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Bytor Peltor 09.28.2020 08:37 PM

Florida Governor: Masks are no longer required anywhere in the state, and cities cannot fine people for not wearing one. Restaurants, bars and all other businesses open at 100% capacity. The state WILL NOT be closing again.

tw2113 09.28.2020 09:00 PM

shortly I will be testing my tastebuds with pizza and whiskey. here's to hoping.

choc e-Claire 09.28.2020 11:51 PM

I wonder if the Florida governor has an investment in funeral homes.

tw2113 09.29.2020 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by tw2113
shortly I will be testing my tastebuds with pizza and whiskey. here's to hoping.

So far so good.

_tunic_ 09.29.2020 01:24 AM

we're heading into full blown restrictions again. On national level: no more parties, no more spectators at sports matches (professional or amateur level), bars are still open but must close at 22PM. Travel should be restricted, and people should work from home again, as much as possible.
And on regional level, mouth masks will be strongly advised in several major cities that have currently the highest amount of infections, including my hometown, in shops and other public areas.

The Soup Nazi 09.29.2020 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
mouth masks will be strongly advised

See, here we go again. MAKE THEM MANDATORY OR LET EVERYBODY DIE. So many countries with this half-assed bullshit.

The Soup Nazi 10.01.2020 01:44 PM


choc e-Claire 10.02.2020 12:08 AM

Donald Trump has tested positive to the coronavirus.

The Soup Nazi 10.02.2020 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Donald Trump has tested positive to the coronavirus.

NO FUCKIN' WAY. And he got it from Hope Hicks?!

October surprises, here we go... RjRDBrSUFNRVR3NWNVb1dmdmNDRWpSVWNuVnRjQ0JoYVdSbElF aHZjR1VnU0dsamEzTWdkR1Z6ZEhNZ2NHOXphWFJwZG1VZ1ptOX lJR052Y205dVlYWnBjblZ6S0FBUAE?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

choc e-Claire 10.02.2020 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by @realDonaldTrump
Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER! (

Genuinely laughing.

The Soup Nazi 10.02.2020 12:48 AM

The presidential couple can now have fun getting Sarcastic Lysol I.V. and sticking Sarcastic Red Lightbulbs up each other's assholes.

choc e-Claire 10.02.2020 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
...and sticking Sarcastic Red Lightbulbs up each other's assholes.


The Soup Nazi 10.02.2020 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire

The Soup Nazi 10.02.2020 03:07 AM


Antagon 10.02.2020 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Genuinely laughing.

Incidently, this is probably the most measured and sane post he's made in ages. Surprised he didn't crowbar (insert someone critical of Trump)'s failing ratings into the post.

Now what effect will this have on the elections?

The Soup Nazi 10.02.2020 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Antagon
Incidently, this is probably the most measured and sane post he's made in ages. Surprised he didn't crowbar (insert someone critical of Trump)'s failing ratings into the post.

From Associated Press:


The positive test result was the most searched topic in China on the widely used social media app Weibo for hours after the announcement, with most comments mocking or critical. One user darkly joked that Trump had finally tweeted something positive.


Originally Posted by Antagon
Now what effect will this have on the elections?

From Fareed Zakaria's Global Briefing:


What Changes With Trump’s Diagnosis?

It’s not just UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro: In contracting Covid-19, President Trump has joined a longer list of world leaders. “Also having tested positive are the presidents of Bolivia, Guatemala and Honduras and the prime ministers of Armenia and Russia,” The New York Times’ Kaly Soto and Elian Peltier note.

Some have fallen more seriously ill than others, and at Time, Billy Perrigo compares the stories of Johnson and Bolsonaro. The UK’s Johnson emerged humbled after a severe case sent him to intensive care, and he has credited doctors with saving his life. Fellow feeling seemed to emerge for him in the UK, including among his critics; Julia Hobsbawm, daughter of the late Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm and herself a former Labour Party operative who knows Johnson personally but disagrees with him politically, wrote of that sentiment at CNN.

Fellow populist Bolsonaro of Brazil appeared to have a mild case and followed a different trajectory. “[F]or a man who had said in March he ‘wouldn’t feel anything’ if infected by the virus, his experience appeared only to bolster his extreme rhetoric,” Perrigo writes. Bolsonaro’s political stock has risen through Covid-19, Financial Times Latin America Editor Martin Stott wrote recently, and as Perrigo notes, Oliver Stuenkel of São Paolo’s Getulio Vargas Foundation told the FT elsewhere that Bolsonaro’s “quick recovery strengthens the claim that the pandemic is actually not that bad” and creates an “image of strength” for the president.

Despite the difference in severity of their Covid-19 cases, Perrigo writes, “neither Johnson and Bolsonaro seem to have materially altered their approach to governing during the pandemic because of their experience with the disease.”

What It Means for the Race

For anyone hoping to anticipate the outcome of the US presidential election, President Trump’s diagnosis is certainly a major event. At Inside Elections, Bradley Wascher offers a word of caution, urging readers to “[r]emember, this has been among the most stable presidential elections in recent history, despite occurring in a year of extraordinary circumstances.” (Analysts have noted the remarkable consistency of polls pitting Trump against Joe Biden, with opinions largely fixed through the massive ups and downs of 2020 and relatively few voters currently undecided.) “As a result, it’s practically impossible to know right now how these events will affect the polls. Here’s what we do know: Joe Biden enters this chaotic home stretch as the frontrunner."

The Economist assesses campaign dynamics: “Mr Trump wants to change the subject from covid-19, his administration’s mismanagement of the response to the epidemic and the toll it has taken on the economy. His own illness makes that task impossible for the next ten days. By the time he emerges from quarantine there will not be much time left for him to make up the deficit in his poll numbers.” The magazine concludes on an ominous note, acknowledging the unpredictability of events: “Any list of possible scenarios between now and November 3rd should also include one where Mr Trump recovers, and Mr Biden gets sick before election day.”

The Soup Nazi 10.02.2020 09:37 PM


The Soup Nazi 10.02.2020 09:42 PM

Amy Handmaid Barrett was diagnosed with COVID-19, recovered

The Soup Nazi 10.02.2020 10:13 PM

Contact-tracing Trump. This is some shit right here, man - even after they knew Dope Hicks had tested positive they kept fucking up left and right. From The Washington Post:

Visual timeline of Trump’s movements before his positive coronavirus test
Videos and photos show president frequently flouted guidelines

Bytor Peltor 10.02.2020 11:20 PM


choc e-Claire 10.02.2020 11:28 PM

"resting comfortably"

h8kurdt 10.03.2020 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Pretty sure they said the same about Johnson and he ended up in a right state.

h8kurdt 10.03.2020 02:17 AM

* Donald Trump
* Melania Trump
* Advisor Hope Hicks
* GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel
* Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)
* Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC)
* Notre Dame President Jenkins
* 1 White House staffer
* 3 journalists who work at WH
* 11 infected so far from the Presidential debate in Cleveland
* Former Advisor Kellyanne Conway
* Campaign Manager Bill Stepien

All tested positive yesterday. Well, well, well if it isn't the consequences of their actions.

The Soup Nazi 10.03.2020 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
* Donald Trump
* Melania Trump
* Advisor Hope Hicks
* GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel
* Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)
* Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC)
* Notre Dame President Jenkins
* 1 White House staffer
* 3 journalists who work at WH
* 11 infected so far from the Presidential debate in Cleveland
* Former Advisor Kellyanne Conway
* Campaign Manager Bill Stepien

All tested positive yesterday. Well, well, well if it isn't the consequences of their actions.

If that place wasn't already a fuckin' Petri dish...

The Soup Nazi 10.03.2020 02:44 AM

UK bookmakers stop taking bets on US election after Trump gets Covid-19

Crap. I had 5 bucks on Kanye West.

The Soup Nazi 10.03.2020 02:55 AM




Antagon 10.03.2020 04:02 AM

Joe has tested negative for now

_tunic_ 10.03.2020 07:31 AM

Analysis of the infection clusters showed that the first wave of Corona over here was caused by people returning from wintersport holiday in Austria and Northern Italy.
The second wave is caused by young people vacationing in Spain and the South of France, upon their return they visited student dorms and parties where they infected their friends. And those visited their parents and other relatives and infected them. And they infected their colleagues at work.

Bytor Peltor 10.03.2020 09:12 PM


The Soup Nazi 10.03.2020 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Why the fuck would we care about this bullshit? Do you think the fancy seal of the "physician to the president" (THIS specific pathological liar of a president) makes it truthful? Save your crap bulletins for yourself, you mindless drone.

Bytor Peltor 10.04.2020 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
We care because we are Americans (regardless of the nations of our ancestry), and we pray that our President be delivered from his current medical crisis.

Such a concept may be foreign to you, but you are a Chilean, not an American, and you seem incapable of comprehending the fact that President Trump is NOT Pinochet!

Pinochet imposed himself upon your nation by means of military force, whereas President Trump was elected into office under the Constitutionally established Electoral College by a majority of the several States, quite befitting a federal republic which is the creature of the several States.

Thank you for this explanation, Robert.

I had no clue that Soup was a Chilean.

I find it odd that someone with no “skin in the game“ can become so angry over something they have zero impact toward.

That being said, it’s extremely sad to see many berating President Trump because they don’t think Trump has done enough to disavow racism, yet these same individuals are lowlife enough to relish in his sickness and would probably celebrate his death.

I appreciate Robert’s continued civility and patriotism even more so today because it’s becoming abundantly clear so many have no clue what in means to be an American!

Debaser 10.04.2020 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Thank you for this explanation, Robert.

I had no clue that Soup was a Chilean.

I find it odd that someone with no “skin in the game“ can become so angry over something they have zero impact toward.

That being said, it’s extremely sad to see many berating President Trump because they don’t think Trump has done enough to disavow racism, yet these same individuals are lowlife enough to relish in his sickness and would probably celebrate his death.

I appreciate Robert’s continued civility and patriotism even more so today because it’s becoming abundantly clear so many have no clue what in means to be an American!

Please explain

Bytor Peltor 10.04.2020 08:29 AM



Originally Posted by Debaser
Please explain

Mr. Schunk mentioned praying for our President and I believe praying is a way of showing support. Not just for the man, but out of respect for the office and love for our country. Even if one dislikes or has distain for the individual, we should always show respect for the office, because the President is about the people’s business!

Debaser 10.04.2020 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Mr. Schunk mentioned praying for our President and I believe praying is a way of showing support. Not just for the man, but out of respect for the office and love for our country. Even if one dislikes or has distain for the individual, we should always show respect for the office, because the President is about the people’s business!

Hows that showing patriotism? Trump doesn't have a 'love of country.' Hence the slogan 'Make American Great Again.' I don't wish the man dead or anything but he's shown absolute contempt for people. The UK (well England) and the US has a hell of growing up to do.

!@#$%! 10.04.2020 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Debaser
Hows that showing patriotism? Trump doesn't have a 'love of country.'

lol, don’t try to reason with the sycophants. they live in fantasyland. everybody else knows that trump only loves himself. hates dead veterans too. he’ll molest a flag for the cameras though.

Bytor Peltor 10.04.2020 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
it’s extremely sad to see many berating President Trump because they don’t think Trump has done enough to disavow racism, yet these same individuals are lowlife enough to relish in his sickness and would probably celebrate his death.

Sean Davis tweet
“Biden is yet to denounce any of his supporters--including former Obama/Biden White House staff--who are openly saying they hope the president dies.”

‘I Hope They Die’: Left-Wingers React To Positive Coronavirus Diagnosis For Trump, Melania

Dan Crenshaw tweet
“It was nice to see some on the left (like, a few of them) initially try and be civil when the President tested positive.

Now they’ve fully devolved into the seething, cynical, mean-spirited partisans that we all expected.

I’m appalled by it, and I’m sick of it.”

h8kurdt 10.04.2020 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Sean Davis tweet
“Biden is yet to denounce any of his supporters--including former Obama/Biden White House staff--who are openly saying they hope the president dies.”

‘I Hope They Die’: Left-Wingers React To Positive Coronavirus Diagnosis For Trump, Melania

Dan Crenshaw tweet
“It was nice to see some on the left (like, a few of them) initially try and be civil when the President tested positive.

Now they’ve fully devolved into the seething, cynical, mean-spirited partisans that we all expected.

I’m appalled by it, and I’m sick of it.”

Where was your denouncing when Trump mocked a disabled journalist? When he mocked H. Clinton of having pneumonia? When he laughed at McCain dying? When a trump supporter decided to drive into a crowd of protestors killing one? I could go in but you get the point (doubtful?

A poor attempt at trying make it seem like the republicans have the moral high ground.

Bytor Peltor 10.05.2020 03:05 PM

: )

Don’t turn on your TV’s this evening if you don’t want to see our President receive the Rock Star Treatment as mass media will cover his trip from Walter Reed to the White House like the O. J. Simpson Bronco Chase.

Antagon 10.05.2020 03:41 PM

Meanwhile, more and more of this "rock star's" devoted followers are testing positive for a dangerous disease that has been running roughshod over the globe and has destroyed many lives throughout the past year. All due to his and his entourage's reckless conduct.

The O.J. comparison is spot-on though. Two rich guys getting away with murder. Very astute, though probably not intended that way.

Although: The "rich"-part is kind of relative in the case of the Con-artist in chief.

Skuj 10.05.2020 04:07 PM

Dooooh.....quoting the Trumpy people again. I'm dyin' here.

He said "our President". Yes, he is the President of the MAGAs. For the rest of the country, they can go fuck themselves, apparently.

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