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Skuj 04.13.2020 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
You're an idiot. He banned Chinese nationals coming in and that was it. Meanwhile Americans were still able to fly in and out of China. All the while shit was hitting the fan in Europe but he didn't say anything about that until a bit later because, like you, he's an idiot

Yes, this is a big part of today's Propaganda Briefing. He's on the offensive, rewriting history.

I think I may link a few more of his March tweets, for Bytor et al.

Skuj 04.13.2020 05:25 PM

Even by Trump's "standards", this briefing today is unreal. So many lies. A complete and utter trainwreck.

The Soup Nazi 04.13.2020 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Even by Trump's "standards", this briefing today is unreal. So many lies. A complete and utter trainwreck.

Doesn't matter, dude, it got RATINGS! You got facts? Pffft, don't mean shit if they ain't got no ratings. You got truth? Nah, ya gotta spice it up to get ratings. You Obama-types don't know how to whip up them ratings. And ratings rule above all! HEIL RATINGS!

Bytor Peltor 04.13.2020 06:48 PM



According to Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai (MIT PHD)......maybe he should???

Skuj 04.13.2020 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Doesn't matter, dude, it got RATINGS! You got facts? Pffft, don't mean shit if they ain't got no ratings. You got truth? Nah, ya gotta spice it up to get ratings. You Obama-types don't know how to whip up them ratings. And ratings rule above all! HEIL RATINGS!


I mean, his ratings angle is bad enough, but this fucking video, at what is supposed to be a crisis briefing, ....every-time I think I have seen Trump at his lowest, he manages to sink even lower.

Bytor Peltor 04.14.2020 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
but this fucking video

The President TRUMP CNN Beatdown

Because some people can’t handle the TRUTH!!!


h8kurdt 04.14.2020 02:05 AM

What does that have to do with what I said? Let ma ask you-do you think Trump has so far handled this situation well?

Diesel 04.14.2020 05:10 AM

President Trump this week revealed yet another subject matter in which he claims to have expertise: drones and drone technology.

"I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have."

The big picture:*President Trump says he's an expert on a lot of things, including ISIS, taxes, technology, nuclear arms and even Sen. Cory Booker.

Campaign finance:*"I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)

TV ratings:*"I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)

ISIS:*"I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)

Social media:*"I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)

Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)

Lawsuits:*"[W]ho knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)

Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody.

"The visa system:*"[N]obody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)

Trade:*"Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)

The U.S. government system: "[N]obody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)

Renewable energy:*"I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth."*(April 2016.)

Taxes:*"I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)

Debt:*"I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)

Money:*"I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)

Infrastructure:*"[L]ook, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)

Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)

Borders:*Trump said in 2016*that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody.

"Democrats:*"I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)

Construction:*"[N]obody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)

The economy:*"I think I know about it better than [the Federal Reserve]." (October 2018.)

Technology:*"Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)

Drones:*"I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)

Drone technology:*"Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do."*(January 2019.)

_tunic_ 04.14.2020 06:22 AM

From : erm=cs


Obama Administration OPENLY WARNED Trump transition team about pandemic preparednes

Ray S. Cline
Washington, DC, United States

APR 14, 2020 —

On Friday, Jan. 13, 2017, The outgoing Obama Administration OPENLY WARNED the Trump transition team about pandemic preparedness.

The outgoing Obama team runs the Trump transition team through a series of pandemic-scenarios. The transition documents, obtained by POLITICO, show that the purpose of the exercise is to familiarize the incoming team with “domestic incident management policy and practices” in the face of major crises.

Key takeaways from the exercise include: (1) a collective understanding of the science and the disease must drive response decisions; (2) days and even hours are paramount in order to build as much lead time as possible; (3) a coordinated and unified national response and message is necessary; and (4) “medical countermeasure strategy is key for success,” including social distancing and addressing shortages in ventilators and personal protective equipment.

Trump administration attendees include: Steven Mnuchin, Rep. Mike Pompeo, Wilbur Ross, Betsy DeVos, Dr. Ben Carson, Elaine Chao, Stephen Miller, Marc Short, Reince Priebus (resigned), Rex Tillerson (fired), Gen. James Mattis (fired), Rep. Ryan Zinke (resigned), Sen. Jeff Sessions (resigned), Sen. Dan Coats (fired), Andrew Puzder (not confirmed), Dr. Tom Price (resigned), Gov. Rick Perry (resigned), Dr. David Shulkin (fired), Gen. John Kelly (resigned), Rep. Mick Mulvaney, Linda McMahon (resigned), Sean Spicer (fired), Joe Hagin (resigned), Joshua Pitcock (resigned), Tom Bossert (fired), KT McFarland (resigned), Gen. Michael Flynn (awaiting criminal sentencing), Gary Cohn (resigned), Katie Walsh (resigned), and Rick Dearborn (resigned).

h8kurdt 04.14.2020 08:38 AM


A lot. A lot! And in fact, we’ll give you a list. We did a lot. Look, you know you’re a fake. You know that. Your whole network, the way you cover it is fake. And most of you—not all of you—but the people are wise to you. That’s why you have a lower approval rating then you’ve ever had before times, probably, three. And when you ask me that question—let me ask you this. Why did Biden apologize? Why did he write a letter of apology? That’s very important. Why did the Democrats think I acted too quickly? You know why? Because they really thought that I acted too quickly. We have done a great job.

Imagine being such a thin-skinned pussy and go on a tirade like this all because a journalist wanted to know what he did in February to prepare for all this. Honestly, my four year nephew is more eloquent than this moron.

!@#$%! 04.14.2020 01:19 PM

Cronies, cranks and the coronavirus

Paul Krugman
April 14, 2020

By Paul Krugman
Opinion Columnist

Trying to predict Trump administration actions really is like Kremlinology, updated for the age of social media. There’s clearly no formal policy process; Donald Trump acts on impulse and intuition, often shaped either by whoever he last met or what he last saw on Fox News, making no use of the vast expertise he could call on if he were willing to listen. Those of us on the outside, and from all accounts, even many people within the administration try to infer what’s coming next from tweets and statements by people presumed to be in favor at the moment.

So what does Trumplinology suggest right now? That Trump really, really wants to end the economy’s lockdown very soon. Early Monday Trump tweeted out an assertion that he has the power to overrule state governors who have imposed lockdown orders — which suggests that we may have a constitutional crisis brewing, because as far as anybody knows he has no such power. Meanwhile, in an interview with The New York Times, Peter Navarro, Trump’s trade czar, argued that a weak economy might kill more people than the virus.

The thing is, as far as I can tell epidemiologists are united in the belief that it’s far too soon to be considering any relaxation of social distancing. The lockdowns across America do seem to have flattened the curve, allowing us to avoid — just — completely overwhelming the health care system. New cases may have peaked. But you don’t want to let up until you’re in a position to do so without giving the pandemic a second wave. And we’re nowhere close to that point.

So where’s this coming from? I’ve seen some people portray it as a conflict between epidemiologists and economists, but that’s all wrong. Serious economists know what they don’t know — they recognize and respect experts from other disciplines. A survey of economists found almost unanimous support for “tolerating a very large contraction in economic activity until the spread of infections has dropped significantly.”

No, this push to reopen is coming not from economists but from cranks and cronies. That is, it’s coming on one side from people who may describe themselves as economists but whom the professionals consider cranks — people like Navarro or Stephen Moore, who Trump tried unsuccessfully to appoint to the Federal Reserve Board. And on the other, it’s coming from business types with close ties to Trump who suffer from billionaire’s disease — the tendency to assume that just because you’re rich you’re also smarter than anyone else, even in areas like epidemiology (or, dare I say it, macroeconomics) that require a great deal of technical expertise.

And Trump, of course, who was planning to run on the strength of the economy, desperately wants to wish the coronavirus away.

The reality is that we shouldn’t consider opening the economy until we have both reduced infections dramatically and vastly increased testing, so we can crack down quickly on any potential re-emergence.

The good news is that many governors seem to understand that, and that Trump probably can’t override their better judgment. The bad news is that America’s governors — who are turning out, on the whole, to be better than we deserve — are having to fight a two-front war. Not only are they having to fight a deadly disease, they’re having to fend off a national leader who is doing all he can to sabotage their efforts.

Skuj 04.14.2020 09:48 PM

I've unignored you!!

Would you laugh if I told you that I agree with every single one of those CNN banners? I watched that shitshow yesterday. What does one expect to happen at a briefing when they BEGIN with that propaganda video, and Fauci falling onto his sword? Fuck I'm so glad that I live in Canada. Watch a Trudeau briefing.

Bytor Peltor 04.15.2020 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
What does that have to do with what I said? Let ma ask you-do you think Trump has so far handled this situation well?

h8kurdt, are you looking for someone to blame?

Have you absolved yourself of the situation while at the same time you’re looking to punish others?

If so, you’re not alone!

A daily glance at Drudge Report has headline after headline blaming Donald Trump. Blaming the President or the Democrats DOESN’T help the situation!!

More importantly, does it help you???

Being out of a job, furloughed, or stuck working for half pay......are these things improved by blaming it on someone else!

The biggest complaint is President Trump could have responded sooner, possibly saving lives?

Depending on where you live, America is currently between week 3 & 4 of the pandemic lockdown:

15 MILLION jobs lost

experts are expecting the economy to contract by 40%

and the stock market may lose 60-80% of it’s value and we’re just a month in......this is only the beginning!!!

Can you imagine the backlash if President Trump would have made the decision to shut down the economy back in January? Possibly America’s death toll would be lower, our hospitals and medical staff less taxed, but we would still be on lockdown with another 30-60 days of quarantine facing us......and this would still be a global pandemic!!!

Everyone should be receiving their stimulus checks this week. Two trillion in stimulus and the Federal Reserve has pumped 4 trillion into our economy......but we didn’t start this until a month ago. Just think of all those needy and hungry individuals if everything was shut down in January. How many times over can a stimulus package keep everything afloat? I’m not trying to be cold and callous, but holding off on shutting everything down, even by a few weeks, has helped keep us out of a deepest depression the world has ever seen.

YES - I think President Trump has done a decent job. However, and more importantly, I believe he is the right person to lead us out of this great mess.

h8kurdt 04.15.2020 06:34 AM

I'm dubious at how much help the one off stimulus money will give to people. Most people will be using it to pay off that month's bills and then what happens next month? They're back to square one. It's all well and good the idea of people investing their money, or spending it on whatever they want but it won't work like that

Holding off doing a lockdown is why this mess is going to drag for a lot longer than it could do. It's also why the incoming depression is going to be even worse than it has ever been. We've said it before and it still holds. For you Trump will never do wrong no matter how many times he's shown to be a narcissistic knuckledragger.

Anyway, king moron tweeted this today
"Tell the Democrat Governors that “Mutiny On The Bounty” was one of my all time favorite movies. A good old fashioned mutiny every now and then is an exciting and invigorating thing to watch, especially when the mutineers need so much from the Captain. Too easy!"

Confirmed for having never seen the film if he sees that captain as the hero.

h8kurdt 04.15.2020 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
h8kurdt, are you looking for someone to blame?

Have you absolved yourself of the situation while at the same time you’re looking to punish others?

If so, you’re not alone!

A daily glance at Drudge Report has headline after headline blaming Donald Trump. Blaming the President or the Democrats DOESN’T help the situation!!

More importantly, does it help you???

Being out of a job, furloughed, or stuck working for half pay......are these things improved by blaming it on someones.

Coming from a person who has spent years blaming Obama and then Clinton for anything he can think of this is laughable.

!@#$%! 04.15.2020 10:09 AM

George Conway: Trump will never be able to accept that the presidency doesn’t belong to him

A photographer wearing a face mask is in the foreground as President Trump speaks during Monday's White House press briefing on the coronavirus. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

Among Donald Trump’s many flaws as president is one that’s as fundamental as any: He simply doesn’t understand his job. When he ran a private company, one he owned, Trump could command all its constituent parts to do his bidding and make the rules himself. You’d think by his fourth year in the White House, he would have learned that the presidency doesn’t work that way. But obviously he hasn’t.

Trump made this clear during his briefing Monday, with an extraordinary series of statements about presidential power — well, perhaps extraordinary for anyone but him. Referring to restrictions that states have imposed to fight covid-19, Trump claimed: “The authority of the president of the United States having to do with the subject we’re talking about, the authority is total, and that’s the way it’s got to be. … It’s total. The governors know that.”

In other words, he claims the power to force the entire country to back to work, regardless of what state or local officials say. “They can’t do anything without the approval of the president of the United States,” Trump asserted. “I have the ultimate authority,” he said.

“Who told you that?” a reporter asked; Trump wouldn’t say. And no doubt, couldn’t: No competent presidential adviser would tell him that. Certainly no lawyer.

It’s no excuse for Trump that he’s not a lawyer, and that, as conservative commentator Andrew C. McCarthy put it, Trump “frequently gets out over his skis when he discusses constitutional law” — that, indeed, he “mangles” it. Trump took a solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. After his years in the job, he ought to know something about that document.

Particularly as a supposed “conservative,” Trump ought to know something about the relationship between the federal government and the states. For decades, if not centuries, conservatives — not just the conservative lawyers Trump seeks to put on the bench, but non-lawyers — have harped on the importance of the 10th Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” In our federal system, the states aren’t under Washington’s control, the way a corporate subsidiary might be owned by, say, the Trump Organization.

But it’s not just federalism that Trump misapprehends. It’s grade-school-level civics that the president carries out laws, not his whims or desires, however laudatory or popular they might be. The very Article II that he has claimed gives him “the right to do whatever I want as president,” actually says something quite different: not only that “he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” but also that, if he needs authority to do something for the good of the country, he should go to Congress, “and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” Faithfully executing the law means not only enforcing it but also abiding by it — including its limitations.

And there’s no exception for emergencies. Law students studying the Constitution — and plenty of middle and high school students of U.S. government and history as well — learn about the Supreme Court’s famous “Steel seizure case,” Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer. In April 1952, the nation was at war, in Korea, and the nation’s steelworkers went on strike. Having tried unsuccessfully to mediate between the workers and the steel companies, President Harry S. Truman issued an executive order directing the commerce secretary to take immediate control of most of the nation’s steel mills. The steel companies challenged the order, and within a month, the case was in the Supreme Court.

Truman lost, even though the country was at war, even though steel procurement was essential to the prosecution of the war, and even though the Constitution made him, as president, commander in chief of the armed forces. The Supreme Court’s majority opinion was written by Justice Hugo L. Black, then the court’s leading textually oriented conservative.

Black wrote: “The President’s power, if any, to issue the order must stem either from an act of Congress or from the Constitution.” There was no enabling act of Congress — the government didn’t even cite one, and, in fact, Congress had once rejected a proposal that would have allowed emergency government seizures to settle labor disputes. And as for the Constitution, the court found that nothing in Article II, the article on the presidency, provided for the seizure. “In the framework of our Constitution, the President’s power to see that the laws are faithfully executed refutes the idea that he is to be a lawmaker,” Black explained. "The president’s order does not direct that a congressional policy be executed in a manner prescribed by Congress — it directs that a presidential policy be executed in a manner prescribed by the President.” For that reason, the court concluded, “this seizure order cannot stand.”

Trump would do well to learn these basic tenets of American constitutional law, if only because it’s his job to follow them, and because doing so would make him a more effective president. But Trump still thinks that he, alone, has ultimate authority to call all the shots — much as he did on the 25th floor of Trump Tower. And it’ll never be otherwise. Because the one thing Trump will never be able to accept about the exalted office he holds is that, unlike his company, it doesn’t belong to him.

Skuj 04.15.2020 11:59 AM

There sure is a lot of revisionist history in this thread, and coming from Team Trump. Luckily, we have his own tweets and his own words on film that we can look back on whenever we are told the complete lies regarding his covid response/preparations that we are now hearing. I might link some of that here, but what would the point be, really? I won't convince the Trumpists.

I don't know if the WHO has made big mistakes or not, but I won't listen to a single word that Team Trump says about it. Blaming others, including the WHO, Obama, the Fake News, China, etc etc is what Trump does best. Trump has been POTUS for 38 months, right? At what point does blaming Obama cease to work, even for Trumpists?

Bytor Peltor 04.15.2020 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I don't know if the WHO has made big mistakes or not

Candace Owen tweet

The fact that vaccine-criminal Bill Gates and the Left are going absolutely insane about the defunding of @WHO, is about all the proof we need to know that @realDonaldTrump did the right thing.

Now defund the United Nations.

Bill Gates Agenda In India Exposed By Robert Kennedy Jr

h8kurdt 04.15.2020 02:57 PM

If the left disagree with him then he must be right. Nice brain he's got there.

Bytor Peltor 04.15.2020 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
If the left disagree with him then he must be right.

Speaking of, isn’t it odd how “they” are no longer angry at racist President Trump for NOT ALLOWING the caravans into if they ever cared!!!


Skuj 04.15.2020 03:53 PM

I stopped reading after "vaccine criminal"......

Skuj 04.15.2020 03:54 PM

Fuck it. Bytor on ignore again.

I tried. But....I....I just can't stand it.

Bytor Peltor 04.15.2020 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I stopped reading after "vaccine criminal"......

And totally ignored:

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Sticking your head back in the sand is probably where it best belongs!

choc e-Claire 04.15.2020 04:56 PM

Apparently Trump is delaying the stimulus cheques so he can make the IRS print his name on them. Because jesus christ, what's decades of societal precedent when you're the king?

!@#$%! 04.15.2020 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Fuck it. Bytor on ignore again.

I tried. But....I....I just can't stand it.


slept with dogs, woke up with fleas? :D

!@#$%! 04.15.2020 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Apparently Trump is delaying the stimulus cheques so he can make the IRS print his name on them. Because jesus christ, what's decades of societal precedent when you're the king?

it’s not apparent, it’s happening

once the mobile deposit clears you can wipe your ass with it though

Skuj 04.15.2020 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

slept with dogs, woke up with fleas? :D

I felt dirty after seeing (parts of) those posts. I took a shower. Now Bill Gates is one of the demons. Where does it ever end with these idiots?

!@#$%! 04.15.2020 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I felt dirty after seeing (parts of) those posts. I took a shower. Now Bill Gates is one of the demons. Where does it ever end with these idiots?

end? never

their imbecility knows no bounds

!@#$%! 04.15.2020 07:34 PM

drunk as a skunk

!@#$%! 04.15.2020 09:25 PM


guest 04.15.2020 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
And totally ignored:

Sticking your head back in the sand is probably where it best belongs!

bytor I know there's no point saying this but everything on that website is conspiracy theorist jargon? like just look with a slightly critical lens at the stuff you're putting forward as fact because this is beyond absurd.

I don't understand why you're looking to shift blame when the fact of the matter is that tens of thousands of people have died (and will continue to die) because of basic mismanagement/ignorance and a reliance on these exact bullshit theories you're peddling to deflect culpability and ignore the reality that's being wrought upon your country.

vaccines are at this point entirely irrelevant, the only thing that matters is that there is wide-scale death that could've been easily avoided had 'mr trump' been actually willing to confront reality in a meaningful (or indeed any) way, which he has resolutely failed to do.

Skuj 04.15.2020 11:36 PM

I find it amazing that we have Trump's tweets and speeches throughout Feb/Mar, which clearly shows how he minimized/dismissed everything important related to Covid, and yet the Trumpists will somehow overlook this. But the evidence is there, and it cannot be erased with lies and conspiracy theories. And I hope, come election time, the Dems will play those films and show those tweets, with the associated dates. Because maybe 10% of the Trumpists will see what has happened? 3%? Ok...ok....I'm fucking dreaming.

Bytor Peltor 04.16.2020 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by guest
bytor I know there's no point saying this but everything on that website is conspiracy theorist jargon? like just look with a slightly critical lens at the stuff you're putting forward as fact because this is beyond absurd.

I don't understand why you're looking to shift blame when the fact of the matter is that tens of thousands of people have died (and will continue to die) because of basic mismanagement/ignorance and a reliance on these exact bullshit theories you're peddling to deflect culpability and ignore the reality that's being wrought upon your country.

vaccines are at this point entirely irrelevant, the only thing that matters is that there is wide-scale death that could've been easily avoided had 'mr trump' been actually willing to confront reality in a meaningful (or indeed any) way, which he has resolutely failed to do.

First post at SYG in a month, other than Democratic Primaries, first post in Non-Sonics since February. Quoting this before you have opportunity to delete it......the TRUTH is coming!

!@#$%! 04.16.2020 12:54 AM

malignant idiot lying for a malignant narcissist

Bytor Peltor 04.16.2020 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
malignant idiot lying for a malignant narcissist

Speaking of......


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
drunk as a skunk

And you told everyone you had me on ignore

You Can’t Quit Me, !@#$%!

h8kurdt 04.16.2020 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
First post at SYG in a month, other than Democratic Primaries, first post in Non-Sonics since February. Quoting this before you have opportunity to delete it......the TRUTH is coming!

What truth is that?

h8kurdt 04.16.2020 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Maybe the problem is precisely the fact that you're looking at his tweets instead of his ACTIONS, which actions did, indeed. earn the wrath of the United Nations, the Democratic Party, and just about every other globalist mouthpiece in existence.

In his statements about China, he was trying not to gloat over his victory over China in the trade war. Yet he instituted the travel ban, thus incurring the wrath of both the People's Republic of China and the World Health Organization.


Are we talking about the lack of action that has led to the highest deaths of anywhere in the world? And is only going to get worse and worse before it even starts to level out. Those actions? Yup, those actions are working well.

guest 04.16.2020 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
First post at SYG in a month, other than Democratic Primaries, first post in Non-Sonics since February. Quoting this before you have opportunity to delete it......the TRUTH is coming!

what’s your point? do you want to acknowledge what I’ve said? QUOTE AND REPLY

Bytor Peltor 04.16.2020 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
What truth is that?

If guest is going to pop in here once in two months, they can wait a week or ten days or two months for the reply!


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
He banned Chinese nationals coming in and that was it. Meanwhile Americans were still able to fly in and out of China.


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
What does that have to do with what I said?

For you, banning Chinese nationals wasn’t enough. However, that’s all it took for Joe to call him racist and for Nancy to mock him by encouraging people to go out to the bars and go eat Chinese food.

Powerful Democrats weren’t supporting the President, yet you wanted him to shut everything down in January. We are all free to Monday morning quarterback this situation, and for you, Trump hasn’t done anything right......ever!

h8kurdt 04.16.2020 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
If guest is going to pop in here once in two months, they can wait a week or ten days or two months for the reply!

For you, banning Chinese nationals wasn’t enough. However, that’s all it took for Joe to call him racist and for Nancy to mock him by encouraging people to go out to the bars and go eat Chinese food.

Powerful Democrats weren’t supporting the President, yet you wanted him to shut everything down in January. We are all free to Monday morning quarterback this situation, and for you, Trump hasn’t done anything right......ever!

You realise that China wasn't the only country at the time who had had a massive coronavirus outbreak, right? This wasn't he having the foresight to do it before it got anywhere else. Europe was kicking off in a big way, the UK wasn't far behind that. The issue is he decides that only Chinese people were banned from coming in or out of China. Anyone else was fine. Why the delay in banning flights from Europe? And then it was another week before he said the same about the UK. The evidence (infection and death rates being higher than any other country even though they had a lot more warning and time to put a lid on it) is showing that Trump has failed spectacularly in handling this.

If you can't see the discrepancy in that then I'm sorry but you're beyond help.

Btw I don't think I've said about putting a lockdown in January anywhere.

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