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ilduclo 06.07.2016 09:28 AM

evollove 06.07.2016 09:40 AM

I have a theory that Elizabeth Warren didn't run out of "respect" to Hillary, who is perceived to have broken the glass ceiling for all women.

Sucks, because Warren would win in the country's largest landslide ever.

!@#$%! 06.07.2016 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I have a theory that Elizabeth Warren didn't run out of "respect" to Hillary, who is perceived to have broken the glass ceiling for all women.

Sucks, because Warren would win in the country's largest landslide ever.

hillary is a much bigger and more experienced operator, and while i don't have a lot of enthusiasm for her (it's a matter of duty to get her elected at this point) i'd do triple somersaults if elizabeth warren was her runningmate.

she's fucking great.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.08.2016 12:52 AM


The Soup Nazi 06.08.2016 09:25 PM

The Soup Nazi 06.12.2016 08:06 PM

You know the clusterfuckery has gone through the fucking roof when Mitch McFuckingConnell, one of the most repulsive leaders of the boycott against Obama ("obstructionist policy" works too... It's been a boycott, OK?), says HIS OWN CANDIDATE DOESN'T KNOW A LOT ABOUT THE ISSUES and should therefore shut the fuck up and stick to reading shit from a teleprompter for the next five fucking months. You can't make this up!


Unfortunately, the Orlando horror has given Drumpf the chance to hammer his retarded message into Shitsville, U.S.A.

Drjohnrock 06.12.2016 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
You know the clusterfuckery has gone through the fucking roof when Mitch McFuckingConnell, one of the most repulsive leaders of the boycott against Obama ("obstructionist policy" works too... It's been a boycott, OK?), says HIS OWN CANDIDATE DOESN'T KNOW A LOT ABOUT THE ISSUES and should therefore shut the fuck up and stick to reading shit from a teleprompter for the next five fucking months. You can't make this up!


Unfortunately, the Orlando horror has given Drumpf the chance to hammer his retarded message into Shitsville, U.S.A.

In other words, Mitch The Sonofabitch wants Drumpf to be like Dubya--just read off the teleprompter. I wonder if Drumpf will have an earpiece during the inevitable debates that gives him answers?

Yes, what happened in Orlando plays into Trump's hands. That might be what the murdering asshole wanted: have Trump stir the rabble into a frenzy, then have his ISIS buddies use it as a recruitment tool: "See how the US hates Islam? Come to the caliphate"! I would hope that won't be the case but it probably will be.

Drjohnrock 06.14.2016 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
In other words, Mitch The Sonofabitch wants Drumpf to be like Dubya--just read off the teleprompter. I wonder if Drumpf will have an earpiece during the inevitable debates that gives him answers?

Yes, what happened in Orlando plays into Trump's hands. That might be what the murdering asshole wanted: have Trump stir the rabble into a frenzy, then have his ISIS buddies use it as a recruitment tool: "See how the US hates Islam? Come to the caliphate"! I would hope that won't be the case but it probably will be.

Let's see, now Drumpf is implying that Obama might have had something to do with the Orlando murders. I think I'll start an internet rumor that not only is Drumpf a radical Muslim sympathizer who denounces Islam and advocates loony policies in order to send potential recruits into the arms of ISIS, but that Drumpf is actually a radical Muslim himself. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

The Soup Nazi 06.14.2016 07:13 PM

The Donald overplayed his hand real fuckin' quick: Top Republicans join Obama in condemning Trump’s words

pepper_green 06.14.2016 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
Let's see, now Drumpf is implying that Obama might have had something to do with the Orlando murders. I think I'll start an internet rumor that not only is Drumpf a radical Muslim sympathizer who denounces Islam and advocates loony policies in order to send potential recruits into the arms of ISIS, but that Drumpf is actually a radical Muslim himself. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Ha! did you just contradict your double contradiction post?

look, im hungry and going to eat an sandwich.

pepper_green 06.14.2016 08:35 PM

the general world consensus is that "I" hate America but America should rule the world and change around "my" ideals because americans are so stupid.

how bout you mind yr own fucking business and worry about yr own country. oh, but you can't do that because America and americans are involved.

Drjohnrock 06.15.2016 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
Ha! did you just contradict your double contradiction post?

look, im hungry and going to eat an sandwich.

Not to call you out or anything, but if anything I've posted confused you, it's probably fair play since so many others on the board seem confused by your posts--that is when they aren't busy getting pissed off at them ;)

Rob Instigator 06.15.2016 02:01 PM


The Soup Nazi 06.15.2016 05:54 PM

The horseshit that comes from this guy's mouth is just SO off-the-charts deranged I'd say we shouldn't have to worry about him anymore — except that would not factor in people's stupidity. Today's Drumpf bites:

Donald Trump Pushes Conspiracy Theory That Obama Supports ISIS

Donald Trump to GOP: 'Be Quiet' or I'll Lead Alone

The Soup Nazi 06.15.2016 08:17 PM


The Soup Nazi 06.15.2016 08:18 PM


tesla69 06.17.2016 08:01 AM

There are new documents the ACLU has forced to be released about the CIA torture program.

How they waterboarded a guy 80 times and then left him to freeze to death

How they gouged out the eye of one tortured man, only leaving the other so he could read and sign confessions

There is a record of the torturers reporting to Langley there was nothing more to be done by torture, but the desk jockeys said, Torture on!

There are also reports that President Bush was not happy with this. Perhaps that is when he got beat up in the oval office.

Trump wants to expand this?

evollove 06.17.2016 08:14 AM

^ Checks out. I don't know how to respond to such inhumanity.


There are politicians I disagree with. Some I dislike. Most I don't respect.

But I don't think I've ever felt the visceral HATE that I feel toward Trump. I don't think I ever hated Bush this much.

And I think my hate is actually fear. I'm scared. Too scared to even laugh at him.

Out of respect to history and accuracy, I am very very careful around words like "fascist" and "Nazi." (I prefer "draconian" or just "harsh.") But holy shit the shoe is starting to fit a little too comfortably. This isn't funny. I can't think of anything more serious.

The Soup Nazi 06.17.2016 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
There are also reports that President Bush was not happy with this. Perhaps that is when he got beat up in the oval office.

By whom? Cheney?

tesla69 06.17.2016 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
By whom? Cheney?

It was never exactly clear, some Cheney goon, surely. I think the official explanation was he tripped and hit a coffee table in the oval office.

Maybe we need 4 years of Nero

I think we can survive Trump, I'm not sure the USA can survive 8 years of Hilary Clinton.

The neoncons behind Clinton want to take us to war with Putin. He won't fall for it, I respect him.

The Soup Nazi 06.17.2016 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I think we can survive Trump, I'm not sure the USA can survive 8 years of Hilary Clinton.


The Soup Nazi 06.19.2016 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Out of respect to history and accuracy, I am very very careful around words like "fascist" and "Nazi." (I prefer "draconian" or just "harsh.") But holy shit the shoe is starting to fit a little too comfortably. This isn't funny. I can't think of anything more serious.

This Diagram Explains Trump's Response To Orlando

ilduclo 06.19.2016 05:09 PM

tesla69 06.20.2016 08:32 AM

The U.S. government gives refugees on public assistance special “loans” of up to $15,000 to start a business but fails to keep track of defaults that could translate into huge losses for American taxpayers, records obtained by Judicial Watch reveal.

Citizens on public assistance are not eligible.

ilduclo 06.20.2016 10:13 AM

most of the refugees are coming from places that USA fucked up, so it's a small thing we're doing to provide some reparations. As a USA resident, this type of thing is not far from my mind:


tesla69 06.20.2016 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
most of the refugees are coming from places that USA fucked up, so it's a small thing we're doing to provide some reparations. As a USA resident, this type of thing is not far from my mind:

I absolutely agree, but if they come here, they need to be ready to change to become part of OUR society. They should not expect us to change for them. And the fact that our tax dollars subsidizes while I can't even get a job -I'm overqualified - is annoying. I can't move to any cheaper housing, its all been taken by immigrants.

I thought about moving up to Rutland VT, which is tough town but inexpensive, and somewhat centrally located, but now they're going to fill the town with Syrians. Vermonters are pissed but they will allow it.

Also hearing about these 'communities' of Orthodox Jews where the men are all on welfare because they are all engaged in religious studies, and for some reason that allows them to go on welfare. Its a scam they've been pulling for years. Come here from Israel and go on welfare. This is bullshit too.

tesla69 06.22.2016 03:46 PM

The No. 1 trending question related to Donald Trump on Google right now is "Who tried to shoot Trump?" Which means a lot of people don't know the answer. Which is probably because the assassination attempt on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee hasn't been covered as a major news story.

ilduclo 06.22.2016 03:52 PM

it's been covered fine. It's been all over the national and local news and in my newspaper. The little english guy wasn't a real threat, the Secret Service assigned to T didn't even worry. To me, the bigger story is how Donald is sucking up to the evangelicals, what a shameless turd

tesla69 06.23.2016 06:26 PM

I'm just angry at the general situation, but I really didn't hear anything on NPR or CBS 24 hour news radio to which I pretty much listen daily.

tesla69 06.23.2016 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

That doesn't even begin to describe the situation here...

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.23.2016 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I absolutely agree, but if they come here, they need to be ready to change to become part of OUR society.


frankly tesla the more and more you post here the more you reveal yourself to just be a bigoted old man.

also, if rent is high or jobs scarce your beef isn't with the immigrant communities, its with greedy fucking lanlords and greedy fucking businesses and corporations that exploit people.

you know if American aimed all their bitterness, venom, and sour grapes AT THE RIGHT FUCKING PEOPLE we probably could actually resolve many of our problems.

but nooooooo they turn to the very assholes like Hillary or the corporate slime like Trump.

where the fuck are the damned Ninja Turtles when we need them. fuck

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.23.2016 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
^ Checks out. I don't know how to respond to such inhumanity.


There are politicians I disagree with. Some I dislike. Most I don't respect.

But I don't think I've ever felt the visceral HATE that I feel toward Trump. I don't think I ever hated Bush this much.

And I think my hate is actually fear. I'm scared. Too scared to even laugh at him.

Out of respect to history and accuracy, I am very very careful around words like "fascist" and "Nazi." (I prefer "draconian" or just "harsh.") But holy shit the shoe is starting to fit a little too comfortably. This isn't funny. I can't think of anything more serious.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to evollove again.

The Soup Nazi 06.23.2016 08:03 PM

CNN has hired that Lewandowski squirt of shit as commentator: e4ba1c


Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.24.2016 01:05 AM


Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.24.2016 01:06 AM


tesla69 06.24.2016 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson

Hilary took how many tens of millions of dollars making secret speeches to Goldman Sachs and Wall Street transnationals?

How did she become the voice of the people? Its a joke.

ilduclo 06.24.2016 04:47 PM

the anti immigrant shit is just so awful. Look at the Mexicans who've come here, peaceful, hard working, imaginative, entrepreneurial. What's not to like? If you have decent opportunities in your country, decent education and are able to keep the David Yerushalmi, Frank Gaffney, Glen Spencer, Le Pen, Norbert Hofer type idiots under the rocks and quit fucking bombing places, you'd be surpirised how well all the Syrians and Iraqis will fit in...sheesh! Any fucking common sense?

!@#$%! 06.24.2016 04:56 PM

those calvin & hobbes photoshops are the best

!@#$%! 06.24.2016 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Hilary took how many tens of millions of dollars making secret speeches to Goldman Sachs and Wall Street transnationals?

How did she become the voice of the people? Its a joke.

don't look for saints among politicians. trump's fuckups are much worse.

she became the voice of the people when she won the nomination to run against crazy fucking trump

but if she picks warren as VP she'll have my sincerest love


& before anyone else loses their shit about tesla's pro-trump vote, remember in the US we have the electoral college. he votes in new york, which will go democrat, so, no, he's not going to alter history.

ilduclo 06.26.2016 10:10 AM

hollywood hair boys

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