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atari 2600 12.28.2006 10:47 AM

Those bands have all been insulted here in other pages plenty of times though.

On the bright side, punk rock lives.

On the not-so-bright side, an appreciation for fine arrangement, real songs, and actual music suffers.

Of course, The Beatles were fairly punk at times themselves. And even when their music didn't sound heavy, the lyrics or song conceptions are pretty darn punky. As anyone should know, some of their compositions are also very avant-garde.
As an important note, it certainly wasn't safe for The Beatles to be so foward-thinking, but thanks to their efforts, it was a lot safer for other future artists to truly follow their muse if the effort bended, blended or even destroyed genres and created new ones.

Look up the wiki listing for Rubber Soul which CHOUT espoused as his favorite.
This is The Beatles album where Dylan's influence is beginning to be really felt strongly.
George Martin's production for Rubber Soul provided the first of many blueprints to come for the "psychedelic" music of the sixties.
'Norwegian Wood' first used the sitar and provided the germ for world music. (The Kinks helped there too, truth be told). 'Michelle' is gorgeous postmodern ditty. 'In My Life'...genius lyrics, glorious vocal...R&B meets baroque. 'Drive My Car' is a women's rights anthem. The corollary is 'Run for Your Life' which is the most devil-may-care genuinely violent jealous lover's ode this side of Robert Johnson. Alas, for love and suffering are, in many cases, bound together. The record explores the majesty of love in the philosophical sense with 'The Word,' but many other songs explore the many facets and nuances of human relationships.

Rob Instigator 12.28.2006 10:56 AM

peope are INFLUENCED by bands' MUSIC

the Beatles are the single most covered band in the world. their songs have been covered countless times by artists ranging the ful spectrum of rock, blues, jazz, opera, country, R&B, folk, bluegrass, metal, etc etc.

there is noone else to compare.

they are arguably the greatest songwriters in rock history.

Impossible to overrate.
Not impossible to dislike, but impossible to dismiss.

The beatles saved my life at 12, and sonic youth saved my life at 16.

atari 2600 12.28.2006 11:26 AM

Always looking to mirror the culture and, in turn, to also contribute to it with their art, The Beatles are quite formidable magicians as well as being exceptionally fine musicians and songwriters.

Savage Clone 12.28.2006 11:28 AM

"Not impossible to dislike, but impossible to dismiss."

I guess this is OK for someone to say if he or she is a fan, then?
That's all I was attempting to say as well. I just didn't say it with an air of Supreme Reverence.

atari 2600 12.28.2006 11:30 AM

ANY meaningful way


Savage Clone 12.28.2006 11:33 AM

Well, thanks to your edit, I now look like I was being jerky to Rob.

I will give you credit for mocking me with my own words though. Shows you are a thorough reader as well as a compulsive self-editor.

atari 2600 12.28.2006 11:37 AM

You've been disrespectful to Rob the whole time. Look dude, go back and read Rob's posts, especially the one before you wrote your first long one.
The truth is undeniable.
What is also undeniable is that you have your head way up your fucking ass and that you give his arguments no weight at all.

Savage Clone 12.28.2006 11:40 AM

Rob and I disagree all the time and we still get along great. He's good at not taking it personally when people don't always dig the same sounds as he does. I have no problem with him and was never intentionally disrespecting him in any way.

You, on the other hand, are pathetically easy to bait.

Savage Clone 12.28.2006 11:41 AM

More edits too, I see.

Rob Instigator 12.28.2006 11:46 AM

BUT WE ALL LOVE SONIC YOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and what about drive like jehu? they rock!

porkmarras 12.28.2006 11:51 AM

I knew someone would say 'Sonic Life!',at one point.

Glice 12.28.2006 11:55 AM

I'm pleased to see that the empirical fact of the Beatles' utter superiority over everything ever has been proven, once again. Thanks, Sonic Youth diaspora!

compulsive diarrhea, jico 12.28.2006 12:13 PM

this forum is a screaming field of sonic love

luxinterior 12.28.2006 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
BUT WE ALL LOVE SONIC YOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate that godawful band.

Anti 12.28.2006 03:12 PM

why call a band that contributed that much to the history of music overrated?

Rob Instigator 12.28.2006 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
WOW - The Instigator who has done a wonderful job on other threads of explaining how / why there is no God or Higher Power does an superb job on explaining why he feels the Beatles are the God / Higher Power of the music world.

When you consider it was the Beatles who said, "We're more popular than Jesus" (acknowledging there is a Jesus / Higher Power) and a large part of their music was directly influenced by their search for a Higher Power......and it was this music that saved Rob's life at age 12......where did the circle become unbroken / what did thier music save your life from?

When lennon said the "Beatles are bigger than Jesus" he meant that the kids loved them and found more meaning with the Beatles (at the time of his statement) than with Jesus or the church's teachings. With that taken into account the statement is in no way an acknowledgement that jesus is the divine incarnation of the one true god.

the beatles saved me from a life of tedium and despair. Around age 12 I really began to cement my general ideas about the universe and about the whole of sprituality and religion and the ideas of humanity's worship of "supernatural" beings throughout our teeny tiny brief existance on the planet earth (around one million years as oppossed to the 5-6 BILLION year age of the Earth) I found more, as lennon said, in music and art, and in the beatles music in particular, when I was 12 than in anything the religions had to offer. They brought me comfort, for the realization that there is no god/gods and that we are truly but one tiny aspect of an inconceivably stupendously large universe is a fucking scary, humbling, and chilling one. they gave me hope that despite the absence of any higher being/creator/gods/soul/etc. there was something sublime in the world, something that could bring about trhe feelings of ecstasy and epiphany that many associate with religious occasions. Sonic Youth did that for me as well at age 16 or so. They both opened up a new world for me, a world that to me was life-affirming and joy-providing.

and to think it was just four dudes from a crumbling wharf town who loved little richard and elvis and chuck berry.


porkmarras 12.28.2006 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Anti
why call a band that contributed that much to the history of music overrated?

The world of intelligence in music hasn't stopped since and before The Beatles.Wether someone agrees with it or not is totally and insignificantly irrelevant to what's been going on and will go on.The Beatles were certainly important to what happened on the surface,in the sixties.By no means they are an indication of 'everything' that happened,though.If you are too narrow minded and plain ignorant to understand that,live in that sort of phantom reality and accept the fact that there are a number of people who moved on since your very own exsistence.

Rob Instigator 12.28.2006 05:12 PM

sonic life!

porkmarras 12.28.2006 05:13 PM

You should get one.

finding nobody 12.28.2006 05:17 PM

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black


porkmarras 12.28.2006 05:21 PM

I like it how i can irritate and outrage a few insignificant internet idiots while still remaining sure that i have a more(to put it mildly) interesting life than theirs.Get over it,you get called an idiot from this camp and that's quite possibly because you are one.Don't like that?Tough!

Rob Instigator 12.28.2006 05:26 PM


are you calling me an idiot?
are you assuming things about my life?

porkmarras 12.28.2006 05:27 PM


porkmarras 12.28.2006 05:29 PM

Blatantly making assumptions,in fact.

k-krack 12.28.2006 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
I like it how i can irritate and outrage a few insignificant internet idiots while still remaining sure that i have a more(to put it mildly) interesting life than theirs.Get over it,you get called an idiot from this camp and that's quite possibly because you are one.Don't like that?Tough!

Wow, you've certainly made a good life for yrself. Yr the biggest hypocrite on the internet, dude. You send people PM's asking why they negtively repped you, and you also don't put spaces between yr sentences. Why?

Rob Instigator 12.28.2006 05:29 PM

what did the rat say when he saw the bat?

LOOK! An Angel!

porkmarras 12.28.2006 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
Wow, you've certainly made a good life for yrself. Yr the biggest hypocrite on the internet, dude. You send people PM's asking why they negtively repped you, and you also don't put spaces between yr sentences. Why?

Because i can.If you are referring to the pm i sent to that Nobody bloke,it was because i genuinely thought it was bizarre (to say the least) that he negatively repped me before he even read the post(which makes me think that he really can't read).Besides,you can negatively rep me for as long as your cock could stretch and still miss the pont by a million mile.K-krack,anything interesting to say about The Beatles or music in general?No?

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.28.2006 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
what did the rat say when he saw the bat?

LOOK! An Angel!


noumenal 01.10.2007 02:06 AM

I'd like to share some good books on The Beatles:

The Beatles As Musicians: Revolver through the Anthology


The Beatles As Musicians: The Quarry Men Through Rubber Soul

both by Walter Everett

They are very good.

Peace out

ALIEN ANAL 01.10.2007 02:51 AM

why does it seem the band cops the shit for being 'overated' , its the fans and media that causes this. The bands are just dudes playing their tunes are happend to be liked very much. And i dont know who im aiming this at but im sure there is someone that this aims at, but shut the fuck up and stop being a pretentious 'alternative' dick and hating bands because they are known..or something like that anyway.

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