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atsonicpark 01.25.2011 03:58 PM

Anyone seen this doc?


I watched it with LANDSCAPE SUICIDE last year. It's not THAT good but it'd be funny to watch it while on shrooms, perhaps.

I watched HOOKED last week.. "illegal drugs and how they got that way". Pretty fascinating, I reccomend it. Kinda weird/insane that you could just go buy morphine for your "cough".

Derek 01.25.2011 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
No, the question is "Why waste your time with garbage when you could watch better movies from the same genre?" But close enough, I guess.

It really doesn't bother me if someone wants to watch bad movies though. It's their loss, really.

'bad movies' is completely subjective though..

Pelle 01.25.2011 04:21 PM

watched The Truman Show the other day, without any hasitation one of the best movies ever made!

atsonicpark 01.25.2011 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
'bad movies' is completely subjective though..

I mean "movies that are bland and boring", not a "b-movie" which is "enjoyably bad".

If anyone lives in AUSTIN, TEXAS.. .they're showing NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR at a theatre there tonight. It is by far my favorite horror movie of all time. It has puppets, claymation, breakdancing ,and more. If you haven't seen this film, you are missing out. IT IS BY FAR AND AWAY THE GREATEST HORROR FILM EVER MADE.

This guy is in it:

God and Satan play chess in it:

Satan is credited as "Lou Syfer" and God is credited as "Al Mighty"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the inexplicable claymation creatures in it:

The VHS cover:

and my imdb review: 8 out of 10 people found the following review useful:
Everybody but YOUUU!, 11 September 2004
Author: A C from IN

10/10 stars

The first time I saw this, I was in awe. The second time I saw this, I was in disbelief. The third time, I knew this was my favorite movie of all time. This film is COMPLETELY insane and mindboggling, and it's nice (though strange) that this film seems to have gained newfound recognition since being recently released on DVD. Holy crap.. to those who HAVEN'T seen it, you just have no idea what you'll be getting into! I'm jealous!

...This is a masterpiece, pretty much, and it's perfect for anyone with a short attention span -- this thing is edited like a trailer, since it's cut up from 3 different completely unrelated films, and only the best parts of each film are shown!

God and Satan are sitting on train, deciding the fate of people as a really horrible band plays music. They play the same song for about 15 minutes of the film's duration, the singer sometimes break dancing while some females do cheers and stuff. It's like a terribly-produced music video (with the terrible outtakes) for a terrible song that has absolutely no connection to the rest of the movie except that God and Satan occasionally mention it as if it's some kind of blasphemous Satanic metal of some sort.

As this band plays, God and Satan watch three different stories. These stories are actually three different films, like I said, ALL UNFINISHED and UNENSICAL: The first, the unfinished Scream Your Head Off, which is a confusing tale about a guy being forced to drug women so a guy can chop them to pieces? None of it makes any sense, and it probably wouldn't have made sense had the film been finished. But not only was the film not finished, but we are left with a CUT version of the unfinished film. So, it makes no sense, since key scenes were never even filmed!: We have Richard Moll strapping extremely naked girls down on tables, molesting them, and then using a hacksaw to cut them to pieces. It's all pretty gory (there's a rather brutal decapitation scene near the end), it's filled with things that make no sense, and there is karate in it. Cuz the bad guy turns good. And uses karate. For no reason.

I really like the second story; in fact, it's probably my favorite of the bunch. It's made of a movie that was called Death Wish Club. We have a guy that looks like James Vander Beak who falls in love with a porn star, and they then decide to play suicide games. Then, we rush through a 15-minute version of a probably-90 minute film. So, instead of character development or much story development, we're left to look on as new characters are introduced randomly and some of the characters even change appearances, which is even more confusing.

...Take this one scene for example: The main character is sitting next to his porn star girlfriend, who has a completely different haircut (and looks like a boy now?!) and he appears to be angry at her for no apparent reason. If he's so angry, why is he participating in suicide games? Why is ANYONE participating in the suicide games in the first place? And why does the person who is HAVING the suicide games not just kill James Vander Beak and get it over with instead of having them go through the games?
These are some questions you'll be asking yourself probably, but it's best not to think too hard: This story is amazingly hilarious. There is absolutely no continuity because of the cutting, so there is adding narration to explain what the hell is going on.

There is a killer clay bug, there is a man being shocked to death (one of the most amazing scenes in history... seriously), there is a head exploding. Great story. Makes no sense.. but it's a great story.

The next story had many releases on video, but it is probably best known as "Cataclysm". This story features a ton of actors from the previous stories, and it suffers mainly from some pacing problems. Unlike the previous stories, this goes on and on and on for about 35 minutes. And it's sort of pointless, as you watch as the movies goes on and on with no idea what IS going on. Evil Satan nazi turns into HORRIBLE-looking claymation creatures and sucks on people and makes huge explosions in old men's skulls and crucifies a puppet. Or something. Some stock footage here, some unexplainable deaths there (why does that one character gets killed, anyway?.. Or that other one -- what did he do?!); it's best not to think about it)

Seriously, this is solid gold if you like entertaining films. Those who like "good" movies, stay away. Also reccomended: KAMILLIONS.


Derek 01.25.2011 05:24 PM


I mean "movies that are bland and boring", not a "b-movie" which is "enjoyably bad".
but people will find different things bland and boring. some people would find a jon jost movie bland or boring no matter how much i'd disagree.

atsonicpark 01.25.2011 05:28 PM

Well, yeah, obviously... what's your point? I was reccomending some movies that are better in my opinion. I don't need to always say IN MY OPINION to denote that it's my opinion, do I? Everyone knows I was saying a movie is "bad" in my opinion. The only thing I thought needed clearing up is the context of the word "bad". Regardless, LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT 9-10 years ago seemed like a pretty stupid worthless film. Only when researching online did I know that anyone considered it a masterpiece or whatever. But it's only because Craven made it. If Joe Slob Nobody made it, no one would have given a fuck.

BTW, Derek, someone uploaded all the HENTAI CUM DUNGEON stuff!

atsonicpark 01.25.2011 05:34 PM

Speaking of movies I'm reccomending over LAST HOUSE, even though it has the words LAST HOUSE in the title... this is a total JOE PERINOLO film and is probably the purest definition of "horror" EVER. This thing is downright frightening. Forget the Texas Chainsaw non-Massacre. See LAST HOUSE ON DEAD END STREET...




This is one damn psychadelic, DISTURBING, SHOCKING, hallucinatory film. It looks JUST LIKE a real snuff film, at times. The effects are GRAPHIC. But what really makes this film shine is the soundtrack. This has been a big inspiration to me and my movies -- you know how my soundtracks are relentless and there's LOTS going in, and every scene has layers and layers of fucked-up sounds? I got that from this film, except this film is ALL "horror movie sounds", there are weird digitized screams in the soundtrack that have nothing to do with what you see on screen. There is all sorts of weird phasing and pitchshifting and overbearing organs and overblown Sunn guitar drone. Just insane. Probably the most disturbing soundtrack ever, I dunno if it's ever been released separately.

This film made me sick to watch -- I dunno if it was more disturbing than the finale of Kichiku Dai Enkai, but AS A WHOLE, it's definitely the most unsettling and depressing film ever.

Made by a guy who only made one film ever, a heroin addict who made the film for drug money, and is the star of the film, and is clearly fucked up out of his mind the whole time. I think he died of a drug overdose many years later, big shock.

Highly reccommended if you like "REAL" horror. Not in my opinion. This is fact: real fucking disturbing horror.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.25.2011 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
my favourite NOES is probably the third one, i like the premise and the setting more than the other ones

the funniest is the second one i think. when freddy appears at that pool party outwith a dream it just got stupidly hilarious.

Oh yeah, part 3 is pretty much perfect! It's my favorite too! It's like they took all of the best elements of the franchise, and sorta just rolled them up into one film. The return of Nancy, creative and extremely memorable deaths + characters, Freddy's best one-liners, etc. It was the perfect way to end the NOES "trilogy".

Oh, and the praactical effects they used! I LOVE THAT SHIT. You just don't see that kind of thing in a film anymore. It's 2011, and CGI still doesn't look as good as a practical effect.


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Perhaps the thing for me is that I was never that big a fan of the original. I prefer it to the remake but not by much. The main difference for me was Robert Englund. He gave Freddy that extra dimension and him not being involved made it necessary for the director to find a different focal point - namely the kids. I actually liked the new emphasis on their attempts to stay awake - especially the point where they realise they'll eventually die of sleep deprivation. Given the change in social climate I suppose they had to treat the child murderer aspect with a little more sensitivity than happened in the original. I don't know if the way they treated it was particularly interesting but I can appreciate why they did it.

I suppose my main gripe with the remake, especially given its new emphasis on the kids, was how forgettable they all were. Heather Langenkamp's Nancy was great, a very 'ordinary' hero compared with Rooney Mara's more fashionably 'edgier' one.

Overall though, purely as a horror film, maybe the remake was better. Although not as enjoyable as the original, I certainly found it scarier.

Yes, the kids were all too forgettable, but so was Freddy! It almost seemed like they were embarrassed not to have Robert along for the ride, his face was near featureless! It was bizarre.

I didn't really notice any difference in the kids' determination to stay awake than any of the other films. I mean the stakes are pretty high in each film. ha Maybe you feel that way because they were taking adderal, and Red Bull. ha I dunno

I love the original NOES, and that probably is the difference between our opinions. It has nothing to do with how "classic" it is like some have said; it's just an extremely well-made film. It's so good that it almost feels like a freak occurrence.

The effects are great. There are just so many memorable SFX moments from that film, and they were all done practically! No CGI whatsoever. Freddy's extended arms, Tina's death where they built that rotating bedroom set just to pull it off, same with Johnny Depp's blood fountain death in bed, Freddy's tongue coming through the phone and saying "I'm your boyfriend now, Nancy" (which was a line they recycled in a much-less effective scene in the remake... no phone or freddy's tongue to be found), or even Freddy's claw sharkfinning through the bathtub in between Nancy's legs seemingly had more personality than in the new film.

With the practical SFX, they really had to make Freddy's powers come to life, and that I think is why the results were so powerful... because you pretty much were seeing Tina's body getting violenty thrashed around a room, and that really is her slamming up against the ceiling!

In a nutshell: Remake was weak.

atsonicpark 01.25.2011 05:40 PM

Seriously though, who thinks they should have the kids doing meth in the next NIGHTMARE? (aka Nightmare on Elm Street: the remake part 2... can't wait until they start doing remakes of remakes! "NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET: THE REMAKE OF THE OTHER REMAKE'S ORIGINAL WHILE THE OTHER REMAKE IS STILL MAKING SEQUELS; ALSO, THEY JUST ADDED ANOTHER SEQUEL TO THE ORIGINAL SERIES BEFORE THE REMAKES")

GIRL: yo has freddy been invading your dreams?
BOY: no way I have been on that glass shit and i haven't slept FER WEEKS
GIRL: gimme some foil then
BOY: *tooth falls out, skin peels off*I';M KINDA STrARTIN TO RESEMBLE FREDDY THOUGH

noisereductions 01.25.2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
But it's only because Craven made it. If Joe Slob Nobody made it, I would have given a fuck.

oh I get it!

atsonicpark 01.25.2011 06:05 PM

Hey Joe, what do you think of NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2? I think it's hilariously awful, personally. Can't believe the guy who did THE HIDDEN (a GREAT film, that Friday the 13th JASON GOES TO HELL rips off) did it. This is a great review of it:

It's different...kinda the way Andy Dick is different
1986, grade 8 math club. I joined mostly because math was the only subject I knew I understood, but I really have no memory of what we ever did in it, except for one thing. Somehow around Halloween we managed to convince the teacher in charge to rent us an R-rated horror movie, this one. I think this was before I even saw the original. Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool at the time. Didn't even notice how ass-fuckedly gay it was.

And that's how this first sequel has come to be the gay one. Some of it's obvious, like when its hero runs into the room of his buff, briefs-wearing jock friend (both guys are seen in their briefs a lot), who has some choice bedroom décor...if he was a 13-year-old girl. "Something is trying to get inside my body!" he cries. His friend: "Yeah, she's female and she's waiting for you, and you want to sleep with ME?" Some of it's more obvious: "He's inside me...AND HE WANTS TO TAKE ME AGAIN!" Some of it's just jaw-dropping, like the dance number.

The best scene is unfortunately the first one, a (natch) dream sequence where a school bus is commandeered by Freddy and is precipitously dangled over Hell. A pasty teenager in the back (Mark Patton) already had taunts from the pretty girls to deal with, and now this. Then he wakes up and it's all downhill.

Jesse, that teenager, has just moved into the neighborhood - into Nancy's house from the first movie, in fact, just five years later (always, five years later). Handily, the only thing left by her family in the house is Nancy's diary, which fills us in on what happened in the first movie (but still doesn't give any clarity to the dream/reality/dream ending, which would become a series tradition). Freddy shows up in his dreams and tells him he wants to use him to continue his rampage. Many spaz episodes ensue, treating us to Jesse's high-pitched, Ned-Flandersian scream.

One thing Freddy's Revenge has going for it is that it is the only Nightmare sequel to be put out before the whole thing set down its formula and started writing itself into a corner with its larger "mythology". Unconstrained by the kind of continuity and fan-expectation concerns of later movies, it had the opportunity to stretch out a little - in this movie, even staying awake won't save you. The script lets dorky, middle-class Jesse strike up honest friendships with both the jock (touched off by a pants-pulling) and the rich chick (who looks just like Meryl Streep, but sure doesn't act like her), though exactly why they take to Jesse is unclear, since they both put up with a lot of his spacey freakouts. The girl in particular is amazingly accommodating, trying to help him out even when he shows up at her house covered in blood, and telling him "Why won't you talk to me...we can work it out together!"

There's still some rehash though, like the obligatory sleeping-in-class scene (during a lecture on the excretory system, something the other students, as you might imagine, can't help but be interested in). But the rules laid down in the first movie are all different here, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially seeing as how this is the big detour of the series. It just moves the action a lot closer to traditional slasher territory, with Freddy seemingly not caring who he kills, so long as he gets to do it at all.

Freddy himself is nowhere near as silly as he would later become; he's still a mean ol' bastard and the one-liners are kept to a minimum (delivered in a deep death-metal grumble serving to highlight something enjoyably horrible), but that he would cause havoc at a pool party seems like, I dunno, like something Jason would do. Except for one scene where he bursts out of Jesse's chest, he doesn't really do anything very fantastical; there's no scene in the spirit of what happened to Johnny Depp in the first movie.

Elsewhere Marshall Bell is perfect as the gruff coach (who brings the REALLY unsubtle gay angle), and Clu Gulager gets some laughs as the clueless dad who just will not accept that his boy is changing in unforeseen ways ("Tell you what he needs, he needs a methadone clinic!"). Beyond their performances, Nightmare 2's freshness is largely illusory; the opportunities are sensed, but not really capitalized on, like the franchise was looking for its groove (i.e. its formula) and hadn't found it yet. Most appallingly miscalculated scene: a parakeet goes on a beak-slasher rampage and explodes.

Directed by Jack Sholder, who sandwiched this between two good films, Alone In The Dark and The Hidden.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.25.2011 06:46 PM

My opinion on that film is pretty much that review hahaha. Shit's gayer than Jeepers Creeper 2, and the last few seasons of Roseanne. The reviewer is spot-on about pretty much everything else too though.

In speaking of Roseanne... remember her in Freddy's Dead?


Gah, I hated that one!
Although I think the worst major horror sequel I've seen was Halloween Resurrection. I'd re-watch FREDDY'S DEAD and the NOES remake for all eternity, before sinking my teeth into that abomination again.

Also, I've been meaning to check out LAST HOUSE ON DEAD END STREET for quite some time now. Night Train is on my list too.


demonrail666 01.25.2011 06:50 PM


Miami Vice. (5/10)

I loved the original series and I'm a big fan of Michael Mann but this was a real disappointment. A good half hour too long (although that's probably true of almost all his films) it seemed to just peter out about two thirds of the way through. It obviously looked beautiful (as I'd expect) and I thought Colin Farrell and especially Jamie Foxx were great but my overall impression was of a film that, somewhere along the way, either Mann or the studio had just lost interest in. It felt a bit rushed by his standards, a bit halfhearted. Not bad but, given the talent, it should've been a lot better.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.25.2011 07:05 PM

Demonrail, I just want you to know that although you've always been an excellent poster, you're ON FIRE as of late.

noisereductions 01.25.2011 07:05 PM

Freddy's Dead is actually a favorite of mine. I watched it like a hundred times when it came out on VHS

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.25.2011 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Freddy's Dead is actually a favorite of mine. I watched it like a hundred times when it came out on VHS

That's funny ha. Maybe I'll give it another chance, I've only tried it out once.

One that I've always liked that nobody seems to is The Dream Child. I remember the dream sets being really trippy in that one.

Overall, it's an outstanding franchise. I love all the merch available for it too. I need to get my hands on some of that. Material possessions are the shit!

demonrail666 01.25.2011 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Yes, the kids were all too forgettable, but so was Freddy! It almost seemed like they were embarrassed not to have Robert along for the ride, his face was near featureless! It was bizarre.

Given Englund's non-involvement, it would've been a neat trick to make Freddy more like a Michael Myers type of figure. Silent and without a personality at all. That would've been really interesting.


I love the original NOES, and that probably is the difference between our opinions. It has nothing to do with how "classic" it is like some have said; it's just an extremely well-made film. It's so good that it almost feels like a freak occurrence.

I can't disagree with any of that. While I've never been that big a fan I can't deny that it was really well done, and not just for it's time. As you say, the effects (by and large) still hold up today and some of the set pieces are as good as anything i've seen in any horror movie. In that sense it's a film I have utmost respect for and do enjoy watching from time to time without feeling any particular affection towards it.

demonrail666 01.25.2011 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Hey Joe, what do you think of NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2? I think it's hilariously awful, personally. Can't believe the guy who did THE HIDDEN (a GREAT film, that Friday the 13th JASON GOES TO HELL rips off) did it. This is a great review of it:

It's different...kinda the way Andy Dick is different
1986, grade 8 math club. I joined mostly because math was the only subject I knew I understood, but I really have no memory of what we ever did in it, except for one thing. Somehow around Halloween we managed to convince the teacher in charge to rent us an R-rated horror movie, this one. I think this was before I even saw the original. Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool at the time. Didn't even notice how ass-fuckedly gay it was.

And that's how this first sequel has come to be the gay one. Some of it's obvious, like when its hero runs into the room of his buff, briefs-wearing jock friend (both guys are seen in their briefs a lot), who has some choice bedroom décor...if he was a 13-year-old girl. "Something is trying to get inside my body!" he cries. His friend: "Yeah, she's female and she's waiting for you, and you want to sleep with ME?" Some of it's more obvious: "He's inside me...AND HE WANTS TO TAKE ME AGAIN!" Some of it's just jaw-dropping, like the dance number.

The best scene is unfortunately the first one, a (natch) dream sequence where a school bus is commandeered by Freddy and is precipitously dangled over Hell. A pasty teenager in the back (Mark Patton) already had taunts from the pretty girls to deal with, and now this. Then he wakes up and it's all downhill.

Jesse, that teenager, has just moved into the neighborhood - into Nancy's house from the first movie, in fact, just five years later (always, five years later). Handily, the only thing left by her family in the house is Nancy's diary, which fills us in on what happened in the first movie (but still doesn't give any clarity to the dream/reality/dream ending, which would become a series tradition). Freddy shows up in his dreams and tells him he wants to use him to continue his rampage. Many spaz episodes ensue, treating us to Jesse's high-pitched, Ned-Flandersian scream.

One thing Freddy's Revenge has going for it is that it is the only Nightmare sequel to be put out before the whole thing set down its formula and started writing itself into a corner with its larger "mythology". Unconstrained by the kind of continuity and fan-expectation concerns of later movies, it had the opportunity to stretch out a little - in this movie, even staying awake won't save you. The script lets dorky, middle-class Jesse strike up honest friendships with both the jock (touched off by a pants-pulling) and the rich chick (who looks just like Meryl Streep, but sure doesn't act like her), though exactly why they take to Jesse is unclear, since they both put up with a lot of his spacey freakouts. The girl in particular is amazingly accommodating, trying to help him out even when he shows up at her house covered in blood, and telling him "Why won't you talk to me...we can work it out together!"

There's still some rehash though, like the obligatory sleeping-in-class scene (during a lecture on the excretory system, something the other students, as you might imagine, can't help but be interested in). But the rules laid down in the first movie are all different here, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially seeing as how this is the big detour of the series. It just moves the action a lot closer to traditional slasher territory, with Freddy seemingly not caring who he kills, so long as he gets to do it at all.

Freddy himself is nowhere near as silly as he would later become; he's still a mean ol' bastard and the one-liners are kept to a minimum (delivered in a deep death-metal grumble serving to highlight something enjoyably horrible), but that he would cause havoc at a pool party seems like, I dunno, like something Jason would do. Except for one scene where he bursts out of Jesse's chest, he doesn't really do anything very fantastical; there's no scene in the spirit of what happened to Johnny Depp in the first movie.

Elsewhere Marshall Bell is perfect as the gruff coach (who brings the REALLY unsubtle gay angle), and Clu Gulager gets some laughs as the clueless dad who just will not accept that his boy is changing in unforeseen ways ("Tell you what he needs, he needs a methadone clinic!"). Beyond their performances, Nightmare 2's freshness is largely illusory; the opportunities are sensed, but not really capitalized on, like the franchise was looking for its groove (i.e. its formula) and hadn't found it yet. Most appallingly miscalculated scene: a parakeet goes on a beak-slasher rampage and explodes.

Directed by Jack Sholder, who sandwiched this between two good films, Alone In The Dark and The Hidden.

If I were epileptic I'd have you in court for this!

noisereductions 01.25.2011 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
That's funny ha. Maybe I'll give it another chance, I've only tried it out once.

One that I've always liked that nobody seems to is The Dream Child. I remember the dream sets being really trippy in that one.

Overall, it's an outstanding franchise. I love all the merch available for it too. I need to get my hands on some of that. Material possessions are the shit!

my love for 6 comes more from nostalgia. I remember when it came out the whole 3D thing seemed amazing. Actually the first Nightmares I saw were 5 and 6. I didn't like Dream Child as much back then. It just seemed gross to me. I was like 12 I think? The baby stuff seemed disgusting. But looking at it now, it's intense. The whole nun-rape thing and all.

The ones I'm most interested in these days are 1, 3 and 7 being the only ones directed (or written in the case of 3) by Craven. Apparently he's not cool, but that's part of why he's a favorite of mine.

At any rate, I've seen them all soooo many times. I still think the first is really effective. And weird, and creepy. I love it.

BTW, Never Sleep Again is a fascinating and thorough docu on the whole series, I hope you've seen it.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.25.2011 07:46 PM

Craven is the coolest! It took all I had not to suck his cock on the set of Scream 4. He's such a calm guy. You always see him in those interviews, just being so at peace and on-top of things, that's exactly how he is on set! There was this take in the high school that they couldn't get right for one reason or another, and Craven obviously must've been extremely stressed, and agitated. But he was so pro and zen about it! It was unbelievable.

Yup, I've seen NSA

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