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Keeping It Simple 08.03.2013 08:22 AM

I'm planning on watching Only God Forgives because the coolest actor in the world, Ryan Gosling, is in it and it's directed by the same guy who directed the superb Drive.

Genteel Death 08.03.2013 01:12 PM


tw2113 08.03.2013 04:23 PM

The Rock and Escape From Alcatraz

stu666 08.04.2013 06:19 AM


!@#$%! 08.04.2013 01:22 PM

i'm trying to finish watching amos poe's "unmade beds" but it's the most boring, pretentious, humorless piece of shit student film i've watched in centuries. i mean, no, okay, for a student film, whatever, alright, but why this gets hailed as anything other than that, is the hype machinery of the new york underground like that great propaganda piece that is "blank city" (good movie, but damn, it lies).

yes, some good things came out of this era i suppose (jim jarmusch), but this isn't one of them. ugh! the director likes to enumerate books and show what a smart boy he is. also this whole "french" movie could have been funny instead of--ogh. i've put it at double speed now so it ends already. quel fucking dull!

edit: looks like they run out of film near the end and now it's a bunch of stills.

please kill me.



edit: it's finished! at last! worst movie dialogue ever!

the music w/ the end credits is pretty good actually

"fin". LOL.

demonrail666 08.04.2013 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
is the hype machinery of the new york underground like that great propaganda piece that is "blank city" (good movie, but damn, it lies).

Haha! In many ways it is. Lots of connections with the big galleries, etc, and a massively sycophantic international following. I haven't seen Unmade Beds but have sat through plenty of other NY Underground 'classics' that fit the description you give to a t - even though I'd still consider myself a big fan overall.

Curious to know what the supposed 'lies' in Blank City were, though.

!@#$%! 08.04.2013 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666

Curious to know what the supposed 'lies' were, in Blank City, though.

the general notion that this was a momentous time overflowing with genius

maybe elsewhere!

(e.g., at around this same time, charles burnett was making "killer of sheep" with similar means, for fucks sakes)

evollove 08.05.2013 05:10 PM

The Canyons

DIR: Paul Schrader
WRITER: Bret Easton Ellis
CAST: Lindsey Lohan, porn star James Deen

Shot in three weeks for $250,000

Not total shit, but mostly shit. I blame the direction and script, actually, because Lohan is quite good and Deen does malevolence rather well.

And the sex scene is too weird to be erotic. Some nice big tits, though. And penis, too. I'm all for more penis in movies, if only for the sake of equality.

Fascinating article on the drama behind the making the film:

dead_battery 08.05.2013 05:28 PM

what ive watched recently:

detention - 8/10 - only "happy" movie that hasnt pissed me off in years.

rules of attraction - 9/10 - yep

the act of killing - 10/10? surely one of the greatest documentaries ever made. didnt find it shocking or surprising or ethically harrowing like everyone else did, which either means i really am one of the few with any real understanding of our ethically compromised culture or just a total fucking sociopath

world war z - 4/10 whatever - liked the jew wallocaust

the canyons - 8/10 - its not amazing in some respects but it still captures the present era perfectly and will probably age well

Toilet & Bowels 08.08.2013 03:05 PM


Alan Partridge, 9/10, funniest thing I saw at the cinema since Borat

demonrail666 08.10.2013 10:13 AM


Such Hawks, Such Hounds

Fantastic history of Stoner Rock with lots of the big names being interviewed. A must for anyone into Pentagram, St Vitus, Kyuss, etc., along with some of the more recent stuff.

Full movie here

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.10.2013 12:45 PM


sonic sphere 08.11.2013 01:40 PM


Rob Instigator 08.12.2013 10:58 AM

Watched a bunch of head-trip flicks this weekend

had never seen it. I laughed a lot. I thought a lot. wacky wild stuff. 8/10


Had seen this years ago. liked it even more the second time around. laughed a lot. forgot how funny PK Dick was. 8/10


Had never seen this either. I bet it would have been a lot more wild if I was raised on western movies and saw this back in 73. I liked it OK though. 7/10

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Had seen this before too, but wantedto see it again. 8/10

Genteel Death 08.12.2013 03:12 PM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.12.2013 03:28 PM

I was going to watch Silent Hill Revelations last night but ran out of time, is it worth it next time? I adored the first one, even it was terribly flawed with plot contradictions and dead-ends.. Wait. Update. After reading several reviews I realized why I didn't watch this last year, apparently by a considerable majority opinion it sucked ;)

Toilet & Bowels 08.12.2013 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death


Genteel Death 08.12.2013 03:54 PM

It's a TV movie about what would happen if a ''dirty bomb'' was set off in London and how the city would cope. There's a Scottish actor called Alastair Galbraith on it, like the great musician!

stu666 08.14.2013 01:33 AM


schizophrenicroom 08.15.2013 04:21 AM

i rewatched annie hall for the 10000th time because i find woody allen in that film oddly attractive

!@#$%! 08.16.2013 11:00 AM

grindhouse part 1- planet terror


fucking awesome, palomita! great terrible movie. a++ cuz it delivers the goods.

ps- the machete trailer was awesome too

ps- rose mcgowan was super hot in this movie then she got plastic surgery. fucking moron!

demonrail666 08.18.2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
grindhouse part 1- planet terror


fucking awesome, palomita! great terrible movie. a++ cuz it delivers the goods.

ps- the machete trailer was awesome too

ps- rose mcgowan was super hot in this movie then she got plastic surgery. fucking moron!

Loved it! I still can't stand Death Proof and I'm not a big fan of all Rodriguez's stuff but PT was great. Love the bit when the hero has to ride a miniature motorbike, and the whole barbecue subplot. Tellingly, the only scene I didn't like was the one with Tarantino.



The Shooting

On paper I should've loved this but it left me cold.

Rob Instigator 08.19.2013 08:40 AM

Got some stuff from the Redbox and it was slim pickings


Allright stuff. some good tension in beginning. NOT the best movie of last year by a long shot, but Hollywood loves to pat themselves on the back. Horrible last 30 minutes though. straight up fake drama, having the two "producers" be held up by a film shoot just outside the offices where they have to be to cover for the mission. stupid. I give it a 5/10.


BRUTAL. STRAIGHT BRUTAL. horrible So Horrible. The biggest waste of Buscemi I have ever seen. Why do people still think this fucker from 40year virgin is a good actor? He is fucking horrible. Dead eyes and face, like he sucked assholes to get his career and he now hates it. the WORST MOVIE I HAVE SEEN IN 2013. 1/10

!@#$%! 08.19.2013 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Loved it! I still can't stand Death Proof and I'm not a big fan of all Rodriguez's stuff but PT was great. Love the bit when the hero has to ride a miniature motorbike, and the whole barbecue subplot. Tellingly, the only scene I didn't like was the one with Tarantino.

death proof except for the last 15 or so minutes was an unbearable piece of shit. watched it this weekend. went to sleep in the middle of it and finished it the next day. we were saying "fucking zombies ate the budget and tarantino had to show just a bunch of people yapping", that sort of thing. well the budget was good for all the car shit though, i mean, eventually, fuck! yes there were disturbing moments here and there but ugh! only the final sequence was good. rodriguez kicked his ass on this one. i mean, if it was a competition (it had to be) rodriguez wins by K.O. plus the machete trailer, fuck yeah!

demonrail666 08.19.2013 05:41 PM

DP is one of the very few films that I genuinely hate. I was ready to write off Tarantino altogether until I saw Django, which I really liked. I was actually preparing myself to loathe it and was almost annoyed when about half way through I had to admit to myself that it's actually really good.

You mention liking the Machete trailer. Have you seen the actual film? It's great.

Rob Instigator 08.20.2013 08:25 AM

Machete is OK. I got bored about 20 minutes in.

!@#$%! 08.20.2013 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
DP is one of the very few films that I genuinely hate.

like hanging out with a bunch of boring people for 2 hours. terrible.


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I was ready to write off Tarantino altogether until I saw Django, which I really liked.

so you didn't like inglorious basterds? that was actually pretty good. and funny.


Originally Posted by demonrail666
You mention liking the Machete trailer. Have you seen the actual film? It's great.

no, but i will soon!

demonrail666 08.20.2013 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so you didn't like inglorious basterds? that was actually pretty good. and funny.

That was the movie where the penny finally dropped for me, that Tarantino is ultimately a snob. I could tolerate Inglorious until it becomes this bullshit ode to European film culture. That's Tarantino's problem. He doesn't simply like stuff, and want to celebrate it, when the dialogue in his movies reference some obscure movie or another it feels almost like a lecture, like he's somehow trying to educate his audience. Rodriguez never does that. The references are there if you know them but he never rams them down your throat. There's scenes in Planet Terror that clearly owe a lot to John Carpenter but Rodriguez never felt the need to signpost them, whereas you know the same scene directed by Tarantino would have to involve some character chastising another for not having seen The Fog.

To be fair about Inglorious though, I did really like the scenes with Brad Pitt and Christoph Waltz. The rest of it just made me cringe though.

demonrail666 08.20.2013 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Machete is OK. I got bored about 20 minutes in.

I don't know if I could ever get bored watching anything involving Mexican priests carrying pump action shotguns. That's just a whopping big neon 'YES!' to me.


Can't wait for the sequel. Charlie Sheen as president.

!@#$%! 08.20.2013 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
That was the movie where the penny finally dropped for me, that Tarantino is ultimately a snob. I could tolerate Inglorious until it becomes this bullshit ode to European film culture. That's Tarantino's problem. He doesn't simply like stuff, and want to celebrate it, when the dialogue in his movies reference some obscure movie or another it feels almost like a lecture, like he's somehow trying to educate his audience. Rodriguez never does that. The references are there if you know them but he never rams them down your throat. There's scenes in Planet Terror that clearly owe a lot to John Carpenter but Rodriguez never felt the need to signpost them, whereas you know the same scene directed by Tarantino would have to involve some character chastising another for not having seen The Fog.

To be fair about Inglorious though, I did really like the scenes with Brad Pitt and Christoph Waltz. The rest of it just made me cringe though.

well yeah tarantino is a name-dropping video store nerd by training, and that much has been clear from the start-- sometimes this works, and sometimes like the name-dropping british agent who tries to pass for german he gets himself (and others) killed for it. (if i was into psychoanalisis, i'd look into this character as a representation of his fear and guilt. but anyway...)

i liked inglorious basterds in spite of the cringe-worthy moments (e.g., "this is jewish vengeance!"). mostly because during those moments i was still laughing at the funny shit from previous scenes. pitt and waltz were too good to let you notice much else.

Rob Instigator 08.20.2013 10:47 AM

I thought Basterds was great, and have seen it twice. It was a very entertaining film.

Django, however, was so boring, so awfully plotted, so unbearably written from a cracka-ass perspective, that I grew to HATE it by the final reel.

!@#$%! 08.20.2013 10:29 PM

antonioni's "red desert"



SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.20.2013 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Loved it! I still can't stand Death Proof and I'm not a big fan of all Rodriguez's stuff but PT was great. Love the bit when the hero has to ride a miniature motorbike, and the whole barbecue subplot. Tellingly, the only scene I didn't like was the one with Tarantino.



The Shooting

On paper I should've loved this but it left me cold.

Yeah, on paper a Jack Nicholson Western would be the shit, but he did several, and they all simply suck. Its like, all of his curmudgeon characters would be so perfect, but didn't really develop fully until The Shining and after..

demonrail666 08.21.2013 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Yeah, on paper a Jack Nicholson Western would be the shit, but he did several, and they all simply suck.

I dunno. The Missouri Breaks is one of my favourite westerns and he's brilliant in it. He was just miscast in The Shooting. There always has to be that slightly eccentric sense of humour with him for me but in that he plays a cold killer which just isn't him. Jack Palance, yes, but not Jack Nicholson.


Its like, all of his curmudgeon characters would be so perfect, but didn't really develop fully until The Shining and after..

I'm not sure about the curmudgeon thing. Again it's the slightly eccentric almost stoner humour that I really associate him with, so I suppose I think of his stuff from the 60s-70s like The Last Detail, Missouri Breaks, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Easy Rider, etc, as being his real peak. He is great in The Shining though, but even there, playing a psycho killer, he still manages to be laugh out loud funny. The "Here's Johnny" line?

Toilet & Bowels 08.21.2013 01:24 PM

Basterds was way too long.

pad_023 08.22.2013 01:50 PM


One of the best films I have seen in a long time. Nicolas Cage, a drifter, ends up in this small town where someone mistakes him for a hitman he has hired to kill his wife. Plenty of back stabbing and double cross in this superb noir thriller.

evollove 08.22.2013 02:50 PM

Seen THE LAST SEDUCTION? Same director, same neo-noir fun, made a year after Red Rock West.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.22.2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Basterds was way too long.

YES! Like 30 minutes shorter please ;)

The only Tarantino flick worth 2 and 1/2 hours was Pulp Fiction, but that is because it was essentially four short-films combined so it never felt dragged out, more like episodes.

pad_023 08.22.2013 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Seen THE LAST SEDUCTION? Same director, same neo-noir fun, made a year after Red Rock West.

Yeah, that movie is really enjoyable. Linda Florentino plays a superb femme fatale.

Rob Instigator 08.23.2013 10:52 AM

List of people that would make a better Batman than Ben Affleck:

1. Keanu Reeves
2. Casey Affleck
3. Casey Anthony
4. Carmelo Anthony
5. Rob Reiner
6. Chris Tucker
7. An actual bat
8. The Dog from "Air Bud"
9. H. Jon Benjamin.
10.Carrie Fisher
11. Neil Armstrong
12. Wayne Knight
13. George Zimmerman
14. Kim Jong-Un
15. Oogachaka Baby
16. Kermit the Frog
17. The Naked Cowboy
18. Adam West
19. Dennis Rodman
20. Bob Filner
21. Jackie Chan
22. Will Smith
23. Jet Li
24. Jason Staham
25. Ashton Kutcher
26. The fat kid from two and a half men that got fired
27. Harry Potter
28. Rubin Stutters
29. TM
30. Kate Upton
33.Richard Simmons
34. Gene Simmons.
35. Gene Wilder
36. Steven Seagal
37. O.J. Simpson (post Murder)
38. O.J. Simpson (pre Murder)
39. Jason Segel
40. Me....
41. The Crypt Keeper
42. Mike Waslowski
43. Godzilla (1998)
44. Margaret Thatcher (now)
45. Russell Brand
46. Mr. Stay Pufft
47. The guy who gathers cans from my trash
48. His wife (who patiently waits in the truck)
49. Vernon Troyer
50. Tupac (as a laser hologram)
51. Bill Shatner
52. Bill Clinton
53. Bill Murray
54. Shaquille O'Neal
55. Michael Jordan
56. Michael Jackson
57. Mike Tyson
58. Hodor
59. The Rock
60. Sloth (from The Goonies)
61. Boutros Boutros-Ghali
62. William Shatner
63. Tim Tebow
64. Matt Damon
65. George Clooney
66. Terry Crews
67. Tom Welling
68. Nicolas Cage
69. Hayden Christensen
70. Michael Cera
71. The other Michael Cera (Jesse Eisenberg)
72. Will Ferrell
73. Colin Farrell

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