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louder 05.15.2016 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
You're young louder? Good for you, man!

I was gonna say, who among us is not at least starting to approach middle age? Seriously... If you remember Nirvana and Tim Burton's Batman and the fucking George H.W. Bush administration, you're pushing 40. Radiohead is "for" anyone who likes them, but their core audience is late '30s by now.

They're doing a damn site better than Pink Floyd circa the fucking Division Bell, I'll tell you that much. Because I remember that shitty album, 'cause I'm fucking ancient. ;)

In my mid 20's now. Still got my whole life ahead of me, huh? LOL.

louder 05.15.2016 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I feel a little bad about dissing Black Star. I used to love that song... back when I loved, like, "Mayonnaise" by Smashing Pumpkins. The Bends was one of my favorite records for years and years. I even preferred it to OK Computer for a while.

Man that's another song I LOVED back when I thought Radiohead was the hottest thing since sliced bread.

Severian 05.15.2016 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by louder
In my mid 20's now. Still got my whole life ahead of me, huh? LOL.

What the fuck?! I thought you were a thirty-(mumble-mumble) like NR and SFAD and my wrinkly white ass. !!!

This is kinda weird, man. Do you remember when Midnight Marauders and 36 Chambers dropped? Do you remember Ross Perot? Tupac and Biggie's deaths? Please tell me you remember Pac and Big.

I took comfort in the illusion that I was among other old farts here. You're rocking my world, bro.

Still, major (and I mean MAJOR) props to you for being less than 30 and having any appreciation at all for Tribe, Wu, Jay, Sonic Youth, and so on. Like, insane props. I work with a couple of 22-24 year olds, and they don't know SHIT about SHIT.

You are the man/boy, louder! Seriously.

Severian 05.15.2016 08:45 PM

Ok! I want to do a top ten Radiohead song thing to keep this thread from eating itself alive. WHO'S IN?!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.15.2016 09:49 PM

I told you this record is just one extended track. there are no better or worse, it is a composition

Severian 05.15.2016 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I told you this record is just one extended track. there are no better or worse, it is a composition

Ok, first of all, I'm talking about career spanning top ten lists.

Second, it's actually not one extended track. If it was, it would, y'know, be one track. It's 11 tracks. You think it's supposed to all flow together? That's what albums do. It's an album, made up of 11 tracks, no matter how well you think they work together.

And third, if it was one track, and I was only asking only about this album, there are still moments that people prefer to other moments. Jesus heavenly Christ you're difficult man.

But I'm pretty sure you could throw together a list of your top ten Radiohead songs, without compromising your unwavering belief about this album just being one giant song (which it isn't.)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.16.2016 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Ok, first of all, I'm talking about career spanning top ten lists.

Second, it's actually not one extended track. If it was, it would, y'know, be one track. It's 11 tracks. You think it's supposed to all flow together? That's what albums do. It's an album, made up of 11 tracks, no matter how well you think they work together.

And third, if it was one track, and I was only asking only about this album, there are still moments that people prefer to other moments. Jesus heavenly Christ you're difficult man.

But I'm pretty sure you could throw together a list of your top ten Radiohead songs, without compromising your unwavering belief about this album just being one giant song (which it isn't.)

I'm not being difficult just honest. you didn't say top ten radiohead songs, I thought you meant rank this album. Like i said, I just can't do that. It isn't personal its just how I feel right now. Are there moments I like more than others? Maybe, but that changes all the time. Right now I am enjoying the transition between the first two tracks and that transition you didn't like around "I'm just getting off the train.."

and please don't blaspheme its unnecessary

Severian 05.16.2016 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I'm not being difficult just honest. you didn't say top ten radiohead songs, I thought you meant rank this album. Like i said, I just can't do that. It isn't personal its just how I feel right now. Are there moments I like more than others? Maybe, but that changes all the time. Right now I am enjoying the transition between the first two tracks and that transition you didn't like around "I'm just getting off the train.."

and please don't blaspheme its unnecessary

What, the "Jesus Heavenly Christ" thing? I don't actually see that as blasphemous. It's more like an appeal to Mr. C to help guide me through the insanely difficult experience of communicating with you ;)

I called him "heavenly" after all, when traditionally he's supposed to be an earthy manifestation. Anyway...

How's about talking about our favorite Radiohead songs?

Severian 05.16.2016 10:39 AM

Isn't your religion derived from Zorastrianism, which predates Christianity by, like, hella?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.16.2016 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
What, the "Jesus Heavenly Christ" thing? I don't actually see that as blasphemous. It's more like an appeal to Mr. C to help guide me through the insanely difficult experience of communicating with you ;)

I called him "heavenly" after all, when traditionally he's supposed to be an earthy manifestation. Anyway...

How's about talking about our favorite Radiohead songs?

Ok ill take that.. i don't usually badger people about it BUT we're friends and it was directed at me..

And why would i be a Zoroastrian? I'm an Orthodox Christian, doesn't get any more integrally Christian than that!


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.16.2016 01:04 PM

My all time fav radiohead songs?

In no order

There There
2 + 2= 5
National Anthem
Pyramid Song
15 Step
Videotape (live version circa 2006)
Weird Fishes
Give Up The Ghost

dead_battery 05.16.2016 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
is ed sheeran in this band? i saw the video for daydreaming, they have some aging tramp wandering around for no reason, it's utterly shit. is it supposed to be like a comment on the alienated yet fragile state of contemporary man as he is reduced to a silent spectator under the regime of digital capitalism? i don't know what radiohead where trying to say with this, maybe trying to make themselves look like authentic arty proles rather than the upper class oxford snobs they are. sneering alterna rock posh kids from oxford, the post modern equivalent of 19th century borgeious 'let them eat cake' snobs. do you know how thom yorke is actually pronounced? it's pronounced "th-om yor-ke'" (the e has an umlaut but my keyboard can't do it).

also you have to hate these fucking cunts for the jizzspolsion the press had when they released some crappy late era album as a pay what you want stream. like they were the first to do that. sorry. nothing this band have done has been any good since "origin of symmetry".

this "burn the witch" song, supposed to be some radical comment on the mob mentality, that's great coming from a bunch of lords in their shire mansions which is what radiohead are. th-om yorke was just a late 90's fashion model that got big because of that trend where they used semi-deformed and retarded people in high end brand name advertisizing campaigns because it was so 'avant'. look at how he has let himself go these days, he looks like he should be begging money for cider out of a sleeping bag. also, in this burn the witch video they burn a lot of wood - i thought th-ome was going to save us all by nagging us about our carbon footprint and not having any logos at his gigs? do you think th-omes' maid thinks he's a tortured genius when she's dusting his grimy cider stained sheets? please tell me how that face and that haircut don't have "just stabbed my community practice nurse with a plastic fork and now i'm off to rob the off licence before they catch me" written all over it.

in conclusion i will pay whatever i chose which is zero to not have to have any of this bands stuff on my hard drive, taking up precious bits which could be better put to use emitting c02. i give this 2 gifs of morose thome yorke banging a single midi keyboard note over and over and making a million pounds then sending his assistant out to buy warp records entire catalogue to find new ideas now that they've used up all the pixies riffs out of 10.

i stand by this thome yokre should be fired

Severian 05.16.2016 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Ok ill take that.. i don't usually badger people about it BUT we're friends and it was directed at me..

And why would i be a Zoroastrian? I'm an Orthodox Christian, doesn't get any more integrally Christian than that!


Pardon me... I thought you were an -- errm, how to put this sensitively -- an "Iron Lion of Zion," so to speak, or some variation thereof.

For a guy with a minor in religious philosophy, I actually don't know much about the Eastern Orthodox Church. Didn't come up much in college.

Forgive me for my ignorance. I promise I'm not trying in any way to be offensive with this post... rather, I'm trying to pad my ignorance with humour that I hope is at least passingly sensitive.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.16.2016 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Pardon me... I thought you were an -- errm, how to put this sensitively -- an "Iron Lion of Zion," so to speak, or some variation thereof.

For a guy with a minor in religious philosophy, I actually don't know much about the Eastern Orthodox Church. Didn't come up much in college.

Forgive me for my ignorance. I promise I'm not trying in any way to be offensive with this post... rather, I'm trying to pad my ignorance with humour that I hope is at least passingly sensitive.

Forgive my lack of clarity. I'm and also Rastafari. I joined the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church ten years ago as well. HIM Haile Selassie sent the Tewahedo Church to the Caribbean in the 1950s, i have become part of that legacy. In Rastafari there are essentially four mansions: nyahbinghi theocratic order, Bobo Congress, Twelve Tribes, and Orthodox.

Severian 05.16.2016 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Forgive my lack of clarity. I'm and also Rastafari. I joined the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church ten years ago as well. HIM Haile Selassie sent the Tewahedo Church to the Caribbean in the 1950s, i have become part of that legacy. In Rastafari there are essentially four mansions: nyahbinghi theocratic order, Bobo Congress, Twelve Tribes, and Orthodox.

Yeah, see... we didn't cover a lot of that when I was an undergrad. It was mostly, you know, Siddhartha n' shit.

Severian 05.16.2016 08:53 PM

Ok, my favorite Radiohead album cuts are:

10. High and Dry
9. I Might Be Wrong
8. Airbag
7. Karma Police
6. National Anthem
5. kid a
4. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
3. Idioteque
2. There There
1. Myxomatosis

Factoring in b-sides and unreleased tracks is just too massive of an undertaking. It would require me to dig deep into my collection and into my memory. It would be a gargantuan waste of time.

Not prepared to put anything from A Moon Shaped Pool in the top 10 yet, though Ful Stop and Burn the Witch are really worming their way into my brain.

But basically, it's There There and Myxo. Those songs are peak Radiohead.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.16.2016 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Yeah, see... we didn't cover a lot of that when I was an undergrad. It was mostly, you know, Siddhartha n' shit.

Well to be fair you have to dig really hard to find anything from the key words i mentioned and i know this because for my directed readings programs and a few immigrants and cultural diversity courses i did the research. Lets call it in oral history.

louder 05.17.2016 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
What the fuck?! I thought you were a thirty-(mumble-mumble) like NR and SFAD and my wrinkly white ass. !!!

This is kinda weird, man. Do you remember when Midnight Marauders and 36 Chambers dropped? Do you remember Ross Perot? Tupac and Biggie's deaths? Please tell me you remember Pac and Big.

I took comfort in the illusion that I was among other old farts here. You're rocking my world, bro.

Still, major (and I mean MAJOR) props to you for being less than 30 and having any appreciation at all for Tribe, Wu, Jay, Sonic Youth, and so on. Like, insane props. I work with a couple of 22-24 year olds, and they don't know SHIT about SHIT.

You are the man/boy, louder! Seriously.

Thanks man. :) I'm young but I have a bit of an "older" soul in me, I guess..

Peterpuff 05.17.2016 08:44 AM

Quick-pick list spanning most of there main releases. No real order other than chronologically as I quickly went through the albums. (although Street Spirit will probably always be the top of my list for the importance it holds on my getting into Radiohead in the first place)

Street Spirit
Paranoid Android
Let Down
Everything In It’s Right Place
The National Anthem
I Might Be Wrong
Where I End and You Begin
House of Cards
Morning Mr. Magpie

Severian 05.17.2016 08:54 AM

Ooh, I always forget Where I End You Begin. That's definitely an iconic track, because of the climax. "I will eat you alive, I will eat you alive, there'll be no more lies" ... Oh man. Kickass song!

I also love "Morning Mr. Magpie," but, as with all of TKOL, I tend to think of the album as one steady, pulsing heartbeat. It's really hard to pick out favorite tracks from that one. Not that I don't have my fave TKOL tracks (Separator, Staircase from the basement, and Give up the Ghost all qualify), it's just that none of them stand out enough in comparison to the surrounding material for me to put them on an "all time" list.

The opposite is the case with the tracks I named. I wet through each album too, and picked the songs that still punch me in the balls from each one. "Karma Police" is without a doubt a major highlight of OKC for me, as "kid a" and "National Anthem" are on Kid A and "There There"/"Myxo" are on HTTT.

pepper_green 05.17.2016 08:08 PM

you guys are weird!:confused:

pepper_green 05.17.2016 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
. I work with a couple of 22-24 year olds, and they don't know SHIT about SHIT.

welcome to the real world. it'll/they'll just get worse.

did you forget about me being an old fart too. what im I? left over chinese cabbage?

pepper_green 05.17.2016 08:23 PM

how could you guys leave out "Everything in its right Place" and "Morning Bell" in yr top tracks?

Severian 05.17.2016 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
how could you guys leave out "Everything in its right Place" and "Morning Bell" in yr top tracks?

Everything in its Right Place is definitely up there for me, but I think it and Packt Like Sardines in a Crushed Tin Box kind of cancel eachother out as far as first tracks go. I can't decide which one I like better, so I don't. Also, if I have to pick a low key track from Kid A, it's always going to be "kid a" itself. That song is just amazing to me.

As for morning bell, the fact that there are two different studio versions makes it hard to rank. I prefer the kid a version, but it's not one of my top songs on the album.

Genteel Death 05.18.2016 05:19 AM


Genteel Death 05.18.2016 05:23 AM

Just one of the many recent album releases that make our friend Severian feel ''emotional'' and ''ecstatic'', I suppose.

Severian 05.18.2016 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Just one of the many recent album releases that make our friend Severian feel ''emotional'' and ''ecstatic'', I suppose.

Not at all. Assuming you're talking about Radiohead? You didn't bother to explain what, you know, the fuck you were talking about so I'm forced to guess.

Whatcha doin' with that comma there, boss?

You're a creepy guy.

EVOLghost 05.18.2016 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
You're a creepy guy.


I still haven't had a chance to listen to this....only that first single...which was ok. I honestly was expecting something a little more exciting after hearing everyone shouting it's greatness.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.18.2016 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost

I still haven't had a chance to listen to this....only that first single...which was ok. I honestly was expecting something a little more exciting after hearing everyone shouting it's greatness.

The single sucks trust me listen to the record. Sit down when you have the full and undivided 45 minutes and listen to the record as a composition.

louder 05.18.2016 01:08 PM

atsonicpark would hate this album.

dead_battery 05.18.2016 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by louder
atsonicpark would hate this album.

radiohead should go back to oxford and become property developers

Severian 05.18.2016 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
The single sucks trust me listen to the record. Sit down when you have the full and undivided 45 minutes and listen to the record as a composition.

I thought you were feeling it more after you heard it in the context of the album.

I certainly did. It's one of my favorites.

pepper_green 05.18.2016 10:47 PM

I like the new album. what's the biggie? great singing, great dirgy atmospheric instrumental music or air. same old same old amazing muzak you would like to hear. once a year.

it may be too dirgy and I hate the version of Identikit.

Severian 05.19.2016 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
I like the new album. what's the biggie? great singing, great dirgy atmospheric instrumental music or air. same old same old amazing muzak you would like to hear. once a year.

it may be too dirgy and I hate the version of Identikit.

I don't know, man. I like it too, but it's strangely uneven to me. And I don't think it's particularly dirgy. Not in the "funeral dirge" sense like "Morninf Bell," or the chain-gang sense like "We Suck Young Blood." At its peak moments I think it's just Radiohead doing Radiohead very very well, but at its more boring moments, it's Radiohead being Radiohead and really pushing the limits of the eternal pass their fans give them on the slow, formless, "Thom plinking away at a keyboard" shit.

I think I've identified my problem with the new version (I will not call it the "final" or "official" version) of "True Love Waits." It's the fact that the vocals are so completely front and center. I'd enjoy this interpretation of the song more if the vocal track took on the kaleidoscopic, ocean of sound feel of the background instrumentation. The vox should be turned down at the very least. Ideally, they'd be tweaked in some way to match the canvas.

Something about the lyrics, sung with such clarity and dominance in such a lazy way, makes me want to hear something else. The song would benefit from a "kid a" style vocal scramble of some kind. Done right, that might even put the thing over the edge for me.

My favorite tracks are still the ones I listed last time. Ful Stop, Decks Dark, Burn the Witch, Identikit, the Numbers and Daydreaming. I can take or leave the rest at this point.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.19.2016 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I thought you were feeling it more after you heard it in the context of the album.

I certainly did. It's one of my favorites.

I am indeed but stand alone it still sucks

SpaceCadetHayden 05.19.2016 01:33 PM

radiohead is dad rock

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.19.2016 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by SpaceCadetHayden
radiohead is dad rock

Haha but we're all dad aged now so its apt

evollove 05.19.2016 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Haha but we're all dad aged now so its apt

I have a distinct memory of being a little kid and my dad and his brothers grooving on a best-of Eagles album. So things could be worse. (Even though I was 6 years old or so, I believe I asked "What is this pussy bullshit?")

Severian 05.19.2016 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I have a distinct memory of being a little kid and my dad and his brothers grooving on a best-of Eagles album. So things could be worse. (Even though I was 6 years old or so, I believe I asked "What is this pussy bullshit?")


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.19.2016 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I have a distinct memory of being a little kid and my dad and his brothers grooving on a best-of Eagles album. So things could be worse. (Even though I was 6 years old or so, I believe I asked "What is this pussy bullshit?")


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