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dead_battery 10.25.2016 11:55 AM

the question is what are the reasons for the right wing backlash thats been steadily building?

some of it is displaced class anger and resentment

some of it is a white geronotocracy growing senile, paranoid and self indulgent.

most of it it is psychological dislocation brought about by technology which is misunderstood and directed at "elites"

dead_battery 10.25.2016 12:08 PM

also, it all comes down to baudrillard.

you have 2 basic narratives of reality being sold to people who can chose which to buy, and they are diverging so much that its becoming impossible for any kind of consensual reality to be agreed upon. the trumpenproletarians will claim it was rigged, and its becoming ever more difficult for their to be an official narrative, which trump, the liar, is exploiting

!@#$%! 10.25.2016 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
the question is what are the reasons for the right wing backlash thats been steadily building?

some of it is displaced class anger and resentment

some of it is a white geronotocracy growing senile, paranoid and self indulgent.

most of it it is psychological dislocation brought about by technology which is misunderstood and directed at "elites"

YES. all 3.


Originally Posted by dead_battery
also, it all comes down to baudrillard.

you have 2 basic narratives of reality being sold to people who can chose which to buy, and they are diverging so much that its becoming impossible for any kind of consensual reality to be agreed upon. the trumpenproletarians will claim it was rigged, and its becoming ever more difficult for their to be an official narrative, which trump, the liar, is exploiting

and yes, this is the right-wing media issue pointed by the article i linked.

sure the so-called "liberal" american media has massive first-world capitalist bias already, but the wingnuts are on a whole new level of fantasyland that defies comprehension by rational minds. this is why for the first time in ages democrats are winning "college educated whites". big intellectual divorce there, dont' know how it will settle.

!@#$%! 10.25.2016 01:55 PM (this is over 2 months old but looks at the education gap)

The Soup Nazi 10.25.2016 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i mean some people have kings as national symbols but a king who actually rules a nation these days we call a dictator.

It's good to be king, if just for a while. To be there in velvet, yeah, to give 'em a smile. It's good to get high and never come down. It's good to be king of your own little town.

Yeah, the world would swing if I were king. Can I help it if I still dream time to time?

It's good to be king and have your own way. Get a feeling of peace at the end of the day. And when your bulldog barks and your canary sings, you're out there with winners, it's good to be king.

Yeah I'll be king when dogs get wings. Can I help it if I still dream time to time?

It's good to be king and have your own world. It helps to make friends, it's good to meet girls: a sweet little queen who can't run away. It's good to be king, whatever it pays.

Excuse me if I have some place in my mind where I go time to time...

Severian 10.25.2016 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
also, it all comes down to baudrillard.

you have 2 basic narratives of reality being sold to people who can chose which to buy, and they are diverging so much that its becoming impossible for any kind of consensual reality to be agreed upon. the trumpenproletarians will claim it was rigged, and its becoming ever more difficult for their to be an official narrative, which trump, the liar, is exploiting

Pretty fucking well said.

And that's the rub, really. Trump is manipulating the public's feeling of helplessness, and exploiting that feeling by adding to it... yes, feeding them a version of realty that gives them the impression that someone out here wants to expose what's really going on. But just by believing it, they're becoming even more detached from reality as it truly is, and more invested in the narratives they're fed.

Trump is, if nothing else, a successful *cekebrity* (not business man, not philanthropist, not politician). He knows how to spin and how tease useful narratives out of shit situations. And I don't trust the American people enough to believe that they'll see that all Trump is offering them is MORE of what he claims he wants to fight. He's betting on people not being able to make that connection.

!@#$%! 10.25.2016 05:49 PM

^^ yes but if you read the article i linked youll see that trump is not the creator of that narrative but rather its beneficiary

fox news, breitbart, limbaugh in the 90s... theyre the ones that have been spinning those alt-realities/hyperrealities for decades now

trump is just cashing in on them

tesla69 10.25.2016 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
At worst, and for all we know, she is guilty of mismanagement of information and perhaps being a goofy old bitty who isn't very tech-savvy.
Everyone needs to shut the fuck up about the goddamn emails. .

Why do they have to shut up? It shows a blatant disregard for basic security. And she wasn't some peon at Home Depot, she was SecState, if anyone should understand security it should have been her. She put Federal Classified material on an unsecure network. It is an example, like her phone, that she doesn't have to follow the rules. What has she ever done except vote for every version of the patriot act?

She set up the private server in order to complete Pay to Play between herself and the Clinton Foundation.

pepper_green 10.25.2016 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Pretty fucking well said.

And that's the rub, really. Trump is manipulating the public's feeling of helplessness, and exploiting that feeling by adding to it... yes, feeding them a version of realty that gives them the impression that someone out here wants to expose what's really going on. But just by believing it, they're becoming even more detached from reality as it truly is, and more invested in the narratives they're fed.

Trump is, if nothing else, a successful *cekebrity* (not business man, not philanthropist, not politician). He knows how to spin and how tease useful narratives out of shit situations. And I don't trust the American people enough to believe that they'll see that all Trump is offering them is MORE of what he claims he wants to fight. He's betting on people not being able to make that connection.

how long did you have to think about this post? Im guessing you didn't have to think about it at all.

pepper_green 10.25.2016 07:03 PM

intellectually and politically you guys are just masturbating yr own fantasies and egos at this point. losers with no effect at all. your just another bum fuck book worm nerd reader not doing a damn thing! fuck all you guys!!

Severian 10.25.2016 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Why do they have to shut up? It shows a blatant disregard for basic security. And she wasn't some peon at Home Depot, she was SecState, if anyone should understand security it should have been her. She put Federal Classified material on an unsecure network. It is an example, like her phone, that she doesn't have to follow the rules. What has she ever done except vote for every version of the patriot act?

She set up the private server in order to complete Pay to Play between herself and the Clinton Foundation.

Ugh. The Clinton Foundation scare tactics are soooo four months ago. The foundations has been investigated, and again there is no evidence of it being anything other than a fucking charity. And a pretty damn successful one at that. No misappropriation of funds was discovered. It was all just absolute bluster.

And she actually didn't place the emails on an "unsecure" server. They were essentially on a VPN. Extremely private. You've got it all backwards. She had to turn over the emails from the secure private server to public officials during Benghazi. And she did. And what was found? Nothing of any consequence.

Not saying nothing unethical happened in either instance, but the investigations yielded no evidence of anything like that, so .... moving on.

I have a work email address and anpersonal email address like most folks probably do. The professional address is a perk of the job. As a journalist I deal with a lot of secure and private information and communicate on a regular basis with mayors, the offices of state representatives, cops, etc. I have a work-issue phone that I'm allowed to set up my personal email on. And guess what? Sometimes, I accidentally write to my editor with my personal email, or write to my mom and dad with my work email when I'm using the AppleMail client.

People should shut up about it because it's non-news, and has no bearing on HRC's ability to be president. Also because ishe Fucking cooperated with authorities every step of the way, and the Feds cleared her.

Again... moving... on.

The Soup Nazi 10.25.2016 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
intellectually and politically you guys are just masturbating yr own fantasies and egos at this point. losers with no effect at all. your just another bum fuck book worm nerd reader not doing a damn thing! fuck all you guys!!

All your posts eventually include jerking off and taking shits.


Severian 10.25.2016 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
how long did you have to think about this post? Im guessing you didn't have to think about it at all.

Hey that's great.

pepper_green 10.25.2016 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
All your posts eventually include jerking off and taking shits.


that's funny but, im not trolling. im for real!! please, post more of yr scum bag shit. 2 years from now you'll still hate the system.

lost cause here. go back to collecting various Bob Dylan bootlegs and concerts and jerking off to obscure female cute performers who satisfy yr old school conservative values of how music should be. pervert lib tard!

Severian 10.25.2016 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
^^ yes but if you read the article i linked youll see that trump is not the creator of that narrative but rather its beneficiary

fox news, breitbart, limbaugh in the 90s... theyre the ones that have been spinning those alt-realities/hyperrealities for decades now

trump is just cashing in on them

I'm not giving the guy an author credit. I'm just saying his recent over reliance on the "rigged election" accusations are playing into fears and insecurities that he knows damn well are there. Naw, he's not the architect of the greater narrative. That began long ago as you said.

But it's still sad that he's finding any foothold at all with this tactic. "Everyman Donald Trump" here to pull the curtain back on the corrupt system... for us! ... People buy that -- why, I couldn't begin to say -- and again it boggles the mind how willing people are to accept this guy's promises. Do none of these untrusting, disaffected anti-government voters not wonder why on earth they should trust what THIS political hopeful is saying?

It's almost like half the nation had no real idea of who Trump was prior to his bid. Like they think... "hmm, wealthy, successful, powerful" and that's the extent of their mental scheme for Le Donald. Did none of these people live through the '80s and '90s?

Severian 10.25.2016 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
that's funny but, im not trolling. im for real!! please, post more of yr scum bag shit. 2 years from now you'll still hate the system.

lost cause here. go back to collecting Bob Dylan bootlegs and concerts and jerking off to obscure female cute performers who satisfy yr old school conservative values of how music should be. l

I genuinely don't believe you have any clue who you're taking to or what you're accusing them of. Not trusting the government? Scum bag shit? Musical conservatism? You've lost your own thread.

What if there was a forum that was ALL trolls? Just running around in a field, nipping at each other's heels? Wouldn't that be nice? I'll bet there is one actually. You could go there!

pepper_green 10.25.2016 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I genuinely don't believe you have any clue who you're taking to or what you're accusing them of. Not trusting the government? Scum bag shit? Musical conservatism? You've lost your own thread.

What if there was a forum that was ALL trolls? Just running around in a field, nipping at each other's heels? Wouldn't that be nice? I'll bet there is one actually. You could go there!

da fuck!!! what are you talking about?:confused: troll wha who what!?!?!

pepper_green 10.25.2016 07:47 PM

man, you guys are sickly crazy. like the right hand talking to the left and agreeing on everything and nothing going around in circles debating about nothing. one big circle jerk for the last three pages.

all fingers on keyboards all ego involved.

pretty well said dude! high five!!! yeah bro, well said.

!@#$%! 10.25.2016 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
man, you guys are sickly crazy. like the right hand talking to the left and agreeing on everything and nothing going around in circles debating about nothing. one big circle jerk for the last three pages.

all fingers on keyboards all ego involved.

pretty well said dude! high five!!! yeah bro, well said.


The Soup Nazi 10.25.2016 08:21 PM

Can it be done without FL? ...Yeah, what the hell.


Drjohnrock 10.25.2016 09:01 PM

I took advantage today of Ohio's early voting. I went to the Board Of Elections (only a block and a half from where I work) and cast my ballot for Hillary Clinton.

Not much of a crowd but that will pick up the closer we get to November 8. There was some stupid looking woman outside the building with a Trump hat trying to accost voters. Good thing for her I was coming from the other direction. If she had tried to talk to me or give me literature, I would have asked her: "Before you say another word, I need to ask you one thing. Have you ever heard of the Scientologists?" She would likely have said yes. My reply would have been: "Just like them, you need to see a deprogrammer. Fuck off!"

tesla69 10.25.2016 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
intellectually and politically you guys are just masturbating yr own fantasies and egos at this point. losers with no effect at all. your just another bum fuck book worm nerd reader not doing a damn thing! fuck all you guys!!

hey look zombie among us!

no one is allowed to discuss anything with the zombies around

tesla69 10.25.2016 09:18 PM

These are the 98 U.S. senators for voted in favor of the US Patriot Act of 2001
Clinton (D-NY), Yea

These are the 89 U.S. senators who voted in favor of the March 2, 2006 Patriot Act Reauthorizing Act
Clinton (D-NY)

So Trump made a nasty comment 10 years ago, while Clinton voted to destroy the Constitution, the basis of our Freedom and Liberty.

I think most of you take this Freedom and Liberty for granted. Bad move. a lot of hungry people want what you have.

Y'all pumped for Clinton!

!@#$%! 10.25.2016 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
These are the 98 U.S. senators for voted in favor of the US Patriot Act of 2001
Clinton (D-NY), Yea

These are the 89 U.S. senators who voted in favor of the March 2, 2006 Patriot Act Reauthorizing Act
Clinton (D-NY)

So Trump made a nasty comment 10 years ago, while Clinton voted to end our democracy.

Y'all pumped for Clinton!

trump is a demented incompetent celebrity who has serially conned investors, students, and contractors, while projecting a tv image of "success"

he's a fucking egomaniac disciple of roy cohn, a racist, has no plan whatsoever, and his word is absolutely worthless

so much so that the students at liberty university don't trust him to deliver the supreme court judges he is promising right now and would rather deal with the feminist hillary clinton. read the letter they wrote.

hillary, while certainly not perfect (there are no mythical magical leaders), is a competent, reasonable adult wih a good platform and the ability to accomplish some of it

this one is a no-brainer

Severian 10.25.2016 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
These are the 98 U.S. senators for voted in favor of the US Patriot Act of 2001
Clinton (D-NY), Yea

These are the 89 U.S. senators who voted in favor of the March 2, 2006 Patriot Act Reauthorizing Act
Clinton (D-NY)

So Trump made a nasty comment 10 years ago, while Clinton voted to destroy the Constitution, the basis of our Freedom and Liberty.

I think most of you take this Freedom and Liberty for granted. Bad move. a lot of hungry people want what you have.

Y'all pumped for Clinton!

You only listed one senator. Not 98 or 81. But sure, point taken.
There's never been a presidential candidate with whom I agreed about everything. Never. Also, not sure if you recall, but in the early '00s there were some, ahem, extenuating circumstances that made crackdowns on national security not really a talking point or a point of policy, but an absolute necessity for any politician hoping to keep their job.

It's worth noting (if you care about these things) that Hillary is a staunch supporter of overturning CU, and has vowed to do everything in her power to do so.

Again, that will only strike you as relevant if you care.

Ps. Summarizing Trump's abhorrent behavior with, "he made a comment 10 years ago" is asinine and you goddamn well know it.

evollove 10.26.2016 08:43 AM

Trump will surge ahead near the end and win. I'm trying to process this, imagine what lies in store and how I'll react.

!@#$%! 10.26.2016 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
Trump will surge ahead near the end and win. I'm trying to process this, imagine what lies in store and how I'll react.

suicide is painless (or so i've heard)

alternatively, leave ohio and move to denver for the free weed

Drjohnrock 10.26.2016 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
Trump will surge ahead near the end and win. I'm trying to process this, imagine what lies in store and how I'll react.

I sure as hell hope not. The get-out-the-vote efforts that HRC's campaign are engaged in--and which you admirably took part in-- are crucial. I'm hoping there's at least one more bombshell revelation against Trump in the next few days that will kill any surge he might have. Knowing the political instincts of Hillary's husband, I think (or hope) they have an ace in the hole in that regard.

evollove 10.26.2016 09:24 AM

The life cycle of a trump scandal seems to be about three days, so I hope hrc has a full clip of silver bullets.

I don't know if suicide sounds attractive. Suicide-by-secret-service on the other hand has a noble ring to it. Haha. Lol. Jk. That was clearly a joke.

!@#$%! 10.26.2016 09:32 AM

laaa laaa laaa laaaaa

ive heard nothing and i'm covering my ears

ilduclo 10.26.2016 09:53 AM

more great stuff at driftglass:

The dark carnival that is the Trump Campaign continues to limp onto the ash heap of history by butt-scooting it's crackpot theories and racist demagoguery all over the hallowed ground of Gettysburg. I'm not sure which Trump brain-wizard decided that the sight of a doomed racist cause making a suicidal charge into the teeth of overwhelming force was the very best metaphor on which to begin the final chapter of the campaign of their unhinged orange fire demon, but I hope they got their money up front.

I was such a demented ramble of Trump's angry, random notions, disjointed conspiracies, tangentially related grievances and physically, financially, temporally and constitutionally impossible claptrap tarted up to sound like "policy" that I could not track it all, but here are my notes, such as they are...
Trump is doubling down on every batshit lie he has been running all along. Go, lemmings, go!
Dead Man Ranting

Remember how Lincoln kept barking "Believe me! Believe me!" after the dozens and dozens of outrageous lies he told on this hallowed ground?

I will direct my Secretary of Commerce & Legitimate Businessman, Charles Ponzi, to do many amazing things. Believe me!

I will direct my Secretary of Imaginary Science, Trofim Lysenko, to pull "Clean Coal" out of his ass. Burn it all now, people! Without the Commie EPA who shall stop us! Believe me!

I will direct my Secretary of Homeland Security, Crazy Joe Arpaio, to arrest my political enemies. Believe me!

I will direct my Secretary of Deregulationism, Jack T. Ripper, to hit the Undo Obama button eight million times on my first day in office. Believe me!

I will direct my Secretary of Trump Math, my son Uday, to make 2+2 equal whatever I damn well say it is. Believe me!

I will direct my Secretary of Propaganda, Steve Bannon, to bring the fucking hammer down on the free press. Believe me!

I will direct my Secretary of Doubletalk, Hugh Hewitt, to follow me around with a pooper-scooper and a giant shit-eating grin. Bigly! Believe me!

I will direct my Secretary of Illegals to protect us from the cybers by only letting in people who love us. With talents this is possible ("Talents"? like "Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred three score and six talents of gold") Believe me!

Apparently Trump's end-game strategy is to flummox SNL writers by overloading them with material.

Let the media race to find the last "Undecided" voter in America begin!
As grotesque and horrifying as all of this is, don't let any of your Conservative friends or colleagues get away with feigning shock or surprise or that Trump is some freakish Black Swan event.

Severian 10.26.2016 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Trump will surge ahead near the end and win. I'm trying to process this, imagine what lies in store and how I'll react.

I think people will have a real "gut check" moment when they enter the booths. I'm hoping that the puffed up anti-HRC bullshit will lose some of its sway when voters are alone, without all the groupthink and mob mentality.

Surely there will be a time when every Trumo voter asks himself/herself what the ACTUAL real life result of a Trumo victory would be, and realizes that such a thing would turn the US into a cartoonish reality show.

Ideally, they'll say "fuck it I can't do this" and vote for HRC and then walk out and high five their friends and say they voted for Trump.

TRUMP. Donald Trump. Jesus. It's still hard for me to accept that he's even part of this conversation.

evollove 10.26.2016 01:13 PM

If that's true then you're way behind the story. Your head has less than two weeks remaining intact, unblown. After that, kablooee.

LifeDistortion 10.27.2016 04:36 AM

I'm not sure how this story isn't circling around, and Daily Beast/Kos seem to be the only ones reporting it. Yes I know there is a current case of Trump being accused of rape, but this is a damn rabbit hole. Now the argument can be made that there are possibly more men of wealth and power, even within the U.S. government who have participated in similar, and aren't any different than Trump, but it has to start somewhere and if that means using Trump as a prime example, so be it.

ilduclo 10.27.2016 09:47 AM

120 days of Sodom

!@#$%! 10.27.2016 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
120 days of Sodom

el trumpo, pence, christie, giuliani, agree to marry their own (not each other's) daughters; melania, conway and omarosa tell stories and instruct the slaves

The Soup Nazi 10.27.2016 06:31 PM

Been kind of a mookish day, so why not shoot the shit for a bit about third-party candidate JOE EXOTIC!


Meet The Gay Zookeeper Who's Making A Bid For President


I am gay. I've had two boyfriends most of my life. I currently got legally married ― thank God it's finally legal in America. [...] I've had some kinky sex. I've tried drugs through the younger years of my life. I'm broke as shit.

I don't know what the fuck Trump's smoking, because you can't throw 10 million people out of this country 'cause we don't have 10 million white people that'll work ― and that's a fact.


Joe Exotic is truly the candidate you'd want to sit down and have a beer with, then another beer, and then several more beers until you're drunk enough to try meth for the first time. "Joe Exotic: Make America Exotic Again". ―John Oliver

The Soup Nazi 10.27.2016 06:37 PM


Pussy Riot Announce New EP, Share Disturbing Video Imagining a Donald Trump Presidency
xxx Due Out Tomorrow, Watch "Make America Great Again" Video

tw2113 10.27.2016 07:41 PM

pepper_green 10.27.2016 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I think people will have a real "gut check" moment when they enter the booths. I'm hoping that the puffed up anti-HRC bullshit will lose some of its sway when voters are alone, without all the groupthink and mob mentality.

Surely there will be a time when every Trumo voter asks himself/herself what the ACTUAL real life result of a Trumo victory would be, and realizes that such a thing would turn the US into a cartoonish reality show.

Ideally, they'll say "fuck it I can't do this" and vote for HRC and then walk out and high five their friends and say they voted for Trump.

TRUMP. Donald Trump. Jesus. It's still hard for me to accept that he's even part of this conversation.

you do realize some people are ACTUAL assholes?! that's your fairy lib optimistic brain with a tic prob. hate is more than enough of a powerful motivator for some people.

teams seem Nazi. I like sitting on the bleachers watching while dabbling in this and that/political ideals and opinions. variety is the spice of life.

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