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Tokolosh 01.26.2008 11:55 PM

"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."

m1rr0r dash 01.27.2008 12:05 AM

sorry, man. wrong franchise.

batreleaser 01.27.2008 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by avantgarde1
1. when they find out vito's gay christopher says he wants to kill that fat faggot and stick some kind of sausage in his mouth, which is what happened to his character in dead presidents.
2. the prior bakery scene you talked about he shoots the baker in the foot for disrespecting him the same thing happens to his character in goodfellas.

round 2 lil buddy, yr turn.

2 part question: who was the first guy tony whacked so he could "make his bones" and become a made man? who ordered the hit on the guy he whacks?

it was that random bookie, it was shown in the season 6 part 2 ep when tony and paulie gotta go hide out in miami cuz the feds dug up the bookies skeleton, johnny sopranos ordered the hit

avantgarde1 01.27.2008 06:20 PM

good job sir! now ask me another, this is fun..... and wiki only makes this easy if you use it!

m1rr0r dash 01.27.2008 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by avantgarde1
good job sir! now ask me another, this is fun..... and wiki only makes this easy if you use it!

true, and good point.

here's one.

what was the joke told about ginny that eventually got back to johnny sack when he was in jail?

avantgarde1 01.27.2008 06:38 PM

they were talking about a mole being removed off of someone... and then ralphie said something to the affect of ginny scrimoni getting a 90lb mole removed from her ass.

m1rr0r dash 01.27.2008 07:17 PM

no... i meant tell the joke like you're trying to make me laugh not trying to answer a trivia question. (i.e. what did ralphie actually say?)

p.s. i don't remember myself, verbatim. just thought it would make a good question.

avantgarde1 01.27.2008 07:40 PM

lol, yeah i don't remember either... i even looked on youtube but i couldn't find it. but i did find this:

enjoy and keep the questoins coming

uhler 01.27.2008 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by m1rr0r dash





i jerked off to those pictures a few times back in the day.

arrested development was the best show ever. i like 30 rock now. i recently bought the complete 1st season.

avantgarde1 01.27.2008 09:14 PM

We Are Talking About The Sopranos! :)

batreleaser 01.27.2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by m1rr0r dash
true, and good point.

here's one.

what was the joke told about ginny that eventually got back to johnny sack when he was in jail?

dude thats way to easy. that was a major episode in season 4 and kind of preluded the fact that ralph would meet an unpretty demise very shortly thereafter. i actually think ralph was one of the most fascinating charachters on the show. season 3 was supposed to have a story line revoling around livia testifying against tony in court, but nancy marchand passed away. so, the charachter of ralph was written to replace livia as the main antagonizing force in tony's live, and very few charachters on the show affected him as immensley as ralph (especially when ralph brutally murdered the stripper who reminded tony of his own daughter). ralph was at one time obnoxious, belligerent, and out of control, and at the same time he never used incorrect english, he was highly intelligent, cunning, and merciless. He is also the only charachter on the show who steps out of the sociopath ring and can be certified as a true blue psychopath.

avantgarde1 01.29.2008 03:01 AM

since the questions stopped i thought i might add this in here: i just got home from the bar and i turned on the tv to witness a denny's commercial... lo and behold it had tony "paulie walnuts" sirico (dressed exactly like paulie, hair and all) was in it! no no no! why paulie why? work can't be that bad can it?!?!?!

gmku 01.29.2008 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by m1rr0r dash



check out paulie walnuts in Goodfellas!

Hahaha. I love Paulie. He makes me laugh.

I love The Sopranos. Damned good TV writing. Each episode is like a little movie, it's so good.

But I have to admit I like a couple others better. Here's my current ranking of favorite TV of all time:

1. Californication
2. Six Feet Under
3. The Sopranos
4. Dexter
5. Weeds
6. Law & Order (any series)
7. St. Elsewhere
8. Northern Exposure
9. Wonder Years
10. Gilmore Girls

avantgarde1 01.29.2008 11:25 AM

californication is boring to me, it's like a soft core porno. and the gilmore girls? tell me yr a chick!

gmku 01.29.2008 11:29 AM

I love how these threads so easily turn into bicker fests over defending one's favorites.

Sorry, I'm not biting.

tesla69 01.29.2008 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by avantgarde1
! i wish tony soprano was my father! discuss.

why would you want a human parasite for a father?

my favorite part of the series was when he executed Christopher. What a lump of shit that character was.

tesla69 01.29.2008 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Each episode is like a little movie, it's so good.

I think they're more like soap operas punctuated with extreme violence. Unlike say Twin Peaks, I found Sopranos doesn't hold up for repeated viewing. The annoying characters get REAL annoying.

ChocolateJesus 01.29.2008 12:08 PM

I have never seen an episode of the sopranos. No cable, and no interest.

gmku 01.29.2008 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I think they're more like soap operas punctuated with extreme violence. Unlike say Twin Peaks, I found Sopranos doesn't hold up for repeated viewing. The annoying characters get REAL annoying.

Hmm, well, they're highly entertaining soap operas, then. Extreme violence? Occasionally, okay. But I don't find anything wrong with that.

And see, to me, Twin Peaks is extremely boring. Pointlessly obscure and silly.

But to each his own, right?

gmku 01.29.2008 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
why would you want a human parasite for a father?

my favorite part of the series was when he executed Christopher. What a lump of shit that character was.

Ha ha! yeah, a dad with some deep pockets, but what a temper! No thanks.

Christopher's murder scene was really uncomfortable because I think we were all rooting for Tony--Do it, do it!

avantgarde1 01.31.2008 07:04 PM

it's actually just kind of a joke... but that would be pretty kool. nobody would ever fuck w/ you and look how many chicks wanted little anthony just becaus eof who his father was! imagine all the limitless vag you would get! i might be vagina's biggest fan :)

and what happened to the trivia ?'s

batreleaser 02.01.2008 02:09 PM

i got bored of the trivias. heres one... how about what was the "blue comet" that is given the title of the series's penultimate episode?

Rob Instigator 02.01.2008 02:50 PM

trhis show was better


!@#$%! 02.01.2008 03:01 PM

The Wire >>> The Sopranos

avantgarde1 02.01.2008 03:35 PM

the blue comet was the toy train bobby baccala was in the process of purchasing at the hobby shop when he was gunned down. that scene was awesome.

Rob Instigator 02.01.2008 04:15 PM

on antiques roadshow they had a full set of th blue comet, and it looked like one hell of a train

atari 2600 02.11.2009 11:52 AM

o'connor 02.11.2009 11:56 AM

lol, i've seen that before but it never gets old. i hate watching sopranos on a&e :(

Florya 02.11.2009 01:09 PM

The Sopranos was great, but I preferred The Wire.

o'connor 02.11.2009 01:21 PM

the wire was good, but everytime they would go over to the political storyline bored the fuck out of me. maybe because i never understood what was going on. although i did enjoy them adding the newspaper angle in teh last season.

radarmaker 02.11.2009 01:23 PM

The Wire > Deadwood > The Sopranos

batreleaser 02.11.2009 06:25 PM

Deadwood was overrated, the Dialog was absolutley FANTASTIC though. Lots of American-isms and ol western talk but in IAMBIC PENTAMETER!!!!!!!!! Crazy, and it all is if you pay attention.

The Wire and Sopranos are my favorite shows of all time, I like them more than my favorite movies. The Wire Seasons 4 and 5 and the Sopranos seasons 1,2,3,5,and 6 part 2 represent the most masterful pieces of work in the medium. Tony Soprano is the most fascinating chrachater of this millenium, and the Wire has the most fascinating ensemble of charachters I've ever seen. I've noticed people who talk shit on the sopranos are either A. just trying to prove how unique they are or B. watched 2 episodes that they didnt like that much, and decided the series was bad. I remember this one time I was watching the season 3 dvd and this kid goes, "Fuck sopranos", my roomate's friend or something. "The last episode when the guy had a heart attack (phil leotardo) and the guy with the nig nose was smoking drugs didnt even make sense!". So obviously he only watched Season 6 Part 1, of which was easily the weakest in the entire series, even though it made total sense as a "Calm before the Storm" before the 9 episodes of angst and brutality that made up part 2. Strangely though, the first part had the most on screen murders out of all the seasons, but the majority of the murderes were highly inconsequential. No Chrissy or Big Pussy-esque murders.

My biggest complaint about the Sopranos was the lack of follow up on Adriana. She was the biggest charachter on the show to ever get killed (screen time wise, ralphie, tony b, and pussy had more affect on tony). I was convinced that her body was going to get dug up at the site of Carmilla's spec house (where she was killed by Silvio prior to the building) which would explain Carm's dream she kept having about Ade visiting her in the house. and then, NOTHING, just Carmilla's mention of her guilt of accusing Christopher of the murder after his death.

I can go on and philosophize on both shows quite a bit, even more so than music. Ive watched both shows in thier entirety numerous times, and own every single season on DVD. Days of my life have been wasted on these shows.

batreleaser 02.11.2009 06:28 PM


What crew in Tony's family was apparently "Cursed". Meaning every season, a major member of the crew (generally Capo) ended up dead one way or another, even earning the joke title, "The Curse of the ------"?

It was made into a joke in the last episode when Paulie is speculating as to whether or not he should take the Esplanade over.

o'connor 02.12.2009 03:22 AM

i racked my brain and can't think of the name of teh crew, but i know exactly what yr talking about, and how i laughed when he brought up the curse lol. man i love that show. man, if you lived closer to me we could chill and totally gay out to sopranos. in a completely manly way of course.

fishmonkey 02.12.2009 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by avantgarde1
i said it, got it off my chest, it's fucking true! i love this show like no other! i might get shit for it, but fuck all you bastards drinking "HATERAID"! i wish tony soprano was my father! discuss.

would you believe i always thought to myself while watching the Sopranos, fuckin hell, i'd love if Tony was my father!

brilliant show, brilliant ending also. top class

o'connor 02.12.2009 01:22 PM

amen brother!

demonrail666 02.12.2009 01:28 PM

In the words of Highlander, "There can be only one"



PAULYBEE2656 02.13.2009 10:49 AM

sopranos is american for hype.....

its ok, no more no less..too many praise this show way too much for my liking!!!

o'connor 02.13.2009 02:00 PM

maybe you prefer Brotherhood? the showtime series about the irish mob in rhode island.

tesla69 02.13.2009 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
sopranos is american for hype.....!

very true, it really is simply a soap opera punctuated by extreme violence, a sopaopera about nasty ugly human parasites. the best scene was when Tony killed Christopher, that piece of shit needed killing bad.

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