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DeadDiscoDildo 08.20.2009 03:51 PM

I hate stone temple pilots

sarramkrop 08.20.2009 03:54 PM

That's so 1992, man.

MellySingsDoom 08.20.2009 03:55 PM

^^^ Wisdom is wise in this young one (to DDD).

On the drugs/music tip....I'd LOVE it to be true that J Coltrane was off his chomp on LSD when he recorded "Live In Seattle" (tis been the rumour on this one for many a year now).

sarramkrop 08.20.2009 03:56 PM

John Coltrane didn't take drugs, though.

Gogogonorrhea 08.20.2009 04:04 PM

For the most part writing good music is just work, trial and error, trying, erasing and trying again. Inspiration is the first impetus and then it's just work.

DeadDiscoDildo 08.20.2009 04:17 PM

^^Right gogo...

but drugs can help you skip levels of advancement, sometimes.

If the talent isn't there, drugs won't make you write well. Infact they may destroy any chance of finding your talent because you'll fall in love with the drugs and fall out of love with the music.

Only if you have the drive, and try and try and fail and fail and then have some success with writing should you try heavy drugs. Then you'll change yr philosophies on how to write.

For me I feel I had alot of good ideas but no direction, drugs pointed me in the right direction, but try not to write ON drugs, but AFTER the drug experience. Writing on drugs is usually always shit, usually...

then after awhile drugs can lead you in the wrong direction, so go with yr first hint then lay off the drugs a bit....

I'm in the process of cleaning myself up

DeadDiscoDildo 08.20.2009 04:19 PM

^^What do you say when the words or music doesn't come? Fumble your way thru what you're trying to convey until you find some sense.

sarramkrop 08.20.2009 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i havent read this entire thread...but you are joking, right?

miles davis kicked coltrane OUT of his band because of his drug addiction.

an example that sometimes drugs can do more harm than good.

John Coltrane's history with drugs I find 200% more interesting than Lou Reed's for so many reasons that I can't be bothered to chat about right now.

demonrail666 08.20.2009 05:04 PM

i tend to think that people who did brilliant things on drugs would've done brilliant things anyway, only more of them, and for longer.

notyourfiend 08.21.2009 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
i tend to think that people who did brilliant things on drugs would've done brilliant things anyway, only more of them, and for longer.


boxofburton 05.13.2012 05:05 PM

The guys in Fugazi never did drugs and they're fantastic
Jimi Hendrix did a shitload of drugs and he's regarded as one of the greatest guitar players ever
The guys in those straight-edge Boston hardcore bands (SSD, DYS ect.) never did drugs and they sucked
Lil Wayne does enough drugs and he is terrible

No amount of drugs in the world could have made the guys in SSD creative, but I'm sure Fugazi still would have made great music had they been on LSD all the time. Creative people are creative people and they will make great art either way. Drugs can influence their art, but it by no means makes them a more proficient artist.

TheMadcapLaughs 05.13.2012 06:21 PM

different strokes for different folks

Derek 05.13.2012 07:50 PM

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.13.2012 07:54 PM

I love you Derek

in a very personal way

Derek 05.14.2012 11:04 AM

boY You WAnnA PlAy ThAt GamE BiTch

Severian 05.15.2012 11:21 AM

Yeah I'm going to have to disagree. Personal experience has taught me that the best music is made when a group of good friends wander over to their instruments at the peak of an opiate and weed high, and slowly start jamming in an improvised song.

You need to be that very specific kind of high, when you're a little too fucked to converse anymore, but are still feeling awesome, and have not yet started worrying who's going to get the last bump.

Just remember to record it somehow. A two hour jam session, representing the best music I've ever been a part of was lost because someone was too doped up to handle a four track.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.15.2012 11:48 AM

taKe a Da$h 4 mi ca$h itz yO a$$ dat im BLA$TIN

SonicBebs 05.15.2012 11:56 AM

Do you remember 2009? 2009 was rubbish

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.15.2012 12:24 PM

In regards to drugs and music, from my experience drugs inspire great music, but they don't literally create it. I have never created great music when on drugs, be they heavy or hallucinogenic. Oh, I've had great times drugged out in studios, or playing guitar on mountain peaks on mushrooms, or in darkened rooms on DMT, however truth be told, the music created then, either on tape or by memory was never very good. However, much of my good music was inspired by those. The muse is found on the drugs, but even brief moments of sobriety are required I feel to concrete the colash of sounds into music

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.15.2012 12:24 PM

In regards to drugs and music, from my experience drugs inspire great music, but they don't literally create it. I have never created great music when on drugs, be they heavy or hallucinogenic. Oh, I've had great times drugged out in studios, or playing guitar on mountain peaks on mushrooms, or in darkened rooms on DMT, however truth be told, the music created then, either on tape or by memory was never very good. However, much of my good music was inspired by those. The muse is found on the drugs, but even brief moments of sobriety are required I feel to concrete the colash of sounds into music

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