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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.28.2016 12:56 AM

while Overlord Hillary is generally a dumbass narcissist "global nationalosm" is politicospeak for something similar to neo-Imperialism. and to be sure Putin is most definitely a worst class assholevand how he is somehow winning a global PR battle simply because many people are rightfully critical of American policies baffles my mind. its the definition of cutting off your nose just to spite your face!

greenlight 08.28.2016 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
while Overlord Hillary is generally a dumbass narcissist "global nationalosm" is politicospeak for something similar to neo-Imperialism. and to be sure Putin is most definitely a worst class assholevand how he is somehow winning a global PR battle simply because many people are rightfully critical of American policies baffles my mind. its the definition of cutting off your nose just to spite your face!

imperialism? he might be an asshole (probably is) and some sort of dictator (probably is), that is for sure, but he is definitely not as such a threat to the world like he is being described in mainstream media, espec. US.. instead NATO is building bases all around Russia criticising how aggressive they are. I do not know who the aggressor is. but NATO is definitely provocateur it seems and bit cheeky and definitely expanding, it is like poking bear with the stick. it is all game on people and part of propaganda that Russia is blamed for everything, which is stoopid. but maybe it is plan to bring conflict between west and Russia and China which would suck big time.

then when I see Larvov and Kerry in Geneva, how friendly they appear to be, it is just confusing. there is actually so much stuff in politics which doesn't make sense anymore....

greenlight 08.28.2016 04:11 AM


ilduclo 08.28.2016 09:28 AM

(trump and his handlers)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.28.2016 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by greenlight
imperialism? he might be an asshole (probably is) and some sort of dictator (probably is), that is for sure, but he is definitely not as such a threat to the world like he is being described in mainstream media, espec. US.. instead NATO is building bases all around Russia criticising how aggressive they are. I do not know who the aggressor is. but NATO is definitely provocateur it seems and bit cheeky and definitely expanding, it is like poking bear with the stick. it is all game on people and part of propaganda that Russia is blamed for everything, which is stoopid. but maybe it is plan to bring conflict between west and Russia and China which would suck big time.

then when I see Larvov and Kerry in Geneva, how friendly they appear to be, it is just confusing. there is actually so much stuff in politics which doesn't make sense anymore....

Putin has stolen Russia through open corruption, and has used a combination of coercion and corruption to force a Russian economic agenda all around the Eastern world. last time i checked waging wars in Ukraine and Syria are the definition of Imperialism, especially when these wars are connected with lucrative oil pipelines that are Russia's economic life blood.

I am not one to "blame Russia for everything" but it is foolish to somehow give Russia a pass for their national and international sins simply because their sins are less than America's or any other power.

Sure the US is pushing against Russia because of America's own neo-Imperialist agenda, BUT that somehow doesn't magically negate Russia's own neo-Imperialist interests globally.

And Russia isn't a threat to the world, but if you live in Ukraine or Syria right now, Russian military strikes are most definitely and existential threat.

dead_battery 08.28.2016 02:33 PM

its not so bad if we let russia have its oil pipelines because by the time it does most prole westerners will be living off batteries that last 30 years and power your whole house. we just got to let pooty poot get bogged down in this shit for a few more decades to keep him busy.

also at the rate he is having people murdered im sure someone will take him out or the whole shithouse will collapse. feel bad for the ruskies with their krokodil and vodka but at least they have eccentric sci fi billionaires i guess

greenlight 08.28.2016 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Putin has stolen Russia through open corruption, and has used a combination of coercion and corruption to force a Russian economic agenda all around the Eastern world. last time i checked waging wars in Ukraine and Syria are the definition of Imperialism, especially when these wars are connected with lucrative oil pipelines that are Russia's economic life blood.

I don't understand why nobody talks about wiki leaks on Sorors.

Soros-affiliated organizations are deeply connected to numerous color revolutions, the Arab Spring, and a number of other uprisings across the world. They have been intimately involved in the coup that took place in Ukraine, and subsequent ratcheting up of Cold War tensions with Russia.

The Soup Nazi 08.28.2016 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it's as if 8 years of Bush-Cheney had never happened for some people

For fuck's sakes here's a reminder of what got started there

-my pet goat
-valerie plame
-gog & magog (!!!)
-mission accomplished
-abu ghraib
-brownie is doing a heckuva job
-the great recession
etc etc

Before My Pet Goat came "Mr. President, could you please put down the Game Boy and read this shit?"



Drjohnrock 08.28.2016 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
i didn't intend for my snarky comment to come across as a personal attack. i was being sarcastic. My legit apologies on that one..

i just honestly can't understand how ANYONE even remotely read Trump's words as a veiled threat of violence. sure we have heard A LOT of outright frightening and inflammatory rhetoric from Republicans, but this particular example is just not one of them.

do you honestly believe i "haven't been paying attention" simply because i am being rightfully critical of the Democrats overreaction and exaggerating responses? what, should i just kowtow to the party line now and get it over with?

look, no one has been or will be more critical of Trump than myself, but i REFUSE to put on political blinders and wave the Democrats flag in every instance.

indeed it seems Trump's recent comments seem to be some kind of partisan political Rorschach Test, people will see what they want to

Apology accepted, SFAD. At the end of the day you're a good dude.

I made up my own mind about Trump's screed before reading any of the pundits' takes on it. And I don't feel obliged to always go along with Democratic spin. FWIW, a Republican or two also thought Drumpf was suggesting an OK Corral solution to that pesky Clinton woman.

Drjohnrock 08.28.2016 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

Maybe I should use an emoji in the future when making sarcastic comments so there's no misunderstanding. Sorry, SFAD, but you haven't caught me in a contradiction.

The Soup Nazi 08.28.2016 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
FWIW, a Republican or two also thought Drumpf was suggesting an OK Corral solution to that pesky Clinton woman.

YES, that's why I posted this!


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi


That old-timer in red got it right away, eh.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.29.2016 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
Apology accepted, SFAD. At the end of the day you're a good dude.

I made up my own mind about Trump's screed before reading any of the pundits' takes on it. And I don't feel obliged to always go along with Democratic spin. FWIW, a Republican or two also thought Drumpf was suggesting an OK Corral solution to that pesky Clinton woman.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Drjohnrock again.

The Soup Nazi 09.06.2016 05:00 PM

From The Washington Post:


Trump's history of corruption is mind-boggling. So why is Clinton supposedly the corrupt one?

In the heat of a presidential campaign, you’d think that a story about one party’s nominee giving a large contribution to a state attorney general who promptly shut down an inquiry into that nominee’s scam “university” would be enormous news. But we continue to hear almost nothing about what happened between Donald Trump and Florida attorney general Pam Bondi.

I raised this issue last week, but it’s worth an update as well as some contextualization. The story re-emerged last week when The Post’s David A. Fahrenthold reported that Trump paid a penalty to the IRS after his foundation made an illegal contribution to Bondi’s PAC. While the Trump organization characterizes that as a bureaucratic oversight, the basic facts are that Bondi’s office had received multiple complaints from Floridians who said they were cheated by Trump University; while they were looking into it and considering whether to join a lawsuit over Trump University filed by the attorney general of New York State, Bondi called Trump and asked him for a $25,000 donation; shortly after getting the check, Bondi’s office dropped the inquiry.

At this point we should note that everything here may be completely innocent. Perhaps Bondi didn’t realize her office was looking into Trump University. Perhaps the fact that Trump’s foundation made the contribution (which, to repeat, is illegal) was just a mix-up. Perhaps when Trump reimbursed the foundation from his personal account, he didn’t realize that’s not how the law works (the foundation would have to get its money back from Bondi’s PAC; he could then make a personal donation if he wanted). Perhaps Bondi’s decision not to pursue the case against Trump was perfectly reasonable.

But here’s the thing: We don’t know the answers to those questions, because almost nobody seems to be pursuing them.

For instance, there was only one mention of this story on any of the five Sunday shows, when John Dickerson asked Chris Christie about it on “Face the Nation“ (Christie took great umbrage: “I can’t believe, John, that anyone would insult Pam Bondi that way”). And the comparison with stories about Hillary Clinton’s emails or the Clinton Foundation is extremely instructive. Whenever we get some new development in any of those Clinton stories, you see blanket coverage — every cable network, every network news program, every newspaper investigates it at length. And even when the new information serves to exonerate Clinton rather than implicate her in wrongdoing, the coverage still emphasizes that the whole thing just “raises questions” about her integrity.

The big difference is that there are an enormous number of reporters who get assigned to write stories about those issues regarding Clinton. The story of something like the Clinton Foundation gets stretched out over months and months with repeated tellings, always with the insistence that questions are being raised and the implication that shady things are going on, even if there isn’t any evidence at a particular moment to support that idea.

When it comes to Trump, on the other hand, we’ve seen a very different pattern. Here’s what happens: A story about some kind of corrupt dealing emerges, usually from the dogged efforts of one or a few journalists; it gets discussed for a couple of days; and then it disappears. Someone might mention it now and again, but the news organizations don’t assign a squad of reporters to look into every aspect of it, so no new facts are brought to light and no new stories get written.

The end result of this process is that because of all that repeated examination of Clinton’s affairs, people become convinced that she must be corrupt to the core. It’s not that there isn’t plenty of negative coverage of Trump, because of course there is, but it’s focused mostly on the crazy things he says on any given day.

But the truth is that you’d have to work incredibly hard to find a politician who has the kind of history of corruption, double-dealing, and fraud that Donald Trump has. The number of stories which could potentially deserve hundreds and hundreds of articles is absolutely staggering. Here’s a partial list:
  • Trump’s casino bankruptcies, which left investors holding the bag while he skedaddled with their money
  • Trump’s habit of refusing to pay contractors who had done work for him, many of whom are struggling small businesses
  • The Trump Institute, another get-rich-quick scheme in which Trump allowed a couple of grifters to use his name to bilk people out of their money
  • The Trump Network, a multi-level marketing venture (a.k.a. pyramid scheme) that involved customers mailing in a urine sample which would be analyzed to produce for them a specially formulated package of multivitamins
  • Trump Model Management, which reportedly had foreign models lie to customs officials and work in the U.S. illegally, and kept them in squalid conditions while they earned almost nothing for the work they did
  • Trump’s employment of foreign guest workers at his resorts, which involves a claim that he can’t find Americans to do the work
  • Trump’s use of hundreds of undocumented workers from Poland in the 1980s, who were paid a pittance for their illegal work
  • Trump’s history of being charged with housing discrimination
  • Trump’s connections to mafia figures involved in New York construction
  • The time Trump paid the Federal Trade Commission $750,000 over charges that he violated anti-trust laws when trying to take over a rival casino company
  • The fact that Trump is now being advised by Roger Ailes, who was forced out as Fox News chief when dozens of women came forward to charge him with sexual harassment. According to the allegations, Ailes’s behavior was positively monstrous; as just one indicator, his abusive and predatory actions toward women were so well-known and so loathsome that in 1968 the morally upstanding folks in the Nixon administration refused to allow him to work there despite his key role in getting Nixon elected.
And that last one is happening right now. To repeat, the point is not that these stories have never been covered, because they have. The point is that they get covered briefly, then everyone in the media moves on. If any of these kinds of stories involved Clinton, news organizations would rush to assign multiple reporters to them, those reporters would start asking questions, and we’d learn more about all of them.

That’s important, because we may have reached a point where the frames around the candidates are locked in: Trump is supposedly the crazy/bigoted one, and Clinton is supposedly the corrupt one. Once we decide that those are the appropriate lenses through which the two candidates are to be viewed, it shapes the decisions the media make every day about which stories are important to pursue.

And it means that to a great extent, for all the controversy he has caused and all the unflattering stories in the press about him, Trump is still being let off the hook.

The Soup Nazi 09.06.2016 05:41 PM

Y'know, if I were HRC I'd show up to the first debate with this:


No country names, no colors, just the borders. When Donathan brings up Benghazi (and you know that's gonna happen pretty early), I'd hold it in front of him and go, "You seem very concerned about the situation in Libya. Could you please show us where Libya is in this map? No? Well, you're very preoccupied with Syrian immigrants being terrorists. Can you point at Syria in the map? You can't, huh. OK, let's make this easier — how about Saudi Arabia? ...Sheesh. Alright, can you show us where GERMANY is? No, you imbecile, that's France!"

Of course, the next day all the talk would be about "me" being an elitist meanie belittling Real America's candidate, poor thing he's never been in a presidential debate before, but heck wouldn't it be awesome to have a beer with him...

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2016 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Y'know, if I were HRC I'd show up to the first debate with this:


No country names, no colors, just the borders. When Donathan brings up Benghazi (and you know that's gonna happen pretty early), I'd hold it in front of him and go, "You seem very concerned about the situation in Libya. Could you please show us where Libya is in this map? No? Well, you're very preoccupied with Syrian immigrants being terrorists. Can you point at Syria in the map? You can't, huh. OK, let's make this easier — how about Saudi Arabia? ...Sheesh. Alright, can you show us where GERMANY is? No, you imbecile, that's France!"

Of course, the next day all the talk would be about "me" being an elitist meanie belittling Real America's candidate, poor thing he's never been in a presidential debate before, but heck wouldn't it be awesome to have a beer with him...

Overlord Hillary probably scared that even after being the most travelled Secretary of State in American history that she would also fail a similar test

The Soup Nazi 09.06.2016 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Overlord Hillary probably scared that even after being the most travelled Secretary of State in American history that she would also fail a similar test

I highly doubt that.

!@#$%! 09.06.2016 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
I highly doubt that.

he wants to resurrect selassie and make him emperor of the world you understand

everything else will come up short

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2016 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
he wants to resurrect selassie and make him emperor of the world you understand

everything else will come up short

haha don't be sassy at me because all the candidates in American election suck ;)

plus in an election where people have called for various movie characters or a meteorite apocalypse certainly a well respected historical world leader even resurrected would certainly be an improvement

!@#$%! 09.06.2016 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
haha don't be sassy at me because all the candidates in American election suck ;)

plus in an election where people have called for various movie characters or a meteorite apocalypse certainly a well respected historical world leader even resurrected would certainly be an improvement

i'm just putting your pointless comments into context so that people don't wrongly assume you're supporting a "better" candidate when in reality you're just trolling

"people have" always said something or another so any claims can be claimed in support of your sophistry

most voters aren't really partisan--they're just looking to make rational tradeoffs to solve practical problems

you're just making fun of those who give a shit about this election--you're making high-sounding statements and pretending to be serious but you're just trolling

this is evident from the "number of fucks [you] give" but some of your victims still don't get it

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2016 10:20 PM

im not trolling shit and until your conceited ass figures it out you will always look as silly as this election

!@#$%! 09.06.2016 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
im not trolling shit and until your conceited ass figures it out you will always look as silly as this election

it's not "this election" for you--you reject every election!

the rest is pretense

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2016 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it's not "this election" for you--you reject every election!

the rest is pretense

ah so i see you HAVE being paying attention. so keep up, i have criticized and dismissed the past three elections that i have been posting on SYG yes, but for very serious reasons not petulant trolling. however you never want to have a serious discussion about these reasons because they disagree with your whole ideological approach. instead you like to practice the political bullying that is the hallmark of American politics, to try and antagonize your political opposition in order to try and minimize the weight of their criticisms. however you can accuse me of trolling all you like it doesn't erase the sad reality that i criticize. if it makes you feel better to ignore what is behind the curtain go ahead, indeed i understand you, many immigrants want to try so hard to believe in the American myths and metanarratives.. many immigrants always antagonize Americans for being critical of America. yet the irony is i criticize my country like you criticized your own enough to expatriate. i know my country well, so i speak freely about it and my expectations for it. indeed i haven't left yet

!@#$%! 09.06.2016 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
ah so i see you HAVE being paying attention. so keep up, i have criticized and dismissed the past three elections that i have been posting on SYG yes, but for very serious reasons not petulant trolling. however you never want to have a serious discussion about these reasons because they disagree with your whole ideological approach. instead you like to practice the political bullying that is the hallmark of American politics, to try and antagonize your political opposition in order to try and minimize the weight of their criticisms. however you can accuse me of trolling all you like it doesn't erase the sad reality that i criticize. if it makes you feel better to ignore what is behind the curtain go ahead, indeed i understand you, many immigrants want to try so hard to believe in the American myths and metanarratives.. many immigrants always antagonize Americans for being critical of America. yet the irony is i criticize my country like you criticized your own enough to expatriate. i know my country well, so i speak freely about it and my expectations for it. indeed i haven't left yet

but you make it like it's "this election" and "that election" and "three elections" rather than ALL elections. you reject the electoral system as a whole but play it like you actually care about them and are just disappointed with the choices

a communist or an anarchist will also reject elections but they will be clear and upfront about it and say what they stand for

you just throw the rock and hide the hand though

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2016 11:14 PM

i don't play to care just because i support my criticism of the electoral process with substantive criticism of the political system. see the problem with you is you WANT me to be trolling because then you don't have to address any of my criticisms election after election. you always try to paint me with the troll brush because frankly you have always been unable to support your own political ideology outright and on its own merits and not in comparison to someone else. see, i am not hiding shit, everyone here knows who i am and what i believe in and why i don't support those things i am against. you know it too. instead of proving your own points you would rather attack my character, a textbook fallacy. i am comfortable with my political beliefs, values, and choices and i don't feel the need to apologize for them and antagonize your own to somehow legitimize my own. if you are that comfortable with your own the cool, maybe after TWELVE FUCKING YEARS and six elections on sYG you and I can have a substantive conversation.

!@#$%! 09.06.2016 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
i don't play to care just because i support my criticism of the electoral process with substantive criticism of the political system. see the problem with you is you WANT me to be trolling because then you don't have to address any of my criticisms election after election. you always try to paint me with the troll brush because frankly you have always been unable to support your own political ideology outright and on its own merits and not in comparison to someone else. see, i am not hiding shit, everyone here knows who i am and what i believe in and why i don't support those things i am against. you know it too. instead of proving your own points you would rather attack my character, a textbook fallacy. i am comfortable with my political beliefs, values, and choices and i don't feel the need to apologize for them and antagonize your own to somehow legitimize my own. if you are that comfortable with your own the cool, maybe after TWELVE FUCKING YEARS and six elections on sYG you and I can have a substantive conversation.

no, you're trolling because you dissemble. you're like "oh, hillary, no good" as if it was hillary with no context--hilary vs. utopia. if only we didn't have her, we'd have utopia!

you criticize both candidates but you don't say what you're for---if you did there'd be a real debate, like-- theocracy vs. representative democracy, or whatever. but you don't, all you do is throw rocks.

so yes after 12 years and 6 elections i know you're for throwing rocks but i've never seen you explicity stand for any political system or ideology or pragmatic stance of any sort. but here we are now, entertain us.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2016 11:42 PM

that is the fundamental flaw in your own ideological approach, you think it always has to be an issue of comparison or having an alternative. there is space in politics simply for honest dissent and open criticism. indeed its silly because you can dismiss my criticisms all you'd like, it doesn't make the concrete reality that they address also just dematerialize and vanish.

me? i concede reality and go back to criticism. i could careless if its Trump or Hillary, once the dog and pony show is over i can go back to criticism. indeed its a core tenet of democracy, that constituents don't drink the kool aid

!@#$%! 09.07.2016 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
that is the fundamental flaw in your own ideological approach, you think it always has to be an issue of comparison or having an alternative. there is space in politics simply for honest dissent and open criticism. indeed its silly because you can dismiss my criticisms all you'd like, it doesn't make the concrete reality that they address also just dematerialize and vanish.

me? i concede reality and go back to criticism. i could careless if its Trump or Hillary, once the dog and pony show is over i can go back to criticism. indeed its a core tenet of democracy, that constituents don't drink the kool aid

of course there's a space in politics for honest dissent and open criticism-- and that's my criticism of you-- your criticism is dishonest and your dissent is hidden. you don't say where it comes from, or what you stand for, you just say shit like "overlord hillary" and ooh, great accomplishment, random words.

see, a maoist will say that they don't support elections under capitalism because they're a distraction from a necessary revolution. an islamist will say that this is a godless system. a libertarian might say that they don't support big government. and so on and so forth.

take for example chomsky-- a long-time respected critic of the american system. he's an anarcho-syndicalist. if you ask him what he'll stand for, he will tell you. you can consider what he proposes when he denounces what we have, so that you can put his comments into perspective.

but you don't say what you're for, or what is the good that you oppose against the bad you claim to reject. you're just playing games for your self-satisfaction.

ilduclo 09.07.2016 10:03 AM

a good article on the less informed, but still HIGHLY CRITICAL demographic here,

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.07.2016 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
of course there's a space in politics for honest dissent and open criticism-- and that's my criticism of you-- your criticism is dishonest and your dissent is hidden. you don't say where it comes from, or what you stand for, you just say shit like "overlord hillary" and ooh, great accomplishment, random words.

see, a maoist will say that they don't support elections under capitalism because they're a distraction from a necessary revolution. an islamist will say that this is a godless system. a libertarian might say that they don't support big government. and so on and so forth.

take for example chomsky-- a long-time respected critic of the american system. he's an anarcho-syndicalist. if you ask him what he'll stand for, he will tell you. you can consider what he proposes when he denounces what we have, so that you can put his comments into perspective.

look i understand it seems to be your core philosophy that people must be in partisan groups in order for you to believe in their sincerity but i think that is nonsense. people can have a critical perspective without being partisan. its a basic principle of political science, that we can analyze even games where we have no invested interests.


but you don't say what you're for, or what is the good that you oppose against the bad you claim to reject. you're just playing games for your self-satisfaction.

nope, but again i find it cute that you always dismiss my perspective as if i was playing games simply because i don't play YOUR game. its ok !@#$!, you can share your toys too

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.07.2016 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
of course there's a space in politics for honest dissent and open criticism-- and that's my criticism of you-- your criticism is dishonest and your dissent is hidden. you don't say where it comes from, or what you stand for, you just say shit like "overlord hillary" and ooh, great accomplishment, random words.

see, a maoist will say that they don't support elections under capitalism because they're a distraction from a necessary revolution. an islamist will say that this is a godless system. a libertarian might say that they don't support big government. and so on and so forth.

take for example chomsky-- a long-time respected critic of the american system. he's an anarcho-syndicalist. if you ask him what he'll stand for, he will tell you. you can consider what he proposes when he denounces what we have, so that you can put his comments into perspective.

look i understand it seems to be your core philosophy that people must be in partisan groups in order for you to believe in their sincerity but i think that is nonsense. people can have a critical perspective without being partisan. its a basic principle of political science, that we can analyze even games where we have no invested interests.


but you don't say what you're for, or what is the good that you oppose against the bad you claim to reject. you're just playing games for your self-satisfaction.

nope, but again i find it cute that you always dismiss my perspective as if i was playing games simply because i don't play YOUR game. its ok !@#$!, you can share your toys too

dead_battery 09.07.2016 11:49 AM

biden 2016

The Soup Nazi 09.07.2016 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
i could careless if its Trump or Hillary


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.07.2016 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

its true. sure, i don't want Trump because it would give the racist/bigot constituents a false sense of mandate BUT in all reality we all know it won't change much about actual policy

ilduclo 09.07.2016 12:49 PM

well, that's the dumbest thing I've read in a looooong time

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.07.2016 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
well, that's the dumbest thing I've read in a looooong time

is it? what exactly could Trump actually do aside from all his empty bluster? besides its a non-option anyway, i predict Democrats clean sweep of Congress, Senate, state legislatures, and even governors..

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.07.2016 01:15 PM

mitt romney, an otherwise adult and crntrist candidate with national bipartisan support couldn't beat one of the most divisive incumbent presidents in the modern era. indeed Obama had most staunch relection numbers of past fifty years! if mitt couldnt win Trump will be absolutely roasted, probably carry about the same 35% he has maintained since summer of 2015

!@#$%! 09.07.2016 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
look i understand it seems to be your core philosophy that people must be in partisan groups in order for you to believe in their sincerity but i think that is nonsense. people can have a critical perspective without being partisan. its a basic principle of political science, that we can analyze even games where we have no invested interests.

this isn't about partisanship. any perspective requires a point of view. you simply hide yours to place yourself beyond the reach of the criticism you claim to practice. all you do is throw rocks from a convenient spot where nobody can throw them back at you.

and of course you continue to dissemble while you pretend to refute this


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
mitt romney, an otherwise adult and crntrist candidate with national bipartisan support couldn't beat one of the most divisive incumbent presidents in the modern era. indeed Obama had most staunch relection numbers of past fifty years! if mitt couldnt win Trump will be absolutely roasted, probably carry about the same 35% he has maintained since summer of 2015

must be great to know the future with such certainty and without trace of doubt. you could get a great gig in either wall street or las vegas. what are you waiting for?

while probabilities are still clearly in favor of hilary, the election is 9 weeks away and anything from a russian propaganda to something more sinister could definitely shift the probabilities in the other directon

and elections have consequences

electing a born-again who'd launch a crazy crusade against "gog and magog" while giving 300 bucks to every taxpayer had enormous consequences for the middle east and the domestic budget and many social programs

then obama made it possible for me and millions of others to get good health insurance without having to be a corporate employee. thanks obama!

next, of course a white nationalist presidency would be a clusterfuck that would unleash a myriad untold consequences. and i can't predict the future, but i just don't like those odds.

!@#$%! 09.07.2016 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
a good article on the less informed, but still HIGHLY CRITICAL demographic here,

that was a great piece-- so well written, and a breath of fresh air. i'll be reading it again soon

thanks for posting the link!

!@#$%! 09.07.2016 03:19 PM

and speaking of great pieces, and elections having consequences, here's paul krugman from earlier this year:

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.07.2016 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
this isn't about partisanship. any perspective requires a point of view. you simply hide yours to place yourself beyond the reach of the criticism you claim to practice. all you do is throw rocks from a convenient spot where nobody can throw them back at you.

i KNOW you are smarter than this. for example, can we criticize a different nation's politics without necessarily supporting on side or another? yes, of course we can. criticism doesn't require offering a viable alternative. sure that would be nice but its not available for every situation even if there is certainly room for criticism in every situation.
and of course you continue to dissemble while you pretend to refute this


must be great to know the future with such certainty and without trace of doubt. you could get a great gig in either wall street or las vegas. what are you waiting for?

its not magic, doesn't require psychic powers or Biff's Almanac. anyone paying any attention to the political trends of past several years can easily make similar predictions, indeed almost every forecast and analysis all agree with my prediction. but you know this already, you do your homework, hence why your arguing with me about it is simply a petty personality contest and frankly i thought you were more mature than that.


while probabilities are still clearly in favor of hilary, the election is 9 weeks away and anything from a russian propaganda to something more sinister could definitely shift the probabilities in the other directon

it would take something entirely unforeseen such as a mass terror attack or Katrina level natural disaster to cause a 20% shift in votes and indeed if such occurs i doubt "politics as usual" would prevent it anyway!


and elections have consequences

electing a born-again who'd launch a crazy crusade against "gog and magog" while giving 300 bucks to every taxpayer had enormous consequences for the middle east and the domestic budget and many social programs

sure but that implies Trump can win which every realistic projection suggests is almost impossible with the current trends.


then obama made it possible for me and millions of others to get good health insurance without having to be a corporate employee. thanks obama!

meanwhile millions are still left uncovered because of gaps and what is worse because Obamacare punked out of providing an actual government provided plan OR by giving the Federal Insurance Office the same override power that state insurance commissions have over insurance rates to prevent gauging. meanwhile insurance rates for many Americans have doubled or more essentially for no reason aside from lacking regulatory power or from state commissioners caving to insurance companies making healthcare increasingly out of reach for those Americans who are NOT eligible for Obamacare subsidies..


next, of course a white nationalist presidency would be a clusterfuck that would unleash a myriad untold consequences. and i can't predict the future, but i just don't like those odds.

i agreed completely that it would be a terrible mandate for the racist/bigot component of America BUT come on we all know that federal government power are greatly limited by the "checks and balances" for good if someone like trump is elected, for worse when a president like Obama is greatly limited

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