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!@#$%! 08.31.2016 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Pssh. I almost never watch cartoons usually. ;)

please write more about batman and other kiddie shit like that, but you're sorely unequipped to talk about the great milos forman

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.31.2016 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
please write more about batman and other kiddie shit like that, but you're sorely unequipped to talk about the great milos forman

haha you're cute when you're trolling people. i agree that Forman demands our respect but Amadeus is a boring piece of Eurotrash that is incredibly dated and ages poorly unlike his othet works

evollove 08.31.2016 11:42 AM

I had AMADEUS on VHS when I was, like, 12. Watched it a million times. Re-watched it a year or so ago and still loved it. Fools.

Rob Instigator 08.31.2016 11:48 AM

Rock me amadeus

ilduclo 08.31.2016 12:36 PM

watch the Music Lovers instead, Ken Russell. Richard Chamberlain and Glenda Jackson

d.sound 08.31.2016 02:40 PM

i saw amadeus on netflix. i thought it was alright. square in the middle. well made film, but not a masterpiece.

what's wrong with comedies and cartoons? i like to be amused.

Severian 08.31.2016 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
please write more about batman and other kiddie shit like that, but you're sorely unequipped to talk about the great milos forman

I'm not talking about Milos Forman. I'm talking about a film that he unfortunately directed. An entertaining novelty that doesn't deserve half the praise that's heaped upon it.

You must be joking, you oaf, because you almost sound like a closet classist when you suggest that I — one of the common people who enjoys silly things like... animation — (?) am "not equipped" to talk about Milos Forman. You're gonna have to dig a lot deeper into the social shitpile of humanity to find someone who doesn't know The People Vs. Larry Flynt, Loves of a Blonde, Man on the Moon, or One Flew Over the mother-fucking Cuckoo's Nest, for fuck's sake. Only one of the world's most popular films, that. Do you feel fancy now, you caviar eating pig?

"Not equipped." Jesus Fuck. That was embarrassing for you.

Severian 08.31.2016 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by d.sound
i saw amadeus on netflix. i thought it was alright. square in the middle. well made film, but not a masterpiece.

what's wrong with comedies and cartoons? i like to be amused.

Symbols is pulling a Mr. Hyde on us. He's having a laugh, or, as SFAD put it, trolling, because this is not what he's like.

OR this is what he's like. In which case, I can only conclude that he's a good deal less intelligent than I believed him to be. Also, more of a big fat fucking asshole.

Tip-tip, cheerio Slambang! Enjoy those limo rides! Hopin' I didn't give nu offense to ya, sir!

Severian 08.31.2016 05:29 PM

I need to go backyard wrestle my cousin-brother and all the neighborhood imbeciles now, on account o' we ain't headsmart.

... 'Cause I ain't equipped to talk about fucking Amadeus.

evollove 08.31.2016 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
... 'Cause I ain't equipped to talk about fucking Amadeus.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.31.2016 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Symbols is pulling a Mr. Hyde on us. He's having a laugh, or, as SFAD put it, trolling, because this is not what he's like.

OR this is what he's like. In which case, I can only conclude that he's a good deal less intelligent than I believed him to be. Also, more of a big fat fucking asshole.

Tip-tip, cheerio Slambang! Enjoy those limo rides! Hopin' I didn't give nu offense to ya, sir!

oh good you have a more realistic interpretation of !@#$!, he IS generally more intelligent than that BUT he is always game to get himself way in over his head in a trolling battle.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.31.2016 06:23 PM

couldn't we talk more about Tarantino again?

demonrail666 08.31.2016 07:37 PM



No budget 80s monster movie with Linnea Quigley and a weird scary baby thing at the end. A cross between The Thing and Escape From New York. It should be awful and even by its own standards it sort of is. But I loved it all the same, mainly for the weird scary baby, but also just cos it exists.



The Sand

1st 10 minutes I almost turned this off but I stuck with it and ended up really liking it. I'd have been happy enough if it just fell into the so bad its good category but it's far better than that.



I love Frank Henenlotter and I put this only just behind the 1st Basket Case as my fave of his. To think that Driving Miss Daisy won the Oscar for best film that year.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.31.2016 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666


No budget 80s monster movie with Linnea Quigley and a weird scary baby thing at the end. A cross between The Thing and Escape From New York. It should be awful and even by its own standards it sort of is. But I loved it all the same, mainly for the weird scary baby, but also just cos it exists.



looks like MST3K fodder

Severian 08.31.2016 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
oh good you have a more realistic interpretation of !@#$!, he IS generally more intelligent than that BUT he is always game to get himself way in over his head in a trolling battle.

I don't do troll battles. Unless they're with you. ;)

What !@#$! said irritated me because it was so out of character it was not event believable.. He and I go back a bit. We're "friends." At least, we're as close to such a thing as is possible in a place like this. So I do think I have a realistic interpretarion of the guy, but that shit was a fail. Slambang needs to learn a thing or two about trolling if he's going to troll.

:fuckyou: Slamba-- actually, fuck it, "Slambang" was a term of endearment. So :fuckyou: Symbols Guy.

If'n it pleases m'lord.

Severian 08.31.2016 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
couldn't we talk more about Tarantino again?


Why the hell haven't you watched Django Unchained yet? Now I'm dying to know what you'll think. I've seen it twice and it ranks among my favorites. Christoph Waltz almost outdoes his incredibly Inglorious Basterds performance with his portrayal of Dr. King Schultz. And Leo is no slouch either. Possibly my favorite performance of his.

Watch that shit!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.31.2016 09:42 PM

i just didn't find any interest in it and frankly i just don't enjoy slavery themed flicks, whether slightly comical or soberly serious. i finally dragged myself through Twelve Years a Slave which of course was a masterpiece but i had to resist the urge to put my foot through the tv several times.

Severian 08.31.2016 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
i just didn't find any interest in it and frankly i just don't enjoy slavery themed flicks, whether slightly comical or soberly serious. i finally dragged myself through Twelve Years a Slave which of course was a masterpiece but i had to resist the urge to put my foot through the tv several times.

Yeah, but it's a Tarantino film. You know you're curious. You have to be. Oh wel, do what you want, but the film is more of a gritty revenge flick than a "slavery film." It shares a lot of DNA with Kill Bill. Must watch, I say. Definite must watch.

tw2113 09.01.2016 01:02 AM

I've seen more Tarantino films than I first realized. Both Kill Bill's, Death Proof, and Inglourious Basterds. At first I thought it was just the Bill movies, but I decided to double check his resume.

Nothing before or after those 4.

!@#$%! 09.01.2016 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
What !@#$! said irritated me because it was so out of character it was not event believable..

that's exactly how i felt about your asinine evaluation of a movie that went over your head

i mean you spend countless pages discussing the ins and outs of movies about men in tights, but for a great film adaptation of a great play with the best role ever for f. murray abraham, a fantastic score, spectacular cinematography and an insane period recreation through sets and costumes, and even operas on display, all to serve a mythical-level depiction of envy and jealousy and resentment in the face of genius that has left its mark in the culture---and all you have to say is "blah"?

maybe if mozart wore a gold cape and salieri had radioactive tentacles coming out of his head and they fought over cgi backgrounds you'd offer some analysis

i'm not saying liking it is mandatory, as tastes vary wildly; but to dismiss this huge work so overconfidently betrays massive ignorance for someone who wants to write about film. or, in the words of omar little, come at the king, you best not miss.

demonrail666 09.01.2016 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
looks like MST3K fodder

Creepozoids, definitely, but The Sand kind of transcends it. Not saying it's a masterpiece and it's not trying to be something it isn't but I'd be surprised if its director doesn't land a bigger budget production on the strength of it.

d.sound 09.01.2016 04:45 AM


Severian 09.01.2016 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that's exactly how i felt about your asinine evaluation of a movie that went over your head

i mean you spend countless pages discussing the ins and outs of movies about men in tights, but for a great film adaptation of a great play with the best role ever for f. murray abraham, a fantastic score, spectacular cinematography and an insane period recreation through sets and costumes, and even operas on display, all to serve a mythical-level depiction of envy and jealousy and resentment in the face of genius that has left its mark in the culture---and all you have to say is "blah"?

maybe if mozart wore a gold cape and salieri had radioactive tentacles coming out of his head and they fought over cgi backgrounds you'd offer some analysis

i'm not saying liking it is mandatory, as tastes vary wildly; but to dismiss this huge work so overconfidently betrays massive ignorance for someone who wants to write about film. or, in the words of omar little, come at the king, you best not miss.

You don't have to be a patronizing dick because we disagree about a movie. No, really, you don't. If I've ever done that to you, tell me so I can slap myself for being a bitch.

You know, it's not even that I so strongly dislike the film. As I said, I admire its ambition, its scope. I admire its inherent irony, and the performances in the film. I'm not bandwagon hopping "historical accuracy" Nazi — not in this case anyway — because I think the point of the film and play is not to form a definitive statement of who Mozart truly was, but rather to spin an epic tale about friendship, competition, greed, and a childish refusal to let go of ego-driven grudges. Yes, it's a hell of a spectacle. The film, as a film, is — or has been — unquestionably influencial, and it brings Mozart's work to life in a grand (if a bit, as SFAD said, "eurotrashy" way).

The truth is that the film is simply not enjoyable to me. F. Murray Abraham is wonderful, but Hulce's performance, and much of the garish aesthetic, are migraine-inducing. As a work of film it is enviable in many respects however, and I know that even Hulce's nails-on-chalkboard yelps serve a purpose, but it's goddamn tooth curling all the same.

So if I'm going to be honest, I'd have to say that the film is definitely a monumental achievement, and the elements you mentioned are all points in its favor. Buf it also goes down like cough syrup. Sickeningly sweet and, in the end, narcotizing. Just because it's a big fucking to-do, doesn't mean I have to like it, and not liking it (or anything) does not translate to being "not (intellectually) equipped" to talk about it. If I knew you were going to have a tantrum over my saying it was shit, I would certainly have elaborated. But Christ, you're acting like I said you were shit. A conclusion only a puffed up snob would come to.

But seriously, fuck you for taking the low road and insulting my intelligence simply because I don't jizz my pants over one of the most controversial movies in history. I'm hardly the first person to have qualms with the film.

And you're hardly the first person to sing its praises. It won Best Picture. It's been the subject of countless thesis and dissertation works. It's adored by community college music teachers the world over, so guess what you snobby fuck? You're not going to win any IQ contests by rattling off a bunch of reasons why it's good.

You're better than this. I would like to think of you as an eloquent enough person to be able to disagree with someone without immediately resorting to making fun, patronizing, and implying that they are "not equipped" to talk about a movie that's been dissected and mooned over, and dissected more, and torn to pieces, by everyone and their grandmother over the past 32 years. If you're looking for something to act high and mighty about, I truly feel sorry for you that Amadeus is that thing.

Keep making nasty patronizing references to superheroes, though. We all know that liking "capes and tights" doth a true idiot make. I definitely deserve all your huffy, elevated ire, and this — you're little hissy fit — was clearly the BEST way to tell me that you disagree with me about Amadeus, and don't appreciate my three word evaluation of the film.

Much more effective and civilized than... I don't know... asking me why I don't like the movie. Yes, better to just huck insults first and explain later when confronted with an opposing opinion, hmm?

Again, this has been embarrassing for you.

evollove 09.01.2016 08:13 AM

Has anyone else noticed that there's never been a disagreement on SYG until d.sound showed up?

!@#$%! 09.01.2016 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
You don't have to be a patronizing dick because we disagree about a movie. No, really, you don't. If I've ever done that to you, tell me so I can slap myself for being a bitch.

You know, it's not even that I so strongly dislike the film. As I said, I admire its ambition, its scope. I admire its inherent irony, and the performances in the film. I'm not bandwagon hopping "historical accuracy" Nazi — not in this case anyway — because I think the point of the film and play is not to form a definitive statement of who Mozart truly was, but rather to spin an epic tale about friendship, competition, greed, and a childish refusal to let go of ego-driven grudges. Yes, it's a hell of a spectacle. The film, as a film, is — or has been — unquestionably influencial, and it brings Mozart's work to life in a grand (if a bit, as SFAD said, "eurotrashy" way).

The truth is that the film is simply not enjoyable to me. F. Murray Abraham is wonderful, but Hulce's performance, and much of the garish aesthetic, are migraine-inducing. As a work of film it is enviable in many respects however, and I know that even Hulce's nails-on-chalkboard yelps serve a purpose, but it's goddamn tooth curling all the same.

So if I'm going to be honest, I'd have to say that the film is definitely a monumental achievement, and the elements you mentioned are all points in its favor. Buf it also goes down like cough syrup. Sickeningly sweet and, in the end, narcotizing. Just because it's a big fucking to-do, doesn't mean I have to like it, and not liking it (or anything) does not translate to being "not (intellectually) equipped" to talk about it. If I knew you were going to have a tantrum over my saying it was shit, I would certainly have elaborated. But Christ, you're acting like I said you were shit. A conclusion only a puffed up snob would come to.

But seriously, fuck you for taking the low road and insulting my intelligence simply because I don't jizz my pants over one of the most controversial movies in history. I'm hardly the first person to have qualms with the film.

And you're hardly the first person to sing its praises. It won Best Picture. It's been the subject of countless thesis and dissertation works. It's adored by community college music teachers the world over, so guess what you snobby fuck? You're not going to win any IQ contests by rattling off a bunch of reasons why it's good.

You're better than this. I would like to think of you as an eloquent enough person to be able to disagree with someone without immediately resorting to making fun, patronizing, and implying that they are "not equipped" to talk about a movie that's been dissected and mooned over, and dissected more, and torn to pieces, by everyone and their grandmother over the past 32 years. If you're looking for something to act high and mighty about, I truly feel sorry for you that Amadeus is that thing.

Keep making nasty patronizing references to superheroes, though. We all know that liking "capes and tights" doth a true idiot make. I definitely deserve all your huffy, elevated ire, and this — you're little hissy fit — was clearly the BEST way to tell me that you disagree with me about Amadeus, and don't appreciate my three word evaluation of the film.

Much more effective and civilized than... I don't know... asking me why I don't like the movie. Yes, better to just huck insults first and explain later when confronted with an opposing opinion, hmm?

Again, this has been embarrassing for you.

what a shit comment. i applaud the ambition, but fuck that noise.


Originally Posted by evollove
Has anyone else noticed that there's never been a disagreement on SYG until d.sound showed up?

i know! we were all little lambs until just the other day


Originally Posted by demonrail666


I love Frank Henenlotter and I put this only just behind the 1st Basket Case as my fave of his. To think that Driving Miss Daisy won the Oscar for best film that year.

This i neeed to watch

Severian 09.01.2016 08:42 AM

Wow. You are really being a massive prick right now.

Thought you wanted a discussion, professor. Guess you just wanted to sling insults and pull a bait and switch. A hypocrite twice over. Well done. You must feel very proud.

Severian 09.01.2016 08:45 AM

I feel so put-in-my-place now. I will never deign to offer a casual opinion of anything ever, now that the better class has taught me that it's not proper.

confusion is next 09.01.2016 08:56 AM


!@#$%! 09.01.2016 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Wow. You are really being a massive prick right now.

Thought you wanted a discussion, professor. Guess you just wanted to sling insults and pull a bait and switch. A hypocrite twice over. Well done. You must feel very proud.

i just recycled your words to close the loop! these ones:


Originally Posted by Severian
What a shit film. I applaud the ambition, but fuck that noise.

...which i thought was kind of hilarious, actually. well, to me, anyway.

i get that perspectives vary though, so i don't expect anybody else to laugh, but i thought it worked on a kind of meta-level, as a demonstration instead of an explanation.

i know i often miss the mark, but i aim for concision.

Severian 09.01.2016 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i just recycled your words to close the loop! these ones:

...which i thought was kind of hilarious, actually. well, to me, anyway.

i get that perspectives vary though, so i don't expect anybody else to laugh, but i thought it worked on a kind of meta-level, as a demonstration instead of an explanation.

i know i often miss the mark, but i aim for concision.

Jesus Christ! You think I needed that to be explained to me? Think I forgot what I said? That I wouldn't "get" your "joke"?
My god. You've never been this insulting or condescending to anyone — not that I've seen, anyway — certainly not me. Did some fool hack your account? Am I talking to Genteel Death here?

Well, you've cleared up the *mysteries* surrounding your last super meta post, and put it into words my infantile mind may be able to someday wrap itself around, but there's still the matter of your acting like a highly reactive, superior snob. It would be just great if you'd address that, maybe even apologize for very clearly trying to hurt my feelings because I casually expressed an opinion about a film.

Had I known that the feature film Amadeus was in fact your mother, I would have never called it a shamelss whore.

(Did you get that? Probably not because, being the kind of asshole who calls people stupid for not sharing my taste in movies, I assume that people are fucking idiots who don't understand things, so I'll break it down for you:
What I meant was that I wouldn't have called the film shit if I thought someone would react like such a fucking asshole about it.)

Severian 09.01.2016 09:53 AM

My feelings are fine, by the way. I don't feel bad or embarrassed about having committed the sin of liking Batman.

You should probably feel a little bad, and very embarrassed, however. Especially after taking me to task for being a classist. It's a special kind of low when you use what you know about someone to deliberately attempt to hurt them when they've done nothing to warrant such a personal attack.
This has been quite pathetic. Really.

deflinus 09.01.2016 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by confusion is next

yoo that shit was funny

Severian 09.01.2016 10:30 AM

I've heard some good things about this horror/suspense flick, Don't Breathe. Anyone seen it? Care to share any thoughts?


!@#$%! 09.01.2016 11:07 AM

jeezus, i didn't expect that criticizing an asinine opinion you have about something you understand so poorly would cause you to shit your pants

i can't read all of the the long-winded retorts, and replying to them would take days and just invite more--hopeless

yes yes, i'm an asshole. also i'm sorely unequipped for a lot of things i know nothing about. who knew i wasn't perfect! watch me collapse now in despair, my ego wounded out of its narcissistic bubble

confusion is next 09.01.2016 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by deflinus
yoo that shit was funny

my daughter subscribe that. ahaha yeah good for sundays morning.

Severian 09.01.2016 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
jeezus, i didn't expect that criticizing an asinine opinion you have about something you understand so poorly would cause you to shit your pants

i can't read all of the the long-winded retorts, and replying to them would take days and just invite more--hopeless

yes yes, i'm an asshole. also i'm sorely unequipped for a lot of things i know nothing about. who knew i wasn't perfect! watch me collapse now in despair, my ego wounded out of its narcissistic bubble

It's not an asinine opinion, it's just a different one.
But you didn't didn't criticize my opinion, you criticized me. Personally. And you you continue to insist that this film is somehow beyond my ability to understand, which is extremely insulting.

At least when I fucked up and said something that you construed as being "classist" I did everything I could to clarify, and I reflected on what I'd said and apologized. If you read my long-winded retorts, you'd understand that that's what I expect from you. You should consider reading things before you decide that replying to them would be "hopeless."

You're smart enough to know exactly how you're being offensive, dismissive and insulting. Don't pretend to be surprised that I reacted to your called my intelligence into question. If you're going to start shit, you should at least see it through.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.01.2016 12:08 PM

severian you should have known !@#$! is a rebel..

Severian 09.01.2016 12:11 PM

And for the love of God, stop acting as though Amadeus is some kind of conplex, misunderstood masterpiece. It's literally one of the most well known films of all time. It's hilarious that you would get huffy and snobby about THAT Milos Forman film.

I don't even actually think you know or care what the fuck you're talking about. The mere suggestion that Amadeus is beyond anyone's comprehension says more about your own apparently VERY limited ideas about what complexity is than any of your professorial posturing. You're like a kid in a dorm room preaching about the complexity of Avatar.

Severian 09.01.2016 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
severian you should have known !@#$! is a rebel..

I'm actually disappointed. Not offended, or hurt, or mad that someone wants to troll me and then slink away, offering nothing to the conversation but repeated implications about my apparent stupidity...

But I'm disappointed that !@#$! — the artist formerly known as Slambang — is the one doing it.
[comment removed]

!@#$%! 09.01.2016 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I'm actually disappointed. Not offended, or hurt, or mad that someone wants to troll me and then slink away, offering nothing to the conversation but repeated implications about my apparent stupidity...

But I'm disappointed that !@#$! — the artist formerly known as Slambang — is the one doing it. This is a guy I spoke openly with about-------------------. So yeah... disappointed.

jeezus fucking christ man, now you're being a next-level donkey

what does your asinine opinion on a film have to do with a major life crisis?

it's like--- those two things are equivalent to you?

now i really believe you're acting like a proper dunce

someone though you said something stupid

it's gotta be the end of the world. because it's gotta. the end. of the world. i mean. how can it be. that they think that. major crimes. your image.

i'm sorely unequipped to say this in a different way, but i think you're being narcissistic and hysterical

and that's exactly why i can't argue this out with you


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