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The Soup Nazi 10.28.2020 10:18 PM

Bits from Zakaria's Global Briefing:


Does America’s Election Measure Up?

How does America’s election measure up against international standards of freedom and fairness? At The Atlantic, Nina Jankowicz recently reflected on her overseas vote-monitoring experience and concluded America’s 2020 election might raise red flags: Notably, if President Trump’s supporters show up at polling places to watch other people vote, as he has exhorted them to, that’s a hallmark of trouble in any country, Jankowicz wrote.

At Foreign Policy, Democracy International President and Election Reformers Network Chair Eric Bjornlund concurs, writing that America’s Nov. 3 elections “increasingly resemble those in struggling democracies and autocratic countries. I speak from experience, having led or managed some 40 election observation efforts in 22 countries over more than 30 years.” Election Day voter intimidation is one telltale sign of a weak democracy, Bjornlund writes, but so are allegations of “fraud” and candidates questioning the results (as Trump has begun to do before next week’s vote, and as he did in 2016 despite winning the presidency).

“In the struggling democracies and autocracies where I have observed elections, much of the argument is about the integrity of the rules and process,” Bjornlund writes. “In fact, you can tell that a country is not (or not yet) a successful democracy when the losers of its elections blame fraud for their loss and attack the legitimacy of the process.” Bjornlund compares the US to Bangladesh, where “in each of the six national elections since the country’s transition away from authoritarianism in 1991, the losing party has accused the winning party of rigging the vote.” Bjornlund finds examples of contested results in Egypt since its 2011 revolution, Afghanistan in 2019, and Kenya in 2007; he notes premature claims of victory or questioning of the vote count by candidates in “Afghanistan in 2014, Honduras and Kenya in 2017, and Guyana and Malawi this year.”

His conclusion: “In large part because of Trump’s attacks on the process, elections in the United States look more and more like those we have observed in less-than-democratic countries. These are the kinds of problems that trigger substantial international concern.”

The Threat of Interference Doesn’t Disappear After Election Day

We tend to think of political interference as an attempt to disrupt an election before or as it happens, but the US could see interference ramp up after Election Day, “when the country may actually be most vulnerable,” Laura Rosenberger of the German Marshall Fund writes for Foreign Affairs. That’s because overseas meddlers don’t just seek to tip the vote in one direction or another, but rather to sow chaos and doubt in the election itself, Rosenberger writes. For instance, hacks into local voting systems can be used to make people wonder if the election results were tampered with, rather than to actually skew them.

Citing the Senate Intelligence Committee’s bipartisan report on Russian interference, Rosenberger notes that Russia’s Internet Research Agency “actually increased its activity after Election Day in 2016. ... Americans should remember above all that the goal of foreign interference is to make them lose confidence in democracy itself,” Rosenberger writes. “They must refuse to let that happen.”

All The President’s Auto Plants

At The New York Review of Books, Mark Danner writes of a President Trump rally in Michigan, where Trump led with, and continued to harp on as a “leitmotif,” a claim that he has delivered a plethora of new auto plants to the state since being elected. “We brought you a lot of car plants, Michigan! We brought you a lot of car plants,” Danner quotes Trump as saying. “You know that, right?”

Except, as with many things Trump says, it’s not true. Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler has noted Trump’s repeated claims that auto-manufacturing plants have sprung up left and right during his presidency; in reality, plans for five have been announced nationwide, “three in Michigan, one in Alabama and one in Texas.” Two are foreign owned. Dave Boucher and Todd Spangler of the Detroit Free Press call the claims “wildly inaccurate,” noting plans for only one “major” new plant in the state have been announced during Trump’s term, while the auto industry has struggled.

Danner draws from this episode a lesson about Trump support: that Trump’s backers believe in such fantasies, and that believing is not about reality but about protest—an act of rebellion against the elites whose power Trump’s campaign takes as a target. “I had no idea he had done so much for the state! I mean, people hardly even talk about it,” Danner quotes one woman as saying. “She was a nurse, trained in anatomy, physiology, biology—science, that is to say. But to her the president’s word was Truth; the idea that ‘people hardly even talk about’ the car plants because they don’t exist was not only heretical but inconceivable.” Similarly, Danner finds “consensus” among supporters that a Trump loss could only mean the other side cheated. As such, Danner concludes, their grievances will linger, regardless of what happens on Nov. 3.

Imagining a Lame-Duck Trump

If President Trump were to lose next Tuesday’s election, what might he do in his final months in the White House?

Outgoing presidents often begin bold initiatives, particularly in foreign policy, that foist upon their successors the jobs of continuing them or carrying them out, historian Timothy Naftali recently wrote for Foreign Policy. But Trump will have ways to disrupt things domestically, too, Garrett M. Graff writes for Politico Magazine.

“The lame duck period is always a time when outgoing presidents feel free to stir up controversy,” Graff writes, after surveying legal experts. “Even presidents who care deeply about their legacies and abide by democratic norms often take uniquely unpopular actions in the closing weeks of their presidencies: George H.W. Bush pardoned six officials behind the Iran-Contra scandal; Bill Clinton pardoned more than 140 people on his final day in office … including financier Marc Rich, a controversy that dogged him as he moved into the post-presidency … Just days before he left office, Barack Obama commuted the sentence of leaker Chelsea Manning.”

Trump could pardon allies caught up in the Russia investigation or preemptively pardon his family members or himself, Graff suggests. He could fire top officials or seek revenge on those in the bureaucracy he dislikes. His aides could refuse to brief an incoming Biden administration, leaving them in the dark as to policy initiatives already underway, and there will be a temptation to destroy documents, Graff writes. (Trump reportedly tears up papers, requiring a staffer to tape them back together to adhere to federal record-keeping law.) He could launch a military action—though, it has been noted, Trump has shown no penchant for starting wars—or “just cease any effort to combat the pandemic,” choosing instead to “retir[e] to Mar-a-Lago to tweet and golf out the remainder of his presidency.” If it’s any comfort, Graff writes, “the sad truth is that the White House has been so disengaged from the pandemic response for so long that a total abdication of its role wouldn’t likely look all that different.”

Bytor Peltor 10.28.2020 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Silver ✴ Rocket


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Thing is, we've seen him get upset and walk outseveral times throughout the years so why you think he isn't this time is beyond me. Actually it's not beyond me as it's obvious (and always has been) that trump could shit on your face and you'd still back him up.

If Biden had done the same you'd be wetting yourself with glee about it and you know it.

From the link and quotes I provided that were 100% backed up and confirmed by the link SilverRocket provided, President Trump DID NOT storm off in the Leslie Stahl interview. It’s sad individuals such h8kurdt who use pathetic reasoning to try and twist TRUTH to fit their narrative and continue to get it WRONG!

It’s for people like h8kurdt that President Trump had to record and tweet the TRUE interview because the free minded freethinkers are so easily duped into believing anything.

Any and EVERYTHING I’ve posted about Sleepy Joe has been 100% accurate, and I’m guessing 99% of the time it was in Joe’s own words! Don’t get the TRUTH I share confused with your inaccuracies!!!

!@#$%! 10.28.2020 10:19 PM

the only way for repukes to win is to stop people from voting

Savage Clone 10.28.2020 10:42 PM

Sometimes your friends let you down. Bytor is
a longtime friend.
Oh well.

tw2113 10.29.2020 12:51 AM

My planned in person, vote next tuesday for not trump should be for sure getting counted, from the looks of things.

h8kurdt 10.29.2020 03:16 AM


the free minded freethinkers are so easily duped into believing anything

We including you believing every word that comes out trump's mouth?

Bytor Peltor 10.29.2020 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
We including you believing every word that comes out trump's mouth?

Once again I will set the record straight!

You’re not quoting and replying to something I’ve said or misrepresented. You are the one finding humor in the false narrative that President Trump stormed off.

Pointing out once again when you or others here continually get it wrong is not me defending President Trump, it’s simply me pointing out that you are wrong again!

You weren’t even responding to someone with your “hot take” regarding the Leslie Stahl interview......just you slinging your poo against the wall to see if it would stick!

Then when I provide the documented TRUTH, you respond with throat tightening and we’ve seen him walk off before???

I haven’t mentioned or referenced some previous interview, all I did was correct your inadequate take on how the 60 Minutes interview ended.

Why would you post something NOT TRUE then act offended when someone points it out?

All I’ve done is respond like a rational mature adult and I haven’t belittled or attacked anyone simply because they believe something different than myself. Most importantly, I’ve treated those here at SYG with respect......wether you consider me your friend or not!

h8kurdt 10.29.2020 08:12 AM

If a person who has a pattern of walking off from interviews is seen doing the same again it's generally leading towards the idea that he is cutting an interview short. Which he was. That's all there is to it and we'll leave it at that.
I'm far from offended by you showing your narrative. In fact, I find it funny.

And continually get it wrong? Please waste your time and show where any of us have continually got it wrong about trump being a thin-skinned, angry mutant who can't stand criticism in any form.

h8kurdt 10.29.2020 08:20 AM

Anyway, if you could go back to ranting about Hunter Biden's laptop that'd be great. Seems like that story has gone strangely cold. Shall we put it next to Obama's nationality, Hillary's emails (LOCK HER UP...please?), Obama's spygate. Stories that you spent god knows how many hours bleating about only to stop mentioning it because they turned out to be false narratives to keep you occupied.

Bytor Peltor 10.29.2020 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Anyway, if you could go back to ranting about Hunter Biden's laptop that'd be great. Seems like that story has gone strangely cold. Shall we put it next to Obama's nationality, Hillary's emails (LOCK HER UP...please?), Obama's spygate. Stories that you spent god knows how many hours bleating about only to stop mentioning it because they turned out to be false narratives to keep you occupied.

Don’t have time for such TRUTH right now, I’m currently on a five day golf vacation with my dad, brother and best friend. We started out in West Texas Monday, but the sleet and cold eventually drove back towards Montgomery County where the weather is cold but sunny. I’ll return home tomorrow afternoon for a weekend of Halloween and birthday parties. I’ve pretty much been absent from news and political shenanigans as A) it’s always nice to take a break and B) internet service can be spotty in the West Texas Hill Country.

The FBI has the laptop and the Hillary Clinton investigation is still ongoing, so don’t go anywhere!!!

!@#$%! 10.29.2020 11:21 AM


h8kurdt 10.29.2020 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
No, that's NOT misspelled! She's clearly asking "Why is there no two?", the implication being that she has only a Barbie doll to play with, and no Ken doll. She is apparently unaware of the fact that sales of Ken dolls plummeted with the introduction of G.I. Joe, and Barbie clearly preferred the man in uniform to the California beach bum!

Gotta quote this one. Sorry not sorry.

Silver ✴ Rocket 10.29.2020 01:35 PM

How can you accuse of others of lack of critical thinking but then turn a blind eye to the Biden's family association with corrupt companies and individuals and the communist regime?

Silver ✴ Rocket 10.29.2020 01:36 PM

And why don't you talk about policy...

Joe Biden's and Kamala Harris' criminal justice record... are those fabrications too?

!@#$%! 10.29.2020 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Gotta quote this one. Sorry not sorry.

what does that mean though? is he having a stroke?



Originally Posted by igor ✴ putin
whataboutisms and crapola


Silver ✴ Rocket 10.29.2020 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

You call others bots, but you're the one spamming threads and trying to suppress dialogue.

Silver ✴ Rocket 10.29.2020 01:50 PM

We are going the way of ending free speech and a free press, and you are all okay with it.

Nothing to see here.

!@#$%! 10.29.2020 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by igor ✴ putin


!@#$%! 10.29.2020 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by igor ✴ putin
free speech

hilarious fabrications

Silver ✴ Rocket 10.29.2020 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hilarious fabrications

Should we appoint you to the Ministry of Truth?

!@#$%! 10.29.2020 02:12 PM

lol@ sophomore fascists appropriating orwell.

but still, so boring.


bye bye igor!

Silver ✴ Rocket 10.29.2020 02:26 PM

Sorry I couldn't keep you entertained, it's hard to keep up with your banter.

Bytor Peltor 10.29.2020 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Silver ✴ Rocket
You call others bots, but you're the one spamming threads and trying to suppress dialogue.

SR, suppressing dialogue and slinging poo is all symbols knows how to do. Symbols doesn’t offer anything of substance and he completely crumbles with the least bit amount of pushback.


Silver ✴ Rocket 10.29.2020 04:07 PM

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

h8kurdt 10.29.2020 04:31 PM

Nah, he's realised, to quote Mark Twain "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"

EVOLghost 10.29.2020 05:36 PM


EVOLghost 10.29.2020 05:56 PM


h8kurdt 10.30.2020 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
No, that's NOT misspelled! She's clearly asking "Why is there no two?", the implication being that she has only a Barbie doll to play with, and no Ken doll. She is apparently unaware of the fact that sales of Ken dolls plummeted with the introduction of G.I. Joe, and Barbie clearly preferred the man in uniform to the California beach bum!

Still trying to get my head around what you're talking about here. "Why is there no two?" The fuck is that?

!@#$%! 10.30.2020 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Never argue with an idiot.

words to live by


Originally Posted by EVOLghost

haaahaahaaahaa! yeah...

The Soup Nazi 10.30.2020 11:00 PM

Op-ed in The Washington Post:


The Supreme Court might have to choose between power and principle

Opinion by Fareed Zakaria
Oct. 29, 2020 at 8:03 p.m. GMT-3

We know that elections have consequences, but we are often reminded that ideas do, too. That link between abstract ideas and real-world results could prove especially fateful on the day after the presidential election.

At stake is the idea of judicial originalism, which holds, in the words of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, that the U.S. Constitution “means today not what current society, much less the court, thinks it ought to mean, but what it meant when it was adopted.” While this assertion has a seductive simplicity, it’s worth noting that this is simply one theory of how the courts should function. The Constitution itself never directs that judges should rule in this manner. In fact, the United States is unusual among advanced democracies in its practice of treating its constitution as a quasi-religious text whose meaning has to be divined chiefly through detailed textual analysis.

Judges in most advanced democracies would argue that all laws are inevitably interpreted based on a mix of original understanding, evolving societal standards and core democratic values. And even in the United States, liberals and conservatives alike accept important deviations from originalism. Otherwise we would still have segregated schools, prohibitions against interracial marriage and laws outlawing homosexuality — all of which were deemed unconstitutional by judges who used the 14th Amendment of the Constitution to do so, even though it cannot be plausibly claimed that was the intent of Congress when it passed that amendment.

Many conservatives have argued that originalism is the only way to ensure that judges stay restrained and modest, not imposing their views on a society that did not elect them. (Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. refers to this as calling “balls and strikes.”) And perhaps the self-styled originalists would accomplish their goal if they actually practiced what they preach. But in fact, the new breed of judicial activists seems to be abandoning the restraint that Roberts prizes and is simply seeking conservative outcomes, using whatever means necessary.

The original sin was the 2000 Supreme Court Bush v. Gore decision, when conservative justices flagrantly violated their long-espoused principles to achieve their preferred political aim. The Constitution is crystal clear that states have final authority over the selection of their electors during a presidential election. Courts had long upheld that view.

And yet, in Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court shut down Florida’s recount using a tortuous and novel interpretation of the 14th Amendment, which was ratified to give equal rights to Black people in 1868. The writers of that amendment could not possibly have meant that it prohibited different counties within a state from using their own approaches to counting ballots in an election — an utterly unrelated issue and something that was widespread in 1868 when the amendment was passed.

In a brilliant podcast, “Deep Background,” Harvard Law School professor Noah Feldman outlines this hypocrisy to Jeffrey Sutton, a federal appeals court judge who sees himself as a conservative originalist. Sutton’s response — to my ear — was that he believed Bush v. Gore had been wrongly decided.

And, in fact, after the ruling, judicial conservatives rarely cited or celebrated its rationale. Scalia’s response was usually three words: “Get over it” — not exactly an intellectual argument. Privately, according to Evan Thomas’s reporting, Scalia said he thought the decision was “a piece of s---.” In the most telling admission of its illogic, the majority opinion contains the remarkable guidance that the decision should be viewed as a one-off and not cited as a precedent — contrary to the intended function of Supreme Court rulings.

Feldman’s podcast series — which is well worth listening to — highlights a growing divide between conservatives who viewed originalism as part of a philosophy of modesty and restraint and new activists who are untroubled by the hypocrisy and simply seek conservative outcomes. It is these activists who have been able to weaken Obamacare (clearly violating the original intent of the legislature that passed it) and invent new rights for corporations that had never before been found in the Constitution (as they did in the notorious Citizens United case).

All this might come to a head next week. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled that ballots sent before the end of the election that arrive up to three days late should be counted. The Republican Party appealed the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court, which still had a vacancy and deadlocked 4 to 4, with the new conservatives plus justices Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Clarence Thomas expressing willingness to intervene, and the liberals, plus Roberts, acting as the voices of judicial restraint.

On Wednesday, if Trump is ahead in Pennsylvania, the Republicans will again ask the court to shut down the vote count. This time, the court cannot deadlock since there is now a ninth justice, Amy Coney Barrett. She will have to decide whether she actually believes in the ideas she and Scalia espoused — or whether, like her mentor, when the stakes are high, she will choose power over principle.

ETA: In other words, if it comes down to this we're fucked.

The Soup Nazi 10.31.2020 12:02 AM


Silver ✴ Rocket 10.31.2020 03:09 AM


_tunic_ 10.31.2020 05:28 AM

Translation of Dutch press article:


Without proof
Trump: Doctors lie about corona deaths to make money

US President Trump says doctors are lying about the number of people who have died from corona because they are getting money for deaths from the virus. The US yesterday reported a new record of corona infections.

Trump made his statements at a campaign meeting. "Our doctors get more money when someone dies from Covid-19. You know that, right?" Trump said. "So they say, I'm sorry, but you know, everyone dies from corona."

The US president did not provide any evidence for his claim. He has been under fire for some time for his approach to the corona virus. The number of cases in the US is still rising. Trump said earlier that this is due to the high number of tests in his country.

Trump says doctors get "about $ 2,000 more" for corona deaths. In other countries, according to Trump, other conditions would be listed as the cause of death, while American doctors choose Covid-19.

Doctors furious

The American Medical Association (AMA) doctors' organization is outraged by Trump's statements. "The suggestion that, in the midst of a health crisis, doctors are counting too many Covid patients, or lying to fill their pockets, is outrageous and completely misguided."

"Rather than attacking us with unfounded accusations, our leaders should insist on wearing face masks, washing hands, and keeping their distance."

© Copyright 2020 RTL

EVOLghost 10.31.2020 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
The little girl seems to be asking "Why is there no God?", but somebody left out the i in dios. Therefor I just had a little fun with what remained. If my understanding of the Spanish sentence is wrong, then I apologize to the Spanish-speaking world!


lolwut? I now see why you support Trump.

_tunic_ 11.01.2020 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
and are further promoting economic opportunity among racial minorties as well as outlawing abortion which primarily affects minorty infants).

you're building a wall to make it impossible for racial minorities to enter your country.
you have and perhaps still are separating infants from their racial minority parents

_tunic_ 11.01.2020 06:56 AM

Well whatever. How about healthcare for minorities?
Covid and Trump: The president's healthcare v the average American's

Also, you speak about freedom of speech. Your President tells anyone that has a different opinion than his - bluntly put - to shut up and stop spreading fake news

_tunic_ 11.01.2020 07:51 AM

James Murdoch, son of Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch, says he walked away from family media empire because it legitimizes disinformation and obscures facts

Twitter is a neutral arbiter???????

!@#$%! 11.01.2020 09:01 AM

choc e-Claire 11.01.2020 02:53 PM

Less than 1% more of the US-Mexico border is walled than was in 2016. Regardless of the motives, he's absolutely failed at what was the one most high profile election promise he made.

Skuj 11.01.2020 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Less than 1% more of the US-Mexico border is walled than was in 2016. Regardless of the motives, he's absolutely failed at what was the one most high profile election promise he made.

Yeah, but at least Mexico is paying for it.


(How do the Trumpists square that one? I'm genuinely curious. But not curious enough to unignore them all.)

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