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touch me i'm sick 11.04.2007 05:13 PM

i wanna cry

the ikara cult 11.04.2007 05:22 PM

Kurt Cobains journals is the most appalling piece of privacy-invasion in the history of popular music. Anyone who wants to read that for any reason whatsoever is a cunt.

atsonicpark 11.04.2007 05:35 PM

my friend let me borrow his journals about uh.. 6? years ago.. whenever it came out. it was boring.

this is funny though:

atsonicpark 11.04.2007 05:36 PM



pbradley 11.04.2007 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
anyway, i don't own the book, i just borrowed it, but i distinctly remember it saying something like "kurt would talk enthusiastically about how he would get bored and stick pencil's in turtle's vaginas."


If I remember correctly, Cobain was pretty damn dissatisfied with being considered a hero. Sounds more like you're still playing the backlash game. People worship so you have to call him scum. Which is all bizarre to me because I'm pretty indifferent about Cobain.

the ikara cult 11.04.2007 05:38 PM

Why borrow it at all? I wish idve been confident in it being as pointless as it was.

atsonicpark 11.04.2007 05:41 PM


I like plenty of people that other people worship. Cobain was scum because he was a heroin-using asshole that -- if it wasn't for his popularity -- everyone would agree is scum.

As for him being disillusioned with his popularity, go ahead and read any bio on him and you'll see that it says that he always complained that MTV didn't play Nirvana's music enough. In the spotlight, his public image was "anti-hero", but in real life he wanted that fuckin money. Who could blame him? But still: he was no anti-hero, he wanted to be loved. And he was. Somehow.

As for Journals, I dunno why she let me borrow it. It was when I was like 15 so I don't even really remember it.. cept that it was boring.

kingcoffee 11.04.2007 06:06 PM

In Utero is DEFINITELY one of the best modern rock records!!! It may not have had the same impact as others, but coming from such a talented band, it shows the monumental leaps forward in their sound and style. I know it didnt shake the world like Nevermind did, bit it's a better album.

atsonicpark 11.04.2007 06:10 PM

Scentless Apprentice's drums = great.

Rest of the album = "kfuc ssip tish."

kingcoffee 11.04.2007 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
i just hate kurt cobain. i don't even hate nirvana. i thought they had some okay songs -- one of those "right place at the right time" bands. bleach and incesticide are good. i didn't like nevermind then, i don't like it now. and as i said of in utero, it's boring and is like.. a great ep's worth of songs. muddy banks is really good, except for some stinkers. unplugged is just shit.

but yeah. kurt is a fucking moron. "a hero for our generation"? right. anyone ever read that book where it talked about how he used to molest turtles with pencils for fun? dude was a fucking weirdo heroin using scum of the earth idiot who no one would give the time of day to if he wasn't in some band that happened to "blow up" at the right time. then, later, he "blew up" his head, and that just made their legend all the more legendary. lame.

Wow, what uncultured, brainless netherworld did you fall out from? You have never met Kurt Cobain and you really shouldnt comment on a person who's personality and life you really dont have any concept of.

He achieved far greater things in a couple of years of his life than you willl in the entirety of yours. Despite your glib and inaccurate description of his personality and lifestyle, Kurt was actually an intelligent, but emotionally tortured person. Sure, he was a fucked-up drug addict, but his drug use was a conscious decision on his behalf. And the consequences of his behavior were his own fault and also his own business.

What I want to know is where you get off calling someone you have no real connection to in any way, shape or form, a scumbag simply because a manic-depressive tries to self-medicate and have some control over their illness and emotions. Kurt had a fucked up life. He was depressed and sought what he thought would work for him.

You don't know him. Plain and simple. So if I were you I'd shut my mouth about him because it is ignorant of you to judge a person that you don't know. If you think his music is shit, then that's your opinion. I dont agree with it, but that is not what I'm going to debate. But dont judge a man's character based on your own personal prejudice. You wouldn't like it if the shoe were on the other foot.

alyasa 11.04.2007 06:43 PM

I thought this was supposed to be an In Utero appreciation thread...

As for Kurt's 'anti-hero' stance and image, it was nothing more than that, imposed by the popular media and gobbled up by millions upon millions of un-thinking consumerist zombies. He was anti-rockstar, the very thought of becoming a rock and roll cliche terrified him and made him jittery. Contrary to popular belief, his target market was not the mindless stoner dudes or brainless junkies who seemed to enjoy his sludgy melodies so much, his fanbase included people like Thurston Moore, includes people like Chris Cunningham; his music spoke volumes and he explored themes of alienation and despair in a way that didn't end up sounding like emo. His ultimate achievement was to change the face of rock music, and to do so, unfortunately, came at the price of oblivion... The music spoke volumes and still does.

Now, people hear about Kurt all the time and they know about his legend and his image and they know everything that they have been fed by the popular media and by books like "Rock Stars Do The Dumbest Things", where individuality, creativity; even existensial angst; have become consumer cliches and people are looking for the "Next Big Thing" (what the heck? what could be next?). But, sadly, no one really pays attention to the music, to how it was crafted, how every line and beat and riff (though Nirvana pushed the boundary of the riff, they were still riff-based guitar music) were carefully and lovingly constructed. They paid attention to their music, worked hard at it, putting in the hours, the dedication, the sacrifice; and they expected to appeal to the same type of people; the ones who cared enough about the music.

Unfortunately, that was not the case, back then, and even now; though it usually only happens with teenagers who just read about Kurt and Nirvana, listened to a few songs on Youtube and declare them to be the best thing ever, in the world. That was not the point of Nirvana. They wrote deep, meaningful music, that, hey, happen to rock really hard at the same time. For all their faults and shortcomings, I miss the band and its music very much and the level of intelligence in their music that spoke directly to me, music that was cerebral and yet extremely raw. Not that far from some Sonic Youth isn't it?

hat and beard 11.04.2007 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
anyway, i don't own the book, i just borrowed it, but i distinctly remember it saying something like "kurt would talk enthusiastically about how he would get bored and stick pencil's in turtle's vaginas."


Maybe the turtle liked it. A friend of mine had a kitten that went into heat prematurely (still too young to be spayed) so the vet reccommended it be masturbated with a Q-tip to calm it down. Now you know!

Anyhow, I absolutely loved In Utero when I first heard it. I guess that was 1993/4 so I was only about 9 or 10 years old, but I remember it like yesterday. I used to sit outside my brother's door whenever he would put it on and rock the fuck out (I wasn't aloud inside his room). Eventually I stole money from my mom's purse and tried to buy the tape at Target but the lady behind the counter wouldn't let me ("do your parents know you're buying this?").
I never did figure out why I liked it so much. It's strange listening to it now because it doesn't affect me at all anymore. I guess I moved past it a long time ago, but I can't deny what a big impact it had on a 9 year old hat & beard.

Torn Curtain 11.04.2007 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Cobain was scum because he was a heroin-using asshole that -- if it wasn't for his popularity -- everyone would agree is scum.

Don't you know that manic depressives are much more likely to become alcohol or drug addicts ?

atsonicpark 11.04.2007 06:53 PM

Do YOU have a concept of his life? I'm basing my opinion on him from what I've seen, how he represented himself, and bios on him from people who did know him. No, I didn't personally know him myself, but sometimes you can judge a book by its cover(especially if you get a peak on the ugly insides).

Listen: He was shooting up heroin into his veins like a fucking SCUMBAG whiney idiot, regardless of his shitty life -- hell, his life WASN'T shitty when he was actually doing all that shit! Hah. And.. self-medication.. hahahaha.. are you fucking kidding me? Self-medication, my ass, he was a junky! Plain and simple. You know how you see homeless drug addicts on the street and you feel kinda sorry for 'em but you just keep walking by them? Well, Kurt was one of those people -- he just happened to write a song or two that was popular.

And, indeed, Kurt's decisions were of his own, and I'm glad he did what he felt he had to do. My whole argument is and always will be this: People talk of the "tragedy" of Kurt killing himself or whatever -- indeed, that's what he wanted to do. He got what he wanted, and it was his business. So, yeah, I'm glad he killed himself, because he did what he felt he had to do. That's cool. No disagreement there. On the other hand, people who portray Kurt Cobain as some kind of hero; that's what fucking sickens me -- a "hero" is someone you look up to and who you aspire to be like. Kurt Cobain was not by any means a hero -- oh shit, he can play power chords, he's mah hero nowwwww.!!! Fucking lame.

As for Kurt achieving more than I'm ever going to achieve.... I may never achieve what Kurt technically achieved, but his life is hardly one I envy having.

atsonicpark 11.04.2007 06:55 PM

Sorry, the above was a reply to the poster who called me out, not the 4 or so people who replied after him.

It AMAZES me that in this day and age, people still defend Kurt. Hah.

alyasa 11.04.2007 07:04 PM

I feel I have to 'defend' Kurt from people who call him a legend mindlessly... Not defend exactly, but just that; I feel its important they make a judgement on him based on his music; and even then, through careful appraisal, not just cursory glances, which anyone can do; I feel that that is what Kurt wanted to be judged on; his drug taking is a moot point, even I have taken drugs...

The point is, it's useless to debate the man and his life. I'm sure, adam, if Kurt was still alive, he would have a very intelligent response for you, if you said that to him face-to-face, unfortunately, he is not, and neither I nor anyone else has the right to answer for him, none of us know him, except for what other people tell us about him, so unless we were good friends with him on a personal basis, defending him is a moot point too... What he did is his own life, he only gave us the music and that's all that we can take from him, it might not have been enough for him, but it sure as hell is enough for the likes of us...

atsonicpark 11.04.2007 07:07 PM


i just don't like kurt very much at all. he always just came off as a dick to me. but that's just my opinion. i'll drop it.


sarramkrop 11.04.2007 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

i just don't like kurt very much at all. he always just came off as a dick to me. but that's just my opinion. i'll drop it.


I didn't even read the whole of your post. Yawn, after the first line. Yawn again for being some sort of yawinish internet yawn. Yawn.

atsonicpark 11.04.2007 07:58 PM

you didn't miss much.

sarramkrop 11.04.2007 08:00 PM


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