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pepper_green 11.16.2016 09:14 PM

we love to blame the alcohol and not the other deadly drugs that everyone else is doing. congress is snorting the rain forest and popping more heroin/poppin more than Cobain.

don't listen to Severian. he's a pill popper pop statistic. out to shame everyone else with his popism. can't drink like a real man because he's a pussy.

Severian 11.16.2016 09:55 PM

22-year olds in my little office make a big show of how much they love run and Coke. It's definitely an issue when young ones partake to conform to their dream of becoming a "real journalist."

All I meant with the anti-anxiety comment was that I don't drink, and have a script for anti-anxiety meds. I'm never hungover, never in legal trouble. Just how I roll. I don't self medicate because a doctor is doing it for me. To drink on top of these mess (which some people do need, me being one of them) would be dangerous and irresponsible.

pepper_green 11.16.2016 10:11 PM

congrats. for informing me at something as simple as that.:rolleyes:

PLips 11.16.2016 10:41 PM

I totally believe medication for anxiety depression and mental illness is a sarcastic cop out. There is an extremely validating experience to going out for beer and wings at your local bar that meds have nothing on. I treat my bartendresses like psychologists, I don't really like my local bar but they are all mature and respectful drunks and bartendresses and take care of me. You're shitty pills have nothing on that. Every traditional drug was treated as sacred by primitive cultures. You don't want to have a problem with them, that's the way you gotta roll.

pepper_green 11.16.2016 11:06 PM


!@#$%! 11.16.2016 11:25 PM

lol fucking borrachos

i'm all about the sacred primitive cultures but being a wino is another story

PLips 11.17.2016 12:27 AM

Here's a Alphonse Mucha print I had with the White Cocaine Woman. Pretty powerful treatment for marketing pharmaceutical cocaine 100 years ago

!@#$%! 11.17.2016 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
A bit of credit-taking:

Here's the relevant portion of an email from Public Citizen, which opposes, as I do, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal:

Need something to feel good about?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — that dangerous, corporate-rigged “trade” deal — is all but dead.


Thanks to YEARS of fighting — by Public Citizen, allies here and abroad, and millions of engaged citizens — the TPP is on its last legs.

Proponents hoped to sneak it through the lame-duck session of Congress starting now. But a majority in Congress still opposes the TPP. And now its proponents have thrown in the towel on lame-duck approval.


How about sharing a bit of credit with President-Elect Trump, who campaigned against the deal??

i don't know every detail of this trade deal so i can't talk like a lawyer about it, but i think it's foolish to give up on trade, especially on the pacific rim, where we can get a strategic advantage over china.

but no, let's hide our heads in the ground and let someone else take leadership-- a leadership which may not be in accord with our standards

in spite of all the fear and insularism and tribalism, trade is great. it creates prosperity on both sides of the deal and it certainly beats war as a way to get access to resources. and as far as i understoon the tpp offered fairness in the protection of labor standards, intelectual property, the environment, etc.

but go ahead, let's go back to making shoes and textiles while we give up on our international leadership and our competitive advantage in sectors like agriculture and technology (from airspace to biotech). i'm sure it will work out great to hide behind our borders in fear of peasants with pitchforks while everybody else trades globally...

Severian 11.17.2016 11:57 AM

Did I mention Hillary's popular vote lead was 1 million plus and still growing daily?

I could check, of course, but nah.

ilduclo 11.17.2016 12:12 PM

trade is a 2 edged sword. West Coast US is doing GREAT with Asian trade, rust belt states, not so. It's a general win, IMO, but then I'm from West Coast US...

!@#$%! 11.17.2016 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
trade is a 2 edged sword. West Coast US is doing GREAT with Asian trade, rust belt states, not so. It's a general win, IMO, but then I'm from West Coast US...

i think it's only a 2-edged sword if one wants to stay always the same.

the rustbelt wasn't a failure of trade itself, rather it was failure of the USA to help its workers adapt to the new industries or modernize its existing ones.

the rust belt had some of the same industries that help germany flourish (e.g. auto), except that it doesn't compete globally the same way.

if you're new chinese money-- do you buy audi or chevy?

cadillac is #10, everything above is from elsewhere:

meanwhile, old steel places like pittsburgh are reshaping as tech hubs-- but only ever so slowly

you can't bring back coal to west virginia and kentucky-- natural gas is cheaper and cleaner. things change. we no longer ride horse buggys.

the years that have passed since nafta was enacted have been a huge missed opportunity. our leaders were asleep at the wheel.

where were the big jobs retraining programs? walmart greeter?

we dropped the ball.

tw2113 11.17.2016 09:03 PM

I think a lot of Libertarians weren't really thrilled with Johnson either, as a whole. They definitely weren't happy with his VP candidate.

We'll see what comes forth in the midterms if anything, and next election, for this corner of the political spectrum. I have to believe people will want it to not be Johnson again, but I could see him giving it a 3rd go too.

Severian 11.17.2016 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
trade is a 2 edged sword. West Coast US is doing GREAT with Asian trade, rust belt states, not so. It's a general win, IMO, but then I'm from West Coast US...

Yeah, I'm West Coast turned rust belt. Looks like a fucking disaster to me... from here. I still have family out there, and I'm ALMOST considering moving back, despite having essentially just started a whole new (and pretty sweet) life here over the past 2 years.

Still. Washington and California were SO. BLUE. My friends out there think they feel disenfranchised, but there's barely a Trump supporter among them. Can't believe the things they say on social media. Meanwhile my neighbors want to "bend that cunt over and show her what an automatic weapon is" (Hillary.. and no, I don't know what that means exactly, but it's still disgusting and terrible).

Thinking about staring a blog. "My Redneck Neighbors" where I only lost direct quotes from their fucked up toothles mouths.



(Click for awesome video)

Severian 11.17.2016 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
I think a lot of Libertarians weren't really thrilled with Johnson either, as a whole. They definitely weren't happy with his VP candidate.

We'll see what comes forth in the midterms if anything, and next election, for this corner of the political spectrum. I have to believe people will want it to not be Johnson again, but I could see him giving it a 3rd go too.

I imagine that's because he's really not a libertarian. He's a failed Republican who digs ganja, and thought being a Libertarian would be as easy as being open about how big of a slacker and fuckoff he is. If you ask me, he disrespected the party.

!@#$%! 11.17.2016 09:32 PM

from what i've read he's not going to run again and he'll dedicate himself to fitness

which is apparently what he was doing already when he was governor of new mexico lololol

(i didn't live here yet back then-- but i've read accounts)

anyway, i'd like to see some libertarian mayors... that would be a nice experiment. a bit of the proof of the pudding.

reason has an article on the libertarian mayor of johannesburg. haven't read it yet but wanna.

ilduclo 11.18.2016 10:01 AM

FYI good article on the electoral college here, explanation? looks like slavery protection, you could figure

evollove 11.18.2016 11:22 AM

I haven't really read the past few pages. I still haven't read a single post-election piece.

"Here's why it's almost impossible for Trump to win."


"Okay, here's why Trump won."

I'm done with eggheads, I think.


I often have sexual fantasies about Nikki Hadley. Hope she gets SOS position. Lots of photos for me to jerk off to. I'd do anything to pound that hot Indian cunt. She'd love it too; if not at first, then eventually. (Man, I'm loving the new PC-free America. Thanks Trump.)

!@#$%! 11.18.2016 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
I haven't really read the past few pages. I still haven't read a single post-election piece.

"Here's why it's almost impossible for Trump to win."


"Okay, here's why Trump won."

I'm done with eggheads, I think.


I often have sexual fantasies about Nikki Hadley. Hope she gets SOS position. Lots of photos for me to jerk off to. I'd do anything to pound that hot Indian cunt. She'd love it too; if not at first, then eventually. (Man, I'm loving the new PC-free America. Thanks Trump.)

i always said trump had a chance to win-- or that hillary had a high likelihood of goreing herself. i was only mildly encouraged by the polls but never sure. remember? remember? remember? i did fucking warn everyone and i wasn't shellshocked and i was prepared. so.

anyway-- haaaa haaaaaa @ post-pc word. how was melania?

don't know if that works for me. i feel dirty. i think of her as his victim.

but anyway, sarah palin genitorture fantasies here i cum.



yeah i don't wanna be a hater. the incoming administration is already toxic enough for the whole solar system. i'm not going to be bitter like during bush.

gonna be a fucking difficult exercise, but i'll fight to stay sane.

Severian 11.19.2016 09:47 PM

Ok, so... statistics = awesome. I love statistics.

I've read a number of articles reviewing polling data and turnout rates for both Election Day and the 2016 primary. In fact Thurston has posted a few very straightforward ones on social media.

Based on what I've read, and information gathered from the polling locations I covered on Nov. 8, I think there is sufficient evidence to justify a full scale investigation of the 2016 presidential election results. I don't think anything will come of it, or that any investigation will even take place, but at this point I'm damn near convinced that some tampering took place, particularly in Florida, where Hillary's early voting lead was -- for lack of a better word -- statistically insurmountable. For Trump to have broken even with HRC would (should?) have been a statistical anomaly. For him to beat her? I don't have the actual probability on hand, but ... close to impossible, and certainly would have required an unprecedented Election Day surge from voters in a year where turnouts were low all around. It doesn't add up.

Do I sound nuts here? Is anyone following the (very thin) media coverage of the unprecedented multi-state surge? Even with the Comey incident, Hillary was still overperforming her own projections in early voting while Trump was almost universally underperforming his. The fact that all of this changes just enough to give Trump a lead in virtually every state that "mattered," not to mention the margin by which the states swung (1%, 1%, 1%... that's simply not how data distributes-- if these results were from a college research project, the prof would say "count that shit again") ... it's giving me a nasty pinch in my gut.

Either something is fishy, or I've lost it. Equally likely after the 11 days I've had.

Severian 11.19.2016 09:53 PM

Oh, also. Warren is fucking GUNNING for Trump.

Newsweek: Warren to Romey, "Bring your binders full of women to Trump cabinet..."

I think we may have our 2020 ticket already. And it's gonna be a fucking grudge match. Think Rocky IV, where Rocky trained in seclusion to avenge Apollo Creed after Ivan Drago killed him in the ring. Warren = Rocky. Trump = Drago. 2020 = epic beat down.

tw2113 11.20.2016 04:17 AM

Unconfirmed attribution for this quote, since I came across it on an image search. Claims Josef Stalin said it. Regardless of who, it rings pretty true.

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."

!@#$%! 11.20.2016 09:27 AM

i think the full metal jacket meme actually misses the point of what i said

the rest is interesting and i'll reply later

Severian 11.20.2016 10:35 AM

I'm curious to know whether anyone read my borderline conspiracy theorist tirade about vote count anomalies and the near impossibility of the results as they stand from a statistical perspective.

Do I sound crazy? You can tell me if I sound crazy. In fact please do.

ilduclo 11.20.2016 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I'm curious to know whether anyone read my borderline conspiracy theorist tirade about vote count anomalies and the near impossibility of the results as they stand from a statistical perspective.

Do I sound crazy? You can tell me if I sound crazy. In fact please do.

not really (from a reasonable persons perspective). But you have to understand that the early voting totals were based on party affi. And, there have been some pretty good discussions as to secret Trump voters. So, a lot of the male white Democrats voted Trump (NOT ME!) and a substantial number of the female white Democrats, too. And then there's your "undeclared voters", I think a lot of them went to Trump. Lets face facts, we lost and there's not a lot to blame it on other than a really shitty media and a lot of idiotic voters. Thus the poor polls, too. People are mostly ashamed that they voted for the asshole, that is except the 20% truly deplorables. But they did vote for him and that's our cross to bear for the next 4 years. On the pos side, the ENTIRE CONGRESS is up for election in 2oi8. Lets work to see if we can grab it and the Senate back.....if not, we are voices crying in the wilderness and a minority party for quite a while....:(

!@#$%! 11.20.2016 12:34 PM

im in the middle of watching a shit-funny movie so quickly to reply to the vote tampering suspicions

i think (i feel, more) that if the russians had hacked the vote the government would be compelled to disclaim all claims

because more than this or that or whatever america needs to believe that the system works

if people lost confidence in the system it would be total anarchy

it's kind of like the national debt-- doesn't matter if we can actually pay it or not as long as people have confidence in "the full faith and credit" of the us government

we're ruled by BELIEF

so either way we won't know what really went down


Severian 11.20.2016 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
not really (from a reasonable persons perspective). But you have to understand that the early voting totals were based on party affi. And, there have been some pretty good discussions as to secret Trump voters. So, a lot of the male white Democrats voted Trump (NOT ME!) and a substantial number of the female white Democrats, too. And then there's your "undeclared voters", I think a lot of them went to Trump. Lets face facts, we lost and there's not a lot to blame it on other than a really shitty media and a lot of idiotic voters. Thus the poor polls, too. People are mostly ashamed that they voted for the asshole, that is except the 20% truly deplorables. But they did vote for him and that's our cross to bear for the next 4 years. On the pos side, the ENTIRE CONGRESS is up for election in 2oi8. Lets work to see if we can grab it and the Senate back.....if not, we are voices crying in the wilderness and a minority party for quite a while....:(


2018 is important. Just... incredibly, unspeakably important. This is where our sights need to be set. I agree completely, and I've actually made some good contacts with Democratic Congressional candidates who lost this time around. Who knows? Maybe I'll end up working on a campaign. It's not too far outside the realm of possibility.

But I do think the turnout numbers need to be looked at. A public investigation would be great. Even if it amounted to nothing, it would certainly reveal some unsettling things about the Repugs, and on that front, any amount of public damage is a minor victory.

Also -- turns out some of the links Thurston Moore is sharing are from an openly biased pro-left source that probably can't be trusted. I'm going to stick with actual state voting totals. The cold hard statistics of it, not the editorializing nonsense that is only going to look daffy to any sensible reader.

But I do think something went down in Florida. I can't reconcile the numbers available to me in a way that makes mathematical sense.

Severian 11.20.2016 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
im in the middle of watching a shit-funny movie so quickly to reply to the vote tampering suspicions

i think (i feel, more) that if the russians had hacked the vote the government would be compelled to disclaim all claims

because more than this or that or whatever america needs to believe that the system works

if people lost confidence in the system it would be total anarchy

it's kind of like the national debt-- doesn't matter if we can actually pay it or not as long as people have confidence in "the full faith and credit"
I'm of the us government

we're ruled by BELIEF

so either way we won't know what really went down


I'm not sure Russia is the prime suspect. At least, I'm not even slightly convinced at this point that the discrepancies are due to that kind of tampering.

But I guess if I'm being honest with myself, it's probably better to move on. As I said in that other thread, I'm finally starting to recover from this a bit. I don't think chasing rabbit down holes is going to be particularly productive or healthy for me at this point. :(

I might march in D.C. on Jan. 21 though. Seriously considering it.

!@#$%! 11.20.2016 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I'm not sure Russia is the prime suspect. At least, I'm not even slightly convinced at this point that the discrepancies are due to that kind of tampering.

But I guess if I'm being honest with myself, it's probably better to move on. As I said in that other thread, I'm finally starting to recover from this a bit. I don't think chasing rabbit down holes is going to be particularly productive or healthy for me at this point. :(

I might march in D.C. on Jan. 21 though. Seriously considering it.

go ahead and do it.

the tea party was created in reaction to obama's election and his subsequent pursuit of universal healthcare.

the election of a bigot as commander in chief deserves no less of a reaction.

do you remember the mostly white crowds with rifles on their shoulders flaunting their right to open carry? i do. it wasn't that long ago.

we obviously need a "blue tea party" to come out of this, so go ahead and organize-- just don't do anything stupid like commit and/or incite violence. but yeah, we gotta retake the house in 2018.

the house is more important than the presidency. it writes the laws and controls budget and appropriations. so... yeah. 2018 is crucial. get yo ass movin'.

evollove 11.21.2016 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I might march in D.C. on Jan. 21 though. Seriously considering it.

Crossed my mind too. I haven't thrown an egg in awhile. Should we make it a syg party?

Severian 11.21.2016 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
Crossed my mind too. I haven't thrown an egg in awhile. Should we make it a syg party?

Hm. Maybe we should.

I'm actually not "allowed" to attend unless I make an assignmentnout of it, but I have some vacation lined up and it would only take me a few hours to get there. I'm thinking as long as I can avoid cameras and snitches, it shouldn't be a problem.

Anyone else intetested?

Silver ✴ Rocket 11.22.2016 03:50 AM


tesla69 11.22.2016 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Lets face facts, we lost and there's not a lot to blame it on other than a really shitty media and a lot of idiotic voters.

A lot of people rejected the globalist agenda and this seemed to be a chance to vote against it.

The shitty media has been here for a long time - and it will only get worse. The internet doesn't seem to be helping, and now that the cell phonies do everything on their little phones, the cycle of stupidity keeps getting faster and faster and faster - no longer do you have to wait for the 6:30 evening news, or be sitting in front of a computer, now you'll be walking around getting texts from the Cycle of Stupidity, it just gets faster and faster.

Disparaging the opposition as "idiotic" is its own form of idiocy and arrogance.

and while everyone cries and cries, mercenaries, in service to eminent domain and public land thieves, attack citizens in the dakota.

dead_battery 11.23.2016 01:09 PM

the globalist agenda is a nonsensical conspiracy theory

!@#$%! 11.23.2016 01:25 PM

trump picked a billionaire school-voucher advocate as education secretary

political war will sure ensue, but i wonder if as a result there will be a better match of skills and job offerings in the job market.

"we need an electrician to rig our garage lab"
"we have 5 to choose from, which one do you want? the best?"
"no, we just need one that's good enough but charges less money"
"says will be here tomorrow for a meeting"

the sucky part about being a freelancer is that sometimes people take the fucking liberty of not paying you, or want to squeeze more for less.
writing exercise: syntax
[there's a sucky part about being a freelancer though. sometimes people take liberties with your work. like not paying you. or wanting to take creative control in lieu of making clear what end result they want. yes, syntax alters the path of tough. an now back to our regular programming]

whereas as an employee your check must be paid regularly by force of law.

employee protections are awesome. they give you stability. not sure why stability is good but i guess it helps with predicting the future and shit like that. "20 years from now i will send you to college".

capitalism is built on promises, but some small business people don't always play that way

corporations are more scrupulous--and regular paychecks are great

!@#$%! 11.23.2016 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
The internet doesn't seem to be helping, and now that the cell phonies do everything on their little phones, the cycle of stupidity keeps getting faster and faster and faster - no longer do you have to wait for the 6:30 evening news, or be sitting in front of a computer, now you'll be walking around getting texts from the Cycle of Stupidity, it just gets faster and faster.

this is an old man's failure to learn to use new tools due to stubborness

this is the kind of statement made by someone who wants to take the world back to the 1950s

as if in the 1950s there were no people ranting and raving about the societal ills brought on by radio broadcasts and the interstate highway system (and color tv will make us blind)

but he was born with radio so he knows how to use it

but holy fuck he wasn't born with the internet

in the meantime my old mom & dad have an internet phone, communicate with me via whatsapp, my dad uses gps to drive and my mom is digitizing a massive archive of family pictures which she shares regularly via email

they're not stupid and don't see technology as "evil"

the bad workman blames his tools

ilduclo 11.23.2016 02:39 PM

new Obama overtime rules DOA, enjoy your shiny new right wing "management job"

!@#$%! 11.23.2016 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
new Obama overtime rules DOA, enjoy your shiny new right wing "management job"

oh, right, he had expanded overtime... i had totally forgotten that since it didn't affect me

so what's happening now, specifically, if drumpf rescinds it?


blocked by a judge?

ah ha ha ha. damn. we liberals are a sorry bunch.

so basically everything stays the same

tesla69 11.23.2016 06:47 PM

You can't win using their platform.

You just keep logging into facebook and report in to your Chinese masters.

tesla69 11.23.2016 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
this is an old man's failure to learn to use new tools due to stubborness
this is the kind of statement made by someone who wants to take the world back to the 1950s

I know you're such a big brain about this stuff, but the Cycle of Stupidity really reached an new level of speed during the election, as shown by the spread of 'fake news' through fakebook groups - I may well have posted some of the shit unknowningly as well. I heard about this on NPR, so it must be real. The Cycle of Stupidity is real, get used to it.

!@#$%! 11.23.2016 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I know you're such a big brain about this stuff, but the Cycle of Stupidity really reached an new level of speed during the election, as shown by the spread of 'fake news' through fakebook groups - I may well have posted some of the shit unknowningly as well. I heard about this on NPR, so it must be real. The Cycle of Stupidity is real, get used to it.

you mean that news and rumors travel faster?

that's hardly... news

what are we gonna do about the telegraph, man. that's what i wanna know. i'm not sure i can cope with the transatlantic cable.

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