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The Soup Nazi 02.11.2021 11:33 PM

This is just fucked up. :( From Zakaria's newsletter:


Covid-19’s ‘She-Cession’

As Covid-19 lays waste to much of the economy, that's what some have dubbed one aspect of its wreckage: a “she-cession” that has seen women bear more of the collapse.

US government data show that “women accounted for all the job losses in December, losing 156,00 jobs, while men gained 16,000,” as CNN's Kwegyirba Croffie reported earlier this month. “More than 2.1 million women have left the US labor market completely since the beginning of the pandemic, 20% more than the number of men, according to” the employment firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

At Foreign Affairs, a quintuple-bylined essay warned in January that as women exit the labor force, see their incomes drop, and carry a burden of lockdown caregiving, “even the modest economic gains that women have made in recent decades” stand to be “lost” if policymakers don’t act.

The effect is being felt across countries with vastly disparate economies, noted the authors, Jamille Bigio, Kweilin Ellingrud, Mekala Krishnan, Anu Madgavkar, and Rachel Vogelstein. In India, women are dropping from the labor force at 2.5 times the rate men are, according to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy; a “December analysis by the International Labor Organization found that in Germany, women’s wages had declined by 8.6 percent, nearly double the drop of men”; a “report by Oxfam and Promundo found that women in the United States were spending ten to 15 hours more per week on caregiving responsibilities than they had before the pandemic.”

“Just before the pandemic hit, for the first time ever, for a couple months, we had more women employed than men,” Center for American Progress economist Michael Madowitz tells The New York Times, for a series of articles on how the pandemic hangs on American mothers, their incomes, and their minds like an unruly toddler. “And now we are back to late 1980s levels of women in the labor force.”

Solutions exist, the Foreign Affairs authors wrote—including more government support for childcare and expanding women's access to financial services—and they argue these changes would benefit the entire economy, not just women.

_tunic_ 02.12.2021 12:28 PM

The advantage of Corona:

Carnaval is cancelled!!!

_tunic_ 02.16.2021 06:18 AM

The Wappies have won :(


Curfew lifted immediately after court decision

02/16/21 10:28 AM
Update: 46 minutes ago

The curfew must be lifted immediately, the preliminary relief judge in The Hague concluded on Tuesday. The curfew has been established on the basis of an emergency law, which states that a cabinet can introduce rules in emergencies without involving the Senate and the House of Representatives in the decision-making on this. However, according to the court, there was no emergency situation, "as is the case with a dyke breach".

The curfew will be lifted immediately. According to a spokesperson for the court, an appeal in the case is possible, but the curfew can only be reinstated if the appeal is in favor of the government.

The case had been brought by Virus Truth. The court ruled in the protest group on Tuesday. The introduction of the curfew was illegal because, according to the court, there was no emergency. This was evident, for example, from the fact that even before the introduction of the curfew, the far-reaching measure was discussed.

As a result, there was no more "super urgency", said the spokesman for the court. Such an emergency is required for the use of the law by which the curfew was instituted, the Extraordinary Powers of Civil Authority Act (Wbbbg).

"The judge has taken into account that there is a pandemic, that there is a virus that also mutates, and that the pressure on healthcare is great. It is a time of great worry and difficult decisions. But also, and precisely. , the drastic measures such as the curfew must be based on good law. "

This is why the judge finds that the curfew should be lifted This is why the judge finds that the curfew should be lifted
Still unclear what ruling means for curfew fines
The Ministry of Justice and Security says in a response to that it is aware of the ruling and that it is studying the case. A spokesperson cannot make further statements at this time.

It is still unclear what the judge's decision means for the fines imposed for violating the curfew. "That is also part of studying the verdict," said the spokesman.

The introduction of a curfew caused a lot of unrest
The curfew, which was in effect from 9:00 PM to 4:30 AM, was instituted on January 23. Anyone who had no valid reason to be on the street could be fined 95 euros.

The measure had to contain further spread of the virus. The introduction caused great unrest in the country for several days: riots broke out in several locations.

The curfew would be in effect until March 3 at 4:30 am. On February 23, the current corona measures would be re-evaluated and a decision would also be taken on an extension of the curfew beyond March 3.


The Soup Nazi 02.16.2021 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
The Wappies have won :(

"No emergency situation"... What the fuck, man.

Lamentable to see this pathological stupidity spread all over the world.

h8kurdt 02.22.2021 02:51 PM

Boris Johnson has given a road map with dates for England will be out of lockdown. He's saying everything will be back to normal by 21st June. He's actually lost his head.

Skuj 02.22.2021 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Boris Johnson has given a road map with dates for England will be out of lockdown. He's saying everything will be back to normal by 21st June. He's actually lost his head.

This thread and the Politics thread should be the same thread.

Science? Lol.

The Soup Nazi 02.22.2021 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Boris Johnson has given a road map with dates for England will be out of lockdown. He's saying everything will be back to normal by 21st June. He's actually lost his head.

Dipshit might as well have said COVID-19 will "magically disappear", taking a page from Coup d'Fat's book. (Wait, that mook doesn't have any books... except Mein Kampf.)

The Soup Nazi 02.22.2021 10:37 PM

From The Washington Post:


500,000 dead, a number almost too large to grasp

A little less than a year ago, covid-19 had killed just a handful of people in the United States. Now, the pandemic’s official death toll equals the size of a major city, more than the population of Kansas City and nearly as many as Atlanta or Sacramento. It can be hard to grasp the enormity — half a million people, gone. What if we imagined them traveling as one group? Or killed in action? Or all buried together?

Antagon 02.28.2021 05:01 PM

I wonder if years from now, I can look back at this time with a calmer, more distanced and analytical mind. Right now everything's too close.

A constant circle of being disappointed in acquaintances, friends, or simply society as a whole because of misguided, antiscientific beliefs they display

or not taking the concept of social distancing all too seriously. I know, it takes a psychological toll on all of us. But there people dying right now.

And the personnel of any hospital is dealing with a hellish amount of workload each day.

Maybe what I mean to say is: I wonder if one day trust isn't such a rare thing anymore. Right now, it kind of is.

!@#$%! 03.03.2021 09:05 AM

the fucking texas moron....

wait, does this belong in the politics thread?

the fucking moron... just declared a free for all in texass

Antagon 03.03.2021 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the fucking texas moron....

wait, does this belong in the politics thread?

the fucking moron... just declared a free for all in texass

Tbh, most topics these days fit into both threads perfectly.

And yeah, that was probably one of the most baffling things I've heard this week. Idiocy has obtained the golden ticket.

The other baffling Covid-related thing, local-edition: There's a group of aggressive covidiots which is currently planning flashmobs consisting of maskless shopping in over 70 Austrian supermarkets this Friday. They were stupid enough to create a virtual flyer for it. I hope the authorities crack down hard on those responsible. Stupid motherfuckers willingly endangering customers and store clerks to boost their moronic agenda. :fuckyou:

The Soup Nazi 03.03.2021 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the fucking texas moron....

wait, does this belong in the politics thread?

the fucking moron... just declared a free for all in texass


The Soup Nazi 03.03.2021 08:20 PM

"Look, I hope everybody's realized by now these masks make a difference. We are on the cusp of being able to fundamentally change the nature of this disease because of the way in which we're able to get vaccines in people's arms. ... The last thing, the last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking, that, 'In the meantime, everything's fine. Take off your mask. Forget it.' It still matters." —Joe Biden

"Make no mistake. Texas and Mississippi opening back up to 100% will disproportionately impact and kill minorities, who comprise much of the essential work force bearing the brunt of this pandemic. This is criminal, a racist death sentence for so many who could have been spared." —George Takei

"Because one catastrophe on your hands this year is just not enough for you?" —Patricia Arquette

"Only another white man could figure out a way to become a worse person than Ted Cruz." —Chelsea Handler

"The @GOP is a death cult." —Bradley Whitford

Antagon 03.04.2021 07:28 AM

My heart goes out to Texans who take this pandemic seriously/suffer from different types of social anxiety/feel overwhelmed by crowds etc.

A lot of people out and about already behave pretty badly (even before the Corona crisis and not exclusive to Texas) and now they're incentivized by the government to do so.

Update on the covidiot situation in Austria: Authorities have been made aware of the planned actions by Covid-deniers and local police will monitor the respective supermarkets on Friday. Seeing how they did little to nothing to curtail the massive illegal protests by rightwing groups throughout the last two months, I remain skeptical. But at the very least there has been some reaction to this madness.

_slavo_ 03.04.2021 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Antagon

Update on the covidiot situation in Austria: Authorities have been made aware of the planned actions by Covid-deniers and local police will monitor the respective supermarkets on Friday. Seeing how they did little to nothing to curtail the massive illegal protests by rightwing groups throughout the last two months, I remain skeptical. But at the very least there has been some reaction to this madness.

Maybe this will help you put situation into perspective: in Slovakia we have the highest amount of covid-related deaths per inhabitant in the whole world.

so I guess you guys have to be doing something right.

while our prime minister did a huge press conference behind a cargo plane with Russian Sputnik vaccines that he order despite his agreement with all other government parties. A total ultra-moron.

Antagon 03.04.2021 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Maybe this will help you put situation into perspective: in Slovakia we have the highest amount of covid-related deaths per inhabitant in the whole world.

so I guess you guys have to be doing something right.

while our prime minister did a huge press conference behind a cargo plane with Russian Sputnik vaccines that he order despite his agreement with all other government parties. A total ultra-moron.

I hear you. I don't want this to be a contest. A tragedy is a tragedy. And I'm sorry to hear Slovakia is hit that hard.

I think it's mostly down to the comprehensive healthcare system and the general wealth of Austria that there aren't more deaths than there are right now. However, according to recent studies, 7% of last year's deaths in Austria were caused by Covid. That's a significant percentage still. The fact that other countries are doing worse is a massive tragedy, really.

Yeah, I think that a lot of governments are royally fucking up right now. The reason I concentrate on Austria is because I feel most qualified to talk about it. Also, there have been some major fuckups here. Like a ski-region in the Tyrol being a major motor in the increase of infections all across Europe in the beginning.

It's also driving a wedge between relationships. I see a lot of people drifting off towards theories and behavior that I consider to be quite dangerous. At first it seemed merely fringe. But now, if only on a micro-scale, it impacts friends, acquaintances, etc. Pair that with maskless alt-right/borderline Nazi-protests that are downright ignored by the authorities despite being illegal, and we have a situation that is really disheartening right now.

Probably no news to anyone, because such things happen on a global scale. Washington D.C. being one of the more extreme examples. I'm simply reporting what it feels like in Austria right now.

But yeah, it's a shitshow all around. And I'm aware there are places that are hit much harder. I just hope that there will be some relief in the near future.

Hope you and your family are doing okay right now.

The Soup Nazi 03.04.2021 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
"The last thing, the last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking, that, 'In the meantime, everything's fine. Take off your mask. Forget it.' It still matters." —Joe Biden

MAGAssholes adopting the term "Neanderthal" like they did with "Deplorables" in 3... 2... 1...

The Soup Nazi 03.05.2021 09:17 PM

And now, the ultimate Coronavirus/Politics crossover post. :) Zakaria's latest Washington Post column:


Biden is showing the world that U.S. government can work again

The Biden presidency is still in its early days, but it is not too soon to point to its most impressive accomplishment, one that will have major implications for years to come. The covid-19 vaccination program has been transformed. The federal government has established or expanded more than 450 vaccination centers, and the country is carrying out 2 million vaccinations per day, more than double the rate when President Biden was inaugurated. The president says he has secured enough supply to vaccinate the entire adult population in the next three months, well ahead of every major country except Britain. The United States has administered about 80 million doses of the vaccine, compared with the European Union’s 35 million and China’s 50 million. More than 15 percent of Americans have received at least one dose, about five times the rate in China. In short, Biden is demonstrating to Americans and to the world that the U.S. government can, once again, work.

The Trump administration deserves credit for Operation Warp Speed, the program that helped to fund the vaccines, and the private sector deserves credit for the miraculous speed and effectiveness with which it developed the vaccines. But, for the most part, President Donald Trump left the rollout to the states. Last March, Ron Klain, now Biden’s chief of staff, observed that the Trump administration was approaching the pandemic, a massive national crisis, as if the country were still living “under the Articles of Confederation.”

Trump did this for two reasons. First, it was clear the pandemic was going to create big problems, and he didn’t want to bear responsibility for them. The sentiment was: “Let the governors own the lockdowns. We will own the recovery.” Second, Republicans have for years denigrated the federal government, arguing that it was incompetent and dysfunctional, that Washington was corrupt and that the private sector could handle everything better. Trump’s initial solution to the pandemic was to line up a bunch of private companies and announce that they would quickly set up websites and testing centers to cover the population. Little of that actually happened.

Biden came into office intent on reversing Trump’s approach. He owned the crisis, releasing a 200-page national strategy that outlined, for example, exactly how the government would use its powers and resources to ramp up vaccinations. That included ordering millions more vaccines; using the Defense Production Act to ensure that additional production could happen fast; enlisting the armed forces, National Guard, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other agencies to support vaccination sites; and shipping vaccines directly to pharmacies, thus creating another network of vaccination centers across the country.

The result: a massive ramp-up of the supply, production and administration of the vaccines. With some luck, the United States could soon be vaccinating 3 million people a day.


The Soup Nazi 03.05.2021 09:18 PM



Government is hard. American government is harder still. It’s a political system designed to prevent tyranny, not facilitate speedy action. Power is checked, divided and shared. Making it work takes energy, ingenuity and, above all, a belief in government. Biden clearly learned from his experience running the stimulus program as President Barack Obama’s vice president. Klain, who coordinated the response to Ebola in 2014-2015, is impressively focused on execution. Biden’s covid-19 coordinator, Jeffrey Zients, is a talented executive who has excelled in the private and public sectors. (He may be best remembered for fixing the Obamacare website.)

A senior White House official told me, “You have to work every day at all the details, grind the stuff out, persuade, cajole and force everyone to get on the same page. The federal government has amazing people working within it — FEMA, for example, has some real miracle workers — but they have to be led and managed. It can be done. The answer is not that a consulting group can do this better. For people like us who believe in government, task number one is to make government work.”

The contrast with Trump is easy to draw, because Trump didn’t really view his job as diligently administering the federal bureaucracy. For him, the presidency was a reality television show and politics was a series of symbolic acts. But there is a broader view of the federal government that grew out of the Vietnam War, Watergate and some of the excesses of the Great Society programs, one that President Ronald Reagan gave voice to when he said in his first inaugural address, “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

Biden can show us that Reagan was wrong. It was the American government that put a man on the moon and created the Internet. And in today’s world, there are crucial challenges that only government, well led and administered, can solve.

The Soup Nazi 03.14.2021 01:00 PM

Yo _tunic_, the Dutch are getting hardcore!


Can't tell whether the pup is digging the stomping or finding it too hardcore.

Skuj 03.14.2021 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
And now, the ultimate Coronavirus/Politics crossover post. :) Zakaria's latest Washington Post column:


In a perfect world (ie one where Trump is seen as the monumentally incompetent con-man that he is/was), the Republicunts would pay a price for not one single vote for the stimulus package.

But, we live in a world where Trump is still loved by at least one third of Americans.

Antagon 03.14.2021 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
The other two days are for those that want to avoid the crowds.

Oh, the thing that people kind of should be doing right now?

_tunic_ 03.14.2021 05:34 PM

I actually meant those that are in the risk categories.
The Dutch government has only allowed to vote by mail for the people of 70 and older. But the process is so difficult that most will probably fail. ;)

The Soup Nazi 03.14.2021 05:50 PM

Chile becomes Latin America’s COVID-19 vaccination champion

One of the nations hardest-hit by COVID-19, Chile now outpaces most of the world in vaccinations

Yeah, OK, but do NOT give Piranha the credit; give it to the thousands of health workers doing 72+ hour shifts while earning next to nothing.

ETA: Also, Piranha didn't care for Marcelo Bielsa, so FUCK HIM.

Antagon 03.14.2021 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
I actually meant those that are in the risk categories.
The Dutch government has only allowed to vote by mail for the people of 70 and older.

What? You mean people of 70 or older only get to vote by mail or only people of 70 or older get to vote by mail? If the latter, this would be one of the most baffling things I heard all week.

The Soup Nazi 03.14.2021 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Antagon
[...] this would be one of the most baffling things I heard all week.

A contender (but not much of a strong one, since we've seen this before):

_tunic_ 03.14.2021 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Antagon
What? You mean people of 70 or older only get to vote by mail or only people of 70 or older get to vote by mail? If the latter, this would be one of the most baffling things I heard all week.

It is the latter, well to be more exact: only they get the opportunity to vote by mail. See an article about it here

Antagon 03.14.2021 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
A contender (but not much of a strong one, since we've seen this before):

True dat, though I've only read it just now. The sad thing is my total lack of surprise at this point.

Antagon 03.14.2021 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
It is the latter, well to be more exact: only they get the opportunity to vote by mail. See an article about it here

Interesting. In Austria, most high-profile elections come with letters that contain a form for a vote by mail in every
mailbox these days. So the general population can choose whether to leg it or vote by mail - if the latter, you need to fill in the form and send it in to qualify in advance - but it's been a thing for a while. That's the first time I heard mail-in votes being restricted to one specific group.

The Soup Nazi 03.16.2021 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Antagon
That's the first time I heard mail-in votes being restricted to one specific group.

This will (maybe) also be a first for you: in my country, there's simply NO mail-in vote. There just fucking isn't. The super-duper country of this side of the planet, the Covid-19 vaccination star, the land with the tallest buildings in Latin America, does not have a system for its citizens to vote by mail. Bitch-ass hall of mirrors, this joint.

The Soup Nazi 03.16.2021 01:28 AM


Chimpanzees at Czech zoo get screen time amid virus lockdown

PRAGUE (AP) — A zoo in the Czech Republic is trying out a new way for its bored chimpanzees to monkey around during the coronavirus lockdown: face time with other primates. The Safari Park in the northern town of Dvur Kralove installed a big screen in their enclosure to show them a livestream of what their fellow chimpanzees are doing on the other side of the country at a zoo in the southern city of Brno.

I like the fact that they're being showed other chimps instead of ugly humans. :D

Antagon 03.16.2021 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
This will (maybe) also be a first for you: in my country, there's simply NO mail-in vote. There just fucking isn't. The super-duper country of this side of the planet, the Covid-19 vaccination star, the land with the tallest buildings in Latin America, does not have a system for its citizens to vote by mail. Bitch-ass hall of mirrors, this joint.

I was aware that there are countries without mail-in vote, but it's not something I'd specifically looked up prior, so I didn't know Chile was among them. Truth be told, I feel terribly privileged to be able to (if I wanted to) make use of this comprehensive voting system. In a way, it is a luxury. The Netherlands being so restrictive with it just caught me off-guard.

_tunic_ 03.16.2021 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Antagon
The Netherlands being so restrictive with it just caught me off-guard.

Yeah, it's really stupid, I also don't understand. The 70+ people are allowed to vote by mail, but many of them have been vaccinated by now. However those in other risk categories, e.g. handicapped or with bad health due to lung disease do have to go to the polling station (the other option is to authorize someone to vote for you).

Also, we still vote with pencil and paper, electronic voting in any way is considered to be too fraudulent. One would think that in this time it should be possible to vote online from home with your PC or mobile or tablet.
Or even go to the polling station and vote on some machine, instead we still do it the medieval way by checking a box with a red pencil on a paper leaflet which has 1579 names on it:


Anyway, we're still making a total mess of the postal voting :D


Minister Ollongren adjusts postal voting procedure

Interior Minister Ollongren is adjusting the procedure for counting postal votes, she writes in a letter to the House of Representatives. Post votes that have not been sent in accordance with the rules may still be counted under certain conditions.
People over 70 have already been able to vote by letter due to the corona virus. They received a postal ballot and a 'voting plus pass' at home, a voting pass especially for this target group. They were supposed to put the ballot paper in a separate envelope and send it to the postal polling station together with their voting plus pass in a return envelope.
But in some cases, the postal ballot and the voting plus pass ended up in the same envelope. The rules stipulate that these envelopes may not be opened because of the secrecy of the vote. This meant that about 7 to 8 percent of the postal votes were invalid and had to be set aside.
Do not unfold

Ollongren now says that employees of the postal polling station are allowed to open envelopes where possible with both a ballot paper and a voting plus pass. They must then first check whether the voting plus pass is valid. If so, employees can put the enclosed ballot paper in the ballot box without viewing or unfolding it. "In this way, voting secrecy is safeguarded", writes Ollongren.
The Minister has requested advice from the Council of State and the Electoral Council regarding the amendment of the procedure . They have informed her that they see room for this. Ollongren says she will inform municipalities this morning about the new method, so that they can apply it tomorrow at the latest.

Apologies for becoming too offtopic, but hey it's still an election during Covid times ...

But in other news, we've simlar to many other European countries postponed vaccinations with AstraZeneca. Only Belgium is still continuing afaik.

The Soup Nazi 03.17.2021 02:29 PM

OK, now I'm officially worried. If paracetamol and some decent sleep (which I haven't had in a coupla days) don't take away the symptoms I'm having, do NOT come near me.

!@#$%! 03.17.2021 03:02 PM

dont take a fever pill unless your fever is high

fever kills disease

The Soup Nazi 03.17.2021 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
fever kills disease

Kill Rock Stars
Rock Stars Kill
Stars Kill Rock


The Soup Nazi 03.17.2021 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Kill Rock Stars
Rock Stars Kill
Stars Kill Rock


Oh, and there's a new one: Stars Rock Kill (Rock Stars). Mike Watt, Nels Cline and the rest of the Gang doing Bikini Kill's "Rebel Girl"!

Antagon 03.17.2021 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
OK, now I'm officially worried. If paracetamol and some decent sleep (which I haven't had in a coupla days) don't take away the symptoms I'm having, do NOT come near me.

Is there an available option to get tested (with symptoms) in your area? Anyway: All the best and get well soon.

The Soup Nazi 03.17.2021 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Antagon
Is there an available option to get tested (with symptoms) in your area? Anyway: All the best and get well soon.

Thanks, man. Yes, I live in a busy area of a metropolis that Wikipedia calls "one of the largest cities in the Americas" (apparently that's from the Northern tip of Greenland to a few islands which some say are actually Antarctica :)), so getting tested is a can-do. Right now it's 20:11, I'm not at home and I gotta beat the curfew; I feel awful, but we'll see in the morning.

Now go and listen to that Rainy Day album I mentioned at the what in the heck are ya listening to thread. :D

_tunic_ 03.18.2021 07:26 PM

Before you take the vaccine, read this! Don't say you weren't warned ;)

Iran cleric: People who are vaccinated for COVID have ‘become homosexuals’


An Iranian regime cleric in the holy city of Qom on Tuesday issued a homophobic rant against people vaccinated for COVID-19, claiming that they become gay after receiving the vaccine.
Ayatollah Abbas Tabrizian wrote on his Telegram social-media platform: “Don’t go near those who have had the COVID vaccine. They have become homosexuals.”

The radical Islamist has nearly 210,000 followers on his Telegram account.
Tabrizian has a history of derogatory opinions about Western medicine. Last year, a video showed him burning Harrison’s Manual of Medicine and saying that “Islamic medicine” had made such books “irrelevant,” according to an article on the website of Radio Farda, the Iranian branch of the US-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty broadcast service.

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