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Bytor Peltor 07.15.2020 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
My partner is american and my son is half american... so the states are closer to me than you might have thought.
Also that list of check boxes is obviously just made up to annoy people on both sides of the red/blue divide and has little to do with actual government policy.

DING DING DING = we have a winner!

T&B, thank you for explaining your situation, your insight serves you well!!!


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

For the free minded freethinkers who believe I’m knuckle-dragging, let’s take a look at the blue checks:

Here's where the 2020 Democrats stand on gun control......ABC News (Feb 2020)

“In her presidential plan, Warren echoed Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., in pledging to act on gun control within her first 100 days through executive action. Harris, too, has since ended her presidential bid.”

We Surveyed the 2020 Democrats on Gun Control. Here Are the New Dividing Lines.

“All 19 candidates support an assault weapons ban. The biggest disagreement: whether people who already own those weapons should be required to sell them to the government, or simply given the option to do so. There is also some support for a federal gun registry, an idea that many Democrats used to dismiss exasperatedly as gun-lobby scaremongering.“

US Democrats introduce sweeping legislation to reform police......BBC June 2020

“The call to disband the police in Minneapolis, while largely symbolic at this point, could indicate that sweeping changes are very real possibility - with or without federal guidance.

This could be the beginning of series of local experiments in policing reform that take very different forms in different parts of the US.“

These Top Democrats Go Further Than Biden on Diverting Police Funds


Democrats Abandon the Constitution...... claim the Electoral College, Senate and judiciary are illegitimate......WSJ (October 2018)

“Yet the attacks go beyond ideology. Detractors of Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump are denouncing the Constitution itself and the core elements of America’s governmental structure:”


Progressive Democrats want the U.S. Constitution to go......Mercury News (September 2019)

“They’ve been after the Second Amendment for years. They wish to eliminate the Electoral College. In California, the First Amendment does not apply to anyone who disagrees with their leftist views.

Separation of church and state? Cities and municipalities are trying to ban Chick-Fil-A because the owners dare to support organizations that reflect their Christian values. So much for freedom of religion.”

Don’t know much about this, doubt it’s a true concern!

Majority doesn’t want the national anthem to be changed......YouGov (July 2020)

Some Americans call for replacement of ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ with new national anthem......ABC 27 (June 2020)

***not a real concern of mine!

‘So Help Me God’ No More: Democrats Give House Traditions a Makeover......WSJ (May 2019)

“I think God belongs in religious institutions: in temple, in church, in cathedral, in mosque — but not in Congress,” said Representative Steve Cohen of Tennessee”

Democrat’s Under Fire For Removing ‘GOD’ From Party Platform......WashingtonPost (September 2012)

Democrats struggling to face fact that their plans would all but end fossil fuels......Washington Examiner (May 2019)

Medicare for All Would Abolish Private Insurance. ‘There’s No Precedent in American History.’......New York Times (March 2019)

“At the heart of the “Medicare for all” proposals championed by Senator Bernie Sanders and many Democrats is a revolutionary idea: Abolish private health insurance.”

Medicare for All Instead of Private Health Insurance? Question Vexes 2020 Democrats......WSJ (July 2019)

“But in the second set of Democratic debates, on Tuesday and Wednesday, front-runners backing Medicare for All will likely have to defend their pledges to take private health insurance away in the process.

Fact-check: Do Democrats support abortion up until (and after) birth?......Statesman (February 2020)

“ Republican lawmakers questioned the bill's sponsor on the scope of the proposal, asking whether the measure would allow a woman who is dilating to get a abortion.

"My bill would allow that," said Democratic lawmaker Kathy Tran. "Yes."

On Late-Term Abortion, 2020 Democrats Are to the Left Even of Obama in 2008......NationalReview (July 2019)

“Do you believe a woman should be able to terminate a pregnancy up until the moment of birth?” Martha MacCallum asked Bernie Sanders at a Fox News town hall. “I think that that happens very, very rarely,” Sanders replied, before concluding: “The decision over abortion belongs to a woman and her physician, not the federal government, not the state government.

Planned Parenthood Testimony On Selling Baby Parts Unsealed, New Videos Released

Senate Democrats introduce a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College......VOX (April 2019)

Poll: Democrats want to abolish Electoral College, Republicans want to keep it......The Hill (March 2019)

h8kurdt 07.15.2020 11:52 AM

Funny thing is it'd be great if a lot off those did happen.

Fossil fuels ending? Give it to me
Allow free choice for women to have abortions? Why wouldn't I?
No guns? Aww, someone upset they can't have an assault rifle/penis extension?
Abolish private care? God forbid people get looked after. Although you know you can have both, right? Of course you don't.
Remove all references to god? Plz

You haven't shown anything to persuade me that you're not a total idiot.

Genteel Death 07.15.2020 05:08 PM

That Robert Schunk person joined this forum and tried, reluctantly, to engage in music discussion ar first. Then, for as long as I can remember, stayed in this thread arguing his skewed opinions on politics. I don't want to say he's mentally ill because I don't know this person, but surely if you post your opinions on this forum you must know that conversation is going to be thin on the ground and you are wasting your time?

GeneticKiss 07.15.2020 10:13 PM

If we're talking in memes now, here's one for the MAGA crowd:


(replace "Holy Ghost" with "GOP" and "God Plutonium" with "Donald")

Straight male white corporate oppression has no future. You're going to have to learn to share the fruits of modern civilization (healthcare, housing, good wages, and just plain respect overall) with everyone. Remember that? Sharing? Like you were supposed to have learned in kindergarten?

Here's another meme...the GOP thinking about the world without them:


demonrail666 07.16.2020 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
That Robert Schunk person joined this forum and tried, reluctantly, to engage in music discussion ar first. Then, for as long as I can remember, stayed in this thread arguing his skewed opinions on politics. I don't want to say he's mentally ill because I don't know this person, but surely if you post your opinions on this forum you must know that conversation is going to be thin on the ground and you are wasting your time?

It seems pretty obvious to me that certain people making reference to RS's mental state is just a convenient way of avoiding the more difficult task of actually arguing with the points he makes. Given that this thread clearly isn't a place for people to argue opposing political views I'd actually prefer it now if Robert and other dissenting voices withdrew from posting here altogether, just so I can observe what happens when an echo-chamber is allowed to reach peak purity, without distraction.

h8kurdt 07.16.2020 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
It seems pretty obvious to me that certain people making reference to RS's mental state is just a convenient way of avoiding the more difficult task of actually arguing with the points he makes. Given that this thread clearly isn't a place for people to argue opposing political views I'd actually prefer it now if Robert and other dissenting voices withdrew from posting here altogether, just so I can observe what happens when an echo-chamber is allowed to reach peak purity, without distraction.

You don't think people have tried reasoning and arguing?

You can sit on the fence and point at everyone's misgivings all you want but you're ignoring the principal problem of the Trump administration-its based on telling lie after lie, half-truths after half-truths.
The two posters you've pointed out are guilty of allowing that and believing those lies. Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware that the left can spin too, but not on a scale we've seen with Trump and his cronies.

No one's making anyone read or post on here. That includes you. Just like I can with the depressing world of cancel culture, bat shit mental comments on twitter it's there to ignore if you want.

GravitySlips 07.16.2020 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
It seems pretty obvious to me that certain people making reference to RS's mental state is just a convenient way of avoiding the more difficult task of actually arguing with the points he makes. Given that this thread clearly isn't a place for people to argue opposing political views I'd actually prefer it now if Robert and other dissenting voices withdrew from posting here altogether, just so I can observe what happens when an echo-chamber is allowed to reach peak purity, without distraction.

Indeed. What we really need is more of Bytor Peltor's idiotic memes and articles from spurious websites. If there's one thing this forum needs, it's more folk referencing the former president as "Barack Hussein Obama" on a regular basis. Nobody should call out this stuff just in case it turns into an echo chamber.

We must protect the sacred right of pro-gun, pro-patriotism, pro-fossil-fuel/anti-science, "In God We Trust" chat here on SY Gossip.

!@#$%! 07.16.2020 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
It seems pretty obvious to me that certain people making reference to RS's mental state is just a convenient way of avoiding the more difficult task of actually arguing with the points he makes.

one can argue “points” without having to argue them with an apparent crazy (in my opinion) who seems more concerned with being a legend in his own mind (in my opinion) than with actual “points.”

maybe you can clarify these purported points without all the extraneous nonsense?

!@#$%! 07.16.2020 12:53 PM


anyway, i don’t know what sane person would make the honest case for right-wing populism in the modern world, but here is a capable writer differentiating between the right and the left varieties of the populist thing:

(it’s a bit dated but still makes perfect sense)

!@#$%! 07.16.2020 03:34 PM

anyway, back to the (other) dotard...

Fighting alone
I’m a GOP governor. Why didn’t Trump help my state with coronavirus testing?

By Larry Hogan
JULY 16, 2020

Larry Hogan @GovLarryHogan Larry Hogan has been the governor of Maryland since 2015. This essay is adapted from his forthcoming book, “Still Standing: Surviving Cancer, Riots, a Global Pandemic, and the Toxic Politics That Divide America.”

too long for full copypasta, but here is the link:

some choice quotes, however...

“This should not have been necessary. I’d watched as the president downplayed the outbreak’s severity and as the White House failed to issue public warnings, draw up a 50-state strategy, or dispatch medical gear or lifesaving ventilators from the national stockpile to American hospitals. Eventually, it was clear that waiting around for the president to run the nation’s response was hopeless; if we delayed any longer, we’d be condemning more of our citizens to suffering and death. So every governor went their own way, which is how the United States ended up with such a patchwork response. I did the best I could for Maryland. Here’s what we saw and heard from Washington along the way.”


“We have it totally under control,” Trump responded unhesitatingly. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” And off the president went for the next eight weeks. The rest of January and February were peppered with cheerful or sarcastic comments and tweets, minimizing the outbreak’s severity and the need for Americans to do much of anything.”


“ So many nationwide actions could have been taken in those early days but weren’t. While other countries were racing ahead with well-coordinated testing regimes, the Trump administration bungled the effort. The test used by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention early on was fraught with inaccuracies, and onerous regulations hindered the nation’s private labs. The resulting disorganization would delay mass testing for almost two months and leave the nation largely in the dark as the epidemic spread.”


“ But the president was all over the place. He avowed, falsely, that “anybody” could get a test, even as my fellow governors were desperately pleading for help on testing. Then he shifted from boasting to blame. “We inherited a very obsolete system” from the Obama administration, he claimed, conveniently ignoring the fact that his own CDC had designed the troubled U.S. testing system and that his own Food and Drug Administration had waited a full month before allowing U.S. hospital labs to develop their own tests. On March 25, the president was back to bragging again. “We now are doing more testing than anybody by far,” including South Korea, whose widespread testing program was being praised around the world. This was true in absolute numbers, since we are a much bigger country, but we’d tested far fewer per capita than the Koreans had — 1,048 tests per million people vs. South Korea’s 6,764 per million — and of course that was the only figure that mattered. During one White House briefing in late March, Trump said the issue had been dealt with. “I haven’t heard about testing for weeks,” the president insisted.



“ I could only shake my head at that. The federal government — a much bigger and better-funded institution, with tens of thousands of scientists and physicians in the civil service — wanted my help! Governors always do the hard work, make the tough decisions and take the political heat. But an undertaking as large as a national testing program required Washington’s help. We expected something more than constant heckling from the man who was supposed to be our leader.”


“ I thought we might get a congratulatory word from the president. Trump always had a taste for bold gestures — but, apparently, only for bold gestures he could claim. The president spent much of the following Monday’s White House briefing criticizing me and dismissing what we had done. “The governor from Maryland didn’t really understand” about testing, Trump grumbled. “The governor of Maryland could’ve called Mike Pence, could’ve saved a lot of money. . . . I don’t think he needed to go to South Korea. I think he needed to get a little knowledge.”

The president’s comments that day seemed to confuse test kits with testing labs, but whatever. It was a great day for Maryland.”


etc etc

h8kurdt 07.16.2020 03:58 PM

Gotta love a president who finds the time in the middle of an epidemic to advertise some beans. Sure I read that he's not legally not allowed to do that. Nevermind, he's Trump and he can do what he wants right?

h8kurdt 07.17.2020 02:36 AM

Yet 138k Americans dead from coronavirus. A number that could have been massively reduced if it wasn't for the incompetence of Trump and his supporters.

h8kurdt 07.17.2020 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
First, go read my posts on the Coronavirus thread, which I really don't feel like looking up and reposting here.

Next, read this piece by the thoroughly anti-Trump NBC News from 30 March 2020:

Dr. Birx predicts up to 200,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths 'if we do things almost perfectly'

Don't think there's been a single thing trump has done that can be considered anywhere near perfect during the whole thing. And that's rich considering the mess the UK has gone through.

And your post implies that you're anywhere near the end of this. You really aren't. The republican anti-science viewpoint has put paid to the idea that this can be sorted out soon.

Diesel 07.17.2020 04:03 AM

As someone who's experienced abortion first hand I find the Republican anti-abortion stance unbelievably stupid and intolerable beyond any basic reasoning, understanding, and comprehension.

Just file this lot under the Khchris, Atari, Tesla, Screaming skull, and Gast category and move swiftly on.

I'm off for my hydroxychloroquine shot and a few swigs O'foken bleach. Ciao

h8kurdt 07.17.2020 06:12 AM

Trump says he'll be announcing "many exciting things" over the next 8 weeks, "things that nobody has even contemplated, thought about, thought possible," with"levels of detail" and "levels of thought that a lot of people believed very strongly we didn't have in this country"

Ooh! World peace, a cure for cancer, AND raising the dead? What could it be?!

Forgive me if I'm not expecting much though.

!@#$%! 07.17.2020 06:57 AM

dammit i hate it when savage clone posts something good and then deletes it

!@#$%! 07.17.2020 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Trump says he'll be announcing "many exciting things" over the next 8 weeks, "things that nobody has even contemplated, thought about, thought possible," with"levels of detail" and "levels of thought that a lot of people believed very strongly we didn't have in this country"

Ooh! World peace, a cure for cancer, AND raising the dead? What could it be?!

Forgive me if I'm not expecting much though.

he’ll just take credit for whatever good thing anybody else does

Genteel Death 07.17.2020 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
It seems pretty obvious to me that certain people making reference to RS's mental state is just a convenient way of avoiding the more difficult task of actually arguing with the points he makes. Given that this thread clearly isn't a place for people to argue opposing political views I'd actually prefer it now if Robert and other dissenting voices withdrew from posting here altogether, just so I can observe what happens when an echo-chamber is allowed to reach peak purity, without distraction.

I don't care about Robert Schunk's political opinions. Or Bytor's. I'm only curious as to why they are the only two fighting the fight on a Sonic Youth forum, of all places. The energy etc.

Toilet & Bowels 07.17.2020 06:02 PM

The bigger mystery is what any of us are doing here almost 10 years after the band split up and even longer since this was really a worthwhile forum

Genteel Death 07.17.2020 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
The bigger mystery is what any of us are doing here almost 10 years after the band split up and even longer since this was really a worthwhile forum

In my case it's your posts. They always made me feel like a real woman.

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