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!@#$%! 11.09.2016 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
sorry to hear man

don't know what to say

now i know:

call in sick to work (fatigue, something), make yourself some hot chocolate, and start with buffy season 1, episode 1

Severian 11.09.2016 09:30 AM

I just had a pretty epic conversation on the phone with my mom. I think we agreed that we need to go insular and grieve for a bit. Grief is the only word I can think of to express how my cohorts and I are feeling. So yeah, I'm going to grieve. But I'm also going to try to set my jaw, put my boots on, and make it through the day.

Severian 11.09.2016 09:34 AM

I'm very glad I took everyone's advice and drove those sweet ladies to the booths. At least I can say I did what I could do under the circumstances. I made donations. I helped people vote. I exhausted myself. I did my part.

!@#$%! 11.09.2016 09:44 AM

well, it is what it is.

i'm going to stay home, clean up the place, advance some laundry, work on my winter wood pile, and focus on the things i can control. no clients today.

didn't i say this already?

it's getting really hard to post on this board. i click submit reply and it just gives me some 404 message.

Toilet & Bowels 11.09.2016 09:59 AM

Even if Hilary had won that would just mean a continuation of a failing status quo and in 4 years time another authoritarian biggot would (inevitably) be elected to office, and if the trends in public anger, media irresponsibility and GOP candidates is anything to go by (Bush<Palin<Trump) it would be worse. Trump cannot and will not deliver on what he has promised, and I wonder if a scenario like this has to play out before things genuinely improve. It's just tragic that it is going to have such a destructive impact on so many people's lives. Something that scares me is whether the people who are going to be let down by Trump will move to even further extremes.

Anyway, on a hopeful note, Elizabeth Warren for first female President?

ilduclo 11.09.2016 10:05 AM

Should be plenty of "I told you so" opportunities upcoming. For the dumb shits who voted Trump, a big FUCK YOU. For the poor folks who will suffer as a result, a big I'M SORRY.

!@#$%! 11.09.2016 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Even if Hilary had won that would just mean a continuation of a failing status quo and in 4 years time another authoritarian biggot would be elected to office, and if the trends in public anger and GOP candidates is anything to go by (Bush<Palin<Trump) it would be worse. Trump can not and will not deliver on what he has promised and I think this has to happen before things genuinely improve. It's just sad that it is going to have such a destructive impact on so many people's lives. The only thing that scares me is whether the people going to be let down by Trump will move to even further extremes.

Anyway, Elizabeth Warren for first female President?

right, hillary would have been a president without a congress, totally unable to move any legislation forward, so it would have been a failed presidency & out in 4 years, i think.

don't know about warren. i like her a lot but we'll have to wait and see. the democrats lost this election by dismissing white working class concerns and just preaching to the choir, and the choir didn't sing... warren could have spoken to people beyond the choir but we'll never know now. well, maybe in 4 years.

i think the political landscape is going to change radically now. can't say what trump will or won't deliver on, but he's got both houses of congress, he'll install a supreme court judge (if not more), he's got a majority of state legislatures... he's gonna grab her by the pussy she's gonna let her do it because he's a billionaire. or something.

clearly democrats cannot stand on a coalition of educated whites and minorities, and can't keep waiting for demographics to change. they will have to refocus on the working class but this time there's no threat of communism to counter like there was in the depression, so... it's pretty difficult to calculate what needs to be done and how etc.

bernie sanders had more or less the right idea but in typical liberal egghead fashion he spoke in long complex sentences about big theories from foreign countries that the yahoos just can't follow. so he had the millenials and the college liberals, hillary had the simples and the pragmatists in the primary.

i found the same problem with hillary on the national scale-- as i was listening to her michigan speech, she found herself tripping on her own sentence construction. i cant' recall exactly but it was something like "by that for which it..." something. bunch of dependent clauses and mixed up pronouns. if a lawyer can't follow her own speech, imagine what the functional illiterates hear. probably just the sound of her voice.

anyway, game over, reboot/respawn.

Rob Instigator 11.09.2016 10:52 AM

Trump was a lifelong registered Democrat in New York state. He is nowhere near as militant or right wing as he made out to get the votes from conservatives. By that same token, Clinton has always been much more moderate than progressive/liberal. Either way a billionaire beat a billionaire for a job that pays $275,000 a year.

!@#$%! 11.09.2016 11:35 AM

she's not a billionaire

he's basically unprincipled

she'll be coming out to speak soon-- kaine just walked in

!@#$%! 11.09.2016 12:25 PM

for severian et. al.

Rob Instigator 11.09.2016 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
she's not a billionaire

he's basically unprincipled

she'll be coming out to speak soon-- kaine just walked in

between her and her husband, they are BILLIONAIRES.

ilduclo 11.09.2016 12:31 PM

no shit, the clueless will be pretty disappointed in the new world order

as to yours truly, I am digging into some literature. I'll probably be posting more in books that anywhere else.

!@#$%! 11.09.2016 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
between her and her husband, they are BILLIONAIRES.

she has 30 mil, he has 80. adds up to around 110.

i do get your point that it's all a contest between rich people but they're not the same

!@#$%! 11.09.2016 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
no shit, the clueless will be pretty disappointed in the new world order

as to yours truly, I am digging into some literature. I'll probably be posting more in books that anywhere else.

i like the idea of heirloom tomatoes. i have some growing in my window right now-- with freezing temps outside! but i still have tomatoes. i guess i want more now.

so hm er hm.... yes.

i should take up my accounting classes again. recent stuff had me distracted. well, not classes. "readings"

!@#$%! 11.09.2016 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
she has 30 mil, he has 80. adds up to around 110.

i do get your point that it's all a contest between rich people but they're not the same

wait, i'm even starting to recirculate trump's brand of unreality here. they don't have 110 million

they have less than half of that

see here:


dead_battery 11.09.2016 01:18 PM

well fuck it, we cant trust elite war hawk neo con/libs. fuck 'em, let 'em die along with their stupid media.

sometimes it has to get worse before it can get better

the trumpenproletarians are going to start coming after YOU because he will tank the economy and they want lessers to blame so they can assert themselves in a dominance heirarchy while automation takes all the jobs. YOU and ME are the people who will be scapegoated for what technology is doing by these nazi morons. 2/3rds of all us jobs will be automated soon. i told you so in advance.

unless you can deal with this fact you don't have much of a chance. just like the useless fucking democrats and labour party in the uk.

Phlegmscope 11.09.2016 02:03 PM

I stayed up all night watching the PBS stream. When pennsylvania went to trump I thought fuck it and went to bed.

Not that this has any direct consequenses on my life, me being from finland, but it's been a bizarre circus this. Especially because in finnish political system the presidential institution has far less significance. I can't relate to this kind of mania.

Can't say I'm totally surprised, given the recent events such as brexit, which "wasn't supposed" to happen. But I wasn't expecting this.

There's been a rise of right wing populism throughout europe in recent years, including finland. We've had our share of it too, the truefinns party have gained large popularity in the last six or seven years. And they are exactly the kind of people who would vote for trump, ie the people especially in rural areas and dying small towns. There's a connection there.
They also are proponents of isolationist politics and anti-immigration, needless to say. And use faux-nostalgic nationalism as political tool.

The immigration thing has been driving the political and social discourse in recent years and I'm fucking tired of it. There doesn't seem to be a subject that cannot be turned into a immigration issue.
What have the truefinns actually done in their time, except talked shit? fuck all. But that's how populist politics work. Simple aswers to complex questions.

The more worrying result of this is the normalization of bigotry and narrow mindedness.

It also doesn't help that the rest of the major parties in the cabinet are right wing corporate neo-libs and conservatives as well.
So, the general consensus these days seem to be that whether it's the stagnated economy or social issues, the unemployed, "greedy" employees or immigrants can be blamed for it. And there's been a very clear shaming campaign towards these groups.

Oh well. Enjoy. I certainly hope the shitfest circus continues.

The Soup Nazi 11.09.2016 03:16 PM

ALRIGHT so last night was the dress rehearsal, right? The real election's gonna be held on November 28th, I heard someone say.


I CANNOT deal with this. Unsubscribing from this thread in 3,2,1... [poof]

!@#$%! 11.09.2016 03:21 PM

Rob Instigator 11.09.2016 05:17 PM

43% of white women want a man to grab them by the pussy.

tesla69 11.09.2016 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
a job that pays $275,000 a year.

only on paper! he now gets secret service for life, and probably his kids. and lifetime healthcare and a pension. the benefits are pretty great. jets, a 2nd home, and a home with a bowling alley in it.

Talk about rigged, no one even blinks while Clinton actually got the most votes.

"We are a target because our values work." Mayor Bill DiBlasio 11/9/2016

!@#$%! 11.09.2016 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Talk about rigged, no one even blinks while Clinton actually got the most votes.

rigged??? i think by now everyone knows how the electoral college works

The Real McCoy 11.09.2016 07:03 PM

The cosmopolitan, bourgeoisie, PC posturing lunatical left have desperately tried to sabotage both the EU referendum and US presidential election with preposterous, alarmist, insidious campaigns of the highest puerility and fatuousness in a feeble attempt to scare or shame people into voting for their preferred choice. One can easily conclude they tried to pervert the course of democracy. Thankfully the majority of the people saw through their bullshit of vilification and voted for who they liked and not what the lunatical left tried to bully them into voting for. Hitler was notorious for using the very same tactics in his rise to power.

Severian 11.09.2016 07:16 PM

Majority of people voted for Hillary Clinton, you fucking imbecile.

Severian 11.09.2016 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Trump was a lifelong registered Democrat in New York state. He is nowhere near as militant or right wing as he made out to get the votes from conservatives. By that same token, Clinton has always been much more moderate than progressive/liberal. Either way a billionaire beat a billionaire for a job that pays $275,000 a year.

The presidential salary is $400,000 annually plus expenses. Kind of astonished that this isn't more widely known.

Severian 11.09.2016 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Trump was a lifelong registered Democrat in New York state. He is nowhere near as militant or right wing as he made out to get the votes from conservatives. By that same token, Clinton has always been much more moderate than progressive/liberal.

No, she's a classic textbook Democrat. Progressive on several issues, moderate on more, goes with the tide on a fair amount, but believes in government oversight, universal health care and education. She was never the "progressive" candidate. That was Sanders. Clinton's a hard line Democrat, and she's managed her money better than Trump has as well.

And no, it's not "billionaire beat a billionaire" ... it's this:

Least qualified presidential candidate in the history of the nation beat most qualified presidential candidate since the '60s. Billionaire fuckup who accepted bailout funds for ranked businesses and resorted to reality tv to re-charge his brand beat someone who could have at the very least done the job.

Also, sexual predator beat former media-branded "strong stand-by-your-man" woman.

Social Media beat the New York Times.

America hates (openly) again.

Don't oversimplify this shit. You're better than that.

evollove 11.10.2016 08:00 AM

Be chill the next two months. We got four years of gnashing teeth and pulling hair.

But it's worse than you think. Roger "Satan Takes Lessons from Me" Stone has the president's ear. Ben Carson should have vanished, but now he might end up with a cabinet position. I could go on, but what's the point?


Has anyone re-read through this entire thread yet? I bet we all look stupid at some point.

Drjohnrock 11.10.2016 08:31 AM

I'm neither going to be chill the next couple of months nor gnash my teeth and pull my hair for four years. I'm going to be writing Sherrod Brown and other Democrats on Capitol Hill, urging them to give Drumpf the same chance the Republikkkans gave Obama: none. The Democrats, especially in the Senate, need to fight and fight viciously. That means filibusters out the wazoo. That means reminding the media and Drumpf's white trash supporters that they are only doing what the Rethugs did to Obama. It is also time to help the Democrats prepare for the 2018 midterms with the goal of taking back the Senate at the very least. If that can be done, then we need to have investigation after investigation of Trump University, Trump Foundation, and a myriad of other shady Drumpf enterprises. Don't waste time joining the too-little-too-late protests. Take action NOW!

evollove 11.10.2016 08:41 AM

But I'm tired. Okay, you're right. Sigh.

!@#$%! 11.10.2016 09:27 AM

i'm looking back at the thread and i think i was pretty spot-on

my first post here was that drumpf could win dancing with the starts (i was referring to his constantly shifting positions). accurate prediction, he won.

my 3rd post was that the rise of trump was fueled by the corporatocrat dismissal of popular concerns. given the numbers that voted for trump, including minorities, this can't be ascribed to the KKK as sorkin put it. sure, the KKK bandwagonned, but let's quit being blind.

anyway bla bla etc. i'm not gnashing nothing. warren 2020.

BUT FIRST, THE MIDTERMS. president hillary would have been completely shut down without the house & senate.

so let's start from the beginning: state houses. governors. congress. then the white house.

Rob Instigator 11.10.2016 09:46 AM

I think he is a serious contender...

!@#$%! 11.10.2016 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think he is a serious contender...

haaaa haaaaa haaaa!

rob wins the thread


ilduclo 11.10.2016 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think he is a serious contender...

for worst president ever!


in that order

Rob Instigator 11.10.2016 11:45 AM

we shall all have to wait and see.

Please do not forget these facts.

Mr. Trump was a life-long registered Democrat in NY state. He switched fairly recently.

Mr. Trump has been a life-long Pro-CHOICE supporter. He only switched fairly recently.

Mr. Trump does not have many friends in the GOP, as the mainstream of the Republican party did not actively support him, and sought to have someone else nominated.

Mr. Trump is a casino owner. He is very likely much more comfortable with certain social law change than the GOP faithful hope he is. He has supported marijuana legalization in the past. He stopped mentioning it fairly recently.

What this and everything else shows me is that Mr. Trump is not who everyone thinks he is. The stuff politicians say to get elected is not the same as the stuff they do once they are in office.

we need to wait and see what is proposed, what happens, what the House and Senate are willing to go along with.

Sadly, this is probably NOT the first mail-order-bride to be First Lady.....

Everyone remembers JFK so fondly (cuz he got got) but he was as much a lecherous douchebag philanderer as people claim Trump to be... All these fuckers that run for high office have massive skeletons, have massive favors to give to "invisible" and visible backers, and lie to the american people to get elected.

Nothing new.

Bytor Peltor 11.10.2016 11:45 AM

It dawned on me sometime yesterday many of the reactions to the Trump Train blowing into the station mirror the reactions of want-to-be contestants on, American Idol.

Individuals with zero talent becoming too upset because they didn't get picked while those that were selected become too happy as if they've won something, but in reality they are only going to Hollywood.

Drjohnrock 11.10.2016 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
for worst president ever!


in that order

Hmm, I might put James Buchanan ahead of Bonzo. I know, ancient history blah blah blah.

evollove 11.10.2016 11:47 AM

If anyone wants to keep hope alive and fuck with their own head, consider this:

Trump hasn't technically won. The election isn't over until December 19, when the electoral college casts their votes.

In 30 states, they are legally obliged to vote with the majority. The remaining 20 are not.

There has never been an electoral college "revolt" but a lot of shit that's never happened has happened this cycle.


!@#$%! 11.10.2016 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
If anyone wants to keep hope alive and fuck with their own head, consider this:

Trump hasn't technically won. The election isn't over until December 19, when the electoral college casts their votes.

In 30 states, they are legally obliged to vote with the majority. The remaining 20 are not.

There has never been an electoral college "revolt" but a lot of shit that's never happened has happened this cycle.


i doubt this would happen. not even democrats want that. both hillary and obama asked to give drumpf a chance. hillary already conceded, would have no house or senate to work with-- total gridlock.

of course the repukes wouldn't concede the same way cuz the repukes play to win. this is why their merrick garland blocking gamble paid off. democrats are soft and nice and hence get pounded. but whatever, that ship has sailed.

besides. HOPE IS FOR SUCKERS. hope is looking for salvation in a future that may never arrive. the only salvation is in the present. what are you going to do *RIGHT NOW* to make things better? drugs don't count ha ha ha.

but seriously. your life is happening right this moment, not a month or 4 years from now. right now. this moment. accepting reality. what's the right action?

it could very well be lobbying the electors as you suggest. but just don't get "hope" and "the future" in the equation. hope is hopeless. this is now. now. now. now.

(i'm going grocery-shopping for the weekend, that's what i'm doing. after that, something else.)

Severian 11.10.2016 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
If anyone wants to keep hope alive and fuck with their own head, consider this:

Trump hasn't technically won. The election isn't over until December 19, when the electoral college casts their votes.

In 30 states, they are legally obliged to vote with the majority. The remaining 20 are not.

There has never been an electoral college "revolt" but a lot of shit that's never happened has happened this cycle.


Yes, I've been wondering whether or not I should even bother entertaining this.

You're talking about "faithless electors," and I would be more likely to champion this last ditch effort if HRC had polled higher with white American males on T-Day.

Faithless electors have never swayed an election. I don't think a single one of these votes has been cast since the early '00s. With men preferring men to women, and men making up most of the electorate, it seems like a silly thing to hold out hope for.

That said, I suppose now would be the time to organize a mass protest. The electoral college is sworn to appoint a candidate with sufficient qualifications to hold and execute the position of Commander-in-Chief. They will be essentially neglecting to perform their sole constitutional purpose by upholding the electoral vote count for Trump.

But imagine the rebound in four years if Big Gov't were to put HRC in office. We'd be so fucked.

Severian 11.10.2016 12:52 PM

I'm considering seeking counseling. I am worried about the level of rage and anger and despair I'm feeling. I'm having trouble speaking to people who I know voted Trump. Having a hard time being civil and containing myself.

I slept about 45 minutes on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning... two hours tops last night. Was up at 4 with tears in my eyes. Called in sick for the first half of the day (which a I probably should have done yesterday, as Symbols suggested). I'm sore and malnourished. Did something nasty to my arm when I hucked a coffee mug against the wall on Tuesday. In short, I'm acting like a goddamn child.

May need help of some kind. Take some inventory.

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