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choc e-Claire 05.13.2020 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
32+ MILLION dollars wasted

The average American gives $2,000 worth of tax each year for the military. This is only about ten cents each.

!@#$%! 05.13.2020 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
The average American gives $2,000 worth of tax each year for the military. This is only about ten cents each.

good to see you practicing your debating skills with the denizens of the cesspool

here a bit of data to improve your molotovs or whatever:


Bytor Peltor 05.13.2020 08:30 PM

Trump Tweet


Barack Obama illegally ordered Federal Law enforcement to investigate his political rival!!!

choc e-Claire 05.13.2020 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Barack Obama illegally ordered Federal Law enforcement to investigate his political rival!!!

Donald Trump suggested the Chinese Communist Party investigate his political rival.

tw2113 05.13.2020 09:59 PM

It's been forever since we've had a president that people generally agreed was not horrible to the core in one way or another, hasn't it.

The Soup Nazi 05.13.2020 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
It's been forever since we've had a president that people generally agreed was not horrible to the core in one way or another, hasn't it.

True, but you're talking about perception, not facts.

!@#$%! 05.13.2020 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
It's been forever since we've had a president that people generally agreed was not horrible to the core in one way or another, hasn't it.

forever? only 4 years ago we had barak and michelle obama still living in the white house with their 2 great girls plus a labradoodle...

i know the trump administration has been a season in hell and feels like forever.. but only 4 years ago we had a really decent family in the white house.

i know some pig fuckers couldn’t stand the fact that it was a black family though... but we shouldn’t validate those pig fuckers.

tw2113 05.14.2020 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
forever? only 4 years ago we had barak and michelle obama still living in the white house with their 2 great girls plus a labradoodle...

i know the trump administration has been a season in hell and feels like forever.. but only 4 years ago we had a really decent family in the white house.

i know some pig fuckers couldn’t stand the fact that it was a black family though... but we shouldn’t validate those pig fuckers.

Except not what I'm saying. He was constantly attacked by the right for one reason or another, and still is to this day.

What I mean is people from both parties going "eh, he's not the worst thing ever" about whoever was in office at that time.

Tokolosh 05.14.2020 08:28 AM

Obama embraced the US drone programme and carried out ten times more air strikes than his predecessor, George 'war criminal' Bush, with the war on terror. The rat also broke his promise when it came to closing down Guantanamo. He gets no admiration from me!

!@#$%! 05.14.2020 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Obama embraced the US drone programme and carried out ten times more air strikes than his predecessor, George 'war criminal' Bush, with the war on terror. The rat also broke his promise when it came to closing down Guantanamo. He gets no admiration from me!

the drone program was always a part of his initial offering. he was never a peacenik, he simply offered a more targeted approach and he did follow up on that.

as for guantanamo, he’s not king and congress wouldn’t let him, there were legal challenges and bureaucratic opposition, plus there were “technical difficulties,” lol, about where to send the prisoners.

e.g. see:

hardly “a rat” on both accounts.

btw i wouldn’t say that dubya was rotten to the core. he was just stupid, processed political information in religious terms, and was easily manipulated by neocons.

the one truly rotten to the core in that administration was cheney.

Tokolosh 05.14.2020 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the drone program was always a part of his initial offering. he was never a peacenik, he simply offered a more targeted approach and he did follow up on that.

as for guantanamo, he’s not king and congress wouldn’t let him, there were legal challenges and bureaucratic opposition, plus there were “technical difficulties,” lol, about where to send the prisoners.

e.g. see:

hardly “a rat” on both accounts.

btw i wouldn’t say dubya was rotten to the core. he was just stupid, processed political information in religious terms, and was easily manipulated by neocons. the one truly rotten to the core there was cheney.

Please don't forget to add Bush senior, Rumsfeld the weasel and good for nothing Paul Bremer to that list.

Bytor Peltor 05.14.2020 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Donald Trump suggested the Chinese Communist Party investigate his political rival.

Oh young and naïve juvenile, why do you struggle so with such simplicity?

President Trump publicly wishing, stating, commenting or wanting something to happen FAILS in comparison to President Obama meeting with, Orchestrating and conspiring with FBI Officials on how to best spy on and discredit General Flynn. This is especially true after the initial FBI investigation found that General Flynn had done nothing wrong!

Bytor Peltor 05.14.2020 10:05 AM

Samantha Powers Claimed She NEVER Tried To Unmask General Flynn, But Records Show Powers Unmasked Flynn SEVEN TIMES

“Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power testified to Congress in 2017 that she never sought to unmask records containing information about former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Newly declassified documents from the National Security Agency (NSA), however, show that her name appeared on at least seven separate requests to unmask Flynn’s name between Nov. 30, 2016, and January 11, 2017.”

Do any of you Free minded freethinkers care to explain why the former U.S. Ambassador to the UN would LIE UNDER OATH to Congress?

“So, to your knowledge, did you ever make [redacted]?” Schiff asked, likely referring to intercepts of Flynn’s conversations.

“I don’t recall making such a request,” Power said.

“And I just want to be clear that there’s no indication you ever made a request or that there necessarily was even a report on the subject. But I did want to get you on the record on that, because at the end of the day that’s sort of where this came from,” Schiff said.

“Yes, I have no recollection of making a request related to General Flynn,” Power again claimed.

“Okay,” Schiff said. “And I take it you never leaked Mr. Flynn’s name in any way, General Flynn’s name?”

“I have never leaked classified information,” Power said. “I have never leaked names that have come back to me in this highly compartmented process. I have, in fact, never leaked, even unclassified information.”

The only thing missing is documented prof that Shifty Schiff knee before asking the questions in this three ring circus of lies and betrayals.

So come on you free minded freethinkers......why did Powers feel compelled to lie?

Who was Powers trying to protect??

Does Samantha Powers seek immunity to testify against everyone???

Yesterday’s BIG MEDIA TV coverage regarding Flynn’s unmasking:

However, today, the NY Post is hitting close to center:

h8kurdt 05.14.2020 10:47 AM

Simple question that I've asked before but got zero reply.

Do you think that amongst all of the liars, cheats, guilt admitted, prison residing cronies Trump has had over the years Flynn is the sole beacon of innocence and has never done anything illegal?

The Soup Nazi 05.14.2020 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Simple question that I've asked before but got zero reply.

Do you think that amongst all of the liars, cheats, guilt admitted, prison residing cronies Trump has had over the years Flynn is the sole beacon of innocence and has never done anything illegal?

What they think is none of those fuckers are liars nor cheats not guilt admitted cronies and it's all made-up by deep state lizard people.

h8kurdt 05.14.2020 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
it's all made-up by deep state lizard people.

Well I, for one, welcome our new reptilian overlords.

The Soup Nazi 05.14.2020 01:00 PM

From The Washington Post:


Obamagate was the worst crime ever committed and here is what it was
By Alexandra Petri

“What is the crime exactly that you’re accusing him of?”

“You know what the crime is. The crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”

— President Trump responding to Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker

Obamagate began long ago, long before Trump even got elected, before he even knew he was running. It began before America, before time, in those early days when President Barack Obama lit the furnace of the sun, just before he fixed the paths of the planets in such a way that millennia in the future, Donald Trump would stare directly into a solar eclipse. And, of course, everyone knew about it.

Obamagate was the biggest political crime in American history by far, a fact that Barack Obama did not hesitate to tell Richard M. Nixon, causing him to shed bitter tears in an as-yet-unreleased tape. It was bigger than Teapot Dome. It was bigger than anything anyone blamed Ulysses Grant for allowing the people who surrounded him to do. Nothing could be worse than Obamagate. It went all the way to the top, where Obama floated inside a sinister Masonic eye at the apex of a pyramid on the back of a dollar bill, holding all the strings.

What was it? Well, I am coming to that. Obamagate, like the Myriad Crimes of Hillary Clinton (to which it was both prequel and sequel, like “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”) was almost Escher-esque in its design. It had no beginning and no end, and, of course, everyone knew all about it. Also, it was obvious to everyone how bad it was. It was a devious, sinister plot, but also Donald Trump was able to get to the bottom of it very easily, mainly by absorbing articles from or the personal websites of former Fox News personalities.

This perspicacity is immediately evident when you hear Donald Trump talk about Obamagate. Only he can reveal with stunning clarity the depth and horror of this intrigue, in which “some terrible things happened” and “it’s a disgrace that it happened,” which we know from “if you look at now all of this information that’s being released.” “And from what I understand, it’s only the beginning.”

There is more to come about Obamagate, and we will be stunned, because the horror of it all is clear. One of the many facets of Obamagate is that it prevented people from telling Michael Flynn that lying to the FBI was a crime, even if they were investigating something else; had he realized this, he would not have lied to the FBI, probably? It is a commonly known fact (just as commonly known as that Obamagate is ancient and horrible) that it is polite to lie to the FBI unless you are explicitly instructed not to.

This was the genius of Obamagate! President Obama knew that Donald Trump was his greatest political rival, even though he was not running against Donald Trump (and could not) and Donald Trump was technically his successor, not his rival (Obamagate did not account for this) and so, deviously, he handed power peacefully over to Donald Trump in the routine way. We are not sure if this is part of Obamagate, but we think it must be, that Obama also prepared a pandemic exercise for the incoming Trump team, but cleverly organized it so that nobody who would remain in the Trump administration would pay attention and no one who was paying attention would remain in the Trump administration. And you see how masterfully it all worked out!

Obama is still president to this day, which is why everything that goes wrong is his fault. But that will change soon. Donald Trump is here and can point this out. The rule of law is suffering from the people in charge of the government right now. Their pandemic response has not been all that could be hoped. It is a total disaster and an absolute fiasco, what is going on in the White House right now, or, as I guess we must refer to it, Obamagate. And everyone knew exactly what it was.

Bytor Peltor 05.15.2020 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Simple question that I've asked before but got zero reply.

Do you think that amongst all of the liars, cheats, guilt admitted, prison residing cronies Trump has had over the years Flynn is the sole beacon of innocence and has never done anything illegal?

Not only is this a simple question, it’s a fair and honest question!

No, Flynn isn’t totally innocent and more importantly, General Flynn is responsible for his actions and decisions. He agreed to a plea deal and that was his decision!

Is this what you wanted to hear?

If so, that was easy enough!!!

As Paul Harvey would say: Now For The Rest Of The Story

It’s my understanding (IF) the initial investigation conducted by the FBI field agents where they listened to the phone conversations with Kislyak and found “the calls were entirely appropriate,” and accepted, we wouldn’t be having this discussion......would we?

Forget that: if Hillary would have won, we wouldn’t be having this conversation......would we??

But after a meeting with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office, the 7th Floor intervened keeping the General Flynn investigation open. We also have the FBI notes between agents questioning what’s their goal???


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
“What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute [Flynn] or get him fired?”

FBI Notes confirm it was all a pretext.


The Logan Act of 1799

Perhaps Mr. Schunk can shed some light on agreeing to a plea on one count, did General Flynn then no longer have to worry about making a false statement? Not that he was actively looking to make a false statement, but he didn’t need to worry about miss remembering dates, times or anything?

Last but not least, h8kurdt, I remember when President Barack Obama held General Flynn in such high regard. General Flynn took on some heavy terrorist and there was no doubt President Obama had picked the right person!

However, things between Flynn and Obama soured. Flynn knew the inner workings of the Obama Administration and most importantly, he knew too many secrets! General Flynn was about to start working for soon to be new President Donald Trump and between the two, Obama knew they would slowly unravel everything is Presidency worked least that’s how I see it!

Bytor Peltor 05.15.2020 02:54 AM

June 5th, 2018 (page 207)

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
ZERO GUILTY PLEADS for colluding with the Russians or rigging an election!!!

************************************************** *************

For those of you who live outside this country and for the rest who are American citizens and have evidently forgotten what you should’ve learned in Jr. High, let’s look at how our government works.

President Donald Trump: “i’ve done no wrongdoing, but I have the power to pardon myself if I so choose.”

President Donald Trump‘s lawyers notified Robert Muller......under the constitution, there is no way a sitting President could obstruct any investigation.


President Of The United States
Executive Branch
Justice Department

The Justice Department appointed Robert Muller to head up the investigation. Because any sitting President is “Boss” over the Executive Branch, the President can shut down Justice Department & FBI investigations. President Donald Trump could fire Robert Muller today and there is nothing illegal or impeachable for doing so. This is also true if the President chose to cut off funding to an investigation. The Boss has final say!

Soooo......what does our Government have in place to investigate a sitting President?

***Legislative Branch***

The legislative branch has the power and authority to appoint their own special counsel. Under The Constitution, the President has NO AUTHORITY over this special counsel. If any President attempted to stop or influence the Legislative investigation......that would be an impeachable offense!

NEWSFLASH: The United States legislature HAS NOT appointed a special prosecutor. The legislature isn’t investigating ANYTHING!!!

Typically, when the FBI has, ZERO-Nothing-NADA evidence against you, they’re only option is to try and find where you may have somehow obstructed justice...... but as I explained above, the United States Constitution clearly states that a President cannot obstruct any investigation under the legislative branch.

Class is dismissed!

What was 100% TRUE in June 2018 is 100% TRUE in May 2020!!!

Sure, that was concerning the Mueller investigation and this is the General Flynn investigation......but the same TRUTH applies!!!

The Executive Branch (William Barr) has dropped the charges, so why is the Judicial Branch (Judge Sullivan) attempting to override what the Executive Branch is wanting to do?

Judge Sullivan is wanting to bring in a Hostile former Prosecutor (John Gleason) who has already publicly opined his thoughts on this case:

“There has been nothing regular about the department’s effort to dismiss the Flynn case. The record reeks of improper political influence.”


The Business Of Prosecution is a matter of The Executive Branch!!! The Judicial Branch is there to call balls and strikes, more importantly, The Judicial Branch Isn’t Responsible For Prosecution Or To Substitute Their Judgement For A Decision Of Dismissal!!!

”The United States Supreme Court ... in the unanimous decision ... written by Ruth Bader Ginsburg took a situation like this where the Ninth Circuit was using amicus curiae/friend of court briefs to change the nature and position the case -- not what the parties were fighting over but what the court wanted them to fight over.“

What Judge Sullivan is attempting to do is unconditional!
(let that sink in)

Also, in our judicial system, a case or controversy is required to proceed. Judge Sullivan’s Court lacks jurisdiction —SIMPLE AS THAT— when the Executive Branch withdraws because there is no longer a case or controversy, IT’S OVER!!!

The Executive Branch dropping the charges ENDS IT!!!

Last but not least, the Department of Justice can get a Writ Of Mandamus from the federal appellate court in Washington DC to compel Judge Sullivan to do his job!!!

Class dismissed......everyone have a great weekend!!!

h8kurdt 05.15.2020 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
However, things between Flynn and Obama soured. Flynn knew the inner workings of the Obama Administration and most importantly, he knew too many secrets! General Flynn was about to start working for soon to be new President Donald Trump and between the two, Obama knew they would slowly unravel everything is Presidency worked least that’s how I see it!

Obama warned Trump about Flynn

So that's ruined your narrative there.

Bytor Peltor 05.15.2020 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Obama warned Trump about Flynn

So that's ruined your narrative there.

Not at all!

I think it helps establish the narrative I presented!!

h8kurdt 05.15.2020 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Agreed. President Obama may have been trying to prevent the hiring of General Flynn by President Trump to prevent General Flynn's knowledge from getting into the Trump White House and being taken seriously therein.

And he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!

!@#$%! 05.15.2020 07:10 AM

EDITORIAL| VOLUME 395, ISSUE 10236, P1521, MAY 16, 2020
Reviving the US CDC

The Lancet
Published:May 16, 2020DOI:

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to worsen in the USA with 1·3 million cases and an estimated death toll of 80 684 as of May 12. States that were initially the hardest hit, such as New York and New Jersey, have decelerated the rate of infections and deaths after the implementation of 2 months of lockdown. However, the emergence of new outbreaks in Minnesota, where the stay-at-home order is set to lift in mid-May, and Iowa, which did not enact any restrictions on movement or commerce, has prompted pointed new questions about the inconsistent and incoherent national response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flagship agency for the nation's public health, has seen its role minimised and become an ineffective and nominal adviser in the response to contain the spread of the virus. The strained relationship between the CDC and the federal government was further laid bare when, according to The Washington Post, Deborah Birx, the head of the US COVID-19 Task Force and a former director of the CDC's Global HIV/AIDS Division, cast doubt on the CDC's COVID-19 mortality and case data by reportedly saying: “There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust”. This is an unhelpful statement, but also a shocking indictment of an agency that was once regarded as the gold standard for global disease detection and control. How did an agency that was the first point of contact for many national health authorities facing a public health threat become so ill-prepared to protect the public's health?

In the decades following its founding in 1946, the CDC became a national pillar of public health and globally respected. It trained cadres of applied epidemiologists to be deployed in the USA and abroad. CDC scientists have helped to discover new viruses and develop accurate tests for them. CDC support was instrumental in helping WHO to eradicate smallpox. However, funding to the CDC for a long time has been subject to conservative politics that have increasingly eroded the agency's ability to mount effective, evidence-based public health responses. In the 1980s, the Reagan administration resisted providing the sufficient budget that the CDC needed to fight the HIV/AIDS crisis. The George W Bush administration put restrictions on global and domestic HIV prevention and reproductive health programming.

The Trump administration further chipped away at the CDC's capacity to combat infectious diseases. CDC staff in China were cut back with the last remaining CDC officer recalled home from the China CDC in July, 2019, leaving an intelligence vacuum when COVID-19 began to emerge. In a press conference on Feb 25, Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, warned US citizens to prepare for major disruptions to movement and everyday life. Messonnier subsequently no longer appeared at White House briefings on COVID-19. More recently, the Trump administration has questioned guidelines that the CDC has provided. These actions have undermined the CDC's leadership and its work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is no doubt that the CDC has made mistakes, especially on testing in the early stages of the pandemic. The agency was so convinced that it had contained the virus that it retained control of all diagnostic testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, but this was followed by the admission on Feb 12 that the CDC had developed faulty test kits. The USA is still nowhere near able to provide the basic surveillance or laboratory testing infrastructure needed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

But punishing the agency by marginalising and hobbling it is not the solution. The Administration is obsessed with magic bullets—vaccines, new medicines, or a hope that the virus will simply disappear. But only a steadfast reliance on basic public health principles, like test, trace, and isolate, will see the emergency brought to an end, and this requires an effective national public health agency. The CDC needs a director who can provide leadership without the threat of being silenced and who has the technical capacity to lead today's complicated effort.

The Trump administration's further erosion of the CDC will harm global cooperation in science and public health, as it is trying to do by defunding WHO. A strong CDC is needed to respond to public health threats, both domestic and international, and to help prevent the next inevitable pandemic. Americans must put a president in the White House come January, 2021, who will understand that public health should not be guided by partisan politics.

tw2113 05.16.2020 01:44 AM

My Butthole Hurts Because I'm Getting Fucked One Way Or Another And All I Got Was $1200 For The Pain.

tw2113 05.16.2020 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by tw2113
My Butthole Hurts Because I'm Getting Fucked One Way Or Another And All I Got Was $1200 For The Pain.

This was originally in all caps but Thurston Moore hates shouting and removed most of it.

Bytor Peltor 05.17.2020 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I disagree with Mark Levin in that the judge must entertain the motion to dismiss the case now before it, which remains before it until it has been dismissed or otherwise disposed of. Any Application for Writ of Prohibition must fail as the court of original jurisdiction (i.e.,Judge Sullivan's court) retains jurisdiction until the case has been dismissed or otherwise disposed of. (Besides, it was the prosecution that chose the court upon which he serves as one of the judges as the venue in the first place!)

Mr. Levin rightfully accuses the FBI of police misconduct during their investigation of Mr. Flynn, yet this is far from Judge Sullivan denying him due process of law before his court.

My one point of agreement with Mr. Levin is that Judge Sullivan erred in appointing a strawman counsel to draught a brief opposing the motion, as it's properly the role of the judge himself with or without the assistance of his law clerks to consider causes for dismissing the motion.

I appreciate your points concerning Mr. Levin.

Regarding General Flynn, I’ve heard some mention the government threatened pressure/prosecution of his son and Flynn’s agreement to plea deal halted that......does General Flynn now have recourse?

It will be interesting to see how this plays out!

The Soup Nazi 05.17.2020 11:29 PM

From New York Magazine/Vulture:


Matrix Director Lilly Wachowski Has an Important Message for Elon Musk and Ivanka Trump

Once you make something and release it into the wild, you no longer have control over it, a fact no creator is more acutely aware of, and presumably bummed by, than Matrix filmmaker Lilly Wachowski. Well, maybe the guy who drew Pepe the Frog, but Wachowski is the creator who had a special message for Elon Musk and Ivanka Trump on Sunday when the former encouraged his followers to “take the red pill,” a reference to the 1999 smash action movie Wachowski directed with sister Lana Wachowski.

In The Matrix, taking a red pill allows Keanu Reeves’s protagonist, Neo, to recognize that he, along with the rest of humanity, is trapped inside a computer-generated reality. In the parlance of our times, the red pill typically refers to men’s rights activists or, more broadly, any assortment of conservative and conspiracy ideologies. Based on Elon Musk’s recent behavior, his red pill presumably refers to breaking quarantine in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Either way, Lilly Wachowksi has a message for his misuse of The Matrix, and for Ivanka’s endorsement retweet, which you can read below.


tw2113 05.18.2020 01:48 AM

So much for any sense of enjoyment i may have had in November, Amash dropped out already.

Screaming Skull 05.18.2020 11:12 AM

Stormy, Stormy, Stormy...Russia, Russia, Russia...Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine...Impeach, Impeach, Impeach. The last-ditch effort to destabilize the Trump presidency is to lock-down until Wednesday, November 4th, right? Livelihoods be damned...YOU. MUST. OBEY.

Desperation reeks.

h8kurdt 05.18.2020 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Screaming Skull
Stormy, Stormy, Stormy...Russia, Russia, Russia...Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine...Impeach, Impeach, Impeach. The last-ditch effort to destabilize the Trump presidency is to lock-down until Wednesday, November 4th, right? Livelihoods be damned...YOU. MUST. OBEY.

Desperation reeks.


h8kurdt 05.19.2020 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Screaming Skull
Stormy, Stormy, Stormy...Russia, Russia, Russia...Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine...Impeach, Impeach, Impeach. The last-ditch effort to destabilize the Trump presidency is to lock-down until Wednesday, November 4th, right? Livelihoods be damned...YOU. MUST. OBEY.

Desperation reeks.

Still chuckling about this one. All this destabilising is his own doing.

Anyway, in today's episode of "what's Trump done now" he's continuing his riling against the WHO. Let's not forget that he was singing their praises a couple of months ago. Couldn't possibly be an attempt at deflection from his own failings in handling this pandemic could it? Noooo


It's also possible that he has literally no idea what the WHO can and can't do. WHO issued a PHEIC (public health emergency of int’l concern) on 30th Jan- the highest level of alarm. Countries could either then prepare, or not prepare.

Obviously he chose not to prepare.

Bytor Peltor 05.19.2020 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Couldn't possibly be an attempt at deflection from his own failings in handling this pandemic could it?

Once again, SYG already has a thread for COVID discussion. However, if you think this narrative will help impact what happens in of luck with that!

h8kurdt 05.19.2020 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Once again, SYG already has a thread for COVID discussion. However, if you think this narrative will help impact what happens in of luck with that!

Don't think it was me saying anything like that. Anyway, point is that it's about Trump. So here it goes.

You don't think what he's saying is deflection?

h8kurdt 05.19.2020 04:37 PM


And to think how much effort Bytor put it into his long rambling posts saying Obama was a traitor.

I mean, I'm writing this like he'd ever concede that Trump was wrong, but y'know, miracles happen everyday, right?

Bytor Peltor 05.20.2020 04:12 AM

Flynn Files Emergency Petition With U.S. Court Of Appeals To Replace Judge And Dismiss Case

“Gen. Michael Flynn has filed a writ of mandamus with the United States Court of Appeals with the District of Columbia to dismiss the case against Flynn, vacate the order appointing an amicus curiae and reassign the case to another judge.

The petition comes after Judge Emmet Sullivan, who oversees Flynn’s case, failed to grant the government’s motion to dismiss based on what his defense believes is a political prejudice against Flynn.“

Bytor Peltor 05.20.2020 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
And to think how much effort Bytor put it into his long rambling posts saying Obama was a traitor.

Not much effort required when the evidence is overwhelming......and this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Declassified Susan Rice Email Confirms Michael Flynn Was Personally Targeted In Oval Office Meeting


Ted Cruz

“Wow. Ongoing spying from an outgoing POTUS on the incoming POTUS—directed by Obama himself—is unprecedented in the 243 years of our nation’s history.”

If you keep clinging to your opinion pieces, h8kurdt, I’m afraid you will end up going down with the ship......but good luck with that!

h8kurdt 05.20.2020 07:47 AM

You're the one adamant that something is going to come out of this, not me.

Bytor Peltor 05.21.2020 02:12 PM

Judicial Watch Lawsuit Forces Declassification and Release of “Electronic Communication” Used to Launch Obama Administration’s Spy Operation on President Trump’s 2016 Campaign

“No wonder the DOJ and FBI resisted the public release of this infamous ‘electronic communication’ that ‘opened’ Crossfire Hurricane – it shows there was no serious basis for the Obama administration to launch an unprecedented spy operation on the Trump campaign,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We now have more proof that Crossfire Hurricane was a scam, based on absurd gossip and innuendo. This document is Exhibit A to Obamagate, the worst corruption scandal in American history. This document shows how Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney Durham are right to question the predicate this spy operation.”

Electronic Communication

Title: Crossfire Hurricane Date: 07/31/2016

Cc: [Redacted]
Strzok Peter P II

Contact: Strzok Peter P II, [Redacted]

Approved by: Strzok Peter P II

Drafed by: Strzok Peter P II

Case ID #: [Redacted]


This document contains information that is restricted to case participants

Synopsis: (S/ / CC/NF) Opens and assigns investigation

Reason 1.4 (b)
Derived from: FBI
Declassify On: 20411231


(S/NF) An investigation is being opened based on information received by Legat [Redacted] on 07/29/2016. The text of that email follows:


Re: [Redacted] 07/31/2016


(U/ /FOUO) Legat [Redacted] information from [Redacted] Deputy Chief of Mission

(U/ /FOUO) Legat [Redacted] received information from the [Redacted] Deputy Chief of Mission related to the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s website/server.

(S/ /REL TO USA[Redacted] On Wednesday, July 27, 2016, Legal Attaché (Legat) [Redacted] was summoned to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) for the [Redacted] who will be leaving [Redacted] post Saturday July 30, 2016 and set to soon thereafter retire from government service, advised [Redacted] was called by [Redacted] about an urgent matter requiring an in person meeting with the U.S. Ambassador. [Note: [Redacted]. The [Redacted] was scheduled to be away from post until mid-August, therefore [Redacted] attended the meeting.

(S/ [Redacted]) [Redacted] advised that [Redacted] government had been seeking prominent members of the Donald Trump campaign in which to engage to prepare for potential post-election relations should Trump be elected U.S. President. One of the people identified was George Papadopolous (although public media sources provide a spelling of Papadopoulos), who was believed to be one of Donald Trump’s foreign policy advisers. Mr. Papdopoulos was located in [Redacted] so the [Redacted] met with him on several occasions, with [Redacted] attending at least one of the meetings.

(S/ [Redacted]) [Redacted] recalled [Redacted] of the meetings between Mr. Papdopolous and [Redacted] concerning statements Mr. Papadopolous made about suggestions from the Russians that they (the Russians) could assist the Trump campaign with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton. [Redacted] provided a copy of the reporting that was provided to [Redacted] from [Redacted] to Legal [Redacted]. The text is exactly as follows:

(Begin Text)

(S/ [Redacted]) 5. Mr. Papadopolous [Redacted] also suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs. Clinton (and President Obama). It was unclear whether he or the Russians were referring to material acquired publicly of through other means. It was also unclear how Mr. Trump’s team reacted to the offer. We note the Trump team’s reaction could, in the end, have little bearing of what Russia decides to do, with or without Mr. Trump’s cooperation.
(End Text)

(s/ [Redacted]
(s/ [Redacted] Legat requests that further action on this information should consider the sensitivity that this information was provided through informal diplomatic channels from [Redacted] to the U.S. Embassy’s DCM. It was clear from the conversation Legal [Redacted]
had with DCM that [Redacted] knew follow-up by the U.S. government would be necessary, but extraordinary efforts should be made to protect the source of this information until such a time that a request from our organization can be made to [Redacted] to obtain this information through formal channels.


(S/ / CC/NF) Based on the information provided by Legat [Redacted] this investigation is being opened to determine whether individual(s) associated with the Trump campaign are witting of and/or coordinating activities with the Government of Russia.

Bytor Peltor 05.22.2020 03:22 PM

FBI director orders internal review of Flynn investigation


McEnany Schools Reporters On ‘Good Journalism’, Provides Suggested Questions On ‘Unmaskings’

“I just want to follow up with you guys on that, did anyone take it upon themselves to pose any questions about Michael Flynn and unmasking a President Obama spokesperson?”


Lesson 1: Why did the Obama administration use opposition research funded by a political organization and filled with foreign dirt to surveil members of the Trump campaign?

Lesson 2: Why was Lieutenant General Michael Flynn unmasked? Not by the intel community entirely, but by Obama’s chief of staff, by the former Vice President Joe Biden, by Susan Rice, by the Treasury Secretary?

Lesson 3: Why was Flynn’s identity leaked in a criminal act?

Lesson 4: Why did the DOJ Sally Yates learn about the unmasking from President Obama?

Lesson 5: Why did James Clapper, John Brennan, Samantha Power, and Susan Rice privately admit under oath they had no evidence of collusion while saying the opposite publicly?

McEnany concluded before exiting the briefing room, “It’s a long weekend, you guys have three days to follow up on those questions. And I certainly hope the next time I ask some hands go up because Obama’s spokesperson should be asked those questions.”

Just like major media, the SYG free minded freethinkers sound a lot like crickets, too!

Everyone have a great holiday weekend!

The Soup Nazi 05.22.2020 08:01 PM

Zakaria's column on The Washington Post this week (I "highlighted" the fifth paragraph):


Democrats are falling into a familiar trap on China

As polls continue to show a steady lead for Joe Biden, President Trump is getting increasingly desperate. He has now committed himself to an election strategy that is centered on pointing the finger at China and its leader, Xi Jinping. Throughout January and February, Trump had showered praise on Xi, describing him as “strong, sharp and powerfully focused,” repeatedly emphasized the close Sino-American cooperation on covid-19, and praised Beijing for its “transparency.” As late as March 27, Trump tweeted, “We are working closely together. Much respect!”

That was before it became clear that he had mishandled the outbreak in the United States, and before his approval rating began to drop. So he returned to a familiar pattern: blaming foreigners. If the 2016 campaign was centered around blaming Mexico, the 2020 campaign will clearly focus on scapegoating China. Trump surrogates are already insisting that China must pay for the damage it has done — which will presumably happen right after Mexico pays for the wall.

Let me be clear: China engaged in a coverup of the initial outbreak in Wuhan. Local officials silenced whistleblowers. The entire Chinese Communist Party system was terrified that this bad news would slow growth, spook markets and reveal that it had mishandled a public health emergency. The CCP did the same and more during the SARS outbreak of 2003.

But the Chinese authorities also did some things right. They sequenced the entire genome of the coronavirus and released it to the world on Jan. 12, much faster than happened with SARS. They also realized, belatedly, that in this case their censorship and control were exacerbating the public health crisis. On Jan. 21, the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission posted a statement: “Whoever deliberately delays or conceals reporting for the sake of their own interests will be forever nailed to history’s pillar of shame.” (The post was later removed, probably because it revealed that people had been delaying and concealing reports.)

In any event, by the end of January the World Health Organization had announced a global health emergency, and several places moved quickly to combat it. The United States was not one of them. Had Trump done so, the United States would be in a very different situation today. Taiwan, which gets millions of travelers from mainland China each year, didn’t close its borders to China until after the United States, yet it took smart, targeted steps to limit the spread. It has had, to date, seven deaths from covid-19. Hong Kong, a dense city with a similar number of residents as New York, has had four. Those are not typos.

The real puzzle is not that Trump is engaging in China-bashing but why Democrats are joining in. They are falling into a familiar trap: Republicans take a legitimate challenge to the United States and pump it up into a mortal danger, massively exaggerating the threat and accusing the Democrats of appeasement or even of taking part in a conspiracy with the enemy. And Democrats, instead of standing their ground, get scared and join in the scaremongering. In response to ads bashing Biden and China, Biden released his own China-bashing ad, which even competed with Trump in its racially charged tone. Rather than explaining that policy toward China requires both confrontation and cooperation, the Biden campaign has basically conceded the argument to Trump.

These are not just election-year antics. Such tactics have lasting consequences. Democrats supported coups and covert operations across the world in the 1950s and 1960s for fear that they would be labeled soft. They stumbled into Vietnam in large measure because Lyndon B. Johnson did not want to face Republican accusations that he “lost” a country to communism. The most recent generation of Democrats went along with the Iraq War largely because they did not want to be seen as weak in the War on Terror. In 2002, as Republicans began beating the drums for war with Iraq, Biden joined them. “We have no choice but to eliminate the threat,” he said on “Meet the Press”. “This is a guy who’s an extreme danger to the world.”

Trump’s latest campaign strategy is to attack China and an international body, the World Health Organization. Never mind that the WHO is, as Bill Gates has noted, more closely connected to the United States than any other country, with deep ties to the CDC. Never mind that it does not have powers to compel sovereign countries (such as China) largely because of rules written and supported by Washington, which is allergic to external interference from international groups.

For Trump, the attacks make sense. He and his followers want to cripple international institutions. They want an end to global cooperation on issues such as climate change. They understand that a cold war with China would destroy globalization and the open, rules-based international order.

But Democrats believe in this world. They see it as the fulfillment of a vision conceived by Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt that has provided for unprecedented peace and prosperity over the past 70 years. So why are they joining in its destruction?

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