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GeneticKiss 07.01.2020 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
The derangedness is gonna stay there. Remember the Teabaggers? Birthers? Churchers? It all happened under Barack Obama's presidency. They couldn't stand seeing a black man in charge, they were told that's not how you overcome a brutal recession, that your granny was gonna have to go after the "death panels" gave her the thumbs-down...

Look, the Republican credo —"small government", magical tax cuts, imaginary friends— is one thing. WHY MUST THAT MEAN SUPPORTING A MONSTER LIKE TRUMP. Why is it so hard to say, yes, I'm a Republican, I believe Reagan's bullshit, but I won't stand for an egregriously racist, misogynistic, authoritarian, treasonous, willfully ignorant turd of a person who governs by tweet and says/does a crazy fucked-up thing daily/hourly to stay in the news loop? The two or three people in this board who vocally (and passionately, as it turns out) back him are gone, there's no deprogramming possible.

Because Reagan's appeal lay in many of those things; "welfare queens", calling the Soviet Union an "evil empire" to justify pouring millions into the military, ignoring the AIDS epidemic. The biggest difference was Reagan was more soft-spoken about it. At the end of the day the goal of the Republican party in the modern age is domination of the "sinful" (poor, black/brown, LGBT) by the "righteous" (rich male WASPs) at home and making the rest of the world subservient to US interests.

Removing Trump may not mortally wound his ideology, but it would give it a good scar it'd do well to not forget how it got it.

The Soup Nazi 07.01.2020 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Removing Trump may not mortally wound his ideology, but it would give it a good scar it'd do well to not forget how it got it.

Back in February (shit, that feels like a decade ago), there was a bit about this point on Fareed Zakaria's newsletter (not written by FZ; the links to the originals articles by Stephen Walt and Joshua Zeitz are included):


Things May Not Go Back to ‘Normal’ After Trump

At Foreign Policy, Stephen Walt recently ticked off an exhaustive list of autocratic-style transgressions he sees President Trump as having perpetrated (or having nearly done so): Intimidating the media, politicizing the military, rewarding favored constituencies, and demonizing the opposition are all included.

Troubling as Walt’s assessment may be, Joshua Zeitz argues in Politico Magazine that whatever one thinks of Trump’s departures, the presidency may not go back to “normal” so easily after him, as our conception of “normal” is relatively recent. “[i]t’s pretty reasonable to expect that presidents not misdirect law enforcement and civilian officials to do their political bidding, that presidents be transparent with the media, and that courts remain free of political influence,” he writes. “The point, rather, is that these norms were not timeless features of our system.”

J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI surveilled Martin Luther King, Jr. during Lyndon Johnson’s presidency, Nixon took things to new levels by trying to turn federal agencies on opponents, and open press access is a modern phenomenon, Zeitz writes; most of the norms we now take for granted only evolved after Watergate. “Much like an unwritten constitution, political culture evolves contingently, and presidents—especially in recent decades—enjoy sweeping ability to leave a lasting imprint on that culture,” he writes. “They also have broad authority to smash old ways of doing things.”

The Soup Nazi 07.01.2020 01:14 PM

Trump's white evangelical approval slips, Pew finds, but 82 PERCENT still likely to vote for him

Repugnant filthy phony hypocritical FUCKS.

The Soup Nazi 07.01.2020 03:07 PM


h8kurdt 07.01.2020 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

It's a crazy old world. Only have to look at Bytor and ol' Bobby here to realise that people can shown evidence after evidence of the absolute scumminess of Trump and they'll never change their minds on him.

Worst thing is the evangelist and religious nuts saying Trump has been sent by God. I mean...the fuck...

!@#$%! 07.01.2020 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
religious nuts saying Trump has been sent by God.

sent by god to wipe out america? it’s fucking working...

The Soup Nazi 07.01.2020 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
It's a crazy old world. Only have to look at Bytor and ol' Bobby here to realise that people can shown evidence after evidence of the absolute scumminess of Trump and they'll never change their minds on him.

Worst thing is the evangelist and religious nuts saying Trump has been sent by God. I mean...the fuck...

The worst, actually, are all the fuckers among that 82% who KNOW VERY WELL Trump is an irredeemable waste of oxygen who has broken, is breaking, and will break every single "commandment" in the "good book" but will also, with Bitch McConnell's invaluable help, appoint judges and officials who will fight the right of a woman to decide what happens with her own body, of a black person to BREATH and not get shot in their own house while playing with their son, of a gay person to marry the one they love; and who will uphold and deepen the institutionalized corruption known as Super PACs. Whatever, or, rather, whomever it takes, right?

EVOLghost 07.02.2020 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Worst thing is the evangelist and religious nuts saying Trump has been sent by God. I mean...the fuck...

Yeah. I read a lot of comments with this sentiment on a FB page. It was wild...

Bytor Peltor 07.02.2020 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Yeah. I read a lot of comments with this sentiment on a FB page. It was wild...

Did It Sound A Little Something Like This?

_tunic_ 07.02.2020 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

What a load of bullcrap that is!
Is his name really called Dutch Sheets? My country should sue him !!


Bytor Peltor 07.02.2020 09:15 AM

The Democrats were holding out hopes for another round of impeachment hearings before November over the NOTHING-NADA-ZILCH Secret Russia Mueller Report......ha ha ha!

Justices keep hold on secret Russia investigation material

”Democrats have suggested that the grand jury materials could reveal new misconduct that could potentially form the basis of new articles of impeachment“

Bytor Peltor 07.02.2020 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
What a load of bullcrap that is!
Is his name really called Dutch Sheets? My country should sue him !!


I have no clue as I’ve never heard his name before!

EVOLghost 07.02.2020 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

I have no idea what the hell went on in that video.

anyone who thinks Americans are “God’s chosen people” needs a lobotomy. That type of thinking does ABSOLUTELY no good.

The Soup Nazi 07.03.2020 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk

Yeah, 'cause he's the one who has to take swift decisive action, not the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

Fuck off and die already, imbecile.

The Soup Nazi 07.03.2020 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Yet he was in a position to call President Trump out on this issue, was he not?

He was in a position to humiliate President Trump on this issue, and confront him with yet further evidence of collusion with Russia!

Why did he not?

Oh, you wanted him to? Because you're whining -in an egregiously shitty attempt at sarcasm- that he didn't call out your Dear Leader... Problem is, it was an issue that now your Dear Leader admits it's real but first said it wasn't then said nobody told him then said he didn't believe it.


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk

Sticking out your tongue is pretty pathetic for a 62-year-old. But now that you have, shove it up your ass and DIE OF AMOEBIASIS YOU FILTHY FUCK.

!@#$%! 07.03.2020 10:05 AM

"Our Armed Forces would be better served if President Trump spent more time reading his daily briefing and less time planning military parades and defending relics of the Confederacy.” -Chuck & Nancy

Bytor Peltor 07.04.2020 07:17 PM

4th of July TRUMP boat parade on Lake Sam Rayburn, Texas


Just about every boat has a TRUMP flag!


Bytor Peltor 07.05.2020 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
As it is, I already linked about how the Obama/Flynn debacle (not that you read it, like) is nothing more the a right wing kerfuffle that has no evidence. I mean, the fact that the loudest foghorn, trump, doesn't even know what he's shouting about should tell you everything. Because I'm nice. Here it is again.

I read it the first time and just like I said before......all the best with your “opinion pieces” come November!


This by Julie Kelly is a substantial & definitive addition to the official record of Russiagate. She meticulously details the insidious crucial role NeverTrump played in nurturing & amplifying the biggest political scandal in American History.

Weapons Of Mass Collusion......For two years, as Robert Mueller tried and failed to find evidence of a criminal conspiracy, NeverTrump Republicans tended to the right flank of the Trump-Russia collusion front. But their role in pushing the hoax went much deeper.

tw2113 07.05.2020 10:17 PM

Sadly, still legit.

Bytor Peltor 07.06.2020 01:41 PM

: )

!@#$%! 07.06.2020 02:35 PM

lol fox

but there’s this one too

Bytor Peltor 07.07.2020 03:23 AM


h8kurdt 07.07.2020 07:28 AM

Trump coming out with more nonsense today

"Americans harnessed electricity, split the atom, and gave the world the telephone and the internet. We settled the Wild West, won two World Wars, landed American Astronauts on the Moon—and one day soon, we will plant our flag on Mars!"

Bit fast and loose with the facts there, lad.

Atom - Rutherford, a New Zealander. Internet - Tim Berners-Lee, an Englishman. Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman.

The Soup Nazi 07.07.2020 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Internet - Tim Berners-Lee, an Englishman.

Are you dissing Al Gore?!

!@#$%! 07.07.2020 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Trump coming out with more nonsense today

he’s also withdrawing from the WHO. bleach injections for everyone.

btw his niece wrote a book about the family origins of trumpet’s deranged narcissism (they fucked him up, his mum and dad).

h8kurdt 07.08.2020 03:12 AM

Ooh! This is gonna be fun. Can we do this everytime Trump plays fast and loose with facts?!


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Let's have a look at your claims:

Per Wikipedia:

"Nuclear fission of heavy elements was discovered on December 17, 1938 by German Otto Hahn and his assistant Fritz Strassmann, and explained theoretically in January 1939 by Lise Meitner and her nephew Otto Robert Frisch."

Both Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman were born and died in Germany. German.


Kindly compare my own surname with the surnames Hahn. Straßmann, Meitner, and Frisch! As well as Trump! I'm sure you'll get the picture. :cool:

The fuck has your surname got to do with any of this.


Anyways, the first sustained artificial nuclear fission reaction occurred in a reactor called the "atomic pile" beneath a squash court at the University of Chicago overseen by Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard, an Italian and Hungarian respectively, who came to the US because they couldn't continue their studies under the rigid ideological restrictions placed on scholarship by the Fascist regimes of their home countries, much like the restrictions placed on Western scholarship by the regime currently ruling academia here of inquiry, so we, and our (supposedly Fascistic) Bill of Rights, get the credit.

Neither were American.


"The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United States Department of Defense funded research into time-sharing of computers in the 1960s.[15][16][17] Meanwhile, research into packet switching, one of the fundamental Internet technologies, started in the work of Paul Baran in the early 1960s and, independently, Donald Davies in 1965

Davies was Welsh. You really think Trump can tell the difference between the world wide web and the internet? Fact is Berners-Lee is the whole reason you're on the internet today


The Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell claimed to have invented the telephone, yet the American Elisha Gray (per Wikipedia) was the discoverer of the principle of an electric wire immersed in liquid contained by a diaphragm. Bell's improvement was the discovery of amplitude modulation as the best current to carry an intelligible signal, yet, at the time, Gray was working in Chicago, and Bell was working in Boston (both within the US!). It may well be that Bell had been working with liquid microphones for three years prior to the 1876 patent race, yet the liquid with which Bell had been working was mercury (which didn't work) while Gray was working with water (which worked!).

"The courts decided priority in favor of Bell and the telephone company he founded. In addition to being constructed differently from the transmitter described and pictured in Gray's caveat, Bell's working liquid transmitter of March 10, 1876 operated in a way that is in fact described in Bell's original patent application, but not in Gray's caveat."

And again, neither of them were American.


And not one of you New Left-types picked up on the fact that the President's reference to the settlement of the Wild West referred to the genocide committed against Native Americans! I definitely call out my President on that point. Why won't you?

Alright, we'll add that America didn't win both World Wars to that as well.

New left-types?! Haha! The fuck is that?

Can we argue more about the facts Trump has played fast and loose with? Lord knows we've thousands to choose from.

h8kurdt 07.08.2020 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Check again!

I've already indicated that fact. I also indicated the fact that the first ARTIFICIALLY SUSTAINED FISSION CHAIN REACTION occurred on American soil, no doubt due to our traditional academic liberty as well as our strategic security at that time.

Berners-Lee simply assembled parts that were already there. Brilliant move that was, but he didn't build the parts themselves.


So you're agreeing with my point that barely any of the people were American. Which was what trump's tweet was about.

Well that solves that issue doesn't it.

!@#$%! 07.08.2020 07:47 AM

lmfao (in my opinion)

Bytor Peltor 07.08.2020 12:24 PM

Omar Faces Ethics Outcry Over Payments To Husband After Decrying Those Who Profit From Our "System Of Oppression"

“Painter previously criticized Omar after she declared that she believes former Vice President Joe Biden is a rapist who is continuing to lie about raping a Senate staffer. However, she is still supporting and advising Biden in his presidential election. Painter objected that Omar would publicly admit that she believed Biden raped his staffer because it could undermine his election.”

“Omar has previously been criticized for paying fees to Tim Mynett’s consulting firm when they were rumored to be in a romantic relationship. Mynett and Omar would later divorce their respective spouses and marry. Omar has given Mynett a total of more than $878,000 since 2018. That includes $189,000 just weeks after the couple announced they were married, according to media reports citing data from the Federal Election Commission (FEC).”

!@#$%! 07.08.2020 03:14 PM

3 million infected

Toilet & Bowels 07.08.2020 03:32 PM

It recently emerged on social media that Ilhan Omar is into modular synths.

Savage Clone 07.08.2020 08:23 PM

I saw that! She mentioned the ARP 2600. P legit

Bytor Peltor 07.08.2020 10:12 PM

To be clear, I didn’t know where else to put this and seeing how we previously discussed Omar within this thread, I figured this was best. However, my sharing and bolding her rapist statements were more about Presidential candidate Joe Biden.

We are just over a month away from the 2020 Democratic National Convention and I wonder if other Democrats will follow Omar’s sentiments regarding the rape allegations?


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Omar Faces Ethics Outcry Over Payments To Husband After Decrying Those Who Profit From Our "System Of Oppression"

“Painter previously criticized Omar after she declared that she believes former Vice President Joe Biden is a rapist who is continuing to lie about raping a Senate staffer. However, she is still supporting and advising Biden in his presidential election. Painter objected that Omar would publicly admit that she believed Biden raped his staffer because it could undermine his election.”

“Omar has previously been criticized for paying fees to Tim Mynett’s consulting firm when they were rumored to be in a romantic relationship. Mynett and Omar would later divorce their respective spouses and marry. Omar has given Mynett a total of more than $878,000 since 2018. That includes $189,000 just weeks after the couple announced they were married, according to media reports citing data from the Federal Election Commission (FEC).”

tw2113 07.09.2020 12:20 AM

*bends over and applies the KY*

The Soup Nazi 07.09.2020 10:10 AM


Supreme Court says Manhattan prosecutor may see Trump's financial records, denies Congress access for now

“In our judicial system, ‘the public has a right to every man’s evidence,’” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote in the New York case, citing an ancient maxim. “Since the earliest days of the Republic, ‘every man’ has included the President of the United States.”

In both cases, the justices ruled 7 to 2, with Trump nominees Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh joining the majorities. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. dissented.

Nice. :D


The information is part of a grand jury investigation, so the joint decisions dash the hopes of Trump opponents that the information will be available to the public before the election.

FUCK. :mad:


h8kurdt 07.09.2020 11:38 AM

He's currently losing his mind on twitter about it all. Bobby Schunk will say how he doesn't have to reveal his records and he's right. However, he knows as well as we all do that the guy is hiding a graveyard's worth of skeletons in those reports and they are in the interest of the public to see.

The Soup Nazi 07.09.2020 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Bobby Schunk will say how he doesn't have to reveal his records and he's right.

Um... No, he's not, because Trump's bullcrap organizations are under criminal investigation; this isn't some mook off the street who's never had any problem with the IRS suddenly being stopped by the coppers and forced to reveal his shit.

Anyway, you gotta love the 7-2 vote: Gorsuch and Kavanaugh (Kavanaugh!) voted "against him". He must be cursing those who told him to appoint them like the little bitch that he is.


Bytor Peltor 07.10.2020 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
The whole process will take sufficient time press and public will, most likely, not hear the evidence until after the election.

With their decision, the Supreme Court wasn’t necessarily worried about what takes place in November 2020, rather, the precedent being set for future elections. Of course, if truly concerned about an individual’s tax returns, Congress could take the necessary steps and require future Presidential candidates to release their taxes before appearing on a ballot.

Republicans Should Subpoena the Tax Returns of Every Supreme Court Justice

Also, an individual paying “hush money” with their own money isn’t a crime, but blackmailing someone is!

If our tax money is going to pay for an investigation, someone should investigate the “hushed up scandals” involving members of Congress who have paid “hush money” with our tax money......THIS IS ILLEGAL, but the free minded freethinkers aren’t interested in that!

Bytor Peltor 07.10.2020 03:55 PM

Helmut Norpoth, who has correctly predicted 24 out of 26 Presidential Elections, including Trump’s victory in 2016. His model gives the President a 92% chance to be elected again in 2020.


Trump Has 91 Percent Chance of Winning Reelection: Political Science Professor

Meanwhile......on the same day as Helmut release:

James Carville: Significant chance that Trump doesn't run

......would the Orange Cheeto actually step aside clearing the way for Black Jesus?


Everyone have a great weekend!!!

!@#$%! 07.10.2020 07:44 PM

orange mafia don just commuted the sentence of convicted felon roger stone

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