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Rob Instigator 02.24.2017 09:25 AM

zombies are the stupidest shit. They are weak, rotting, slow, and catch on fire quicker than fuck.

Also, if zombies eat flesh,brains etc. why do people who have been killed by zombies become zombies? shouldnt they be in the zombies belly? stupid. stupid stupid stupid.

zombies are a perfect monster for today though, because people have become so stupid, so completely ignorant of the way nature works and tech works, that they are all indeed a mindless horde of sheep programmed to do whatever the people in power want them to do, hence they vote for a lunatic like trump, an obvious megalomaniac. fucking sheep.

zombies are stupid because people are stupid.

Rob Instigator 02.24.2017 09:26 AM

Kanye voted for Trump in his mind because he cannot vote in real life because he forgot to register because he is a fucking idiot.

Severian 02.24.2017 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Kanye voted for Trump in his mind because he cannot vote in real life because he forgot to register because he is a fucking idiot.

Oh shut the fuck up Rob, you goddamn child.

dead_battery 02.24.2017 09:46 AM

i wonder how many nigerian dollars robogastro is getting paid by george soros to smear kanye who we all know is one of the greatest minds of his generation.

dead_battery 02.24.2017 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Oh shut the fuck up Rob, you goddamn child.

i dont get how you cant read robs quote and not see every single goddamn thing he said as completely correct.

Severian 02.24.2017 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
wat. he's right.

He's trolling. Me, apparently.

Severian 02.24.2017 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
i dont get how you cant read robs quote and not see every single goddamn thing he said as completely correct.

I see you edited.

Not "correct," more a warped Rob distortion of a bunch of TMZ headlines.

Even if it was "correct," it still has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Has nothing to do with Trump, has nothing to do with me liking Kanye West (which is what Rob -- and you -- are apparently trying to poke at), and has no bearing on anything.

Trolling. Bullshit. Fuck it.

!@#$%! 02.24.2017 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I see you edited.

Not "correct," more a warped Rob distortion of a bunch of TMZ headlines.

Even if it was "correct," it still has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Has nothing to do with Trump, has nothing to do with me liking Kanye West (which is what Rob -- and you -- are apparently trying to poke at), and has no bearing on anything.

Trolling. Bullshit. Fuck it.



take a deep breath... don't answer me, just take a deep breath...

take a deep breath... exhale...

just wait a little

don't think-- don't extrapolate-- just take another deep breath...



!@#$%! 02.24.2017 10:14 AM

so, rob is rob and he speaks how he speaks but nobody here is persecuting you i swear

i know you're stressed out, i know reality is tough at the moment, i know shit hurts, but rob has never been a malicious fuck-- he just speaks in blunt categorical statements

i know this can be frustrating and i know that misunderstandings can happen, but just relax and remember that these are just words on a screen, and you are not them, and words can be interpreted in many different ways

also, you're not kanye

Severian 02.24.2017 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

also, you're not kanye

Yes, you are right. But ... well, what if I were to just say, out of nowhere, that Amadeus was shit? Wouldn't you wonder if I was just poking at you?

But yeah, ok, breathing now.

Rob Instigator 02.24.2017 10:56 AM

Sev I never ev er ever ever have personally attacked/insulted/denigrated YOU for loving kanye. quite the opposite, but if you cannot get over the fact that someone else finds nothing of worth in Kanye's music, rhymes, etc., should not bother you this much man.

people mistake bluntness for rudeness. Two completely different things. I have never been rude to you Sev. I have been blunt about my distaste for a musician. you take that personally. I am sorry it hurts your feelings man, but we all like what we like, and this forum is beloved by me because everyone on here says what they fucking think, whether or not it goes against the fandom of someone else.

You da man Sev. You are always open to converse, have a thought out opinion, etc. Unless Kanye is your relative, or you ARE Kanye, or Kanye is your deity you worship during your sabbath rituals, you need to relax about it. In 20 years no one will give a fuck about Kanye just like no one noe gives a fuck about Heavy D and the Boyz.

Rob Instigator 02.24.2017 10:57 AM

lots of people think amadeus was shit. I can understand that. It is overblown, historically inaccurate, period costumes are all fucked, never mentions Mozarts equally gifted sister, and Mozart was never a babbling child idiot, but I still love the fucking film.

!@#$%! 02.24.2017 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Yes, you are right. But ... well, what if I were to just say, out of nowhere, that Amadeus was shit? Wouldn't you wonder if I was just poking at you?

But yeah, ok, breathing now.

no no no. this is not that. that was something else. you are not me, and that wasn't this.

and whatever that was, it didn't start as you trying to troll me, did it? i never claimed that you were trying to come at me through forman. that would have been funny. come on.

anyway the kanye-trump relationship is not yours-- you're just a spectator there, like the rest of us.

what kanye has said and done about/with trump is out there in the public domain. and i think a lot of people are gonna think he's an idiot for that ha ha ha. (i do. sorry brother.)

anyway, it was never about you. the many people who hate kanye don't hate you by extension.

!@#$%! 02.24.2017 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
and Mozart was never a babbling child idiot

totally off-topic, i know, but the guy who wrote the play did was doing some research and discovered some letters that mozart had sent to his cousin-- and lo and behold, mozart had a babbling idiot child way to talk to his family members!

that shocked the playwright-- and that was the origin of the whole thing as i recall. i believe he was trying to answer the question: "how can the man who wrote these letters be the author of such sublime music?" and the play was how he solved this discrepancy if i understood correctly.

!@#$%! 02.24.2017 11:26 AM

anyway, a little bit about TRADE:


bezos bezos bezos the cia the lizard people bezos bezos bezos the elders of zion bezos bezos the globalists bezos bezos bezos the cia the cia bezos davos davos davos bezos davos they both end in os the cia the globalists vaccines vaccines vaccines the lizard people chemtrails fluoride ate my brains yahoo pizzagate

Rob Instigator 02.24.2017 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
totally off-topic, i know, but the guy who wrote the play did was doing some research and discovered some letters that mozart had sent to his cousin-- and lo and behold, mozart had a babbling idiot child way to talk to his family members!

that shocked the playwright-- and that was the origin of the whole thing as i recall. i believe he was trying to answer the question: "how can the man who wrote these letters be the author of such sublime music?" and the play was how he solved this discrepancy if i understood correctly.

his letters sound more like a lunatic! hahahahha

Mannheim, 5 November, 1777

Dearest cozz buzz!

I have received reprieved your highly esteemed writing biting, and I have noted doted that my uncle garfuncle, my aunt slant, and you too, are all well mell. We, too, thank god, are in good fettle kettle. Today I got a letter setter from my Papa Haha safely into my paws claws. I hope you too have gotten rotten my note quote that I wrote to you from Mannheim. So much the better, better the much so! But now for some thing more sensuble.

So sorry to hear that Herr Abbate Salate has had another stroke choke. But I hope with the help of God fraud the consequences will not be dire mire. You are writing fighting that you keep your criminal promise which you gave me before my departure from Augspurg, and will do it soon moon. Well, I will most likely find that regretable. You write further, indeed you let it all out, you expose yourself, you indicate to me, you bring me the news, you announce onto me, you state in broad daylight, you demand, you desire, you wish you want, you like, you command that I, too, should send you my Portrait. Eh bien, I shall mail fail it for sure. Oui, by the love of my skin, I shit on your nose, so it runs down your chin.

apropós. do you also have the spuni cuni fait?—what?—whether you still love me?—I believe it! so much the better, better the much so! Yes, that's the way of the world, I'm told, one has the purse, the other has the gold; whom do you side with?—with me, n'est-ce pas?—I believe it! Now things are even worse, apropós.

Wouldn't you like to visit Herr Gold-smith again?—but what for?—what?—nothing!—just to inquire, I guess, about the Spuni Cuni fait, nothing else, nothing else?—well, well, all right. Long live all those who, who—who—who—how does it go on?—I now wish you a good night, shit in your bed with all your might, sleep with peace on your mind, and try to kiss your own behind; I now go off to never-never land and sleep as much as I can stand. Tomorrow we'll speak freak sensubly with each other. Things I must you tell a lot of, believe it you hardly can, but hear tomorrow it already will you, be well in the meantime. Oh my ass burns like fire! what on earth is the meaning of this!—maybe muck wants to come out? yes, yes, muck, I know you, see you, taste you—and—what's this—is it possible? Ye Gods!—Oh ear of mine, are you deceiving me?—No, it's true—what a long and melancholic sound!—today is the write I fifth this letter. Yesterday I talked with the stern Frau Churfustin, and tomorrow, on the 6th, I will give a performance in her chambers, as the Furstin-Chur said to me herself. Now for something real sensuble!

A letter or letters addressed to me will come into your hands, and I must beg of you—where?—well a fox is no hare—yes there!—Now, where was I?—oh yes, now, I remember: letters, letters will come—but what kind of letters?—well now, letters for me, of course, I want to make sure that you send these to me; I will let you know where I'll be going from Mannheim. Now, Numero 2: I'm asking you, why not?—I'm asking you, dearest numbskull, why not?—if you are writing anyway to Madame Tavernier in Munich, please include regards from me to the Mademoiselles Freysinger, why not?—Curious! why not?—and to the Younger, I mean Frauline Josepha, tell her I'll send my sincere apologies, why not?—why should I not apologize?—Curious!—I don't know why not?—I want to apologize that I haven't yet sent her the sonata that I promised, but I will send it as soon as possible, why not?—what—why not?—why shouldn't I send it?—why should I not transmit it?—why not?—Curious! I wouldn't know why not?—well, then you'll do me this favor;—why not?—why shouldn't you do this for me?—why not?, it's so strange! After all, I'll do it to you too, if you want me to, why not?—why shouldn't I do it to you?—curious! why not?—I wouldn't know why not?—and don't forget to send my Regards to the Papa and Mama of the 2 young ladies, for it is terrible to be letting and forgetting one's father and mother. Later, when the sonata is finished,—I will send you the same, and a letter to boot; and you will be so kind as to forward the same to Munich.

And now I must close and that makes me morose. Dear Herr Uncle, shall we go quickly to the Holy Cross Covent and see whether anybody is still up?—we won't stay long, just ring the bell, that's all. Now I must relate to you a sad story that happened just this minute. As I am in the middle of my best writing, I hear a noise in the street. I stop writing—get up, go to the window—and—the noise is gone—I sit down again, start writing once more—I have barely written ten words when I hear the noise again—I rise—but as I rise, I can still hear something but very faint—it smells like something burning—wherever I go it stinks, when I look out the window, the smell goes away, when I turn my head back to the room, the smell comes back—finally My Mama says to me: I bet you let one go?—I don't think so, Mama. yes, yes, I'm quite certain, I put it to the test, stick my finger in my ass, then put it to my nose, and—there is the proof! Mama was right!

Now farwell, I kiss you 10000 times and I remain as always your

Old young Sauschwanz
Wolfgang Amadé Rosenkranz
From us two Travelers a thousand
Regards to my uncle and aunt.
To every good friend I send
My greet feet; addio nitwit.
Like that future dipshit
Kanye West and his dumb shtick
Love true true true until the grave,
If I live that long and do behave.

h8kurdt 02.24.2017 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Oh shut the fuck up Rob, you goddamn child.

Dammit lad, stop falling for the bait!

ilduclo 02.24.2017 11:40 AM

the new bathroom act, fuck, just what republicans want, bathrooms only for male-male trawling. And, this really helps energize the basest of the base.

Severian 02.24.2017 11:55 AM

@ Symbols: Yeah, OK.

Severian 02.24.2017 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
the new bathroom act, fuck, just what republicans want, bathrooms only for male-male trawling. And, this really helps energize the basest of the base.

Have you seen the CPAC footage so far? The basest of the base are ruling the roost now.

Speaking of trolling, we all need to troll the fuck out of Republcans in our district, who are avoiding their constituents like crazy. If you live in a Democratic district... TROLL THEM TOO!

evollove 02.24.2017 12:01 PM

Trump made it safe to openly hate trans people. Man, twitter is full of vile bile today.


Anyone go to your rep's townhall? My district was a bust. Despite many calls for one, he showed up to a few private meetings and then called it a week. Mentioned to someone he didn't want a repeat of Gabby Giffords. This was before she called him a pussy.

evollove 02.24.2017 12:02 PM

(Sev and I just came together.)

dead_battery 02.24.2017 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
his letters sound more like a lunatic! hahahahha

Mannheim, 5 November, 1777

Dearest cozz buzz!

I have received reprieved your highly esteemed writing biting, and I have noted doted that my uncle garfuncle, my aunt slant, and you too, are all well mell. We, too, thank god, are in good fettle kettle. Today I got a letter setter from my Papa Haha safely into my paws claws. I hope you too have gotten rotten my note quote that I wrote to you from Mannheim. So much the better, better the much so! But now for some thing more sensuble.

So sorry to hear that Herr Abbate Salate has had another stroke choke. But I hope with the help of God fraud the consequences will not be dire mire. You are writing fighting that you keep your criminal promise which you gave me before my departure from Augspurg, and will do it soon moon. Well, I will most likely find that regretable. You write further, indeed you let it all out, you expose yourself, you indicate to me, you bring me the news, you announce onto me, you state in broad daylight, you demand, you desire, you wish you want, you like, you command that I, too, should send you my Portrait. Eh bien, I shall mail fail it for sure. Oui, by the love of my skin, I shit on your nose, so it runs down your chin.

apropós. do you also have the spuni cuni fait?—what?—whether you still love me?—I believe it! so much the better, better the much so! Yes, that's the way of the world, I'm told, one has the purse, the other has the gold; whom do you side with?—with me, n'est-ce pas?—I believe it! Now things are even worse, apropós.

Wouldn't you like to visit Herr Gold-smith again?—but what for?—what?—nothing!—just to inquire, I guess, about the Spuni Cuni fait, nothing else, nothing else?—well, well, all right. Long live all those who, who—who—who—how does it go on?—I now wish you a good night, shit in your bed with all your might, sleep with peace on your mind, and try to kiss your own behind; I now go off to never-never land and sleep as much as I can stand. Tomorrow we'll speak freak sensubly with each other. Things I must you tell a lot of, believe it you hardly can, but hear tomorrow it already will you, be well in the meantime. Oh my ass burns like fire! what on earth is the meaning of this!—maybe muck wants to come out? yes, yes, muck, I know you, see you, taste you—and—what's this—is it possible? Ye Gods!—Oh ear of mine, are you deceiving me?—No, it's true—what a long and melancholic sound!—today is the write I fifth this letter. Yesterday I talked with the stern Frau Churfustin, and tomorrow, on the 6th, I will give a performance in her chambers, as the Furstin-Chur said to me herself. Now for something real sensuble!

A letter or letters addressed to me will come into your hands, and I must beg of you—where?—well a fox is no hare—yes there!—Now, where was I?—oh yes, now, I remember: letters, letters will come—but what kind of letters?—well now, letters for me, of course, I want to make sure that you send these to me; I will let you know where I'll be going from Mannheim. Now, Numero 2: I'm asking you, why not?—I'm asking you, dearest numbskull, why not?—if you are writing anyway to Madame Tavernier in Munich, please include regards from me to the Mademoiselles Freysinger, why not?—Curious! why not?—and to the Younger, I mean Frauline Josepha, tell her I'll send my sincere apologies, why not?—why should I not apologize?—Curious!—I don't know why not?—I want to apologize that I haven't yet sent her the sonata that I promised, but I will send it as soon as possible, why not?—what—why not?—why shouldn't I send it?—why should I not transmit it?—why not?—Curious! I wouldn't know why not?—well, then you'll do me this favor;—why not?—why shouldn't you do this for me?—why not?, it's so strange! After all, I'll do it to you too, if you want me to, why not?—why shouldn't I do it to you?—curious! why not?—I wouldn't know why not?—and don't forget to send my Regards to the Papa and Mama of the 2 young ladies, for it is terrible to be letting and forgetting one's father and mother. Later, when the sonata is finished,—I will send you the same, and a letter to boot; and you will be so kind as to forward the same to Munich.

And now I must close and that makes me morose. Dear Herr Uncle, shall we go quickly to the Holy Cross Covent and see whether anybody is still up?—we won't stay long, just ring the bell, that's all. Now I must relate to you a sad story that happened just this minute. As I am in the middle of my best writing, I hear a noise in the street. I stop writing—get up, go to the window—and—the noise is gone—I sit down again, start writing once more—I have barely written ten words when I hear the noise again—I rise—but as I rise, I can still hear something but very faint—it smells like something burning—wherever I go it stinks, when I look out the window, the smell goes away, when I turn my head back to the room, the smell comes back—finally My Mama says to me: I bet you let one go?—I don't think so, Mama. yes, yes, I'm quite certain, I put it to the test, stick my finger in my ass, then put it to my nose, and—there is the proof! Mama was right!

Now farwell, I kiss you 10000 times and I remain as always your

Old young Sauschwanz
Wolfgang Amadé Rosenkranz
From us two Travelers a thousand
Regards to my uncle and aunt.
To every good friend I send
My greet feet; addio nitwit.
Like that future dipshit
Kanye West and his dumb shtick
Love true true true until the grave,
If I live that long and do behave.

robgator you fuckin legend hahahahahaha

The Soup Nazi 02.24.2017 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
zombies are the stupidest shit. They are weak, rotting, slow, and catch on fire quicker than fuck.

Also, if zombies eat flesh,brains etc. why do people who have been killed by zombies become zombies? shouldnt they be in the zombies belly? stupid. stupid stupid stupid.

zombies are a perfect monster for today though, because people have become so stupid, so completely ignorant of the way nature works and tech works, that they are all indeed a mindless horde of sheep programmed to do whatever the people in power want them to do, hence they vote for a lunatic like trump, an obvious megalomaniac. fucking sheep.

zombies are stupid because people are stupid.

"I was raised Catholic. The only zombie I believe in is Jesus Christ." —Kevin Smith

Rob Instigator 02.24.2017 02:23 PM

christianity IS the zombie religion. eat my flesh. drink my blood. reeemmeeeemmmbeeeerrrr meeeeeeeeeee

The Soup Nazi 02.24.2017 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
christianity IS the zombie religion. eat my flesh. drink my blood. reeemmeeeemmmbeeeerrrr meeeeeeeeeee

As Sam Jackson said in Do The Right Thing, "That's the truth, Ruth!"

Hey, do we already have an atheism thread (or something like 'The Greatest Bullshit In The History Of Mankind' thread or some such shenanigans?). If we haven't, we should. Me, I'm agnostic in theory but atheist in practice, which I will only explain in said thread. :)

Rob Instigator 02.24.2017 02:46 PM

I am ANTI-theist.

The Soup Nazi 02.24.2017 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I am ANTI-theist.

Well, yeah, that's part of what I meant when describing myself OH YOU SNEAKY SATAN you made me reveal shit on this thread. :D

!@#$%! 02.24.2017 04:19 PM

so today trumpo told CPAC that the repukes are not "the party of the american worker"

haaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa

there's lies, damn lies, and trumpo.

The Soup Nazi 02.24.2017 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so today trumpo told CPAC that the repukes are not "the party of the american worker"

:confused: Technically you're... kinda right :), but I think you didn't mean to throw in that "not"; what President Pussygrabber said was, "The GOP will be, from now on, the party also of the American worker". Which, yes, leads us to:


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
there's lies, damn lies, and trumpo.


!@#$%! 02.24.2017 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
:confused: Technically you're... kinda right :), but I think you didn't mean to throw in that "not"; what President Pussygrabber said was, "The GOP will be, from now on, the party also of the American worker". Which, yes, leads us to:


NOW. yes, typo.

the vaccines ate my brain.

worse than smallpox! damn

i really wanted polio, as a kid

The Soup Nazi 02.24.2017 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the vaccines ate my brain.

Sure, vaccines, Jenny McCarthy and shit, but what about LIZARD PEOPLE!


!@#$%! 02.24.2017 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Sure, vaccines, Jenny McCarthy and shit, but what about LIZARD PEOPLE!


lizard people enjoy fluoridated meals

i hear it's their salt, fluoride

that turkey neck trumpo has there is not fatness-- it's where he keeps the tongue

The Soup Nazi 02.24.2017 07:09 PM

And, needless to say, let us not forget crab people.


dead_battery 02.25.2017 02:02 PM


kayne is an idiot tho

Severian 02.25.2017 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
"I was raised Catholic. The only zombie I believe in is Jesus Christ." —Kevin Smith

This is literally the most clever thing he's ever said. Or done. Or been involved with.

!@#$%! 02.27.2017 11:59 AM

trump's approval rates in iowa

tw2113 02.27.2017 08:09 PM


_tunic_ 02.28.2017 01:33 AM




_tunic_ 02.28.2017 01:35 AM


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