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Bytor Peltor 09.15.2020 11:53 AM

The Plot Against The President......out in October

!@#$%! 09.15.2020 01:39 PM


The Soup Nazi 09.15.2020 01:49 PM

GOP Senator Who Walked Out To Stop Climate Vote Loses House To Wildfire

Antagon 09.15.2020 02:58 PM

Now Trump claims there are "forest cities" in Europe with trees that are somehow more "explosive" than Californian trees. Combustible's too big a word apparently. He specifically mentioned Austria in his confusing ramblings. My take: He may have fallen asleep to some late-80s Schwarzenegger movie and have gotten things confused. It's not uncommon that the presence of the styrian oak leads to plenty of explosions.

Or he might have watched this gripping documentary filmed in Vienna last year.

It's baffling how there are still people who think he's got his shit together.

!@#$%! 09.15.2020 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Antagon

It's baffling how there are still people who think he's got his shit together.

“think” is too kind.

“believe” is more accurate.

The Soup Nazi 09.15.2020 03:56 PM

Paul Krugman's NYT newsletter, September 15:



Science has a well-known anti-Trump bias

By Paul Krugman
Opinion Columnist

Believe it or not, I’m not by nature a particularly political person. I love figuring out how the world works, and also enjoy finding ways to explain things in plain English. I don’t enjoy partisan fights, although I obviously don’t shy away from taking sides. And I’ve sometimes regretted having gone into economics, a field in which getting the story right all too often offends powerful players, who in turn intervene to prop up zombie ideas that should have died long ago.

But I also realized some time back that politics can and will intrude into any area of scholarly research where some people have strong motivations for getting the story wrong. This has obviously been the case for climate research, where an overwhelming scientific consensus has had to struggle against a whole industry of climate denial, which is almost entirely supported by fossil-fuel interests and has effectively taken over the Republican Party.

In fact, in some ways the climate scientists have had it worse than the economists; mainstream Keynesian economists (which is pretty much what I am) get a lot of abuse, but as far as I know none of us has had politicians trying to criminalize our work, the way Ken Cuccinelli, now a top official at the Department of Homeland Security, did to climatologist Michael E. Mann.

I used to think, however, that climate change was a subject uniquely vulnerable to anti-science propaganda and intimidation. After all, the effects of greenhouse gas emissions are invisible and gradual, taking decades to unfold; it’s always possible to mock the science because it happens to be snowing today, while accusing the scientists of taking jobs away from salt-of-the-earth coal miners.

Surely, I thought, it wouldn’t be that easy to politicize a science, to claim that all the experts were part of a vast conspiracy, in an area in which experts’ predictions could be validated and the conspiracy theorists revealed as phonies in a matter of weeks.

But I was wrong.

Epidemiology, like climatology — or for that matter economics — involves trying to model complex systems, so that no prediction ends up being exactly right. And the chains of cause and effect are long enough that the consequences of bad policy take some time to become completely apparent: Florida began reopening in early May, but Covid-19 deaths didn’t spike until July.

But we’re talking about weeks, not decades, and the story of the coronavirus is as clear as such things ever get.

Experts warned that a rush to resume business as usual, without social distancing and widespread use of face masks, would lead to a surge in new cases. The usual suspects on the right dismissed these concerns, insisting either that Covid-19 was a hoax or that its dangers were being greatly exaggerated by scientists who wanted to bring down Donald Trump. Sunbelt states decided to believe the skeptics, not the scientists — and the result was a huge, deadly viral surge.

So that put an end to the politicization, right? Wrong. Not only are Trump officials still pressuring health experts to minimize the dangers, the top communications official at the Department of Health and Human Services accused his own agency’s scientists of “sedition.”

The moral here is that there’s no such thing as a safe subject when you’re dealing with people who have a totalitarian mind-set — and that is, in fact, what we’re dealing with. I suspect that in the early days of the Soviet Union plant geneticists imagined that they were working in a low-risk field; I mean, who would politicize that? In the end, however, thousands of them were sent to labor camps or executed for questioning the theories of Trofim Lysenko, a quack who somehow became one of Stalin’s favorites.

The fact of the matter is that we’re now struggling over where there’s even such a thing as objective truth. And staying out of politics is no longer an option for anyone.

Quick Hits

Israel lost it, and is going back into lockdown.

A tale of two cities. New York > Madrid.

Chronicle of a disaster foretold — from 2016!

Actually, science knows.

Facing the Music


Better than the real president

Live from the Oval Office.

Bytor Peltor 09.16.2020 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
You would think federal prosecutors would grow tiresome of being caught destroying evidence and appearing like inept idiots......this is going to get good!

The Senate Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday voted to authorize subpoenas for former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey, and other Obama administration officials as part of its broad review into the origins of the Russia investigation.

“The committee also authorized SUBPOENAS for Sidney Blumenthal, former Obama chief of staff Denis McDonough, former FBI counsel Lisa Page, former FBI agent Joe Pientka, former ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, former FBI director of counterintelligence Bill Priestap, former White House national security adviser Susan Rice, former FBI agent Peter Strzok, former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith – who pleaded guilty to making a false statement in the first criminal case arising from U.S. Attorney John Durham's review of the investigation into links between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign – among others.“

!@#$%! 09.17.2020 03:15 PM

Former Pence aide says she will vote for Biden because of Trump’s ‘flat out disregard for human life’ during pandemic

Josh Dawsey
September 17, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. EDT

President Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic showed a “flat out disregard for human life” because his “main concern was the economy and his reelection,” according to a senior adviser on the White House coronavirus task force who left the White House in August.

Olivia Troye, who worked as homeland security, counterterrorism and coronavirus adviser to Vice President Pence for two years, said that the administration’s response cost lives and that she will vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden this fall because of her experience in the Trump White House.

“The president’s rhetoric and his own attacks against people in his administration trying to do the work, as well as the promulgation of false narratives and incorrect information of the virus have made this ongoing response a failure,” she said in an interview.

Troye is the first Trump administration official who worked extensively on the coronavirus response to forcefully speak out against Trump and his handling of the pandemic. But she joins a growing number of former officials, including former national security adviser John Bolton and former defense secretary Jim Mattis, who have detailed their worries about what happened during their time in the administration while declaring that Trump is unfit to be president.

The amount of criticism Trump has faced from former aides is unprecedented in the modern presidency, and it could pose a political risk to his reelection campaign as some of the aides who have spoken out are pressuring other former colleagues to join them.


The Soup Nazi 09.17.2020 07:09 PM

From Paste:

For QAnon Origins, Look to the Pink Floyd Internet Hoax

Think of it as an origin story, or a cautionary tale: an anonymous persona in an online message board, posting tantalizing hints about a secret intrigue requiring communication and collaboration to unravel.

The Soup Nazi 09.17.2020 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Antagon
Now Trump claims there are "forest cities" in Europe with trees that are somehow more "explosive" than Californian trees. Combustible's too big a word apparently. He specifically mentioned Austria in his confusing ramblings. My take: He may have fallen asleep to some late-80s Schwarzenegger movie and have gotten things confused. It's not uncommon that the presence of the styrian oak leads to plenty of explosions.

Or he might have watched this gripping documentary filmed in Vienna last year.

It's baffling how there are still people who think he's got his shit together.

Austrian minister to Trump: No, we do not live in forests

The Soup Nazi 09.21.2020 01:25 PM

From Fareed Zakaria's newsletter:


The Electoral College and the Climate

For anyone who wants the US to rejoin the Paris climate accord and limit emissions more aggressively, the 2020 election may seem particularly important. With global-warming projections stressing urgency, former Obama climate envoy Todd Stern tells Foreign Policy, “The stakes couldn’t be any higher.” Scientific American broke with 175 years of tradition and endorsed Joe Biden for president, citing the coronavirus pandemic and climate change.

At The Atlantic, Peter Beinart writes that America’s climate action is being hampered by the Electoral College. (That institution, bemoaned widely by the left after President Trump’s win in 2016, is now a perennial topic of conversation: At The New Yorker, Steve Coll rehashes its history as a way to preserve the power of slave states, and its support from the segregationist South during a Nixon-era push to end it, writing that “[t]oday, it effectively dilutes the votes of African-Americans, Latinos, and Asian-Americans, because they live disproportionately in populous states, which have less power in the College per capita.”) Beinart writes of another effect: As wildfires spread in the Western US, Beinart suggests they’d be treated differently by America’s political leaders, were they happening in swing states.

As The New York Times’ Stuart A. Thompson and Yaryna Serkez recently detailed, in a story and interactive map, different US regions will be affected by climate change differently. Given that America doesn’t choose its presidents based on a national popular vote, Beinart argues the political impact of climate-related disasters will be cordoned off, along with the Electoral College ballots of the states that experience them. “By the time Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin face climate emergencies that rival those currently afflicting California, Oregon, and Washington,” Beinart writes, “the problem may be too far along for anyone to fix.”

LifeDistortion 09.21.2020 05:17 PM

Trump plans to steal the election, this is why he wants his Supreme Court judge in place before election day, so that just like in 2000 they will hand him a victory. It doesn't matter what the results are, if CNN or some other network calls the election for Biden he will contest the results up to the Supreme Court snd with his Conservative majority they will claim him the winner. We are so fucked if this works out for him, he also needs to win the election to avoid going to prison.

Screaming Skull 09.22.2020 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Trump plans to steal the election, this is why he wants his Supreme Court judge in place before election day, so that just like in 2000 they will hand him a victory. It doesn't matter what the results are, if CNN or some other network calls the election for Biden he will contest the results up to the Supreme Court snd with his Conservative majority they will claim him the winner. We are so fucked if this works out for him, he also needs to win the election to avoid going to prison.

Does typing your bullshit out and posting it here help you believe it? I’m sure you’re a perfectly nice person, but you seem confused.

The Soup Nazi 09.22.2020 12:55 PM

A message from Spoon:



Hopefully not lost in all of this is the significance of your vote. Today is #NationalVoterRegistrationDay. Register to vote or check your status now at ‪


The Soup Nazi 09.22.2020 03:09 PM

Paul Krugman's NYT opinion column, September 22:


Trump tries to cancel New York

A few months ago a certain segment of the commentariat — mainly on the center-right — became extremely agitated about the purported menace of “cancel culture,” the shaming and ostracizing of public figures over actions or opinions deemed unacceptable. Cancellation, the story went, represented political correctness gone wild, and endangered free and frank discourse.

The whole thing was, of course, greatly overblown. Yes, political correctness sometimes goes too far, especially when linked with historical ignorance; it was definitely annoying when protesters pulled down a statue of U.S. Grant, an imperfect but great man who saved the Union. (Full disclosure: I’m a bit of a Grant groupie.) But left-leaning cancel culture doesn’t pose any real threat to free discourse, because in 21st-century America we barely have anything resembling a radical left, and whatever left-wing radicalism exists has very little political power.

The radical right, by contrast, has a lot of power, and seems increasingly eager to use that power to punish anyone expressing views it doesn’t like, even — or maybe especially — when those views simply involve telling the truth.

So we have Donald Trump demanding “patriotic education” and denouncing The Times’s 1619 Project, because it’s politically incorrect to admit the role slavery played in our nation’s history. You have the Justice Department announcing an investigation of racism at Princeton that is obviously intended to punish the school for admitting the obvious point that there was racism in its past.

Acknowledging racism isn’t the only issue that stirs up right-wing cancel culture. As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, there has been sustained persecution of scientists who acknowledge the reality of climate change. The strange goings-on at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — first acknowledging what everyone else has known for months, that airborne droplets can transmit the coronavirus, then retracting that acknowledgment — strongly suggest that political appointees are trying to cancel epidemiology that conflicts with Trumpist opposition to face masks.

But persecuting scholars and scientists who report inconvenient facts is small stuff. Now the right is going after whole cities.

On Monday William Barr’s Justice Department designated three cities — Portland, Seattle and, yes, New York — “anarchist jurisdictions,” places that “have permitted violence and the destruction of property to persist.”

The first reaction of New Yorkers and, I assume, residents of the other two cities, was to treat this as a joke. Walk around New York, where millions of people are living normal lives in relative safety, and “anarchy” is hardly the word that comes to mind. No, there aren’t mobs of looters roaming the streets, and despite an uptick in murders (offset by a decline in rape) crime remains very low by historical standards.

But the anarchist designation isn’t an empty gesture; it comes with the threat of a cutoff of federal funds. So what is this nonsense about?

The answer, basically, is that Trump and Barr are trying to punish cities that let people express opinions they don’t like, that allow mostly peaceful demonstrations against racism to proceed rather than finding excuses to beat people up.

This is, in other words, right-wing cancel culture on a grand scale. And the fact that people with real power are thinking along these lines should terrify all of us.

Quick Hits

When the right tried to cancel Keynesian economics.

When they tried to cancel climate science.

Canceling public health officials.

Especially when they worry about Trump rallies.

The Soup Nazi 09.22.2020 03:13 PM

Romney bitches out.

That chickenshit motherfucker. And of course Lindsey Graham pledges GOP will support Trump’s nominee, despite not knowing who nominee is.

The Soup Nazi 09.22.2020 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

Hmm, I guess that belonged on the RBG thread? Everything intersects with this asshole. Anyway, here's the Dotard's apocalyptic list from hell:

The choices are SO fuckin' horrible I can't decide which one is fuckin' worse. "Knowing" Trump, if Barrett is his favorite it's because of her looks.

The Soup Nazi 09.22.2020 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Paul Krugman's NYT opinion column, September 22:


[...] left-leaning cancel culture doesn’t pose any real threat to free discourse, because in 21st-century America we barely have anything resembling a radical left, and whatever left-wing radicalism exists has very little political power.


You Unitedstateseans (most of you, anyway) can't fathom how ridiculous it sounds when you talk about "radical left" gaining ground in the U.S. Ocasio-Cortez is barely center-left in countries where healthcare, education and infrastructure are better, and each citizen's vote actually counts. Crazy, huh.

The Soup Nazi 09.22.2020 05:28 PM

And Their Last Words Were, "But Romney Still Stands!"

Bytor Peltor 09.23.2020 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Trump plans to steal the election, this is why he wants his Supreme Court judge in place before election day, so that just like in 2000 they will hand him a victory. It doesn't matter what the results are, if CNN or some other network calls the election for Biden he will contest the results up to the Supreme Court snd with his Conservative majority they will claim him the winner. We are so fucked if this works out for him, he also needs to win the election to avoid going to prison.


Originally Posted by Screaming Skull
Does typing your bullshit out and posting it here help you believe it? I’m sure you’re a perfectly nice person, but you seem confused.

Screaming Skull, LifeDistortion offers ZERO PROOF that President Donald Trump plans to steal the election! It is clear LifeDistortion has no idea how the process of election or the Supreme Court works. Geez, it’s truly amateur hour around here! Let’s see if the following information might help explain what’s going on before another Free-minded Freethinker ends up deleting their post :eek:

29 times a Supreme Court vacancy opened during an election year and 29 times that President made the nomination!

With respect to RBG, a deathbed request has no legal standing!

However, serving as a Supreme Court Justice in 2016, RBG said:

President Barack Obama was in full agreement in 2016

Same for Crooked Hillary in 2016

Notice how Crooked Hillary said, “President Obama has met his responsibility.” Do any of you free-minded freethinkers care to explain how it was the President’s responsibility in 2016 (and 28 cases prior) but somehow now doing so in 2020 it’s equivalent to cheating?


Vomit Pelosi states, "We have arrows in our quiver” regarding using impeachment hearings as a way to block President Trump’s Supreme Court nomination???

And let’s not forget everyone’s favorite: AOC threatens impeachment of Trump and Barr to stop Supreme Court nominee.

LifeDistortion, it’s the Democrats who are so consumed with hatred for our President that they are willing to resort to these desperate measures to try and prevent the inevitable.

September 4, 2018 (page 241)

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
CORRECT- this is exactly why Donal Trump was elected our President!!!
(and the fact NO ONE wanted Crooked Hillary appointing anyone)

choc e-Claire 09.23.2020 05:01 AM

Not that this will make a difference, but: the point of contention is that replacing someone who died nine months before the election is a lot simpler than replacing someone who died a month and a half before it. The fact that the GOP was willing to prevent the former, but wants to allow the latter, is where most (all) of the complaints about hypocrisy come in.

As I said earlier in the other thread: nine old people appointed for life, nowadays explicitly for political reasons, is hardly how a democracy should work. 'Good' thing you guys have stopped being one.

Bytor Peltor 09.23.2020 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

MS. MCENANY: Hello, everyone. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have officially shown their blatant disregard for the United States Constitution. Apparently, it is now a high crime and misdemeanor worthy of impeachment for a lawfully elected President of the United States to exercise his constitutional duty.

Article Two, Section Two of the Constitu- — of the Constitution clearly states that the President, quote, “shall nominate,” end quote, justices of the Supreme Court when a vacancy occurs. No matter the time, no matter the politics of the day, the President is the President. There is nothing in the Constitution that says the President stops being the President in an election year.

The President has already appointed two strong, conservative justices to the Supreme Court — justices who will interpret the Constitution as written. Now he will nominate a third.

As Senator Ted Cruz reminds us, “We’re one vote away from seeing our religious liberty votes [rights] stripped away, from our free speech stripped away, from our Second Amendment [being] stripped away.” Just one vote. Contrast the President’s solemn constitutional duty with Democrats’ “search and destroy” politics.

Nancy Pelosi has vowed to attack the President with, quote, “arrows.” Speaker Pelosi will not rule out impeaching this President for doing his job for fulfill- — for fulfilling his constitutional obligation.

AOC said that impeachment is an option, quote, “on the table,” while Chuck Schumer stood by, nodding approvingly.

The plan of House Democrats is so rabidly radical that even Democrat Senator Tim Kaine has rebuked the idea, calling the idea of using impeachment to delay a Supreme Court vote, quote, “foolish.”

Some Democrats already have a backup plan if they don’t get their way on this nomination. Congressman Joe Kennedy said, “If he holds a vote in 2020, we pack the court in 2021. It’s that simple.”

Senator Ed Markey went further. “No Supreme Court vacancies filled in an election year,” he said. “If he violates it, when Democrats control the Senate in the next Congress, we must abolish the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court.”

Senator, the President is elected to a four-year term. You cannot unilaterally reduce it to three years. The President is the President.

Democrats cannot win their argument on the merits. They cannot win on precedent. So they must search and destroy.

Don Lemon said the quiet — the quiet part out loud last night. He said this: “We’re going to have to blow up the entire system” if the President does his job as outlined in the Constitution.

That’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats. We fight to protect the system. We fight to protect the Constitution when Democrats say outright, “We are going to blow up the entire system because we do not get our way.”

This President will proceed undaunted by Democrat threats. President Trump will fulfill his duty. President Trump will appoint the next Supreme Court justice. President Trump will protect religious liberty. President Trump will protect our freedom of speech. President Trump will protect our Second Amendment.

Under this President, our rights will be upheld, our Constitution safeguarded, and this President will fill that seat.

h8kurdt 09.23.2020 09:43 AM

[quote=Bytor PeltorThat’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats. We fight to protect the system. We fight to protect the Constitution when Democrats say outright, “We are going to blow up the entire system because we do not get our way.”


Oh shush. Time and time again Trump.and his cronies have broken the constitution and you've quietly ignored it so don't try the holier than thou line.

tw2113 09.23.2020 10:09 AM

So many old white/orange candidates.

The Soup Nazi 09.23.2020 04:39 PM

The fucking cop who murdered Breonna Taylor (and yes, this belongs in this thread) was charged with "wanton endangerment", which is basically another way of saying "NOTHING".

The Soup Nazi 09.23.2020 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Trump plans to steal the election, this is why he wants his Supreme Court judge in place before election day, so that just like in 2000 they will hand him a victory. It doesn't matter what the results are, if CNN or some other network calls the election for Biden he will contest the results up to the Supreme Court snd with his Conservative majority they will claim him the winner.

Agreed; not that it matters whether I or anyone else agrees, though, BECAUSE HE FUCKING SAID IT HIMSELF. No proof needed when the perp confesses.

LifeDistortion 09.23.2020 11:28 PM

Yeah, I'm not the FBI, I don't have physical evidence to show you, and yes, all you have to do is listen to what he says. He wants this to be decided by the Supreme Court, not on election day. He works by creating chaos, and that's all he has to do is have his cronies stir up chaos, and make the election results at best inconclusive so that we get another election 2000, and at worst yet another case once again where Democrats will win the popular vote and the electoral college ends up deciding the President. The Rupublicans have been working towards this where elections are no longer decided by how the voters vote, as long as they can rig the electoral college.

_tunic_ 09.24.2020 01:22 AM

Trump Appoints Spin Doctors to COVID-19 Task Force

Bytor Peltor 09.24.2020 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

President Donald Trump: "This scam that the Democrats are pulling, it's a scam, the scam will be before the United States Supreme Court, and I think having a 4-4 situation is not a good situation,"


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Yeah, I'm not the FBI, I don't have physical evidence to show you, and yes, all you have to do is listen to what he says. He wants this to be decided by the Supreme Court, not on election day. He works by creating chaos, and that's all he has to do is have his cronies stir up chaos, and make the election results at best inconclusive so that we get another election 2000, and at worst yet another case once again where Democrats will win the popular vote and the electoral college ends up deciding the President. The Rupublicans have been working towards this where elections are no longer decided by how the voters vote, as long as they can rig the electoral college.

NO LD, President Trump doesn’t WANT the election decision going before the Supreme Court. He wants the same process that happened in 2016, it’s what we all want......well, except the Democrats.

You see, Crooked Hillary and her cronies, most notably President Barack Obama, who was using Government resources to spy on the Trump Campaign in 2016, they weren’t prepared for that outcome......they weren’t prepared to LOSE!

HELLS BELLS, it’s what the title of this thread has been all about! The Democrats weren’t prepared to LOSE and all they’ve been doing since then is desperately trying to win 2016......because they couldn’t beat a Orange Cheeto who had NEVER held an office or campaigned for anything ever!

Russia Russia, Mueller investigation and a miserable failed impeachment, but they are better prepared for 2020 and they are willing to WIN at all cost!

Let’s take a closer look...... Biden Campaign Deploys 600 Lawyers So Trump Can’t ‘Steal This Election’

“Biden said at a fundraiser Wednesday night that his campaign has “put together 600 lawyers” and a team of volunteers, who will “[go] into every single state to try to figure out whether chicanery is likely to take place.”

Pennsylvania court extends mail-in ballot deadline

"We conclude that a ballot received on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 6, 2020, will be presumed to have been mailed by Election Day unless a preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that it was mailed after Election Day,"

Why is Pennsylvania’s highest court extending election day by three days......who decides this preponderance of evidence? Pennsylvania has NEVER NEEDED three extra days in previous Presidential elections!

Bloomberg raises $16.1M to help Florida felons regain voting rights

“has now paid off monetary obligations for 32,000 felons in Florida just before Election Day.“

Florida Republicans ask for investigation into Bloomberg felon voter fundraising

“This isn’t an exercise in democracy, this is cherry-picking votes, offering something of value for them,” Gaetz said, noting he spoke with Moody on Tuesday night. “I believe the Florida Attorney General has jurisdiction.”

Here you have a billionaire Democrat using his money to pay off restitution and fines for 32,000 felons just so they can go vote......this has never happened before!

These are just a few examples of what the Democrats are trying to manipulate and change before the election. They know they have NO CHANCE if voters stand in line and the votes are tallied that night. So they are preparing to drag this out for days and weeks and if they get their way —THEN— we will see this go before the Supreme Court.

Lastly......New York columnist Miranda Devine said, "If you think that they were sore losers in 2016, you ain't seen anything yet. ... Democrats have no intention of accepting defeat at the ballot box."

Democratic News Reporter openly stated on the DEMOCRATIC CNN that they (DEMOCRATS) are “going to have to blow up the entire system” if the President does his job as outlined in the Constitution.

LifeDistortion......why are Democrats wanting to “blow up” the Constitution? Why are DEMOCRATS so worried about the President doing his job? It’s the DEMOCRATS who want to tear down and burn down and blow up......Marxist tactics!!!


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
The Rupublicans have been working towards this where elections are no longer decided by how the voters vote, as long as they can rig the electoral college.

Ummmmmm......the Republicans haven’t changed anything!!!

h8kurdt 09.24.2020 06:04 AM

Imagine getting upset because someone is helping other people vote. Bloomberg isn't even telling them who to vote for. Get a grip on yourself, Bytor.

Nothing more than a republican bootlicker.

Edit:To add, there's not a single person on here who has said Biden is perfect and free from criticism. He ain't perfect but given a choice between the two Biden is clearly the better alternative. Hell even Schunk has at points admitted when Trump has got it wrong (admittedly ignoring the big fuck ups Trump has done) yet Bytor has swallowed each and every one of Trump's bullshit and it's been four years of A LOT of bullshit.

So I gotta ask you what has made you so hard-line on Trump that he's infallible to criticism? Is it a wish to save face no matter how ridiculous it looks?

The Soup Nazi 09.24.2020 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
So I gotta ask you what has made you so hard-line on Trump that he's infallible to criticism? Is it a wish to save face no matter how ridiculous it looks?

I posted this on September 5 (not even three weeks ago and it already seems like two more fucking years have passed - FUCK!):

Why Trump Supporters Can’t Admit Who He Really Is

The Soup Nazi 09.24.2020 12:31 PM

By the way, I posted this on September 7:


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Let's picture this scenario. Joe Biden wins. Now it's January 20, 2021: Inauguration Day. You think Trump's gonna just sit there in the corner like the shit student that he is while Biden talks about healing the country and reuniting with the international community in front of a sea of black faces ready to boo the mother-fuck of the outgoing fucker? He's not! Dotard's gonna be the first president since I don't know when to skip the ceremony, and you can quote me on that. :cool:

And what do we have now? Something even worse:

Trump: "There won't be a transfer [of power], frankly. There'll be a continuation."

Good analysis from The Washington Post:

Parsing Trump's 'there won't be a transfer' comments

The Soup Nazi 09.24.2020 03:26 PM

^ I was also right about the booing, not that it was hard to see it coming:

Booooo, motherfucker! BOOOOOOOO!

h8kurdt 09.24.2020 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
^ I was also right about the booing, not that it was hard to see it coming:

Booooo, motherfucker! BOOOOOOOO!

They were clearly saying Boo-urns.

Bytor Peltor 09.25.2020 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Imagine getting upset because someone is helping other people vote. Bloomberg isn't even telling them who to vote for. Get a grip on yourself, Bytor.

Nothing more than a republican bootlicker.

$16 MILLION for 31,’s beyond clear who the true bootlicker is!

Candace Owens tweet

“Michael Bloomberg paying off the debts of 31,000 Floridians to get them to vote for Joe Biden is clear-cut ELECTION FRAUD.

He should not only be investigated, he should be IMPRISONED for the highest form of bribery.“

Florida attorney general asks for investigation of Bloomberg’s fundraising push to cover fines for felons who want to vote

choc e-Claire 09.25.2020 04:20 PM

I personally don't think Michael Bloomberg gives a shit. If anything, this is just to make him look good for 2024 if he goes again.

!@#$%! 09.25.2020 07:51 PM

i personally think bloomberg cares that this country doesn’t end up destroyed at the hands of a degenerate and his stupid followers, and won’t run again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Soup Nazi 09.25.2020 08:20 PM


^ That's Doomsday, you follow.

Trump could stay in power even if he doesn’t win the election. The Constitution allows it.

Opinion by Fareed Zakaria
September 24, 2020 at 6:25 p.m. GMT-3

By declining to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, President Trump has agitated many who fear he will refuse to leave office even if he loses the November election — and may even resort to violence. The terrifying reality is that there are also several mechanisms that are legal and constitutional that could enable Trump to stay in office without actually winning the vote.

The system of electing the president is complicated because it was not designed to be directly democratic. The Constitution calls for states to choose the presidential electors, who in turn gather to vote for the president. Over time, states have passed laws that ensured their state’s popular vote for the presidency would determine the electors. But those are laws, not a constitutional obligation.

Now, imagine the scenario during election week: Trump is leading on Nov. 3, but Democratic nominee Joe Biden gains ground in the days following. Republicans file objections to tens of thousands of mail-in ballots. Democrats file countersuits. Taking account of the confusion, legislatures decide to choose the electors themselves.

Here’s the worry. Of the nine swing states, eight have Republican legislatures. If one or more decide that balloting is chaotic and marred by irregularities, they could send what they regard as the legitimate slate of electors, which would be Republican.

Democrats may object and file lawsuits. In some of those states, Democratic governors or secretaries of state could send their own slates of electors to Washington. That would add to the confusion, but that might well be part of the Republican plan. When Congress convenes on Jan. 6 to tally the electors’ votes, there would be challenges to the legitimacy of some electors. Congressional Republicans would agree that disputed states should not be counted. That would ensure that neither candidate would get to 270 electoral votes.

At that point, the Constitution directs that the House of Representatives vote to determine the presidential election. But it does so with each state casting a single vote. If the current numbers hold, there would be 26 state delegations that are Republican and 23 Democratic (with one tied), so the outcome would be to reelect Trump. Trump does not need to do anything other than accept this outcome, which is constitutional. (Hat tip to Tom Rogers and Tim Wirth for their writings on this topic.)

Trump clearly understands this chain of events. He has been casting doubt on mail-in ballots for months, insisting that the results must be the ones that reflect the tally on election night. He said this week that without mail-in ballots, there would be no worries about a transfer of power because there would simply be a continuation of his rule. He has also acknowledged that “at a certain point, it goes to Congress.”

For this scenario to play out, state Republican parties have to put their desire to win above concerns that all voices are heard. Unfortunately, recent history suggests that most will readily make this trade.

Many state Republican parties have been actively attempting to suppress votes. Just a few examples: In 2011, Texas passed a law requiring a government ID for voting, and allowed gun licenses but not student IDs from state universities. Ostensibly, this was to prevent voter fraud, which several studies have shown is largely nonexistent. In 2017, Georgia passed a law blocking voter registrations with minor typos, which mainly affected Black voters. In Florida, the Republican governor and legislature have effectively gutted a state initiative that restored voting rights to more than 1 million former felons, disproportionately Black.

American democracy is getting warped because the Republican Party believes its path to power lies not in getting a majority of the votes but through other means. In 2018, thanks to redistricting, Republicans in Wisconsin, having won about 45 percent of the vote, ended up with almost 65 percent of the seats in the state assembly. They have become used to this kind of situation on the national stage. Since 1992, the Republican presidential candidate has won the popular vote only once — in 2004, in the wake of the country’s worst terrorist attack and with a wartime “rally around the flag” sentiment. Nevertheless, Republicans have held the White House for almost half of those 28 years.

The United States prides itself as the world’s leading democracy. And yet, because of a vague and creaky constitutional process and ferocious partisanship, this November we might put on a display of democratic dysfunction that would rival any banana republic on the planet.

Skuj 09.27.2020 04:55 PM

NYT Trump Tax Return headline!!! Make popcorn. Watch Bytor and Schunk ignore it. "But her emails."

The Soup Nazi 09.27.2020 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
NYT Trump Tax Return headline!!! Make popcorn. Watch Bytor and Schunk ignore it. "But her emails."

"I alone can fix it."

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