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ilduclo 01.29.2017 06:56 PM

I am actually respectful of the ACLU, but I don't like the fact that they've actually defended NAZI's rights in the past. Man, let them fucks hire their own these are my goto national groups




Severian 01.29.2017 07:07 PM

I'm considering heading to O'Hare as soon as thing strike up again, as they surely will. I have friends there, and at SeaTac, and at JFK. But... does being a professional protester come with bennies and a 401k? Cause I kinda like having that stuff.

Sorry. Not the time to joke.

pepper_green 01.29.2017 07:13 PM

ooh, I got my 1099 in yesterday. that means I have to spend a day going through all my receipts from this past year. I write off anything I can. add it up and take it to my nice accountant lady.

Severian 01.29.2017 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
I am actually respectful of the ACLU, but I don't like the fact that they've actually defended NAZI's rights in the past. Man, let them fucks hire their own these are my goto national groups


Hell yeah, SPLC.

Severian 01.29.2017 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
ooh, I got my 1099 in yesterday. that means I have to spend a day going through all my receipts from this past year. I write off anything I can. add it up and take it to my nice accountant lady.

When I was first hired at the paper I worked as an "independent contractor," freelancing for a while before actually joining the staff, so obviously that involved a 1099. I didn't have the time or energy to go back through all my stubs and deduct accordingly, so I just added the total to my income. I don't envy having to do that all the time. Not not bit. I sill freelance a bit on the side so I'll get a 1099 at some point.

If I worked that way year-round, I think I would try to deduct as I went, if you know what I mean. Keep track of Rx costs and medical bills for insurance, and donations, etc. Easier said than done, I know, but maybe it's the way to go. Be tax-minded all year.

pepper_green 01.29.2017 07:37 PM

I had no ideal about a 1099 until I hooked up with a good accountant and realized that I was a sub contractor. lets just say I write off my rent too and claim it's my office. lunch, phone bills, pretty much everything...check. every week I put my receipts in a grocery bag. it takes me about 2 hours to add it up then let so and so do the rest. they can audit me all they want but I have proof.

!@#$%! 01.30.2017 09:26 AM

drunkface steve bannon as permanent member of the national security council is the horror. that on top of sidelining the chairman of the join chiefs and the dni is true lunacy.

hide under your desks while you wait for the nuclear detonation lol.



Severian 01.30.2017 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
drunkface steve bannon as permanent member of the national security council is the horror. that on top of sidelining the chairman of the join chiefs and the dni is true lunacy.

hide under your desks while you wait for the nuclear detonation lol.

Oh! yeah! that! That was just... fucking lovely. I read that last night and briefly thought that I was being #FAKENEWSD.

What in god's ever loving crap is happening?

I was ready (or resigned) to let this play out a bit. To watch as my fears and the fears of those around me proved unfounded; as Trump became a typical Republican president after all, perhaps a bit Bushier than Bush (after all, Bush was trying to realize some legitimacy in the face of his father's disapproval — that wasn't all Oliver Stone,), but there is nothing typical about this.

Inserting a perpetually hungover, pedophiloc looking Breitbart motherfucker into the NSC to cap off a week of defying the Geneva Convention and placing a gag order on the EPA... honestly, I know it's only been a week, but how in the hell has the word "impeachment" not at least been floated yet?

"1984" is a best-seller...
Cue the ironic "Curb Your Enthusiasm" music.
For now, it's still a bit funny, as we sit and imagine Trump in what is meant to be the highest and most esteemed office in the country, pointing at TV screens and flopping his fat mouth about crowd sizes, spitting Cheeto crumbs all over Obama's desk calendar, while aides contemplate administering the afternoon Ritalin dose a bit early. But soon... even this unofficial national anthem will lose any semblance of humor. That beloved theme, and universal indentifier of the absurd is SO apt that soon it will sound as ominous as Flight of the fucking Valkyries.

!@#$%! 01.30.2017 10:52 AM

i know what you're saying. but if vico was right, or hegel if you want, then the pendulum is already starting to swing really hard in the opposite direction, or some sort of new evolutionary step occurring.

that--or the earth is gonna scratch us off like a bunch of fleas. which would be temporarily painful for us but not so terrible for the planet. but disappointing, cuz here we thought we were its highest form of consciousness lololol. "not so quick, ape..."

well. us primates had a chance. let the roaches try next.

btw, did you ever play ALPHA CENTAURI?

ilduclo 01.30.2017 12:04 PM

this covers a couple of bases. Trump and MISSING JOHN

!@#$%! 01.30.2017 02:52 PM

which of these 3 white men will be trumpet's supreme court nominee?

given trump's serial rape/ scorched earth tendencies, i predict the dreaded william pryor will be his pick

ilduclo 01.30.2017 05:21 PM

I predict the Hardiplank guy

!@#$%! 01.30.2017 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
I predict the Hardiplank guy

shit, seeing as how he used to volunteer at AYUDA, which helps immigrants in the DC area, he'd be my favorite candidate as well, considering.

but from there to predicting it's another story.

trump is THE WORST. hence he'll do THE FUCKING WORST.

he doesn't just like winning-- he likes clobbering his enemies to shit

look at what he did to ted cruz

he's gonna give us the more extremist and sinister judge

Severian 01.30.2017 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

he's gonna give us the more extremist and sinister judge


tesla69 01.30.2017 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
The US was, and still is, the only major nation in the world to fully embrace neoliberalism. Every other country or economic bloc, from China to the EU, has barriers in place to rig the market to create or protect good jobs at home

and look how everyone flips out if you suggest we should put citizens first. The leaders for the past 30 years gave away our country in exchange for their own wealth and a pseudo peace within the 1st world. It seems unthinkable that say Germany and France would go to war in 2017.


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
. Anti-assimilation. All cultures celebrated. Expanded cultural identity revered (hyphenated). Cultural resurrection and diversity. Extreme version: traditional US culture was/is inferior to all other global cultures, deprecation of tradition as biased/flawed

This leads to the conclusion there is almost no mass culture remaining - that system of signs and rewards shared among most of the population. The US used to share the Bible, then we had various pop culture movements united though 3 channels of corporate TV, now sports may be the remaining shared experience among a large generalized group of citizens.


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Finally, and most importantly to me, Trump isn't dismantling neoliberalism to return to the old nation-state. He's building, with the help of social networking, a new model of governance for the US. One that operates more like Russia and China does (a reactive authoritarianism).Sincerely,John Robb

They're sure going to try!

if I was Trump I'd move the plan to reduce the global population to 500 MM into overdrive. 2018: YEAR OF THE STINK What would be the toxic load of 7 billion rotting people - even if it was staggered out over a few years... Obviously, I've lived in NYC too long.

ilduclo 01.31.2017 06:40 PM


!@#$%! 01.31.2017 08:53 PM


neither of us won

evollove 02.01.2017 08:42 AM

Wait. Isn't congress in session? What are those scumfucks up to while we're focusing on the executive branch?

Severian 02.01.2017 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
Wait. Isn't congress in session? What are those scumfucks up to while we're focusing on the executive branch?

Your state should have a .gov site with a complete list of legislative actions taken, searchable by senator and representative, just fyi.

U.S. legislative action is also available.

evollove 02.01.2017 09:44 AM

Oh. You think I'm a moron. Good to know.

!@#$%! 02.01.2017 10:17 AM

they're approving nominees without democrats present

eta: followup to that headline:

Severian 02.01.2017 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
they're approving nominees without democrats present

eta: followup to that headline:

Why not put opposition on record? I don't understand the "strategy" here.

Also, to add some sour sauce to your morning's fuck soup, the nation appears to be pretty split over the immigration ban, with a thin majority of Americans actually supporting the order, per Newsweek.

!@#$%! 02.01.2017 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Why not put opposition on record? I don't understand the "strategy" here.

Also, to add some sour sauce to your morning's fuck soup, the nation appears to be pretty split over the immigration ban, with a thin majority of Americans actually supporting the order, per Newsweek.

if i'm gonna think about it strategically it's a shot across the bow threatening to have the senate rules changed and filibusters eliminated and republicans ruling alone

and the newsweek thing is not this morning's news but 2 days old isn't it? or at least yesterday's news, def. not today's.

and yes, it's easy to not care about "furrners" and "terrists" because terrist terrist terrist terrist nucular terrist terrist 9-11 terrist EXISTENTIAL THREAT

but this is just fucking propaganda and of course the stupids eat it. pure stagecraft to rile up the xenophobes


fucking xenophobes! just to let them feel that they got something from the election

first they came for the mexicans... etc etc etc

Toilet & Bowels 02.01.2017 02:54 PM

It wouldn't surprise me if the US was a one party state by the next election

evollove 02.01.2017 03:04 PM

No. Everyone always needs someone to blame.

Anyone else make it a point to watch Spicer's daily press briefings? Good theater, I have to admit.

!@#$%! 02.01.2017 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
No. Everyone always needs someone to blame.

Anyone else make it a point to watch Spicer's daily press briefings? Good theater, I have to admit.

shit, that would be too rich for my blood

but i peek at the official propaganda organ of the trumpet administration,

the other day they had an article on... evolution! i could hardly believe it. yes. the oldest identifiable ancestor to humans (some 1-hole fucking microbe-- shat where it ate, much as we do today as a species).

anyway yeah i propose that we each specialize on 1 despicable person/situation/institution and report back here. it's too much poison for a single organism to digest.

looking forward to hearing your report on that fucking spicer & dicer assclown.

who's covering conway? (i mean, besides the cloud of sophistry she spews constantly. which is a what.)

!@#$%! 02.01.2017 04:12 PM

eta: as i was saying...

As his nominee for the Supreme Court embarked Wednesday on his first round of meetings on Capitol Hill, President Trump ramped up pressure on Republican leaders to use all tools at their disposal to confirm him — including tearing up the rules of the Senate

the hand is in, now the fist clenches


oh yeah, we're getting shafted. SHAFTED.

evollove 02.01.2017 04:48 PM

Spicer spins. That's about all you need to know.

It's streamed everyday at 1:30 or so on youtube.

Spicer comes out and says things like, "Tomorrow morning, the President will attend the National Prayer Breakfast. Afterwards, he'll sign an executive order to roll back the previous administration's disastrous policy of [fill in the blank], which has cost so many Americans their basic freedoms. Later, he'll be announcing his pick for [fill in the blank]. Again, we'd like to see the Democrats treat our highly qualified nominee with as much respect as the Republicans treated Obama's nominees, but that's becoming increasingly unlikely. And tonight, he'll be having dinner with Denis Rodman, which should be fun."

Then he takes questions. Today, they Skyped in a few questions, which I guess is a first. One guy was a radio talk show host who asked what Trump will do for the coal-miners, after Obama betrayed them.

But nearly everyone else is at least a bit qualified. Spicer picks someone, they ask a question--only one--he deflects. Sometimes a reporter will interrupt his bullshit. He gets mad. Calls on someone else.

After about five minutes, he says, "That's it for today" and walks off. Reporters usually shout after him, for some reason. He ignores them.

Today was special because some dude from National Security, I think, took a minute to explain Iran sucks and Trump has put them "on notice."

Later, a reporter asked Spicer what the fuck that meant.

Spicer said the man made it clear. Iran sucks and Trump has put them on notice. Then he called on someone else.

The Soup Nazi 02.01.2017 06:35 PM

Saw this reported on Amanpour a couple of days ago:


Remembering Refugees Turned Away From The U.S. In 1939

On the same day President Trump signed his new immigration ban, a Twitter account launched to shine the spotlight on what happened to a group of refugees that were turned away from the U.S. in 1939.

About 900 Jewish people had attempted to escape Nazi Germany on the MS St. Louis. But the ship was turned away by the U.S. because of immigration restrictions. Later, more than 250 of those passengers were killed during World War II and the Holocaust.


evollove 02.02.2017 07:42 AM

Yeah, I saw that the other day. It offended me then too.

You know what's like the Holocaust? Nothing.

Severian 02.02.2017 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
if i'm gonna think about it strategically it's a shot across the bow threatening to have the senate rules changed and filibusters eliminated and republicans ruling alone

and the newsweek thing is not this morning's news but 2 days old isn't it? or at least yesterday's news, def. not today's.

I was just referring to what's become a daily dose of fuck soup for me, and I assume for you too. The act of waking up, scrolling through news feeds and dying by little increments. I wasn't exactly saying that the Newsweek thing dropped yesterday. But I did learn about it yesterday in the morning. Shrug.

It's all just fuck soup.

ilduclo 02.02.2017 09:56 AM

When you study a bit of history, the holocaust was really not all the exceptional

evollove 02.02.2017 10:06 AM

That's a pretty obnoxious statement on several levels. Just keep posting funny cartoons. I enjoy them.

!@#$%! 02.02.2017 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
Yeah, I saw that the other day. It offended me then too.

You know what's like the Holocaust? Nothing.

i know what you mean. send those refugees home today!

lol no. well it's not a competition. that image was used to illustrate something.

the native american extermination, the african slave trade, armenia, ukraine, rwanda, darfur... should we give medals by ranking, and make them stand on a podium? some people try to do that actually...

i know nobody is as ruthlessly efficient as the germans (lol), but damn... history doesn't begin nor end with their actions. (i know i know... the holocaust doesn't "belong" to the germans now-- just trying to make a point)

the shoah has got the most researched historical documentation and the most institutions (and a whole nation) dedicated to its remembrance, so it's understandable that its imagery is understood very quickly as a result.

because of that, it will be used to bring a light to similar situations that require public awareness and prevention of similar scenarios.


i mean, you could say "remember the armenian genocide!" and people will be "huh? armadillos?"

or you can talk till your'e blue in the face about darfur and it will barely register.

but post a picture of anne frank and every dumb schoolchild gets it.

it's totally fair use in this case. a massacre is a massacre is a massacre is a massacre is a massacre.


Originally Posted by Severian
I was just referring to what's become a daily dose of fuck soup for me, and I assume for you too. The act of waking up, scrolling through news feeds and dying by little increments. I wasn't exactly saying that the Newsweek thing dropped yesterday. But I did learn about it yesterday in the morning. Shrug.

It's all just fuck soup.

yes. every day. and on that note, i'm gonna go dunk my head into breitbart's shit bucket right now. gotta get vaccinated. strengthen my filthiness. once i stink as thick as a pilgrim on massachusetts bay i'll be immune to all plagues.

Severian 02.02.2017 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Read this one all the way to the bottom regarding Trumo's order, which is NOT unconstitutional as it sinl;es out countries without reference to religion)

Yeah, well, that's where things get a bit muddy though, innit? If this is Trump following through on campaign promises (which is exactly what he says he's doing), then it is unconstitutional, as it is Trump carrying out his plan to impose a "complete and total shutdown on Muslims entering the U.S."

So ... there's that.

Also, the inclusion of Syria in the ban is a direct violation of the Geneva Convention.

In other words, in response to what you're saying, I'm saying ... ehhh, not so much.

ilduclo 02.02.2017 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
That's a pretty obnoxious statement on several levels. Just keep posting funny cartoons. I enjoy them.

just stating the obvious.

!@#$%! 02.02.2017 01:51 PM

earlier today on breitbart: berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley

now on the wapo: trump prays for arnold at national prayer breakfast, trump hangs up on australian pm, trump threatens to cut federal funds for berkeley

ilduclo 02.02.2017 02:36 PM

Exclusive: Trump to focus counter-extremism program solely on Islam

no terrorism here.....


!@#$%! 02.02.2017 04:23 PM

^^ so basically the white supremacists are free to terrorize as they wish from now on?

elections have consequences, that's for sure


well, the black panthers aren't muslim as far as i know, so... i guess things can go both ways

The Soup Nazi 02.02.2017 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Yeah, I saw that the other day. It offended me then too.

You know what's like the Holocaust? Nothing.

The quality of your posts has really taken a dive over the last few weeks or so.

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