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Bytor Peltor 08.07.2020 08:26 AM

More good news:

U.S. Added 1.8 Million Jobs in July......unemployment drops to 10.2 percent!!!

Diesel 08.07.2020 09:37 AM

Four hundred and fiddy foken four pages.........

h8kurdt 08.07.2020 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
More good news:

U.S. Added 1.8 Million Jobs in July......unemployment drops to 10.2 percent!!!

Even better news! Only 160k preventable deaths from Covid! Too much winning.

h8kurdt 08.07.2020 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Four hundred and fiddy foken four pages.........

Plenty more to come

Diesel 08.07.2020 10:13 AM

i'm logging off pal, before I get buried in the mundane pile of boring stats used as arguments...pile

#ya boy winning internet arguments

The Soup Nazi 08.07.2020 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Four hundred and fiddy foken four pages.........

227 for me. But I have my settings on "Show 40 Posts Per Page". :)

The Soup Nazi 08.07.2020 10:37 PM

Fuck you, Joe Arpaio

Bytor Peltor 08.08.2020 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Tough decisions are being made and the end of July is looming! The end of July is when many will stop receiving their $600 stipend per week from the federal government and the question becomes......what happens then?

Also, all of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) money will soon be running out. Companies will no longer be paid to keep employees employed even though they can no longer afford to keep them.

14 trillion dollars has been pumped into our economy over the past five months. No one wants to appear heartless just before an election, so President Trump is seeking an additional trillion dollars while Nancy Pelosi wants another THREE TRILLION.

Be it the end of this month or the end of the year, the government handouts will run out and financially speaking things will get very bad!!!

A depression greater than the 1920’s is looming and this November the voters will be deciding who leads us out of it!!!

There are a lot of people who didn’t like Trump in 2016, but they voted for him! The question come November many will blame Trump for a world wide pandemic?

Trump extends unemployment benefits, defers payroll tax

“Bypassing Congress, President Donald Trump on Saturday signed executive orders deferring payroll taxes for some Americans and extending unemployment benefits after negotiations on a new coronavirus rescue package collapsed.”

“Trump said the payroll tax cut would apply to those earning less than $100,000 a year. He said that if he is reelected in November, he would look at the possibility of making the payroll tax permanent.

Extra aid for the unemployed will total $400 a week, a cut from the $600 that just expired.

Trump also signed executive orders holding off student loan payments and extending the freeze on evictions.“

tw2113 08.08.2020 10:23 PM

*gestures futilely at everything going on*

h8kurdt 08.09.2020 04:25 AM


Trump Just Admitted on Live Television He Will 'Terminate' Social Security and Medicare If Reelected in November
One progressive critic called the president's promise "a full-on declaration of war against current and future Social Security beneficiaries."

President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November—an admission that was seized upon by defenders of the popular safety net programs who have been warning for months that the administration's threat to suspend the payroll tax in the name of economic relief during the Covid-19 pandemic was really a backdoor sabotage effort.

Announcing and then signing a series of legally dubious executive orders, including an effort to slash the emergency federal unemployment boost by $200 from the $600 previously implemented by Democrats, Trump touted his order for a payroll tax "holiday"—which experts noted would later have to be paid back—but said if he won in November that such a cut would become permanent.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded. The president's critics did as well, though they carried a different message:

Defenders of the program, including the advocacy group Social Security Works, were quick to point out the implication of what the president said and condemned Trump for threatening the program that has kept countless millions of people out of poverty—during retirement years or due to disability—since it was created over 75 years ago.

"We just heard it straight from Trump's own mouth," the group responded: "If reelected, he will destroy Social Security."

Commonly known as the payroll tax, those are taxes paid both by employers and employees—as dictated by the The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)—that go to pay for both Social Security and Medicare.

"Trump's executive order, which seeks to defer Social Security contributions, is bad enough," said Nancy Altman, president of Social Security Works. "But his promise to 'terminate' FICA contributions if he is reelected is a full-on declaration of war against current and future Social Security beneficiaries."

"Social Security is the foundation of everyone's retirement security," Altman added. "At a time when pensions are vanishing and 401ks have proven inadequate, Trump's plan to eliminate Social Security's revenue stream would destroy the one source of retirement income that people can count on. Moreover, Social Security is often the only disability insurance and life insurance that working families have. If reelected, Trump plans to destroy those benefits as well."

As the Trump administration has foreshadowed this kind of move for months, economists on Friday warned again that any effort to undermine the payroll tax would do practically nothing to help struggling workers and families, but everything to sabotage two of the most popular and successful programs in the country.

"It's like borrowing money from the Social Security and Medicare trust funds to give to employers just to hold," Seth Hanlon, a tax expert and senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, explained to Business Insider. "They're just gonna hold the withheld taxes because they'd have to pay it eventually."

As Common Dreams reported earlier this week, retirees and their advocates have vowed to fight any "attempt to gut" the program.

On Saturday, Altman called on every lawmaker in Congress to denounce what she called Trump's "unconstitutional raid on Social Security." In the upcoming election, she said, "voters should treat any Senator or Representative who is silent as complicit in destroying Social Security. Furthermore, every American who cares about Social Security's future must do everything they can to ensure that Trump does not get a second term."

Sure the boomers are A-OK with this? He literally doesn't give a shit about any of you.

The Soup Nazi 08.09.2020 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Sure the boomers are A-OK with this? He literally doesn't give a shit about any of you.

The problem is the same as always (only exponentially amplified by Trump's fans' impermeability to serious media outlets): Democrats need to really explain why the Dotard is screwing people up the ass, and as it turns out a good explanation doesn't fit on the front of a fucking hat the way a meaningless bullshit slogan does.

Bytor Peltor 08.09.2020 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Sure the boomers are A-OK with this? He literally doesn't give a shit about any of you.

Depending on your current plight, there are two ways to view this:

Either Nancy Pelosi is still holding to 'vote by mail' provisions being part of next U.S. coronavirus bill and President Trump knows the Republicans won’t vote for that, so he helps the unemployed NOW via executive order


President Trump is just pandering for votes by deferring the payroll taxes with promises of making it permanent —IF— reelected.

ONLY Congress can levy or abolish taxes......

Perhaps the executive order is enough to provoke the Madame speaker into getting a bill passed???

The Soup Nazi 08.09.2020 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Depending on your current plight, there are two ways to view this:

Either Nancy Pelosi is still holding to 'vote by mail' provisions being part of next U.S. coronavirus bill and President Trump knows the Republicans won’t vote for that, so he helps the unemployed NOW via executive order


President Trump is just pandering for votes by deferring the payroll taxes with promises of making it permanent —IF— reelected.

ONLY Congress can levy or abolish taxes......

Perhaps the executive order is enough to provoke the Madame speaker into getting a bill passed???

Perhaps you're a turd?


You're a turd!

Savage Clone 08.09.2020 10:01 PM

Payroll “holiday” cuts (which have to be reimbursed later anyway) do fuck all for the unemployed. This idiot is flailing and you’d better believe he’s pandering.

tw2113 08.09.2020 10:14 PM

The trash inquired about getting added to Mount Rushmore, for which he lacks ANY qualifications for, so...yeah. Go jump off a high pier with cement shoes.

Bytor Peltor 08.10.2020 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Payroll “holiday” cuts (which have to be reimbursed later anyway) do fuck all for the unemployed. This idiot is flailing and you’d better believe he’s pandering.

It effectively negates Congress’s responsibility for appropriation of funds......just think what a Democrat would do with the same power.

Another way to say it......Trump’s tax/covid executive orders are exactly as unlawful as Obama’s DACA executive order, but the free minded freethinkers here at SYG never complained about that back then!

h8kurdt 08.10.2020 03:50 AM

Whataboutism at its best there.

Savage Clone 08.10.2020 09:20 AM

Oh you mean the working class who are going to need Social Security and Medicare more than anybody else as they age and are seeing the steps towards those programs being defunded before their very eyes, presented as some kind of boon to them ? Americans and fine print just aren’t compatible.

Bytor Peltor 08.10.2020 09:49 AM

Speaking of programs being defunded, the crime rates in cities that are actively defunding the police are skyrocketing......early AM Chicago is the latest example:

Chicago shops downtown

Street view looting

when you make the morning news with your license plate in full view BROADCAST for all to see

Aftermath in the daylight

Bytor Peltor 08.10.2020 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Perhaps the executive order is enough to provoke the Madame speaker into getting a bill passed???

Trump tweet (August 10, 2020)

“So now Schumer and Pelosi want to meet to make a deal. Amazing how it all works, isn’t it. Where have they been for the last 4 weeks when they were “hardliners”, and only wanted BAILOUT MONEY for Democrat run states and cities that are failing badly? They know my phone number!”

h8kurdt 08.10.2020 03:27 PM

"Signing executive orders is not the way our country is supposed to be run"

"Executive orders are an outrage"

Three points to anyone who can guess who said the two statements above.

GeneticKiss 08.10.2020 04:33 PM

Why are you guys supporting someone so blatantly unqualified for public office? Is it because after years of dysfunction (mostly perpetrated by the Republicans), you've lost confidence in actual qualified politicians? How exactly have politicians "failed" anyway? By actually charging taxes instead of nickel and dime-ing the country's infrastructure and social programs into uselessness (oh, wait)? By requiring rules preventing impulse purchases of deadly weapons? By letting women and minorities have a say in how the country is run?

You wouldn't last ten seconds in a country run by genuine tyrants.

choc e-Claire 08.10.2020 07:14 PM

Bytor, one of your sources for that spent literal hours defending the pronounciation "Thighland".

h8kurdt 08.11.2020 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Bytor, one of your sources for that spent literal hours defending the pronounciation "Thighland".

That shit was just great. "Australians, Thais, and British people pronounce 'Thighland"

Sure we all collectively looked at each other and just said "we absolutely don't".

Bytor Peltor 08.11.2020 10:21 AM

Obama Got Caught = TREASON!!!

: )


!@#$%! 08.11.2020 11:34 AM

the poor meme-brained keeps chronicling his mental decay, huh?

Bytor Peltor 08.12.2020 03:51 AM

For those of you who do not C-SPAN, on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit reheard oral arguments to determine whether a federal district court judge must dismiss the perjury case against Michael Flynn as recommended by the Justice Department.

I’ve linked the entire dialog (w/ audio), but I want to bring your attention to 00:18:00



Beth Wilkerson (a defense attorney) saying, “There would be no role for the prosecutor with regards to a sentencing of the individual defendant who is no longer being prosecuted by the government“ is unbelievable:

A) U.S. code: 28 U.S. Code § 455 “you are disqualified if you are a party to the proceeding”

B) this is a prosecution without a prosecutor! You have no solicitor, you have no district attorney, you have no US attorney......the attorney general of the United States decided to dismiss this case!!

Judge Sullivan can’t be judge and prosecutor!!!

h8kurdt 08.13.2020 11:16 AM


Trump Just Admitted He's Sabotaging the USPS to Screw Up the Election
“They need that money in order to make the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots."

President Donald Trump said the quiet part out loud, admitting he’s intentionally withholding money from the U.S. Postal Service to undermine its ability to handle mail-in voting in the 2020 election.

“They need that money in order to make the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said on Fox Business Thursday morning of the states that are implementing universal mail-in voting ahead of the November election. “But if they don’t get those two items, that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting, because they’re not equipped to have it.”

The comments make clear why Trump and congressional Republicans have steadfastly refused to grant the Post Office money in the latest round of negotiations over coronavirus stimulus. Trump has long attacked mail voting as fraud-prone even though there’s little evidence that’s true — and he sees slowdowns at the Post Office as a way to screw up mail voting.

Widespread delays in ballot delivery could disenfranchise millions of people, lead to widespread chaos, and potentially swing a close election. Polls show that Democrats are increasingly likely to use mail voting as a safe way to cast a ballot during the pandemic, while Trump’s attacks on mail voting have pushed Republicans away from a method they’ve often used in the past.

Since Trump-donor Louis DeJoy took over the running of the Post Office in June, the mail has been slowed down considerably in at least 19 states, an alarming sign heading into the election. DeJoy’s new operational changes have included overhauling the service’s senior leadership and directing carriers to leave on time — even if the mail hasn’t been loaded —immediately in the morning, resulting in them only delivering packages and letters sorted the prior night, according to Reuters.

Trump’s comments to Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo echo statements he made at a Wednesday press conference at the White House.

“They don’t have the money to do the universal mail-in voting,” Trump said of the Post Office, which is requesting billions in emergency funding. “So, therefore, they can’t do it, I guess. Are they going to do it even if they don’t have the money?”

Trump also said using mail-in voting would cause “one of the greatest frauds in history.”

In a statement ripping into Trump’s Fox Business comments, Joe Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates said: “The President of the United States is sabotaging a basic service that hundreds of millions of people rely upon, cutting a critical lifeline for rural economies and for delivery of medicines, because he wants to deprive Americans of their fundamental right to vote safely during the most catastrophic public health crisis in over 100 years,” Bates said.

The delays and the administration’s posture toward mail-in voting have drawn fierce criticism from Democratic leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. The two sent a joint letter last month to DeJoy demanding a reversal of the recent changes at the USPS, saying the changes “threaten the timely delivery of mail—including medicines for seniors, paychecks for workers, and absentee ballots for voters—that is essential to millions of Americans.”

And this week, House and Senate Democrats sent separate letters to DeJoy laying the blame for the recent mail delays at his feet.

“The House is seriously concerned that you are implementing policies that accelerate the crisis at the Postal Service, including directing Post Offices to no longer treat all election mail as First Class,” Pelosi and 174 other House Democrats wrote. “If implemented now, as the election approaches, this policy will cause further delays to election mail that will disenfranchise voters and put significant financial pressure on election jurisdictions.”

In the Senate letter, Schumer and Sens. Amy Klobuchar, Tom Carper, and Gary Peters asked DeJoy to commit “to prioritize the delivery of all election mail,” and ripped into his leadership. “Instead of taking steps to increase your agency’s ability to deliver for the American people, you are implementing policy changes that make matters worse, and the Postal Service is reportedly considering changes that would increase costs for states at a time when millions of Americans are relying on voting by mail to exercise their right to vote,” the Senate Democrats wrote.

He's a little fucking rat. Love to know how republicans can be A-OK with this. Or is it now "well if we want to win the election it doesn't matter what gets done to get it".

The Soup Nazi 08.14.2020 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Love to know how republicans can be A-OK with this. Or is it now "well if we want to win the election it doesn't matter what gets done to get it".

Are you surprised? I'm not speaking out of jadedness; just chads, voter suppression, and Russian bots.

ETA: Aaaand gerrymandering, of course.

Bytor Peltor 08.14.2020 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
He's a little fucking rat. Love to know how republicans can be A-OK with this. Or is it now "well if we want to win the election it doesn't matter what gets done to get it".

Because you don’t go and change how things are done less than 100 days from an election! Mail in voting is the fast track to voter fraud and I don’t want my tax dollars funding voter fraud......why else hasn’t congress voted on, passed and funded this mass mail in possibility in the past?

American’s voted in person during the World Wars and previous pandemics in the past. People have no problem making their way to the streets to protest and they sure know how to line up at the liquor stores in weed dispensaries!

If you want to vote, grab your mask and stand in line!!!

Speaking of Republicans

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Speaking of rats:


Everyone have a great weekend!

h8kurdt 08.14.2020 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Because you don’t go and change how things are done less than 100 days from an election! Mail in voting is the fast track to voter fraud and I don’t want my tax dollars funding voter fraud......why else hasn’t congress voted on, passed and funded this mass mail in possibility in the past?

Any evidence to go with that waffle? No, you don't. You're just parroting Trump's lines cos he's shitting himself about it.

Furthermore, I'm actually baffled by this "Americans voted in person during the world wars!" argument. Who are you referring to here? The civilians in America who had no risk going out to vote? The soldiers in far flung counties who were voting by, you guessed it, mail? Please explain to me this argument so it's so nonsensical.

"Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
Really need to start heeding these words don't I.

The Soup Nazi 08.14.2020 06:03 AM

Oh come ON, again?

Trump campaign adviser floats false birther theory about Kamala Harris' eligibility for vice president


tw2113 08.14.2020 08:33 AM

I think they've defunded that hay bail with all the straws they're pulling.

LifeDistortion 08.14.2020 05:42 PM

Just did this in support of the U.S. Postal Service. Its, easy, quick, and costs you nothing, so why not?

Also, this tweet: "After Elizabeth Warren's request the Postal Service independent watchdog is investigatingTrump magadonor Louis DeJoy policy changes and potential ethics conflicts."

Elizabeth Warren, one of the few out there with a spine to do something effective, and she gets shit on by people for doing so.

Bytor Peltor 08.14.2020 07:13 PM

I usually try to avoid the political discussion here over the weekends, usually just posting about music and such. However, when you wake up Friday afternoon to Obamagate must share:

NPR tweet thread

Just in: FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith plans to plead guilty to charges related to information-gathering involving the Trump campaign and Russia four years ago, according to his lawyer. It's the first criminal charges associated with how the Russian investigation was conducted.

Clinesmith had been identified in an earlier report by the Justice Department inspector general. He allegedly doctored an email to help get court approval for continued surveillance of onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Subsequent investigations validated the core findings of the Russia investigation: That Russia attacked the election in 2016. But they also revealed problems with some actions by the FBI and the Justice Department. More on the charge against Clinesmith:

Ex-FBI Lawyer To Plead Guilty In Case Linked To Alleged Abuse Of Surveillance Power

“Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith has agreed to plead guilty to a single false statement charge, marking the first criminal action in an investigation centered on how intelligence agencies gathered information involving the Trump campaign and Russia four years ago in the waning months of the Obama administration.

“In the waning months of the Obama administration”

It was June 7, 2018 when I first mentioned Executive Order 12333 wondering why President Obama wanted to change how the nation’s intelligence agencies could spy on Americans.

Seriously......any of you free minded freethinkers care to speculate as to why President Obama would make such a change 72 hours shy of his Presidency ending?


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Robert Mueller has requested that witnesses turn in their private cellphones as he wants to search any encrypted messaging programs.

A request is not the same as a subpoena!

What would happen if any of these witnesses destroyed their private cell phone in the same manner as Hillary Clinton?

Is there a Two-Tier Justice System??

Is it possible Robert Mueller wants the private cellphones so evidence can be implanted?

I’m surprised no one here hasn't asked why President Donald Trump hasn’t overturned Executive Order 12333???

Could it be our President will use this Executive Order to??????


Paul Sperry teeet
“ BREAKING: New FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith criminal pleading reveals Crossfire Hurricane team recv'd memo from CIA exculpating Trump adviser Carter Page on Aug. 17, 2016--1 day after FBI formally opened individual case against Page & 2 mos before it obtained 1st spy warrant on him”

The Soup Nazi 08.14.2020 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor


Couldn't find a meme with a tree and a rope, huh.

You're fucking disgusting. I sincerely hope you get dick cancer.

choc e-Claire 08.15.2020 12:17 AM


I'm sure someone can put two and two together here.

Bytor Peltor 08.15.2020 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Couldn't find a meme with a tree and a rope, huh.

You're fucking disgusting. I sincerely hope you get dick cancer.

Sad sad Nazi, I’m afraid your soup is getting cold!

You see, America hasn’t executed a traitor by hanging in a long time:


No, Barack Obama won’t be physically executed, but his traitorous ways will be broadcast for the world to see and his presidency will be forever tarnished. More importantly, these things will play out in a court of law. Today was just a small preview of the indictments to come......the big names are coming!

Also, my narrative hasn’t changed! It was May 18, 2018 (page 203) when I first questioned Barak Obama’s involvement:


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Symbols, I admire your willingness to wait, it’s all we can do.

All I’m pointing out is so far there is no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded.

Evidently Congress has information that Russia colluded with someone?? Guess what, they probably did.

The question is, who???

President Obama

Hillary Clinton or her campaign

Anyone else??????

Severian 08.15.2020 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Sad sad Nazi, I’m afraid your soup is getting cold!

You see, America hasn’t executed a traitor by hanging in a long time:


No, Barack Obama won’t be physically executed, but his traitorous ways will be broadcast for the world to see and his presidency will be forever tarnished. More importantly, these things will play out in a court of law. Today was just a small preview of the indictments to come......the big names are coming!

Never realized you were gross until recently. Why is that?

Bytor Peltor 08.15.2020 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Never realized you were gross until recently. Why is that?

Sev, what are you talking about?

What have I done that is gross??

Why aren’t you quoting & replying to SoupNazi for wishing I get dick cancer???

Now that’s disgusting and gross!!!

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