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stu666 11.16.2011 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by E. Noisefield
Wow. This is...


Though I don't have a cassette player on hand. Does anybody?

My car only has a cassette player and I also still have my Sony walkman (x2) and a Kenwood cassette deck...

E. Noisefield 11.16.2011 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by stu666
My car only has a cassette player and I also still have my Sony walkman (x2) and a Kenwood cassette deck...

You are a lucky man.

I have an Escape Hybrid :cool: That's right... I'm an SUV driver.

No tape deck, though. Anywhere. Except i suppose on my old 4-track.

stu666 11.16.2011 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by E. Noisefield
You are a lucky man.

I have an Escape Hybrid :cool: That's right... I'm an SUV driver.

No tape deck, though. Anywhere. Except i suppose on my old 4-track.

I wouldn't say lucky, pretty normal for someone of my age ;)

I have no idea what an Escape Hybrid is :confused:

E. Noisefield 11.17.2011 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by stu666
I wouldn't say lucky, pretty normal for someone of my age ;)

I have no idea what an Escape Hybrid is :confused:

It's an SUV made by Ford, half gas/half electric. It's the lazy environmentalist's second choice. :cool:

.. well, maybe third. It is an SUV after all, so even being half electric it's still a gas consuming monster.

Cool car, though. I'm semi-proud of it. My first actual NEW car. Good feeling, in a weird way.

stu666 08.16.2013 12:54 PM

Dinosaur Jr book coming....

guest 09.15.2013 06:14 AM

I don't know if this is me being well behind the times but apparently murph quit? he was definitely playing with them back when I saw them twice in march (punishing shit) but apparently on all their recent dates he's been replaced by the dude from the fog.

now I am sad.

_tunic_ 09.15.2013 09:01 AM

he didn't quit, but was on leave for some time. Saw them last week, and Murph was with them. Which I hadn't expected so it was a nice surprise ;)

guest 02.10.2017 04:30 AM

^update: murph didn't quit. apparently has visa issues coming in to aus regularly?

anyway dredged up this thread because I saw these guys a couple weeks back and they're just so indescribably great at the moment, it's a well-worn routine but their setlists are spot on -- encore of just like heaven into sludgefeast was pure ecstasy -- and they seem to be in a really good place. most recent record was also for me their best since getting back together as a trio (so by default since the 80s?), not a dud to be seen and they slot perfectly into their shows.

cliche at this point but it's how you do a reunion: carve out something meaningful when you're together and tap into that again when you inevitably come hunting for that $$$ 20 years later.

Severian 02.10.2017 09:07 AM


Thanks. I wasn't too impressed with the new one when it came out last year, as you may recall. I've always loved Dino, but I didn't feel any urge to listen to it after the second or third time. Decided Beyond was still my post-reunion favorite almost immediately. Just cause it sounded so goddamn refreshing after years of Pseudosaur Jr. and Mascis' solo + Fog stuff.

I will revisit. Maybe today. Maybe right now.

Kuhb 02.10.2017 04:27 PM

Lou's contributions to the reunion albums are highlights for me. It could never happen, but a side project where Lou writes all songs and J plays lead and does what LOU tells him to do would be the best rock band in the world for me.

Not that Dino aren't awesome. They are, I saw them last month, in very very good form right now.

Rob Instigator 02.10.2017 04:55 PM

seeing them live a few months ago was as awesome as ever. Seen them maybe 8 times over the past decades.

Severian 02.10.2017 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kuhb
Lou's contributions to the reunion albums are highlights for me. It could never happen, but a side project where Lou writes all songs and J plays lead and does what LOU tells him to do would be the best rock band in the world for me.

Not that Dino aren't awesome. They are, I saw them last month, in very very good form right now.

"Your Weather" is one of my favorite Dinosaur Jr. songs of all time. Underrated and unheralded. No idea why that wasn't released as a single. Just Fucking propulsive.

I think a Lou fronted Dino (or: Lou with J's guitar talent) would end up sounding a bit like Lee's rockier stuff. I think those two are kindred spirits. Lee is of course a much better, more versatile guitarist, but stil... just me, maybe.

pepper_green 02.12.2017 01:45 AM

if Dino jr. come near me at anytime, I have to see them.

they are loud, melodic, and tight. what more do you want from a rock show? the greatest live band in existence. besides maybe Swans or the Melvins and a couple of classic rock bands.

I stop giving a shit about them or the reunion years ago but, if you want to see a band on point, then they are the ones to see. always loved the way Lou played bass. the Lemmy way. it's like an earthquake live.

Lou is better as boring Sebadoh. I've always thought Lose on You're Living all Over should've been an instrumental. Lou reminds me of somebody who is tough but acts like a wussy because he thinks its punk.

Kuhb 02.12.2017 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
"Your Weather" is one of my favorite Dinosaur Jr. songs of all time. Underrated and unheralded. No idea why that wasn't released as a single. Just Fucking propulsive.

I think a Lou fronted Dino (or: Lou with J's guitar talent) would end up sounding a bit like Lee's rockier stuff. I think those two are kindred spirits. Lee is of course a much better, more versatile guitarist, but stil... just me, maybe.

Agreed big time on Your Weather. If someone like Queens of the Stone Age released that in 2009 it could have been massive. Imagination Blind, Back To Your Heart, Left/Right are up there with my all time favourite songs. He's such a great singer, powerful but vulnerable at the same time

pepper_green 02.12.2017 06:08 AM

well, maybe I need to check out the after break-up albums. I never bothered, I just wanted to see them live. saw J and the Fog but they sucked without the original rhythm section in action though Watt is good. I feel all the new songs I heard will not be as good over the years hearing them live.

I gave Beyond a good listen but that's all since.

I tell you an underated album is J's More Light. that album is solid.

ilduclo 02.12.2017 10:00 AM

I've seen them 3x, I gotta say I liked the Fog better....

pepper_green 02.12.2017 10:12 AM

the Fog over the original band?

No!! I don't think so! only a crazy person would think that and yr crazy! J had at once some weak drummer and ended up with Mike Watt who was awesome and ended up with the Stooges.

still, no, yr crazy. crazy ass crazy.

Severian 02.12.2017 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
if Dino jr. come near me at anytime, I have to see them.

they are loud, melodic, and tight. what more do you want from a rock show? the greatest live band in existence. besides maybe Swans or the Melvins and a couple of classic rock bands.

I stop giving a shit about them or the reunion years ago but, if you want to see a band on point, then they are the ones to see. always loved the way Lou played bass. the Lemmy way. it's like an earthquake live.

Lou is better as boring Sebadoh. I've always thought Lose on You're Living all Over should've been an instrumental. Lou reminds me of somebody who is tough but acts like a wussy because he thinks its punk.

Hah @ Lou, re: wussy

See, this is the difference between you and ** PLips ... even though you may go through phases where your posts are more drunken ramblings and pseudo-spam than anything else, you're still very clearly, and above all else, a music fan. So you can't resist a good shit shooting sesh about artists bear and dear to you. I've noticed that Senadoh is one of these. Same for me. So cheers.

And yes, Dinosaur Jr. is one of the best live bands around. I too am quite over the excitement of the reunion (but that makes sense, because they've been "old Dino" again for a DECADE now, so treating any of this like a reunion is ridiculous), but when they first announced the original trio was regrouping, and they played their first few shows prior to the release of Beyond, I was fucking ON IT. It might as well have been "The Empire Strikes Back." That's how pumped I was in the line for the first post-reunion show I attended. And it fucking slayed.

Now, though, they've existed longer as a version 2.0 of their original selves than many promising bands who have sprung up in the interim. Women, one of my personal favorite rock-type bands of recent years, made waves and then dissipated between the release of Farm and I Bet on Sky, for instance. SWANS regrouped, conquered the world, and apparently stopped once again in the time since Dino became Dino again.

I think I'm more of a Sebadoh guy than a Dino guy, but I wouldn't feel the need to drop what I was doing for another Sebadoh show. Much like you, however, I would pretty much see Dinosaur jr any time, any place, barring extenuating circumstances. For the record I think they're better live than the Melvins. I've seen some MIGHTY fucking Melvins shows, but I've also caught some "meh" ones. Of the five or six times I've seen Dino, I've never caught them on an off night.

** I honestly thought for the longest time that it was FLips, as in Flaming Lips, because my eyes are SHIT. This is probably why I gave him a pass on his bullshit for so long. Y'know... Lips fan solidarity and whatnot. Knowing this was not the case, it was waaaay easier to make him the one and only name on my ignore list. :D

Severian 02.12.2017 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
well, maybe I need to check out the after break-up albums. I never bothered, I just wanted to see them live. saw J and the Fog but they sucked without the original rhythm section in action though Watt is good. I feel all the new songs I heard will not be as good over the years hearing them live.

I gave Beyond a good listen but that's all since.

I tell you an underated album is J's More Light. that album is solid.

Wait, what? You haven't even bothered with the Dino 2.0 albums? :eek:

Dude. They're not all gold, but some of them are... well, pretty fucking gold.
This is how I'd rank them:

1. Beyond
2. Farm
3. Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not
4. I Bet on Sky

The only one that really fell on deaf ears for me was I Bet on Sky. Not sure why, but I just did not enjoy that one. I also didn't hate it, but I haven't listened to it since about a month after it came out.

Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not didn't blow me away when it came out, but now I can feel that there is a sort of definitively Dino energy about it. You know how Bug just sounds fucking kick-ass when you're driving down the freeway in the summer, blasting the hell out of it and singing along? Well, that feeling is present on ...Glimpse. I don't listen to rock much, but if I ever do, I want it in my car.

Go listen to "Your Weather," which you've probably heard live and already know well. Still... couldn't hurt.

Severian 02.12.2017 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
I've seen them 3x, I gotta say I liked the Fog better....


PLips 02.12.2017 02:21 PM

You never put me on the ignore list dummy we're psychically linked now Jan Konj AKA Ivan Horse!!

pepper_green 02.12.2017 02:41 PM

the ignore list is for cock suckers with an agenda to suck more cock. self important wise asses is what they are. to express some shitty boring political agenda. quoting books they've read to impress with lives that are boring as dirt. why else are they posting here? nothing to do with music because they're boring jaded.

fuck em. bunch of assholes!!

Severian 02.12.2017 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
the ignore list is for cock suckers with an agenda to suck more cock. self important wise asses is what they are. to express some shitty boring political agenda. quoting books they've read to impress with lives that are boring as dirt. why else are they posting here? nothing to do with music because they're boring jaded.

fuck em. bunch of assholes!!

Weird response but OK.

Screaming Skull 03.21.2017 01:00 PM

I saw Dino Jr. this past Sunday night at Delmar Hall in St. Louis. Overall it was a pretty good show, but fell short of expectations. I've seen them 8 or 9 times over the years and this was my 3rd time seeing the original line-up. The first time I saw the original line-up was in Atlanta in 2005 and that is easily one of the greatest shows I have ever seen in my life. This Sunday was marred by a horrible mix (low vocals). Yes, Dino Jr. shows are supposed to be about J's playing and that was easily worth the price of admission, but I also love to hear his droning drawl. It's just so wicked cool. They opened with "Thumb" and you could barely hear J's singing. Next was 'Goin Down' and no improvement. After that song the audience began to shout "Vocals!"..."Vocals!" to which King Priss Lou Barlow said, "Hey, if you want to hear vocals move away from the wall of amps on the stage." Well, I was two-thirds of the way to the back of the room and the mix sucked there too. The sound was bad enough, but it was something about Barlow's manufactured indie-rock pose that soured things for me. I'm glad I went, but I've seen/heard them play MUCH, MUCH better. Bad mix and bad overall chemistry with the crowd.

Screaming Skull 03.21.2017 01:15 PM

Is it too much to ask for this?

Now that's what I'm talking about!

ilduclo 03.26.2017 04:36 PM

Dinosaur Jr. - 2017-03-24
Georgia Theatre - Athens, GA

01) Thumb
02) Goin Down
03) Lost All Day
04) I Told Everyone
05) Love Is . . .
06) The Wagon*
07) Watch The Corners
08) Tiny
09) Feel The Pain
10) Little Fury Things
11) Knocked Around
12) Start Choppin
13) I Walk For Miles
14) Freak Scene
15) Gargoyle
16) E:) Get Me
17) TV Eye**

* w/ Kevin Sweeney - electric sitar, John Moloney - drums
* w/ John Brannon - vocal

J Mascis - guitar, vocal
Lou Barlow - bass, vocal
Murph - drums

Source: Neumann KM-184(DIN)> Tascam DR-680(24/48)>
HDD> Reaper(DSP)> CDWave

Recorded and mastered by Sloan Simpson

_tunic_ 02.08.2019 04:56 PM

A 25-Year-Old Dinosaur Jr. Song Is a Hit in Japan. Nobody Knows Why.

“Over Your Shoulder,” from 1994’s Without a Sound, mysteriously became a YouTube sensation last week

Dr. Eugene Felikson 02.08.2019 07:38 PM

Haha that's fucking hilarious for some reason

Great tune

_tunic_ 03.13.2019 12:16 PM

if you haven't made holiday plans yet, J Lou and Murph have just planned it for you

Camp Fuzz

Kuhb 03.13.2019 05:50 PM

J played a solo show in my town a couple of days ago... was wild.

Rob Instigator 03.14.2019 07:51 AM

fucking awesome. I saw him post about in on the gram.

_tunic_ 08.09.2019 01:46 AM

quoted from



@cherryredrecords has announced details of an epic Dinosaur Jr. album reissue campaign coming this September: The four Warner period '90s albums 'Green Mind', 'Where You Been', 'Without A Sound' and 'Hand It Over' have been lovingly remastered, expanded and reissued on coloured double vinyl and double CD editions, with related singles, b-sides and previously unreleased material.
The entire collection is available to pre-order now, and all vinyl editions pre-ordered directly from Cherry Red Records will come with an exclusive 38mm square collector's pin badge (while stocks last)!
Pre-order here ��

I'll most probably will get all these CD reissues, I loved and still love those albums and would love to hear all the bonuses, even though I probably have heard at least some of them before. It's a bummer for the vinyl addicts though that the vinyl versions don't include all of those bonuses ...
They'll also reissue the greatest hits compilation with an extra CD

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