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!@#$%! 04.27.2017 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I reject this "Trump hasn't accomplished anything in his first 100 days" narrative, for the simple fact that things aren't really the same as they were 101 days ago.

If Trump is really so useless, then resistance is a waste of time, no?

he's already turned this country into a big joke. in that, he has broken all previously existing records (dubya, i'm looking at you).

he's terrorizing everyone and trying to turn this country into a lawless monarchy, sending his unqualified daughter to meet with world leaders and enriching his businesses with taxpayer money. isn't that enough for you?


the washington post says that his biggest accomplishment is that few are talking about his links to russia anymore.

it just took a few bombs to syria and poof! he's "innocent."


also, jeff sessions is still attorney general

also, that fucking EPA guy

also, the FCC is throwing the internet overboard

you want more? read the news

!@#$%! 04.27.2017 03:06 PM

here's more anyway

trump's lies are working *brilliantly*:

The Soup Nazi 04.27.2017 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
trump's lies are working *brilliantly*:


tesla69 04.27.2017 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
If Trump is really so useless, then resistance is a waste of time, no?

it is important to be manipulated by the controlled opposition. They gave Chelsea Clinton an award for passing out grapefruits.

ilduclo 04.27.2017 10:51 PM

if you read those stats a little different, it also says that 17-20% of TRUMP VOTERS know he's a liar, so they are sort of wising up....

evollove 04.28.2017 06:53 AM

Am I late on this? Did everyone know?

DHS Announces Launch of new Office for Victims of Illegal Immigrant Crime.


A hot line to report illegal aliens.
1-855-48-VOICE or 1-855-488-6423

It's being pranked, and I hope in the high numbers reports have suggested.

The new Aliens movie is coming out in a few weeks, so I'll probably do something with that.

Take a stand. Make a prank call.

ilduclo 04.28.2017 10:15 AM

so, looks like being preznint is not as fun as Donny hoped for

The Soup Nazi 04.28.2017 07:56 PM

Trump Warns Pocahontas May Run For President In 2020

evollove 05.01.2017 02:29 PM

JOHN DICKERSON: Did President Obama give you any advice that was helpful? That you think, wow, he really was--

DONALD TRUMP: -- Well, he was very nice to me. But after that, we've had some difficulties. So it doesn't matter. You know, words are less important to me than deeds. And you-- you saw what happened with surveillance. And everybody saw what happened with surveillance--

JOHN DICKERSON: Difficulties how?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: -- and I thought that -- well, you saw what happened with surveillance. And I think that was inappropriate, but that's the way--

JOHN DICKERSON: What does that mean, sir?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: You can figure that out yourself.

JOHN DICKERSON: Well, I-- the reason I ask is you said he was-- you called him "sick and bad".

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Look, you can figure it out yourself. He was very nice to me with words, but-- and when I was with him -- but after that, there has been no relationship.

JOHN DICKERSON: But you stand by that claim about him?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I don't stand by anything. I just-- you can take it the way you want. I think our side's been proven very strongly. And everybody's talking about it. And frankly it should be discussed. I think that is a very big surveillance of our citizens. I think it's a very big topic. And it's a topic that should be number one. And we should find out what the hell is going on.

JOHN DICKERSON: I just wanted to find out, though. You're-- you're the president of the United States. You said he was "sick and bad" because he had tapped you-- I'm just--

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: You can take-- any way. You can take it any way you want.

JOHN DICKERSON: But I'm asking you. Because you don't want it to be--


JOHN DICKERSON: --fake news. I want to hear it from--

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: You don't have to--

JOHN DICKERSON: --President Trump.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: --ask me. You don't have to ask me.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Because I have my own opinions. You can have your own opinions.

JOHN DICKERSON: But I want to know your opinions. You're the president of the United States.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Okay, it's enough. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Rob Instigator 05.04.2017 08:35 AM

hahhaah Our President is a lunatic manchild

ilduclo 05.04.2017 09:42 AM

yeah, George "Fwill". He's very anti-Trimp, but is way behind all the shit that is happening. He's early on the anti-Trimp republican wagon, but expect there to be many more of these guys out there. He's pretty basically awful, but at least expects some sort of "competence" on the way to the repub armageddon.

Rob Instigator 05.04.2017 10:06 AM

will is an asshole for sure, but even the conservative assholes writing for the washington post are appalled at the Big Orange Nazi baby's incompetence.

ilduclo 05.04.2017 11:23 AM

Trimpenice all set to tear down the wall separating church and state. See you in Court

!@#$%! 05.04.2017 12:41 PM

will has always been more or less a principled conservative who has gone against the grain of republican convention from early in his career-- he wanted to impeach nixon, he opposed dubya's war, and he quit the republican party last year. he's an atheist and he's for the legalization of drugs.

unfortunately he's also been caught red-handed inventing false scientific facts (like the size of the polar caps in 1979) and other insanities like saying that rape victims enjoy a privileged status. (!)

nevertheless his criticism of trump's moronic persona is on-point

anyway i gotta go work on the field but wanted to post that

The Soup Nazi 05.04.2017 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Trimpenice all set to tear down the wall separating church and state. See you in Court


In other fucked up news, say goodbye to the ACA. Unless Rand Paul loses his shit again because he wants something even more brutal and convinces enough colleagues to join him.


Severian 05.04.2017 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

In other fucked up news, say goodbye to the ACA. Unless Rand Paul loses his shit again because he wants something even more brutal and convinces enough colleagues to join him.


Still has to pass the senate, but yeah. I was on the phone with my rep, like, immediately after getting the alert from AP.


I'd move to France, but...


EVOLghost 05.04.2017 08:55 PM

wow. that's fucked up.

Severian 05.04.2017 09:02 PM

They deliberate forced the bill through before heading the CBO's analysis.

So, they don't care what the financial and economic ramifications of this could be. This was about preventing Trump from suffering a second sound public whooping. Party PR. At who-cares-what cost.

I encourage everyone to visit your congressman's Facebook page and see how they're defending the bill. Mine lied three times (flat out lied) in the post his asssitabt typed up. He never reads the comments because they're all like, "Fuck you scumbag."

I may have posted his number.

evollove 05.05.2017 01:58 PM

This is exactly why I didn't do cartwheels when the first one died.

Small point: I'm sick to death of everyone getting their panties in a bunch over the "opiod crisis" while not giving a solitary fuck over crack addiction. Just sayin'.

The Soup Nazi 05.07.2017 06:03 PM

OK, Frump & Frexit avoided. The downside is that now, for the first time in my life, I'm marginally older than the president of a country with a permanent seat in the UNSC, but I'll take it...

!@#$%! 05.07.2017 06:09 PM

i think it's great. i'm for celebrating any good thing. even if le pen is now a "serious" candidate and continues to pose great danger.

Lowfly 05.09.2017 05:55 AM

Yea, at least the French elected sanity.

tesla69 05.10.2017 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Lowfly
Yea, at least the French elected sanity.

who ultimately won the election? The banker Emmanuel Macron, the most guaranteed continuation of the status quo, and possibly the least likely candidate to bring any sort of change.

ilduclo 05.10.2017 07:51 AM

That Obama guy was truly devious. Sets up Donnie Jingles with Flynn on a mystery date, then tapes the resulting hilarity. Really took a page out of the old Punk'd playbook. All around delicious stuff.

!@#$%! 05.10.2017 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
who ultimately won the election? The banker Emmanuel Macron, the most guaranteed continuation of the status quo, and possibly the least likely candidate to bring any sort of change.

so you're saying
banker = Rothschilds
Emmanuel = Jew name
quo = quo vadis!
change = pogroms


thanks but no thanks. please keep the change!

ilduclo 05.10.2017 08:19 AM

I've always loved Macaroons!

tesla69 05.10.2017 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
I've always loved Macaroons!

today I was in an expensive candy store selling "macaroon ice cream sandwiches".

also tried a "cheesecake lollipop" yesterday

evollove 05.11.2017 12:44 PM

What the fuck is going on?

My head is spinning today. I really can't put together all the pieces and explain reality to myself. Don't like this feeling.

!@#$%! 05.11.2017 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
What the fuck is going on?

My head is spinning today. I really can't put together all the pieces and explain reality to myself. Don't like this feeling.

banana republics are run by the caprices of the tyrant of the day

not by laws or institutions or procedures, but by moods and caprices and whims

that's the new reality

for further information read "the autumn of the patriarch" by garcia marquez

and welcome to latin america

ilduclo 05.11.2017 02:48 PM

actually a couple of real good reads regarding this situation

1) The Emperor
2) Shah of Shahs

The Soup Nazi 05.11.2017 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
welcome to latin america

Not all of it, though... ;):)

!@#$%! 05.11.2017 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Not all of it, though... ;):)

well, we have a more recent history with this type of shitshow, and the danger lurks near (e.g. venezuela's descent into wtf)

The Soup Nazi 05.11.2017 04:28 PM

From Demand Progress:


Our first big deadline to make sure the FCC knows the majority of Americans are on Team Internet, not Team Cable, is TONIGHT.


Net neutrality. The idea that every site, and every user, is treated the same online. It’s the principle that the internet should be an open platform where anyone can build a website, open a business, make art, start a movement, and create community. And that no cable company or internet provider has the right to interfere with what you do online.

Now that fundamental principle is in mortal danger. This is our fight.

Sign your name: Save the Internet. Tell FCC Chair Ajit Pai to drop his plan to kill net neutrality.

When Aaron Swartz co-founded Demand Progress in 2010, he knew that a free and open internet was fundamental to freedom of speech and expression in the 21st century. The internet has eclipsed all other mediums as a platform for the free exchange of ideas. It has unleashed the power of ordinary people like nothing else. Online activism has literally toppled dictators.

But all the good the internet does for people could be stifled or destroyed by the likes of Comcast and Verizon if Trump’s FCC chair gets his way.

If Comcast, Verizon, and the other big internet service providers are allowed to block or throttle sites, or create paid prioritization schemes, they will essentially be in charge of the internet.

Don’t let Comcast take the internet from you. Sign our petition to save net neutrality.

You worked hard to win the FCC’s Open Internet Order in 2015, which classified the internet as a public utility, thus guaranteeing net neutrality. It’s going to take all of us working even harder to save it.

Just last Sunday, John Oliver featured the fight to save net neutrality on his show, and the number of people submitting their comments to the FCC to save the free and open internet crashed the website. (Don't worry, ours is still up and running fine!)

That’s why Demand Progress and our coalition set a goal to gather 1 million grassroots actions in support of Title II net neutrality protections before the FCC has its first vote on whether to kill the rules. We know we’re up to the challenge.

Add your name to save net neutrality.

Thanks for all you do,

The Team at Demand Progress

!@#$%! 05.11.2017 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
actually a couple of real good reads regarding this situation

1) The Emperor
2) Shah of Shahs

o wow! thank you for this

The Soup Nazi 05.11.2017 07:24 PM

The Washington Post's interactive graphic of connections between Trumpoids and Russians is the shit!


The Soup Nazi 05.12.2017 07:28 PM


The last 72 hours or so have been the craziest yet of this Clowncar White House. There have been more consequential events since January 20 (Gorsuch, for instance... although that was more of a Congressional battle), but the last 2-3 days, Christ on a stick, everybody there seems to be having a meltdown thanks to Trump, who, by the way, of course picked the worst/best possible moment to do this:


To which all media was banned... except for Russia's TASS. Blatant corruptionpocalypse aside, this motherfucker doesn't even compute how shit will be perceived.



ilduclo 05.13.2017 10:00 AM


h8kurdt 05.13.2017 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

Who's worse? Kissinger or Trump?

ilduclo 05.13.2017 12:20 PM

Trump, because Kissinger will be dead real soon.

Severian 05.13.2017 01:36 PM

Trump now admits he fired Comey because of Russia investigation

Maybe this has already made the rounds -- I can't be arsed to sort through all that I've missed since my last visit to this wondrous place -- but just in case...

What the fuck is even happening right now?

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