughing at the seriousness with which they drew argued that Unwound and Tera Melos were mere descendants of Jethro Fucking Tull. Assholes.

h8kurdt 08.03.2013 02:10 AM

You pissed yourself?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.03.2013 02:27 AM

Severian, that could be the most Hunter Thompson post on SYG in a long time. Keep ranting like that, brilliant!

Severian 08.03.2013 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
You pissed yourself?

Yeah, more or less. The proverbial "piss" did flow from my proverbial "penis." Mostly I just meant that I laughed really hard.

This is a completely true story, and it did happen on multiple occasions. I think it broke my heart a little bit to realize how god damn thick the ostensibly progressive hardcore crowd was. I was a part of that "scene" when I was in my teens and early twenties. Really it's just a sad memory about former friends who turned out to be no such thing in the end.

I should not take out my personal resentment on prog rock as a whole. It's the privileged, upper middle class, white urban males who are really the problem. Guys who come from money, and don't even realize it; who develop a "social conscience" and start wearing wrist bands and black hoodies (snug, and just a wee bit too short in the arms), and preaching Marxism to all the other art majors and "radicals" who have no identity, and don't understand that they're products of the system they "fight." I just really loathe disingenuousness.

Anyway, yeah- not real piss. Not that I can recall anyway. This was a long time ago, and I was quite wasted through much of this part of my life, so I'm not going to rule anything out.

h8kurdt 08.03.2013 12:41 PM

I was jesting.

However, I can very much sympathise with you on the whole prog fan thing. A lot of my friends are die-hard prog fans and it's hard work sometimes. The main bands they bang on about being Genesis and Rush.

Severian 08.03.2013 02:36 PM

By the way, has anyone listened to the new U-GOD? There's a Kool Keith collab that pretty much kills, but otherwise it's the most limp dicked Wu-Tang affiliated record I've heard in a long time.

noisereductions 08.03.2013 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
By the way, has anyone listened to the new U-GOD? There's a Kool Keith collab that pretty much kills, but otherwise it's the most limp dicked Wu-Tang affiliated record I've heard in a long time.

so it's a lot like his other solo albums?

Actually my fav U-God solo album is Hillside Scramblerz... which was barely a solo album haha.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.03.2013 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
By the way, has anyone listened to the new U-GOD? There's a Kool Keith collab that pretty much kills,

Well, if you were promoting that album I would have suddenly been hooked


but otherwise it's the most limp dicked Wu-Tang affiliated record I've heard in a long time.

Now I'm just going to download that individual track from Amazon. Love me some Kool Keith and with U-GOD?? How could it not kill

chocolate_ladyland 08.04.2013 01:49 AM

Kendrick Last Night Was Fucking Unbelievable

Same With Earl

Severian 08.05.2013 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Well, if you were promoting that album I would have suddenly been hooked

Now I'm just going to download that individual track from Amazon. Love me some Kool Keith and with U-GOD?? How could it not kill

I don't know why I don't like it. It's not even that I don't like it; it's just the same old shit, and it sounds weak in comparison to what GFK sliced the world's throat with this year. But the Kool Keith track is just nonsense. Totally fucking awesome. Probably worth buying the album for.

Severian 08.05.2013 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by chocolate_ladyland
Kendrick Last Night Was Fucking Unbelievable

Same With Earl

I'm warning to Kendrick now that I've seen him live. He is an incredible performer and I think he's going to be a long term player in hip hop. He really has a hell of a lot of energy.

It's going to sound weird, but live Kendrick kind of reminds me of live Pearl Jam, back in '93-94, when they were young and fit. He has the same kind of physical captivation over the crowd.

Did he perform solo (just him and a DJ) or with some other setup? Just curious.

Severian 08.05.2013 01:19 PM

Hey, did anybody catch Jay-Z on Bill Maher the other night? He was surprisingly well spoken. Said some very good, important things.


noisereductions 08.05.2013 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Hey, did anybody catch Jay-Z on Bill Maher the other night? He was surprisingly well spoken. Said some very good, important things.


nope. But did you read Jay's book Decoded? I really enjoyed it and bet you would too.

Severian 08.05.2013 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
nope. But did you read Jay's book Decoded? I really enjoyed it and bet you would too.

No. I actually had no idea that he'd even written a book, which (if you knew me personally) is pretty surprising. I grew up reading music biographies and autobiographies. Didn't even matter if I liked the band or artist, really. I just walked into Barnes and Noble-- back when that was kind of a special occasion kind of thing, for coastal urban types, like my writer father and my professor mother (a.k.a. "Dr. Mom") and sniff out the "Entertainment" section like a bloodhound, and read about everyone from Aerosmith to Frank Zappa.

I haven't done that in a while, mainly because popular music has become such a fucking nightmare that I don't care about it anymore. Well, that, and I'm a reeeeally big fucking nerd, and I've long since given up trying to hide it. So I spend most of my time on sci-fi, cognitive neuroscience/psychology, and behavioral philosophy books. But now that hip hop has become THE dominant genre of the era, I think I'm ready to dive back in. I've read only a precious few books about hip hop, and most of them are from the mid-90's. I will read this Decoded toot sweet! Thank you!

Everyone YouTube Jay talking about the "gap between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'" growing so massive that eventually, there won't be enough police in the world to handle the uprising that our nation is currently allowing to metastasize like a cancer. It was a jaw dropper to hear that come out of the mouth of the man so many view as being such an empty human being.

Maher compared him to the Beatles though, which he obviously (and very correctly) found absurd. Now Kanye... Maybe. Maybe.

My posts are long, and pretty scatterbrained. Sorry about all that.

louder 08.07.2013 04:14 PM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.07.2013 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by louder


Here's the breakdown:

-- $500,000 in pain and suffering
-- $500,000 in emotional distress
-- $750,000 in lost earnings
-- $2 million for punitive damages
-- $25,000 in medical expenses
-- Various other stuff

What a buster. This is unfortunately, why in the real politick of gang violence, the reality evolved that it became easier to kill somebody than just to beat their ass, because too many dudez get their ass beat and can't just accept it. Beating somebody's ass can get you killed in LA in particular, so all in all, The Game is lucky 40 Glocc is just being a trick about it, other catz will put some slugs in you for their lost pride.

Bytor Peltor 08.09.2013 03:50 PM

Gravediggaz Releases ’6 Feet Deep’


Full Album:

Bytor Peltor 08.09.2013 04:02 PM

NO - you're not the only one......he was doing this years before she was born:




Originally Posted by louder
new Gaga artwork for the first single off ARTPOP:


oddly, reminds me of:


am i the only one??

Bytor Peltor 08.09.2013 04:27 PM

CNN JUST IN: Usher will retain custody

Severian 08.09.2013 06:54 PM

I need some new hip hop. I've been going through my stacks of albums that never really appealed to me, but that I bought out of loyalty to labels, bands, or producers.

Yesterday it was Liberation by Talib Kweli and Madlib (loved Talib at one point, but even at the time I bought out if loyalty to Madlib). Today, it was The Blackout 2 by Meth and Redman. The former still deserves further listening...
Blackout 2 is pretty fucking shit.

On my way home I put on my really old copy of the Grey Album, which I still really love. Best thing Dangermouse has done or ever will do. Still, listening to A$AP/Yeezus/12 Reasons over and over and over is sure to result in eventual desensitization.

Bytor Peltor 08.11.2013 10:06 AM

Mr. Roger's was gangster back in the day:

louder 08.13.2013 04:06 AM

[Intro: Big Sean]
I look up
Yeah and I take my time
I'mma take my time, woah
Power moves only

[Verse 1: Big Sean]
Boy I'm 'bout my business on business
I drink liquor on liquor
I had women on women
Yeah that's bunk bed bitches
I've done lived more than an eighty year old man still kickin'
Cause they live for some moments, and I live for a livin'
But this for the girls that barely let me get to first base
On some ground ball shit
Cause now I run my city on some town hall shit
They prayin' on my motherfuckin' downfall bitch like a drought but
You gon' get this rain like it's May weather
G.O.O.D. Music, Ye weather
Champagne just tastes better
They told me I never boy, never say never
Swear my flow special like an infant's first steps
I got paid to reverse debts
Then I finally found a girl that reverse stress
So now I'm talkin' to the reaper to reverse death
So I can kick it with my granddad, take him for a ride
Show him I made somethin' out myself and not just tried
Show him the house I bought the fam, let him tour inside
Don't matter how far ahead I get, I always feel behind
In my mind, but fuck tryin' and not doin'
Cause not doin' is somethin' a nigga's not doin'
I said fuck tryin' and not doin'
Cause not doin' is somethin' a nigga's not doin'
I grew up to Em, B.I.G., and Pac bitch, and got ruined
So until I got the same crib B.I.G. had in that Juicy vid
I can't motherfuckin' stop movin'
Go against me, you won't stop losin'
From the city where every month is May-
Day at home, spray your dome
Niggas get sprayed up like cologne for a paycheck or loan
Yeah I know that shit ain't fair
They say that Detroit ain't got a chance, we ain't even got a mayor
You write your name with a Sharpie, I write mine in stone
I knew that the world was for the taking and it wouldn't take long
We on, tryna be better than everybody that's better than everybody
Rep Detroit, everybody, Detroit wrecks everybody
I'm so first class I could spit up on every pilot
The city's my Metropolis, feel it It's metabolic
And I'm over niggas sayin' they're the hottest shit
Then run to the hottest niggas just to stay hot
I'm one of the hottest because I flame drop
Drop fire, and not because I'm name droppin'
Hall of Fame droppin'
And I ain't takin' shit from nobody unless they're OG's
Cause that ain't the way of an OG
So my GO collect more G's, every dollar
Never changed though, I'm just the new version of old me
Forever hot headed but never got cold feet
Got up in the game won't look back at my old seats
Clique so deep we take up the whole street
I need a bitch so bad that she take up my whole week, Sean Don

[Bridge: Kendrick Lamar]
Miscellaneous minds are never explainin' their minds
Devilish grin for my alias aliens to respond
Peddlin' sin, thinkin' maybe when you get old you realize
I'm not gonna fold or demise
(I don't smoke crack, motherfucker I sell it!)
Everything I rap is a quarter piece to your melon
So if you have a relapse, just relax and pop in my disc
Don't pop me no fucking pill, I'mma a pop you and give you this

[Verse 2: Kendrick Lamar]
Tell Flex to drop a bomb on this shit
So many bombs, ring the alarm like Vietnam in this shit
So many bombs, make Farrakhan think Saddam in this bitch
One at a time, I line 'em up and bomb on they mom while she watchin' the kids
I'm in a destruction mode if the gold exists
I'm important like the pope, I'm a muslim on pork
I'm Makaveli's offspring, I'm the king of New York
King of the Coast, one hand, I juggle them both
The juggernaut's all in your jugular, you take me for jokes
Live in the basement, church pews and funeral faces
Cartier bracelets for my women friends I'm in Vegas
Who the fuck y'all thought it's supposed to be?
If Phil Jackson came back, still no coachin' me
I'm uncoachable, I'm unsociable
Fuck y'all clubs, fuck y'all pictures, your Instagram can gobble these nuts
Gobble dick up 'til you hiccup, my big homie Kurupt
This the same flow that put the rap game on a crutch
I've seen niggas transform like villain Decepticons
Mollies'll prolly turn these niggas to fuckin' Lindsay Lohan
A bunch of rich ass white girls lookin' for parties
Playin with Barbies, wreck the Porsche before you give 'em the car key
Judge me 'til the monarchy, blessings to Paul McCartney
You called me a black Beatle, I'm either that or a Marley
(I don't smoke crack motherfucker I sell it)
I'm dressed in all black, this is not for the fan of Elvis
I'm aimin' straight for your pelvis, you can't stomach me
You plan on stumpin' me? Bitch I’ve been jumped before you put a gun on me
Bitch I put one on yours, I'm Sean Connery
James Bonding with none of you niggas, climbing 100 mil in front of me
And I'm gonna get it even if you're in the way
And if you're in it, better run for pete's sake
I heard the barbershops be in great debates all the time
Bout who's the best MC? Kendrick, Jigga and Nas
Eminem, Andre 3000, the rest of yall
New niggas just new niggas, don't get involved
And I ain't rockin no more designer shit
White T’s and Nike Cortez, this is red Corvettes anonymous
I'm usually homeboys with the same niggas I'm rhymin' wit
But this is hip hop and them niggas should know what time it is
And that goes for Jermaine Cole, Big KRIT, Wale
Pusha T, Meek Millz, A$AP Rocky, Drake
Big Sean, Jay Electron', Tyler, Mac Miller
I got love for you all but I'm tryna murder you niggas
Tryna make sure your core fans never heard of you niggas
They dont wanna hear not one more noun or verb from you niggas
What is competition? I'm tryna raise the bar high
Who tryna jump and get it? You better off tryna skydive
Out the exit window of 5 G5’s with 5 grand
With your granddad as the pilot he drunk as fuck tryna land
With the hand full of arthritis and popping prosthetic leg
Bumpin Pac in the cockpit so the shit that pops in his head
Is an option of violence, someone heard the stewardess said
That your parachute is a latex condom hooked to a dread

[Verse 3: Jay Electronica]
You could check my name on the books
I Earth, Wind, and Fire’d the verse, then rained the hook
The legend of Dorothy Flowers proclaimed from the roof
The tale of magnificent king who came from the nooks
Of the wild magnolia, mother of many soldiers
We live by every single word she ever told us
Watch over your shoulders
And keep a tin of beans for when the weather turns the coldest
The Lord is our shepherd, so our cup runneth over
Put your trust in the Lord, pretend that your Chevy Nova
I’m spittin' this shit for closure
And God is my witness, so you could get it from Hova
For all you magicians that’s fidgeting with the cobra
I’m silent as a rock, ‘cause I came from a rock
That’s why I came with a rock, then signed my name on the Roc
Draw a line around some Earth, then put my name on the plot
Cause I endured a lot of pain for everything that I got
The eyelashes like umbrellas when it rains from the heart
And the tissue is like an angel kissin you in the dark
You go from blind sight to hindsight, passion of the Christ
Right, to baskin' in the limelight, it take time to get your mind right
Jay Electricity, PBS mysteries
In a lofty place, tangling with Satan over history
You can’t say shit to me - Alhamdulillah
It’s strictly by faith that we made it this far

louder 08.13.2013 04:07 AM

wow man, just wow. Kendrick is officially #1 after this verse.

louder 08.13.2013 04:10 AM

also new Gaga single is some generic EDM bullshit. i am disappoint.

Rob Instigator 08.13.2013 01:10 PM

"generic EDM" - redundant much?

Severian 08.13.2013 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by louder
also new Gaga single is some generic EDM bullshit. i am disappoint.

Honestly I'm not sure what you were expecting. I will probably take your word on the single, but give the album a chance to prove itself. I'm not into Gaga for shit. I think I'm just too bloody old to be captivated by that kind of attention grabbing type of personality. I don't think she qualifies as hip hop at all, either.

I enjoyed the Fame Monster for its smartly stupid ironic club banger moments, but "Alejandro" is just way too much for me. I lived through one "Like a Prayer," and that's quite enough, thank you.

But like I said I'll give the album a shot.
She obviously has the potential to be both totally awful and surprisingly on-point when it comes to singles, and I'm a little sorry to hear that the new single is shit. I'm always rooting for the weird ones.

Severian 08.14.2013 06:48 PM

Kendrick really is killing it right now. I've gotta say I prefer Section 80 to Good Kid (the cerebral always beats out the ethereal for me), but the more in listen to that album, the more I think it might be one of the most socially powerful hip hop records ever made. It tells a story, from the first person. It's not a good story, or a bad story, but it's true and common. Finally there's a rapper, born of gangsta stock, who understands that gangbangin in LA is not the ultimate meaningful existence. But he doesn't get all limp dick about it either.

And is anyone surprised that he's stealing the spotlight from Big Sean? I mean, I like the kid, but he is one boring ass rapper, and while he kicks out the occasionally badass verse, he's far from capable of being the star of even his own show.

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