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pepper_green 04.12.2016 09:49 PM

no, I hope you don't die I just want you know what a disappointing slave Sanders is. fuck him!!! democrate Nixon mouth full of justice and drug health control and, educational bullshite slobber!!!

dude is a fake dreamer who'll ruin americans. he's no different than the other candidates.

he'll say what about all those black boys getting hit in the head by the police and scream racist while eating his boyfriends ass out because he's a fake liberal jew jerk off cum suck.:fuckyou:

The Soup Nazi 04.26.2016 09:04 PM

Shit can always get worse:

Carly Fiorina is submitting tax returns to Cruz for VP vetting

The Soup Nazi 04.27.2016 02:53 PM

Fatfuck Christie's wife rolls her eyes at Trump's "woman card" comment:


tesla69 04.28.2016 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Natural gas (methane) IS a fossil fuel; it comes from decaying living matter. Farts are largely methane.

I was trying to make a split between the alleged "good for global warming" natural gas and the "evil" coal and petroleum.
Hillary's team is sticking with the narrative natural gas = good even though the science seems to show the industry is worse for the earth than petroleum.

"A 2012 study found that natural gas power generation can achieve immediate climate benefits over coal if leakage rates in the natural gas supply chain are kept below approximately 3.2 percent."
This is why we never hear about pollution anymore. Pollution is not a problem. In fact, if its under 3.2% leakage for the entire industry its GOOD.

Trump picking Christie would be a bad move. America does not trust or like Christie. See how his team took retribution against Fort Lee, NJ, because their mayor did not get on her knees before Christie. However, looking at Trump's mob connections through his construction work, it might make sense he would connect with a corruptocrat like Christie.

The Soup Nazi 04.28.2016 04:13 PM

Fareed Zakaria on Drumpf's dismal wretched putrid "foreign policy":

The Soup Nazi 04.29.2016 06:58 PM

A Satanist Explains Why Ted Cruz Is Not, in Fact, Lucifer

The Soup Nazi 05.01.2016 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Fareed Zakaria on Drumpf's dismal wretched putrid "foreign policy":

FZ's Washington Post column on this (rightly called) "embarrassment":


After Donald Trump's "major" foreign policy address, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), said that he was very impressed, extolling "the broadness, the vision" of the speech. The Wall Street Journal said it was "serious." The National Interest's Jacob Heilbrunn opined that the candidate was "more restrained." Clearly we now consider it a wonder of sorts that Trump can spend 40 minutes in front of cameras and avoid vulgarity, refrain from bigotry and read from a teleprompter.

The speech Wednesday was, in fact, an embarrassment — a meandering collection of slogans that were mostly pablum: "We must make America strong again"; "Our goal is peace and prosperity."

It did not contain his most absurd and unworkable proposals — building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, stopping people from sending money to relatives in Mexico, banning all Muslims from entering the United States and implementing a 45 percent tariff on Chinese goods. So it was an improvement, I suppose.

The most striking aspect of the speech was its repeated contradictions. "We will spend what we need to rebuild our military," Trump promised (although Washington already spends more than the next seven countries put together). But almost in the same breath, he talked about pinching pennies because of the crippling national debt. Trump opposes humanitarian interventions but implied that we should have intervened to help embattled Christians in the Middle East.

Trump put the United States' closest allies on notice that if they don't pay their fair share on defense — a complaint that Washington has made for at least four decades — he would end U.S. security guarantees to them. "We have no choice," he exclaimed. Then, he said that he would be a close and reliable ally. He promised to be "consistent" and yet "unpredictable." Is your head spinning yet?

Trump's speech was mostly populist pandering masquerading as a strategy. But one theme emerged: Donald Trump is a Jacksonian. In his book Special Providence, Walter Russell Mead explains that Andrew Jackson represented a distinctly populist style of American thinking that is quite different from the country's other major ideological traditions. It is anti-immigrant and nativist, economically liberal and populist. In foreign policy, it is largely isolationist but, if and when engaged abroad, militaristic and unilateral. In trade, it is protectionist, and on all matters, deeply suspicious of international alliances and global conventions.

The Jacksonian tradition quite neatly describes Trump's foreign policy — though one has to add the narcissism that pervades every aspect of the candidate's worldview. ("I'm the only one — believe me, I know them all — I'm the only one who knows how to fix it.") Jacksonians are exasperated not by enemies but by allies. They want to either abandon the world or utterly dominate it. What is deeply exasperating — in fact, intolerable — for them is engaging with the world and working with other countries to achieve incremental progress, manage conflicts and solve problems. Unfortunately, that happens to be what the bulk of foreign policy actually looks like.

If we want to defeat the Islamic State, for example, what is going to make that possible is complicated. It will be a series of military moves that wrest control of its territory, political and economic efforts to help local Sunni forces who can hold the land and provide effective government to the people, and intense diplomatic work with countries in the region to ensure that they will support this process rather than disrupt it.

But Trump has a better idea, a secret plan that will zap the group into oblivion. He won't tell them — or us — what it is or when it will happen.

In 1993, scholar-senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote an essay titled, Defining Deviancy Down. In it, he explained that American society was quietly accepting as normal behavior what would be considered "abnormal by any earlier standard." Welcome to the Trump campaign, of which his speech on foreign policy was only the most recent example.

tw2113 05.01.2016 04:14 PM

I think it's cruel to compare Lucifer to Cruz.

The Soup Nazi 05.01.2016 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
I think it's cruel to compare Lucifer to Cruz.

Cruel to Lucifer, I assume.

Oh man, those Boehner comments were sheer comedy gold. If THAT fascist pig says Cruz is "Lucifer in the flesh" and "the most miserable son of a bitch he's ever worked with", can you imagine how UNFATHOMABLY EVIL the dishonorable Texas senator is? No wonder Bill Maher called him "diabolical"...

evollove 05.02.2016 02:52 PM

How bad would a Trump presidency be? I mean, really?

"He'll build a wall." Think he'll keep any campaign promises? Ha. Others haven't, and they were made of stronger moral fiber, so why would he?

So, taking away his big talking points, how can we predict what would actually happen? I'm drawing a blank. Might not be that bad. I mean, not end-of-the-world bad. Just a bunch of eh and blah perhaps.

pepper_green 05.03.2016 07:23 PM

^^ hehe! ha! he! ahum *cough* hummm! mmmm...


cuse me....*clears throat*. ahum! mmmm damn!

pepper_green 05.03.2016 07:33 PM

carry on carry on. carry on my wayward son. there'll be peace when you are done.

shiet!! was thinking to myself I minus well get fuked up tonight!! da hell!! buy a pack of smokes and another six pack?

hell wit it!

Ill be darn dose darn cows getting out tonight. me and the wife are hitting the sack. don't cum nockin' if it's rockin'. boi I tell ya.

tesla69 05.03.2016 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
How bad would a Trump presidency be? I mean, really?

"He'll build a wall." Think he'll keep any campaign promises? Ha. Others haven't, and they were made of stronger moral fiber, so why would he?

So, taking away his big talking points, how can we predict what would actually happen? I'm drawing a blank. Might not be that bad. I mean, not end-of-the-world bad. Just a bunch of eh and blah perhaps.

He can only do so much as President. At some point the Joint Chiefs will take him aside and show him photos of his daughter and grandchild asleep.

tw2113 05.03.2016 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Cruel to Lucifer, I assume.

Correct. What did he do to get compared to Cruz? :D

tesla69 05.04.2016 10:44 AM

I think we are in a very very bad situation. Clinton is supposed to the the alternative to this:

Were one to assume that Las Vegas gambling boss Sheldon Adelson, is “organized crime,” Adelson being the primary financier of the Republican Party, then the current election might well come into focus.

In 1991, Trump was found guilty of conspiring with union officials to hire the Polish workers who were in the United States illegally in order to avoid paying union pension and welfare-fund contributions. During the trial, Trump — who constantly brags about his superior management skills — blameshifted the hiring of the illegals onto underlings. The judge found him guilty nonetheless and imposed a $1 million fine.
According to one noted mob expert, the reason the other candidates won’t expose Trump’s mob ties is that they all equally mobbed up. Exposing him would expose them all.

ilduclo 05.04.2016 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
How bad would a Trump presidency be? I mean, really?

I think he'd be pretty much the most corrupt since Nixon. Also probably really inept. Handlers will make a big part of his admin, and I'd expect to see Elliott Abrams types in there heavily, which would be really bad for foreign policies. I think of him more as a Berlusconi type than any other leader. I'd also figure the economy would tank, but that's a Republican SOP anyways......I'm sure he'd be better than Shrub, but that's a real high bar

evollove 05.04.2016 11:29 AM

What would be Trump's first act as President?

("Would" because "will" isn't the least bit accurate.)

tesla69 05.04.2016 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
. I'd also figure the economy would tank, but that's a Republican SOP anyways.....r

Ha! and of course he could blame it on, probably correctly, on Federal Reserve policies he inherited. the volk will blame it on Obama. More surveillance will be rolled out. More photos of other people's children sleeping will be taken and delivered.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.04.2016 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Kasich suspends campaign, leaving Trump the last Republican standing!

So GOP is officially throwing in the towel to soccer sensation Hillary?

Now while I'm sure that they believe this is just a year to build their base for 2018 but i don't believe they are calculating the negative effect of a Trump campaign. I predict a lot of Republicans might abandon the party and at the least decline in voter enthusiasm and so limit turn out in 2018. Trump can't win the election but GOP has A LOT more to lose than just one election. This could be a major turning point like Reconstruction or the Progressive era when political allegiances and parties were radically changed

The Soup Nazi 05.04.2016 06:39 PM

This thread's title: Is Trump really a serious contender for the Republican nomination?


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

We all mispredict shit, don't we, S-K brother.

The Soup Nazi 05.04.2016 09:31 PM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.05.2016 12:09 AM

Haha true dat but suicide is by definition an irrational and so unpredictable event

evollove 05.05.2016 06:03 AM

Such an unprecedented, irrational process so far, I wouldn't even bother to predict that it will be Hillary vs trump. A year from today we might be debating about president tom hanks' foreign policy.

tesla69 05.07.2016 08:18 AM

So much for Trump being an "outsider"
Donald J. Trump, turning his attention to the general election, has begun quietly reaching out to key elements of the Republican establishment as he seeks to unite the party behind his candidacy

So much for not taking bribes/donations, funding his own campaign

Facing a prospective tab of more than $1 billion to finance a general-election run for the White House, Donald Trump reversed course Wednesday and said he would actively raise money to ensure his campaign has the resources to compete with Hillary Clinton’s fundraising juggernaut.

Hey any news about any of the khardasians and their fat asses?

Drjohnrock 05.07.2016 09:59 PM

Kim's going to be Trump's VP pick. Can't you see them onstage together at the GOP convention? Trump: "Doesn't she have a fine looking ass?"

tesla69 05.08.2016 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
Kim's going to be Trump's VP pick. Can't you see them onstage together at the GOP convention? Trump: "Doesn't she have a fine looking ass?"

It make more sense in bizarro world than should ever be considerable. Then Trump could parade Bruce Jenner around "Look, I'm good with LGBTGIF stuff" <everyone on camera laughs at his hilarious and brilliant pun> The whole campaign could then be the perfect "reality" show. Hillary supporters will be forced to wear pink shirts and then marched into the canyons and shot, like in the Turner Diaries.

The Soup Nazi 05.10.2016 07:35 PM

You gotta be fucking kidding me:

Heidi Cruz Likens Husband's Campaign to Efforts to End Slavery

And here's the kicker:


Think that slavery — it took 25 years to defeat slavery. That is a lot longer than four years.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.10.2016 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Such an unprecedented, irrational process so far, I wouldn't even bother to predict that it will be Hillary vs trump. A year from today we might be debating about president tom hanks' foreign policy.

I'd take Tom Hanks over all the other clowns from past two elections

Drjohnrock 05.10.2016 08:48 PM

I don't know what kind of weed Heidi was smoking but I want some.

What infuriates me more than anything about this Drump bullshit is the role of the media in his rise to the top of the GOP shit heap. No tough questions. No pressing him to explain how he's going to keep his idiotic promises. How is he going to renegotiate trade agreements? Yell and pull a hissy hit? What leverage exists to get other nations to renegotiate? How are you going to get a Mexican wall bill through Congress? How are you going to pay for it? How about a lot of tough questions about how he bled his casinos dry and then misused the bankruptcy laws to screw the employees? How does licensing your name, which is like a celebrity endorsement, show great business acumen and the ability to create jobs? OK, I'll stop or I'll be typing all night. All the fucking media has done is play a major role in elevating the shithead with their incessant focus on his celebrity. And Trump aside, no serious look at any of the issues in general. Just a lot of infotainment crap. Maybe things were better in a way back when there were three networks and their news departments were seen not as profit generators but as part of their responsibility in return for the privilege of being able to use the airwaves. I'm so fucking disgusted. And to think I actually considered a career in journalism when I was younger. Thank God I didn't go that route.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.10.2016 09:43 PM

I made this one earlier


evollove 05.11.2016 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I'd take Tom Hanks over all the other clowns from past two elections

I was joking until I thought about it more and decided that Hanks would indeed by a very fine Chief Executive. He'd win in a landslide and his easy charm would win over opposition in Congress and melt the hearts of America's staunchest enemies. Seriously, I'm writing him in.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.11.2016 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I'd take Tom Hanks over all the other clowns from past two elections


ilduclo 05.11.2016 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

that punch and elbow to the face did some brain damage?

tesla69 05.12.2016 08:49 AM

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. – William Casey, Ronald Reagan’s first CIA Director (from Casey’s first staff meeting, 1981)

and here are...

The Soup Nazi 05.13.2016 07:35 PM

10 things you need to know about Trump's racist ex-butler who threatened Obama on Facebook

greenlight 05.14.2016 01:02 AM

guys I do not want to get involved in political debate in this thread, but you should definitely check out this youtube channel (talking about trump and the rest of runners).

so funny. those vids. always lift my mood.

evollove 05.14.2016 09:07 AM

Eh. I prefer Jon Stewart's truth bombs during this recent one-on-one with David Axelrod.

LifeDistortion 05.15.2016 10:57 AM

When the general election comes around and you think, "Well I'm no Hillary fan but she's better than Trump remember this story.

After this and a number of instances like this I don't think I can justify voting for Hillary Clinton even to prevent a Trump presidency. The DNC have been outlandishly corrupt in order to ensure their candidate wins, and they aren't going to risk losing causing the youth vote have voted for someone else, like they did Obama. Hillary wants to be president so bad, she'll do it any means necessary.

Drjohnrock 05.15.2016 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
When the general election comes around and you think, "Well I'm no Hillary fan but she's better than Trump remember this story.

After this and a number of instances like this I don't think I can justify voting for Hillary Clinton even to prevent a Trump presidency. The DNC have been outlandishly corrupt in order to ensure their candidate wins, and they aren't going to risk losing causing the youth vote have voted for someone else, like they did Obama. Hillary wants to be president so bad, she'll do it any means necessary.

Without getting into the "outlandishly corrupt" claim, a lot of Democratic leaders have long memories. They recall George McGovern getting trounced in 1972--and Sanders is even further to the left than McGovern was. Sanders is a lot like Trump, come to think of it. Trump didn't identify himself as a Republican until this election cycle, just like Sanders hasn't identified himself as a Democrat until this election cycle. Sanders, like Trump, complains constantly about party rules in every state and in the DNC, many of which have been in place for decades. Why wasn't he trying to change them before now? I think he's every bit as phony as Trump. But if you want to keep your moral and ideological purity and not try to help prevent the absolute catastrophe of a Trump presidency, be my guest. Feel proud of yourself while Trump starts World War III and you're about to get blown to pieces.

LifeDistortion 05.15.2016 09:35 PM

Well when Trump gets to be president the Democrats in congress can just pull the same moves the Republicans do. Shut down the government, every time a bill comes to the house filibuster it. This argument that Trump is going to be able to do all this terrible shit, that's only if the democrats in congress allow him to, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

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