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tw2113 04.13.2021 09:40 AM

2 more weeks before shot 2 for me.

The Soup Nazi 04.13.2021 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
2 more weeks before shot 2 for me.

They still don't get to my "age group" here. I'm too young and pretty. Still about three weeks or so for my first dose of thunder.

The Soup Nazi 04.20.2021 10:44 AM

He thought it was just the cat scratch fever:

Coronavirus-Denier Ted Nugent Tests Positive For COVID-19: 'I Thought I Was Dying'
"I got the Chinese shit," the Trump-loving musician said in a Facebook live video filled with racist slurs.

Pookie 04.20.2021 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
pookie posted the flatbread recipe along with a chicken shawarma business

the chicken seemed a bit complicated for my laziness so i fear i might not have saved it

Heavens to flatbread recipe 10 years later.

The Soup Nazi 04.20.2021 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Heavens to betsy


The Soup Nazi 04.24.2021 02:53 PM


The Soup Nazi 05.07.2021 03:04 PM


_slavo_ 05.21.2021 07:15 AM

just got my first dose of covid19 vaccine (Pfizer). yay

_slavo_ 05.21.2021 07:15 AM

just got my first dose of covid19 vaccine (Pfizer). yay

The Soup Nazi 05.30.2021 06:07 PM

Moronic selfish motherfuckers, part :

117 staffers sue over Houston hospital’s vaccine mandate, saying they don’t want to be ‘guinea pigs’

The Soup Nazi 06.03.2021 04:05 AM

Q-Anuts will say a Budweiser is how Satan gets inside you. For the rest of the U.S... PROGRESS!

Anheuser-Busch Will Give Away Free Beer if 70% of Americans Get Partially Vaccinated by July 4

_tunic_ 07.10.2021 02:30 AM

A month or so ago many restrictions were toned down, e.g. 1.5 meter distance, wearing mouthmasks, and bars and clubs were reopened, concerts and festivals were allowed again
At the end of June we had only 500 infections
This week we had 7000!! Especially under young people

So we will be having more restrictions again. We need to keep attention to distance again. Bars can only be opened if customers are seated with distance applied, and there's a midnight curfew. Clubs are closed and festivals are canceled, except if there's distance applied which is impossible for the techno festivals like Mysteryland.

Antagon 07.10.2021 03:08 AM

Infection rates have been rather low-ish in Austria for about a month or two now. But I can see a similar scenario happening here too. Lots of measures have been lifted. Clubs and bars have reopened. They are supposed to only let people in who are either tested, vaccinated or have rather recently recovered from Covid, however, a lot of them don't really check for that and just about let anyone in, no questions asked. People have no regard for personal space or keeping a distance anymore either. Lots of dancing on the edge of an active volcano. It's last year all over again. Summer's euphoria kicking in, no precautions being taken, then the tide turns and the numbers are skyrocketing - lockdowns and harsh restrictions ensue - driving idiots towards reactionary conspiracy theories and extremist ideas. Rinse, repeat.

_tunic_ 07.10.2021 06:35 AM

Here's a translation of a retrospective news article of what happened over the past few weeks in the Netherlands:
How the cabinet was still surprised by the delta variant

So officially you had to be tested to get into a club, but some clubs would allow you in anyway because they made it practically impossible to get the test results in time. Plus apparently (don't think it is mentioned in the article) it was quite easy to reproduce a fake negative test result.

Antagon 07.10.2021 07:20 AM

^ Thanks for the link. Different scenario here, at least in Vienna - it's rather easy to get test results quickly here. Even some you can do at home are accepted - ones you have to send in somewhere and wait a few hours to find out the results though - so planning ahead shouldn't be a big problem. However, a lot of locations just don't bother checking, for fear of losing customers probably (which in the long run is kind of stupid considering they'll lose many more if word of a cluster spreads).

The reigning coalition is currently pushing laissez-faire rhetoric and relaxing-of-measures policies for populist reasons. Regional governments are somewhat pushing back though - the Viennese mayor and his party affiliate and former Chancellor candidate Pamela Rendi Wagner have openly proclaimed their discomfort with the lack of care being taken right now - especially with regards to the lifting of the FFP2 mask mandate. The latter of the two being an actual virologist, btw.

I have at least gotten my first part of the vaccine, with the second injection coming soon, so I'm a tad more mentally relaxed now. I am however aware that a good amount of people have still not even received their first shot yet and that's not necessarily down to their personal choice (in some cases it is, but can't help those). The government could have had many more doses ready much sooner, but they seriously bungled this whole thing. And communication has been an issue from the very beginning. So lifting everything prematurely and acting like a) Everyone who wants to is fully vaccinated at this point and b) a vaccination equals inability to spread the virus, is kind of a frightening consensus by the powers that be right now - completely fucking over those that have not had the chance to get vaxxed by now or those who are rightfully concerned about a possible spread still. Right up until the numbers go up again and everyone acts like no one could have known. The human condition is a sucker.

So, in conclusion: Different details, but I can easily see numbers going up again sharply like they did in the Netherlands. The whole thing about testing being rather easy here certainly is a big advantage. But it only works if public institutions actually check for that and if people are not disincentivized to get tested by the lax atmosphere.

_tunic_ 07.10.2021 08:39 AM

Fresh from the press:

For the first time since December 25, more than 10,000 new corona cases have been identified in one day. Between Friday morning and Saturday morning, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment received 10,345 reports of positive tests. That is nine times as many as last Saturday's number.

I just went to the supermarket, some staff is wearing masks, but customers are not required so noone does (including myself actually). I thought there would have been restrictions already but apparently not ...
I have my first vaccine as well and the second in two weeks.

The estimation by government is that every adult (who wants it) is vaccinated by the end of August and all children of 12 and older by September. So with that we are on track compared with other countries, but we've lowered the barriers perhaps too early and too drastically.

What also wasn't mentioned in the article is that a lot of kids went on holiday to Spain or elsewhere and got infected there.

The Soup Nazi 07.30.2021 08:12 PM

This is how it's done:


!@#$%! 08.06.2021 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Heavens to flatbread recipe 10 years later.

ha ha yes! definitely a keeper

and from its mutant descendants, one with some 20% dark rye flour is my favo(u)rite.

The Soup Nazi 09.04.2021 12:22 AM



Hi, if you are reading this essay then congratulations, you are still alive. And if you are alive, then you have either gotten the COVID-19 vaccine, or you still have the opportunity to get the vaccine against COVID-19. And holy fuck, if you aren’t fucking vaccinated against COVID-19, then you need to get fucking vaccinated right now. I mean, what the fuck? Fuck you. Get vaccinated. Fuck.

The fucking vaccine will not make you magnetic. Are you fucking kidding me? It just fucking won’t. That’s not even a fucking thing, and that lady who tried to pretend the vaccine made her fucking magnetic looked like a real fucking fuckwad and a fucking idiot, so get fucking vaccinated. Jesus. Fuck.

The vaccine also doesn’t have a fucking 5G chip in it. What the fuck do you think a fucking 5G chip is, fucknuts? You think it’s like some invisible nanotechnology they can suspend in a liquid and then just put in your fucking blood and then it what, exactly? Fucking floats around in your body going on Instagram and telling the government you went to the grocery store? No one fucking cares where you go, you absolute fucking fuck-barf. Fuck off with that. Fuck.

Oh, you’re afraid of fucking side effects? Fuck you. You know what has fucking side effects? Fucking aspirin, fucking Tylenol. You could be fucking allergic to pineapple, you fucking fuckwit. Everything has side effects. You’re being a big fucking baby with a huge diaper full of fucking diarrhea, complaining about maybe feeling slightly tired for a day or two while your asymptomatic COVID case you get and pass to some innocent fucking kid could wind up killing them or someone else. Fuck you, you fucking selfish fucking shit-banana, you unredeemable ass-caterpillar, you fucking fuck-knob with two fucks for eyes and a literal poop where your heart should be. You want a two-month-old to wind up on a fucking ventilator instead of you, a fucking adult, getting a fucking sore arm for a day? What are you, a pitcher for the Yankees? A fucking concert pianist? An arm model? Get the fuck out of here! Fuck you. Get vaccinated. Fuck. Fuck you!

You think vaccines don’t fucking work? Oh, fuck off into the trash, you attention-seeking fuckworm-faced shitbutt. This isn’t even a point worth discussing, you fuck-o-rama fuck-stival of ignorance. Vaccines got rid of smallpox and polio and all the other disgusting diseases that used to kill off little fucks like you en masse. Your relatives got fucking vaccinated and let you live, and now here you are signing up to be killed by a fucking disease against which there is a ninety-nine-percent effective vaccine. You fucking moron. Go in the fucking ocean and fuck a piranha. Fuck. Fuck that. Fuck you. Get vaccinated.

Oh, you say you have a genuine allergy or medical condition that prevents you from receiving a fucking vaccine? That’s fine. I’m clearly not talking to you. I fucking love you. Fuck.

Look, if you have been forwarded this essay from a friend or loved one, then there are two possibilities. Either you are a normal, regular, sensible fucking person like me who got fucking vaccinated at the first possible moment, and this essay channels all your fucking rage and sadness and is therefore cathartic OR, and I really hope this isn’t the fucking case, you AREN’T fucking vaccinated, and someone sent it to you because you fucking fucking fuck, you need to get fucking vaccinated. And rather than being fucking offended that someone is trying yet again to get you to take the fucking vaccine, you should understand that someone fucking loves you enough to try one last motherfucking time to get you to take the fucking vaccine before you fuck off to heaven, or hell, or some in-between place that’s just like a fucking mall or something where everything is free, including and especially the soft pretzels. So, congratulations! There is ONE person remaining in your life who wants to fucking save you from drowning in your own fucking lungs, you fucking fuckshit fuckdick, so for god’s sake, get your fucking ass out of your chair, go to the fucking pharmacy, and get a fucking vaccine, you absolute conscienceless fucking fuck fuck fuck. Get it. Get the fucking vaccine. Fuck you. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck. Fuck you. Fuck!

The Soup Nazi 09.25.2021 09:41 PM

The HermanCainAward is a thing.

_tunic_ 11.12.2021 06:24 AM

Shit is hitting the fan, once again
Yesterday we had the highest amount of positive tests, ever! with 16.364
New restrictions will be announced tonight which will especially affect bars, restaurants, cinemas and concert halls. Everyone is pissed about it
And Le Guess Who? festival is this weekend as well .... hope they can go through without restrictions.

_tunic_ 11.12.2021 06:27 AM

Wheehee thread recovered!

Antagon 11.12.2021 09:24 AM

Austria has hit record-highs as well, with 11.798 new infections today. Up until a few days ago, the previous high point was at 9000-something per day.

Politicians are currently discussing a lockdown solely for unvaccinated people. Everyone projects that it won't be realistically enforcable due to the lax measures taken up until that point and that soon, we'll find ourselves again in a lockdown for all, unvaxxed and vaxxed.

The state I grew up in is at the forefront of this development, with close to 3000 cases. I remember telling people that checking vaccination statuses at restaurants, bars, public places etc. was not just a suggestion, but a necessity. I've been met with laissez-faire rhetoric at best and subtly hostile attitudes at worst in some scenarios. The numbers were low in Summer. Now they are not. Same development as last year. No lessons learned. I feel like I've been talking through my ass. I'm pissed at people not taking this situation seriously. I'm pissed at anti-vaxxers spreading their toxic B.S. I'm pissed at Upper Austria's rising disconnect from reality and reason.

Fuck people. One thread I'd have loved to fade into obscurity.

Antagon 11.13.2021 09:10 AM


As if to mitigate the frustrated rant above a bit, the city (and state) of Vienna just announced two major things:

1. Clubs, concerts and events with 25 visitors and up are now required to only let in people who are both vaxxed/recently recovered AND able to produce a negative PCR-test.

2. The period after which someone is able to get a booster shot has been lowered to 4 months after the initial immunization. And dates are already available.

So I just booked my third shot. For all the frustrations I had up to this Summer, Vienna's sort of been on a roll ever since. At least administratively so. Randos in public are a different story altogether. There's no guarantee those extra-measures will stop the currently massive spread in its tracks, but for a while now, Vienna had the lowest numbers of infections per capita as compared with the other Austrian states/provinces. Having been the hardliner (Vienna has had the strictest measures of all the regions in Austria for some time now) for a while kind of/sort of paid off. I hope that trend continues.

I also hope that some of the other provinces learn to make some goddamn sense and take proper measures as well.

Antagon 11.17.2021 04:07 PM

ICUs in the state of Salzburg are already above capacity, Upper Austria is on the tipping point.

The former is operating by order of triage already - selecting which patients to take care of and which will have to wait/possibly die.

Meanwhile, the two coalition parties are at loggerheads with each other. The Conservative majority is still clinging to the populist route - not wanting to declare a harsh Lockdown for everyone - because they had promised that the pandemic was kind-of, sort-of over for the vaccinated. The minority coalition partner (the Green Party) however is listening to expert opinions and is pushing for harsher measures in light of current developments.

Everyone is projecting that soon enough, the reigning party will be forced to declare said Lockdown - not because they finally decided to listen to their partners, but because by that point, the cases will have exploded to a point that could damage their reputation.

And the cat riddled with worms chases its tail ... again.

Antagon 11.18.2021 12:29 AM

And ... Ivermectin is sold out in many pharmacies across Upper Austria. We live in the dumbest possible time-line.

Antagon 11.19.2021 05:09 PM

And ... Lockdown. Starting this Monday. Vaccination mandates have been declared and are supposed to take effect in February. Whispers and murmurs about tomorrow's antivaxxer protests having the potential to be ... especially dire. Additional police presence has been announced for vaccination centers and hospitals, because they can't rule out "activities" in or around medical centers. Good times.

_slavo_ 07.12.2022 02:20 AM

So I got it too. After 2,5 years and three shots of vaccine, and when Covid is nearly "over", I got caught up in it too.
Pretty nasty if you ask me. High fever, cough, weakness, yada yada

greenlight 07.12.2022 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
So I got it too. After 2,5 years and three shots of vaccine, and when Covid is nearly "over", I got caught up in it too.
Pretty nasty if you ask me. High fever, cough, weakness, yada yada

sorry to hear that. do you know where could you get it?

was it on your hol., or upon your return?

Antagon 07.12.2022 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
So I got it too. After 2,5 years and three shots of vaccine, and when Covid is nearly "over", I got caught up in it too.
Pretty nasty if you ask me. High fever, cough, weakness, yada yada

Wish you a nice and swift recovery. Lots of people in my circle had it lately. All the mutations seem to have eluded me so far. Though I have a hunch I might have had the OG virus back in early 2020 (no way to prove that now though). My mum's currently quarantining. Thankfully, she's doing okay.

tw2113 07.13.2022 12:33 AM

i have a feeling it's one of those things where if you have it, you know you have it. I can't think of any time where I could say "yes, I have something nasty", so I've still been very fortunate and definitely triple stabbed.

The Soup Nazi 07.13.2022 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by tw2113
I can't think of any time where I could say "yes, I have something nasty"

But you have the shake shake...

Antagon 07.13.2022 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by tw2113
i have a feeling it's one of those things where if you have it, you know you have it.

Many people do know when they have it, but it's not quite such an open-and-shut case with everyone. Some have gotten through an entirely asymptomatical bout. Others had symptoms that were very mild and could easily be confused with other things. Therein lies one of the dangers, I think. One can spread it without having a clue they are infected.

Antagon 07.15.2022 03:16 PM

My mother tested negative again now and she's had a mostly mild bout, thankfully.

_slavo_ 07.18.2022 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Antagon
Wish you a nice and swift recovery. Lots of people in my circle had it lately. All the mutations seem to have eluded me so far. Though I have a hunch I might have had the OG virus back in early 2020 (no way to prove that now though). My mum's currently quarantining. Thankfully, she's doing okay.

thank you. I'm 99% healthy now already, just cough a few times a day.

funny thing, I might have got it on Vienna airport when I was getting back from vacation :)

The Soup Nazi 08.01.2022 09:48 PM

When you have covid, here’s how you know you are no longer contagious

It’s complicated. Be forewarned: Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are nuanced and a little confusing.

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